HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.11022005DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes November 2, 2005 In Attendance: Staff Member(s): Guests: Board Members: Scott Writer, Sue Smedstad, Debbie Ware, Barbara Owen. Tim Anderson Toni Kronberg II. Call to Order - Scott Writer called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: Barbara commented that the Fall Face Off Hockey Tournament seemed to be a huge success to the ARC and the Aspen Community. It is Great! Debbie Ware identified a couple spelling changes to the October minutes. Specifically Barbara Owen's spelling of her last name and the word improved from staffcomments. These corrections have been noted and changed accordingly. Past Meeting Minutes Approval Minutes from the October meeting were approved with the spelling changes being identified above. Guest Comments: Toni Kronberg informed the committee that a bus shelter was forthcoming across the street at the bus stop located on the school campus side of Maroon Creek Road. Toni spoke about the November 1st election approvals from Snowmass Village to build new pools. Toni felt that there would be a water park attached to the Snowmass pools in 5 years and that the ARC and AC should keep this in mind. Toni talked about the fact that voter approved new pools at the ARC and she would like to see $1 million spent on these pools. She wants to see how any additional pools will generate money and the pro forma for operations. Scott Writer commented on the fact that he appreciates Toni's comments and interest, but he sees this facility as a Community Benefit and making money may not be the primary concern here. Debbie Ware spoke to the fact that all Recreation Centers are subsidized for the good of the Community. Scott and Debbie both commented as to the economic driver the ARC is and the ripple effect it creates which is good for the community. Toni asked that revenue reports include a breakdown of pool activities. IlL Discussion Items: Business Plan: Action Matrix - Tim Anderson identified that the Action Matrix portion of the Business Plan had been updated to identify priorities, timelines, approximate costs, and references to locations in the body of the plan for more detailed explanations. Sue and Scott informed the AC that they had attended the October 18th work session to go over the Action Matrix and how to move forward with identifying capital improvements for the ARC. From here a discussion ensued as to what step should be taken next in addressing capital improvements at the ARC. The discussion included various ways of master planning the future of the ARC, how a public process may work, what various components are identified in the Business Plan and what should be pursued at this time? The discussion then moved to ideas of perhaps an outdoor master plan and an indoor master plan? After much discussion about different ways to embark up a planning process it was decided that the Business Plan should be the foundation leading to the next step of facility improvements. Of improvements identified in the Business Plan priorities which the AC felt should be made priorities at this point would be: the outdoor pools, connections to the concession stand and associated improvements, fitness (due to a high revenue return, child care focused towards complementing programming and facilities at the ARC. Flooring: The topic of flooring for events was brought up again. Staff needs to complete cost estimates vs. revenue potential to really make any decisions on whether or not to move forward. Staff is going to discuss the potential of this topic in the December retreat as a potential for increased revenues at the ARC. Staff is also going to work with Graham, the new Wheeler Director, as to some suggestions for bookings. Additional Revenue Generation: Lockers: The AC felt that the ice rink(s) could fill all of the available lockers if some discounts and incentives were offered. Better to get something than to have empty lockers. Filling of Down Time: Staffwillbe addressing down time as wellin the upcoming retreat. There are certainly opportunities to generate some revenue over current use or lack thereof. Scott mentioned potential partnerships with other organizations in filling down time. It was mentioned by the AC that we should look to the private sector as to how they do it and copy that. IV. Updates: · 300 Level Cooling: The system has a long punch list at this time before payment is made and staff is working with the City attorney is seeing that any damage done from this punch list not being completed will be placed upon the contractor and the subs. · Entry Graphics & signage: Staff identified the signage that had been installed to date, mentioned that they are continuing to work with Art Burrows of Ajax Design to install additional directional signage. The staff is also working with Art on the design and installation of a parking identification sign for times when parking is full and patrons must be directed to other locations off site. · Wireless at the ARC: New legislation has prohibited Municipalities from installing wireless internet. This is to prevent Government from competing with the private sector. The ARC could receive wireless if the community voted for it and approved use in the ARC or other Municipal facilities. Action Item(s): Terms: The terms of service had expired for both Robert Chfistensen and Laura Kornaseiwicz. The board recommended that their services be retained for another two years and all approved. 2006 Fees: Staff identified 2006 fee proposals which will be recommended to Council on November 28th. Essentially the fees included a 3% increase in FUN passes, unifying daily rates for both the Aspen Resident and the Valley local, and $10.00/hr. increases in ice user fees. The AC approved this recommendation by staff to move forward to Council. VI. Other Business: The committee was adjourned and will meet again on December 7, 2005.