HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.12072005DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes December 7, 2005 In Attendance: StaffMember(s): Guests: Board Members: Scott Writer, Sue Smedstad, Debbie Ware, Alice Davis, Barbara Owen showed up beginning with discussion on Snowmass pool. Tim Anderson, George Pucak, John Worcester Call to Order Scott Writer called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: Alice identified that a donor had identified to staff that he would be willing to pumhase FUN passes for needy families during the holiday season. This was brought forward to staff who then connected the donor with Alice and her group assisting the needy families. This will be a win win for everyone this holiday season. Staff Comments: No comments. III. Discussion Items: Chairman Scott Writer jumped into the discussion regarding the netting surrounding the Lewis Ice Arena since John Worcester, City Attorney, was present for this discussion. Lewis Ice Arena Netting: Scott was concemed that the netting was a distraction while watching ice events and he had not observed this system in other similar rinks when visiting for hockey events. Scott asked, "Why then does Aspen have netting surrounding its rink?" Scott referred first to John Worcester for his take upon the netting concerns in the Lewis Ice Arena. John stated that he relies upon the expertise and recommendations of staff in most cases as they know their facilities and how to operate them. In this particular case John identified that he is not so concerned about lawsuits as we cannot protect ourselves from every situation, but rather in this case since we had placed the netting around the rink, we had identified a know risk. To take the netting down at this point would open the City more so to loosing a lawsuit due to the fact that we took precautions and then if we were to take down the nett!ng, purposely expose the public to the safety concerns we once guarded against. George Pucak, ice rinks facilities manager, then presented information he had found regarding the direction by other rinks in Colorado. George had found that some rinks were now installing the netting, however few at this point, and that some rinks had installed higher glass to protect the sight line from the ice to the stands from being struck with pucks. In addition George identified information provided by various professional ice institutes and associations, which cited the speed and danger of a puck traveling into the stands. These organizations, while not directly identifying the specific protection to seek, maintained that a puck traveling into the seating of spectators was of concern. Some members of the AC were concerned about being over protective such that the spectator could not enjoy watching ice events. On the other hand, other members identified with the liability issues and were concerned about taking the netting down. Staff stated that they would look into the cost for higher glass on the sides of the rink and what % of risk that could eliminate in sight lines from the ice to the stands. In addition, staffwill look into a netting system which can be lowered and raised. While this will not eliminate all the concerns, the netting could be lowered for events between periods, during younger age group hockey, and during figure skating events. The question was called later in the meeting as to whether or not the AC would like to pursue taking the issue of striking the netting to Council. The majority of the AC did not support that action at this time. II. Past Meeting Minutes Approval Thc AC then came back to the approval of thc past meetings minutes. Sue motioned to approve the November minutes with a second from Scott. Minutes from the November 2, 2005 meeting were approved. III. Discussion Items: ARC Capital Improvements: The AC discussed briefly the direction to take regarding the outdoor pool(s) design and construction as approved by the voter in November, and the Action Plan regarding a CB? as identified in the Business Plan. The AC is recommending the each be studied at the same time as there could be opportunities for various improvements to work in conjtmction with each other, or improvements which could impact other direction in the future. The AC requested information at the next meeting as to how the City Manager wishes to move forward on these items. Recreation Division Retreat and Retention ideas: Staff identified an increase in pass sales in 2005 which would potentially exceed the 2006 Staffinformed the AC that beginning in 2006 retention of pass holders would take a step forward in sending out reminders by e:mail to patrons whose passes were going to expire in 30 days. In addition there would be incentives to renew earlier than later to assure the patron returning to the ARC (i.e. workout bag, mugs, towels, t-shirt, and free passes to bring your friends). All new pass purchasers will receive welcome packets from the Recreation Division including a couple free passes to bring a friends and hopefully discounts at Champs. The AC suggested that perhaps we could offer free towel passes or locker rentals to urge patrons to renew early. A couple AC members asked if kids could set up charge accounts at Champs for times when they don't have money. Champs is looking into this, they initially found this to be too costly, but after further research have found some possibilities. Staff will need to follow up with them following the first of the year. · 2006 Fees: The staff identified the 2006 fees that were being recommended to Council and the fact that first reading would be on the 12th of December and the second reading and final approval on the 9th of January. · Snowmass Pool: Further discussion regarding the construction of the Snowmass Pool took place. Staffsuggested that rather than compete with the Snowmass pool we ought to embrace them and work together for the good of our communities. Each facility is different and offers various components to the youth and adult. Staff has suggested that we come up with a pass system that allows access to each or possibly offer to operate the pool for Snowmass Village. The AC said they support working with Snowmass Village in the operation of facilities. · 20-visit card: The AC mentioned that the 20-visit card did not appear on the price list on the Recreation WcbSite. Staff stated they would take care of this. · Entrance issue: Due to the large amounts of snow recently staff and AC members had noticed cars pulling in to the ARC parking lot next to the bus stop. This is not an entrance and due to the large amounts of snow the curb has been buried. The width of this area is due to emergency access requested by the fire department. Staff will look into a way to keep traffic from entering at this site as it creates a pedestrian conflict. III. Updates: · 300 level cooling: staffinformed the AC that the punch list has not been completed and that an amount of $72,000 is being withheld. · ARC Signage: Art Burrows has provided the new signage using the local vistas we see each day. Staff hopes to have these installed by the end of the year. Monthly Revenue Report: Staffprovided a year to date revenue report and a past months report to the AC for both 2004 and 2005. While it will take some getting used to what is important to look at when viewing these reports, the AC asked that staffhighlight the important trends seen in each report. What is working and what is having difficulty. IV. Action Item(s): none Vo Other Business: Scott asked that the agenda reflect more policy & procedural items (i.e. revenues, trends, and programs that are working or not working.) Lay out the big picture of what came out of the retreat. The AC asked that a meeting be set up with the School Dist. And to invite Charlie Anastas, high school principal, and Carol Sams, highs school athletic director, to the meeting to discuss suggested changes in the high school hockey teams practice schedule for 2006 and other team sport practices in the ARC. There are concerns that the suggested school changes may impact the ARC, the Schools, and there will be parents upset with each. This is a pro-active move on the AC's part to try and identify issues and work through solutions well in advance. The question was asked how we get more teens into the facility. Staff and the Youth Center are trying to work closer together on this issue, but it was suggested that we try to coordinate activities at the ARC on nights when students are here for hockey games or there might be a big basketball game in the gym and students can come by the ARC aflerwards. The committee was adjourned and will meet again on January 4, 2006.