HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.hpc.19780925..^o~oeo~.~...,.;~o.,o...;.RECORD OF PROC E EDI N GS Historical Preservation Committee September 25, 1978 A regular meeting of the Historical Preservation Committee was held at 1:30 in the Council Chambers at City Hall on September 25, 1978. Those members present were Lary Groen, Mona Frost, Jon Seigle, Terry End, and Jerry Michaels. Staff representative was Jim Reents. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: BELL MOUNTAIN SPORTS: With the exception of a couple of changes, the minutes from the August 29th meeting were approved. Bob Sterling was present to talk about the application of Bell Mountain Sports to the committee. Bell Mountain Sports is located between the Crystal Palace and the Mother Lode. They will be making an addition that would include employee housing. Reents stated that these plans were first brought to the planning department and were rejected because it hadn't been through the HPC prior to the Growth Management Review. They would be attempting to match the brick of the Crystal Palace Building and that of the Wheeler Opera House. There are approximately 7 different types of brick in the Crystal Palace and an unknown number in the Wheeler Opera House. They would be attempting to match that brick pattern and color. They are purposing to use clear glass and would attempt to indent the glass plans on the second floor. The scale of the building is subservient to the Crystal Palace and the Wheeler Opera House building. Any other additions would be on the same scale, which would be two stories high. There will be both down lighting on the front entrance to the building and concealed lighting that would light the arch at night. It would be low keyed. Signing would consist of a small plaque that would identify the offices upstairs. The projecting sign at the door is the same sign that is used now to identify Bell Mountain Sports. Reents criticism was that the south facade was more horizontal than vertical, in terms of the color of the illumination, the broad expanses of glass, and the arch orientation. It seems to contradict the guidelines for design for the Historical District which states that the over all orientation should be vertical than horizontal. He is uncomfortable with the ban of the arch. Groen stated that the weight of the arch seems uncomfortable the way it is suspended on the two narrow portions of the first level. It appears that the line should almost carry through and create an arch that would reach the ground rather than be suspended on it. Sterling stated that it was on a different plane. If it was on that plane that Groen was talking about, then it would appear heavier. He feels that when people are walking down the street, they don't look up in the air to see how heavy things are. He also stated that you have to get a feel of the three dimensional quality. GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW: Sterling felt that a model would not help. He feels what needs to be done is to find a similar application to see what his project would look like. Then this would give an idea what the reaction would be. End stated that she would have to go down to look at that area to see what her feelings would be concerning the arch. Sterling stated that when he design this project, he tried to keep the three dimensional qualities. Groen asked about the metal trim. Sterling said that it would be new trim and that the material would be bronze. Reents stated that this project could go under the Growth Management Plan for 1979, but not before then. Seigle stated that it would help if the next time they could have a model to go by. Burns made a motion to table this project until they could look at the sight. End seconded it. All in favor. This would be on the next agenda the next meeting. for Michaels asked why the Gasthof Eberli was going to be presented to the HPC. Reents stated that it was in the C-1 Zone that was covered by the Growth Management Plan for a quota of 24 thousand square feet of commercial space within a space of one year to be built. Michaels asked why they were reviewing it. Reents stated that the section they were reviewing under was historical features. Michaels stated that when they had tried to make that into the Historical District, the City Council voted them down. Groen agreed with Michaels. Groen asked that they unanimously don't vote on the topics. Michaels stated that if they need points from the HPC, then they would have to be in the Historical District because that is our jurisdiction under the ordinance. Burns stated that why didn't they review the Mill and Hopkins building and automatically give the other two the same score. Michaels felt that they shouldn't give them any score. Seigle stated that he did not want to prejudice the other two applicates. Reents stated that they should at least give the other two applicates the minimum number of points so they could go on with the procedure. Afterwards the HPC should write a resolution to the City Council stating what they have done. Reents said that he would help them write it. Michaels asked if all three of the projects do not add up to the total of 24 thousand square feet, then why are they reviewing them? Reents stated that there might be a major conflict within one of the other sections of the Growth Management Plan. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS September 25, 1978 MILL AND HOPKINS: GASTHOF EBERLI: Groen said that he would abstain. Seigle stated that he could not vote on any of the projects because he represents Bob Jenkins of Chuck Fothergill's. Welton Anderson was present to discuss the Mill and Hopkins Building. The massing of the building on Mill Street is directly related to the massing of the building running North and South. It is a flat roof in a two story structure and will be orientated to pedestrians. The Hopkin Street side is more to the pedestrian scale with the terrace garden going down. The exterior building materials are sand blasted concrete with a light gray finish, black natural slate bands running horizontally at the roof and second story level, tinted glass set in bronze frames, and polished brass hardware at the doors and for graphics. The architectural detail will be similar to the other buildings in the area that would have large glass areas at street level with generally a vertical character, and it would have intersecting bands of contrasting colors. The lower, angular portion of the building on the South side is designed to minimize the visual impact on public views. It relates to the scale and rhythm of the other buildings in the general neighborhood. For the coloring, they will use a limited spectrum in a variety of ways. The architecture will be compatible contempory designs instead of imitative Historic Architecture. Signs will be orientated to the pedestrian exclusively. There will be two directory type signs, one free standing sign at the ramp, and one wall which will be mounted at the stairway on Mill Street. They will be small and the colors will appear in the building materials. It lies in the C-1 District. They will be creating an additional commercial space within the C-1 District. They are changing from a nonconforming building to a conforming one. They are actually reducing a use from a tourist orientated to one of a commercial catagory that is allowed by right in that zone. They ~re not increasing the foot print so the form stays exactly where it is. The use and the looks of the building are going to change. The massing of the building has a parapet wall on the East side with a single roof around the building. They will be removing that roof and will go with vertical openings. They will try to 3~9 it a little more homogeneous by removing the brick and simplifing the material. It is below the massing of the adjacent buildings and is about 2.5 stories above the ground. The roof that they are purposing picks up the parapet on the East side and uses that as a line around the roof so it simplifies the profile at the top. That parapet also hides the top which would conceal mechanical equipment. The e~isting brick will be replaced with a new brick matching in color and scale of the older brick. The exposed block will be plastered over and painted. A stain will be applied to exposed wood and a brighter color for the awnings. Architectural detail will have vertical openings, horizontal band, and the parking lot would become landscaped park like structure. It would have a ramp for the handicap. The colors that would be used for this project are muted colors which are quiet colors. They do not want a bright building so they are trying to achieve a low key building. The architecture is contemporary. Michaels asked Jerry McCarthy how they were going to treat the East wall. McCarthy stated that it was a structural wall and that it was built on the property line. It is made out of brick and block and what they purpose to do is to stucco and plaster over it. Then they will paint it in a muted color. An example of a muted color is an earthy color. CHUCK FOTHERGILL'S: REENTS COMMENTS: Bob Jenkins was present to discuss the project. They ~re attempting to go into a basement situation. They 'would like to move their rentals, repair shop, and office down below to give them a more serviceable and usuable retail floor. There will be no provisions for the handicap people. They will have access to the first floor of the building. There will be no change to the exterior appearance at all, except there will be a door that will match the present exterior building. This door is required by code because of the basement addition; they have to have access to it. They will be going under part of the Shaft Building. Jenkins stated that they will gut the interior and build the basement from there. Then they will rebuild _l the original interior. Reents commented on the different projects. On Chuck Fothergill's, he thought that it was inappropria~ because it was below ground. So therefore he did not comment on it. On the Gasthof Eberli, it will now conform within the zone. Their structure will still be a nonconforming structure. It's entire design purposal simplifies the entire design of the structure. The area around the project is an area of transition, and the massing fits nicely within the downtown area. Building materials are quite compatible to the surrounding areas. Reents stated that he liked earthy colors. On the Mill and Hopkins Building, over all he feels that the project is compatible with the site and surrounding structures. They are trying to harmonize with the surrounding structures along with the uniformity of detail of the over all design. R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S September ';'5, 1978 VOTING SCORES: COMMITTEE COMMENTS: The score ratings are as follows: Mill and Hopkins:. The average score was 13.46 Seigle abstained. Gasthof Eberli: The average score was Seigle abstained. End abstained. Groen abstained. 9.5 Chuck Fothergill's: The average score was Seigle abstained. End abstained. Groen abstained. Michaels abstained. 5.00 They all made it through the first step of the Growth Management Review. Frost stated that she did not the meetings at 1:30. Groen wanted to talk about the Visual Arts Center. He stated that it will undergo an extensive remodeling. He said that in the past that they have requested to Council that they consider putting the Wheeler Opera House as a Historic site for designation. He feels that some of the Council does not understand that; not only is this building historic to this area, it is Nationally historic. This building was the first Hydro-Electric generating plant West side,of the Mississippi. Before any work is done on the building, they should designate the building to be historic. Seigle stated that he agreed with Groen, but the only thing that they can do is write a letter of protest to the City Council. Michaels made a motion to adjourn. it. Ail in favor. End seconded The next meeting will be October 10, 1978.