HomeMy WebLinkAboutagenda.boa.20180125 AGENDA Aspen Board of Adjustment REGULAR MEETING January 25, 2018 4:30 PM Council Chambers 130 S Galena Street, Aspen I. SITE VISIT II. ROLL CALL III. COMMENTS A. Commissioners B. Planning Staff C. Public IV. MINUTES V. DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST VI. 701 S. MONARCH - CARIBOU CONDOS VII. OTHER BUSINESS VIII. BOARD REPORTS IX. ADJOURN Next Resolution Number: <Resolution_Number> Typical Proceeding Format for All Public Hearings 1) Conflicts of Interest (handled at beginning of agenda) 2) Provide proof of legal notice (affi d avit of notice for PH) 3) Staff presentation 4) Board questions and clarifications of staff 5) Applicant presentation 6) Board questions and clari fications of applicant 7) Public comments 8) Board questions and clarifications relating to public comments 9) Close public comment portion of bearing 10) Staff rebuttal /clarification of evidence presented by applicant and public comment 1 1 ) Applicant rebuttal/clarification End of fact finding. Deliberation by the commission commences. No further interaction between commission and staff, applicant or public 12) Chairperson identified the issues to be discussed among commissioners. 13) Discussion between commissioners* 14) Motion* *Make sure the discussion and motion includes what criteria are met o r not met. Revised April 2, 2014 701 S. Monarch St./Caribou Condos | Setback Variance Review January 25, 2018 Board of Adjustment Memo Page 1 of 7 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Hillary Seminick, Planner THRU: Jennifer Phelan, Deputy Planning Director RE: 701 S. Monarch St. (Caribou Condos) Setback Variance Review Resolution No. __, Series of 2018 MEETING DATE: January 25, 2018 APPLICANT /OWNER: Caribou Condominiums HOA 701 S. Monarch St. Aspen, CO 81611 REPRESENTATIVE: Chris Bendon, Bendon Adams LOCATION: 701 S. Monarch St. CURRENT ZONING: Lodge (L) Zone District SUMMARY: The Applicant is proposing a new subgrade parking garage under the existing parking lot, accessed with a car lift in addition to other site improvements. The Applicant requests a setback variance for a portion of the car lift, replacement of existing parking lot walls and subgrade garage walls. Figure 1. Caribou Condos, looking southwest towards Lift One A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not support the setback Variance request and therefore recommends denial of the project. 701 S. Monarch St./Caribou Condos | Setback Variance Review January 25, 2018 Board of Adjustment Memo Page 2 of 7 REQUEST OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: The Applicant is requesting the following approvals from the Board of Adjustment: · Variance (Chapter 26.314) to grant a setback variance for improvements within the front and side yard setbacks. (The Board of Adjustment is the final review authority.) EXISTING CONDITIONS: 701 S. Monarch St./Caribou Condos is a two building, six (6) unit multi-family residential project, circa 1973, located in the Lodge (L) Zone District at the base of Aspen Mountain and the location of the property is shown in Figure 2. The lot measures 12,144 sq. ft. gross area and after slopes in excess of 20% grade are deducted, the property has 11,304 sq. ft. of net lot area. The property is allowed 11,469 sq. ft. of floor area, and at 11,469 sq. ft., is over the allowed floor area by 165 sq. ft. The required setbacks for the property are five feet on the front, rear and side yards. There are stone and concrete walls along the parking lot which project into both the front and side yard setbacks. Additionally, a trash enclosure projects into the side yard setback. These projections are depicted in the Staff markup of the site plan shown in Figure 3 and photos of these elements are in Figures 4 and 5. The site has six (6) on-site parking spaces, as shown in Figures 6-9, below. Figure 2. 701 S. Monarch St. Project Location Map 701 S. Monarch St./Caribou Condos | Setback Variance Review January 25, 2018 Board of Adjustment Memo Page 3 of 7 Figure 4. Existing Trash Enclosure Figure 5. Existing Stone Walls Figure 3. 701 S. Monarch St. Setback Encroachments The portion of the projecting trash enclosure and walls are highlighted in orange and the setbacks are indicated in red. 701 S. Monarch St./Caribou Condos | Setback Variance Review January 25, 2018 Board of Adjustment Memo Page 4 of 7 Figure 6. 701 S. Monarch St. 1974 Condo Plat, Staff Markup (Left, not to scale) Figure 7. 701 S. Monarch St. 1974 Condo Plat, Staff Markup (Right, not to scale) Figure 8. Existing Parking Lot (Left) The existing parking area with cars parked in spaces 4,5 and 6; which are adjacent to the trash enclosure. Figure 9. Existing Parking Lot (Right) The existing parking area with cars parked in spaces 1-3. 701 S. Monarch St./Caribou Condos | Setback Variance Review January 25, 2018 Board of Adjustment Memo Page 5 of 7 PROPOSAL: The Applicant proposes to construct a stand-alone, subgrade parking garage below the existing at-grade parking area. The footprint of the parking garage would extend to the property line. The Applicant proposes replacing the existing walls surrounding the parking area and relocating the existing trash enclosure. The new surface parking area will be snow melted and the existing retaining walls on the site will be replaced. These retaining walls will be no more than 42” as measured from the at-grade parking area. The proposed project would provide a total of eight (8) parking spaces for the six units with two (2) surface parking spaces and six (6) subgrade parking spaces. The subgrade garage will be accessed by a car lift and the lift does not count as, nor will it be used as, a parking space. Egress to the parking garage is provided by an enclosed stair case. Egress to the enclosure at grade is to the south. The enclosure is proposed to be tucked under existing loggia. Renderings of the improvements are shown in Figures 10 and 11 and plans are shown in Figures 12 and 13. The minimum mobility requirement for Multi-Family Residential within the Aspen Infill area is one Parking Unit per Dwelling Unit. The maximum number of Parking Units for this use is 1.25 Parking Units per Dwelling Unit. Caribou Condos has six (6) Dwelling Units; therefore, the minimum requirement is six (6) Parking Units and the maximum allowed is eight (8) Parking Units. As demonstrated in Figures 6-9, Caribou Condos currently meet the minimum mobility requirement of six (6) on-site parking units. The Applicant requests this variance because on-site snow storage often results in a parking deficit in the winter months. Additionally, the Applicant has explored alternatives to pursuing the variance, including constructing the garage under the existing building. Consultations with engineers have concluded that option is not feasible due to several issues, including potentially damaging the building itself. Figure 10. Rendering of the Proposed Project The garage is shown in the foreground to the right. Figure 11. Rendering of the Proposed Project The trash enclosure will be an open enclosure with an electrified fence to deter wildlife. This type of enclosure is found to be more effective than traditional wildlife enclosures and is supported by Environmental Health. 701 S. Monarch St./Caribou Condos | Setback Variance Review January 25, 2018 Board of Adjustment Memo Page 6 of 7 R E V IEWS: SETBACK VARIANCE: The criteria for receiving a variance (Exhibit A) are strict. A property owner must demonstrate that reasonable use of the property has been withheld by the City and can only be achieved by the City providing a variance. In situations where all, or practically all, reasonable use of a property is made impossible by development regulations, the City has the ability to grant a variance to avoid a “regulatory taking”. City staff believes this property has reasonable use and has demonstrated that the site has adequate parking under today’s code, as shown in Figures 6-9. The property owner must demonstrate that his rights, as compared with owners of similar properties, have been deprived. In considering this criterion, the Board of Adjustment must consider unique conditions inherent to the property but which are not the result of the Applicant’s actions. Staff Comment There is not a parking deficit at the subject property. Snow is not a unique issue in Aspen, and each property is required to provide for sufficient on-site snow storage. Snow often requires removal during periods of heavy snow. While Staff appreciates that the Applicant would like to provide more parking for residents and guests, Staff does not believe this application meets the City’s strict standards for a variance. The request for the variance is not a result of a hardship as the property meets the minimum parking requirement of the Land Use Code. Inadequate snow storage is a self-created issue. Staff recommends denial of the variance. Figure 12. Proposed Site Plan, at Grade Figure 13. Proposed Site Plan, Subgrade Section View 701 S. Monarch St./Caribou Condos | Setback Variance Review January 25, 2018 Board of Adjustment Memo Page 7 of 7 RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not supportive of granting of a setback variance for an above grade car elevator and the subgrade parking garage. The criteria require that reasonable use of the parcel be achieved by granting of a variance or that a unique, site-specific condition warrants a variance. The subject property has sufficient parking for the multi-family development. Snow removal and storage is not a unique issue to this property. As the project does not meet the criteria, Staff is recommending denial of the request. PROPOSED MOTION: All resolutions tend to be written to approve a request. With regards to this request, Staff does not support the request because it does not meet the review criteria and therefore recommends denial of the request. Two motions are proposed. The first approves the resolution while the second denies the resolution. Motion 1. “I move to approve Resolution ___, Series 2018, granting approval for a Setback Variance as depicted in Exhibit A to the Resolution. If the Board agrees that the criteria are not met for a Variance, the following motion may be used: Motion 2. “I move to deny Resolution ___, Series 2018, granting approval for a Setback Variance as depicted in Exhibit A to the Resolution. Attachments: Exhibit A – Variance Review Criteria, Staff Findings Exhibit B – Application Board of Adjustment Reso No. __, Series 2018 Page 1 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. __ (SERIES OF 2018) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RESOLUTION, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 701 S. MONARCH ST., CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS, CITY OF ASPEN, PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO. Parcel ID Nos: 2735-131-25-001- 2735-131-25-006 and 2735-131-25-800, WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received an application for 701 S. Monarch St., Caribou Condominiums (the Application) from Caribou Condominium Home Owners Association (Applicant), represented by BendonAdams for the following land use review approvals: · Variance, pursuant to Land Use Code Chapter 26.314; and, WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned Lodge (L); and, WHEREAS, all code citation references are to the City of Aspen Land Use Code in effect on the day the application was deemed complete – September 15, 2017, as applicable to this Project; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Adjustment reviewed the Application at a duly noticed public hearing on January 25, 2018; and, WHEREAS, during a duly noticed public hearing on January 25, 2018, the Board of Adjustment approved Resolution __, Series of 2018, by a ____ to ____ (__-__) vote granting approval of a Dimensional Variance Review, as identified herein. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO THAT: Section 1: General Approval Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves a Setback Variance for the property located at 701 S. Monarch St and described as follows: 1. Front yard (east) setback variance allowing a 0’ setback for the below grade garage and above grade retaining wall and parking space. The retaining walls shall not exceed the height of 42” as shown in Exhibit B, Approved Drawings. 2. Side yard (north) setback variance allowing a 0’ setback for the below grade garage and allowing a 0’ setback for the above grade car elevator and enclosure, above grade retaining wall not to exceed 42”, and trash/recycle containers and fence/enclosure. Section 2: Engineering Department The Applicant’s design shall be compliant with all sections of the City of Aspen Municipal Code, Title 21 and all applicable standards published by the Engineering Department. Board of Adjustment Reso No. __, Series 2018 Page 2 of 4 1. The curb cut entrance to the parking area and adjacent ROW shall meet all Engineering Department standards or a variance to the design standards must be approved by the City Engineer at the time of Building Permit. Any representation of stairs in the ROW shown on the land use approval documents are not permitted and do not have Engineering Department approval. A more detailed grading plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Department to determine an appropriate sidewalk and driveway configuration. Section 3: Zoning 1. The fence used along the trash enclosure shall meet Subsection 26.575.020. E.5 of the Land Use Code at building permit, as amended. 2. The floor area calculations of the demolished and replacement structures shall be confirmed by the City Zoning Enforcement Officer at the time of building permit Section 4: Parks Department 1. Parks has no concerns regarding any interior work in the courtyard, however, it appears that they will be removing part of the wall and moving the drive entrance closer to the cottonwood tree. There is also an aspen tree just outside of the NW corner wall that may be impacted that will be assessed at building permit. The work near these trees shall be coordinated with and approved by the City Forester. 2. A tree dripline excavation permit will be required for this project. Section 5: Building Department The Applicant shall meet all applicable building and accessibility codes in place at the time of building permit. Section 6: All material representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded, whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Community Development Department and the Board of Adjustment Commission, are hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein, unless amended by other specific conditions or an authorized authority. Section 7: This Resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances. Section 8: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Board of Adjustment Reso No. __, Series 2018 Page 3 of 4 FINALLY, adopted, passed and approved this 25th day of January, 2018. Approved as to form: Approved as to content: __________________________ ______________________________ James R. True, City Attorney NAME, TITLE Attest: _______________________________ Linda Manning, City Clerk Attachments: Exhibit A: Legal Description Exhibit B: Approved Drawings Board of Adjustment Reso No. __, Series 2018 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit A, Legal Description CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 379, AND ACCORDING TO THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT OF THE CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 404, AND CONDOMINIUM MAP OF PARCEL B, UNITS 5, & 6, CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 454 AND SECOND AMENDED CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 IN PLAT BOOK 94 AT PAGE 52 AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED APRIL 24, 1973 IN BOOK 275 AT PAGE 28, AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1973 IN BOOK 280 AT PAGE 971, RECORDED DECEMBER 24, 1973 IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 822, RECORDED MAY 2, 1975 IN BOOK 298 AT PAGE 437, RECORDED APRIL 28, 1975 IN BOOK 311 AT PAGE 30I, RECORDED JUNE 18, 1998 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 418308, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 573338. CITY OF ASPEN, COUNTY OF PITKIN, STATE OF COLORADO. Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES NOT MEASURE ONE INCH (1") EXACTLY, THIS DRAWING WILL HAVE BEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED, AFFECTING ALL LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C AT E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 0.1 9/14/17 GENERAL INFORMATIONwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 BOA VARIANCE9/15/17 CONTRACTOR - - 0103 04 1 A7.1 LOCATION 1 A4.1 1 A5.1 1. THESE DRAWINGS AND ANY ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PRODUCED IS CONSTRUCTED OR NOT. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REUSED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM OUTSIDE OF THE PROJECT CONTRACT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE ARCHITECT. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INSURE THAT CONSTRUCTION CONFORMS TO ALL FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL AND RELATED CODES AND PRACTICES. SKILLED AND QUALIFIED WORKMEN IN THEIR ASSOCIATED TRADES SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK AT THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF CRAFTSMANSHIP. 3. THE ARCHITECT WILL PROVIDE DETAILS AND/OR DIRECTION FOR DESIGN INTENT WHERE IT IS NEGLECTED IN THE DOCUMENTS OR ALTERED BY EXISTING CONDITIONS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS DEPICTED IN THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, OMISSIONS, AND/OR CONFLICTS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. ALL DIMENSIONS ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 5. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. THE DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DRAWINGS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL TRADES UNDER THEIR AUTHORITY WITH DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS. 7. THE OWNER AND/OR ARCHITECT SHALL APPROVE ANY “EQUAL” MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES, ETC. PRESENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER WITH SAMPLES OF ALL FINISH MATERIALS AND SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER ISSUES AN APPROVAL. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE APPROVED SAMPLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FORWARD ALL REQUIRED SUBMITTALS AND VERIFICATIONS TO THE ARCHITECT WITH ADEQUATE TIME FOR REVIEW AS NOT TO DELAY THE WORK IN PROGRESS. 8. IF REQUIRED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH A CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN PRIOR TO OBTAINING A BUILDING PERMIT. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE ARCHITECT FOR WINDOWS, DOORS, CASEWORK, METAL DETAILING, STAIRS, FIREPLACE, AND ANY OTHER WORK NOTED IN THE DOCUMENTS. FABRICATION SHALL NOT PROCEED ON ANY OF THESE ITEMS UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR RECEIVES APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS. 10. THE DESIGN, ADEQUACY, AND SAFETY OF ERECTION BRACING, TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, SHORING, ETC. SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND HAS NOT BEEN CONSIDERED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CONFORM TO ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL O.S.H.A. REGULATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY AND CARE OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES UNTIL THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REQUESTING BUILDING INSPECTIONS AS APPLICABLE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING / RESIDENTIAL CODE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OPENINGS THROUGH WALLS, FLOORS, AND CEILINGS WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND LIGHTING DRAWINGS. REFER TO THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR ALLOWABLE OPENING SIZES / REQUIREMENTS IN STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. 13. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE STONE MASON’S TAKE-OFFS AND WILL ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COORDINATING ANY ITEMS THAT REQUIRE CLARIFICATION DURING THE BIDDING PROCESS. 14. THE ARCHITECT WILL VERIFY IN FIELD ALL LIGHTING FIXTURES, SWITCHES, MECHANICAL GRILLES, REGISTERS, AND THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUGH-IN LIGHTING FIXTURES AND ILLUSTRATE SWITCH, REGISTER, AND GRILLE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO THE ARCHITECT WALK-THROUGH. 15. ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS SUCH AS GRILLES, BOILER FLAPS, ETC. TO BE COPPER OR ENCLOSED BY COPPER FITTINGS. GENERAL NOTES KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. 802 EAST COOPER AVE #4 ASPEN, CO 81611 970-925-2252 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ARCHITECT ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS A 0.1 A 1.1 A 1.2 A 1.4 A 1.5 A 2.1 A 2.2 A 4.1 - - GENERAL INFORMATION SURVEY INTERPOLATED SURVEY EXISTING SITE PLAN DEMO PLAN FAR CALCULATIONS FAR CALCULATIONS PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL PLAN PROPOSED ELEVATIONS RENDERS STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS - - MECHANICAL DRAWINGS - - CIVIL DRAWINGS - - SHORING DRAWINGS - - Caribou Condo Garage 701 South Monarch Street Aspen, CO 81611 ABBREVIATIONS MATERIAL LEGEND VICINITY MAP PROJECT TEAMAPPLICABLE CODES PROJECT DATA FAR (FLOOR AREA RATIO) SHEET INDEXSYMBOL LEGEND KL&A, INC., ("STRUCTURAL ENGINEER) 129 EMMA ROAD, UNIT A BASALT, CO 81621 (970) 927 5174 CIVIL ENGINEER JEFF RUPPERT, ODISEA P.O. BOX 1809 PAONIA, CO 81428 970-948-5744 JEFF@ODISEAANET.COM MECHANICAL ENGINEER - - SHORING ENGINEER - - PARCEL ID NUMBER: ZONING: LOT SIZE: BLDG USE: OCC. GROUP: CONST. TYPE: CLIMATE ZONE: FIRE SPRINKLERS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 273513125800 L 12,144 SQ. FT. MULTI-FAMILY #### #### #### #### PLT. S.T.D.SLOPE TO DRAIN A A.B. A.F.F. A.F.G. A/C ABC ABS ABV. ACB ACOU. ACT ADD. AG AHU AL. or ALUM. ALT. ANL ASPH. AVG AWG B.M. B.N. B.O. B.O.F. B.U. B/C BD. BLDG BLK. BLKG. BM. BR BRG. BRZ C.A.P. C.D. C.I.P. C.J. C.O. C.T. CAB CAM. CCTV CEM. CER CFM CH CKT. BKR. CL or C.L. CLG. CLKG. CLO. CLR. CMU CNTRD. COL. COMB. CONC. CONST. CONT. CONTR. CU d D.F. D.G. D.S. D/W DBL. DEMO DIA. or Ø DIAG. DIM. DL DN. DR E.A. E.F. E.J. E.N. E.W. EA. EL ELECT. ELEV. EMC EMT ENT EQ. EQUIP. EST. EVAP. EWC EXC EXH. EXIST. or E EXT. F.A. F.C. F.C.O. F.D. F.E. F.N. F.O. F.S. F/G FAB. FACP FDC FDN. FHC FIN. FL FLG. FLUOR. FP FTG. FURN. G.I. GA. GALV. GAR. GFCI GFI GL GLB GM GM GRC GYP. GYP. BD. H.B. H.C. H.M. H/C HDBD. HDW HGT. HOR. HTR HVAC HW HYD. I.C. I.D. I.F. ID IG IMC IMPG INCL. INSUL. INT. J-BOX JCT JT. K-D KD KO L.E.D. L.FT. LAM LAT. LAV LD. LIN. LINO. LT. LTG. LVL M.B. M.H. M.I. M.O. MAR. MAS. MAT'L MAX. MECH. MED. MFG. MFR. MIN. MISC. MOD MTL. MUL N.I.C. N.T.S. NCM NFC NLR. NO. NOM. O.C. O.D. O.H. O.I. O.R. OAI OH OPNG. OPPO. P.C. P.L. P.LAM. P.O.C. PERP. or PH or Ø PL. PLAS. PLUMB. PLYWD. PORC. PERF. PREFAB. PSF PSI PTN. PVC PWR. Q.T. QTY. R R.D.L. R.D.O. R.O. R.O.W. or R/W REF REF. REINF. REQ'D. RET. REV. RM RMV. S.C. S.D. S.O.V. S/L S/S SC SCHED. SECT. SES SH SHT'G. SIM. SPA. SPECS SPKR. SQ. FT. SQ. IN. STC STD. STL. SUSP. SW SYM SYS. T & G T.B. T.M.B. T.O. T.O.B. T.O.C. T.O.F. T.O.J. T.O.M. T.O.S. T.O.W. T.S. T.V. TEL. TH. THD. THK. THRU TLT. TRANS. TYP. UNF. UR V.B. V.I.F. VA VERT. WC WDW WCT WP WT. W/ W/O WD. W.I. YD. AMPERES ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AIR CONDITIONING AGGREGATE BASE COURSE ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE ABOVE ASBESTOS-CEMENT BOARD ACOUSTIC ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ADDITION or ADDENDUM ABOVE GRADE AIR HANDLER UNIT ALUMINUM ALTERNATE ANNEALED ASPHALT AVERAGE AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE ANGLE BENCH MARK BOUNDARY NAILING BOTTOM OF BOTTOM OF FOOTING BUILT UP BACK OF CURB BOARD BUILDING BLOCK BLOCKING BEAM BRASS BEARING BRONZE CONCRETE ASBESTOS PIPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CAST IN PLACE CONTROL JOINT CLEAN OUT CERAMIC TILE CABINET CAMBER CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CEMENT CERAMIC CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE CHANNEL CIRCUIT BREAKER CENTERLINE CEILING CAULKING CLOSET CLEAR CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CENTERED COLUMN COMBINATION CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CONTINUOUS CONTRACTOR COPPER PENNY DRINKING FOUNTAIN DECOMPOSED GRANITE DOWN SPOUT DISHWASHER DOUBLE DEMOLITION DIAMETER DIAGONAL DIMENSION DEAD LOAD DOWN DOOR EXPANSION ANCHOR EXHAUST FAN EXPANSION JOINT END NAILING EACH WAY EACH ELEVATION "ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL" ELEVATOR ELECTRICAL METALLIC CONDUIT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING ELECTRICAL NON-METALLIC TUBING EQUAL EQUIPMENT ESTIMATE EVAPORATIVE COOLER ELECTRIC DRINKING COOLER EXCAVATE EXHAUST EXISTING EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM FAN COIL FLOOR CLEAN OUT FLOOR DRAIN FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIELD NAILING FACE OF FLOOR SINK FIBERGLASS FABRICATE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FOUNDATION FIRE HOSE CABINET FINISH FLOOR FLOORING FLUORESCENT FIRE PROOF FOOTING FURNISH GALVANIZED IRON GAUGE GALVANIZED GARAGE GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER GLASS GLUE LAMINATED BEAM GRADE MARK GATE VALVE GALVANIZED RIGID TUBING GYPSUM GYPSUM BOARD HOSE BIBB HOLLOW CORE HOLLOW METAL HANDICAPPED HARDBOARD HARDWARE HEIGHT HORIZONTAL HEATER HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR CONDITIONING HOT WATER HYDRAULIC INTERCOM OUTLET INSIDE DIAMETER INSIDE FACE IDENTIFICATION ISOLATED GROUND INTERMEDIATE METALLIC CONDUIT IMPREGNATED INCLUDE, INCLUSIVE INSULATION INTERIOR JUNCTION BOX JUNCTION JOINT KNOCK DOWN KILN DRIED KNOCK OUT LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LINEAR FEET LAMINATE LATERAL LAVATORY LEAD LINEAR LINOLEUM LIGHT LIGHTING LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER MACHINE BOLT MANHOLE MALLEABLE IRON MASONRY OPENING MARBLE MASONRY MATERIAL MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MEDIUM MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURER MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS MODULAR METAL MULLION NOT IN CONTRACT NOT TO SCALE NON-CORROSIVE METAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NAILER NUMBER NOMINAL ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER OVER HANG ORNAMENTAL IRON OUTSIDE RADIUS OUTSIDE AIR INTAKE OVER HEAD OPENING OPPOSITE PRECAST CONCRETE PROPERTY LINE PLASTIC LAMINATE POINT OF CONNECTION PERPENDICULAR PHASE PLASTER PLATE PLASTIC PLUMBING PLYWOOD PORCELAIN PERFORATED PREFABRICATED POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PARTITION POLYVINYLCLORIDE POWER QUARRY TILE QUANTITY RADIUS ROOF DRAIN LEADER ROOF DRAIN OVERFLOW ROUGH OPENING RIGHT OF WAY REFRIGERATOR REFERENCE REINFORCED REQUIRED RETURN REVISION ROOM REMOVE SOLID CORE SMOKE DETECTOR SHUT OFF VALVE SKYLIGHT STAINLESS STEEL SELF CLOSING SCHEDULE SECTION SERVICE ENTRANCE SECTION SHEET SHEATHING SIMILAR SPACE SPECIFICATIONS SPEAKER SQUARE FEET SQUARE INCHES SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS STANDARD STEEL SUSPENDED SWITCH SYMMETRICAL SYSTEM TONGUE AND GROOVE THROUGH BOLT TELEPHONE MOUNTING BOARD TOP OF TOP OF BEAM TOP OF CURB TOP OF FOOTING TOP OF JOIST TOP OF MASONRY TOP OF SLAB TOP OF WALL TUBE STEEL TELEVISION OUTLET TELEPHONE THRESHOLD THREADED THICK THROUGH TOILET TRANSFORMER TYPICAL UNFINISHED URINAL VAPOR BARRIER VERIFY IN FIELD VOLT AMPERE VERTICAL WATER CLOSET WINDOW WAINSCOT WEATHER PROOF WEIGHT WITH WITHOUT WOOD WROUGHT IRON YARD VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE JOISTJST. ALL CODES REFERENCED ARE TO BE USED AS AMENDED BY THE STATE OF COLORADO AND LOCAL JURISDICTION. - 2009 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE - 2009 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE FINISH WOOD WOOD STUD BLOCKING STEEL STEEL STUD FRAMED WALL BATT INSULATION PLYWOOD GLU-LAM CONCRETE STONE CMU SAND GRAVEL GWB COMPACTED SOIL SPRAY-FOAM INSULATION RIGID INSULATION GRID LINE BREAK LINE MATCH LINE REVISION A9.1 ELEVATION MARKER SECTION MARKER DETAIL CUT DETAIL 1 A6.1 ELEVATION D01 W01 ROOM NAME 101 INTERIOR ELEVATION MARKER ELEVATION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SECTION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SHEET NUMBER ELEVATION NUMBER SPOT ELEVATION DOOR MARK WINDOW MARK ROOM NAME AND NUMBER - - ADDRESS: 701 SOUTH MONARCH, ASPEN, CO 81611 PARCEL ID: 273513125800 C:\General CADD 12\Gxd\27042F2.gxd -- 09/19/2016 -- 10:43 AM -- Scale 1 : 120.000000 Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 1.1 9/14/17 EXISTING SITE PLANwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 95 sq ft 53 sq ft 5'-0"5'-0" 927 sq ft 13 sq ft COLUMN COLUMN COLUMNCOLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMNCOLUMN TRASH ENCLOSURE WALL RAILING SITE WALL LESS THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE SITE WALL MORE THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE PLANTER WALL MORE THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINECOVERED COMMON AREA FILL INDICATES BUILDING FEATURES IN CUT PLANE EXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING STAIRWAY EXEMPT FOR LODGE (L) ZONE DISTRICT UP UP UP UP FILL INDICATES LOGGIA AREAINDICATES SITE/PLANTER WALLSFSPA POOL SIDEWALK PLANTER BELOWFLAGSTONE WALKBUILDING BUILDING COVERED TRASH MONARCH STREET SIDEWALK STEPS SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING SITE PLAN N 3/16" = 1'-0" Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 1.2 9/14/17 DEMO PLANwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 95 sq ft 53 sq ft 5'-0"5'-0" 927 sq ft 13 sq ft EXISTING PILLARS TO REMAIN SHADED AREA INDICATES FEATURES TO BE REMOVED SHADED AREA INDICATES FEATURES TO BE REMOVED SHADED AREA INDICATES FEATURES TO BE REMOVED ENTIRE DRIVE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AT DIFFERENT ELEVATION COLUMN COLUMN COLUMNCOLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMNCOLUMN TRASH ENCLOSURE WALL RAILING SITE WALL LESS THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE SITE WALL MORE THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE PLANTER WALL MORE THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE SITE WALL TO BE REMOVED AND ENTRY TO BE MOVED UPHILL TO SHADED AREA REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK STEPS PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINECOVERED COMMON AREA FILL INDICATES BUILDING FEATURES IN CUT PLANE EXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING STAIRWAY EXEMPT FOR LODGE (L) ZONE DISTRICT UP UP UP UP FILL INDICATES LOGGIA AREAINDICATES SITE/PLANTER WALLSFSPA POOL SIDEWALK PLANTER BELOWFLAGSTONE WALKBUILDING BUILDING COVERED TRASH MONARCH STREET SIDEWALK STEPS SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"1 DEMOLITION PLAN N 3/16" = 1'-0" Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 1.4 9/14/17 FAR CALCULATIONSwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 95 sq ft 53 sq ft 25'-8 1/2"21'-5 1/2"26'-2"21'-2"20'-1 1/2"4'13'20'19'-5 1/8"4'927 sq ft 13 sq ft 542 sq ft538 sq ft390 sq ft 356 sq ft528 sq ft596 sq ft UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 UNIT 6 UNIT 5 UNIT 4 COVERED COMMON AREA EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE 696 sq ft 710 sq ft 692 sq ft 730 sq ft 772 sq ft 655 sq ft UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 UNIT 6 UNIT 5 UNIT 4 DN DN DN DN 666 sq ft699 sq ft 708 sq ft 719 sq ft 59 sq ft70 sq ft76 sq ft 55 sq ft51 sq ft 728 sq ft 649 sq ft 55 sq ft UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 UNIT 6 UNIT 5 UNIT 4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 MAIN LEVEL FAR A 1.4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 SECOND LEVEL FAR A 1.4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 THIRD STORY FAR A 1.4 FAR CALCULATIONS UNIT 1 1st FLOOR: 542 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 710 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 719 sq ft DECK: 59 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 2030 sq ft UNIT 2 1st FLOOR: 538 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 696 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 708 sq ft DECK: 70 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 2012 sq ft UNIT 3 1st FLOOR: 390 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 772 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 728 sq ft DECK: 76 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 1966 sq ft UNIT 4 1st FLOOR: 356 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 730 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 666 sq ft DECK: 55 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 1807 sq ft UNIT 5 1st FLOOR: 528 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 692 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 699 sq ft DECK: 51 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 1970 sq ft UNIT 6 1st FLOOR: 596 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 655 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 649 sq ft DECK: 55 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 1955 sq ft TOTAL CARIBOU FAR UNIT CALCULATIONS 1ST FLOOR: 2,950 sq ft 2ND FLOOR: 4,255 sq ft 3RD FLOOR: 4,169 sq ft TOTAL: 11,374 sq ft DECK + LOGGIA/EXTERIOR STAIRWAYS: DECKS: 366 sq ft LOGGIA/EXT. STAIRWAYS: 993 sq ft TOTAL: 1,359 sq ft (EXEMPT) (11,304 ALLOWABLE x 15% = 1,696 sq ft) TRASH ENCLOSURE 1ST FLOOR: 95 sq ft _____________________________________ TOTAL: 11,469 sq ft ZONING ALLOWS FOR 1:1 RATIO GROSS LOT SIZE: 12,144 sq ft LOT SIZE AFTER GRADE REDUCTION, SEE SURVEY (12,144 - 840 = 11,304) 11,304 sq ft CURRENT FAR: 11,469 sq ft OVER ALLOWED FAR BY: 165 sq ft Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 1.5 9/14/17 FAR CALCULATIONSwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 418 sq ft 44 sq ft 561 sq ft 145 sq ft 70 sq ft 81 sq ft 447 sq ft 344 sq ft 99 sq ft 119 sq ft 133 sq ft 27 sq ft 27 sq ft 133 sq ft 0.5 sq ft 27 sq ft 133 sq ft133 sq ft 50'-0 7/8" 9'-8" 53'-6 1/4"41'-1 3/4"11'-10" 14'-3 1/2"8'-4 1/4"8'-4 1/4"67'-1 1/4"8'-4 3/4" 15'-10 5/8"8'-4 1/4"3'-2 1/8"3'-2 1/8"8'-4 1/4"15'-10 5/8"8'-4 1/4"1. 4. 2. 3.5. 6.7.8. EXPOSED WALL SUBGRADE WALL STAIRCASE WALLS 3,726 sq ft L2 1'-0"10'-1 1/4"10'-1 1/4"9'-0"9'-0"9'-0"0'-8"9'-0"0'-8"9'-0"50'-0 7/8"14'-3 1/2"11'-10"41'-1 5/8"53'-6 1/8"9'-8"8'-4 5/8"67'-1 1/8"16'-6 5/8"3'-2 1/8"15'-10 5/8"3'-2 1/8"1'-0"49'-8"14'-8 1/2"51'-7 7/8"18 1 A 4.2 1 A 4.2 MATCH LOCATION OF COLUMN ABOVEEXCAVATION EXTENDED 7' BELOW BUILDING ABOVE ADJUST COLUMN LOCATION TOTAL SUBGRADE TRAVEL DISTANCE OF 68'-6" KEEP NEW FOUNDATION CLEAR OF TREE ROOTS UP 3 4 2 1 5 6 7 8 1 PROPOSED GARAGE 88'-0 3/4" 7'-0 CLEAR HT UNDER ANY STRUCTURE FOR DRIVING VEHICLE ELEVATOR TRENCH DRAINSLOPE 1.2% SLOPE 1.2% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 314 sq ft Floor Area Calculations City of Aspen Zoning Submission SUBGRADE LEVEL WALL LABEL TOTAL WALL AREA (SQ. FT.)EXPOSED WALL AREA (SQ. FT.) 1 117 0 2 418 44 3 561 145 4 70 0.5 5 81 0 6 447 0 7 346 0 8 99 0 9 133 133 10 27 27 11 133 133 12 27 27 OVERALL TOTAL WALL AREA (SQ. FT.)2459 EXPOSED WALL AREA (SQ. FT.)509.5 % OF EXPOSED WALL (EXPOSED/TOTAL)20.72% PROPOSED SUBGRADE FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS SUBGRADE GROSS FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.): 3726 SUBGRADE COUNTABLE FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.)772.0199268 PROPOSED SUBGRADE LEVEL EXPOSED WALL CALCULATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 FAR ELEVATIONS A 1.5 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 LOWER LEVEL PLAN A 1.5 PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL GARAGE SQ FT.: 772 sq ft PROPOSED ABOVE GRADE GARAGE SQ. FT.: 314 sq ft _____________________________________________________________ TOTAL PROPOSED GARAGE SQ. FT.: 1086 sq ft ALL PROPOSED GARAGE/SUBGRADE AREA REMAINS EXEMPT UNDER ALLOWABLE GARAGE FAR (1500 sq ft) NUMBER OF UNITS IN CARIBOU CONDO: 6 UNITS TOTAL ALLOWED GARAGE SQ FT.: 6 x 250 = 1500 sq ft Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 2.1 10/2/17 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLANwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 314 sq ft123 18 1 A 4.2 1 A 4.2 5'-3"12'-10"52'-4 3/4"49'-7" 21'-11" 21'-5" 20'-0"11'-8"13'-0"5'-0"5'-0" 2'-1 3/4" 1'-9 1/4"10'-0"21'-3 1/4"2'-3/4"7'-4 1/4" 1 REMOVE STONE VENEER & RE-CLAD COLUMNS WITH STEEL, TYPICAL PROPOSED RECYCLE EXISTING TRASH BINS NEW ENTRY WAY EXISTING PILLAR TO REMAIN NEW PLANTER AT 30" OFF FINISHED GRADE SHADED AREA INDICATES CHANGE OF MATERIAL CAR ELEVATOR TO COUNT TOWARDS GARAGE FAR LINE INDICATES FRONT OF FACADE TOTAL DECK LEVEL TRAVEL DISTANCE OF 49'-5". SIDEWALK PROPERTY LINESLOPING SIDEWALK ADD HEAT TO CONCRETERELOCATE MAILBOXES 7989.2 7989.2 7988.9 SLOPE 1.3% SLOPE 1.35% PROPERTY LINE UP UP DN TRENCH DRAINTR TR TR RE-LOCATED TRASH (DOESN'T COUNT TOWARDS FAR, NOTE ENCLOSED) SETBACK LINE NOTE: NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE REQUIRED TO BE A MINIMUM OF 100 sq ft BY ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REC. EXISTING WALKWAY TO REMAIN COVERED COMMON AREA REC. UP NOTE: TOTAL TRAVEL DISTANCE IS 99'-4", ONE HOUR ASSEMBLY NOT REQUIRED AROUND STAIRCASE PLANTER ABOVE ENCLOSED STAIRCASE PLANTER PLANTER PROVIDE ELECTRIC BEAR FENCE AT 6' A.F.F. ELEVATOR ACCESS AUTO COURT DELIVERIES / LOADING TRASH PICK UP ACCESS SPA BUILDING BUILDING NEW PLANTER AT 30" MAX. OFF FINISHED GRADE STAIRS DOWN TO NEW PARKING GARAGE. TOP MOST LEVEL OF STAIRS REMAINS EXEMPT FROM FAR CALCULATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 MAIN LEVEL PLAN Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 2.2 10/2/17 PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL PLANwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 3,726 sq ft L2 1'-0"10'-1 1/4"10'-1 1/4"3'-9"10'-0"9'-0"0'-8"9'-0"0'-8"9'-0"49'-6 7/8"12'-10"52'-4 7/8" 50'-0 7/8"14'-3 1/2"11'-10"41'-1 5/8"53'-6 1/8"9'-8"8'-4 5/8"67'-1 1/8"16'-6 5/8"3'-2 1/8"15'-10 5/8"3'-2 1/8"1'-0"49'-8"14'-8 1/2"51'-7 7/8"0'-6"17'-6" 18 1 A 4.2 1 A 4.2 MATCH LOCATION OF COLUMN ABOVEEXCAVATION EXTENDED 7' BELOW BUILDING ABOVE ADJUST COLUMN LOCATION TOTAL SUBGRADE TRAVEL DISTANCE OF 68'-6" GARAGE FOUNDATION TO FOLLOW LINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE ABOVE KEEP NEW FOUNDATION CLEAR OF TREE ROOTS UP 3 2 1 4 6 5 BIKE PARKING BIKE PARKING 1 PROPOSED GARAGE 88'-0 3/4" 7'-0 CLEAR HT UNDER ANY STRUCTURE FOR DRIVING VEHICLE ELEVATOR TRENCH DRAINSLOPE 1.2% SLOPE 1.2% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 314 sq ft MECHANICAL CHASE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 LOWER LEVEL PLAN Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 4.1 9/14/17 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 AREA OF PROPOSED WORK 3'-6"GLASS ABOVE WALLS CURVED ROOF TO MATCH OTHER CARIBOU ROOFS NEW GARBAGE ENCLOSURE BEHIND LINE INDICATES WHEELER OPERA VEWPLANE SHADED AREA INDICATES NEW ENCLOSED STAIRWELL WALL 100'-0" T.O. SLAB @ ENTRY EXISTING TO REMAIN T.O. FF. @ THIRD LEVEL ROOF TOP PLATE -11''-11 1/4" T.O. SLAB @ GARAGE 108'-11 1/2" T.O. F.F. @ SECOND LEVEL (VIF) EXISTING TO REMAIN -2'-3" HIGH POINT ON PARKING LOT DARKEST FILL = CLOSEST TO STREET LIGHTEST FILL = CLOSEST TO STREET 49'-7"12'-10"52'-4 3/4" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 4.2 9/14/17 PROPOSED SECTIONwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/177'-0"6"7'-0"7'-10"4'-7 7/8"3'-6"CAR ELEVATOR ROOF TO MATCH MATERIAL AND STYLE OF OTHER CARIBOU ROOFS GLASS ABOVE WALLS DARK GREY MATTE METAL DOOR TO MATCH CARIBOU ROOFS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1 SECTION Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 4.3 9/14/17 PROPOSED SECTIONwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/177'-10"3'-4"7'-0"7'-11 1/2"6'-8 1/4"EXISTING COLUMN EXISTING CEILING/FLOOR SYSTEM NEW AREA OF PROPOSED STAIRWELL ENCLOSURE IN THE VIEWPLANE BUILD STAIR ENCLOSURE WALLS UP TO EXISTING OVERHANG. (SHOULD NOT COUNT TOWARDS FAR SINCE THIS AREA IS ALREADY CONSIDERED LOGGIA). PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE PROPOSED STAIR ENCLOSURE EXISTING LOGGIA & COVERED COMMON AREA EXISTING LIVING SPACE ABOVE OPEN PLANTER T.O. SLAB @ ENTRY 100'-0" HIGH POINT ON PARKING LOT 97'-9" (-2'-3") T.O. SLAB @ GARAGE 88'-0 3/4" (-11'-11 1/4") T.O. PLY @ 2ND LEVEL 108'-11 1/2" (V.I.F.) B.O. FLOOR ASSEMBLY 107'-11 1/2" (V.I.F.) OPEN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED STAIR ENCLOSURE SECTION PROPOSED CAR ELEVATOR PROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURE 6'-0" WALLS WITH BEAR FENCE ON TOP Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A –Variance Review Staff Findings Chapter 26.314, Variance A. In order to authorize a variance from the dimensional requirements of Title 26, the appropriate decision-making body shall make a finding that the following three (3) circumstances exist: 1. The grant of variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of this Title and the Municipal Code; and Staff Findings: The purpose of the City’s land use code is very general. It does, however, speak to the legitimate rights and reasonable expectations of property owners. Staff believes a reasonable expectation is that zoning limitations are observed and enforced as uniformly as practical. Staff finds the criteria not met. 2. The grant of variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure; and Staff Findings: Staff believes reasonable use of the property already exists and that no variance is necessary to achieve reasonable use. The property has six condo units and six parking spaces. The current available on-site parking meets the requirements of this Title. Challenges related to snow storage and removal are not unique to the property, and a more aggressive snow removal schedule could be used to address heavy snow fall and snow storage challenges during periods of heavy snow. Staff finds the criteria not met. 3. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience. In determining whether an applicant's rights would be deprived, the Board shall consider whether either of the following conditions apply: a. There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant; or Staff Findings: The Applicant seeks a variance to accommodate a subgrade parking garage. The property has six parking spaces and six units, which meets the requirements of this Title for off-street parking. Furthermore, the issue of snow storage and removal is not unique to this parcel. Staff finds the criteria not met. b. Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied the terms of this Title and the Municipal Code to other parcels, buildings or structures, in the same zone district. Page 2 of 2 Staff Findings: Receipt of a setback variance would grant a special privilege not available to other properties. Staff finds the criteria not met. 300 SO SPRING ST | 202 | ASPEN, CO 81611 970.925.2855 | BENDONADAMS.COM September 15, 2017 Updated October 3, 2017 Ms. Jessica Garrow, AICP Community Development Director City of Aspen 130 So. Galena St. Aspen, CO 81611 RE: Caribou Condominiums – 701 So. Monarch St. Amended Request for Setback Variances Ms. Garrow: Please accept this amendment to our application to construct a subgrade garage beneath the property located at 701 South Monarch Street, aka Caribou Condominiums. The site is 12,144 sf gross lot area and is located in the Lodge Zone District. Slopes in excess of 20% exist on the site and reduce the lot area to 11,304 sf, as shown on the survey. The applicant, Caribou Condominiums Homeowners Association (“HOA”), requests approval to add a subgrade parking garage beneath the current surface parking area to provide adequate parking for the six units. While the Land Use Code (Section 26.515, Parking) requires 6 onsite parking spaces this property is substantially underparked, especially during the winter months when snow storage and removal logistics reduce the parking to 5 or even as few as 4 spaces. This application proposes increasing the parking to 8 spaces – 6 subgrade and 2 surface. This will accommodate owners and guests without burdening on-street parking spaces, which are limited and in high demand. The property is Residential Multi-family with 6 free-market residential units that each span three floors. Surface parking is accessed off Monarch Street. There is no alley access for this property. The property is over the allowable floor area by 165 sf. This application does not propose to increase floor area. The proposed subgrade garage requires relocation of the trash enclosure further back on the property. The existing trash enclosure is 95 sf in size, and is required to be upgraded to Caribou Condominiums Page 2 100 sf in size to comply with Municipal Code requirements 1. The current trash area sits within the side yard setback, and due to the location of the existing building, is proposed to sit within the side yard setback in its proposed new location. The updated trash area is proposed to no longer be enclosed with a roof, which reduces the amount that the property is over the floor area (to about 70 sf over allowable floor area) and removes the current non- conforming setback condition. The updated trash area will be uncovered, surrounded by a wall with a maximum height of six feet, and a locking door. The applicant is working with Environmental Health Department to possibly provide an electric wire atop the wall to deter bears and other wildlife from entering the trash area. The entire property is located within the Wheeler Opera House View plane, which first intersects the property at about 2’ above grade on the northeast property corner and at about 1’ above grade on the northwest property corner. The property is located in the background component of the Wheeler Opera House View Plane. The proposed development qualifies for an exemption from the view plane review. The garage structure will be no more than 12 feet in height from finished grade and the trash/recycle area will be enclosed with fencing no more than 6 feet high. This application requests two setback variances: 1. Front yard (east) setback variance allowing a 0’ setback for the below grade garage and above grade retaining wall and parking space. 2. Side yard (north) setback variance allowing a 0’ setback for the below grade garage and allowing a 0’ setback for the above grade car elevator and enclosure, above grade retaining wall and parking spaces, and trash/recycle containers and fence/enclosure. 1 In previous discussions about this property, Liz Chapman indicated that a reduction from 120 sf to 100 sf trash area was acceptable, as long as it is wildlife proof, and that Environmental Health was amenable to granting a waiver through Special Review. An email confirming this position can be furnished upon request. Caribou Condominiums Page 3 Existing Conditions: The property, 701 South Monarch Street, is 12,144 sf gross lot area and is located in the Lodge Zone District. The current use is Residential Multi-family including 6 free market residential units that each span three floors (Parcel IDs are 2635-131-25-800; and 2735-131- 25-001 thru -006. Background: According to the Pitkin County Assessor, the building was completed in 1973. A subdivision plat was recorded in 1973 (Reception # 163256, Book 4, Page 404) that referenced approval for 6 units, and depicted 6 surface parking spaces on the plat. A condominium map was recorded for Parcel ‘A’ in 1975 (Book 4, Page 379) creating 4 units that are each three stories tall. A separate condominium map was recorded for Parcel ‘B’ in 1975 (Book 4, Page 454) Caribou Condominiums Page 4 creating 2 units and depicting the pool area. The first amended condominium map was recorded in 1999 (Book 51, Page 62) to show some first level changes. The second amended condominium map was recorded in 2010 (Book 94, Page 53) to reflect a transfer of common space into Unit 6. A remodel that included an exterior face-lift was completed in 2010. Slopes in excess of 20% exist on the site and reduce the lot area to 11,304 sf, as shown on the survey. The property is over the allowable floor area; however, the proposal does not increase floor area. The individual units appear to be over the allowed 1,500 sf net livable area maximum for residential units in the Lodge Zone District. The proposal does not increase net livable area for the residential units. Surface parking is accessed off Monarch Street and provides 6 onsite parking spaces. There is no alley access for this property. Parking during winter months is affected by snow storage, as shown above. Being close to “Shadow” Mountain, the property accumulates a significant amount of snow. Snow is stored for removal with hauling typically occurring a few days after each large snow storm. Parking is routinely reduced down to 5 or 4 spaces, less than one per unit. Parking in the surrounding area is very limited and is in high demand. South Monarch Street provides public parking within a short walking distance of Lift 1A on Aspen Mountain. Caribou Condominiums Page 5 Proposed Project: The HOA proposes adding parking to the property by excavating a subgrade garage beneath the existing surface parking area. The subgrade garage will be accessed with a car lift and is proposed to accommodate 8 parking spaces. A total of 8 parking spaces is proposed for this property. The car lift will be located within an elevator structure that matches the existing architecture and materials. The structure is located 10 feet back from the front-most façade of the building to meet Residential Design Standards. The above grade car lift structure and the subgrade garage are located within the side yard setback (car lift), and front yard and side yard setbacks (subgrade garage). These features require a setback variance. Caribou Condominiums Page 6 The existing trash area (shown at right) is proposed to be moved toward the rear of the property. Because the existing property is over the allowable floor area and the size of the trash area is required to be increased to meet current Municipal Code requirements, the trash area is not allowed to be enclosed (trash enclosures count toward floor area). The applicant proposes a trash and recycle area that is open to the sky, surrounded by walls that are 6 feet in height with an electric wire around the top to prevent wildlife from entering. Minor changes to the site plan, which result largely from removing the surface parking area to excavate the garage and then reconstructing the surface parking, include recladding the stone columns with steel, new planter boxes and a new uncovered entry way. Exterior stairs are required egress from the subgrade garage. Caribou Condominiums Page 7 Response to Review Standards: Section 26.314.040.A – In order to authorize a variance from the dimensional requirements of Title 26, the appropriate decision-making body shall make a finding that the following three (3) circumstances exist: 1. The grant of variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of this Title and the Municipal Code. Response – The property comprises 6 free market multi-family residential units located within the Lodge Zone District in a prime location on Aspen Mountain. The outstanding location and proximity to town and to the ski hill mean that the owners of the residential units frequently have guests either staying with them or staying through short term rentals. The current condition of one parking space per unit, or fewer during winter months, ends up placing parking on the street and throughout the neighborhood. The current parking situation does not satisfy the needs of the HOA. The HOA wants to be proactive and responsible, and address their needs onsite by providing adequate parking rather than continuing to have to use city property to fulfill their parking needs. Many of the condominium complexes in this neighborhood do not have onsite parking or have inadequate onsite parking, which contributes to congested parking on the street. The HOA proposes to alleviate some of the on-street parking congestion by providing more parking on their property. This will provide a better experience for users of the HOA and also for visitors and residents in surrounding condominium and lodge buildings. The proposal seeks to exceed the minimum parking requirement of 6 spaces by providing 8 onsite parking spaces. The 2012 AACP lists reducing adverse impacts of the automobile as a Transportation Policy: “V.1 Develop a strategic parking plan that manages the supply of parking and reduces the adverse impacts of the automobile.” The proposal to meet the needs of the project onsite and to remove cars from the street is aligned with the 2012 AACP: removing cars from the street manages the supply of parking and reduces adverse visual impacts of on-street parking. Removing cars from the street contributes to the walkability and pedestrian friendly environment of the neighborhood through reducing conflict between pedestrians and vehicles. Caribou Condominiums Page 8 2. The grant of variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure. Response – Reasonable use of the parcel includes reasonable access, which is currently impossible for several months of the year. Snow is stored in piles and hauled off-site within a day or two of large snow storms. Even then, the parking is often reduced down to 5 or even as few as 4 spaces, less than one per unit. Parking in the surrounding area is very limited and is in high demand. South Monarch Street provides public parking within a short walking distance of Lift 1A on Aspen Mountain. This situation forces residents to park on the street, multiple blocks away or in a different neighborhood altogether. The practicality of everyday living presents an unreasonable hardship. Grocery shopping, for example, is essentially impossible from January through April. Guests have no practical access to the property. ADA access is severely compromised. Families staying in these units face an extraordinary ordeal just getting to their destination. The applicant is proposing the absolute minimum dimensions possible. For a parking garage to function, certain minimum dimensions are needed. The design proposed design represents the absolute minimum dimensions to accommodate vehicle access, including need for multiple-point turns within the garage. Caribou Condominiums Page 9 Conversely, non-variance alternatives are far worse. Multiple various ways to accommodate parking without encroaching into the setbacks have been explored. Several versions of a garage structure underneath the existing building were designed and tested over the past four years. The applicant has designed and re-designed this project a dozen times, at considerable expense. Reviews with contractors indicate that developing a garage underneath the existing building is completely non-sensible. Temporary structural systems to suspend the building in its current physical position will be extraordinarily complex, inordinately expensive, and require expertise not available in the local market. Construction would require underpinning the entire condominium building and temporarily suspending it in-place through excavation and resetting on a new foundation. Local contractors who have reviewed this concept have said “I won’t build this, it’s too risky, you’ll need to find someone else.” The existing Caribou Condos building would also experience significant lateral shift causing untold damage to mechanical systems, plumbing systems, and damage to interior finishes and alignments. It’s likely that substantial repair work within each individual unit would be necessary. Underpinning and providing temporary structural suspension would also add significant amount of time to the construction phase, creating unnecessary disruption in the neighborhood and further adding to the extreme costs. The engineering complexity is astounding and the projected costs are equally astounding. The option of developing this facility underneath the existing Caribou Building is unreasonable. The proposed plan avoids most of the underpinning requirement and utilized space below grade and out of view. Costs for this approach are much more reasonable and the expected construction process, timeline, and costs are much more rational. The proposed design for the garage entry and trash/recycle area are show to the right. The proposed design represents the minimum variance possible to make reasonable use of the property. Caribou Condominiums Page 10 3. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience. In determining whether an applicant's rights would be deprived, the Board shall consider whether either of the following conditions apply: a) There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant. b) Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied by the terms of this Title and the Municipal Code to other parcels, buildings or structures, in the same zone district. Response – This parcel is affected by multiple unique factors. It is a small parcel with very limited surface parking area. The surrounding steep slopes, resembling ski terrain, make access to the property difficult. The 6 parking spaces are the absolute maximum that can be currently arranged on the site given needs for access and trash/recycle logistics. The location adjacent to Shadow Mountain results in significant snow accumulation. Snow is piled on-site and hauled regularly but the parking is routinely reduced to 5 or even as few as 4 spaces. The property was developed prior to the City requiring 2 parking spaces be provided for each residence. On-street parking is within walking distance to Lift 1A and is in high demand as the neighborhood serves as day-skier parking. Guests access to the property is essentially non-existent. These unique conditions are not the fault of the applicant. The severe shortage of on- street parking is a unique condition not affecting other multi-family properties in Aspen where on-street parking provides legitimate service. Coupled with the steep slopes, limited parcel size, required snow management logistics, and day-skier parking, the parking situation for the HOA is significantly compromised. Caribou Condominiums Page 11 Achieving a reasonable parking ratio is not a special privilege. The neighborhood is underparked and on-street parking is in high demand. During winter months, this property is further impacted by snow storage needs and on-street parking is far less reliable. Achieving a parking ratio of 1.25 parking spaces per unit is a reasonable and modest request and is not a special privilege prohibited to other parcels in the same zone district. Reducing parking congestion in this part of town will benefit everyone – the HOA’s owners, guests, and visitors; occupants of adjacent properties; and day-skiers and other short- term visitors. No one will be harmed by granting the requested variance, and no party’s rights will be prejudiced or impaired. The applicant has attempted to address all relevant provisions of the Code and to provide sufficient information to enable a thorough evaluation of the application. Upon request, BendonAdams will gladly provide such additional information as may be required in the course of the review. Please contact me with any questions or concerns: 970-925-2855 or Chris@BendonAdams.com Kind Regards, Chris Bendon, AICP BendonAdams, LLC Exhibits: 1. Land Use Application, Dimensional Requirements Form 2. Homeowners Association Compliance Form 3. Pre-Application Conference Summary 4. Authorization for BendonAdams, LLC to represent the applicant 5. Vicinity Map 6. Fee Agreement 7. Mailing addresses of property owners within 300 feet of the property 8. September 15, 2017, Drawings CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT March, 2016 City of Apen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5050 ATTACHMENT 2 – LAND USE APPLICATION PROJECT: Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Location:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Parcel ID # (REQUIRED) APPLICANT: Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #: REPRESENTIVATIVE: Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone#: TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Please check all that apply): EXISTING CONDITIONS: (description of existing buildings, uses, previous approvals, etc.) PROPOSAL: (Description of proposed buildings, uses, modifications, etc.) Have you attached the following? FEES DUE: $ ______________ Pre-Application Conference Summary Attachment #1, Signed Fee Agreement Response to Attachment #3, Dimensional Requirements Form Response to Attachment #4, Submittal Requirements – including Written Responses to Review Standards 3-D Model for large project All plans that are larger than 8.5” X 11” must be folded. A disk with an electric copy of all written text (Microsoft Word Format) must be submitted as part of the application. Large scale projects should include an electronic 3-D model. Your pre-application conference summary will indicate if you must submit a 3-D model. GMQS Exemption Conceptual PUD Temporary Use GMQS Allotment Final PUD (& PUD Amendment) Special Review Subdivision Conceptual SPA ESA – 8040 Greenline, Stream Subdivision Exemption (includes Margin, Hallam Lake Bluff, Condominiumization) Mountain View Plane Final SPA (&SPA Commercial Design Review Lot Split Amendment) Residential Design Variance Lot Line Adjustment Small Lodge Conversion/ Expansion Conditional Use Other: Caribou Condominiums Setback Variance 701 South Monarch Street. 2735-131-25-800 Caribou Condominiums HOA; Andrew Gerber, President 701 South Monarch Street; Aspen, CO 81611 BendonAdams 300 So. Spring St. 202; Aspen, CO 81611 970.925.2855 6 Residential units, with surface parking on a 12,000+ s.f. lot in the Lodge Zone District Front and side yard variance to allow development of subgrade parking, relocation of the trash enclosure 0 (continuation of previous billing) Front and Side Yard Variances Exhibit 1 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT March, 2016 City of Apen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5050 ATTACHMENT 3 DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS FORM Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________________ Location: ______________________________________________________________________________ Zone District: ______________________________________________________________________________ Lot Size: _______________________________________________________________________________ Lot Area: _ _____________________________________________________________________ (For the purpose of calculating Floor Area, Lot Area may be reduced for areas within the high-water mark, easement, and steep slopes. Please refer to the definition of Lot Area in the Municipal Code.) Commercial net leasable: Existing: _____________ Proposed: _________________________________ Number of residential units: Existing: _____________ Proposed: _________________________________ Number of bedrooms: Existing: _____________ Proposed: _________________________________ Proposed % of demolition (Historic properties only): ______________ DIMENSIONS: Floor Area: Existing: _____________ Allowable: ___________Proposed ____________ Principal bldg. height: Existing: _____________ Allowable: ___________Proposed____________ Access. Bldg. height: Existing: _____________ Allowable: __________ Proposed_____________ On-Site parking: Existing: ____________ Required: ___________Proposed_____________ % Site coverage: Existing: _____________ Required: ___________Proposed_____________ % Open Space: Existing: _____________ Required: ___________Proposed_____________ Front Setback: Existing: _____________ Required ____________Proposed _____________ Rear Setback: Existing: _____________ Required: ___________Proposed _____________ Combined F/F: Existing: _____________ Required ___________ Proposed _____________ Side Setback: Existing: _____________ Required: ___________Proposed _______ Side Setback: Existing: _____________ Required ___________ Proposed _____________ Combined Sides: Existing: _____________ Required ___________ Proposed _____________ Distance between Bldgs. Existing: _____________ Required: ___________ Proposed _____________ Existing: _____________ Required: ___________Proposed: _____________ Existing non-conformities or encroachments: __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Variations requested: _ ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ None. _Fr__________________________________ont and sideyard setback variance to accomodate subgrade garage; sideyard setback variance t o accomodate car lift;__________________________ Project: _______________________________Caribou Condominiums Setback Variances and Viewplane Review_______________________________________________ Caribou Condominium Association 701 So. Monarch St. Lodge 12,189 s.f. _____11,304 s.f._ 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 11,469 sf 11,304 sf no change 6 6 8 5 5 n/a 5 5 n/a n/a 0 for subgrade garage0 for walls no change north south up to 0' for garage & car elevator no change City C970 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Homeowner Association Compliance Policy All land use applications within the City of Aspen are required to include a Homeowner Association Compliance Form (this form) certifying the scope of work included in the land use application complies with all applicable covenants and homeowner association policies. The certification must be signed by the property owner or Attorney representing the property owner. Name: Andrew Gerber Property Owner (“I”): Email: andrewsgerber@gmail.com Phone No.: Address of Property: (subject of application) Caribou Condominiums HOA 701 South Monarch Street Aspen, CO 81611 I certify as follows: (pick one) □This property is not subject to a homeowners association or other form of private covenant. □This property is subject to a homeowners association or private covenant and the improvements proposed in this land use application do not require approval by the homeowners association or covenant beneficiary. ■This property is subject to a homeowners association or private covenant and the improvements proposed in this land use application have been approved by the homeowners association or covenant beneficiary. I understand this policy and I understand the City of Aspen does not interpret, enforce, or manage the applicability, meaning or effect of private covenants or homeowner association rules or bylaws. I understand that this document is a public document. Owner signature: Sept.1 2017 _________________________ date:___________ Owner printed name: Andrew Gerber, President Caribou Condominiums HOA or, Attorney signature: _________________________ date:___________ Attorney printed name: _________________________ Exhibit 2 ASLU Setback Variance | ESA Review 701 S. Monarch St. 273513125800 1 CITY OF ASPEN PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUMMARY PLANNER: Hillary Seminick, 970-429-2741 DATE: 3.27.2015 PROJECT: 701 S. Monarch St. (Caribou Condominiums) HS UPDATED: 7.22.2016 REPRESENTATIVE: Bendon Adams 8.15.2017 REQUEST: Setback variance DESCRIPTION: The applicant is interested in adding an underground garage below the existing parking area. An existing trash and recycling area would need to be relocated to accommodate the improvement. The property is approximately 12,189 square feet and is located in the Lodge zoning district. Any new development is subject to the zoning requirements of Section 26.710.190. Portions of the existing parking area and retaining wall are located within the front and side setbacks. The maximum FAR for the lot is 1:1 and based on estimates from the Pitkin County Assessor’s data, the existing floor area is close to or possibly over that limit. Portions of the property may have slopes greater than 20%, which can cause a reduction in allowable floor area up to 25%. A professional site survey was provide to determine the areas with steep slopes and potential reductions to establish the allowable FAR for the property. The existing FAR to be non-conforming. A structure with non-conforming FAR may not be expanded in such a way that increases the non-conformity. There are six units, and each unit is permitted a 250 square foot FAR exemption for a garage or carport. The existing development has not used this exemption for any of the units. It is likely any additional FAR created by the proposal will not surpass the allowable remaining exemption, however accurate FAR calculations will be required as part of the application to demonstrate this. All off-street parking spaces shall meet the requirements of Section 26.515. The relocated trash enclosure will need to be reviewed and approved by the Environmental Health Department. The subgrade garage would be accessed by an above grade garage located on the existing parking area deck. The proposed garage location is within the setback and Main Street View Plane. Additionally, the garage placement may not meet Residential Design Standards 26.410.030.C.2.d (1), which requires all garages within the Infilll area to be setback 10’ or more from the front-most façade of the principal structure. A public hearing was held on December 20, 2016 pursuant to the Land Use Code applicable at that time. The review was for a new subgrade parking garage under the existing parking lot, accessed with a car lift in addition to other site improvements. The Applicant requested a Mountain View Plane Review for the replacement walls surrounding the surface parking, the new trash enclosure, all of the above grade portions of the car lift/garage and staircase enclosure, in addition to a setback variance for a portion of the car lift, replacement of existing parking lot walls and subgrade garage walls. The Applicant requested the public hearing be continued to a date uncertain. Since the hearing, LUC Sec. 26.435.050 Mountain View Plane has been amended. The subject property is located within the Background View Plane Component. Pursuant to the revised Code, if an Applicant can demonstrate all of the proposed improvements meet 26.435.050.D, Exemptions; the project would be able to proceed directly to building permit review. However, there are proposed improvements that encroach into the setback that require a review before the Board of Adjustments for a Variance, pursuant to Chapter 26.314, Variances. The Applicant shall address the applicable review criteria demonstrating the need for a Variance. Exhibit 3 2 Below are links to the Land Use Application form and Land Use Code for your convenience: Land Use App: http://www.aspenpitkin.com/Portals/0/docs/City/Comdev/Apps%20and%20Fees/2013%20land%20use%20app%20form.pdf Land Use Code: http://www.aspenpitkin.com/Departments/Community-Development/Planning-and-Zoning/Title-26-Land-Use-Code/ Land Use Code Section(s) 26.304 Common Development Review Procedures 26.314 Variances 26.515 Off-Street Parking 26.575.020 Calculations and Measurements 26.710.190 Lodging zone district Review by: Staff for complete application Engineering Board of Adjustment for decision Public Hearing: Yes, at Board of Adjustment Planning Fees: Variance ($1,950 for 6 hours) Referral Fees: Engineering (per hour) - $325 Environmental Health (flat fee) - $975 Total Deposit: $0. This is a pre-application for an amendment to an existing application. A fee deposit of $4,550 was collected at the time of the initial application submittal. Any billing in excess of the fee deposit for Engineering and Planning will be assessed separately. Any excess fee deposit shall be refunded to the Applicant when the case is closed. To apply, submit the following information:  Pre-application Conference Summary (this document).  Written responses to all review criteria (Variances 26.314)  1 Complete Copy. If the copy is deemed complete by staff, the following items will then need to be submitted:  2 Copies of the complete application packet and, if applicable, associated drawings.  Total deposit for review of the application.  A digital copy of the application provided in pdf file format. Disclaimer: The foregoing summary is advisory in nature only and is not binding on the City. The summary is based on current zoning, which is subject to change in the future, and upon factual representations that may or may not be accurate. The summary does not create a legal or vested right. 300 SO SPRING ST | 202 | ASPEN, CO 81611 970.925.2855 | BENDONADAMS.COM September 1, 2017 Ms. Jessica Garrow, AICP Community Development Director City of Aspen 130 So. Galena St. Aspen, Colorado 81611 RE: Caribou Condominiums Homeowners Association; Aspen, CO. Ms. Garrow: Please accept this letter authorizing BendonAdams, LLC, to represent our interests in the Caribou Condominiums Homeowners Association and act on our behalf on matters reasonably associated in securing land use approvals for the Association. If there are any questions about the foregoing or if I can assist, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards, Andrew Gerber, President Caribou Condominiums HOA 701 South Monarch Street Aspen, CO 81611 e: andrewsgerber@gmail.com Exhibit 4 Caribou Condominiums – Vicinity Map 701 South Monarch Street Exhibit 5 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT March, 2016 City of Apen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5050 Agreement to Pay Application Fees An agreement between the City of Aspen (“City”) and Property Phone No.: Owner (“I”): Email: Address of Billing Property: Address: (Subject of (send bills here) application) I understand that the City has adopted, via Ordinance No., Series of 2011, review fees for Land Use applications and payment of these fees is a condition precedent to determining application completeness. I understand that as the property owner that I am responsible for paying all fees for this development application. For flat fees and referral fees: I agree to pay the following fees for the services indicated. I understand that these flat fees are non-refundable. $.___________flat fee for __________________. $.____________ flat fee for _____________________________ $.___________ flat fee for __________________. $._____________ flat fee for _____________________________ For Deposit cases only: The City and I understand that because of the size, nature or scope of the proposed project, it is not possible at this time to know the full extent or total costs involved in processing the application. I understand that addit ional costs over and above the deposit may accrue. I understand and agree that it is impracticable for City staff to complete processing, review and presentation of sufficient information to enable legally required findings to be made for project consideration, unless invoices are paid in full. The City and I understand and agree that invoices mailed by the City to the above listed billing address and not returned to the City shall be considered by the City as being received by me. I agree to remit payment within 30 days of presentation of an invoice by the City for such services. I have read, understood, and agree to the Land Use Review Fee Policy including consequences for no-payment. I agree to pay the following initial deposit amounts for the specified hours of staff time. I understand that payment of a deposit does not render and application complete or compliant with approval criteria. If actual recorded costs exceed the initial deposit, I agree to pay additional monthly billings to the City to reimburse the City for the processing of my application at the hourly rates hereinafter stated. $________________ deposit for_____________ hours of Community Development Department staff time. Additional time above the deposit amount will be billed at $325.00 per hour. $________________ deposit for _____________ hours of Engineering Department staff time. Additional time above the deposit amount will be billed at $325.00 per hour. City of Aspen: Property Owner: ________________________________ _______________________________________________ Jessica Garrow, AICP Community Development Director Name: _______________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________ City Use: Fees Due: $____Received $_______ Caribou Condominium Association Andrew Gerber, President 701 South Monarch Street Aspen, CO 81611 970-925.2855 andrewsgerber@gmail.com 701 So. Monarch Street Aspen, CO 81611 3,250 10 325 1 975 Environmental Health Caribou Condominium HOA Andrew Gerber, President Continuation of previous billing Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES NOT MEASURE ONE INCH (1") EXACTLY, THIS DRAWING WILL HAVE BEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED, AFFECTING ALL LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C AT E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 0.1 9/14/17 GENERAL INFORMATIONwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 BOA VARIANCE9/15/17 CONTRACTOR - - 0103 04 1 A7.1 LOCATION 1 A4.1 1 A5.1 1. THESE DRAWINGS AND ANY ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PRODUCED IS CONSTRUCTED OR NOT. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REUSED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM OUTSIDE OF THE PROJECT CONTRACT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE ARCHITECT. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INSURE THAT CONSTRUCTION CONFORMS TO ALL FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL AND RELATED CODES AND PRACTICES. SKILLED AND QUALIFIED WORKMEN IN THEIR ASSOCIATED TRADES SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK AT THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF CRAFTSMANSHIP. 3. THE ARCHITECT WILL PROVIDE DETAILS AND/OR DIRECTION FOR DESIGN INTENT WHERE IT IS NEGLECTED IN THE DOCUMENTS OR ALTERED BY EXISTING CONDITIONS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS DEPICTED IN THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, OMISSIONS, AND/OR CONFLICTS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. ALL DIMENSIONS ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 5. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. THE DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DRAWINGS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL TRADES UNDER THEIR AUTHORITY WITH DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS. 7. THE OWNER AND/OR ARCHITECT SHALL APPROVE ANY “EQUAL” MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES, ETC. PRESENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER WITH SAMPLES OF ALL FINISH MATERIALS AND SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER ISSUES AN APPROVAL. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE APPROVED SAMPLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FORWARD ALL REQUIRED SUBMITTALS AND VERIFICATIONS TO THE ARCHITECT WITH ADEQUATE TIME FOR REVIEW AS NOT TO DELAY THE WORK IN PROGRESS. 8. IF REQUIRED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH A CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN PRIOR TO OBTAINING A BUILDING PERMIT. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE ARCHITECT FOR WINDOWS, DOORS, CASEWORK, METAL DETAILING, STAIRS, FIREPLACE, AND ANY OTHER WORK NOTED IN THE DOCUMENTS. FABRICATION SHALL NOT PROCEED ON ANY OF THESE ITEMS UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR RECEIVES APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS. 10. THE DESIGN, ADEQUACY, AND SAFETY OF ERECTION BRACING, TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, SHORING, ETC. SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND HAS NOT BEEN CONSIDERED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CONFORM TO ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL O.S.H.A. REGULATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY AND CARE OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES UNTIL THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REQUESTING BUILDING INSPECTIONS AS APPLICABLE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING / RESIDENTIAL CODE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OPENINGS THROUGH WALLS, FLOORS, AND CEILINGS WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND LIGHTING DRAWINGS. REFER TO THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR ALLOWABLE OPENING SIZES / REQUIREMENTS IN STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. 13. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE STONE MASON’S TAKE-OFFS AND WILL ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COORDINATING ANY ITEMS THAT REQUIRE CLARIFICATION DURING THE BIDDING PROCESS. 14. THE ARCHITECT WILL VERIFY IN FIELD ALL LIGHTING FIXTURES, SWITCHES, MECHANICAL GRILLES, REGISTERS, AND THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUGH-IN LIGHTING FIXTURES AND ILLUSTRATE SWITCH, REGISTER, AND GRILLE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO THE ARCHITECT WALK-THROUGH. 15. ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS SUCH AS GRILLES, BOILER FLAPS, ETC. TO BE COPPER OR ENCLOSED BY COPPER FITTINGS. GENERAL NOTES KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. 802 EAST COOPER AVE #4 ASPEN, CO 81611 970-925-2252 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ARCHITECT ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS A 0.1 A 1.1 A 1.2 A 1.4 A 1.5 A 2.1 A 2.2 A 4.1 - - GENERAL INFORMATION SURVEY INTERPOLATED SURVEY EXISTING SITE PLAN DEMO PLAN FAR CALCULATIONS FAR CALCULATIONS PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL PLAN PROPOSED ELEVATIONS RENDERS STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS - - MECHANICAL DRAWINGS - - CIVIL DRAWINGS - - SHORING DRAWINGS - - Caribou Condo Garage 701 South Monarch Street Aspen, CO 81611 ABBREVIATIONS MATERIAL LEGEND VICINITY MAP PROJECT TEAMAPPLICABLE CODES PROJECT DATA FAR (FLOOR AREA RATIO) SHEET INDEXSYMBOL LEGEND KL&A, INC., ("STRUCTURAL ENGINEER) 129 EMMA ROAD, UNIT A BASALT, CO 81621 (970) 927 5174 CIVIL ENGINEER JEFF RUPPERT, ODISEA P.O. BOX 1809 PAONIA, CO 81428 970-948-5744 JEFF@ODISEAANET.COM MECHANICAL ENGINEER - - SHORING ENGINEER - - PARCEL ID NUMBER: ZONING: LOT SIZE: BLDG USE: OCC. GROUP: CONST. TYPE: CLIMATE ZONE: FIRE SPRINKLERS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 273513125800 L 12,144 SQ. FT. MULTI-FAMILY #### #### #### #### PLT. S.T.D.SLOPE TO DRAIN A A.B. A.F.F. A.F.G. A/C ABC ABS ABV. ACB ACOU. ACT ADD. AG AHU AL. or ALUM. ALT. ANL ASPH. AVG AWG B.M. B.N. B.O. B.O.F. B.U. B/C BD. BLDG BLK. BLKG. BM. BR BRG. BRZ C.A.P. C.D. C.I.P. C.J. C.O. C.T. CAB CAM. CCTV CEM. CER CFM CH CKT. BKR. CL or C.L. CLG. CLKG. CLO. CLR. CMU CNTRD. COL. COMB. CONC. CONST. CONT. CONTR. CU d D.F. D.G. D.S. D/W DBL. DEMO DIA. or Ø DIAG. DIM. DL DN. DR E.A. E.F. E.J. E.N. E.W. EA. EL ELECT. ELEV. EMC EMT ENT EQ. EQUIP. EST. EVAP. EWC EXC EXH. EXIST. or E EXT. F.A. F.C. F.C.O. F.D. F.E. F.N. F.O. F.S. F/G FAB. FACP FDC FDN. FHC FIN. FL FLG. FLUOR. FP FTG. FURN. G.I. GA. GALV. GAR. GFCI GFI GL GLB GM GM GRC GYP. GYP. BD. H.B. H.C. H.M. H/C HDBD. HDW HGT. HOR. HTR HVAC HW HYD. I.C. I.D. I.F. ID IG IMC IMPG INCL. INSUL. INT. J-BOX JCT JT. K-D KD KO L.E.D. L.FT. LAM LAT. LAV LD. LIN. LINO. LT. LTG. LVL M.B. M.H. M.I. M.O. MAR. MAS. MAT'L MAX. MECH. MED. MFG. MFR. MIN. MISC. MOD MTL. MUL N.I.C. N.T.S. NCM NFC NLR. NO. NOM. O.C. O.D. O.H. O.I. O.R. OAI OH OPNG. OPPO. P.C. P.L. P.LAM. P.O.C. PERP. or PH or Ø PL. PLAS. PLUMB. PLYWD. PORC. PERF. PREFAB. PSF PSI PTN. PVC PWR. Q.T. QTY. R R.D.L. R.D.O. R.O. R.O.W. or R/W REF REF. REINF. REQ'D. RET. REV. RM RMV. S.C. S.D. S.O.V. S/L S/S SC SCHED. SECT. SES SH SHT'G. SIM. SPA. SPECS SPKR. SQ. FT. SQ. IN. STC STD. STL. SUSP. SW SYM SYS. T & G T.B. T.M.B. T.O. T.O.B. T.O.C. T.O.F. T.O.J. T.O.M. T.O.S. T.O.W. T.S. T.V. TEL. TH. THD. THK. THRU TLT. TRANS. TYP. UNF. UR V.B. V.I.F. VA VERT. WC WDW WCT WP WT. W/ W/O WD. W.I. YD. AMPERES ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AIR CONDITIONING AGGREGATE BASE COURSE ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE ABOVE ASBESTOS-CEMENT BOARD ACOUSTIC ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ADDITION or ADDENDUM ABOVE GRADE AIR HANDLER UNIT ALUMINUM ALTERNATE ANNEALED ASPHALT AVERAGE AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE ANGLE BENCH MARK BOUNDARY NAILING BOTTOM OF BOTTOM OF FOOTING BUILT UP BACK OF CURB BOARD BUILDING BLOCK BLOCKING BEAM BRASS BEARING BRONZE CONCRETE ASBESTOS PIPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CAST IN PLACE CONTROL JOINT CLEAN OUT CERAMIC TILE CABINET CAMBER CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CEMENT CERAMIC CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE CHANNEL CIRCUIT BREAKER CENTERLINE CEILING CAULKING CLOSET CLEAR CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CENTERED COLUMN COMBINATION CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CONTINUOUS CONTRACTOR COPPER PENNY DRINKING FOUNTAIN DECOMPOSED GRANITE DOWN SPOUT DISHWASHER DOUBLE DEMOLITION DIAMETER DIAGONAL DIMENSION DEAD LOAD DOWN DOOR EXPANSION ANCHOR EXHAUST FAN EXPANSION JOINT END NAILING EACH WAY EACH ELEVATION "ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL" ELEVATOR ELECTRICAL METALLIC CONDUIT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING ELECTRICAL NON-METALLIC TUBING EQUAL EQUIPMENT ESTIMATE EVAPORATIVE COOLER ELECTRIC DRINKING COOLER EXCAVATE EXHAUST EXISTING EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM FAN COIL FLOOR CLEAN OUT FLOOR DRAIN FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIELD NAILING FACE OF FLOOR SINK FIBERGLASS FABRICATE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FOUNDATION FIRE HOSE CABINET FINISH FLOOR FLOORING FLUORESCENT FIRE PROOF FOOTING FURNISH GALVANIZED IRON GAUGE GALVANIZED GARAGE GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER GLASS GLUE LAMINATED BEAM GRADE MARK GATE VALVE GALVANIZED RIGID TUBING GYPSUM GYPSUM BOARD HOSE BIBB HOLLOW CORE HOLLOW METAL HANDICAPPED HARDBOARD HARDWARE HEIGHT HORIZONTAL HEATER HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR CONDITIONING HOT WATER HYDRAULIC INTERCOM OUTLET INSIDE DIAMETER INSIDE FACE IDENTIFICATION ISOLATED GROUND INTERMEDIATE METALLIC CONDUIT IMPREGNATED INCLUDE, INCLUSIVE INSULATION INTERIOR JUNCTION BOX JUNCTION JOINT KNOCK DOWN KILN DRIED KNOCK OUT LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LINEAR FEET LAMINATE LATERAL LAVATORY LEAD LINEAR LINOLEUM LIGHT LIGHTING LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER MACHINE BOLT MANHOLE MALLEABLE IRON MASONRY OPENING MARBLE MASONRY MATERIAL MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MEDIUM MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURER MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS MODULAR METAL MULLION NOT IN CONTRACT NOT TO SCALE NON-CORROSIVE METAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NAILER NUMBER NOMINAL ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER OVER HANG ORNAMENTAL IRON OUTSIDE RADIUS OUTSIDE AIR INTAKE OVER HEAD OPENING OPPOSITE PRECAST CONCRETE PROPERTY LINE PLASTIC LAMINATE POINT OF CONNECTION PERPENDICULAR PHASE PLASTER PLATE PLASTIC PLUMBING PLYWOOD PORCELAIN PERFORATED PREFABRICATED POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PARTITION POLYVINYLCLORIDE POWER QUARRY TILE QUANTITY RADIUS ROOF DRAIN LEADER ROOF DRAIN OVERFLOW ROUGH OPENING RIGHT OF WAY REFRIGERATOR REFERENCE REINFORCED REQUIRED RETURN REVISION ROOM REMOVE SOLID CORE SMOKE DETECTOR SHUT OFF VALVE SKYLIGHT STAINLESS STEEL SELF CLOSING SCHEDULE SECTION SERVICE ENTRANCE SECTION SHEET SHEATHING SIMILAR SPACE SPECIFICATIONS SPEAKER SQUARE FEET SQUARE INCHES SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS STANDARD STEEL SUSPENDED SWITCH SYMMETRICAL SYSTEM TONGUE AND GROOVE THROUGH BOLT TELEPHONE MOUNTING BOARD TOP OF TOP OF BEAM TOP OF CURB TOP OF FOOTING TOP OF JOIST TOP OF MASONRY TOP OF SLAB TOP OF WALL TUBE STEEL TELEVISION OUTLET TELEPHONE THRESHOLD THREADED THICK THROUGH TOILET TRANSFORMER TYPICAL UNFINISHED URINAL VAPOR BARRIER VERIFY IN FIELD VOLT AMPERE VERTICAL WATER CLOSET WINDOW WAINSCOT WEATHER PROOF WEIGHT WITH WITHOUT WOOD WROUGHT IRON YARD VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE JOISTJST. ALL CODES REFERENCED ARE TO BE USED AS AMENDED BY THE STATE OF COLORADO AND LOCAL JURISDICTION. - 2009 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE - 2009 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE FINISH WOOD WOOD STUD BLOCKING STEEL STEEL STUD FRAMED WALL BATT INSULATION PLYWOOD GLU-LAM CONCRETE STONE CMU SAND GRAVEL GWB COMPACTED SOIL SPRAY-FOAM INSULATION RIGID INSULATION GRID LINE BREAK LINE MATCH LINE REVISION A9.1 ELEVATION MARKER SECTION MARKER DETAIL CUT DETAIL 1 A6.1 ELEVATION D01 W01 ROOM NAME 101 INTERIOR ELEVATION MARKER ELEVATION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SECTION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SHEET NUMBER ELEVATION NUMBER SPOT ELEVATION DOOR MARK WINDOW MARK ROOM NAME AND NUMBER - - ADDRESS: 701 SOUTH MONARCH, ASPEN, CO 81611 PARCEL ID: 273513125800 C:\General CADD 12\Gxd\27042F2.gxd -- 09/19/2016 -- 10:43 AM -- Scale 1 : 120.000000 Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 1.1 9/14/17 EXISTING SITE PLANwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 95 sq ft 53 sq ft 5'-0"5'-0" 927 sq ft 13 sq ft COLUMN COLUMN COLUMNCOLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMNCOLUMN TRASH ENCLOSURE WALL RAILING SITE WALL LESS THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE SITE WALL MORE THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE PLANTER WALL MORE THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINECOVERED COMMON AREA FILL INDICATES BUILDING FEATURES IN CUT PLANE EXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING STAIRWAY EXEMPT FOR LODGE (L) ZONE DISTRICT UP UP UP UP FILL INDICATES LOGGIA AREAINDICATES SITE/PLANTER WALLSFSPA POOL SIDEWALK PLANTER BELOWFLAGSTONE WALKBUILDING BUILDING COVERED TRASH MONARCH STREET SIDEWALK STEPS SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING SITE PLAN N 3/16" = 1'-0" Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 1.2 9/14/17 DEMO PLANwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 95 sq ft 53 sq ft 5'-0"5'-0" 927 sq ft 13 sq ft EXISTING PILLARS TO REMAIN SHADED AREA INDICATES FEATURES TO BE REMOVED SHADED AREA INDICATES FEATURES TO BE REMOVED SHADED AREA INDICATES FEATURES TO BE REMOVED ENTIRE DRIVE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AT DIFFERENT ELEVATION COLUMN COLUMN COLUMNCOLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMNCOLUMN TRASH ENCLOSURE WALL RAILING SITE WALL LESS THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE SITE WALL MORE THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE PLANTER WALL MORE THAN 30" ON THIS SIDE SITE WALL TO BE REMOVED AND ENTRY TO BE MOVED UPHILL TO SHADED AREA REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK STEPS PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINECOVERED COMMON AREA FILL INDICATES BUILDING FEATURES IN CUT PLANE EXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING STAIRWAY EXEMPT FOR LODGE (L) ZONE DISTRICT UP UP UP UP FILL INDICATES LOGGIA AREAINDICATES SITE/PLANTER WALLSFSPA POOL SIDEWALK PLANTER BELOWFLAGSTONE WALKBUILDING BUILDING COVERED TRASH MONARCH STREET SIDEWALK STEPS SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"1 DEMOLITION PLAN N 3/16" = 1'-0" Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 1.4 9/14/17 FAR CALCULATIONSwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 95 sq ft 53 sq ft 25'-8 1/2"21'-5 1/2"26'-2"21'-2"20'-1 1/2"4'13'20'19'-5 1/8"4'927 sq ft 13 sq ft 542 sq ft538 sq ft390 sq ft 356 sq ft528 sq ft596 sq ft UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 UNIT 6 UNIT 5 UNIT 4 COVERED COMMON AREA EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE 696 sq ft 710 sq ft 692 sq ft 730 sq ft 772 sq ft 655 sq ft UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 UNIT 6 UNIT 5 UNIT 4 DN DN DN DN 666 sq ft699 sq ft 708 sq ft 719 sq ft 59 sq ft70 sq ft76 sq ft 55 sq ft51 sq ft 728 sq ft 649 sq ft 55 sq ft UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 UNIT 6 UNIT 5 UNIT 4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 MAIN LEVEL FAR A 1.4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 SECOND LEVEL FAR A 1.4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 THIRD STORY FAR A 1.4 FAR CALCULATIONS UNIT 1 1st FLOOR: 542 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 710 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 719 sq ft DECK: 59 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 2030 sq ft UNIT 2 1st FLOOR: 538 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 696 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 708 sq ft DECK: 70 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 2012 sq ft UNIT 3 1st FLOOR: 390 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 772 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 728 sq ft DECK: 76 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 1966 sq ft UNIT 4 1st FLOOR: 356 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 730 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 666 sq ft DECK: 55 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 1807 sq ft UNIT 5 1st FLOOR: 528 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 692 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 699 sq ft DECK: 51 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 1970 sq ft UNIT 6 1st FLOOR: 596 sq ft 2nd FLOOR : 655 sq ft 3rd FLOOR: 649 sq ft DECK: 55 sq ft ________________________ TOTAL: 1955 sq ft TOTAL CARIBOU FAR UNIT CALCULATIONS 1ST FLOOR: 2,950 sq ft 2ND FLOOR: 4,255 sq ft 3RD FLOOR: 4,169 sq ft TOTAL: 11,374 sq ft DECK + LOGGIA/EXTERIOR STAIRWAYS: DECKS: 366 sq ft LOGGIA/EXT. STAIRWAYS: 993 sq ft TOTAL: 1,359 sq ft (EXEMPT) (11,304 ALLOWABLE x 15% = 1,696 sq ft) TRASH ENCLOSURE 1ST FLOOR: 95 sq ft _____________________________________ TOTAL: 11,469 sq ft ZONING ALLOWS FOR 1:1 RATIO GROSS LOT SIZE: 12,144 sq ft LOT SIZE AFTER GRADE REDUCTION, SEE SURVEY (12,144 - 840 = 11,304) 11,304 sq ft CURRENT FAR: 11,469 sq ft OVER ALLOWED FAR BY: 165 sq ft Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 1.5 9/14/17 FAR CALCULATIONSwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 418 sq ft 44 sq ft 561 sq ft 145 sq ft 70 sq ft 81 sq ft 447 sq ft 344 sq ft 99 sq ft 119 sq ft 133 sq ft 27 sq ft 27 sq ft 133 sq ft 0.5 sq ft 27 sq ft 133 sq ft133 sq ft 50'-0 7/8" 9'-8" 53'-6 1/4"41'-1 3/4"11'-10" 14'-3 1/2"8'-4 1/4"8'-4 1/4"67'-1 1/4"8'-4 3/4" 15'-10 5/8"8'-4 1/4"3'-2 1/8"3'-2 1/8"8'-4 1/4"15'-10 5/8"8'-4 1/4"1. 4. 2. 3.5. 6.7.8. EXPOSED WALL SUBGRADE WALL STAIRCASE WALLS 3,726 sq ft L2 1'-0"10'-1 1/4"10'-1 1/4"9'-0"9'-0"9'-0"0'-8"9'-0"0'-8"9'-0"50'-0 7/8"14'-3 1/2"11'-10"41'-1 5/8"53'-6 1/8"9'-8"8'-4 5/8"67'-1 1/8"16'-6 5/8"3'-2 1/8"15'-10 5/8"3'-2 1/8"1'-0"49'-8"14'-8 1/2"51'-7 7/8"18 1 A 4.2 1 A 4.2 MATCH LOCATION OF COLUMN ABOVEEXCAVATION EXTENDED 7' BELOW BUILDING ABOVE ADJUST COLUMN LOCATION TOTAL SUBGRADE TRAVEL DISTANCE OF 68'-6" KEEP NEW FOUNDATION CLEAR OF TREE ROOTS UP 3 4 2 1 5 6 7 8 1 PROPOSED GARAGE 88'-0 3/4" 7'-0 CLEAR HT UNDER ANY STRUCTURE FOR DRIVING VEHICLE ELEVATOR TRENCH DRAINSLOPE 1.2% SLOPE 1.2% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 314 sq ft Floor Area Calculations City of Aspen Zoning Submission SUBGRADE LEVEL WALL LABEL TOTAL WALL AREA (SQ. FT.)EXPOSED WALL AREA (SQ. FT.) 1 117 0 2 418 44 3 561 145 4 70 0.5 5 81 0 6 447 0 7 346 0 8 99 0 9 133 133 10 27 27 11 133 133 12 27 27 OVERALL TOTAL WALL AREA (SQ. FT.)2459 EXPOSED WALL AREA (SQ. FT.)509.5 % OF EXPOSED WALL (EXPOSED/TOTAL)20.72% PROPOSED SUBGRADE FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS SUBGRADE GROSS FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.): 3726 SUBGRADE COUNTABLE FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.)772.0199268 PROPOSED SUBGRADE LEVEL EXPOSED WALL CALCULATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 FAR ELEVATIONS A 1.5 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 LOWER LEVEL PLAN A 1.5 PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL GARAGE SQ FT.: 772 sq ft PROPOSED ABOVE GRADE GARAGE SQ. FT.: 314 sq ft _____________________________________________________________ TOTAL PROPOSED GARAGE SQ. FT.: 1086 sq ft ALL PROPOSED GARAGE/SUBGRADE AREA REMAINS EXEMPT UNDER ALLOWABLE GARAGE FAR (1500 sq ft) NUMBER OF UNITS IN CARIBOU CONDO: 6 UNITS TOTAL ALLOWED GARAGE SQ FT.: 6 x 250 = 1500 sq ft Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 2.1 10/2/17 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLANwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 314 sq ft123 18 1 A 4.2 1 A 4.2 5'-3"12'-10"52'-4 3/4"49'-7" 21'-11" 21'-5" 20'-0"11'-8"13'-0"5'-0"5'-0" 2'-1 3/4" 1'-9 1/4"10'-0"21'-3 1/4"2'-3/4"7'-4 1/4" 1 REMOVE STONE VENEER & RE-CLAD COLUMNS WITH STEEL, TYPICAL PROPOSED RECYCLE EXISTING TRASH BINS NEW ENTRY WAY EXISTING PILLAR TO REMAIN NEW PLANTER AT 30" OFF FINISHED GRADE SHADED AREA INDICATES CHANGE OF MATERIAL CAR ELEVATOR TO COUNT TOWARDS GARAGE FAR LINE INDICATES FRONT OF FACADE TOTAL DECK LEVEL TRAVEL DISTANCE OF 49'-5". SIDEWALK PROPERTY LINESLOPING SIDEWALK ADD HEAT TO CONCRETERELOCATE MAILBOXES 7989.2 7989.2 7988.9 SLOPE 1.3% SLOPE 1.35% PROPERTY LINE UP UP DN TRENCH DRAINTR TR TR RE-LOCATED TRASH (DOESN'T COUNT TOWARDS FAR, NOTE ENCLOSED) SETBACK LINE NOTE: NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE REQUIRED TO BE A MINIMUM OF 100 sq ft BY ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REC. EXISTING WALKWAY TO REMAIN COVERED COMMON AREA REC. UP NOTE: TOTAL TRAVEL DISTANCE IS 99'-4", ONE HOUR ASSEMBLY NOT REQUIRED AROUND STAIRCASE PLANTER ABOVE ENCLOSED STAIRCASE PLANTER PLANTER PROVIDE ELECTRIC BEAR FENCE AT 6' A.F.F. ELEVATOR ACCESS AUTO COURT DELIVERIES / LOADING TRASH PICK UP ACCESS SPA BUILDING BUILDING NEW PLANTER AT 30" MAX. OFF FINISHED GRADE STAIRS DOWN TO NEW PARKING GARAGE. TOP MOST LEVEL OF STAIRS REMAINS EXEMPT FROM FAR CALCULATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 MAIN LEVEL PLAN Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 2.2 10/2/17 PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL PLANwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 3,726 sq ft L2 1'-0"10'-1 1/4"10'-1 1/4"3'-9"10'-0"9'-0"0'-8"9'-0"0'-8"9'-0"49'-6 7/8"12'-10"52'-4 7/8" 50'-0 7/8"14'-3 1/2"11'-10"41'-1 5/8"53'-6 1/8"9'-8"8'-4 5/8"67'-1 1/8"16'-6 5/8"3'-2 1/8"15'-10 5/8"3'-2 1/8"1'-0"49'-8"14'-8 1/2"51'-7 7/8"0'-6"17'-6" 18 1 A 4.2 1 A 4.2 MATCH LOCATION OF COLUMN ABOVEEXCAVATION EXTENDED 7' BELOW BUILDING ABOVE ADJUST COLUMN LOCATION TOTAL SUBGRADE TRAVEL DISTANCE OF 68'-6" GARAGE FOUNDATION TO FOLLOW LINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE ABOVE KEEP NEW FOUNDATION CLEAR OF TREE ROOTS UP 3 2 1 4 6 5 BIKE PARKING BIKE PARKING 1 PROPOSED GARAGE 88'-0 3/4" 7'-0 CLEAR HT UNDER ANY STRUCTURE FOR DRIVING VEHICLE ELEVATOR TRENCH DRAINSLOPE 1.2% SLOPE 1.2% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 314 sq ft MECHANICAL CHASE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 LOWER LEVEL PLAN Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 4.1 9/14/17 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/17 AREA OF PROPOSED WORK 3'-6"GLASS ABOVE WALLS CURVED ROOF TO MATCH OTHER CARIBOU ROOFS NEW GARBAGE ENCLOSURE BEHIND LINE INDICATES WHEELER OPERA VEWPLANE SHADED AREA INDICATES NEW ENCLOSED STAIRWELL WALL 100'-0" T.O. SLAB @ ENTRY EXISTING TO REMAIN T.O. FF. @ THIRD LEVEL ROOF TOP PLATE -11''-11 1/4" T.O. SLAB @ GARAGE 108'-11 1/2" T.O. F.F. @ SECOND LEVEL (VIF) EXISTING TO REMAIN -2'-3" HIGH POINT ON PARKING LOT DARKEST FILL = CLOSEST TO STREET LIGHTEST FILL = CLOSEST TO STREET 49'-7"12'-10"52'-4 3/4" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 4.2 9/14/17 PROPOSED SECTIONwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/177'-0"6"7'-0"7'-10"4'-7 7/8"3'-6"CAR ELEVATOR ROOF TO MATCH MATERIAL AND STYLE OF OTHER CARIBOU ROOFS GLASS ABOVE WALLS DARK GREY MATTE METAL DOOR TO MATCH CARIBOU ROOFS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1 SECTION Scale: ISSUECARIBOU CONDO GARAGE701 SOUTH MONARCH STREETASPEN, CO1" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES N O T M E A S U R E O N E I N C H (1 ") EX A C T LY, TH I S D R AW I N G WI L L H A V E B E E N E N L A R G E D O R R E D U C E D , A F F E C T I N G A L L LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS I N D I C A T E D B Y T H E S E D R A W I N G S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y A N D COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEV ER WITHOUT WRITTEN P ERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. AS NOTED A 4.3 9/14/17 PROPOSED SECTIONwww.KimRaymondArchitects.comtel 970-925-2252 email kim@krai.usSCHEM. DESIGN DATE 10/5/16 P&Z VARIANCE9/15/177'-10"3'-4"7'-0"7'-11 1/2"6'-8 1/4"EXISTING COLUMN EXISTING CEILING/FLOOR SYSTEM NEW AREA OF PROPOSED STAIRWELL ENCLOSURE IN THE VIEWPLANE BUILD STAIR ENCLOSURE WALLS UP TO EXISTING OVERHANG. (SHOULD NOT COUNT TOWARDS FAR SINCE THIS AREA IS ALREADY CONSIDERED LOGGIA). PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE PROPOSED STAIR ENCLOSURE EXISTING LOGGIA & COVERED COMMON AREA EXISTING LIVING SPACE ABOVE OPEN PLANTER T.O. SLAB @ ENTRY 100'-0" HIGH POINT ON PARKING LOT 97'-9" (-2'-3") T.O. SLAB @ GARAGE 88'-0 3/4" (-11'-11 1/4") T.O. PLY @ 2ND LEVEL 108'-11 1/2" (V.I.F.) B.O. FLOOR ASSEMBLY 107'-11 1/2" (V.I.F.) OPEN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED STAIR ENCLOSURE SECTION PROPOSED CAR ELEVATOR PROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURE 6'-0" WALLS WITH BEAR FENCE ON TOP CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT March, 2016 City of Apen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5050 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED BY SECTION 26.304.060 (E), ASPEN LAND USE CODE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: _____________________________________________________, Aspen, CO SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING DATE: _____________________________________________, 20______. STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. County of Pitkin ) I, ____________________________________________________ (name, please print) being or representing an Applicant to the City of Aspen, Colorado, hereby personally certify that I have complied with the public notice requirements of Section 26.304.060 (E) of the Aspen Land Use Code in the following manner: _______ Publication of notice: By the publication in the legal notice section of an official Paper or paper of general circulation in the City of Aspen at least fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing. A copy of the publication is attached hereto. _______ Posting of notice: By posting of notice, which form was obtained from the Community Development Department, which was made of suitable, waterproof Materials, which was not less than twenty two (22) inches wide and twenty-six (26) Inches high, and which was composed of letters not less than one inch in height. Said notice was posted at least fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing on the _______ day of ______________________, 20____, to and including the date and time of the public hearing. A photograph of the posted notice (sign) is attached hereto: _______ Mailing of notice. By mailing of a notice obtained from the Community Development Department, which contains the information described in Section 26.304.060(E) (2) of The Aspen Land Use Code. At least fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing, notice was hand delivered or mailed by first class postage prepaid U.S mail to all owners of property subject to the development application. The names and addresses of property owners shall be those on the current tax records of Pitkin County as they appeared no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the public hearing. A copy of the owners and governmental agencies so noticed is attached hereto. ________ Neighborhood Outreach: Applicant attests that neighborhood outreach, summarized and attached, was conducted prior to the first public hearing as required in Section 26.304.035, Neighborhood Outreach. A copy of the neighborhood outreach summary, including the method of public notification and a copy of any documentation that was presented to the public is attached hereto. (Continued on next page) Caribou Condominiums; 701 So. Monarch St. January 25 18 Chris Bendon 8 January 18 PUBLIC NOTICE Date: Time: Place: Purpose: Pitkin County Mailing List of 350 Feet Radius Pitkin County GIS presents the information and data on this web site as a service to the public. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information and data contained in this electronic system is accurate, but the accuracy may change. Mineral estate ownership is not included in this mailing list. Pitkin County does not maintain a database of mineral estate owners. Pitkin County GIS makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. Assessing accuracy and reliability of information and data is the sole responsibility of the user. The user understands he or she is solely responsible and liable for use, modification, or distribution of any information or data obtained on this web site. This document contains a Mailing List formatted to be printed on Avery 5160 Labels. If printing, DO NOT "fit to page" or "shrink oversized pages." This will manipulate the margins such that they no longer line up on the labels sheet. Print actual size. From Parcel: 273513125800 on 12/27/2017 Instructions: Disclaimer: http://www.pitkinmapsandmore.com ANDERSON BRUCE J ASPEN, CO 81611-1854 700 S MONARCH #207 ABSOLUTE II LLC GAYLORD, MI 49734 PO BOX 673 HANSEN BRUCE G DENVER, CO 80224 2020 S ONEIDA ST #210 TRB 700 LLC CARBONDALE, CO 81623 201 MAIN ST # 305 DOLINSEK JOHN ASPEN, CO 81611 619 S MONARCH ST DOLINSEK JOSEPHINE ASPEN, CO 81611 619 S MONARCH ST FORD NOLA M TRUST ASPEN, CO 81611 700 MONARCH ST #203 BROWNING J LEE BELIZE TRUST ASPEN, CO 81611 0201 HEATHER LN BORIS GISELA VAIL, CO 81658 PO BOX 156 CHAIR 10 HOLDINGS LLC VAIL, CO 81658 PO BOX 156 BAKER KATHY ANN ARBOR, MI 481059463 2960 BARCLAY WY LYNTON BRUCE & MARGARET ASPEN, CO 81612 PO BOX 9158 DAUBENMIER STEVE R TRUST SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85255-3471 23623 N SCOTTSDALE RD #D3 MILLER DON E NEW YORK, NY 10003 300 MERCER ST APT 31H SLY ROBERT STANLEY LYNEHAM ACT 2602 AUSTRALIA, 9 HALL ST PO BOX 5093 WELLS RICH ASPEN, CO 81612 PO BOX 4867 ERICKSON CLAIRE L & BETTY LOU FLP HUDSON, WI 54016 1231 INDUSTRIAL RD BAKER DANA B DALLAS, TX 75201 200 CRESCENT CT #1450 BAKER STEPHANIE DALLAS, TX 75201 200 CRESCENT CT #1450 TELEMARK ASPEN LLC COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80906 55 SECOND ST GM & MJ PROPERTIES LLC LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 1900 MYRTLE ISLAND DR NILES LARRY & LILY TRUST PACIFIC PALISADES, CA 90272 1172 BIENVENIDA AVE CLARK TODD ASPEN, CO 81611 731 S MILL ST HILLMAN RICHARD H TRUST PACIFIC PALISADES, CA 902722718 13564 D ESTE DR WHEELER CONNIE C NEW YORK, NY 10022-4148 305 E 55TH ST #202 TELEMARK APT 2 LLC GREEENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80121 4950 E PRESERVE LN POLLOCK WILLIAM HARRISON CAPE CORAL , FL 33904 5340 CORAL AVE WARGASKI ROBERT E TRUST MCHENRY, IL 60050 30353 N DOWELL RD GOODMAN MARK ASPEN, CO 81611 700 MONARCH ST #103 SCHIFFMAN ROBIN ASPEN, CO 81611 700 MONARCH ST #103 CROW MARGERY K GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 46103 HIGHWAY 6 EDH TRUST NEW YORK, NY 10013 505 GREENWICH ST #9F HILL EUGENE D B III & JOAN L TRUST NEW YORK, NY 10013 505 GREENWICH ST #9F JLH TRUST NEW YORK, NY 10013 505 GREENWICH ST #9F RUPERT INVESTMENTS LP WICHITA, KS 67202 150 N MARKET SISTER HALL LLC LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 607 SHORT ST PETROVICH NICK D ASPEN, CO 81611-2072 730 E DURANT AVE STE 101 GOLAY FRANK & INGA LIVING TRUST RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 300 LOCH LOMOND RD WACHTMEISTER ERIK C R WARRENTON, VA 201877247 6248 WHITEHALL FARM LN EMERICK SHELLEY W BOULDER, CO 80304 2449 5TH ST SOLOMON GARY GRANDCHILDRENS TRUST CHICAGO, IL 60657 3139 N LINCOLN AVE #212 GERBER ANDREW ASPEN, CO 81611 465 N MILL ST 15-102 ASPEN SKIING COMPANY LLC ASPEN, CO 81612 PO BOX 1248 S C JOHNSON AND SON INC RACINE, WI 53403 1525 HOWE ST JSI ASPEN LLC SARASOTA, FL 34230 PO BOX 339 SCHAINUCK LEWIS I & MICHELLE T SAN DIEGO, CA 921062917 3235 HARBOR VIEW DR STANBROOK STEVEN & JUDY RACINE, WI 53402 3063 MICHIGAN BLVD APRIL FAMILY TRUST WICHITA, KS 67232-9426 3501 S 154TH ST JAMES FAMILY TRUST NASHVILLE, TN 37215-4617 1 CASTLEWOOD CT ROBERT FAMILY TRUST ATLANTA, GA 30332-0245 771 FERST DR STUART FAMILY TRUST NASHVILLE, TN 37215 1 CASTLEWOOD CT BILLINGSLEY BOYCE W TRUST BENTONVILLE, AR 72712 1206 N WALTON BLVD ROMMA LLC SAG HARBOR, NY 11963 15 CRESCENT ST SHINE FAMILY LLC INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46219-1430 8677 LOGO 7 COURT YEN RESIDENCE LLC ASPEN, CO 81611 715 W MAIN ST #201 MOORE GARY W JR CARBONDALE, CO 81623 PO BOX 1219 SHLESINGER JOSEPH TORONTO ON M5H 2R2 CANADA, 333 BAY ST #640 WALBOHM SAMARA TORONTO ON M5H 2R2 CANADA, BAY ADELAIDE CENTRE 333 BAY ST #640 WEYMOUTH KATHARINE WASHINGTON, DC 20015 3752 OLIVER ST NW BUCHHEIT GERALD A LAKE VIEW , NY 14085 6210 OLD LAKE SHORE RD TUCKER TIMOTHY & PATRICIA EDINA, MN 55436 6420 STAUDER CIR SWEET STAYS LLC DENVER, CO 80202 891 14TH ST #3501 BROWN JAMES R JR NEW YORK, NY 10013 195 HUDSON ST #4B ELLERBECK FAMILY PTNRSHP LTD II BANNOCKBURN, IL 60015 2101 WAUKEGAN RD #210 BIEL ALEXANDER L ASPEN, CO 81612 PO BOX 2424 ROTMAN KENNETH B TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA M4T 2S3, 22 ST CLAIR AVE EAST #1700 SILVER QUEEN #10 LLC NEW YORK, NY 10007 37 WARREN ST FRIEDKIN THOMAS H & SUSAN J RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 95067 PO BOX 1116 KABERT INDUSTRIES INC VILLA PARK, IL 60181 PO BOX 6270 MOUNTAIN VILLA TRUST LLC WELLESLEY, MA 02482 44 WOODCLIFF RD ESENJAY PETROLEUM CORP CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78471 500 N WATER ST #1100 SOUTH GRAY W CALVIN JR & CONSTANCE M CENTREVILLE, MD 21617-0140 PO BOX 140 KELTNER DONALD H TRUST ASPEN, CO 81612 PO BOX 4129 SHADOW MTN AERIE PTNRSHP LLP LARCHMONT, NY 10538 21 BRIARCLIFF RD CAPTIVA SHADOW 9 LLC BROOKLYN, NY 11201 220 WATER ST #331 GLOBAL FAMILY AFFAIRS LLC NAPERVILLE, IL 60564 3115 WHITE EAGLE DR ELLIS JAMES BYRON MARINA DEL REY, CA 90292 17 1/2 FLEET ST ASPEN DOLOMITE ASSOC NO 6 LLC VALLEY FORGE, PA 19482 PO BOX 837 GSJ CAPITAL LLC PEWAUKEE, WI 53072 W296 N2979 FRANCISCA RD COPE SHADOW MOUNTAIN LP HARTLAND, WI 53029 N57 W30614 STEVENS RD DOUGLAS ELIZABETH R REV TRUST POMPANO BEACH, FL 33062 1717-13 S OCEAN BLVD ROCK JANET RYAN POMPANO BEACH, FL 33062 1717-13 S OCEAN BLVD RYAN STANLEY H POMPANO BEACH, FL 33062 1717-13 S OCEAN BLVD RYAN TOBIN M POMPANO BEACH, FL 33062 1717-13 S OCEAN BLVD DOLOMITE 12 LLC CHICAGO, IL 60614 2450 N LAKEVIEW AVE #9 CHETNER PARTNERSHIP LP CALGARY ALBERTA T2P 1J2, 200 1010 8TH AVE SW SM-15 CHAGRIN FALLS, OH 44022 45000 S WOODLAND SPRING LANE INVESTMT LLC BARRINGTON, IL 60010-5914 8 OAK LAKE DR COLORADO 2012 TRUST LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 2 LONGFELLOW LN HS MONARCH STREET LLC INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 800 E 96TH ST # 500 STRAWBRIDGE R STEWART WILMINGTON, DE 19807 3801 KENNETH PIKE STE B-100 NOREN GREGORY L INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46236 11211 FONTHILL DR NOREN JEFFREY L INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46236 11211 FONTHILL DR NOREN LARA L INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46236-8630 11211 FONTHILL DR HARVEY JEFFREY CHICAGO, IL 60637 5825 S BLACKSTONE AVE #2 STONE FAMILY TRUST MILL VALLEY, CA 94941 1 THROCKMORTON LN MEEPOS PENNY K LIV TRUST LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 2999 OVERLAND AVE #130 STANTON JAMES NEW YORK, NY 10022 950 THIRD AVE 18TH FL LEONARD-PECK SHEILA KATHRYN VINEYARD HAVEN, MA 02568 PO BOX 375P BUSH STEVEN S ASPEN, CO 81611 0046 HEATHER LN ELDER TRUST LA JOLLA, CA 92038-0308 PO BOX 308 CHIATE PROPERTIES LLC BELVEDERE TIBURON, CA 94920 18 CIBRIAN DR FJR PROPERTIES LLC VAIL, CO 81658 PO BOX 1403 MORADA VENTURES INC CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 866 S DIXIE HIGHWAY H2 ASPEN LLC SEDALIA, CO 80135 501 ALLIS RANCH RD SCHERER ROBERT P TRUST ASPEN, CO 81611 239 GILBERT ST LAYDEN MARJORIE A SANTA BARBARA, CA 93108 1482 E VALLEY RD #602 342 SUMMIT STREET B LLC ASPEN, CO 81611 116 S ASPEN ST HEARST BARBARA BIRCH REV TRUST SOUTH KENT, CT 06785 131 TREASURE HILL RD CITY OF ASPEN ASPEN, CO 81611 130 S GALENA ST MARUER JANIE K QPRT CARMEL, IN 46032 1311 REGAL DR MAURER MICHAEL S QPRT CARMEL, IN 46032 1311 REGAL DR TOP OF MILL TH HOA ASPEN, CO 81611 911 S MILL ST PARCEL 8 LLC FORT WORTH, TX 76102 301 COMMERCE ST #3150 SUMMIT PLACE CONDOS ASPEN, CO 81611 750 S MILL ST TOP OF MILL MASTER ASSOC ASPEN, CO 81611 730 E DURANT TOP OF MILL INVESTMENTS LLC NEW ORLEANS, LA 70170 201 ST CHARLES AVE #4300 PETERSON CAPITAL PARTNERS LP FORT WORTH, TX 76102 301 COMMERCE ST #3300 911 SOUTH MILL ST LLC ASPEN, CO 81611 911 S MILL ST TOP OF MILL LLC COLUMBIA , MO 65203 211 N STADIUM BLVD #201 WISEMAN ROBERT TENNANT ASPEN, CO 81611 449 MOUNTAIN LAUREL DR #2 CADER ANDREW ASPEN, CO 81611 600 E MAIN ST #103 MOUNTAIN QUEEN CONDO ASSOC ASPEN, CO 81611 COMMON AREA 800 S MONARCH ST ASPEN RESIDENCE CLUB & HOTEL CONDO ASSOC INC ORLANDO, FL 32819 9002 SAN MARCO CT 315 EAST DEAN ASSOC INC NEW YORK, NY 10155 150 E 58TH ST 14TH FL ASPEN MOUNTAIN TOWNHOUSES ASSOC BASALT, CO 81621 411 MEADOW CT TELEMARK CONDO ASSOC ASPEN, CO 81611 611 S MONARCH ST CASCADE TOWNHOUSE VILLAS CONDO ASPEN, CO 81611 239 GILBERT ST DOLOMITE VILLAS CONDO ASSOC ASPEN, CO 81611 COMMON AREA 650 S MONARCH ST 700 MONARCH CONDO ASSOC ASPEN, CO 81611 700 S MONARCH ST SHADOW MOUNTAIN VILLAGE CONDO ASSOC ASPEN, CO 81611 809 S ASPEN ST SILVER SHADOW AKA 651 MONARCH CONDO ASSOC ASPEN, CO 81611 651 MONARCH ASPEN INN APARTMENTS CONDO ASSOC ASPEN, CO 81611 COMMON AREA 731 S MILL ST LIFT ONE LODGE ASPEN LLC LOS ANGLES , CA 90024 10880 WILSHIRE BLVD ASV ASPEN ST OWNER LLC BOSTON, MA 021092109 1 POST OFFICE SQ #3150