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MARCH 6. 1990
Chairman Welton Anderson called meeting to order at 4:30pm.
Answering roll call were Graeme Means, Bruce Kerr, Mari Peyton,
Roger Hunt, Jasmine Tygre and Welton Anderson. Richard Compton
was absent and Michael Herron was excused.
Roger: We just got the final report from Kaiser Engineers.
There is not too much in the way of changes. There are additions
and that is basically what their recommendations are. In a
nutshell their recommendation is given the time we are in and to
get a transportation system in really as fast as possible and as
economically as possible. The recommendation would be to go with
the Rio Grande ROW from Aspen on down including within Aspen.
It also identified an optional--2 other optional ROWs. One
coming in on Main street and then one coming in over about an
equivalent bridge but then ducking up and picking up the Midland
I pointed out to Tom Baker that that option was going to come and
it may not be an initial option but it would still be certainly a
future phase possibility. And so I asked about designating the
Midland ROW a transportation corridor again.
Tom: What I would suggest we do is I come back to P&Z with a
resolution identifying the options that Kaiser--right now the
transportation plan identifies the Rio Grande. It doesn't
identify the 2 other options that Kaiser has come up with--Main
street and the Midland. This resolution would ask the city
council to endorse the amendment to the plan both the city and
the county. This amendment would recognize the recommendations
for 2 other options for the rail system.
We would ask both P&Zs to forward it to the elected officials for
endorsement and then we would come back for adoption. It would
be an official amendment to the long range transportation
Roger: I would move that we request the Planning Office draft a
resolution designating the corridors identified in the Kaiser
final report to adopt those as transportation corridors.
Jasmine seconded the motion with all in favor.
Roger: On March 20th the trolley consultants will be in town
available for public presentation of the trolley study. I know
they are going to be here the 20th and 21st. I would like them
to meet with this Board in order to present that study to us.
Roger: I make a motion requesting the planning Office put the
trolley study on the agenda starting the regular meeting of March
20 at 4:00pm and please call us to inform us.
Graeme seconded the motion with all in favor.
Leslie: Asked for a special meeting on the 13th of March.
It was decided to hold a special meeting on the 27th instead.
Leslie: Roger, on the elephant ear at Little Nell: Chuck Roth
will check with Rocky Whitford who is the traffic control office
to check into this and report back to you.
I have talked with Fred Gannet and Jim Adamski regarding non-
compl iance whenever we do conditions of approval. The Hous ing
Authority has their own enforcement that when we get deed
restrictions they have the ability to enforce that contract. But
Fred agreed that he would be at our next regularly scheduled
meeting on the 20th for initial comments on that.
Kim: Regarding Fisherman's Easements I have a memo into Sandy
for a response. As far as the City's legal responsibilities are
on the other trail systems and what might be a 5ft Fisherman's
Easement. When I hear back from her I will report to you.
There were none.
FEBRUARY 6. 1990
Roger made a motion to adopt minutes of February 6, 1990.
Jasmine seconded the motion with all in favor.
Ellen Sassano, Planner: Made presentation as attached.
Wayne Ethridge: Made presentation using drawings.
Ellen: I didn't mention trails on the site which would be
something you would be interested in. One of the issues that
came up in the general submission review was the Trail
from Shadow Mountain Trail location. And the applicant has asked
to relocate the trail off of the existing Midland ROW alignment
to the north property line.
He indicated that that alignment would hold snow better and
actually be better for a Nordic use and also be better in terms
of landscaping. The applicant also agreed to have a separate
grade where the trail intersects the road. So that alignment has
been moved at the request of Al Blomquist.
The applicant is also proposing a trail which will connect the
ski mountain to cross the property to adjacent property up on the
upper level of the site. And in addition there is a third hiking
trail between the Shadow Mountain trail and the higher ski trail
which is being proposed by the applicant and it will cross
somewhere up above the homes connecting adj acent property to
Little Cloud Park.
Those 3 are being proposed by the applicant. The County Engineer
had some concerns with the location of the Shadow Mountain Trail
on the Midland ROW. He was concerned that in the event that that
ROW is ever used for light--
Ethridge: It is not a ROW.
Ellen: I was going to state that--that there might be some
conflict. Wayne has indicated that the ROW was long ago
abandoned. That is something that hasn't been thoroughly
addressed at this point.
Gary Wright: As a point of clarification, the applicant has
voluntarily agreed to dedicate those trail easements.
Ethridge: They are really not part of the 8040 Greenline Review
discussion. In essence the proposal was to dedicate the
connection across the property. The problem with both the trail
coming off Norway and the trail across here and also the Midland
Trail is that dimensions don I t exist. wi th the case of the
Midland it is pretty clear in working with Al and the Planning
staff that we can dedicate an easement based on the current
design and the commitment is to provide an easement based on a
connection through the private property that exists between this
proposal and the Aspen Mountain and also the private property
between Koch Lumber and across above where these home sites are
located. So that is the commitment and it was made voluntarily.
Welton: Why is it necessary to build on historic railroad ROW?
Ethridge: There is no historic railroad ROW as far as that goes.
Welton: Why is it necessary to build on the old ROW that I used
to ski across?
Ethridge: originally there was no proposal to do that. In
working with Al in the neighborhood there were some opportunities
to move it back onto the site. We relocated the trail so that we
can get a below grade crossing for cross country skiing. They
allowed us to do that. The house was pulled back slightly
because the trail was running right along the old ROWand in
moving the trail we had an opportunity to move the home out which
provides better views and a little more sun.
Al Blomquist: When we reviewed the original for the neighborhood
the Council was going to acquire from Mr. Reeder an 18ft strip of
land in front of Butch Clark's houses that Reeder owned when he
bought it from BLM through the Forest Service.
And Council was at that time going to acquire land in the
Gramiger area. And Parks Association and others came in and said
"Why don't you go finish this part from Koch Lumber over to
Little Cloud", and Ron Mitchell started to negotiate. Reeder has
a building site right where the Midland surface is.
The reason this is referred to the city by the County is we want
co-operation along the edges. And so when I made my
recommendations for the neighborhood it was that let's get a
trail and let's get a grade separation for the driveway and it
looked like it was possible because the City was going to buy
this yellow. That was the assumption. Those negotiations fell
through. And in the meantime they went to final submission on
the Tucker project.
My recommendations were yes you could slide this off when we saw
it the house was over here. It was not on the ROW. until and if
the Reeder land were owned by the City connecting through to
Little Cloud here and to our parcels in here then it would make
sense to drop the trail under his driveway through the trees into
the park. That would be marvelous. Then this driveway would be
grade separated and Tucker has indicated he will build the
However to let out from under the bridge you would have to go up
onto Reeder's land. That would be a cliff. It has got to be
graded out, landscaped and all these other things done. So from
the neighborhood standpoint and I would say from Park's
Association standpoint the problem is the City should be getting
this acquired or should have some method for guaranteeing that
when this is developed that if a house is going here there is a
trail through there somehow.
It is a matter of city and County co-operation with not just
Tucker but with Reeder as part owner. It would be my inclination
to say that this house should not go across the historic trail
unless the City has this kind of property here.
His building envelope drops over the top of the existing trail.
Ethridge: I have a problem with this whole discussion because
this is to be 8040 Greenline Review and we are now into the whole
Welton: Trails are one of the criteria for 8040 Greenline. They
always have been.
Ethridge: The point is that we are proposing to provide the
trail access and if there is a better way to get there then let's
talk about it.
There was discussion as to the usage of the name "Little Cloud".
Roger brought up the problem in this area of rock shoots.
Ethridge: We followed pierce's recommendation. There is a
parapet wall on the downhill side of the road that extends
through here and through here with the exception of this opening
right here and of course the heavier trees are above this side
but this whole area is protected by a parapet wall 2ft high.
Roger: Officially I have got to let the County P&Z know I
question whether this is sufficient.
Roger: My next problem of the superimposing #1 on what used to
be the ROW. And I understand your position that that ROW has
long since been abandoned as a ROW. First of all you may have
about 10 minutes more of sun by moving it out that far. You are
right at the base of Shadow Mountain and basically you lose the
sun about 2:00pm in the winter time. So that is not too good an
argument not to nestle it back into the hill.
As far as the massing of it we are going to have 6,000sqft per
house. I would like to reduce the mass of these houses as much
as possible by nestling them within the hill. In effect that
house looks like it has been put out more or less as prominent as
I don't know what we are going to do ROW wise because what Al
Blomquist brings up--they are going to the Kaiser study
identifying the option of using the old Midland. That was good
because it got you basically up to Durant Avenue. Al Blom~ist's
version basically gets you up to Cooper st which 1S not
particularly a good transportation corridor. I think we should
notify the County P&Z that that is a problem.
We are trying to adopt that as a transportation corridor so I
don't where that is going to work out.
Hans Gramiger: My biggest concern is that this project started
as 201 Cooper and they discovered that that doesn't sell very
good. So they go next door and take the name of a city owned
property. I really strongly object that they are going to call
this Little Cloud Subdivision.
Ellen: We will look into this.
Welton: There is no City ordinance that
name from a mining claim. There
condominiums all around town that have
different mining claims.
says they can't use the
are subdivisions and
picked out names from
Jon Busch: I would like to indicate to you the importance of
preserving the Midland ROW as an option of alignment to bring the
downvally rail system in. In Kaiser's opinion the southern ROWs
are ultimately better ROWs to come into town because they serve
Brush Creek and Snowmass Village better--the Airport Business
Center better than the existing Rio Grande ROW.
They recommended the Rio Grande ROW because one of the goals is
to get into Aspen with a rail system prior to highway
construction. There are several unknowns regarding the Rio
Grande ROW. One is the cost. Whether or not it is necessary to
replace sewer line and if so what is that going to cost. Second
what is the potential for extensive litigation with Pitkin Green
If either of those things prove to be insurmountable then clearly
either a Main Street alignment which has significant problems or
a Midland ROW alignment are the preferred routs to come in. The
Midland ROW probably being most preferred because it comes in to
the Rubey Park Transit Center.
If a house goes on that alignment it precludes that from ever
happening. It wipes it off the map. So I think you really need
to lean on the County and all the government bodies very strongly
to prohibit the placement of that homesite.
Welton: I basically reiterate what Roger said and what Jon has
said as this commission has always been on record both in the
subdivision of the Pitkin Reserve Subdivision and the Shapery
Property some 10 years ago that the existing historic railroad
ROW, whether existing or not, is of value and should be preserved
because we never know what could happen as far as future
potential uses for them. without regard to current ownership
that purposely planning development owned as property is very
short range thinking in terms of what this commission has
historically done.
Jasmine: I agree.
Welton opened the public hearing.
Leslie made presentation as attached in record.
Skip Behrhorst has just given me the outline of their budget and
their 2 year proposed budget.
Staff is recommending the Youth Center pay for 1/3 of what it
costs to prepare the final plat.
The trash service area on the plan is located away from the
building and down where--(showed on map) I am recommending that
they do that.
We are recommending that bike racks be installed and that the
east elevation of the building be rethought. My feeling is that
this is a 4 sided building and all 4 sides are very visible and
that the east elevation has been treed like the back side of the
building for a portion of it and that more landscaping should be
provided and more sod work for that east elevation.
Both the Environmental Health Dept and the Engineering Dept have
mentioned that the Youth Center is located right next to where
the exhaust vent is going to be for the parking garage. We have
asked them to address that and identify how they are going to
mitigate that potentially dangerous situation.
draft subdivision agreement
appropriate financial guarantee
required utilities.
5. A development schedule including proposed public facilities
the developer is proposing to construct.
requires the provision of an
to insure the installation of all
RESPONSE: A schedule is unavailable for the construction of
individual homes. The applicants propose to construct the access
driveway and install the various utility and drainage
improvements during the spring and summer of 1990.
6. Compliance with the conditions of conceptual approval.
RESPONSE: This has been discussed in Part I.
7. Preliminary elevations and drawings of proposed public
RESPONSE: The applicants have indicated the public trail
easement on the parcel.
8. Architectural sketch indicating floor plans and all exterior
elevations of any building.
RESPONSE: These are unavailable. However the applicants will
incorporate restrictive covenants, to be recorded with the final
subdivision agreement, restricting building materials to wood
siding, non-reflective metal or wood roofs, and masonry rock to
compliment the residences in the Callahan Subdivision.
9. A Landscaping Plan.
RESPONSE: A landscape plan has been submitted for the area
outside of the building envelopes. Landscaping within each
envelope will be dictated by the design of each residence.
10. Slope analysis.
Slope calculations have been included on the final
11. An open space plan.
RESPONSE: There will be no common open space.
12. A final plat.
RESPONSE: A final plat has been included in the application.
Please see Engineering referral #4 for items necessary to be
included on the plat.
the west elevation, the massing and detailing is really the same
except for the use of glass. So I don't quite understand that
I think that I need to get with Bob Gish talking about what
exactly the schedule is for some of the Spring Street
improvements in terms of getting our final hookups and things
tied into the street before they do the paving work down there.
Obviously the Youth Center Board would rather have their approval
prior to spending a lot of money on taps and things like that.
The irrigation system--there is no problem. Once the kitchen
plan is designed we would be glad to submit the food service
There is no wood stove or fireplace anticipated.
control plan we would make a requirement for the
And the dust
We are well aware of the exhaust problem related to the parking
structure. In talking to our mechanical engineers it is our
intention to have any mechanical intake vents that we need
located on the opposite side of our building. The problem that
we have had is any definitive data on exactly what the parking
structure is likely to be pumping out. Their comment to us is
that if the discharge from the parking structure is legal then we
shouldn't have any problem.
Glenn Horn: This is not that big a deal right now.
sharing of the final plat--we suggest that the cost
be shared proportionally based upon the amount of
entire SPA.
But the cost
of that plat
land in the
Then with respect to the employee housing mitigation fee: We
have requested that the easy way for this project would be is, in
fact, going to be applied to this particular development. The
employee on this site is going to be a middle income or moderate
income person and not a low income person. Based upon the
affordable housing guidelines the fee should be $15,000 for
middle income person and $20,000 for a moderate income employee
and not $30,000.
We are requesting that the fee be waived based on the concept
that this project has limited resources. It is a non-profit
organization. But if you are going to recommend that a cash in
lieu fee be charged to the applicant we think it would be more
equitable that that fee be $15,000 based upon the middle income.
Skip Behrhorst: We intend to snowmelt the entrance on the Plaza
level. The steps down adjacent to the parking garage are being
installed by the parking garage contractor. Those will be
snowmelted. Basically all of the entries that we have that tie
into the parking structure that have snowmelting we will have
Welton then asked for public comment.
Jon Bush. I commend the applicants in terms of preserving the
trolley corridor. In fact they have not only preserved it but
they have improved the grade significantly giving us a solid 7%
Gary: The current jail entry slab sits on grade. As a part of
construction we are going to have to build a retaining wall to
basically hold that up. Part of the problem in providing the
improved grades is that the elevation of the bike path needs to
drop sooner than it currently drops. Currently it can't start
going down till after it passes by the jail entry and we have
picked up another couple of feet. So it would be our intention
that the retaining wall that holds up the jail slab would be the
Youth Center's responsibility.
The second set of steps that we have going up to the entry in
talking to Bob Braudis I don't think we are going to be required.
We will probably eliminate those since there is no need for them.
Glen Rappaport: I was at the PRP meeting. If you wanted to
encourage growth and development and exploration in your
teenagers, would you put them between the Courthouse, the jail
and the parking garage and expect them to flourish? I have a
problem with that. Then would you put them into something that
looks like a country club? To me--I would put them in a gas
station or something like that and let them figure some things
out for themselves. There are just too many things figured out
about this site and about this building.
Cory Dunn: I am on the Board for the Youth Center. One
important point is that this is the only thing that we have had.
Aspen has for a long time had a name of being a place--a night
life--a fast-laner. And this is our main spot. Before this the
possibility was hanging out in front of McDonald's. And I think
that the atmosphere of the proposed Youth Center is a lot better.
It stops the use of substances and that is one of our main goals-
-a lot more than somewhere out on the mall. This is going to be
our place and we are working for it.
It really doesn't matter where we are as long as we have
somewhere. It doesn't matter if we are between the jail and the
parking structure.
Mia Sullivan, Board of Directors for the Youth Center: I would
like to say that if you put a bunch of kids in a gas station they
are going to do wrong. But if we have something like this where
we can go to--a specific place with organization then we will
have opportunities and we will have things to do.
Cory: One thing I might add is that the Youth Center is
going to act as a center to pull other activities together.
it we can plan trips to Red Rocks and different activities.
Rick Head:
This is an
generate 1
I would hope that P&Z will waive the $15,000 fee.
extremely worthwhile amenity to the community and will
Joe Wells: I try to avoid commenting on other applications
because of what I do. But I feel like I paid for part of this
land. No one can question the need for a Youth Center. I just
think we are ignoring some really important land use issues on
the Rio Grande property with this particular site. The parking
structure extends a visual wall down the Galena street access
that really starts to interrupt the visual link between the
downtown and the river.
I realize we have never done anything with the river. We are
trying to change that. My feeling about this particular site is
it is a site choice that is being made out of desperation rather
than a site that makes sense from a land use standpoint.
Basically it completes the wall of the buildings between Main
street and the river so that we really don't have a visual link
anymore from Main Street down to the river. I feel so strongly
about it I would love to see this building picked up and put on
top of the parking structure at this point.
We are down to 16ft now and we have pedestrians and trolleys and
that is 2 identified uses already competing for that last little
sliver of space and there is no opportunity to see down to the
river and pull people down to the river anymore. Anyone who has
tried to walk down Mill Street knows that is not a particularly
pleasant experience. So I just wish we would take a deep breath
here and find a site that works for this use.
Welton: And where were you a year ago?
Bill Dunaway: I don't know what Joe Wells is talking about. You
stand on Main street and you have got the bank and the Courthouse
and you do have a view right across the Plaza. The buildings
existing on Main Street comes right here and the Youth Center
isn't in that view.
Wells: Go stand on the corner of Galena and Main street and try
to see the river over the parking structure. You cannot do it.
Dunaway: Well, fine. You can't see the river over the parking
structure. But the Youth Center isn't going to block the view.
Gary: I might point out that we specifically did some
discussions and some studies and the elevator tower on the
parking structure is what blocks the view. And our building from
the point that he just mentioned is behind and lower than the
stair tower and elevator shaft of the parking structure that is
already in place. So we are not blocking the view of anything.
Welton: And I was the one who had a problem with the stair tower
or elevator and the access of Galena Street.
Behrhorst: Regarding the comment that this was a desperation
kind of location: It is really contrary to that. The surveys
that we did with the kids 2 years ago this was identified. The
scenario was that it seemed to be the ideal location. # 1,
because of the location of the Library, the playing fields, the
transportation system link and the parking garage. It seemed to
be an ideal location as related to access to town and pretty
central to kid's activities. So it was not just an afterthought.
The survey that the kids did really pointed to that location.
Roxanne: I am the project manager for the pedestrian walkway and
bikeway plan that 2 of you are on. And one of the real concerns
that the consultant has already identified is the Hunter
Creek/Centennial moving people down into through the park area up
into town and looking at this as the last space where that
happens. So I want to bring that up as being very critical to
properly design to include all of that in there as opposed to the
Mill Street access or over this way. This is it. And we have
exactly what Joe said. There is now a line of buildings here
that may effectively block off any kind of pedestrian flow up
into town. And we have to very cautiously guard this very small
area that is left to make sure that it functions the way that we
have talked about.
Welton: I always thought there are at least as many ways of
getting down that bank with the buildings on it than there were
when it was just a bank. At least as many ways, stairways and
pathways of getting from the level of town to the level of the
Rio Grand with the building in place as it was when it was a just
a dirt bank.
Ian Smith, youth representative: I was going to say that I think
that this is the only place for the Youth Center in Aspen. A gas
station can't fulfil the roll. A youth center is ideal for the
use because it fulfils the roll of being the only place in Aspen
for the youth. Also the Rio Grande location, as Skip said, in
the student surveys a lot of the students said it would be an
ideal location for the youth center. I don't see where else they
are going to put it without making it hard to get back into the
downtown area. I think this location is great for a Youth
Welton asked if there were any more public comments. There were
none and he closed the public portion of the hearing.
Roger: To me the Rio Grande is for transportation but I am
willing to compromise and let a Youth Center be here. I
appreciate the fact that the grade is better. But if I had my
druthers I would really rather nestle that building into the
parking structure to open up more of the path and to open up the
feeling of the bicycle path and hopefully a trolley so that at
least you are not going down a tunnel on that side. You are
already going down a tunnel down the western side of the building
and I really question whether that little bit of dirt that you
have a few trees planted in there will function.
It seems to me there is space to move that building over. I
would actually like to see the building almost cover that walk so
that or a glass over the walk so that in the summer time people
going down it could see out but on the other hand in the winter
time it is somewhat protected from the elements and it would make
that a more usable walkway if that were done.
I would really like to see the trail side of the building opened
up slightly and it would also be an opportunity to if you gain a
few more feet over there maybe it would be interesting to have a
few more windows on that side of the building.
Gary: I would note that the PPRD wanted us to shove it the other
direction. We have got 2 paths that we have to deal with and we
tried to the extent that we could to accommodate both. I don't
think that we can go closer to the parking building and then
maintain any level of planting or softness. Secondly we run into
a building code problem in terms of literally separation between
types of occupancy and the ability to have anv openings on the
west side if we get any closer to the parking structure. So the
option of going closer is really not open for us anyway.
Bruce: Have the City and County formally agreed to lease the
land to the applicant?
Leslie: Yes. Fred pierce for the applicant and Fred Gannett for
the City are working together on the lease.
Bruce: Regarding the current status of your fund raising
efforts. Can you give us a report on that?
Behrhorst: I can say that we have a significant amount of money
committed. We are confident that we are going to and that
is the Board that has been set up as a basic fund raising board.
Bruce: Do you have a letter back from the Feds granting you
501C3 status?
Behrhorst: It should be back in a couple of days.
Bruce: I read the operating budget proposing a budget of
$125,000 a year plus . Have you really thought about what it
takes to raise $125,000 a year or to endow at a level that will
fund that kind of operation?
Behrhorst: We are going to approach--the fund raising that we
are doing right now is to raise 2 years operating cost. Our
intention is to do one of 4 things. To set up an endowment that
would be community funded to support the annual operating costs.
Possibly go through a district tax or a combination of that and
annual fund raising. We would like to avoid that. We would like
to attain a more permanent funded operating posture vs going back
to the community every year. We feel that 2 year period will
allow us to either develop a taxing district or an endowment.
Graeme: I agree that I think the housing fee ought to be waived
because I think this is a project that is a community benefit. I
also agree that it would be unfair to have them pay a third of
surveying of the whole area. I feel that there are some
technical problems mainly because I think it is on the wrong site
but I feel we have fought that battle and it has been decided.
But I think it is a very difficult site for those reasons but it
is the site for the building. I think a rectilinear building
doesn't allow the pathway, the bikeway, the trolley, the
circulation to happen and maybe some of that circulation could
happen through the building. Perhaps the building could be
angled. Perhaps there could be a sacrifice in the square footage
of the floor area of the building to do that. But I don't think
it fits the site.
Welton: I would entertain a motion to rezone and provide final
SPA development and subdivision approval with the conditions as
listed on Planning Office memo dated March 6, 1990 with
conditions being #1, #2, #3, #4 as on the memo with #4a being
changed to "The Youth Center shall share the cost of the Rio
Grande final SPA plat proportionally based on the land area with
the other applicants in the SPA. #4b the same, #4c the same, #4d
the same, #4e, the housing mitigation fee shall be exempted, #4f
the same, #5, #6, #7 and #7 the same.
Bruce: I will make that motion.
Roger: I would consider seconding it if--the thing I have a
problem with is exactly what Graeme has a problem with and that
is that heavy restriction at the trail end. If we could get
something like another 2ft away from the trail by about a length
of 5ft just to open up that corner. That would make it a lot
more acceptable for me.
Graeme: Could we have it as a part of this motion that they re-
study the--I don't think it is a facade thing. I don't think
putting more glass in or changing the facade itself is what is
really needed.
Welton: I think the problem is most difficult at the southeast
corner and the only functions inside of the building that--the
building is basically symmetrical in all 4 directions. There is
no rule that says it has to be the same thing on all 4 corners.
The only thing in that corner are the bathrooms. Bathrooms could
be configured differently to respond to a site rather than just
taking a rectilinear symmetrical in four on 2 axis.
Gary: The lower floor is no problem.
part that is underground at that point.
lower floor is not an issue at all.
We can leave the bottom
So the footprint of the
Roger: So maybe it is just 10ft we are looking at in that corner
that may do the trick.
Welton: The motion that I entertained that Bruce moved on, I
would add also condition #9 to that motion that the approval is
conditioned on further re-study of the pedestrian/trolley corner
between the jail and the Youth Center and that the re-study be
done to improve the space between the opening.
Graeme: To me the east side of the building sort of ignores the
fact that there is walkway. Maybe there shouldn't even be an
entrance off of that bike path.
Gary: For the record if your are coming up from Spring Street
there is an entry on the lower level off that path and if you are
coming down from Main Street the main entry of the building so I
don't see any need for any entry literally into these facades.
There is also an entry off the mid level of the parking structure
directly into the building.
Welton: What Graeme is saying if you are walking down there you
are looking at a stucco and a brick wall or you are looking at a
little tiny post office box windows. And the jail--you are
looking at a brick wall--that's it, and rightly so.
This facade perhaps should be more pedestrian scale and not just
ignored because it is face to face with a brick wall. This would
be condition #9.
Bruce: I amend my motion.
Roger: I amend my second.
Does that #9 include a restudy of the elevations to get more
space in that critical area where the trail, possible trolley
etc. comes down--to the degree of 2ft or more.
Behrhorst: One of the requirements relates to what we agreed to
do for the city and that was providing public bathrooms in this
building. When they designed the parking structure, they did not
accommodate that at that level.
Graeme: Maybe that should be looked at. There is a whole Plaza
here where maybe they should be somewhere else and it would free
this building up. Maybe that is the solution.
I would like to add into the motion that it be restudied whether
the public bathrooms need to be included in this building. Why
are the public bathrooms jammed into this building which is
already jammed into this whole thing? I think that should be re-
Gary then showed P&Z on drawings placement of bathrooms.
Bruce amended his motion to include studying the placement of
public bathrooms elsewhere in the building.
Roger amended his second.
Everyone voted in favor of the motion except Jasmine.
Jasmine opened the public hearing.
Leslie made presentation as attached in record.
What you are reviewing here is it is GMQS exemption to enlarge an
historic landmark. They are adding floor area and net leasable.
They are also requesting that the 2 free market units for
condominiumization and then a conditional use by P&Z as required
to make these 2 units a short term rental situation first and
deed restricting them for 6 months.
There also is going to be special review to increase the floor
area beyond 1.5 which is what is allowed but because we are
adding affordable housing they are seeking special review to
increase the floor area up to 1.77.
They are also asking for a reduction in the trash service area
which will now be located (showed on map) and a special review
for parking reduction. They intend to have special review for
parking reduction for affordable units and dedicate the 2 parking
spaces that will be included in the development of the land
parcel with the new commercial infill.
Residential units and historic landmark are not required to
provide parking.
staff recommends approval of the proposal. Our City Council
passed the ordinance and the idea of condominiumization and the
lot line adjustment at first reading but they really didn't
discuss it. staff recommends approval of the enlarging.
Approval of conditional use for the short term rentals and
approval of the reduction of the parking. However, the staff did
not recommend reduction in the trash in the service area.
We are recommending that 1 of the units be deed restricted to
moderate and 1 be restricted to income. In the code where it
enables them to go above 1.5 and gets this extra floor area it
says that they only have to deed restrict the units to moderate
income but this is going to 1.33 to 1.5 and they have to mitigate
employee housing for that portion. Therefore we are recommending
deed restricting 1 unit to low income.
Jasmine: I don't understand how this affects the employee
housing mitigation for the commercial area of the project. If
you are going to increase the commercial area there should be an
increase of the employee generation.
Leslie: To go from 1.33 to 1.5, they are generating 1.69. When
you are eligible and you ask to increase your floor area and you
go beyond 1. 5 the requirement is that 40% of that extra floor
area be dedicated to employee housing and you are not required by
code to mitigate then that additional 40%. They are applying to
provide 2 2-bedroom affordable units which really ____mumble___.
Welton: Does the applicant have any problems with the conditions
that were outlined by the Planning Office.
Joe Wells: In general we have 2 issues to discuss. One is the
trash service and the other is simply a timing issue of the
phasing of the construction. We haven't started working drawings
on the affordable housing building because we don't know if we
are going to achieve final approval so the working drawings for
that project are going to drag behind a month or two and we would
like to find some other way other than waiting for that project
to be ready for permit to be able to proceed with the rest of the
project realizing that we can't take occupancy of this space
until we get the CO on the affordable housing units. That is
your recommended condition #1.
She is suggesting that we not get a permit for that until we can
pull a permit for the 2 affordable housing units. We just can't
get a CO for any of that space until we get a CO for the 2
affordable housing units or we can't record or condominium plat
for the residential units until we get a CO for the affordable
housing units.
Welton: Your suggestion is to change condition #1 to read
instead of the building permits being issued simultaneously that
the CO be issued simultaneously.
Joe: That is one alternative, yes.
Harley Baldwin, applicant: This is a slightly more complicated
issue. The Alpine Bank has just put that section of the block
under contract so Donnelley's property is going to be developed.
That building sits kind of strategically on the site it
turns here egress for trash and I have talked to the Alpine Bank
about maybe throwing my lot into their stew so they could more
intelligently plan that area. What they would give me back would
be 2 employee housing units that I would need and parking and the
The trouble is that in order to occupy my commercial area and the
2 apartments I have got to get this done. And I wonder if there
is any mechanism that I could put up a bond saying that these 2
employee housing units would be built within the year or
something like that.
Welton: We have for a number of years talking about creating the
ideal trash zone district.
Harley: That is the ugliest alley in Aspen.
Welton: And doing something on a block-wide basis for this whole
alley. It makes sense to work out some mechanism like that. We
cannot do that in the course of a meeting like this. It should
have been brought up prior to meeting in the application and been
given to staff for them to digest and make a recommendation.
On condition #l--changing it to the CO rather than the issuance
of a building permit would allow possibility timewise making the
triggering mechanism happen at the end of the process rather than
in the beginning of the process. And there is no reason why
elements of this cannot be brought in with another applicant for
an amendment to this approval later on with these conditions just
being amended.
None of us care how this is done. Just as long as when those
shops are opened that employee housing is in place. And whether
it happens here or whether it happens on top of their building--
it should happen here--
Harley: I understand that but the problem would be I would have
to open those stores.
Jasmine: You cannot open the stores until he employee housing is
in place.
Welton: That is what the condition is going to be. You could
come in with an amendment.
Harley: Is it amenable that we could buy someplace else?
Jasmine: No!
Welton: If it is conceivable that it could be amended sometime
during the course of construction but when more is know about the
disposition of the other properties.
Jasmine: I want to make one thing very clear though. When the
increase in the FAR is tied to the fact that there is employee
housing on site--that part is not negotiable. That is the way it
reads and you can't adjust it that much and I think it would be
misleading to you to make you think otherwise.
Harley: We agree to that completely. We are just suggesting
that because there is a possibility of solving all these trash
and utility back there that there could be a delay hiatus
of 6 months or a year at the outside because there is that
building there. I am complete. They are just starting into the
planning process now. I can't wait for them to finish their
planning process to get my CO. Then there is never the
opportunity again of solving this whole problem for the alley.
to have
All that we are really concerned about is that we have
an assurance of the timeliness of the occupancy of
employee units on that site for which you have gotten the FAR
bonus in a timely manner which means coincident with the COs for
the commercial space. Part of the problems that we have been
having in this town has to do with the lag between the
construction of the impact items and the construction of those
things to mitigate the impact. And we just can't continue
allowing that to happen.
Joe Wells: I think we have to find a creative way to come back
in with an amendment and stay on track and on schedule.
Harley: I would take a 3 bedroom apartment at the Cresta Haus
and I say "All right for the next year if there wa s hiatus that
is the employee housing".
Jasmine: You don't get the FAR bonus.
Joe: We understand that there has to be 60% on site FAR square
footage of affordable housing.
Leslie: I think that by tying it to CO it gives us that window
to work on an idea and come back with something.
or what
I don't understand what is happening here as far as
access to the alley either under this existing proposal
may happen in the future.
Joe: without an approval of course linking the 2 parcels
together there is no solution.
In other words right now you have no easement in the
D there to get you from your building directly to the
Joe: Yes. What this lot line adjustment will do in effect is
make these 2 parcels 1 so that we can then have (using drawings)
The is the Lane parcel building on roughly an 1,100sqft site.
This is the alley here to the south. What we plan to do if we
establish contiguity between the 2 sites which occurs right here
and the Collins Block is over here is to have a 200sqft trash
service area here directly off the alley in compliance with the
requirement. We have to talk about the amount of square footage
to be provided. But that is the solution.
Roger: OK, but your only access to that from the main building
is around the street and down the alley.
Joe: At the present time that is correct.
Harley: We hope to be dealing with that as well as part of our
deal with the bank.
Roger: And you realize the limitation that puts on the use of
your property as far as restaurants are concerned.
Joe: We understand that as a problem. But it is a better
solution than what we have right now which at the present time
the Collins Block has no~ alley frontage whatsoever.
Roger: Well, hopefully it will go through and you can start
taking care of that so you can get better access.
Graeme: I think the applicant has said he is willing to post a
bond to do something. I think there is probably a better design
solution here that in the long run would be a lot better and
maybe if this means by you if he supplies 3 units a year
instead of 2 over at the Crestahaus or something like that--
Jasmine: No. That would not satisfy. Employee units on sit are
not Crestahaus units. I am sorry.
Welton: At this time I think the only thing we can vote on is
the application that is before us. If that application is
amended down the road and we can discuss it at that time. We
can't anticipate what an application might be at this time. We
can vote on what is in front of us.
Bruce: Does the applicant buy into the affordable units being 1
moderate and 1 low?
Joe: We can accept that.
Welton: The first item you had
hinging the building permit to co.
one of the conditions?
a problem with was with the
You had another problem with
Joe: The extent of the trash service area and it is really not
listed as one of the conditions at the bottom but it is mentioned
right up above of the recommendation. What I want to do is talk
to about the problem we are faced with. We obviously had only a
limited amount of alley frontage to deal with. Several different
issues--one being we would like to maintain a couple of parking
spaces. But we certainly want to deal with the trash issue that
the City wants a 4x4 pedestal easement now and all this has to be
dealt with in that very limited amount of alley frontage.
Leslie wants you to require us to provide 300sqft of trash
storage. We can do that only by stealing space from the storage
area that is behind the trash area as identified on the plan. I
guess I question the benefit of having a deeper trash storage
area because we would have to double up on the dumpsters. What I
would like to do is do a comparison to the Mill street Plaza
building because I don't believe there is a special magic--just
for comparison purposes that is a 30,000sqft structure which is
half again as large as our structure. They have 2 large
This project has one restaurant.
They are down to 185sqft of trash service but because of it's
proportions they can't accommodate more than 3 dumpsters. We
have 175sqft of trash service but by virtue of how it is laid out
we can accommodate 5 dumpsters. I personally believe that is an
adequate amount. WE can double up on the dumpsters by extending
back into that storage space but I don't know how you load them--
Roger: Did you say there is a restaurant in this project?
Joe: Yes. There is a restaurant in the basement.
Roger: Isn't it in the code that a restaurant has to have direct
acces to an alley for service? I thought we had that code
Joe: It is about 75% complete. So--
Roger: Tough!
Leslie: The code--in the CC zone it says that you have to have a
trash service area if you have a property abutting an alley. And
with the lot line adjustment with the Lane parcel they have
property abutting the alley. That didn't actually answer your
question, Roger.
Roger: It sure didn't
that it required a
because I thought we had changed the code
service access to the alley for anv
Joe: It is not worded that way precisely.
alley frontage it implies if you have alley
have all alley service.
Roger: The Planning Dept better look into it again.
It says if you have
frontage you have to
Jasmine: Yes. That was definitely the intent to that one.
Roger: The intent of it was that in order to have a restaurant
they had to have service access to an alley. I don't care how
they did it. It could be through an easement or something like
that but what we did not want is the gosh darned delivery trucks
stacked around the corner of Mill and Hopkins servicing
restaurants. And that was the whole point of that.
Leslie: We will look into that.
If it is not in
Joe: The restaurant is not part of this application. I will say
that for the record.
Roger: Well if it is in that building--
Jasmine: It is part of it.
Roger: I have go an alarm system going off here.
Joe: It is in the building permit.
Baker: I just wanted to say what Leslie already said. We will
research that____mumble____
Leslie: The applicant has asked me to reduce the height from the
required 10ft to 7ft. The Engineering Dept and myself do not
have a problem with that. The problem is if you extend that into
the storage area, in our opinion when you take from the storage
area to the trash service area you are not causing the applicant
to do a major redesign on the building.
My argument with Joe is provide
it, you don't have to use it.
it up front and if you don't need
We really can't support a trash
Welton: What is that storage for?
Harley: It is for the maintenance guy who operates the Collins
Jasmine: I would like to know how they got a building permit for
a restaurant.
Welton: Because it is a permitted use in that zone district.
Roger: Yes, if there is service access to the alley.
Joe: I honestly don't think it was codified in that manner. I
read the requirement very carefully and I never--
Jasmine: No change in use required?
Welton: No change in use is required for a permitted use.
Roger: I understand the permitted use but it goes back to where
we were at way back when realizing that we wanted restaurants to
have serv ice access to the alley and--
Leslie: Yes. It says in here under Restaurant--the definition
shall be required to have serviced delivery and access to the
alley or other off street service delivery area. It doesn't say
anything about trash.
Roger: No. What I am talking about is service access and they
apparently have no service access for the restaurant. And where
is the other off street?
Graeme: I guess you walk around.
Roger: That is not off street.
Harley: I guess this is something that would be accomplished by
the bank and I getting together.
Roger: Yea. It can be but you have got a problem at the moment.
You have got a real problem at the moment as far as I am
Harley: Two million dollars in that restaurant and it is 2 weeks
from the CO. There is not problem.
Roger: I don't know how it can get a co without complying with
Joe: It says "Other off street service delivery area".
Roger: Well OK, where is you other off street service area?
Joe: I can't answer the question. It was obviously something no
one picked up on and at the time the building permit was issued.
Roger: Well, you have got a problem. I am making it an official
Jasmine: I would like to move to table this application. I am
really perturbed about some of these things. I would like to
have some questions answered about this restaurant and about the
interpretation of the code and about the CO and about the access
and about the off alley service. And I don't think it is any
favor to the applicant to go ahead with this with these things
I would like tot have a lot more information before I rule on
anything concerning this because these things are all tied in.
And at that point you also might have more information based on
what is going on with your other negotiations that will enable us
to do this all in a more comprehensive fashion.
Welton: If this has indeed gone down the pike with the Building
Dept in violation of the code then that is something that needs
to be really figured out.
Jasmine: I think this is an opportunity for us to try to
straighten all of these thing snow at this point. And I would
Just as soon do it because I think it would be better for the
applicant and better for us and the community. I would like to
look at all of these thing in a more comprehensive fashion and I
don't think that is a disservice to anybody.
Roger seconded the motion.
Baker: Regardless of whether you table or not I would like to
research with the attorneys what the situation is with the
building permit for the restaurant and we could report back to
you on that issue regardless of the action tonight. We blew it.
We didn't the definition as clearly as we should have. I
would like a chance to talk with the attorneys about that.
Roger: Maybe a condition of the lot line adjustment--maybe
should have the lot line adjustment in such a way that it
give them a little corner access around and through
Harley: There is not way to do that without ___mumble. There is
no way--you see I have got 6 inches which is--Dexter encroached
on me, I encroached on Dexter and the Sabbatini building and so
there was a piece in between--using map--there is a 6 inch piece
that we needed to bring our utilities in. So I traded this 6
inches from Dexter for his back of the wall here. That is the
lot line adjustment. It is hopeful that if I get an agreement
with the bank to have a service entrance back here so that they
have access to me to get out from here because otherwise for the
most part they are landlocked and I could have a second means of
egress back out here. Service entrance is one of the reasons we
want to do it. Likewise for them. But at the same time the
restaurant has nothing to do with what is here today.
Jasmine: That is not true.
Graeme: I agree with them that this is a separate thing. It is
a problem but it is not our problem right here and right now. We
hope it doesn't get done that way but it will give them some time
to see if the other thing will work out.
Welton: I would be inclined if the motion as currently on the
floor to table. If that does not pass I would be inclined to go
with the Planning Office recommendation for a trash service area
sized per code for the entire development.
Bruce called question on the motion to table.
Welton: It is still a live motion and seconded.
Roll call vote: Graeme, no, Bruce, no, Mari, no, Roger, yes,
Jasmine, yes, Welton, no.
Mari: Are we not ready to discuss the parking thing yet.
Joe: Can we deal with the trash?
Welton: Would anybody disagree with the comment I made that the
trash should be according to code and not reduced.
Harley: If we have 5 dumpsters the Brand Building 18,000sqft and
a very active restaurant needs 2 dumpsters. I f we don't need
more than 2 dumpsters for the Collins block so we have 5
dumpsters--we have got an extra one for the entire Collins Block
and the entire Brand and what I would say if BFI has any problem
whatsoever in the Collins Block which is what we are dealing with
and in the Brand I would build the extra space. But it is
absolutely ridiculous and there is not reason for me to build it
whatsoever, I would like not to. If I need it for both buildings
I will build it.
Welton: I think there is a consensus among the Commissioners
that the trash should be according to code.
So condition
area of a
#9 should read "special review for trash service
square footage according to code but in the
that is both lower and double loaded as approved".
Graeme: I so move.
Bruce: All 3 of them go together: The free market, increase in
the net leasable space and the affordable housing units, the CO
goes simultaneously with all 3 I think is what we want to say
which means that I think that you combine #1 and #5 together to
say something to that affect.
Welton: Graeme, made a motion in accordance with Planning Office
Bruce seconded the motion with all in favor except Roger.
Baker: This is another implementation measure of the work that
P&Z did on the housing plan of the Truscott Place is occupied and
Marolt Ranch is another one of those efforts.
Baker made presentation as attached in record.
staff believes this is an excellent project and one that is
certainly needed. The design team's concern for identity for
this project. This is unique. There is going to be a lot of
seasonal housing here and the identity that it creates is
important to give the residents ownership.
Richard Shaw, Design Workshop: (17.15) Conceptual review has
been granted by the council and we have reached the point of
public financing. That means that construction can begin this
spring and we would expect occupancy of this project by November.
This is a dormitory style housing program. There are 100 units
of 504sqft in each. In the summer time they will be occupied by
MAA with 3 people per unit and during the other 9 months it will
be occupied by seasonal employees at 2 per unit.
In the financing package there is a need to incorporate a
dormitory style housing and that has represented a program which
does not have individual kitchens. Therefore a cafeteria on site
to serve this site has been incorporated in the program. We are
going to stub up the individual units for kitchens in the future.
It is important to not that the City of Aspen is the owner of
this project. The Housing Authority is the development applicant
but they will act on the lease capacity from the City of Aspen
for the construction and the management of the project.
Therefore a level of control is very high with the city as they
are in fact the owners.
There are 4.3 acres of land being used. That is the southern
portion of the Marolt property. The 62 acres of land which was
approved as part of the conceptual application was important in
establishing a context for which housing would occur. Those
issues relative to this overall piece of the Marolt property have
been resolved at the conceptual level. And it has been determine
that this 4.3 acres of the southern most end of the property
would be affordable housing.
There are also issues at the conceptual level dealing primarily
with access to the site and future open space uses on the
remaining portions of the open space of the Marolt Property\
which have also been resolved.
The site plan has been organized around a very unique concept for
transportation. There are 100 housing units here of a very
controlled nature. That is simply to say that the people who
will occupy these housing units come here with prior knowledge
that there is a reduced emphasis on automobiles.
In the summer time the MAA has their own public transportation
system. They will have food service, living accommodations and
practice rooms on one site. We have seen the need for future
parking can be reduced considerably from what you would normally
expect in a housing program. Many of these students who come
here do not have cars and will not use automobiles while they are
We also have the advantage of the existing RFTA buss stop which
is right here across from the hospital and during the summer
months the MAA will run its own shuttle system that will connect
with this project to other portions of the campus.
In the winter time we are going to institute an attitude in
management control that says that the parking spaces which exist
for this housing program are in fact an additional cost to the
basic rent of the program. So if you rent a unit if you desire a
parking stall there is an additional fee which goes to that. If
you don't pay that fee then parking will be provided to you at 2
locations. One is the MAA campus. The other is the sanitary
city Council has ben very strong in their viewpoints that there
is offsite parking scheme at a reduction of the normal parking
standard. The lower ratio is appropriate here as shown in this
configuration. It also has the need to serve some additional
future uses including uses for the park use and for the
which is off the site.
We have chosen to keep the profile of the building down to 2
stories so that it tends to be smaller in scale and the visual
impact on this end of the project which is primarily the end of
the building here would be reduced.
We have from a
important things.
landscape point of view tried to do several
First is the notion that this cannot look like
a dormitory. We have tried to incorporate a great deal of site
amenity in the form of landscaping and open space, outdoor eating
areas and the units are faced in such a way that they all orient
along this pedestrian walkway which also served as an emergency
exit. It is fundamentally an historic street. We have lined it
with street trees primarily Cottonwoods which exist on that site
and then we have utilized another site feature which is water.
It turns out that the water that services the golf course and the
Marolt project comes through from a source at this location. And
rather than put that into a pipe and bury it and make it go away
from the site we have created a longer walkway system here and
formed spillways along with irrigation ditches, small water ponds
and then have continued to bring it around the outside the entire
project. This will allow for diversion into the existing Marolt
ditches allowing the irrigation program to continue.
It also distributes this water from this point of the site down
to the golf course and where the existing ditches have been
now provides a new way of accommodating the full water
right which the City of Aspen has for this property.
We have also shown at the request of City Council that there be
some method of screening a good deal of the project from Hwy 82
and the intent is to make sure that the open space had some
visual into it rather than simply building. So in this area
which is shaded we are using excess earth from the site and form
other community projects to build a berm which will be 11ft tall
and have coniferous planting on it as well as planting along this
irrigation ditch which will be Cottonwoods.
At one time during conceptual review there at one time was a
bridge that made a connection towards the hospital but people
generally felt and it was particularly strong from the Parks
Association that the bridge itself was worse than not having the
linkage of the project through this small segment here and the
visual impact of the bridge would almost be equal to the project.
So the bridge has been removed and instead a system of walkways
and bide trails will continue through the project and in some
ways will tie into the same system the resident s of this project
will use.
In between the buildings we have storage areas and recycling bins
for trash, glass, aluminon, paper and dumpsters.
We had originally thought this project would be phased. The
intent was to phase it in such a way that the music students
would have accommodations for the summer. What has happened is
the Truscott Place has allowed students to utilize that area and
this will now be built as one project beginning this Spring and
ending this fall including the cafeteria building.
There have been concerns regarding the use of the cafeteria and
the nature of that food service. It will operate summer and
winter. It will operate as a facility that is small enough to
accommodate only this project. It is not intended for the public
to come and use this food service as a cafeteria or restaurant.
We are classifying it as a facility that would service the
employee service requirements and there potentially could be in
the future a need for Truscott Place employees to come over on
occasions and utilize the food service.
In the basement room of the cafeteria there are practice rooms
for the students.
There is a summary of staff comments attached in the record.
Following discussion regarding the food service program--
Graeme: I read somewhere that the trails going through there
would be gravel. I think that if you really want to encourage
bicycle use I feel that that should be a paved to encourage bike
use. I think it could be more bike orientated by providing
covered racks that are lighted at night so that there isn't
Shaw: After talking to the Planning Dept we have agreed to do
that within the project. It will be an 8ft wide asphalt path
from the Truscott down to the project and down 100ft from the
parcel bounDary. From that point on it is clearly the
responsibility of the Parks Association. The bike thing is
something we want to encourage and therefore have incorporated
actual bike racks. But this project has an interesting thing
along the front of it which is this wide covered walkway system.
it is wide enough to put a bicycle there under roof cover and
still have room for walkway.
Kim Johnson and Commission discussed all of the staff conditions
and recommendations as attached in record.
Shaw: I do express an concern about the PBC lining of the
ditches as requested by Coulombe of the Golf Course. First is
that we have now ____ detinite___clay lining which will be
compacted to 95% ____density which is an impervious surface to
water. It is my experience that that is a far better method of
containing water features in the Aspen Valley than it is to come
in with PBC liner. The liner is always SUbject to puncture and
it has difficulties with the edge condition because somehow you
have to tie the liner back into the earth. So that is really a
technical choice but I think Rich should allow us and our
engineers to make realizing that our experience tells us that the
non PBC and ventinite clay approach is a better one. Lining the
entire ditch is not capable of being sustain by this proj ect.
But we all have to remember this is the city of Aspen who is the
owner and who is going to manage the open space. If that is a
real need after the percolation test has been done then there is
a way to solve that problem. But I would say that it is not
appropriate for the Marolt Housing project to bear the cost of
that lining of the ditch.
Roger: The issue concerning the kitchen units is left vague as
far as I am concerned. What is the status of the kitchen units?
You said you were going to stub them off but does that mean we
ever get kitchen units in these?
Richard Shaw: That means we are providing stub offs. The
existing legislation for this type of bond financing cannot have
a private kitchen in the unit. There will be a microwave in the
units and a sink. But they can't classify as a range and
refrigerator. However if that legislation were to change that
this bond financing would be less specific it is possible to come
back and get a kitchen in those units. There will be a little
tiny refrigerate.
Roger: That causes grave reservations on my part as far as
making it an effective employee housing project. If I can be
assured that eventually efficiency kitchen units are going to go
into these places, I can live with it a little better. How long
is this bond requirement going to be overlaid on the project?
Shaw: Until the law at the state level is changed. And it has
been up for review by the legislature but no action has been
Baker: I would like to defer #1 until the end.
We are recommending that the second and third condition are mute
at this point based upon discussion we have had. Richard has
assured us that there is a guarantee on plantings that extends
for a year and on the operations budget that Jim has will take
care of it from there on in.
#4 should be renumbered as #2. That is something that MAA is
still working on. We will try to get the program from MAA as to
exactly what their program is for mass transit for this and
Truscott Place and the tent and the campus. That alignment up to
the hospital site is a very short distance now. Alignment was
changed based upon P&Z's recommendation at conceptual.
#5. The boulders are going to be used in the berm.
delete that.
You can
#6. Richard has talked to Kim and Kim is satisfied that the berm
is acceptable as it is drawn. We would like to delete #6.
#7. We understand the historic integrity that Richard is trying
to maintain on the site with the streetscape. We would like to
delete that as well.
We would like to delete #8 as well and allow that to be dealt
with within the operational budget of the project.
#9. Again, we don't have any problem anymore with the low level
12ft high lights. What we will hold the applicant to based upon
the record tonight is that the bus shelter turn around for
Council--they are going to pave the trail and there will be
safety measures taken around the culverts of the ditches. We
don't need conditions if the applicant agrees that that is
Craig Hanson: I can agree to all of that but the shelter which I
think is an excellent idea. I just can't do that without--
Baker: OK. Then we will add that as a condition.
#10. We would like to delete as well.
We would like to keep #ll--make that #3 and that has got to be
worked out between the Golf and by City staff essentially.
Roger: And you are including ditch protection in the #11 then?
Baker: That is something Richard is committed to. It is on the
record. We will hold the applicant to that.
We would like #4 to read "provision of bus shelter at the turn
around by the cafeteria".
And the prior to the issuance of the building permit--we will
renumber these--#5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11 keeping those all
in tact.
Richard, do you have any concerns with those?
Richard: No. Those are all fine.
Baker: Then a new #12
part of the code.
requiring that the PUD agreement as
with those conditions staff would recommend approval of final
PUD, rezoning, special review for parking, conditional use for
affordable housing for the Marolt Ranch.
Roger: I so move with those conditions.
Mari seconded the motion.
Graeme: I just want to ask about how the access to the museum,
the house is affected by this and in here it talks about the
pedestrian access being the legal access for the museum and the
house. The access for the Marolt Barn on 82 could disappear and
if they were to build that museum, there might be a lot of
construction traffic. Would that be on the pedestrian trackway
or would that be across another part of the Marolt parcel?
Rappaport: We have always assumed the construction in and around
this barn area would curve off of Hwy 82 and existing roadway.
We provide for a long term access located here off this parking
lot and using this segment of the roadway which is ab out 12ft
We have not been asked or have the ability to look at what
happens around that area.
Graeme: If the new 82 goes in there which is a limited access
highway, we are talking perhaps about having to bring another
road across the open space.
Baker: Ultimately there is no access off of 82. There is no
visitor access to the museum directly to the site. Visitor
access would occur from the parking lot or walk across the
pedestrian bridge over Castle Creek. Emergency vehicle access in
terms of fir protection makes the most sense to happen over the
pedestrian bridge on Castle Creek. It can handle that. That
issue is going to have to be addressed when the museum comes in
for their rezoning and their rehabilitation.
We don't want another road across the open space.
going to happen to a widened trail here or the
Castle Creek off of 7th street.
It is either
access across
Roger: You had better improve the service access.
well designed from this viewpoint here.
It is not
I would like to verify condition #1.
We have worded it
very restrictively. The feeling seems to be you want it loosened
up somewhat.
for the
How about the cafeteria function should be determined
the City and the lease holder as deemed most appropriate
benefit of the City and the tenants.
Bruce: What is the status of the Last Stand? Doesn't that sit
on City property.
Baker: They lease it.
Golf Course.
Just like the Merry-Go-Round leases the
Bruce: I don't see that this is any different.
Mari: There is a cafeteria at the hospital.
Welton: And they serve good food at reasonable prices.
Mari: And people can go there--
Baker: So you want to see it left flexible and let the city work
the lease out with the lease holder.
Roger: I will accept the change in condition #1 to my motion.
Mari: I amend my second.
Everyone voted in favor of the motion.
Meeting was adjourned. Time was 8:15pm