HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19600104 Aspen City Council Regular Meeting Aspen, Colorado January ~, 19~0 The following new-ly elected members o~ the Aspen City Council were sworn in by Judge William R. Shaw~ Mayor Michael J. Garrish City Clerk Dorothy Hoffmar~u Councilman F. W. Auderson ~ Councilman Wolf J. Beyer t!~ Councilman Alfred A. Braun ~ Councilman William James, Jr. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Garrish ~th Councilmen Aaderson, Beyer, Braun and J~mes, and City Attorney Clinton B. Stewart present. Mr. Garrish thanked Judge Shaw for his services. Correspondence regarding a~lication for City A~ministrator given to Clerk for filing. Application fram A. E. Robison for poeition of Police ~gistrate tabled. Mr. Garrish asked Mr. Stewart for information on all City P~tents. In accordance with a request frem Tom Sardy the following motima was made by Motion- Anderson and seconded by ~ames: Co-ordinate City-County To appoint a committee to act with the Couuty Commissioners, the Sheriff ~ud protection the City Attor?~ey to co-ordinate protection. Motica ~animously approved. Mayor Garrish ~opointed BraUn, Anderson and Beyer to the co~ittee. Waddy Catchings presented a gift to Mayor Garrish from Fred Glidden - a handsome gavel. Mr. and Mrs. He~ert~Be~er came in to observe the new members. Jack McTarnaghan asked for a decision on his previous complaint which~had be~ Motion tabled - business operatim~ and the parking of heavy equipment ~ry a neighbor, Neal Zoning and Beck. Discussions of zonin~ provisions and illegal parking~followed. The following Parking viol ,ion. motion was made by Beyer and seconded by Anderson: Neal Beck ~ere the operation as now cSnducted by ...... ( the violator).,.is co.mmercial Jim Hayes and not permitted by city ordinance and in violation thereof, netification be sent by the City Attorney by letter. Unanimously hccepted, and M~. Stewart was instructed to send such a letter to Neal Beck and Jim Hayes. Gh~ck Waddington requested definitio~of home occ~Aoation, and was informed that it was ~any use that did not change the character of the dwelling. Dick Hollars informed the Council that the Foster Vending Comp~$~ of Grand I Motion- &mctlon was not operating according to rule, as some cigarettes did not have the Foster Vendi g 2~ stamp on them, and thus the City Cigatette Tax was not being paid. Anderson asked if the City had any recourse, and Attorney Stewart stated that if it can be reasonabl~ Co. violatio established that past sales were without stamps there could be Civil/~. Ho!lars J Cig Tax. said the machines in question were in the Blue Noodle - upstairs-, Texaco Station, Villa LaMarr, Smuggler, Rendezvous, Trader Ed's , and Ski-Vu. Motion by Beyer, seconded by by James: Attorney Stewart to get facts and take action to collect h~ck taxes. Approved unanMaously. Some Councilmen will take packs from the machines as evidence. Applicatica from John Hall for position of City Treasurer was read by Mayor Garrish. Motion Motion by Anderson seconded by Beyer: that John Hall be appointed City Treasurer. John Hall Unanimously approved. ~s. Ethel Frost, who~had been elected City TreasUr~rin November of 19~9 had tendered her resignation on December 2, 19~9. John Hall was sworn in by appt Treas. Mayor Garrish. Letter - A letter dated December 2~, 19~9, from Fuller and Evans, addressed to Mm. Stewart Fuller & Ev~ re Aspen Skating Center demand for refund from the Aspen Electric Department is to be to Utility handed o~er tbs the Utility Board. The Council canfirms the situation that the con- Board tract stands and no refund is due. g~/~~·~_~ Re~arding appointment of Police Magistrate- permanent appointment must be made by City Council- table until after ads for applications have appeared in the Aspan Times, I ~otion by Braun seconded by Anderson - Run advertisement for applications for Police Police Magistra~ Magistrate until ~auua~y? l~. Aoproved unanimously. Motion ~' Mayor Garrish ar~nounced a special meeting of the Council on January 7, at 7 PM in the City Council Room. Regarding ~nventory of supplies, Mr/ Garrish asked M~. Stewart to assistand the Motion- latter suggested havir~ the Auditor sub,it letter stating all audit records were in Inventory order. Motion by Braun seconded by Beyer: New Treasurer and City Clerk sho~ld prepare report of what records they received and what was fecund not to bs in order- including inventory in writing. Unanimously approved. The appointment of a Street ~o~issioner was delayed until January 18. Jim Markalunas gave a report on the Blue Noodle indicating that there were Violations several violations and he read a letter he had sent to them~ giving them until Jan- Blue Noodle uary 30 to meet the requirements. Council indicated it would support him if be is correct in his statement of requirements, and suggested he submit copies of letters .he writes regarding violations. He gave co~y of his yearly r~poz~bt to each member of the Council. Bu~ o~mith reported on the condition of the alley next to the Blue Noodle, and the Mayor asked Attorney Stewart to write them to clean it up. KeonethW~ight, Consulting Engineer, Boulder, Colorado~ Eave an opionion on the advisability of using we~s and p~ps for the City water supply. Mr. Braun suggested that~ight furnish a letter, o~tli~in~ just~ wh~t~ assistance? his. company, could~^~render~^ Aspen, Colora~ · Jsnuary 2, 1960 continued ~. Anderson suggestd that definite purc~se orders be used for Ci~ p~chases, and a limit be set on the ~mo~t t~t can be spent ~thout Co~cil approve. Atto~eM Stewart suggested that the Treas~er discuss this wi~ the Auditor. The question of the purchase of a n~'police car was ~is~ussed, covering topics of additional bids and possible leasing ~ car. The Clerk was instructed to o~er a he'minute book for ~70.OO, and to o~er new P~c~se of statione~ of a good grade. It was suggested that advert~s~no of t~ city mig~ be Minute Book used on let ~ernead. No decisi~. ~.Stewarti~ormedtheCo~cilthat ~ thsWaterConde~ation ~tion, thee~ert Motion- ~tnesses cost must be paid, ~d after discussion the followi~ moti~ was made by Beyer qivil Action ~dsecondedby ~a~: 310~-Water T~t in the m~tter of Civil Acti~ 310~- City of A~en vs As~en Water Co~y~ no ~onde~ation appeal be taken £rom the j~gment of the Court respecti~ pa~ent of costs ~tered Dec- suit ember 28, 19~9~ ~ the ~o~t of $2207.~0 a copy of which is on file ~ the City Cle~ ~d that pa~ent of said judgment is hereby authorized by the Co~cil ~d that a warr~t for the pa~ent thereof be dra~ ~d executed as maybe required by the order of the Court. Approved ~ous~. The Mayor requested ~ invento~ of all that was taken over in the Water sale. Invento~ Mr. Stewarttosupplya~lnecessa~ information- ~tJcopies. WaterSale Bill D~aw~ askedif an~hin~ had been done rega~i~ the hiri~ of a City Administrator ~d he was told this is ~der consideration. The following were discussed~- info~ing residents when ~ow pl~ would be ~ their vicinity~- no decision; the matter of ha~nga police~ on duty when Cris Kralicek has day off, ~d it was decided t~t Cris should work out a plan to have someone on duty at such t~eSo D~away asked status of the City Su~eyor's~cla~ to l~d ~ ~st Aspen ~d was told it was land to ~,~hich he had deeds. ~. Beyer asked ~. Stewart to bri~ map coyerinE patents to next meetm~. Stewa~ said ma~ subjects of discussion are: 1~ Matter of dete~ination of political issueS. 2. ~nd on ot~r side of river in conflict with Herron's. Discussion followed , ~d it was brought out that original Field Notes ~th the old Field Notes were to be placed in the Recorder's Office. orot~ Cle~ ~ ,/ /~ I/