HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19600215 The regular meeting was called to order 'at 7;30 PM by Mayor Garrish with Councilmen Anderson, Bayer, Braun and James; John Hall, Treasurer, and Attorney Stewart pres.fit, The minutes of the previous meeting were reed and approved with the following correction- in bid for sign making by Jim Snyder, change 10~ a line to 10~ a letter. Question - in reference t* the check from Mr. Herrc~, what lend is involved. Mr. Stewart replied that check covers the two deeds issued to Herron. The letter from Elliott Travel ~ervice forwarded to Ski Club by Chamber of Commerce who will plan some sort of welcome. Tabled CounciIman James read a letter he had received from Attorney Stewart regardi~ definition of "ptaces~ in Motel Licensing. Ord~_nance. Hold for ~dther discussion, The consensus was that separate licenses should be required by each establishment managed by the Aspen Company, but that one license would have to be 'issued for current yea~. Further discussion of ordinance, tabled. Mr. James also reported on his attendance at the Planning meeting at Boulder, where adequate planning was str~gly advised. : Bills from the Water and Electric Department were ~ead'. The TreasUrer re'ad the breakdown he had prepared on the Special Water Fund/. Comment - payment on Ryan b~3 taken out of General Fund befor~e Special Water Fund was established. The matter of reimbursing the General Fund for the amount paid under Civil Action 3105 held for f~arther discussion. Motion made by Bayer and secohded by Anderson - to suspend Rule 19 and pay Water and Electric Department bills as presented. Zoning John Dot,taus reported on the first' meeting and aims of the Zoning and Planning Commission. The Planning Comm. terms of office are to be: Doremus 4 years Herbert Bayer 6 Years Fred Glidden 2 years The ex-officio members are Councilmen Bayer and james. It was recommended by Council.that James represent the Mayor at the meetings. Doremus will inform Council of the date for meetings, and he' formally requested that provision be made in the budget for expenses *-- the Con~issien may incur for supplias,~ service or ,rupert advise. As the budget has already been setup, for 1960 it was sug- gested that Council meet with Zoning and Planning Commission for further~ discussion. Council agreed that a m~x~mum of $8.00 be allowed for incidental expenses and asked Doramus to present bills to them. Re~arding reports to Council, Doremus is to make.theSe as he sees fit, Mr. l~eu~er and Mr. ~Arell of Meurer- 3erafini and Meurer of Denver, were present and indi- cate~ a desire to be of assistance to the City in the matter pf providing water. They cited parti- cularly the City of Arvada, Colorado, where both wells and surface water are used, the cost of operating wells being about 1/5 of that fcr surfaCe water. They estimated cost of well at $10,000.00 to $11,O00.00, and the cost of 200,000 gallon storage tank at about $10,000. and pumping station about $13,000. They were asked the cost of well and surface system, and said that 1,000,000 gals. of well water cost $69.00 and the same a~ount of surface water cost $155.00. Mr. Henry Stein, Mrs. Start Bealmear and Waddy Catchings attended the meeting in the interest of the bill from the Chamber of Commerce for $1000.00 dues from the from the City. Mr. Stein sug- gested that this be set up as a yearly expense of the City for publicity. He said there is t° be a meeting of the Chamber of Cc~merc~ Tuesday, March 1 and requested the Council to attend. Chamber of Commerce meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Hotel Jerome Grill if not otherwise indicated. Motion Motion - by Anderson seconded by James. Pay bill of $1000.00 to Chamber of Commerce to cover Pay $10OO.00 dues for 1960. Unanimosly accepted. C of C dues Waddy Catchings. asked that a~l peddlers be licensed, and referred particularly to the Grean River. Ordinanca. Stewart will. get copy of ordinance. Hold for further discussion. Jim Markalunas presented cost estimate endcabinet and file he needs, and it was suggested he inquire further and submit additional estimate to Council for approval. Louis Sparovic inquired about his claim in East Aspen and asked what Mr. Delaney was doing on it. Motion - F~st Motion - by Anderson seconded by Bayer - Attorney Stea~rt to take action to start clarification Aspen Patent on East Aspen Patent Addition concerning all conflicting cla!m.~. Unanimously. approved. It was further suggested that if Stewart needs expert assistance he should obtain it. Paving.bill. from Elam Construction Company will be referred to Mr. Buchanan. by Mayor Garrish. The following applications for licenses were reviewed: The Vagabond Holliday House Snowflake Apartments McTarnaghan Cottage Motion Aspen Cc. Issue Hotel Motion by ~raun seconded by Anderson - that licenses be issued to them. -Unanimously. approved. Licenses Attorney Stewart suggested an amendment be made to ordinance covering issuance of licenses -3 Series_of 1954, end Improvement Tax (2~) No. 4 Series 1957 - changing ~fin%:~ion of "places" and to cov- er the licensing of more than one establishment under one management. Bill James will confer with Clint Stewart on this. Motion Mr. S~ewart informed Council that the County Commissioners had informed him that the damage City-County clause in the City-County Co-Ordination for Protection Agreement covers Jail facilities alone and Agreement on does not refer to the Cou~t House. Motion - The Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to execute Protection the agreement with the County and Sheriff so long as liability is limited to jail property only. ~' Made by Bayer and seconded by Anderson and unanimously approved. The Clerk was instructed to pay $100.00 a month to the County on this agreement beginning March 1, 1960. Regarding the contract for Scavenger Service, it was suggested that Allen Benboe be m,3!ed to next meeting of Council for further discussion. Re Foster Vending Co. Violation. Banedeck' s of ~nwoed sent a letter to Mr. Stewart indicating there is about $800.00 to $900.00 due City for 1959 and about $50.00 for 1958. Stewart asked will of Council, and said one action had been filed and that Foster is out on bail. He feels we have to Foster Violati. prosecute on at least one count. City can wait for a period of one year for further action if he gives any more trouble. Question - Does Council wish to go on record as instructing Attorney Stewart Aspen, Colorado Minutes of Reg-alar Meeting Continued February 15, 1960 to ~ tall legal action necessary against Foster VendLn~ Co. and to collect all moneys due City and Approval to pros~cut~ on one criminal charge . Ail Councilmen indicate~approval, prosecute Poster action B{~ Dunaway called attention of Council to the meeting in Glenwood of the Colorado River Conser- ~'5 vancy District, and asked their opinion on having the Roa~d_ng Fork Valle~ included. Mayor Ga~,=Ish will f contact Fred Glidden, who is platting to atter~ meeting, about this matter. The securing of funds in Pitkin County Bank still pen'ding. I, Employees group coverage pending. Re: contributions: after discussion: Motion by Beyer seconded by Anderson : that the City give $500.00 to Television Committee~ Unanimous- Motion-Cont. ly approved, to TV Comm. Motion - by James seconded by Braun': That the City contribute $500.00 to the Aspen Institute for Motion -Cont Humanistic Studies and $500.00 to the Aspen Music AssOCiation. Unanimously approved, to Aspen Inst. & Music Ass'n. Councilman Anderson will ask Norris Taylor if he will serve on the Utility Board. Motion by Beyer seconded by James: Raise water rates 33 1/3% within City limits and 33 1/3% plus 40% outside City limits, effective~F~u~:h~l, 1960. Unanimously approved. Discussed . Dog problem~ and it was auggested that the City and 0ounty should co-operate on this· Tabled· Tabled. Licensing all businesses- this matter is receiving consideration by the Plannin~ and Zonin~ Corn, mis sio~ Alley parking - Clerk to contact Attorney Stewart re ordinance. Mr. Handy will meet with Council Tuesday Febr,~-.ry 16 to explain 1960 budget.' Discussed - two hour parking signs , take this up ~th Cris Kralicek. Also follow-up of parking tickets · ~ Councilman James reported on the matter of ordinance compiling- this is receiving attention. Councilman Braun s~id the Aspen Hotel Association wished to draw attention of Council to the cleaning up of weeds and trash. Past procedure of Council has been to run check on places and send notices to owners. Mr. s~ewart was asked to look' into matter of the map of installation made by ASpen Water Oo~mpany. Discussed - Approval and publication of bills payable. Opinion expressed - that there should be approVal of both the 'first of the month and middle of the month payments and that there should be ~-~ two publications each month - a~so that the Water and Electric Department salaries should appear' on vouchers, since' other payments in those departments are covered by voucher. The Clerk was instructed to prepare list'-of all salaries and wages paid by the City, the Electric and Water Departments for publication at this time, and for future publication as' needed. Application form for employment to be approved after further studye Motion to adjourn: Made by Anderson seconded by Beyer - Unanimous.