HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19600502 T~he meeting was called to o~der by Mayor Garrish at 7:3OPM with Councilme~ Beyer, james, Anderson and Braun, John Hall, Treasurer, and Attorney Stewart present. Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 14, the regular Meeting of April 18, the Special Joint Meeting of the Council and the Utility Boated on April 19 and the Special Meeting of the Council on April 25 were read and approved. The following motions were made to confirm motions recorded in mltnutes of special meetings. ~otion - Pacific By Anderson, seconded by Bey~r - to accept bids from Pacific States Cast Iron Pips Sts. Cast Iron Co. amd Dana Kepuer Co., of Denver, as outlined in Minutes' of Joint Meeti~ on & April 19, 1960. Carried unanimously. Dana Kepner. By Braun, seconded by Anderson, -that ~he salary of Earle Jenkinson be reduced by Motion-E.Jenkinson $100.00 to the sum of $450.O0 a month effective May 1, 1960. 'Carried Unanimously. Salary By Beyer - seconded by James - that due to his being relieved of the management of the Motion-C.H. Anders¢ Aspen Waterworks, C. H. Anderson,s salary will revert back to $550.00 ~:~onth plus Salary . $25.00 a month car allowance.effective May 1, 1960. Carried unanimously. By James, seconded by Anderson - that the City buy a copy of the water installation map Motion - to buy co~ from Dale Rea for $250.00. Carried unanimously. water installation Map. By Beyer~ seconded by ~nderso~ - that the City contribute $20.00 to Boy Scouts. Carried Motion-donation to unanimously. Boy ~Scouts. The bills payable of the City were read and discussed. Motion made by Beyer and seconded by James, to suspend Rule 19 and bills to be paid as read. Carried unanimously. Treasurer's repor~ read, d~scussed and approved. Letter from Robert M. Kirchner of Paters, Writer amd Christensen, Inc. and cheeE for $194,740.83, representing principal and accrued interest less fee, on the Waterworks Improvement Bonds Series Aj Tallmadge & were reviewed and,.discusse4d~._~.Also a copy of the legal opinion of Tallmadge and~Tallmadge a~ to Talimadge re legality of these~pArtieu~~ Clerk was instructed to deposit the check to the Aspen Special Water Water Bond Issue Fund. Mayor Garfish introduced City Administrator, Leon A. Wurl, who thanked the MAyor and the members of the Council for appointing him as City Administrator, and expressed~his desire to assist in the growth of Aspen, and pledged co-operation and suppor~ of policies by doing an eff&cient job~ The Mayor then thanked the Cmmmittee for their selection. Keith Sawvil requested permission to use the vacant lot next to the Fire Station for~ohe storage ~Moti~on- and sculpture of blocks of marble. After discussion motion was made by Anderson seconded by James, Aspen Sch'. of Fine that the Aspen School of Fine Arts, represented by Sawvil knd Cain, be allowed to use the lots next Arts - lots to the Fire Station for the non-profit purpose of marble sculpture, with the provision that the lots must be vacated by them upon request of the City, a~d with the ~gestion that they take this matter up further with the Zoning Commission~ Ok~ried ~u~imously~ Waddy Catchings congratulated Council on the implamenti~g of the City Administrator job. Jim Markalunas told Council that Christianson wants to know the feeling of the Council on a mobtte home in West Aspen. It was suggested that this ~atter be turned over to the Planning and Zoning Comm/ssion. Mr. Evans inquired if the City is going to nee~ gravel as he should know by the end of June. Councilman Anderson will take this up with Mr. Wurl. Sam Howell has inquire~d of Mayor Garrish if the City is going to do any black-topping as the County will be doing some. Anderson, Braun and Wurl will confer with Howell on this matter. It was suggested that the Planning Board might have some suggestion to offer. Correspondence - Letter from Building Inspector to Mayor regarding Uniform Building Code and full time Inspector, with the City and County co-operating, referred to Mr. Wurl. Letter fram Ken Moore - Tipple Inn and Associated Properties was read~ inquiring as to motion m2de ~ ~ E ~ in the March 16, 1959, meeting for an ordinance, to be prepared for the vacation of Dean Street between Galena and Hunter. Clerk instructed to determine why ordinance was not adOpted~ Letter from Mo-antain States Tree Service re bid for trimming of trees was discussed. Mayor told Council that Forest Ranger E~strom was making a ~urvey of trees, and it was suggested that Mr. Wurl consult Mr. Edstrom for further information,+~. Conncilman James said Zoning Commission is preparing report for Council approvalv- in the meantime it was decided to await further bidS. Application from George Boyd for~job on Street Maintenance Equipment read and filed. The question.of procedure in the event City is served with a garnishee was discussed, and it was decided that any employee involved would be called in to Council for hearing. Bestway Cleaners, lawn mai.n, tenanee contract on parks was discussed. Awai~urther information re Wagner Park. Letter from Mr. Stewart to Clerk re copy of' proceeding with r~ference to the water bonds and opinion from Tallmadge and Tallmadge read and discussed. Mayor Garrish said Mr. Hendy had questioned certain plugs mentioned in %~e Dale Rea,s schedule~- this~ to be taken up with Mr. Rea. Chamber of Waddy Catchings referred to the opir~ion expressed by Council as to the City payi~ dues if the Commerce dues. Chamber of Commerce sets up a reservation service, and ~xplained the Chamber,s position. He re- quested legal expression as to City dues if such se~ce is adopted. Mr. Stewart will handle this. Committee reports: Anderson, Braun and Wurl will work on pump test f~r well. Improving condition at dump,- Braun has discussed this with the County Commissioners and they want to co-ope~rate. Handed over to Wurl. Discussed replacement for Cris .Kralicek during his vacation. Jimmie Snyder was suggested and the Council favors him. Refer to Cris. Dog Ordinance,- the following ordinance was read in full for the first time: Dog Vaccination Ord. ~No. 3, Ordinance No. 3, Series 1960 1960 An ordinance providing for the vaccination of dogs, the issuance of Certificates therefor and tags to be attached to dog, providing for the release of impounded dogs, ~ · ~_ p~eviding for unlawful possession of tags and certificates, failure of the~owner to have dog innoculated and r~gistered and pro- viding for penalties therefor, and declaring an emergency to exist. Those present at the reading were Mayor~Garrish, Councilmen Braun, Anderson, James and Beyer, Treas- urer John Hall, City Clerk Deroth~ Heffmenn, and Attorney Stewart. A motion was made by Anderson and second,e,d b~ BraUn that Ordinance No. 3, Series 1960 be adopted · as read and published. All Councilmen voted Aye . Motion ~on Or~. In discussing this ordinance it was brought out that it emended and was in addition to the pre- vicus Ordinance No. 2 Serie~ 1952 - re Licensing Of Dogs, and it was suggested that the previous ordinance also be re-published to draw it to the attention of the public. To be worked out- sam~nistration of progrem, working with Dr. Harlan,'bringing provisi°ns of ordinance to the at- tnetion of tourists. Unfinished busimess, Dogs - see new ordi~lanCe. East Aspen Patent - Mr. Stewart met with Attorney Melma~ and outlined proceedings for May 12 - photo-fax East Aspemt c~p~ has been given to Mr. Mel~. Patent. Benboe ~- Bestway ~Ieaners - Bend for Scavenger contract has been received. Employees Group COVerage· pend_~ng no bid from Blue Cross or Stapleton received. Auditor's Contract - to Councilman Braun. Sewer rent - Beck and Bishop . lease provides that they pay. Clerk to inform them. Clerk to follow up on bill to Aspen Company for help on draim pipe at Opera House. Ordinance covering removal of sur~ey markers - pending - Attorney Stewart. Benboe lawn maintenance contract - pending. Aspen Skating Rink O- no further developments. R~b Roy claim- pending. Fire siren tOWer - hold.~ Second phone in Clerk's office. Clerk to write Mt. States Tel and Tel. For Administrator. One mailing - Electric and Water bills. Councilman Beyer to assist. Weeds ahd Trash removal. Fxcavating by Utilities, and hole at Hopkins and SecOnd Sts. Discussed. - Setting up security fund for Aspen Waterworks Reserve Fund. It was decided that excess of revenues shsuld go into the fund as of JUne l, 1960. Mr. Warl to check on payments still due on Hopto. The following motion was made by Braun and seconded by Anderson - that not less than $300,00 Fund a month for each bond, from water revenues, is to be put in a reserve fund in Pitkin County Bank, to be known as the WAterworks ReserVe Fund, effective June l, 1960. Carrie4 unanimously. Discussed - AdSustment ~_n rate for irrigation for those on meters. NOtic~e in ~Aspen Times re City Administrat0~s phone number. Car for Wurl. Attorney Stewart said he had discussed with Bob Kirchner the investment angle for emcess funds Under the recent Waterworks BonH Issue. Hold for further consideration. Meeting adjourned Until Tuesday, May 3 at 7:30 PM. Meeting re-opened by Mayor Garfish on May 3 at 7:30 PM with Councilmen Jemes, AndersOn, Beyer and Braun present, also Attorney Stewart. The Mayor announced that meetimg was~ continued from May 2nd. The bids on installation of the water distribution syste~ were opened ~y, ~ud read by, Mayer Garrish Water install- as follows: atien Bids. Regular MeetLr~, Aspen City Council,, May 2 and 3, 1960 Continued. Water Instal .- Corn Const~.,ction Co. Grand Junction Total bid .$77,700.00 ation bids. C.V. Miller, Denver 84,036.45 ~ San J~xan Basin, Farmfngton, New Mexico 86,818.69 Pascal Const~ction Compare, Littleton 48,255.48 Kidwell Contractor, P~ sade 67,717.90 i. Utility Construction, In~. 80,702.00 Discussion followed b~etween Council and Dale Rea, who brought out that there would be a charge of about $1200.00 in excess of bid due to change in schedule 4, Rea will proceed with having the necessary contracts signed and obtaining performance bond, also sending notification to Dana Kepner to proceed with furnishing supplies as needed by contractor. It was also decided to have contractor complete the Job rathe~ th~u changing provisions as to gravel and/or oil. The following motion was Motion- then made b~ Anderson, seconded by Bey, r, that the contract for the i~stallation of the water Pascal Const. distribution system be awarded to Pascal Construction Company, of Littleton, Colorado, as per their Co. bid submitted in acco~rdance with the proposals in the plans and specifications. Carried unanimouslly. Dale Rea will follow through on any deletions or 'additions so long as the conditions of the contract prevail. Matter of inspection discussed and Mr. Wurl and Rea will confer on this. Council should instruct Dale Rea to notify Pacific States Pipe Cemp~ to proceed with delivery of pipe to Motion-delivery the Pascal Construction Company as required by them. Motion made by 'Beyer, seconded by James,- of material Dale Rea is' to notify Pacific State Pipe' Co., and Dana Kepnsr to deliver pipe as required by the Pascal Construction Company. Unanimously approved. With further reference to inspection, Rea would like to have inspector here continuously for Inspection of the first two weeks, and if any insPection is made by Wurl, Rea requests that Wurl keep in close Installation touch with hLm by phone, and that he make any instructions a matter of record By letter and in detail, and he also brought out that care should be taken that a~ ~hanges do' not ch~ge the prices as stipulated in the contract. After di~scussi~n, the Council agreed on the following instruc- tion: it is agreeable that the inspector from Dale Rea is going to Be on hand for the first two weeks to get the Job started, and after that period it is up to Council1 to decide if City is to keep up Rea,s inspection service or tr ~ansfer it to wurl, with Rea makfng intermittent inspection~ It was suggested that a few extra fire hydrants be purchased for repair purposes, Councilman Braun Fire Hydrants suggested calling Clyde Clymer to a meeting for discussion of fire plugs, espeCially in Fire Districte Mayor Garrish thanked Dale Rea for his fast sef~ice and work in connection with the water ins~llation bids. Rea said it was his intention to furnish the City with an accurate map of installation at the end of the Job, and that this would depend on close inspection; Wurl will work with him on this. The letter dated April 19, 1960, from Tallmadge and T~l~madge, regardi~j~ interpretatiom of Letter- certain provisions of Ordinance No. 4, Series 1956, creating a Utility Board, was read and dis- Tallmadge and cussed. Attorney Stewart drew attention to the fact stated in the letter that the Electric Light ' Tallmad~e re and Power Revenue Bond Ordinance No, 1, Series 1956, was enact, ed prior to the utility Board Ord- Utility Board inance, t~$~e/CoUncil may repeal the Utility Board Ordinance, also that Waterworks Bend Ordinance Ord. was properly executed by Council and that Council is ultimate power. Stewart also stressed that the ordinances covering water bonds and bonded indebtedness are not repealable. Mr. Stewar~ suggested that Council keep ~-u mind the advisability of buying up Bonds rather than cancelling them in the future. Motion -Oral to Motion was made By Beysr seconded by Anderson, that Ordd~uce No. 4, Series 1956, Creating a Utility Board be repealed and that City Attorney Ste~mrt is directed to draft an ordinance of such repeal Utilit~ Board Ord. repeal. · Oa~.~ed unanimously. Mr. Wurl attended the Chamber of Converse luncheon meeting today. Councilmau Beyer has talked to Mr. Weaver about the second phone in clerk's office~ It was suggested that Wurl's phone listing include the City Clerk to thke calls in his absemcee CO~cilman James on dog pens - he, C. H. Andersun and Wurl will comfer with Dr. Harlan. James has receiVed four applications for job of dog-catcher. Beyer reported that. loudspeaker for Water truck will be here next week. There being no further business, motion was made by James, seconded By BeYer for adjourn- ment ,,