HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19600606 ASPEN, ~OLORADO REGUIARMEETING ASPEN CITY COUNCIL June 6, 1960
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Garrish at 7:30 PM with Councilmen Braun, Anderson, Beyer,
Attorney Stewart and City Administrator Wurl present.
Ratify prsv.
The minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, and the special meeting of May 22 were read and motions.
discussed. A motion was made by Beyer and seconded by Anderson to ratify motions carried in the ~otion
special meeting of May 22. Una~imau~ycarried.
A motion was made by Anderson seconded by Braun that the minutes be approved as read. Approved
The City's bills payable were read and discussed. A motion was made by Beyer and seconded by Braun
that Rule 19 be suspended and the bills paid as read. Carried unanimously.
The Treasurer's report was read by the Clerk; discussed - charging for work on utilities resulting fr,
the removal of buildings. A motion was made by Anderson seconded by Beyer that the report of the
Treasurer be accepted. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Slavens showed Council plans for the remodelling on their motel site, and said
that the recent City Survey had resulted in a variance of about h feet on the North side of their pro-
perty. During the discussion, Attorney Stewart suggested the following procedure - if the area is Variances
not needed fgr public use and i2 public rights are not involved - for the City to vacate the laud Slavens and
involved by Ordinance, the cost of such Ordinance to be paid by the persons involved - not b~the City. Westerner
The mabter of reversionery rights was discussed: and it was decided that each case should be considered
individually. Mr. Stewart will bring in information regarding the extent of destruction to be considered
in the matter of reversion to the City. The questions to be considered in the Slaven's case are -
I - encroachment into the street and (2) set-back to be referre~ to Board of Adjustment. The West-
erner Court also has the problem of encroachment. The followin~ motion was made by Anderson, seconded
by Beyer: that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance ~acating a portion of Second S~reet adequate to
clear the foundation of improvement now constructed projecting beyond the Lot K, Block ~l, AspR~, and
also an Ordinance vacating approximately ~ feet of of the alley North of lots G.H. and I~ Block
East Aspen, and provide in said Ordinances that there shall be a reversion of said vacated areas in
the event the improvements thereon are removed or substantially destroyed. Carried unanimously.
Richard A. Parker and Stuart Hike, DBA Allerton Enterprises, Ltd., were present in connection with
their application for a 3:2 Beer License for the premises now known as the Heidelberg. The Application Parker & Hike
was read by City Attonney Stewart, and the references presented by them were reviewed by Council. The Allerton Enter-
Proof of Publication requirement and the need of the community, also the fact that no license may be prises-liquor
issued for two years for any location where a license has been denied, were diacussed, and no written license
remonstrances had been received. A motion was then made by Anderson, seconded by Braun, that a
license to sell 3:2 Beer at the location now known as the Heidelberg be granted to Allerton Enterprises,
Ltd. All Councilmen voted "Aye". Parker and Hike were then informed that absolute compliance with the ·
Liquor Law would be required of them.
Mr. Hike requested that "No Parking" signs be put up on Galena St. in front of their bicycle rental
area. This was referred to Mr. Wurl.
Mrsl Mary Perkins, representing the Aspen Lodge Association, presented a letter from their Presi-
dent, Mr. Scheid, regarding oiling of the streets. She was informed O£~the problem involved with the
present water installation, and after discussion, City Administrator Wurl was instructed to go ahead Oiling Sts.
with the oiling of the Streets around the tent. Wurl is getting information on salt compaction.
Wes Thorpe said he had read the ~eport in the Aspen Times about the possible joint building in-
spection by the City a~.d County and applied for the position. He was told that no definite action
had been taken as yet and advised to file ~written app~cation.
Mead Metcalf was present in connection with the transfer of his liquor license from the present
location of the Crystal Palace to its new location on the corner of Hyman and Monarch. His application Mead Metcalf
for transfer.was read by Attorney Stewart and discussed. A motion was made by Beyer, seconded by trans.
Anderson, to ~rant transfer of liquor license to Mead Metcalf, DBA Crystal Palace, to the new location, liquor license
All Councilmen voted "AYE". Crystal Palace
Clyde Clymer asked permission to shoot fireworks from Durant Street on July hth. Motion made by
Beyer and seconded by Braun, that permission be granted to shoot fireworks from Durant Street. Car-
ried unanimously. Clymer's request for a donation from the City for fireworks held for fu9ther con- ~ireworks
Clif Va~neur and Rudy Pejack came in on request of council regarding sidewalks at the new school
New School building. They brought in plans and the problems involved were discussed. The matter of concern is dirt
piled aoalnst walls~ The Mayor appointed Beyer, Braun, Anderson and Wurl to consult with the School
Sidewalk Board and their architect.
~A] Report of City Administrator Wdrl, covering:
~ Water lines- cost submitted for proposed extensions.
. Storage tanks and well sites.
Council authorized Wurl to have specifications drawn up on pump ~ystems, and present them for
Re- rerouting pipe around Hospital - confer with County about cost. lO" steel pipe was sug-
gested in this connection.
Raise in wages for Norman Herwick - a motion was made by Beyer and seconded by Anderson,
Herwick ? that the wages of Norman Herwick be adjusted to $2.00 an hour effective June 1, 1960. Carried
Waterline Wurl submitted cost estimates on water line extensions. Motion made by Anderson, and seconded
extensions by Beyer, -to approve the North Eighth Street water line extension,- total cost $3,~61.1%-
No. Eighth & (estimate) and Hopkins Street Extension~from Third to Center - total cost $~,26~.10 (estimate)
Carried unanimously.
Employees Group Coverage discussed- and'it was agreed that the City would pay premium for
EmPloyees employees on hospital and medical coverage only. Wurl is to present all plans to the
Group Coy. employees for their consideration.
Wurl showed Council plan designed by Fritz Benedict for dog pound. A motion was made by
Dog Pound Anderson, seconded by Beyer, that the City advertise for bids on construction of dog pound.
Carried unanimously.
Discussed - Improvement of streets - licensing of all businesses - franchise to Mountai~
Change in Tel. States Tel and Tel. %. - intercommunication system so all calls can be received at one
system location if necessary. Motion made by Beyer, seconded by Braun to change over to inter-
communication system for telephones. Wurl will handle. Carried unanimously.
Fire Tower- West End, postpone action. Building Inspector to check it and report.
Statement from Trafton Bean Associates to be sent to John Doremus with request that~he explain it
to Council.
~ Dale Rea Stat~- Statements from Dale Rea on Water Installation system to date. Motion by Anderson, seconded by
ments Beyer, tha~ these statements be paid. UnanimoUsly approved.
Clerk attend Motion~b~ Anderson, seconded by Braun - that the Clerk be permitted to attend the Clerks' and Finance
!Q~ficers' sessions at the Municipal League 0onferenee, in Glenwood Springs, on Jult 14 and 16th,
Mun. League ~animously approved.
The Mayor told Council that Darlene Andrew wants to park a vacant trailer behind her father's
Trailer- house. After discussion it was decided that a letter should be sent to her telling her that persmission
Andrew is grantedto park the trailer there, and it must be locked and not lived in.
The Mayor also said that he had been told that the sign on the Twin Lakes approach to Independence
Pass did not clearly indicate that the Pass was closed. Wurlwill follow up.
Committee Reports:
Auditor §ouncilman Braun reported that Mr. Handy will co-operate with the City in any way they wish, and
will come here on an hourly basis of $7.50. Council agreed to this and Wurl will write to him, and
arrange for thecance~lation of contract with Sheehy.
Councilman Beyer reported on the Ordinance Committee. Wurl showed ordinance co~ilation of City
of Westminster, which he said had been prepared for about $1200.00. He will make further inquiry and
UnusuaI Mr. C. H. AnderSon's expenses on trip to Denver and cost of letter of opinion from Tallmadge and
Tallmadge were discussed and it was decided that a letter should be sent to all departments that no
Expenses such expenses should/~curred without the approval of Council.
It was suggested tha$ Mr. C. H. Anderson be invited t~ come to'the Council meeting for conference.
Trees- discussed and bid from Earl Dawson read. A motion was made by Braun an~ seconded by Beyer
Tree Improve- to authorize Councilman Anderson to proceed with the tree improvement.program, the cost not to exceed
ment $2000.00, and to be charged to Street Improvement Fund. Carried unanimously.
Councilman Anderson reported that Police Chief Kralicek wants to bring the police records up to
Police record date, and establish definite fines for violations. It was suggested that information re fines be obtained
from S~te Patrol, and that a meeting with Kralicek be held. Anderson instructed Cris to follow up on
~ cleaning up alleys.
Fines for dumping along road to dumping area. Attorney Stewart is preparing ordinance..
Glory Hole Glory Hole - Beyer reported that w&~er may be a definite hazard. The matter of the lar~d around
the Hole still under consideration.
Wurl is taking care of matter of ditches and culverts on Durant St. He and Anderson are working on
street grades.
Markalunas is checking on Rowland permit.
Attorney Stewart is taking care of matter of fence in alley behind Crosby's property.
~st Aspen Patent - Attorney Me~ is coming to Aspen for cons~tation with ~. Stewart. East Aspen
Pascal Construction Co. Atto~ey Stewa~ has written to Chisho~ and he read from bid contract
excerpt indicating possible limit of liability for damages. Pending. Pascal Co.
Aspen Skating Ri~- answer filed. Aspen
~kating Ri~
Co~cil agreeable to renti~ space in Armo~ Hall to T. V. Crew md Stuart Mace will be so i~ormed.
Space-~ Cr~
~dinance No. ~, Series 1960, An O~in~ce Repealing Ordinance No. ~ (Series of 19~6) ~d Declaring Ord. No. ~
an ~ergency to Exist. ~ad~in f~l for the second t~e. Motion by ~eyer, seconded by
Bra~, that Ordinance be accepted as re~. Carried unanimously. )rd. No.~
Ordinance No. ~, Series i960 An O~in~ce Providing for the protection of pe~anent s~vey monu-
ments, markers or stakes installed by the City of Aspen; providing for~the conditions ~der which pe~a-
nent survey mon~ents may be removed ~th the authority of the City ~gineer; providing for the filing of
plats and field notes in connection there~th; provid~g civil liability for the dest~ction, mutil~ti~
d~age or removal thereof; providing for u~awf~ destruction, mutil&tion, d~ag~ 6r removal t~ereof and
penalties therefor; and dect~r~g an emergency to e~st~ - read for the second time.~ Moti~ to accept
as read, made ~ Anderson seconded by BeYer; Car~ed ~imously.
Beye~ to follow up on pa~ent from Wa~ner ~ark Fund. It was agreed t~t the City should pay Wa~ner Park
Bestway Cleaning acco~ing to contract.
The f~st reg~ar meeting i~,~u~y will be on Tuesday, July ~, 1960.
The re~u~ of the bid bond~nd specification fees to bidders on the water installation system ~etu~ Bid Bonds
was approved. Motion to adjoin, made by ~derson, seconded b~ Beyer. & Spec. Fees.