HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19601114 ASPEN, COLO~DO SPECIAL MEETING ASP~ CITY CO~CIL N~EMB~ 12, 1960 The meeting was called to order at 7.30 PM by Mayor Garrish ~th Co~cilmen ~yer, J~es Md ~derson, City A~inistrator W~l ~d Etto~ey Stewart present. Counci~an Bra~ c~e in shortly after. Mr. Biggerstaff, Dr. Markle and Mr. ~a~ear were present in the interest of the proposed fr~chise Natur~ ga for natural gas. ~yor Garrish read a letter from the Colorado Nat~al Gas Comply requesting a special meeti~ with them on November 28, but Co~cil agreed that there wo~d be no meetings prior to December 5 ~ ~' on this matter. Considerable discussion followed on the matter of natural gas installation in Aspen, Md fracases already adopted ~ other co~ities were reviewe~ It was s~gested that caref~ consideration be given to : proxi~ty of so,ce,-close contact ~th Glenwood Sprigs,-affect of coldweather int~s altit~e,- present availabili~ of rese~es~ - covenant that fr~c~se would not be sold or assigned ~less acce~le to Ci~. ~osals It was then suggested that a letter should go to each comp~y~nt~g to make a pr~os~, indicating the info~atio~ t~ Ci~ ~ll re~ire, Md e~laining that t~s does no~ obligate the City to issue a fr~c~se. T~ proposals shoed be in for the meeti~ of December 5, 1960. Follo~n~ is the info~- ation to be fu~ished. Rate as "not to exceed rate~'. ~ll info~ation as to rese~es. ~ll fin~cial statement - including stock and bonded in~bte~ess. Total cost of construction of pipeline. ~o~t of franc~se t~ to Ci~. %~en se~ice ~ll be available. Anal~is of gas - ~U. Pressure at City limits and to cust~er. ~esent operations. Proposed franc~se. Mr. Ste~rv ~ll prepare letters for C~rk to send out. The raze of rent for the renew~ of the Bec~DQ~Bishop lease was discussed, ~d Co~ci~ Beyer Beck & Bishop gave measuremen%s ~d current rates on bus~ess~ty Md Co~cil arrived at a rent of $300.00 a month lease as justified. A letter is ~o be senv ~o them stating t~t the lease ~ll be renewed at a monthly rate of $300.00, ~der t~ 5e~s of the e~sti~ lease, with option of renewal after a period of t~ee years. Notice regarding f~al pa~ent of the wate~orks installation contract is to be p~lished. As the F~al pa~ent first Monday ~ January will be a holiday, it ~s decided that the first regular meeting in J~uary ~te~orks ~ u~ ~wo~d be held on ~es~y, J~uary 3, Md a notice is to be plac~ ~ the Aspen Times. ~ c~tract A motion ~s made ~ J~es, seconded ~ ~yer, that the month~ sala~ of ~on Wurl, City Ad- S~ary ~c. ministrator, be increased by $50.00 e~ective November 1, t9~. Carried ~ously. Whrl Discussed - how far to go bn ~te~orks installation. It was suggested that work be cont~ued as wate~or~ long as weather pemits, ~th particular attenti~ being paid to H~ter C~ek line. ~ll D~away as~d about d~well near the new school, and the possibility of the City ~tting dry wells in a well at Hall~ Md ~rst Sts. ~. W~l is to lo~ ~to comparative costs of ~stallation of d~ wells new school or galvanized pipe ~th perforations. Dog pens Dog pens are bei~ construct~. Delay due vo s~e of t~ parts ~ving be~ removed at Hallowe'en. School light Discussed - scho~ traffic light on Ma~ Street. Meeti~ was t~n adjou~ed.