HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19610501 May 1, 1961 Informal Meeting of Aspen City Council with Representives of Rocky
Mountain Natural ~as Co.
Rocky Mtn. Mayor Garfish, Councilmen Anderson, James, and Braun, City Administrator/and
Proposed City Attorney Stewart met with representatives of the Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Co.
Franchise. at 5:00PM, for the purpose of discussing proposed franchise.
Add Emergency Clause.
Changes - Section 1 and may be cited.
Section 4 - change. Check with Stewart and Wurl.
Section 5 - Provisions of Public Liability not less than $500,000.00
Sec. 6 - No change
Sec. 7 - Check with Wurl
Sec. 8 Service Standards added. B.Oalorimeter test added.
C.Gas Pressure addition
F. " Maintenance
G. Maps to show construction
H. Copies of Calorimeter tests.
L. Service to Customers.
Sections 9 -10- ll-lZ - Ho change
Section 13 - Addition.
Section 14 - No Change
Section 15 - Requiring payment of permit charge for excavation.
Sec. 16 . Change.
· Sec. 17. No Change.
Sec.18 "
Sec. 19 Change
Sec. 20 No Change
Sec. 21 New section re Pol~s~
Sec. 22 Assignment chan~ed
Sec. 23 Assignment
Sec. 24 Bonds - Surety or Performance.
Sec. 25 No change
Sec. 26 No change
Sec. 27 No change
Sec 28 - Emergency clause added.
Meeting closed.
Aspen, Colorado Regular Meeting-Aspen City. Council, May 1, 1961
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Garfish, with Councilmen
Braun, James and Anderson, City Administrator Wurl, City ~reasurer Hall and City At-
torney Stewart present. Absent - Councilman Beyer - on vacation.
The minutes of the regular meeting of April 17 were read and approved upon motion
by Anderson, seconded by James, and carried unanimously.
The accounts payable of the City were read, and a motion was made by Anderson,
seconded by Braun, to suspend Rule 19 and allow the several amounts. Carried unani-
The Treasurer's report was read by John Hall, and discussed. A motion was made
by Braun, seconded by James, to accept the report. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Balanger and Frank Rae, Engineers, were present and their proposal-was dis- Frank Rae
cussed. They said if awarded contract they would use local help and reduce maintenance Engineer
cost. Discussed- agreement to be worked out to present to Council; no rang~ points
are at intersections, but corners are in; they estimate 25 days for field work with 2
three-men crews; discussion suspended until later.
The application of the Aspen Holding Company, dba The Nugget, for a full liquor
license, was read by Attorney Stewart, ~nd he referred to the letters of character at- Liquor
tached thereto which are avail'able for public inspection. Also to ~he answer of "no" Lie. Appl.
to the inquiry as to whether premises are located within 500 feet of the premises of The Nugget
any school. Mr. Stewart also read several letters favoring issuance of the license.
Mayor Garfish referred to the stenotype machine and operator brought in by the Stenotype
attorney for the Nugget, and he said he considered it similar to tape recording, and Operator
felt it was not according to law, and in future a court order would be required for
such procedure.
Attorney Stewart then read letter from the Aspen RestaurAnt Association, opposing
issuance of a license, t'he-~e~asons stated therein - there are already sufficient outlets
the matter of the 500 feet and'-~he school, and the requirement that inspection must be
mad-e prior to approval. There were .~0 other remonstrances.
While Council was reviewing application, Mayor Garfish read ~etter from 3ohn Car-
roll, U. S. Senate, regarding extension of the Federal Airport Act. Whip Jones said a Aspen
survey indicated 14 planes on the Aspen Airport at a time when there were none at Airport
Glenwood Springs - ~pril 30, 1961. The Airport is trying to get financial aid for a
larger plane.
Regarding the application for the liquor license for the Nugget, Attorney Stewart License-
said Council could either follow State regulations, or consider this on the basis of Nugget
local needs subject to State regulations.
Leslie A. Gross, of Denver, a~torney for the Nugget, then took the floor. He said
he had called four witnesses - C. F. Pitts and 'Whipple Jones of the Smuggler Motel,
and Jim Snobble and Bob Lockwood of the Nugget.
He showed map of Aspen and outlined lane of traffic from the entrance to the City
past the Nugget on Main Street. He then displayed a chart, and gave to Mayor Garfish
an affidavit of the one who prepared it, showing comparison between gross revenue of
the Sk~ Corporation ~which they felt best indicated growth Of tourism in Aspen)
available lodgings and liquor outlets.
Discussion followed, covering - fairness in contrasting dollar revenue of Ski ~orp-
oration against facilities in liquor licensed places; had they considered lodges in
County also. Mr. Gross said they had tried to cover only Aspen: whether all~ visitors
to Aspen would require ~liquor. Mr. Gross said t~ey had not intended to imply this. ~-~
Whether they had considered increased capacity of bars - no.
Mr. Gross then handed to the City Clerk the following exhibits to be filed in the
Clerk's Office;
Exhibit 1 ~- Map of Aspen showing liquor outlets.
2 Chart ~ Comparison of S~pply 'and Demand.
2A Affidavit from James C. Shearon
3 Plot Plan of Nugget and External Distances~. .
4. Proposed construction to which they would commit themselves if license
% gran ted.
Liquor License Exhibit 5 Plan of second Floor.
The Nugget 6 Postcard - Pool area
7 Postcard - second story lounge and sundeck.
8 Postcard - Exterior view of Nugget - Winter.
. 9 Signed petition supporting request for license 17 names and
Snobble affidavit.
~ 10 " " " request for license - 14 names and
Snobble affidavit.
11 " " " request for license - 17 names and
Snobble affidavit.
12 Proof of Publication in Aspen Times~
13 Supporting letter - Ross Griffin
14 " " -Stewart Peck
15 " " C. F. Pitts
16 " " Bill Dunaway
17 " " Edgar Stanton
18 " " William C. Mason
19 " *' Mrs. Walter B. Mills
20 " " Sally Scheig Simons
21 Memorandum of Applicant submitted by Mr. Gross.
Mr. Gross then called on Mr. Jones, who referre~ to location on Main Street, ~ad-
ding that he felt there would be additional accommodations built, and that his guests
at the Smuggler would be better served by having a bar and restaurant in the Nugget.
He also referred to difficulty in parking in midtown area.
Mr. C. F.Pitts said his opinion was similar to Mr. Jones' and he felt ~that the
neighborhood was inadequately served.
Jim Snobble, Manager and Partner of the Nugget, said he felt that expansion of the
Nugget was needed due to the short seasons, and they want to put in 15 more units and
a restaurant. It is their desire to increase service to their guests, and also to
provide service to those accommodated in the area on Main Street from the Villa La
Mart in. The cost of maintenance of the Nugget is such-that more accommodations and
service are needed to provide just return on their investment. He also mentioned the
distance from the center of town where most restaurants are located.
Petitions circulated by Jim Snobble are included in the list of exhibits.
Snobble said the opposition of the Restaurant Association was a matter of policy
and not personal. He added that if they are to meet competition from the County, they
must increase capacity and service.
[ ~ Mr. Gross inquired if the n~w school was built subsequent to the building of the
Nugget, also if there was competition from the County. The answer w~s "yes".
Bob Lockwood, partner in the Nugget and an engineer, said he had personally
measured the distance from the main door of ~the Nugget to the main entrance .of the
school and that the distance is 677 plus feet. ~e said all improvements would be
behind a fence facing onto the pool and patio. Also that there would be a meeting
room where food would be served, and that the ba~ wc~uld accommodate from 30 to 35
people. He also said that they anticipated increasing business during April, Septem-
ber and October by attracting small groups; that the business is not successful on the
pre~t basis, and that they must furnish other services to attract guests.
Otto Steiner spoke for the Restaurant Association, and said there was nothing per-
sonal in their opposition to the issuance of the liquor license, and that they favor
competition, but they feel the Nugget would not get full time participation from guests~
and he referred to the Colorado State Liquor Code re distance from school and the Nugget!.s
measuring. He said the Association feels the available restaurants can take care of all
Mr. Gross disputed Steiner'm interpretation of the Liquor Code on distance from
the school.
Tabled. .Councilman Anderson made a motion to table the matter on the application of the
Nugget until the next regular meeting, and this was seconded by Braun and carried un-
Rocky Mtn. John Reed, Vice President of the Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Co. said he would like
Natural Gas. to submit to the City Council a franchise in accordance with the resulution adopted,
and which has been negotiated with Attorney Stewart and City Administrator Wurl and
includes all conditions as requested by them.
A motion to read the Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Co. Franchise ordinance as amended
was made by James, seconded by Anderson, and carried unanimously.
Ord. No. 5, Ordinance No. 5, Series, 1961, Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Company Franchise Ord-
1961 inance, was read in full by Attorney Stewart. A motion was made by Anderson, seconded
by Braun, toaccept ordinance and order it published. Carried unanimously with Council-
men And~on, Braun and James present.
Public Serv. Mr. Beatty of the Public Service Company said they had filed a petition with the
Co. ~lenwood Springs Council foran initiated ordinance, and that it may be adopted or sub-
mi~ted to the vote of the people, also that they still want to serve Aspen on a fran~'
chise; if franchise is granted they will get gas to Aspen by fall.
Mr. Reed thanked Council for having the ordinance read.
Engineering City Administrator Wurl read a letter from the R. L. Corey Engineering of Grand
Junction, with a figure of $1,625.00, and he said this is not a complete estimate.
Mr. Balanger of Frank Rae Engineering said.they would find out Federal require-
ment for loan and would determine what znformatzon is needed.
Mr. Wurl read letters from Craig, Riverton and Gunnison, recommending Mr. Parker of
Parker Associates.
~ Street
Proposals for engineering for street grades were then discussed: Grades.
Parke~ Associates $13,750.00
Prank Rae 5,850.00
nglneerlng Service 12,500.00
Mayor Garfish asked ~f Rae plans would be sufficient to start construction and they said
these would be preliminary only..
Thei~ proposal is based on the asmumption that pins would be mn, alternate would be hour-
ly rate for field service.
Comparison of services offered was then considered, and the need of the City to have
elevation at block corners and at everF break in grade~ Mr. Balanger said he had spoken
to the Highway Department men about establishing grades, and they had told him they would
probably do whatever is necessary if presented with comprehenszve' plan.
A notion was made by Anderson, seconded by Braun, to accept the proposal of Frank Rae- Motion
$5850.00 plus living e~xpenses, and to authorize Attorney Stewart to prepare contract. Frank Rae
Carried unanimously. With respect to contract Councilmen Anderson and Braun approved
the addition that it should provide for the work in addition to the scope of contract and
should include hourly rate. Mr. Rae said they would contact the Federal Home and Housing
Agency to get the necessary information so that Mr. Stewart and Mr. Wurl may proceed with
the contract.
Mayor Garfish referred to notice in the Aspen Times about difference in bid of Merril Bid-Merrill
on laying pipe for the City and for the Meadows area, and Wurl and Buchanan said it was
largely due to taps in the City and open country in the Meadows.
Mayor Garfish also spoke about editorial~out dirty water and ~hrl said they are tak- Water
ing action to get on well water.
Mr. Balanger asked for information as to City's plan or schedule for street im- St. Improvement
provement. Wurl will contact the PlanninK Commission for their recommendations, schedule
Anderson - See Minutes of May 15,1961.
Mayo~ Garfish said he and Councilman dS~m~l had contacted Booth Rouse Equipment Co. St. Sweeper
in Denver, and they will furnish a used street sweeper for $3,100.00 cash. A motion was Motion
made by Braun, seconded by James, to appropriate this amant for the purchase of the
sweeper. Carried Unanimously.
Jack Heath showed plans for a display area for plants on the west side of the Reath -Lath
Prince Albert Bldg.,- a kind of lath house. Jim Marklunas said any such addition would house.
have to be built of non-inflammable material, After discussion it was dedided that this
matter should be referred to the Board of Adjustment, and if permitted, a resolution shoul
be prepared, as Council would not oppose it.
Bill Dunaway said he is resigning from the Board of Adjustment, and suggested as Bill Dunaway
possible reDlacement - Norris Taylor. resigns
Mr. Wurl said he had received a letter from LeCuyer outlining the proposed work for
the Electric pepartment:
1. 4 Base maps
2. Field Survey
3. Written Log - long range program.
Council suggested a contract with ceiling on rates - $4500.00 at most.
Discussed - map belonging to John Doremus showing adjacent areas to Aspen, and its
merit to the City.
Motion was made by Braun, seconded by Anderson, to approve the platting by LeCuyer Motion-
of the first and second phases of his proposal ($2500.00) and he is to be engaged at LeCuyer
this time as Consulting Engineer for the Electric Department, and Attorney Stewart is Consulting
authorized to draw up the contract. Carried unanimously. Eng.
Wurl reported that he had received from Mr. and Mrs. P~B1 Frost a bill from Frost
Dugger Drilling Co. for work due to frozen pipes. Unde~discussion it was suggested that Dugger
this is not City's responsibility; also need for insurance or bond by diggers to cover Drilling
their liability, and~ enforcement of permit requirement on street excavations. Wurl
and Stewart will formulate regulations.
Discussed - collapse of curb at Matthews Drug when waterline was laid. It was sug- ~urb
gested that is be repaired temporarily due to pending grade program. Matthew Drug.
Wurl has received requestss for waterline extensions from Stan Bealmear and Louis
Pastore. This was discussed, and Wurl is to determine if Pastore house is in City limits, Waterline-Pastore
and Council does not feel exte~nsion would be justified fcm Bealmear to~ serve ~nly an Bea~lmea~
additiona! building on his property.
Wurl and Attorney Stewart were authorized to negotiate on the Meadows waterline, af- Meadows
ter discussion on the South Monarch waterline extension and those still hooked on to waterline
the old line. A motion was made by Anderson, seconded by B~aun,:to authorize Attorney Motion
Stewart and Mr. Wurl to negotiate on the proposed Meadows waterline. Carried unanimous-
ly, with the suggestion that ~m estimate on th~ required amount of water be submitted.
Wurl said there i~ no waste oil available for the streets. As the Design Confer- Streets
ence will start June 15, Wur! is to go ahead with the oil program as formerly, oiling
Wurl referred to mower for~park use, and rotary type ~eems to be favored. It was Bids
suggested that, inasmuch as the Wagner Park Committee forms policy on maintenance of Park Main~.
Wagner Park, bids be invited for Paepcke Park Maintenance.
Wurl read a letter fro~ C. H. Hoper, asking for compensation for a trip to Aspen
Hoper bill for consultation with Wurl, and Wurl being out of town. After Wurl had given all the
facts to Council it was the consensus that the City should not pay the bill.
Wurl said Teleo Caparella had informed him that he was hired on a salary of $500.00
' Wages a month. Wurl talked to the men in the Electric Department and they would like to have
Electric a guaranteed minimum pay. This will be provided in codification of ordinances. In the
i Water meantime, it was suggested that the m~erage monthly earnings for the last year be reviewed
LI and referred to Council.
Ord. 4 Ordinance No. 4, Series 1961, - an Ordinance Authorizing the Expenditure of $38,000
1961 for the Further Improvement of the Domestic Water System of the City of Aspen, Colorado,
and Declaring an Emergency to Exist, was read fo~ the second tim~ by Mr. Stewart, and
a motion was made by Braun, seconded by Anderson, to adopt the Ordinance. Carried un-
The following resolution for the transfer of funds was read by Mr. Stewart:
WHEREAS, the City of Aspen has read on final reading Ordinance No.4, (Series
of 1961) providing for the expediture of $38,000.00 in excess of the Budget for
the calendar year 1961 to be used for the improvement of the domestic water system
Resolution- for the City of Aspen,
Transfer of
Funds WHEREAS, the City of Aspen has available in the Electric Revenue Fund the
sum of $10,000.00, in the Electric Oontingent Fund the sum of $8,000.00, and in
the General Street Improvement Fund the Rum of $20,000.00, and the expenditure of
~smid monies in such funds shall not be required and it is deemed advisable by the
City Council that the total sum of $38,000.00 from such funds be transferred to
the Special Water Fund for the expenditure according to the provisions of Ordi-
nance No. 4 ( Series 6f 1961), .I
1. That the Treasurer and the City Clerk shall and they are hereby authorized
to transfer to the Special Water Fuhd the sum of $38,000.00 from the foll~x~i6g funds
according to the amount set opposite each 8~mount:
Electric Revenue Fund $10,000.00
Electric Contingent Fund 8,000.00
General Street Improvement Fund 20,000.00
2. That a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to the Treas-
urer for the City of Aspen and to the City Clerk for the per~anent records in their
respective offices.
Dated at Aspen, Colorado, this 1 day of May, 1961
Dorothy Hoffmann M.J. Garfish
City Clerk Mayor
A motion was made by James, seconded by Anderson, to adopt the resolution~ Car-
ried unanimously.
License- An application for license for the Kandahar Apa.r.tments was reviewed and a motion
Kandahar was made by Anderson, seconded by James, to approve l~suance of license. Carried un-
A resolution permitting~ the use by Bert Bidwell 6f the alley in Block 3 was then
read by Attorney Stewart:
Resolution WHEREAS, BERTRAM A. BIDWELL and MAXIME M. BIDWELL are the owners in joint
Bidwell -Alley tenancy of the following described property .situate in the County of Pitkin,
BI 3 State of Colorado:
Lots P, Q, R and S, in Block 3 in and to the City and Townsite of Aspen:
WHEREAS, the said Bertram ~..Bidwell and Maxime M. Bidwell have requested
permission from the City Council of the City of Aspen to permit the landscaping of
the alley lying immediately northerly of the said above described lots:
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to grant permission for the landscaping
~of said lots;
1. That the said Bertram Al Bidwell and Maxine M. Bidwell are hereby granted
~ permission to landscape the alley lying North of said Lots P , Q, R and S, in
I Block 3, City and Townsite of Aspen; providing, however, the City of Aspen reserves
! the right and privilege at an~ time to revoke this resolution and may at any time
, thereafter enter into possession of said alley. Further providing that in the event
~-~ the City of Aspen shall elect to revoke this resolution, notice, in writing, shall
be delivered to the said Bertram A. Bidwell and Maxine M. Bidwell within ten days
prior to the effective date.
Dated at Aspen, Colorado, this 1 day of May, A.D. 1961.
A motion was made by Braun, seconded by James, to adopt the resolution. Carried un-
Attorne. y Stewart referred to case in Aurora, a decision on which will affect the
traffic ordznance in the codification. He will work on thi~.
Aspen, Colorado Regular Meeting, Aspen City Council May 1, 1961 Cont'd.
Aspen Skating Rink - Pending
East Aspen Patent - May 8 as tentative date for meeting
Annexation of Ute - Awaiting information from Benedict
Albouy and ditch - it was suggested the two owners clean ditch and bill him.
Leasing water - still pending
Funds have been transferred from Central Bank & Trust to Pitkin County Bank.
Investing Funds - Pitkin County Bank will secure, but there should be a conference be- ~
tween John Hall and the Bank.
Quiet Titles - A motion to dismiss has been filed by the Christian Church.
Wieben - pleadings have been filed.
Codification of ordinances - on agenda.
Business and contractors' licensing ordinances - on agenda.
Regulations on scavenger contract - still pending.
False arrest coverage - discussed, and a motion was made by Braun, seconded by False arrest
Anderson, to take National Sheriff Association coverage - premium $87.50 a year. Carried coverage
New Well - Attorney ~Stewart read a letter from Hodges, re quit claim deeds from
City on certain mining claims (6/11/38 Easement recorded Bk 167 P 84). Stewart sug- New Well
gested entering into an agreement with the Ski Corporation whereby they pay some amount Ski Corp.
to the City in connection wit~ mining claims. It was suggested that this be kept separ=
ate from original offer of lots for quit claim, and Stewart will contact Hodges.
Wurl is working on vault plans and bids.
A motion was made by James seconded by Braun, appointing Councilman Beyer to sit Beyer-
in on the Fire District meetings as liaison member for Council. Carried Unanimously. Fire Distr.
Mr. Stewart referred to quit claim summons ( Fritz Benedict) naming City and said
no answer is required.
Mayor Garfish said Stan Johnson and Ted Mularz had been suggested as replacement Pi & Zoning
for John Doremus on the Planning and Zoning Comm. Hold for further discussion. Comm.
The matter of the application of the Nugget was discussed further and Attorney
Stewart said City could deny, or interpret the State Code. When report is sent in the License
distance from school must be reported, also the fact that the building has not yet been Nugget
constructed for the restaurant. The needs of the community should be considered. If
application is approved a letter of transmittal should go to the State Liquor Board.
Letter from Whitney and Schleppenbach, Engineers, was read and handed over to Wurl.
The seminar at the Aspen Institute from May 22 to May 26 was discussed, 'and the
Mayor and Wurl will try and attend,
The meeting was adjourned at i:30PM upon motion by Anderson seconded by 3ames.