HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19611002 Before the formal opening of the meeting, Ed Lynch discussed with Council the pro-
blems arising from the installation of the natural gas lines, and said every effort is
being made to have the streets-and alleys put back to former condition. When asked
about propane tanks he said the Aspen Gas Company wants 100, and that Rocky Mountain Natural Gas
Natural Gas Co. will not buy underground tanks. He will determine from Mr. Buchanan
whether the gas line has been laid over a watermain at the Meadows. Discussed - valve
boxes- culverts -pump house No. 1, and John Snyder's place.
The meeting was then opened by Mayor Garfish with Councilmen Braun, Anderson, and
Beyer, City Attorney Stewart and City Treasurer Hall present. Councilman James was
The minutes of the regular meeting of September 18 and the special meeting of
September 25 were read and approved upon motion by Anderson, seconded by Beyer. Car-
tied unanimously~
Mayor Garfish referred to bids on transformers, which will be referred to Mr. I~-
Cuyer, and it was suggested that there be standardization, and that they be obtained transformer
from a near-by source to avoid delay in case of repairs.
The City's accounts payable were read and discussed, and Councilman Beyer will de-
termine if Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Co. is going to pay for the publication of the
gas code ordinance. A motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Braun, to otherwise pay
the bills as read. Garried unanimously.
The Treasurer,s report was then read,? by Mr. Hall and discussed. Discussion fol-
lowed on the Special Water Fund and it was deOided that w~en the current bills are paid,
the account Will be closed out, and.transferred to the Water Department.. A motion was
made by Braun, seconded?y Anderson, to accept the Treasurer's report. Garried unani-
The application of ~Peter Greene for a liquor license for the Golden Horn Restaur-
ant was then reviewed by Attorney ~tewart, who referred to the fact that this is not Liquor Lic.
an application for transfer, but a new ~pplication, and Mr. Greene presented proof Golden Horn
of publication for remonstrances, of which none had been received. A motion was made
by Beyer, seconded'by'Braun, to approve the application for.a liquor license for the
Golden Horn Restaurant. Carried unanimously.
Clarence Stafford, who had been a member of the Denver City Council for many years,
came in as a visitor.
Bill Stapleton came in to discuss with council the matter of increasing the City's
liability coverage. The difference in premium to bring the coverage up to date fol-
lOwing the audit is $274.00, and tbm additional amount to raise the liability cover-
age to $300,000 - $1,000,000. is $141.00. Discussed - whether the tank would be Insurance
covered in the e~ent of landslide, comprehensive and collision coverage, pump houses coverage.
in steam and boiler coverage, wind and rain coverage. Council favors increasing the
liability coverage to $3Q0,000 - $1,000,000. Mr. Stapleton said he would prepare a
full report of the City's coverage for Council and bring it to the next meeting, and
w~en the State representative comes to Aspen, he will arrange a meeting with him.
JUdge Shaw, W~ip 3ones and R6b Roy were present regarding leasing water in Castle
and Maroon Creeks. .Judge Shaw presented a contract prepared for Mrs. Paepcke, cov-
ering anagreement with the qity ~on the Maroon Creek flume, which was read by Mayor Leasing
Garfish. DiScussion followed on the fact that the contract covere~ o~ly a one year water.
period and t~at the City recognizes no r~ght .of the lessee. Mr. 3ones said he had
assumed Henry Stein's interest, an~ tha~he would agree to a similar contract~ Judge
Shaw said that he would not accept the agreement submitted by Edgar Stem's attorney.
Mr. 3ones suggested putting in measuring boxes at users' expense so that all would
get fair share. He also feels that the users should spend the necessary amount to keep
up the 'flume and the amount should be divided equally amount the users. Councilman
Beyer sai~ agreement should include clause that they had no claim due to any mo~ey that
may be spent on flume maintenance. Judge Shaw will work with all interested parties
and will prepare contracts accordingly.
Mayor Garfish will tell men~ to ~Urn on the flume and to notify Mr. Jones before Turn on
this is done. flume .
Rob Roy asked if similar agreement would apply in his case on Castle Creek. He Roy-.
presented proposed plan for development on his land where water would be used.. As it lea~lng
is too late for water use now, he w~ill work with Judge Shaw on agreement and the water.
amount to be charged for ne~t season.
Mayor Garfish asked Mr. Roy about plans for the renovation of Armory Hall, and
he wilihave copies made for the City a~ cost of the prints. The renovation was discussed .Renovation
and Jim Markalunas referred to shoring up trusses with cost estimate furnished by an Armory Hall
engineer. No action can be taken until next year when budget will provide for im-
Mr. Garfish said Nell Beck had spoken to him about the repairs to streets after
excavatiOn and the outstanding accounts charged to him in the Water Dept. It was sug- Nell Beck
gested that ~I information be obtained from Earle Jenkinson and a meeting arranged with street
Beck to get this matter straightened out. excavation
Mr. Garfish reported a complai~rtmade by Dick Wrigh~ on construction by Gilbert, Complaint
and Jim Markalunas said he had complied with regulations.~ Gilbert cons~
Jim said he had ordered thermostat controlled heaters (gas) ~or the pump houses-
approximately $64.00 each. Heaters.
Jim' said Fire Chief Clymer had requested that the City have the necessary holes Fire
dug And cement p~xed f~ supports for the fire siren in the West end. He is to con- Siren-West
sult Hod Nicholson regarding erection and welding of the pipe.
waterpipe- Jim referred to a waterpipe that goes through a manhole at Lake Avenue, and it
sewer man- was suggested that a detour be arranged. He also referred to the examination for
hole. gas fitters license to be held Wed., October 4, from $ to 8 PM.
Gas fitters
exam. A motion was made by Braun seconded by Anderson, to confirm the motion made at
the special meeting of September 25, appointing Clyde Newell, Guy Drew, and Frank
~! Board- Gas Willnnghby to the Board for the Gas Ordinance. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Garfish read a letter from Mr. Stewar~regarding angle parking on Mill St.,
Mill St parking and the condition of the Alley in Block 90, and the parallel parking signs are to
Alley B1 90 be uncovered, and Councilma~ Beyer will speak to Ed Lynch about the alley.
watermain Discussed- agreement with Fritz Bened~ct on the Calderwood Tract, and Exhibit "A"
Calderwood. has been left at the Water Dept. office.
-agreement with Fritz Benedict on difference between 6" and 8" main -
Riverside. Maps should be filed.
REA eaaement-- Mr. Stewart said he had spoken to Averill Startup and had asked
REA- him for confirmation from Holy Cross that they would serve 'electricity to pump at
rate to the same rate as they charge Sanitation District.
Agreement with Skiing Corporation - Attorney Stewart outlined the procedure~
City to Pacate Alley in Block 102 and part of Ute Ave.
Agreement with Skfing Corp. to convey 40~foot strip between Durant and Ute Ave. to City.
Skiing Corp. City releases any rights in connection with leases on Aspen Mountain.
Skiing Corp has furnished letter to the City reserving right to the public
use on Aspen Mountain.
Skiing Corp. to furnish easement for pumphouse, well and waterline on Hunter Ave.
After adoption of vacating ordinance all documents will be recorded in the
Court House.
Ord .12, 1961 Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1961, an Ordinance Vacating the Alley in Block 102 and
a portion of Ute Ave, the Original City and Townsite of Aspen, and Reserving Easements
for Underground and Overhead Utilities,- was then read in full for the first time by
Mr. Stewart, and a motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Anderson, to adopt the
Ordinance NO. 12, Series of 1961, and to order it published. Carried unanimously.
'~ Mr. Stewart then read the easement for the well, pumphouse and waterline, on
Hunter Ave. Also the release by the City'to easement rights on mining claims on
/ Aspen Mountain.
i Flume ~Mayor Garfish referred to a flume running from Durant Mine to the river, for
i Durant run-off, and suggested writing to the Durant Mining Co. aboutmaintaining such flume.
!~: Mining Co
East Aspen Patent - no change.
Quiet Titles - Paepcke Park and Oonnors - still at issue.
Agreement with Ken Moore on waterline in Ute Subdivision. Having reviewed the
Waterline contract, Council approved its signing by Mayor Garrish.
Moore- Agree-
ment Ordinance codification - still awaiting curb and sidewalk model code from Muni-
cipal League. .D~scussed. be~t method for printing an~ binding - loose leaf re-
Ord. cod~fi - quired for addztzons - and m~megraphing suggested. Bzll Dunaway t~ furnish estimate
cation on costs.
Shale Bluffs Shale Bluffs feasibility - ~r. Stewart consulted with Soil Conservation ~epre-
feasibility sentatives, and they will have their geologist look the site over and let the City
know if feasible for power use.
City Treas. Appointment of City Treasurer to fulfill unexpired term - suggested- Mrs. Etta
Taylor and ~aleska Broughton - and they will be contacted.
Grant from Colorado State Planning Comm. still pending.
Resolution to accept street grades and drainage information submitted by Fran~
Rae - hold for complete information.
East end of Bleeker claimed by Jim Moore - Mr. Stewart to bring in abstract.
Meeting with Fire District Board - Mr. Stewart will arrange.
Water and Electric Rate adjustment - still pending.
Meeting will be arranged with Mr. Finley when he is available.
Council approved Mayor Garrish's signing the list of' scavenger regulations for
agreement with 8oodheart,
Mr. Garfish will follow up on the building of the vault.
Ord. No. 10 Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1961, Adoption of the Budget for the Year 1962, was
Series 196~ re~d for the second time by Mr. Stewart and finally adopted'upon motion by Anderson,
seconded by Beyer, and carried unanimously.
Ord .No. ll Ordinance No. il, Series 1961, an Ordinance Levying Taxes for the Year 1962,
,~/ 1961 was read f~r the second time by Mr. Stewart, and finally adopted upon motion-by
Beyer, seconded by Braun, and carried unanimously.
Mr. Garfish read -
A note from Waddy Catchings with enclosed clipping from New York Times
about paving material.
American Tank & Tower Co'. re tank inspection - no action as tan~is still on
FedRral A~ iation Agency - se~d t~ Mr. Sardy
Copy of letter to Judge Shaw from Mr. Delaney re agre'ement with Mrs. Paepcke.
Aspen, Colorado Regular meeting, Aspen City Council October 2 1961 cont'd.
Judges and Clerks for the coming Municipal election were discussed - and the fol-
lowing were selected by Council:
Ward 1 ~udges Ward 2 Judges
Ann Slavens Ethel Frost
Grace Condon Bernice Larrew
Emma Strong Marjorie Jenkinson
HazelAlternateLoushinJUdges Alternate Judges Judges
Violet Lavey Clerks
Adaline Groscurth Eudora McCabe
Patricia Maddalone Marie Clover
.Clerks Clerks
Jennie Cowling Louiva Stapleton
Rita Loushin Melissa Beck
Alternate Clerks Alternate Clerk
Lucille Baltizar
Anna Borgeson
Jessie Bates. Ellen Nicholson
Discussed - picking up of tree limbs.
Mr. Stewart asked approval of Council to contact Merrick and Co. when he goes to
Denver, about.having th~m act as co-ordinating agent, and 8ouncil approved.
Upon motion by Anderson, seconded by Beyer, the meeting was adjourned at 12.25AM
~lty G£erz. z ~