HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19611016 Aspen, Colorado Regular Meeting, Aspen City Council October 16, 1961
Prior to the opening of the meeting, Council discussed with Ed Lynch the pro-
gress on the installation of the gas lines. Ed said they are bringing in another Natural
operator to do the final cleaning up, that the final check on the lines will be Gas Installation
made this week, and that alleys will be gravelled. Price, the contra6tor, would like
to have a release from the City, and this will,be given after work is completed. The
~Aspen Gas Co. will buy tanks for cash. Tests a~e being made in Basalt and they
hope to have the gas in the lines here by the middle of next week. After discussion
it was decided that the City should pay for the ggs code ordinance.
The meeting was t~en called to orders' by Mayor Garfish with Councilmen Beyer,
James andBraun present. Councilman Anderson was absent, and Attorney Stewart came
in later.
ThR minutes of the regular meeting of October 2 were read, and approved upon
motion by Beyer, seconded by James, and carried.
The bills payable of the City'and the Special Water Fund were read and dis-
cussed; also the accounts payable of the Electric and Water Departments. A~motion
was made by Braun, seconded by Beyer, to suspen~ Rule 19, and allow the amounts as
read. Carried unanimously.
The vault was discussed, and it was decided to d~lay construction until after Vault
the election, unless the work can be done immediately.
The balance of the Treasurer's report was read by Mayor Garfish. He also read
a report prepared on the~acquisition and in~allation of the waterworks system, out-
lining costs.
Ken Isakson asked about the leasing of the Pire Station, as they are interested
in doing som~ improvements. Reference was made to a previous contract with the City, Fire District
and the Board of th~ Fire?gistrict has been asked to furnish the City with a copy Station lease.
Of their minutes. It was suggestS4 that the Board present a proposal to the City
and that lease be. executed before any further action is taken.
Roscoe Gilbert, representing Ray Gilbert, was present in the interest of an
application for 3:2 Beer for a store - Gilbert's Early and Late Grocery. Mayor Gilbert
Garfish read the application, also the letters of recommendation, and. proof of pub- 3:2 Beer
lication for remonstrances, of which none had been filed. Further action was
postponed until the arrival of Mr. Stewart.
Mrs. Etta Taylor came in as pa~t of a delegation from the Lodge Owners Ass'ri. - 2% Improve-
no one else showed up- regarding the 2% Improvement Tax Ordinance as applicable to ment Tax
houses rented on a transient basis. DiscUssion to be continued with codification.
Mr, Stewart came in and the codification of ordinances was discussed. The
motor vehicle code and information regarding curb~ ahd gutters have been received
and the codification will be ready'for action at the next regular meeting, and
date will be set for reading of it. The advisability of having an amendment to the Ord.
2% Improvement Tax Ordinance published prior to the adoption of the codification Codification
was discussed,and this will be presented at the next meeting. Council wishes to have
the ordinance codification in. effect by December 1.
Mr. Stewart then reviewed the application pre~ented by Ray Gilbert~ and the
answer to question no. 13 is to be changed from "Roy Vroom" to "Henry C. Whittelsey". Gilbert
It was-brought out that the building is not yet com?leted, but approval could be 3:2 Beer
given subject to completion and subsequent inspection. A motion was made by Braun
to approve the application of. Ray E. Gilbert for a 3:2 Beer license fOr a store at
519 East Hymen, subject to approval'of inspection after completion of building. This
was seconded by James, and carried unanimously.
Phillip Crosby was present regarding Roy Raid's fence in the alley, and also
Crosby culverts at 5th and 6th Streets, which he said were too short. The culverts are to
%_2 Culverts receive attention. Mr. Orosby said he would sell to the City a strip of land 7½ feet
.wide, t° compensate for~ the lard now enclosed by the Reid fence, for $1,500.00, but
Roy Reid Reid would have to pay for ~his lal%d. In this way the alley would be widened to its
fence-Crosby original width and the fence would no~ have to be removed. After discussion it was
offer of land decided that Mr. Stewart would tell the R~&d's of Mr. CrosbF's proposal, and he is to
inf~rm them that the City wants this matter definitely settled.
St. Numbering Mr. Crosby referred to confusion caused by street numbering and Council informed
him that this is included in codification.
Discussed - condition of Wagner Park after games; suggestion that Wagner Park
Committee be consulted on this.
Wagner Park Mr. Crosby will research minutes in Pitkin County Court House regarding ownership
of Wagner Park.
Increasing City's liability coverage - hold for Mr. Stapleton's report.
Waterline Mr. SteWart is working on agreements for waterlines for Bealmear, Riverside, and
agreements Calder~ood Tracts.
Jim Markalunas reported that Mr. Balanger of Frank Rae Engineering had drawn his
Street grades, attention to their plans having been based on 40 foot pavements in residential areas,
as opposed to 44 Foot widthsuggested by the Planning Commission. Any change will
throw grades off. 3im will work on this.
Colorado State Planning Commission grant - no new developments.
Discussed - replacing John Hall as Treasurer, and a motion was made by Braun,
City Treas. seconded by Beyer, to appoint Mrs. Etta Taylor as City Treasurer to complete the
Mrs. Taylor expired term of John Hall. Carried unanimously.
Discussed~ that Council has conferred with Neit Beck regarding clean-up after
Beck-excavat-. ~xcavation, and the difficulty had arisen because the peril%its had been issued to the
lng. property owners rather than to excavator. It was'brought out that person taking out
'~ permit is responsible for havi~ street or alley restored to former condition.
! Jim refezTed to a requesT from Clyde Clymer for a l" service line f6r the Fire
~! Waterline StatiOn so that tank can be filled from i~slde of the building, and this to be laid
Fire Station at City expense. It was decided to postpone this~pe~ding agreement, and until more
necessary work is done.
Dry well in ~aeP~ke~ark +litfi~as decided to aske Nell Beck if he would put this
in,and thereby settle his account with the Water Dept. on excavations- and that wells
must be set according to City grades.
Agreement Further discussion on agreement with Fire District - Mr. Stewart suggested that
with Fire lease be executed, and that subsequent agreements should be entirely separate from
District lease, and must have the approval of both the Fire District Board and the City Council,
also any proposalfor improvements to the building would require that plans be approved
by Council and filed with the City.
Discussed - next phase of engineering by Merrick and Co. They have requested a
special meeting on October 30, when revised contract will be tendered to Council. Clerk
-is to inform them that the meeting can be held on Oct. 30th.
East Aspen Patent - pre-trial set for November~18 in Glenwood Springs.
Quiet Titles - Paepcke Park and Connors - still at issue.
Bleeker St. East end of Bleek~r' Street~- remove from agenda - as burden of proof is on
Jim Moore.
Ordinance No. 13, 1961 - Appropriations Ordinance - read in full for the first
time by Attorney Stewart - An Ordinance Appropriating Sums of Money to Defray Expenses
Ord. No. 13, and Liabilities of the City of Aspen, Colorado, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1,
1961 ~962, and ending the Last Day of December 1962 - and a motion was made by Braun, Seconded
by James, to approve the ordinance as read and to order it published. Carried u~an-
Ord. 12 Ordinance No. 12,Series of 1961, Vacating the Alley in Block 102'and a Portion
~' ' 1961 of Ute Avenue,was read for the second time by Mr. Stewart, and a motion was made by
James, seconded by Beyer, to adop~the Ordinance on second reading. Carried unanimous-
I Trans- Jim Markalunas referred to the purchase of transformers, and this is to be
!~:~' formers ferred to Merrick and Co., as they are the co-ordinators on the electric system, for
~i~ their opinion on the best type to buy.
Mayor Garfish read a letter from the General Electric Co. regarding pump motor,
~ ~ump ~Otor wherein they expressed the opinion that the failur6 was due to exte~a~ conditions.
Re - Fire siren in West End - 3im Markalunas will consult Fire District Board
Fire regarding paying for part of the cost of e~ecting tower.
..... Siren
Mayor Garfish referred to need for boom truck for Electric Department.
3im is following up on clean-up on excavations made for Telephone
Aspen, Colorado Regular M~eting - Aspen City Council October 16, 1961 cont'd.
He also said that Ray Gilbert had poured sidewalk without any plans or. permits from Gilbert
the City. Gouncii agreed that specifications must be met. Sidewalk
Discussed - Shale Bluff feasibility,
Reasonable rate to be charged for leasing water.
City Administrator - special meeting Oct. 18.
Part-time help 'to clean in City Hall.
REA agreement - written agreement on rate for pump to come.
Resolution - Frank Rae - after final adoption of plans.
Meeting with Les Finlay when he is available.
Rate adjustment - pending
DistriCts for maintenance of Rut of City waterlines to be discussed with Wurl
when he comes to Aspen.
Irrigation rates - next Spring.
Mr. SteWart said Billy Rubye plans to do~ some building and asked if the City would Wm. Rubye -
b~ interested in disposing of any of its water rights on Hunter Creek to restore Wil- req. to lease
liams Lake, and what the City would want per foot of water. Discussed- fair market water
value of water would have to be determine4. No decision made.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 AM upon motion by Braun seconde~ by 3ames, and