HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19620115 The City Council met at 7:30PM and pending the arrival of Mayor Garfish, Mr.
Humphrey discnssed water rates with Council..
A motion was then made by Newell, seconded by Zordel, to appoint Councilman
Beyer as Mayor Pro-Tem. Carried unanimously.
The roll was called with Councilmen Beyer, Moore, Newell and Zordel, City Treas-
u~= Mrs. Taylor, City Attorney Stewart, and City Administrator Humphrey present.
The minutes of the regular.meeting of January 8, 1962, and the special meeting
Correction of January 11, ~962, were read by the Clerk, and the~followlng correction was noted-
in minutes in the minutes for the special meeting,-change Butte~railk bus stop from "Just before
the alley" to "midway on Durant St." A motion was then made by Beyer, seconded by
Newell to accept the minutes with the correction. Carried unanimously.
Mayor Garfish then took charge of the meeting.
The accounts payable of the City and the Electric and Water Depts. were read and
discussed, and a motion was made by Beyer,seconded by Zordel, to suspend Rule 19 and
allow the several amounts. Carried unanimously.
Discussed - temporary stoppage in power plant due to frozen pipes, and
ments for heat.
Mrs. Taylor read the actual balances in all the accounts except the General Ac-
count, in which the books have not yet been.closed.
Bids for bulk gasoline were then opened by Mayor Garfish, and read:
Bulk gasoline
bids. Sinclair Refining Company - regular scheduled consumer tankwagon price at
time and place of delivery, less a special
discount of 3~6¢ per gallon. To-day's tankwagon
price - 20.5¢. Will furnish tank and pump.
Continental Oil Co. 17.1¢ per gallon exclusive of taxes - quoted
price will be fi~m from January 15, 1962, through
December 31, 1962. Will furnish 500 gal. tank,
with pump and automatic nozzle.
Co-op 23.4¢ per gallon exclusive of taxes - will furnish
500 gal, tank with pump and automatic nozzle.
Standard Oil 17.3¢ per gallon exclusive of taxes - fi~m until
December 31, 1962.
After discussion, a motion was made by Newell, seconded by Moore, to accept the
bid of Continental Oil Go., it being the lowest firm bid. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Humphrey showed Council the leash law adopted by Estes Park. Mr. Stewart
~eash law outlined the problem involved, and after dlscussl n, he suggested that he ahd Mr.
amendment. Humphrey outline an amendment to the City's dog control Ordinance, also that the
County be informed of the City's action, and he suggested that the County pass an
appropriate ordinance for the control of dogs running at large.
Billing- Mr. Humphrey referred to inequities in billing for water service. He is work-
Water service, lng on this and hopes to have more information at the next meeting.
He then gave a quotation on paving-
asphalt 40¢ a yd.
Estimate prime coat 10¢
paving/ Hot mix 90¢ "
Seal and Chips 17 "
Total $1.57 per sq. yd.
plus 20% due to location, making a total of $61,363.00 including curb and gutter on
property sides. Grading was discussed, and it was suggested that the City might do
this if a roller is available.
Councilman Zordel said that the County Commissioners would like to get back on
the previous basis as to snow plowing and possibly on road work, and it was suggested
that Mr. Humphrey act as liaison between City and County Commissioners for closer
paving Mr. Humphrey stressed the importance of proper compaction in paving work. Dis-
program cussion covered - City crew might do part of the work; Mr. Humphrey to get prices
and test on soil cement, and he is also to send notices out to property owners, to
get their re-action, and to suggest off street parking areas in paving plan.
New blade Mr. Humphrey referred to need to scarify streets when plowing,to prevent their
for becoming slick, and he said he had ordered a new blade,-to eliminate skidding. Counct
plow. approved this.
%./ Tc purchase Mayor Garfish referred to the need for a calculator for use by the City Administra-
Calculator tot on the street paving program, and a motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Newell,
to authorize the purchase of a calculato~after obtaining v~rbal bid~ which are to be
confirmed by letter, (approximately $570.00) Carried unanimously.
Ord. Code. The printin~ of the Ordinance Codification was then discussed, and Mr. Humphrey
showed the Estes park Code book. Bill Dunaway is ~still getting information on printing,
and other bids are expected. Mr. Stewart suggested that the copies tha~ will become
partcof the City records should be well bound. Further information re binding is to
be obtained.
St. sander Mr. Humphrey reported that information about a sander is to come from the salesman,
and he.has also received literature from Frank Brown of the Colorado State Health City
Dept. in connection with the City Dump._ Discussed - other possible sites for dump Dump
and cost of maintenance.
A map and a proposed amendment to.the Zoning Ordinance submitted by the Plan- Zoning-
ning Commission will be considered after Council has had time to study them. Amendment
and Map. ~ :
Appointments, made after due consideration -
A motion was made by Zordel, seconded by Beyer, to appoint the following to the
Planning and Zoning Commission;
Frank Humphrey, City Administrator, as.representative for Mayor Garrish. Members-
Kenneth Moore as member of City Council. Planning &
Fred Glidden for a period of six years, if he will accept, otherwise Bill Zoning Comm.
James is to asked to serve.
The motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by B~yer, seconded~by Newell, to appoint Cris Kralicek as Police Chief.
Police Chief for the next two years. Carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Moore, to appoint James Markalunas as Bldg.
Building Inspector for the City. Carried unanimously. Inspector.
A motion was made by Zordel, seconded by Newell, to appoint Guido Meyer as Police
Police Magistrate. Carried unanimously. Magistrate
Councilman Newell then moved to give a vote of confidence to Mr. Humphrey and City
to retain him as City Administrator according to the terms of his agreement with the Administrator
City. Carried unanimously, after having been seconded by Beyer.
Councilman Zordel made a motion to retain Clinton Stewart as City Attorney. City Attorney
This was seconded by Newell, and carried unanimously.
The Board of Adjustment will be considered at the next.meeting, after Ordinance Bd. of Adjust-
No. 14, 1961, becomes effective, merit.
Upon motion by Moore, seconded by Beyer, Councilman Zorde~ was appointed to Wagner Park
represent the City on the Wagner Park Committee. Carried unanimously. Committee.
The Board of Examiners and Appeals will be considered at the next meeting, and Bd. of
Councilman Newell agreed to serve as liaison member. Exam.& Appea~
Clean-up program was discussed, and it was decided that additional trash cans Clean-up
should be provided; amd request of Herbert Bayer for "No Litter" signs was con- Program.
sidered - this is possibly a State matter.
There will be a special meeting of Council and the Planning Commission on Meeting with
February 13, 1962. Plan. Comm.
Mayor Garfish said that Chuck Pitts had called and suggested to hi~ that Council
and the Chamber of Commerce meet some evening, for the purpose of closer co-operation.
It was brought out that organizations have an obligation to attend the meetings of
the City Council, to acquair~themselves with City business.
It was decided that Councilman Beyer should represent the Council on matters . Fire District
pertaining to the Fire District. Mr. Stewart said Hod Nicholson and Warren COnner agreement
had not yet come in regarding the agreement.on the Fire Station, but he expected this
would be drawn up soon.
Mr. Stewart said he and Mr. Humphrey had gone over the agreements on the water-
lines, and he outlined for Council the agreements with Bealmear, Benedict on the Cal-
derwood Tract,Benedict on Riverside and Aspen Grove Districts, and the Vagneur line. Waterline
Bealmear agreement amount of reimbursement to be included, agreements.
Calderwood Tract reimbursement from date-of annexation - for a stated num-
ber of years - to be included i6 agreement.
Riverside and Aspen Grove - difference between 6 and 8 inch main to be ex-
eluded - as City may not assume oost.
Discussed - maintenance and replacement of lines outside the City limits - rates Maintenance
include increment for this purpose - policy to be determined by Council - Council- of mains.
man Moore favored having work done by City crew due to their experience. D~finite
action postponed for formation of policy.
Vagnuer contract.- the City tap fee is 'in addition to the one charged bY the Vagneur line
owners of the line, with the City as disbursement agent - hold for further consider-
ation b~!:Council.
Mrs Humphrey has referred water lease agreements to Judge Shaw and is awaiting Water lease
his recommendation, agreements
Request of Louis Sparovic for deed to uncontested land he claims in East Aspen
Patent. Mr. Stewart referred to pre-trial order mud said deed does ndt cover any
land in conflict. Mayor Garfish suggested retaining a strip about 10 feet wide along East Aspen
the Creek, for public use subject to occupatior~trights, and Mr. Stewart will take Patent Deed~-~
this up with Mr.S~arovic. Attorney Stewart then explained the difference between Louis Sparovic
corrective deeds under the Original Aspen Townsite, and deeds under the East Aspen
Patent. A motion ~as then made by Beyer, Juthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk
to execute the deed to Louis Sparovic as described in Exhibit A at~hed to the
pre-trial order - Civil Action No. 3184. This was secdnded by Moore, and carried
A request for a deed from G, E. Buchanan was tabled fo~ reference to Attorney Req. for Deed
Melman, by Attorney ~tewart. Buchanan-tabled
Aspen, Colorado Regular Meeting, Aspen City Council, January 15, 1962, Cont'd.
Mr. Stewart then referred to a corrective deed covering Lots P, Q, R, and S, in
Deed - Block Block 80 - Mill Square ~ and Council approved the execution of such deed by the Mayor.
80 He al'so referred to roof overhang into the alley due to resurvey, and he is to pre-
pare at the owners expense, a resolution or ordinance to validate the encroachment
into the alley'by reason of the overhang, and will tender it at the next meeting.
Pressure relief valves pump houses - Mr. Humphrey handling.
Still pending:
East Aspen Patent - Feb. 13, 1962
Quiet Titles - Paepcke Park and Conners Addition
Agreement with Skiing Corporation
Water Maintenance Districts
Rate Adjustments Electric and Irrigation
City Hall - Heating Equipment
Renovation - Armory Hall
Jerry Hobgood Claim - Councilman Moore to contact her.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 AM upon motion by Newel~ seconded by Moore, and
darried unanimously.