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Aspen, Colorado Regular Meeting, Aspen City Council August 20, 1962
Before the formal opening of the meeting,.Ed Lynch gave a report on the natural
gas installation of the Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Company, and said that 465 ins~al-
Report- lations have been made and that they are going to start on 100 more services. He
Natural Gas. told Council that they are giving particular attention to having the streets and
alleys put back into good condition, and he a~ked that any complaints be referred to
him, and he also reported that the Company's gross income, including the Cit~ and
the County, is $60,000 to date.
Mayor Garfish opened the meeting at 7:45 PM with Councilmen Beyer, Moore, Ne~ell
and Zordel, City Administrator Humphrey, City Attorney Stewart and City Treasurer
Mrs. Taylor, present.
The minutes of the r~gular meeting of August 6, 1962, were read and approved upon
motion by Beyer, secdnded by Moore, and carried.
The bills payable of the City, the Electric Department and Water Department were
read and discussed, and a motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Moo~e, to suspend Rule
19 and allow the several amounts. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Kane and Adolph Barrailer were present to inquire about a quit claim deed.
Deed- Discussed, and Mr.'Humphrey said he is having some difficulty ih getting ties established
Barrailer. and that there is physical evidence that Alex Barrailer had occupied the land claimed.
Attorney Stewart referred t~ the Townsi~e Law, and Mr. Kane requested Ghat further
discussion be postponed so that he could review the law.
~ Mr. Kane ~eferred to the Beer and Liquor Business Tax under the Official Aspen
Occupational Code, and said he fe~t that the new owner of Sunnie's Rendezvous should not be required
Taxes to pay any tax for the remainder of the calendar year. Reference was also made to
sale of businesses and the Odcupational Tax. Mr. Stewart is to review these and give
an opinion to Council.
Mr. Philip Scheid came in as a visitor.
Mayor Garfish inquired about contract with the planner, Mr. Wiener, and Mr. Stewart
said he had received a letter from Mr. Wiener indicating that he would hold himself
Planning in readiness for employment. Mr. Stewart said he had received a request from J. K. Smith
Mr. Wiener
of the Colorado Planning Division for further information and he has asked the Plan-
ning Commission to furnish this.
Mayor Garfish said that Fred Glidden of the Aspen Planning ommlsslon had indi-
cated that the maps on file in the City wpuld be sufficient for the planning program. Planning-
He also reported that no further action had be~n taken ~egarding the proposed hotel on Maps.
Discussed - Municipal Skating Rink. County Commissioners are opposed to using Municip~
Wagner Park, and are considering space in the East end. Skating Rink'
AQP~ication for beer, wine and liquor ~icense for Sunnie's Rendezvous, formerly Liquor
The Rendezvous, reviewed by Attorney Stewart, and a motion was made by Zordel, seconded License-
by Beyer, to approve the application of Allene Sunnie Anderspn, for a full liquor lic- Sunnie's
ense for Sunnie's Rendezvous. Motion carried unanimously. Rendezvous
Mrs. Ramona Markalunas inquired about the quit claim deed requested by Freda Deed -
Bowles for Lots 1,2,3, and 4, Block 14 (Dora Elliss, deceased), piscussed, and Mr. Elliss-~
Humphrey is to get description. Bowles.
Mayor Garfish read a letter from Samuel Janzen, Administrator, Aspen V~lley Hospi-
tal,regarding fire calls and their willingness to co-operate. Mr. Humphrey said he Fire calls
had consulted the County Commissioners, and that Mr. Howell had indicated that they
would not participate in this program. Discussed, and Council ~ecided that this is a
matter to be handled by the Fire District.
Discussed - Electric system program, and Mayor Garrish read letter from Bob ~lectr!c
Kirchner outl~approximate cost of preparation for the bond issue. No report has Program-Bonds
been received from Public Service Company which is reviewing plans.
Discussed - franchise requested by Bill Dunaway for Canyon Television cables, and
this was tgbted upon motion by Zordel, seconded by Beyer, until franchise ordinance
has been reviewed by all~ members of the Television Committee. Motion carried unanimous-
Mr. Kane requested prompt action on the quit claim deed for~Barrailer, and a
motion was made by Zordel, seconded by Moore, to authorize Mr. Humphrey to establish Deed
an accurate description according to natural monuments~, and to determine whether there Barailler.
is a conflict with G. E. Buchanan, and if conflict exists, to authorize that notice
of conflict be given to the last filing applicant.~. Motion carried unanimously. The
information is to be presented at the meeting of September ~, for considera, tion of the
issuance of a deed.
The Mayor read a letter from Dr. Baxter, the Health Officer, regarding'the condi- The Garret
tion of the Garret, and after discussion, the Building Inspector was instructed to
continue to withhold rooming house license, and to send notice that the premises are
to be brought up to the standards of clear~liness and safety as required ~y the Aspen
Official Code.
Daylight Savings Time to end mid,night,Sunday, September 2, 1962. Savings Time
Special meeting for policy on Occupational Tax to be held August 27, 1962,at 7:30PM.
The Clerk was instructed to write to the Fire District regarding election of mem- Firemen's
bets Of the'Fire Department to the Board of Trustees of the'Firemen's Pension Fund. Pension Fund
Attorney Stewart to prepare resolution or ordinance to authorize transfe~ of Police Pension
funds to Police Pension Fund - to oover employer's share of contribution to pension Fund
City Administrator Humphrey referred to plat covering area requesting annexation, Annexation
and Council reviewed petitions submitted. Attorney Stewart is to prepare annexation A~ea in
ordinance. Riverside.
Mr. Humphrey is still working on:
Waterlines on So. Mill and So. Monarch Streets
Street grade and drainage graRt - Frank Rae
Tree Trimming Program- after work is discontinued on curbs and gutters he will Trees
ask Forest Ranger to mark trees for removal.
He will ha~e existing fence at Glory Hole repaired.
Contract with Bob Marsh on sewer line to be followed up. Marsh-sewer
East Aspen Patent discussed and Mr. Humphrey reported on his visit, to the Bureau
of Land Management. Attorney Stewart is to get information regarding political juris- East Aspen Pat
diction, and he suggested that this be referred by Council to the County Commissioners, Political
and that matter of establishment then be taken up. Jurisdietidn.
Request from G. E. Buchanan for deed - Attorney Stewart and Mr. Humphrey are work- Buchanan -
lng on matter of relation to other claims and will have all information ready for next deed
regular meeting.
A motion was made by Moore, seconded by Beyer, to authorize the Mayor to execute Deed-
a quit claim deed to Walter O. Matthew to fractional part of Lot I, Block 30, East Matthew
Aspen Additional Townsite, sometimes known as fractional part of Lot I, Block I0~, City Lot I
and Townsite of Aspen, lying within East Aspen Additional Townsite Entry as shown on B1 30
the plat thereof recorded as Document No. 108453 in Ditch Book 2A at Page 252 of the
records for Pitkin County. Motion carried unanimouslg.
A motion was made by Moore, seconded by Zordel, to authorize the Mayor to exe- Deed-
cute a quit claim deed to Bishop and Diocese of Colorado to Lots R & S
T '
Lots R and S, Block 43, in and of the City and ownslte of Aspen. Block 43
Motion carried unanimously.
Emmerik's request for deed to p art of Tract ~0 Ute Addition to the City and
Townsite of Aspen - a survey indicates that the land t~square off their property covers Emmerik's
Aspen, Colorado Regular Meeting, Aspen City Council August 20, 1962 Cont'd.
2,841 §quare feet. A ~otion was made by Newell, seconded by Moore, to authorize the
Mayor to execute the quit claim deed, subject to the payment of $2,841.00 by the
Emmerik's. Motion carried unanimously.
Agreements on Riverside and Calderwood waterlines still pending.
Quiet titles - October
Ord. 4, Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1962 - An Ordinance Amending Article 4, Chapter 2,
1962 Section 2(2) known as The "Electrical Code- Amendments", of the Official Code of The
City of Aspen, and Repealing Ordinances in Conflict Herewith and Declaring an Emer-
gency to Exist - was read in full for the first time by Attorney Stewart, and a
motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Newell, to approve the Ordinance and to order it
published. Motion carried unanimously.
Letter from the Industrial Commission regarding one-hour construction read by
Mayor Garfish and discussed.
Motel license An application for motel license approved by the Building Inspector was reviewed,
The Buckhorn and a motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Moore, to approve the issuance of a motel
license to Emmerton and Baker, dba The Buckhorn Lodge. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 PM upon motion by Zordel, seconded by Newelt
and carried.