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Aspen, Colorado - Special Meetimg - Committee for Joint Agreement on Poles with
Mountain States Te~. and Tel. Co. November 20~ 1962 at ll:00AM
Councilmen Moore a~d Zordel, City Administrator Humphrey, City Attorney Stewart,
Joint Use. and Bob Sprague of Merrick and Company met with Mr. William M. Widdows, .District Engineer
Power poles, and Mr. Owen Spence,local manager,~ Mountain States Tel and Tel 6o. for discussion on
the joint use of existing facilities.
Mr. Sprague referred to the existing franchise - Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1954,
and to the fact that there seems to be nn subsequent joint use agreement, although joint
use of poles is in effect. He mentioned the opinion of the City Council that there
should be renegotiation of the franchise, due to growth of the City and change in con-
Mr. Widdows said, as there had been no mention, in the letter arrangin~ for the
Franchise meeting, of discussion of franchise, he could not handle this matter as it is not under
his jurisdiction. This matter is to be delayed until another meeting.
Mr. Sprague outlined the proposed reconstruction of the Aspen Electric System,
and said the City would want to own the entire system, ~ncluding poles.
Mr. Widdows referred to the revamping done by the Telephone Company and said it
did not seem fair to ask them to sacrifice their investment.
Discussion covered - reason why poles would have to be changed.
-whether all telephone poles would have to be replaced.
- underground installation in areas that may be annexed~
Mr. Widdows said he felt consideration should be given to continued use of present
poles, and that 100% ownership by the City would leave them at a disadvantage. He also
said he felt there could be agreement if the poles would be used.
Councilman Moore referred to the advantage of having the new system aesthetic, and
to the advantage of owning the utility.
Attorney Stewart outlined the aim of the Council to have the City's growth orderly
and aesthetic, and asked if joint use agreement could be effected before plans and
specifications are available. Mr. Widdows said Telephone Company favored joint use
but would want workable agreement, and that he is not authorized to commit the company
on sole ownership of the poles by the City.
Mr. Spence referred to work being done by the Telephone Company to improve condition~
Mr. Widdows referred to use of poles b~ television cables, also to fact that require.
ments of the phone company and the electric system differ.
Mr. Stewart asked Mr. Widdows to submit matter of poles to his company, ~nd he
suggested that a form of agreement be submitted to work toward a definite goal, and
_he suggested that the franchise be brought up to date, Mr. Widdows said he wants assur-
ance that the existing telephone ~ystem would be takeht into consideration. Both he and
Mr. Spence expressed desire to co-operate, and it was decided that a~npthe~ meeting
will be arranged for further discussion of the matter of the joint use of polesl
All agreed on the ad%antage of co-operation and liaison between the City and the
Mountain States Tel and Tel Company.
Aspen, Colorado - Joint Meeting, Aspen City ouncll and Planning and Zoning
C '
~omm~ssion - November 20~ 1962. '
The meeting Opened at 5:30 PM. Present were Mayor Garfish, Councilmen Beyer, Moore,
and NeWelI, and City AdministratorHumphrey' and Herbert Bayer, Fred Glidden and Jack
Walls from the PlanninM Commission, and Building Inspector Markglunas.
Mr~ Bayer said Paul Wiener,s assistant was expected to be in Aspen over the week-
end to ~0rk with the Planning Commission, and to do photo and air-photo work. The
following matters will be taken up:
Rezoning in the West end.
Pass. Traffid through the City and possible increase in traffic over Independence
In answer to inquiry from Councilman Newell, Mr. Bayer said the Planning C6mmission
is in constant touch with Mr. Wiener,s sszstant, and Council will be kept informed of
a '
Mayor Garfish suggested eetlngs with the Aspen Planning Commission on matters
m '
pertaining only to the City, and joint meetings with the County Planning Commission
on matters involving both entities. He also refer~ed to request of the Planning Part-time
Commission for part-time secretary and suggested that this might be considered under Secreta~f
the long range planning program. Discussed- and Mr. Glidden will consult the County
Commissioners to see if they will assume 1/2 cost of salary for secretary.
Discussed - Budget for 196~, a6d Mr. Ba~er said Planning Commission would need an
increase over the amount provided for 1962.
Zoning section of the official Code, and Mr. Humphrey is to work on up-
to-date zoning map.
- Request from Planning Commission ~or change in zoning of business area
in the West end, wit% special consideration to traffic hazard if buildings are allowed
tO lot line, possible multiple gas stations, fire zpne provisions,- opposition ~x-
pressed by those owning property that would be re-zoned.
- Possibility that City will be by-passed if I~dependence Pass is opened
ail year due to reconstruction of Glenwood Canyon highway, and that this should.be con-
~idered in long range planning.
The consensus was that i~ business zoning is continued in the West end, set-backs
should be require~. It wassuggested that the property owners be approached on the ad- Re-zoning
vantages and desirability of rezoning, before hearing, and Mr. Bayer will work with
Attorney Stewart on the p e£1mlnary work for the hearing.
Mr. Bayer r~ferred to old buildings and referred to ordinances adopted by Monterey
and Santa Fe for preservation of historical buildings.
Discussed - working fo~ co-operation of owners - cost of renovation - "A" Frames-~
whether un-American to impose restrictions.
Mr. Bayer referred to Paragraph 9 of the zoning regulations (11-1-10 of the Of- "A" Frame
ficial Code) Building Review - and this was discussed. It was decided that any appli- permits
cation f~i~an "A" Frame construction must be referred to Council.
It was suggested that a list of historical buildings be prepared and draft of
ordinance for preservation of such be drawn up.
If convenient, a meeting is to be arranged with Mr. Wiener's assistant on Monday,
November 26, 1962.
The meeting adjourned at 7:~5 P.M.