HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19621203 Mayor Garfish called the meeting to order atT:30 PM. Present were Councilmen
Beyer, Moore, Newell and Zordel, City Administrator Humphrey, City Treasurer Mrs.
Taylor, and Attorney Stewart arrived later with Robert Kirchner.
The minutes of the regu~r meeting of November 19, 1962, and the special meetings
of November 20, 21 and ~6, 1962, were read and approved upon motion by Beyer, seconded :
by Zordel, and carried unanimously.
Mayor Garfish reported that efforts are being made to have fire escape added to Brand Bldg.
Brand Building, and conditions in the body shop are being improved.
A motion was made by NeWell, ~seconded by Beyer, to confirm the motion made at Liquor Lic.
the Special meeting of November 21, 1962, approving the application of Peter Green, Uolden Horn.
dba the Golden Horn, for reheat of the liqour license, Motion carried unanimously.
The accounts payable of the City were read and discussed, and a motion was made
by Newell, seconded by Beyer, to suspend Rule 19 and to al~o~ the several amounts.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Taylor then read the Treasurer's report, which was discussed, and approved
upon motion by Newell, seconded by Beyer, and carried unanimously.
Mr. Humphrey said water samples are being sent in at the rate of six per~!:week, Water samples.
and that all were safe on the last report.
Daylight Savings - Mayor Garfish read a letter from 3im Snobble of the Nugget
favoring the adoption for next s~mmer. The Mayor also referred to the response to the
request appearing in the Aspen Times 43 against and 77 for; and to petitions signed
ibY 117 persons favoring Daylight Savings Time. Several persons were present in the Daylight Savings
,interest of this matter - Guido'Meyer, Mr. Scheid, Sepp Kessler and Mead Metcalf Time adopted.
expressed opposition. Bill Goodnough said his guests had been in favor of it, and
Mr. Stanton said the Music~Associates and some of the' local directors of the Aspen
Skiing CorpOration are in favoP of it. Miss Carroll favored adoption, and fe~hat
action at this time would avoid confusion when it actually becomes effective, and that
this might influenCe other communities Ko take Similar action. After further dis-
cussicn, a motion was made by Beyer?i~econded by Newell, that the City will go on
DaYlight Savings Time from midnight ok May 26, 1963, to midnight of September 2, 1963.
Motion carried unanimously.
Annexation of'Riverside Annex - legal notice published three times in the Aspen Ordinance~
Times , and plat was displayed, - no counter petitions have been filed - a ~otion was Annexing
made by Newell, seconded by Beyer, to direct Attorney Stewart to draft ordinance pro- Riverside
riding for the formal annexation of the Riverside Ahnex. Councilmen Newell, Beyer, Annex.
and Zordel voted "aye" and Councilman Moore voted "nay". The motion carried.
Petition for annexation of Galderwood Tract - still awaiting plat. Annexation-
Mead Metcalf referred to the Benedict water system in Riverside, and said he and
Tage Pederson had paid $500 tap fee each, while those tapping on now ere being Waterline-
charged only $50.00. Discussed- that the City would want all persons treated the same, Riverside
but no decision can be made until this has been worked out with Mr. Benedict. Mr. Metcalf and
Humphrey told Mr. Pederson that he is trying to get a right-of-way to provide for Pederson.
a loop in the waterline, and he told Mrs. Stroud that he is workir~ on the matter of
the pressure on her line.
Dick Eitzgerald showed plan for proposed covered walk at the Dipsy Doodle, three Covered walk
feet of which would be on City propertyl Discussed - and it was suggested that he Dipsy Doodle
take no action until actual property line and grade have been established, also that
there-should be conformity with the covered walks at the Aspen ~umber Company and
at the Aspen Bank.
Irving Schechter said he plans to display Christmas trees, and asked permission Snow fence
to put up a snow fence on the West side of his shop at the Prince Albert Building, to Prince Albert
protect them at night, and Council approved this. Building
Bill Dunaway inquired about a contribution to the Aspen Ski Club for the coaching Contribution
of 3unior Skiers. Placed on agenda for next meeting. Ski Club.
Discussed- vandalism - and Mayor Garfish said there is to be a meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce and business men, and he will attend~ to give further consideration
to this problem. Marts Steinmetz referred to recent incident in the Aspen Block, and Vandalism
said registration of seasonal workers is required in X~ Las Vegas and in Florida.
Discussion covered requiring of registration, which could be handled by employers,
citizen's responsibility and right ~o arrest - filing of complaints - walking police-
Mr. Robert Kirchner told Council that Bob Sprag~of Merrick and Company had con- Financing
tatted him regarding the electric system prgram, and he outlined for Council the ~pro- Electric
cedure to be fol]~4ed in the issuance of bonds for this purpose, 'and the refunding of system
the now outstanding bonds, as outlined in proposal A of the letter from Kirchner and
Company to the Mayor and City Gouncil.
He also outlined provisions of proposal B of 'the same letter. Councilman Moore
referred to the long range planning program and said he felt this should be considered,
and that a review of rates would be desfrable. Councilman Moore then made a motion to
direct Merrick and Company to prepare an %lectrio rate schedule and compares ~ew
Holy Cross rates- both commercial and resfdential- with the City's rates; and to
determine if the City can meet these rates and pay off the proposed refunding for the
electric program. As tkere was no second, the motion died.
Discussed- whether to go on bid basis or t~ accept ~roposal of Mr. Kirchner. Mr
Kirchner suggested first the refunding of the outstanding $96,000 of bonds according
to Proposal A, and a motioh was made by Councilman Newell, seconded by Councilman
Beyer, to accept proposal A submitted by Kirchner and ~ompany. Councilmen Zordel,
Beyer, and Newell voted."Aye" and Councilman Moore voted "Nay". The motion carried.
Council agreed to call for bids for $200,000 of Bonds, and they asked Mr..Kirchner,
I Bids on fiscal to the data for bids for such bonds for the finan-
I- Bonds cing of the extensionaand improvement of the electric system, to have the necessary
, i ordinances prepared and to prepare prospectus which is to be held to bare minimum of
~J expense. Mr. Kirchner suggested the bonds be dated February 1, 1963.
Reviewed - proposed contract with Paul Wiener for the long range planning program-
and Attorney Stewart said he had gone over ~his with the County Commissioners, and that
the form is acceptable to the Federal Govez~nment. He feels there should be some
re-arranggment, and that, as each phase of the program comes in, it should be referred
Contract- Wish( to each political entity and the Aspen Institute, and that any reports should be pre-
Planner served to the entities, so that in the event of termination of contract they will have
all plans ~h~t have been prepared. Mayor Garfish appointed Councilmen Newell and Moore
to work with Mr. Humphrey on suggestions or changes, and to.contact the County Com-
missioners to arrange for a meeting for comparisons and preparation of a composite.
Rezoning Rezoning in the West end - Mr. Stewart has contacted Herbert Bayer, who hasn't
West end. yet got full information regarding special recommendations.
Firemen's Pension Fund - Attorney Stewart read from "Colorado Laws Relating to
Board-Firemen"~ Pensions for Policemen and Firemen . 139-50-2'~ and Council agreed that the Board for
Pension Fund. the Fire Protection District. should be made up as provided in paragraph (2), and
the Clerk is to inform the officers of the District accordingly.
Delinquent Occupational Tax- complaints are to be filed with the Police Magistrate.ii'
Ccc. Tax- Mayor Garfish read letters from Dr. Comcowich and Charlene Quinn protesting this tax.
Christmas tree lighting - it was suggested that lights be installed, and used at
Christmas non-pea~ times.
City Administrator:
Waterline agreements - pending to be re-evaluated.
He read letter from Frank Rae regarding bringing his obligations up to date
within a few weeks.
Report on paving - in process.
No further information from Mr. Rubey re waterline.
Wagner Park Councilman Zordel instructed the Clerk to send statement to the County Clerk and
r. Maint. and Recorde~ for Wagner Park Committee.
Paving - Mr. Humphrey reported on his attendance at-the meeting With the Highway Department
Rt. 82 in Denver, andsaid they had agreed to pave Route 82 if the City will put in the curbs
and gutters. Council agreed to this.
Pumps. He said Shelton will come in to pull the pump on Durant Street, and take the 75HP
pump to the new well.
He also said that Wally Mills has applied to tap on the watermain, and has tendered
Water tap- check for $700.00. Discussed- outside City limits- any contract would require that no
Wally Mills. maintenance is provided by City- Contract would be between Mr. Mills and the City -
Attorney Stewart authorized to draft contract and furnish Councilmen with copies for
Power house. Mr. Humphrey outlined work needed on power house to put in ceiling- and need for
2 additional heaters. Discussed - and Council directed him to call for bids.
Attorney Stewart:
Political status Said City may have to bring action of mandamus to establish political status
i. East Aspen Pat. of East Aspen Patent area - which he feels is part of Aspen.
Deed-Buchanan Deed request from Mr. Buchanan - remove from agenda.
Lots H and I in Paepcke Park - still pending
Deeds - Erickson and Williams and Lillenas - awaiting descriptions.
Still pending -
Amendments~ Official Code.
Opinion on Vendors
Uncollectible Uncol-li~ctible accounts - Electric Department - discussed- and Council approved
accounts, transfez~ting them to appropriate account for write-off.
Licsnse - Application of Donald Hiltmuth for license for the Garret, now approved by the
The Garret Building Inspector, was reviewed, and a motion was made by.Zordel, seconded by Beyer,
to approve the issuance of the lttense. Motion carried unanimously.
i Proceed- The Clerk was instructed to inform Merrick and Company to proceed with the initial
! Electric phase of the work on the electric system program.
~ Upon motion by Zordel, seconded by Newell and carried, the meeting was adjourned
at l:00 A.M. until 5:30 P.M., Wednesday, December 5, 1962.
City C1
Aspen, Colorado Aspen City Council Adjourned Meeting December 5, 1962.
Mayor Garfish re-opened the adjourned meeting at 5:45 P.M. - present were Council-
men~Beyer, Newel1, Moore and Zordel, City Administrator Humphrey and City Attorney
Attorney Stewart read Ordinance No. II, Series of 1962, An Ordinance Providing
for the Annexation of a Tract of Land Known as Riverside Annex to the City of Aspen, Ord. 11
Colorado, to be Made a Part of the City of Aspen; Describing Said Land by Metes and 1962
Bounds; Designating Said Land as a Part of Ward No. l; and Declaring an Emergency to
Exist, for the first time, and a motion was made by Newell, seconded by Beyer, to
approve the Ordinance and to order it published. Councilmen Newell, Beyer, and Zordel
voted "Aye" and Councilman Moore voted "Nay". The motion carried.
After discussion, a motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Newell, to give a Christmas
Christmas bonus of $25.00 each to employees with service of over one year, and $10.00 Bonus
each to employees with service of less than one year. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussed- central agency for clearing all accounts in connection with the Long Accounts-
Range Planning progrsm, and Mi". Stewart s~id they would probably be sent to the office Long Range
of Mr. J. K. Smith of the State Planning Commission. Planning.
Mr. Stewart referred to matter of Political status of East Aspen Patent area, and Research-
said the the County Assessor may not put the property on the City's tax rolls, and East Aspen
there may be need of additional research in Denver. Council indicated approval of Patent.
having John Tipton of Denver do the necessary researching.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 P.M. upon motion by Beyer, seconded by Newell,
and carried.