HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19630701Sa] Aspen~ Colorado Regular Meeting - Aspen City Council July 1~ 1963 Mayor Garfish opened the meeting at 7:30 PM. Present were Councilmen Beyer, Newell, Zordel and Moore, City Administrator Humphrey, Deputy Attorney Wendt, and City Treasurer Mrs. Taylor. Attorney Stewart came in later. - The minutes of~g regular meeting of June 17, and the informal meetings of JUne 21, 24 and 25/~g~'read and the following corrections noted - to minutes of the 'June 24 meeting add "representatives from the Board of Health recommended updating the water engineem's report", and correct "cross connections in system" to"cross ~connecti0ns in homes". A motion was then made by Councilman Newell, seconded by Councilman Beyer, to approve the minutes as read and corrected. Motion carried un- animously. The City's bills payable were read and discussed, and a ~otion was made by Beyer, seconded by Newell, to suspend Rule 19 and to allow the several amounts. Motion carried unanimously. Father Bosch was present in the interest of saving the trees on Galena Street, in front of the rectory, and he presented a petition signed by about 400 pe_rsons, Galena St. requesting that the trees not be cut down. Discussed-apparent good condition of the Trees. trees. City'.s aim to widen Galena Street to provide better flow of traffic - addi- tional parking - that City should be maintained as the people watt.it - Councilman Newell particularly referred to Improvement District No. 1, and the engineering thereof, and the long range plan, and said someone would have to assume the additional Cost of widening Galena Street at a later date - complaints received regarding jogs in Galena St. A motion wa~ made by Councilman Beyer, seconded by Councilman Zordel, that the Motion. trees on Gal. ena St, in.front of t. he rectory, south of Main Street, are+~o.~ain, and when they dze, street zs to be w~dened to conform to the 56 foot curb/~ms~ance. Motion carried unanimously. -The Mayor asked the audience to start planting trees to replace the cottonwoods. Mayor GarfiSh read a letter sent by Attorney Stewart to the Historical Society ~ regarding space and waiver of indemnity. Mrs,' James referred to their plans to expand- Historical that waiver of liability is acceptable but they would like to have longer termination Society period. She gave Council copies of a letter outlining the advantages of a museum agreement to the City. Mr. Sanderson said they hope someday the Historical Society will come under City sponsorship. A new agreement is to be drawn up, providing for expansion of space and a six m6nths termination clause. Lease- The lease for the Thrift Shop was reviewed, and the execution thereof was ap- Thrift Shop proved upon motion by Newell, seconded by Beye~, and carried unanimously. Mayor Garfish referred to the problem of dogs running at large, and Council agreed Dog catcher. that a full time catcher be hired for better control. Historical buildings preservation- more information is being gathered. Historical buildings. ~Mr. LeLuyer said bids'on the electric improvement program will be opened Monday, T' July 8, 1963, at 10:00 AM Daylight Savings lme, and requested that legal counsel be Bids-electric~ present. There will be a meeting at 7:30 PM the same day for further consideration of program these bids. Improvement District No. 1 - street paving bids reviewed - Bids- Corn Construction C°. Inc. Total bid '$88,482.00 Paving District Pink Willson Co. " " 89,899.20 No. t A motion was made by Councilman Beyer, seconded by Councilman Newell, to accept Motion the bi4 of Corn ConstrUction Co. for paving in Improvement District No. 1, as the lowest bid submitted - $88,482.00. Motion carried unanimously - all Councilmen voting As alternate bids had not been invited- an alternate proposal submitted by Corn Construction Co. was not considered. Improvement District No. 1 - bids on $173,000 bonds reviewed - Bosworth, Sullivan& Co., Inc. Total interest cost $25,351.25 Effective rate 3,6424% Kirchner and Company Total Interest cost 29,489.23 Effective rate 4,2369% A motion was made by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Newell, to accept the Motion bid from Bosworth, Sullivan & Co., ~c;~ the lowest bid on the $173,000 ImproVement District No. 1 bonds total interest cost - $25,351.25 - effective rate 3,6424% . Aye . Motion carried unanimously with all Councilmen voting" " Mr. Leonard 3ones, representing Boswc~th, Sullivan & Co., recommended taking the amount to cover the paving of Highway 82 only, and putting it into a reserve fund to Reserve fund provide a guarantee; then after all bonds have been redeemed, any excess would be available to help guarantee future improvement bonds - or would be transferred to the General Fund. DisCussed- $6.00 front foot cost to property owners will remain fixed, and City Cost- will have to assume any balance of cost. front foot Mr. Thurston of Holy Cross Association, and Mr. Bugas of Colorado Ute Electric Electric Association were present. Mr. Thurston referred to call from Attorney Stewa~t~re- !Power- garding rate appllca'~le to ASpen, and told Council that Holy Cross would not be a ,Transmission party in this - that Colorado Ute Electric Association would deliver power if con- struction of transmission line is completed. Councilreviewed letter dated July 1 from Mr. Bugas to Mr. Stewart, and two sheets of data and calculations submitted with it. Discussion - Colorado River Storage Power delivered to Aspen. Colorado River Storage contract not yet delivered by Bureau of Reclamation. They would like to contract for two periods - summer season and winter season. That Public Service Co. and Colorado Ute wheeling charge would be the same. They would have to know actual load factor for City system. Bureau of Reclamation would not guarantee to deliver over 58% of load factor. Colorado-Ute El. Association will build a transmlssion*line regardless of what City of Aspen does. Mr. Bugas recommended that City buy all power from Bureau of ~eclar~ati0n if City can get allocation. He also informed Council that no franchise would be involved with Colorado Ute, for customers of B~reau of Reclamation. He said it would be about 6 months before Colorado Ute will have new rates determine4, but it will probably be · 1/2 mills per kwh, but this is not definite. This matter will be discussed further at a special meeting - Monday, July 8, 1963, at 7:30 PM. Discussed- inspection of paving - Improvement District No. 1. - Mr. Cornel1 said Inspection- Portland Cement Co. would start it off until Gary McFadden is able to take ~t over. Paving Councilman Beyer then introduced, and there was read in full by Attorney Stewart- Ordinance No, 7, Series of 1963, - An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of City of Ord. 7, Aspen, Colorado, Improvement District No. 1 Bonds; Providing for th~ Payment of Said Series of Bonds and the Interest Thereon, and Declaring and Emergency to Exist. 1963 (Bon4s) It was thereupon moved by Councilman Newell, seconded by CoUncilman MOore, that the foregoing Ordinance (No. 7 Series of 1963) read in full at this meeting a~ afore' said, be published in full in the Aspen Times, a newspaper of general circhlation pub- Motion lished in Aspen, Colorado, in its issue of July 5, 1963, and that said Ordinance, after its Rublicati0n as aforesaid, be considered for final passage at a reguIa~ meeting of the Uity Council to be held at the City Hall in said 0ity, on Monday, the 15th day of July at the hour of 7:30 O'clock P.M. The question being upon the adoption of said motion, the roll was called with the following result: Those voting AYE COuncilmen Wolf J. Beyer Kenneth N.C;B, Moo~e ClydeLNewell Wilbur G. Zordel Those voting Nay None Ail members of the City Council having voted in favor of the motion, the pre- siding officer thereupon declared said motion carried, and directed that said Ord- inance be published as o~dsred. Zoning R~zo~ing and zoning amendments- remove from agenda until recommendations are ~Amendments received from Planning andZoning Commission. Liqu6r Licenses - Liquor Licenses = Glory Hole Motel - awaiting reply from Attorney General Dipsy Doodle - Mr. Fitzgerald asked for further tabling. Festival Aspen International Days Festival- July 13 and 14 - Council agreed to temporary closing of Cooper Ave. between Galena and Mill Streets, and Mill Street between Durant and the alley north of Cooper Ave. Fireworks~ Fireworks display a motion was made by Councilman Newell, seconded by Council- Contribution. man Moore, to.contribute $75.00 toward fireworks, for the advertising and promotion of Aspen. Motion carried unanimously. Liquor license - Golden Horn - transfer to Wiiliam A. Gilner - a~plication Liquor lic. reviewed by Attorney Stewart and a motion was made by Councilman Beyer, seconded Golden Horn by Councilman Zordel, to approve the application of William A. Gilner, dba The Golden Horn-fpr a full liquor license - no change of location. ~otion carried un- animously. Whitaker to A motion was made by Councilman Beyer, seconded by Councilman Moore, to appoint Planning Comm. Francis Whitaker to the Planning and Zoning ommlsslon, to complete the unexpired term of Herbert Bayer. Motion carried unanimously. Project P-26 Project P-26 - Long Range Plan - Mayor Garfish referred to information requested by Mr. Wiener from the Planning ommlsslon. Zoning Bd. Zoning Board- Attorney Stewart is to advise the Building Inspector of the pro- procedure, cedure to be ~ollowed to keep Council informed of any variances that may be granted. Pl. Comm. Council approved purchase by the PlanningCommission' ' of reference books to cost Books. approximate%y $ 38.00. Occupational Tax discussed- and Mr. Humphrey said some business men object to it due to difficulty in collection. Mayor Garrish~pointed out the loss of revenue if Ccc. Tax other such taxes -liquor occupational,-contractOrs, licenses - Rooming House Licenses- delinquent 2% Room Rental - were also repealed. Discussed- and City Clerk was instructed to act ccordlng to the Provisions of the Municipal Code in delinquent cases. ~a Motion- A motion was made by Councilman Newell, seconded by Councilman Beyer, that, in ce track lieu of any contribution to the race track, the City equipment may be used on this project temporarily. Motion carried unanimously. Transit Mr. Humphrey referred to his own transit which he has been using on City work - cost approximately $700 - and said he thought it would be advisable for the City to buy one. He is to dot,mine exact cost and again refer. Trees Discussed- watering trees at Chamber of Commerce building - the girls there hAVe agreed to water the trees, and City employee will cut lawn. Curb - Galean Council agreed to leave the curb and gutter on Galena Street between Hopkins Stk and the alley south - on the East side - as it is. (Kalmes store ) drainage Mr. Humphrey referred to drainage on north Mill St. and need for pipe to conduct 'No. Mill St. water to manhole, to provide underground drainage. Council~instructed him to pro- ceed with this. Water engineer- Mr. Humphrey also referred to updating of water engineering report, and he will lng report, get in touch with Warren Ferrin of Glenwood. Springs. Curbs and He outlined remainder of work to be done on curbs and gutters and need for Gutters. prompt completion, and Council instructed him to rent more forms and hire more men if ~ necessary. The following ~atters are receiving attention and will be taken up in future meetings: ~Waterline ~greements - Vagneur and Meadows line Benedict Land and Cattle Co. Riverside line - Mr. Wendt is handling. Dumpsi~e. Impounding of cars -~ordinance pending Swimming pool ordinance pending. ~ East Aspen Patent political status - pending. 2 O~d 2 - Ordinance No. 2, Flammable liquids - next ~eeting. i1963-flam- mable- Jim Blanning was present regarding the Mollie Gibson - and Mayor Garfish read ~ i recOmmendation re hearing from Mr. Stewart. He also read recordings from police ~aring- blotter - Jim asked that his blotte~ be compared with that of the Red Onion and other Mollie Gibson places. Council is in favor of holding a hearing, ~he date for which is to be set -. Walter Huber, who filed complaint and police officers are to be present, as well as any other interested persons. · Councilman Beyer asked about oiling of'streets in Riverside Annex, and Mr. Humphrey is handling this. The Clerk was instructed to return to Father Bosch a package left for the Mayor and City Council in his name. .T~e meeting was adjourned at 1:20 AM upon motiop, by Moore, econded b Newell and carrion. ~. ............... · Clerk The following met at 11:00 AM Daylight Savings Time - City Administrator Hum- Bid opening phrey, Councilmen Moore and Newell, Mr. LeCuyer and Mr. Saaxegaard - to open the Electric bids submitted on the electric system improvement program, system The bids Submitted were: Bonneville Construction Co.-Idaho Halls, Idaho. Alternate No. I Alternate No. 2 $206,324.73 Total Bid $ 175,660.38 Ets-Hokins and Galvin - Denver Colorado $286,870.03 $ 250,372.16 George Pike Line Builders- Cheyenne, Wyoming $259,897.64 $ 223,626.79 E ' Goorman lectrzc Corp - Englewood, Colorado $482,767.37 $ 454,837.22 R. A.Waffensmith & Co. Longraont Colorado $250,507.31 $ 217~'161.31 Acme Power~Line Construction Co. Salt Lake ~lty Utah $223,858.80~ $ 196,239.45 Irby Construction Co. Jackson, Mississippi $349,668.79 $ 290,627.44 Reynolds Electric end-Engineering Co. Denver, Colorado $ 231,652.64 $ 207,152.27 Mr. LeCuyer read the engineer's estimate: $212,113.20 $ 195;226.95 He also expressed thanks to Jim 3ordan, Ets-Hokins & Galvin R.M.Hendee Hamilton Associates Gene Leon Acme Power Line Constr. Co. Mr. Reynolds Sam Tait- Broderick Wood Products for attendance and submission of bids. Mr. LeCuyer will have bids rechecked and present them to Council at meeting at 7:30 PM,~July 8, 1963. ~spe~ Colorado Special Meeting - Aspen City Council - July 8, 1963 7:30 PM Mayor Garfish called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Present were Councilmen Beyer, Moore and Newell, City Administrator Humphrey, City Attorney Stewart, Mr. Ed LeCuyer and Mr. Saaxegaard of Merrick and Company. Also present were Mr. Brookover, Mr. O'Donnell and Mr. Spear representing the Public Se~ice Company of Colorado, and Mr. Sardy, Mr. Morse, and Bill t)unaway. Mr. Brookover referred to-proposal of Public Service C6mpany to deliver poWer to the City of Aspen at voltage of the City's system - means of delivery and step-down sub: ation~ any amount of power needed from month to month for a twenty year period-the time ~e - quired to amortize their investment; two-part rate and City pays for metered amount- open end contract provides for them to supply what City would require; no obligation Transmission to pay for more than meter shows; their offer to purchase City's present transformers; of Power they would provide switching on high side and deliver on low side; Public Service Co. Bill Dunaway asked if analysis had been made by City's representatives, 'and Mayor Garfish referred to meeting of committee with Public Service Jo. in Denver. Mr. Brook- over said they had used Merrick and Co. repomt and estimates through 1970. Discussed - data and tabulation submitted by Mr. Bugas for Colorado Ute Associa- tion, and Mr. Spear analyzed that report.~ Mr. Bookover informed Council ~hat Public Service Co. would furnish City with information for its use, as requested. Councilman Moore said he had reviewed proposed contract and referred to franchise, and recommended voltage, also to updating reports, and certificate of convenience and necessity, and asked if rates have been projected, as he is interested in getting best <.3 rates for consumers in Aspen. After further discussion, Council asked Mr. LeCuyer to give an opinion - he feels Mr. Bugas has set forth what he believes to be an interpretation of power cost; Public Service Co. has presented only firm proposal to date; he feels it would be prohibitive for City to build its own transmission line; City is preferential customer with Bureau of Reclamation and would lose this status by contracting with Public Service Company; he would not advise con~acting for only 2000 KW as indicated in Bugas report; If City could get Bureau of Reclamation to bill for power actually used, he would recommend that City take it. However, if power were not ~available, Bureau would not 25i Aspen Colorado Special Meeting Aspen City Council July 8, 1963, continued. Electric be obligated to serve. power /~ Mayor Garfish referred to request from Holy Cross and Colorado Ute for firm proposals - not yet received. Mr. Stewart said he had called Mr. Thurston for specific form of contract or proposal for Council consideration. He said Mr. Bugas does not have sufficient information to know what Holy Cross rates to City would be at this time. Mr. Stewart also referred to a suit now pending that might affect Colorado Ute's line. He feels there has been presented by Public Service Co. a fair analysis. Mr. LeCuyer~reiterated that City would lose preferential status by discontinui~gi~ with Bureau of Reclamation. He also told Council that if Public Service pays for the switching structure, this would eliminate $17,000 from cost of electric improve- merit. A motion was made by C~uncilman Beyert seconded by Councilman Newell, to accept Motion the contract of Public Service Company of Uolorado, for electric power and energy, and to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of ~he City. Councilmen Newell and Beyer voted Aye and Councilman Moore voted Nay. The motion carried. Councilman Moore said he had voted against the motion because necessar7 rate studies have not been made to compare the effect of other sources on City's power bills and City's future economic health. Mr. LeCuyer reviewed for Council the bids on the rehabilitation of the electric system, which had been checked and corrected: Alternate t Aerial Space Alternate 2 Open Wire. Bids- Bonneville Constr. Co. $206 324.76 $183 680.38 Electric Acme Power Line Constr. Co. 225 594.78 189 008.56 system Reynolds El. & Eng. Co. 232 483.75 201 829.69 R. A. Waffensmith & Co. 250 507.31 217 161.31 Geo. Pike Line Builders 259 897.64 223 626.79 Etz-Hokins a Galvin 286 870..03 250 372.16 Irby Constr. Co. 349 668.79 290~627.4~ Goorman Electric Corp. 482 767.37 ~5~,837.22 Engineer's Estimate 212,113.27 195,226.95 Mr. LeCuyer will present Written recommendation to Council, He feels Bonneville Construction Co. has a good proposs1 on Aerial space.system. He recommended that City save $5000 by using larch pQles instead of douglas fir; the use of a different type of street light could save $1,000; Public Service Company's providing the switching structure will save about $17,000. He will have to contact bidders re- garding any ~hange in amounts in bids, and he requested authorization to negotiate with Bonneville Construction Co. to accept City's substitutions. The engineerin~ fee will be 9% of the low figure. Supervision cost also dis- cussed, also maintenance of high voltage - Teleph6ne Company owndership of poles- system designed for peak conditions. Council authorized Mr. LeCuyer to negotiate and prepare recommendation, and gave him vote of confidence. Hea~ing on the Jim Blanning - Mollie Gibson - case will be held Thursday, 3uly Il, 1963 at 5:00 PM DST. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 AM upon motion by Newet~ seconded by Beyer, and carried.