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ASDen City Council
l\1av 22. 2006
CITTZE"l COMMb"lTS.__ ..,....,.... .. ................. ............2
CONSENT CALENDAR "..."..... "..."...".... . ..........." 2
. Re-kcyingAspen Country Inn... ....."....,... ,...."...., .3
. Resohdion #39, 2006 - Wheeler OpcraHouse Bakony Scats Refurbishment...... 3
. Rcsolution #40, 2006 - Watcr Treatment Plant Scdimentation..__ ... 3
. Minutes May9,2006,.. .,.....,....."....,...., ......,....,.... ,..3
ORDINANCE #20, SERIES OF 2006- 719 East Hopkins Subdivision. ....3
RESOLlTIO.'J #38, 2006 - Water Service Agreement Firc District North 40. .... 5
ORDINAKCE #21, SERIES OF 2006- Long (802 West Main) Rezoning ."... .... 6
RESOLliTION #41, SERIES OF 2006 - Memorandnm of Understanding with Aspen
ASDen City Council
Mav 22. 2006
Mayor Klandcrud called the meeting to order at S:OO p,m. with Councilmcmbers Torre,
Johnson and Richards present.
1. Toni Kronberg said a nice job was done of the revamping of the S-curves. Ms.
Kronberg suggested work be done at the light at Truscott so that it stays green between 3
and 6 p.m. to not hold uptrarfic. Ms. Kronberg brought np her request for an appcal
hearing rcgarding various Issues at Galena and Main, Assistant City Attorney David
Hoefer told Council this has been filed with staff and will be reviewed and forwarded to
I, Mayor Klanderud thanked Kids' First for the parade and for thc kids fair over the
last week. Mayor Klatlderud thanked the recreatiotl department for the criterium run last
2. Councilman Torre said Battlc of the Bands in Basalt is a grcat local event and is a
cause to restore music m the schools, Their non-profit is National Jam FOlmdation.
3. Councilwoman Richards said the wmual slate of the river prcsentation "1111 be
hcld May 25Lh in EI 1ebe1. Councilwoman Richards reported she attended the Bureau of
Reclamation meeting. A hcalthy amount of water in Ruedi is cxpccted and all the
rcscrvoirs that have extnl water will re1casc it a!1 at once to create con ditionsinthc
Colorado river 10 hclp with endangered fish recovery efforts,
4. Councilwoman Richards said she attended the CML policy cOlmnittee meeting to
review the existing policies ofCML. The policy committee wil1 pass rccommcndations
on to the Colorado Municipal Leaguc mceting in June. Councilwoman Richards
rcmindcd Council she brought to lhe allention ofthc policy the propose d forest service
lands sales, which would pay for rural schools and roads. This is bcing formally opposed
by CM L as an inappropriatc funding source for municipal needs. Councilwoman
Richards said CML will be fonning an cnergy subcommittee to look at issucs of climate
change, severance tax from energy drilling.
S. Councilwoman Richards requested the city attorney's office distribute
infonnation to bars and rcstaurants on the new clean indoor air act, which will take effect
Councilman 10hnson requested Resolution #3~, Series of2006 - Water Service
Agreemcnt Firc District North 40 be pulled.
ASDen Cio' Council
Mav 22. 2006
Councllman Torre moved to approve the con,;ent calendar as amended; scconded by
Councilwoman Richards. The consent calendar is
. Rc-keying Aspen Country Inn
. Resolution #39, l006 - Wheeler Opera Housc Balcony Seats Refurbishment
. Rcsolution 1:40, 2006 - V,.'atcr Treatmcnt Plant Sedimentation
. Minutes-May9,2006
ORDINANCE #20, SERIES OF 2006 - 719 East Hopkins Subdivision
Chris Bcndon, community developmcnt departmcnt, told COlUlCil this is an existing 6-
unit multi-family developmcnt at 719 East Hopkins, zoned mixed usc. This is a request
to replace the existing development. Bendon told Council this meets lhezoning and
multi-family housing replaccment program. Bendon said there are 6 units with 7
bedrooms, The replacement requirement is 50% ofthenllmbcr of units and.50% of the
number ofbcdrooms and 50% of the square footage. The replacemcnt proposal is 5
units, 2 freemarkctand 3 affordable housing units "11th 4 bcdrooms. Thc,requiredsquare
footagc for affordahlehousing is 1589 square fect. The proposal contains 1659 square
feet o('afjordable housing. Bendon said Ihe project mcets standards of approval and staff
is recommending approval.
Bendon noted the affordahle housmg llnits are substantially below grade. Both P&Z and
lhc housing board rcgistered eonccm about this specifically and ab out the housing
replaccmcnt program generally. Bendon reminded Council ofthc recent code
amendmentrcquiringall neW affordable housing be at least halfabovegrade. This
project was submittcd before those code amendmcnts and IS not affected. Bcndon stated
the current moratorium docs not affect this land u,;e application butw ouldaffecltheir
building permit. Bendoll noted there is 1659 square feet of net livable for the affordable
housing; howcver, Dilly 258 square feet counts toward,; the FAR because 1t is
Stan Clauson, represcnting the applicant 719 East Hopkins LLC, told Council this
proposal provides 3 affordable housing unils, 2 studios and I two- bedroom unit. Clauson
saidthcseare subgrade llllits; however, the code at thctime allowed f or subgradellllits.
Clauson nOled this is a 6,000 square foot, fairlytightsitc. Clauson said there has hccn
concem about subgrade affordablc housmg units; however, thc applicants fccl this project
will be a benefit to thc neighborhood and will providc permanently deed r estrictcd
affordablchousing. Clausonnotedthereisheadol1parkingforthisprojecl,whichison
the city',; right.of-way. The applicants would rcmove that parking and would install
curb,gutter,sidewalkandstreettrecs. There would be 3 newparallcl parking spaces on
IhestreeL The garages will bc on the rear ofthc property.
Aspen Citv Council
Mav 22. 2006
Clauson showed an elevation, the two free market units on strect level. Thc affordab1c
housing umts arc handicap acccssible with an elevatorscrving the 10 werleveL Eachunit
mccts the size standaros in the housing guidelines. Councilman Johnson noted for
whcclehairaccessibility, in the evcnt ofa fire, an elevator is useles s and there isno
acCeSS. Councilwoman Richards askcd how many parking spaccs are providcd for the
affordab1chousingunitsinthegarage. Clauson said there arenonc, COllllcilmanTorre
asked about thc allowable FAR. Bendon said in the MU zone district thcre IS a phascd
FAR and an lllcreased in FAR is available through special revicw if there is a minimum
amount of affordable hOLlsing on sIte. That has been mct and the increase in FAR has
Mayor Klanderud opened the public hearing, There were no comments. Mayor
Klandcrud closed thc public hearing,
CouncIlwoman Richanls said she questions whether this application meets the intent of
the Aspen Arca Community Plan. The plan puts people first and having all 3 affordable
housing units fully subgrade is like a form ofsegrcgation and demcaning to thc life of the
people in those units. Councilwoman Richards noted 6,323 square feet of free market
100% above gradc for 2 units andllo affordable housing units above gra de does not meet
the intent of the AACP. Couneilwoman Richards stated thcre is a reduction of density of
thetotalnumberofunitsfrom6toS and that also does not meet the intent of in fill, which
i, to increase the density of people living downtown. Councilwoman Richards asked
how much thc FAR bonus is. Bendon said it goes up 2S% or 1500 square feet for this
project. Councilwoman Richards said she thought havingtllis bonus available was to be
ab1c to make more livable units. Nonc oftllat livability translates to thc affordable
Councilman Johnson said the intent of in fill was to get morc people downtown and tbis
proposal get fcwcrpeople. ThcdcnsityisredLlccd;thelivabilityoftheunitsis
inadcquate; parking is an issue. Councilman Johnson statcd this is not consistent with thc
AACP or with the intent bchind infill, which legislation benefits this projects.
Mayor Klandcrud said she does not particularly like thc bclow grade units. :v!ayor
Klanderud noted some projects havc window egresscs that provide more light than this
proposedprojcct. Mayor Klandcrud asked if this was deficient paTkingto begin with.
Clauson said this sitc providoo no on-site parking and docs not have t o mitigate for that.
BillPol!ock, architcct,told Council thc larger the affordablehous ingunitsarc,themore
that counts towards thc FAR. Exposing buried walltnmslatcs into floor area that counts.
Councilman Torrc stated he agrecs with the arguments made by Council. Councilman
Torrc said this project docs Ilot satisfy the nccds of the commlmity and be cannot support
it. Councilman Torre said mccting the minimums is not always enough. Councilman
Torresaidhewouldcontinuetl1isinordcrtoseeanamendcdproposal. Curtis Sanden;,
representingtheapplicant,saidtheissueiswhcthertheapplicant has comp1ied with the
applicable rules alldthe applicant has met the criteria. Sanders said the applicants
discussed the constraints of the space at P&Z. .'vIayor Klanderud agreed the code was
Aspen Cih Council
followed; however, she is concemed about egress from the subgrade uni ts and nothing on
the east side. Mayor Klandcrud stated hcr concems have to do with health and safely
CouncilwomWl Richards reitenlled this is not consistent with the goals of the AACP; it is
not consistcntwith lhe intcnt of the inJlll legislation. Councilwoman Richards questioned
the appropnatcncss of allocating an FAR bonus to this project as thep rojeet does not
seem to merit exccptional standards, Councilwoman Richards stated it is a reduction of
density in rhe dovmtown in number of units. Thcre are no parking spaces for the
aiIordablehousing. Therewillnotbeanetgainofanyspacestotheneighborhoodwhen
thctcnantsoftheaffordablehousingparkonthcstreel. Councilwoman Richards said she
cannot support this project but would support acontitluance for a chance loredesign.
Councilman Jolmson stated the city's subdhision criteria have no t changed reccntly.
Councllman Johnson said thc generalrequircments of sections (a) a nd (d) have not
changed, Councilman Johnson said one reason to have a landusc code is todcalwi ththe
from thosc ofheallh, safcty and welfare. Mayor Klandcrud agreed some better project
could be huilt ontllis site.
Pollock said the intent was not to segregate the affordable housing, The affordable
housing units are large and takc up about 50% of the project. Councilman Jolmson said
with the garage abovctlle aiIordableunits, it could be interpreted that ca rsare litcrally
above and metaphorically above employccs, Mayor Klanderud asked why a tv,'o-car
garage IS being provided for the frec market units and the affordable housing units have
no parking spaces. Clauson said the market requires II-vo parking spaces for free market
units. Clauson said th,S 6,000 square foot lot is in the middlc ofablock and i s
Councilman Torre movcd to continue to June 12, 2006; seconded by Councilwoman
Richards. All in favor, motion carried.
RESOLUTION #38. 2006- Water Scrvice Agreement Fire District North 40
Couneilman Johnson noted there is a commercial ]ot that does not havc water service and
a.~ked if approving this watcr service agrecmcnt would automatically mean that
commercial lot will have water, Phil Overcynder, water department, said this will
preserve thc option for COllncil to review in the future whethcr that commcreiallot fits
the AACP and would fall under the 1969 agreement or not.
Councilwoman Richards moved to approvc Resolution #38, Series of2006; seconded by
Couneilmall Torrc. All in favor, motion carried.
(Councllman DcVilbiss came into the meeting).
ASDen City Cooncil
Ma,' 22. 2006
ORDINAl'\CE #21, SERIES 01<' 2006 - Long (802 Wcst ),1ain) Rczoning
Chris l3endon, community dcvc10pment dcpartment, IOld Conncil thisisl ocatedat thc
comer of7'h and Main, is 9,000 square foot property known as the Long family property
and is dcveloped with a single family residence. This parcel is zoned R-IS, a rcsidential
zonedistrictrcquiring 15,000 square feet of lot area. BcndontoldCouncilstaffsupports
thisrczoningTeqllcst. TI1is IS a gatcway to IOwn, is an area Wilh heavy lrJITic, an area
affected by hcadlights of cars entering and leavmg lown. Bendon said staff feels a single
family ordup1cx does not fit this cnvironment and a building that could s hielditselffrom
this corner would bc more appropriatc, A building with more mass would be appropriate.
Staff fcels a mlxed-lkSc dcvelopment would be more fitting than single family. H might
bean opportunity for local1y scrving businesses.
Bendon pointed out to the north and to the west]s RMF, residential multi-fan1ily, to thc
east is the Main Street historic district and zoncd MU, and across the street is a n
affordable housingprojcct, and to the south is zoned R-15. Bendon said this site will bc
redeveloped and the issuebeforc Council is what qualities lhat rcd cvelopmentshould
havc. Withl'vfUthcrcwouldbeamixoffreel11arket,affordablehousingandsome
locally scrving businesses. Bcndon said mixcd-use zoningreprcsents a greater impact;
however, thesc impacts are design related. P&Z votcd in favor of this proposal.
COllncilman Johnson askcd the requiremcnts of the lTIlxed-usc zone. Bendon said the free
market dcvelopment cannot cxcccd the amount of eommerclal on sitc, a 1 to 1 ratio. The
affordable hou5ing will be denved lrom two sources; it mitigates for the commercial
developmcnt, for employee generation. On-sitc affordable housing can serve both the
commercial and thc free market housing requirements.
Stan Clauson, representing thc applicants, illuslratcd the surroundin gzoningandnoted
only 802 West Main on the we,t sidc of Main street is zoned R-1S, This sitc is impacted
by traffic, the headlights of cars pomt directly into the existing house. Clauson said this
propcrty was formerly wncd 0, office and was rczoned to R-IS. Clauson said this sitc
could handle abuilding of the dimcnsion and si1.e of the building a t the southeastcomcr
of 7'" and Main, TIlissiteisnotsuitableforasing1c-familyresidencc. Clausonsaidlhis
Clauson said it wOllld bc premature to do a development plan, not knowing what the
zoning would be. Clauson stated it would bc the intention to havc office, freemarkct and
Ron Long, applicant, said not only do headlighls comc into the propertyblll cars also
comc onto the property. Long told Council the highway has always been there and
lncreascdgrowthhasexacerbatedtheeffectsofthehighway. I.ong said even If the direct
alignment of"thc highway is adopted, this sitewlll still bc on the highway. Long said
al'fordablc housmg on this site would be closc to transportation andt o town. The plan is
to have low impact businesses with daytime hours impacts.
Rel!ular Meeting
ASDen City Council
Mav 22. 2006
Warren Klug, resident of the Villas, presented a \cller ouUining concerns of the Vil1as.
Klugsaidredevelopmcmandrezoningofthispropcrtywouldmakesenseand agreed a
smgle-family re,idenec does 1101 make sen,e. Klug said residents at the Villas are
eoncemcdwithzoningtootherthanrcsidentiaL Thisisadenscresidentialarcaincluding
3ffordable housing. The existing residents are concerncd with any commercial
dcvclopment that might increasc traffic including delivery trucks. Klugsaidthercarc
altemativcs, like rewning this RMF. Klug noted that all development to thc west of7"
strect is residential and they would likeitto remamresidcntial,
Mary Wolrcr, Bavarian, said they are concerned for thc children in Ihc area, Therc are
over20kidsundcrIOinthearca.ltisaconccrntoaddmoretraffic. Nancy Hendricks,
Villas rcsident, said thcyare coneerncd about any increase in traffic. Ms. Hendricks said
the city should buy lhe property and establish apoeket park. Toni Kronberg supports this
rezoningtomixcduse. Thercare some good alternatives for this bloek and itshouldbc
made one ofthc city's jewel corncrs. Che1 Feldman, Villas of Aspen, said lcllers sen110
Couneil pointou1 their concerns, Feldman said 1hcheadlightissucscould be solvcdby
design. Feldman said commcreial zoning should not be cxtended into completely
Clauson said the mixed usc is not a commcreial zone and thc permitted uscs are limited to
affordablc and free markelhousing, the other allowed uses are service, 0 mcc,lodge,arts,
cultural and civic and recreational. Retail IS only allowed with a historic propcrty, which
this is not. Clauson noted this property was looked at in context with the record of
decision on highway 82. Thccurrentrecordofdecision calls fora signal at this
intcrsection. Clauson said as part orthe growth management approval process, ther e
Mayor Klanderud said when Council discussed the mixed-use zone, it was never intcnded
to extend west of7til. Mayor Klanderud stated she is eonccrncd tl1is wouldbccome
incremental zoning. Mayor Klanderud said shc cannot support rezoning to MU but could
support arczoning 10 Rl\1F. Mayor Klandcrud agreed this is not a good location for a
single-family structure.
CoullcJlwomall Richards noted thc letters from the public and thcir eoncems.
Councilwoman Richards said therc is no offstrcct parking in this area, Councilwoman
Richards said the mixcd-use zOl1e allows up to 17 diffcrentuses and th cdevelopment
plan is not known, Councilwoman Richards stated she, too, is concerned about extending
thc MU zone across 7'h street. Councilwoman Richards agreed this is a difficult sitc and
thereareothermoTeappropriatezonesrorthissite,hkeAH. This sitchas access issues
for cars travcling west. Councilwoman Richards said this increases density without
knowing what for. '
ASDen Citv Council
!\1av 22. 2006
Coul1cilman Johnson asked why thc eommereial at 7'h and Mail1 was abandoned, :vtayor
Klanderud said there were traffic considerations. The cOlnmereial space was designed to
providcneighborhood shopping but it was not a good location fortha tuse. Mayor
KlandcrudreiteratedheroppositiontoMUzoningextendingacross7thstreet is that the
MU /.One comes to a natural end at 7th and Main, Councilman DeVilbiss stated thc
cvaluation ol'this rezoning request from the Chainnan ofP&Z was articulatc and specific
andhc agrees wilh that.
Councilwoman Richwds moved to adopt Ordinancc #21, Series of2006, on second
reading; seconded by Councilman DeVilbiss.
Clauson asked if this couldhc continued to consider a differenl ca tegoryso that it would
not be stopped by the moratorium. Assistant City Attorney Hoefer stated this process
needs to begin again with notice and hearings beforc P&Z,
Councllman Johnson statcd this opplication does not meet criteria (a)(c )(d) or (i) for
rczoning and hc cannot support it.
Roll call vote; Councilmcmbers Johnson, no; Richards, no; Torre, no; DeVilbiss, no;
Mayor Klanderud, no. Motion NOT carried,
RESOLUTION #41. SERIES OF 2006 - Memorandum of Understanding with Aspen
School Dislrict
.lcffWoods,parks and recreation director, told Council the cityhashad a great working
relationship \~ith the school. The original IGA started in 1997 and was the beginning of
the commLlnity campus, working with the school to create a campU5 to allow recreational,
cultural, educational opportunities for the entire cOllUllunity. This IGA allows shared
parking and the city and school using each other's facilities. Thisisathirdanlendment
encompas8ing improvements to the agreenlel1l, Woods said the school approved this
agreemcnt last week. This addresses the new synthctic turf, which will allow morc use of
the ficlds by the community at large,
Tim Andcrson, recreation director, said the agreement covers bette rschcdulingoflhe
parkmg and the use oflhe facilities. Usechrn:geadjustmcntsbetv,eenthccityandthe
school have bccn refmed. COlmcilwoman Richards asked about the detailed cost sharing.
Couneilwoman Richards Iloted whcn the city purchased the ycUow brick school and
purchased the Moore property, part of that agreemcnt was that thc city would pay for
water and for maintenance for the first 10 years. Thc cost shanllg would be negotiated
afterthaL Andcl'sonsaidhcwil1havetochccktheoriginalagreementandscewhenthat
10 ycars expIres.
Mayor Klanderud asked aboutthc clause, use of the 1ights on thc field maYl10t cxeeed
10:30 p.m. Mayor Klanderud said shc feels 10:30 p.m. is late. The school district needs
to get approval fromtlle neighbors to get night lights, Therehavc been concerns with the
ASDen Citv Council
lights. Woods said this time is only for city events, not school evcnts,w ldcanbcde1eted.
Councilman Jolmson suggested amending the agreement to state city cvcnts will bc
consistent to the school district's agreement v>iththeneighhorhoo d,
Councilwom<Ul Richards said she has heard conccrns about the lack of lighting on the
bridge to thc ARC from Buttermilk, and thc lack of signs toward the ARC.
Councilwoman Richards said she would like staff to look at improving aeccss, lighting
and safety to the ARC. Woods said staff is looking at scheduling as well as way finding
and lighting on the bridges.
Councilman Torre moved to approve Rcsolution #41, Scries of2006, with an amendment
to the dause light usage not permitted beyond 10:30to"consistcncywiththe$chool
Dislricts policy": seconded hy Councilwoman Richards. All in favor, mOlion carried.
Councilman Johnson moved to continue thc meeting to 4 p.rn, May 23, 2006, for an
cxceutive session; scconded by Councilman Torrc. All in favor, motion carried.
Kathryu $, Koch, City Clerk