HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19640601 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Pabst at
4:45 P.M.. Present were Councilmen Barnard, Kuster, McEachern and Stapleton, City
J~ · Attorney Balcomb and ~ity Administrator Kerrigan.
~ The accounts payable were g~ven to Councilman Stapleton to check.
The minutes of the previous regular meeting of May 18, 1964,were ~pproved as
A motion~was made by Councilman Stapleton, seconded by Councilman McEachern,
to suspend Rule 19, and to allow the accounts payable. Roll call - Councilmen
Barnard aye; Kuster aye; McEachern aye; Stapleton aye.
D. Rea-payment Mr. Kerrigan informed Council that the recent contract with Dale Rea was eom-
to pleted, and a motion was made by Councilman Barnard, seconded by Councilman
Motion Stapleton, to su'speh~-'R~le'-t9 .and to pay the amount of $1,000.00. Roll call-
Councilmen Barnard aye;~Kuster aye; McEachern aye; Stapleton aye.
ProjeCt Mayor PabsC.referred to, and read. letter from Jack Walls, dated May 27th,
P-26 requesting suspension of the Colorado P-26 p~oject - for review and inventory
suspension and of the work completed to date on the long range plan; and he also read proposed
conference with letter to Mr. James Miles, Director of Planning of the State of Colorado. After
Wiener. discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Barnard, seconded by Councilman Kuster,
to authorize the Mayor to sign the lette~ to Mi-. Miles, requesting suspension of
otzon the project and conference with Mr. Wzener. Motion carried with all Councilmen
voting aye.~
Sheriff- Discussed - contract on police calls - and a motion was made by Councilman
agreement with Stapleton, seconded by Councilman Barnard, for an addendum to the agreement dated
3anury 28, 1960, with Sheriff Herwick, changing the monthly payment to $300.00_
effective June 1, 1964, subject to i~mediate cancellation upon notice, and pro-
rating of any part of a month due. Roll call: Conncilman Barnard aye;
Kuster aye; McEachern aye; Stapleton aye.
Jo,Ney- Mr. Balcomb will handle the addendum, also the agreement with Jo-Ney for eom-
Communieatlons munications.
Ute Ave. Aspen Alps Club - paving of a portion of Ute Avenue - Mr. Wendt will prepare
Paving. agreement for consideration at the next meeting.
Petition for annexation - Portion of Block 2 Eames Addition - Mr. Wendt
Petition ferred to minutes of the Planning Commission recommending that this matter con-
: for tinue to be tabled, and reference was made to pre~ious approval by the Commission
annexation of this annexation. Mr. Wendt requested that Council take action at this meeting,
~ The following Resolution was read by Attorney Balcomb:
BI 2 Eames Add'
WHEREAS, a Petition for annexation of territoz7 described
Resolution herinafter was filed with the City Clerk on May 4, 1964, requesting
annexation of the following described territory to the City of Aspen:
A tract of land situated in the N. E. ~ Sec. 13, T-10-S, R-85-W,
of the 6th P. M., beginning at a point whence the southerly
boundary line of the City of Aspen intersects the southerly line
of Durant Ave., said point being on the northerly property line of
Block 3, Eames Addition, thence N. 75o09'11" W. along the' southerly
line of Durant Ave., 616.3 feet to the point of intersection with
the. westerly boundary line of Center Street, said point being co-
incident with the northeast Corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Eames Ad-
dition, thence N. 14o50'49'~ E. 220.13 feet along the~ westerly
llne of Center Street to the boundary line of the City of Aspen,
thence S. 55°33' E. 654.18 feet along said boundamy to the point
beginning, containing 1.56 acres, more or less.
AND WHEREAS, the petition is prepared in conformity with law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said Petition for
annexation shall be, and the same is hereby accepted and ordered filed,
and that notice over the signature of the City Clerk of Aspen shall
prompty be published for hearing thereon to be conducted on July, 20,
1964, at 3:30 D!clock P. M., according to law.
Moron A motion was then made by Councilman McEachern, seconded by Councilman
Barnard, to adopt the foregoing Resolution~ roll call - Councilmen -Barnard
Kuste~ aye; McEachern aye; Stapleton aye.
Maroon Greek James Moore and Danny Berry were present in the interest of the Maroon
repairs. Creek Flume. Discussed - agreements, and a notice sent by the Utility Board in
1958 - also work done by the ranch owners.- Mr. Moore said owners would like
to have the City do the work of flume repair. Attorney Balcomb and Mr. Kerrigan
will research this matter and report ~o Council.
A motion was then made by Councilman Ba~na~d, seconded by Councilman Kuster,
that Council go into executive session, and all visitors withdrew. Motion carried
Council then interviewed Nick E. Gust and Adam Manezur in connection with
their application for a full liquor license for the Roman Lion, formerly the
Dipsy Doodle. The premises were ~pproved when previous license was issued. City Liq. Lic.
Administrator Kerrigan reported that the character check on Mr. Gust was satisfactory.
Minor problems on the payment of bills and traffic violations were indicated on the Roman Lion
report of Mr. Manczur, who questioned some of these. Mr. Kerrigan will recheck for
vet ~f~cation.
A motion was then made by Councilman Barnard, seconded by Councilman McEachern, ~
to resume the regular meeting. Carried with all Councilmen voting aye.
The Mayor called the meeting to order, and a motion was made by Councilman Motion to
Barnard,~econded by Councilman Stapleton, to table the application for a full liquor Table
license for the Roman Lion, pending further investigation. Motion carried with all
Councilmen voting aye.
Rob Roy referred to proposed new building he is working on, and asked about Rob-Roy
restrictions in-zoning proposed by the Planning Commission. Mayor Pabst read letter Zoning
dated 3une 1, 1964, from 3ack Walls, Chairman of the Planning Commission, outlining Chan~es.
proposed changes in zoning regulations. Discussed- height and Mr. Roy will try
different plans and confer with Council.
Considerable discussion then followed on the proposed curb cut ordinance, and Curb cut
Council felt this needed more clarification, ordinance
A joint meeting with the Planning Commission~was set for 57ednesday, 3une 3,
1964, at 7:30 PM., for further discussion on the proposed zoning changes.~
Attorney Balcomb advised that variances granted by the Board of Adjustment Variances-
should be reviewed, as some have been granted that do not fall within the power of that Attorney
Board. opinion
Mayor Pabst read note of appreciation from the family of Mrs. 3enkinson, for
sympathy and flowers.
The Maypr also read letter from the State Auditor acknowledging receipt of the Annual
annual audits~ Audits.
Contributions by the City of Aspen - Mayor Pabst said that, after careful
consideration, the following amounts~had been suggested:
Recipientl 196~ 1965 Suggested for 1966
Chamber of Commerce Dues aec~rding to membership f~e - approx.$240.O0
Music Associates of Aspen $350.00 $200.00 $100.00
Music Associates Building Fund ~00.00 300.00 300.00
Boy Scouts of America 50.00 50.00 50.00
Fireworks 75.00 75.00 75.00
Aspen Ski Club (Junior Skiers 150.00 lO0.O0 50.00 ~
Recreation Committee 400.00 300.00 200.00
After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Kuster, seconded by Councilman Contributions
Barnard, to approve the contributions as proposed for 196~, and to indicate the 196~
amounts suggested for 1965; also to withhold contribution to the Junior Skiers pending
settlement of differences between the two ski clubs. Roll call vote - Councilmen
Barnard aye; Kuste~ aye; McEachern aye; Stapleton -aye.
It was decided to take no action on indicating contributions for 1966 as
Council mambership might change.
Wagner Park Committee - a motion was made by Councilman McEachern, seconded Stapleton to
by Councilman Barnard, to appoint Councilman David Stapleton as Council member on th~ Wagner Pk. Comm.
Wagner Park Committee. Motion carried with all Councilmen voting aye.
Attorney Balcomb:
Still Pending - Sales Tax Ordinance
Request for rate increase - Rocky Mtn. Gas Co. Attorney
Delaney has attended hearings.
Mollie Gibson- Liquor license suspension appeal.
Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Police Pension Fund.
Tri-County Planning Ordinance.
Salary increases and appointment of Building Inspector: Sal. Increases
A motion was made by Councilman Barnard, seconded by Councilman McEachern,
to approve the following pay raises:
Effective March 16, 196~ 3ames Markalunas to $260.00 per month
Glen Ricks to $~0.00 per month
Effective May 16, 196k - Carrol Whitmire to $~00.00 per month
Harry Deisley to 380.00 per month
Leland Bartlett to 380.00 per mo~th
and to approve the appointment of Henry W.~ Thurston ITI as Building Inspector Building
effective May 21, 196~, at $450.00 a month. Roll call: Councilmen Barnard aye; Inspector
Kuster aye; McEachern aye: Stapl~ton aye.
A motion was made by Gouncilman Barnard, seconded by Councilman McEachern, that City
the agreement with City Administrator Kerrigan is to be re-negotiated - with salary Administrator~
of $8,750.00 per year. Roll call - Councilman Barnard aye; Kuster aye; contract.
McEachern aye; Stapleton aye.
Discussed - paving of alley strips between sidewalks, and Council adopted as Polic~-
policy if sidewalk on both sides of the alley is in good condition - the City Alley
will have the alley paved between the sidewalks - and the City Administrator will
handle such cases.
Aspen, Colorado Regular Meeting Aspen City Council June 1, 1964 Cont'd.
Discussed- having railings where there are steps onto sidewalk.
~Bonding- It was suggested that Bob Kirchner be called in to discuss the matter of
Waterworks~ additional bonding for the waterworks.
Engineer- Mayor Pabst reported that Da9id Holder of Grand Junction-an engineer- will
report, review the street paving program and furnish a report on storm sewers, etc.,
without cost to the City.
The meeting was asjourned at 6:26 P. M. upon motion by Councilman McEachern,
seconded by Councilman Stapleton, and carried.