HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19650104 Mayor Pabst called the regular meeting ~o order at 3:40 PM. Present were
Councilmen McEachern, Stapleton, Barnard,and City Treasurer Lum, City Attorney
Balcomb and City Administrator Kerrigan. Councilman Kuster c~e in later.
The accounts payable were given to Councilman Stapleton to check.
~Correction The minutes of the regular meeting of December 21, 1964, were approved as
12/21/64 Min. read with the following correction re sale of Lots N , O and'part of P to the City-
"the down payment would be $2,964.00 plus advalorem taxes to date of adjustmentU
Correction in Minutes of December 7, 1964 - a motion was made by Councilman
Correction MeEachern, seconded by Councilman Stapleton - to correct the minutes to show that
MinUtes- the regular meeting was recessed for the purpose of the public hearing in the
12/7/64 District CourtroOm - not adjourned. Councilmen Barnard, Stapleton and McEachern
voted aye.
Councilman Stapleton, having checked the bills, moved for the suspension of
~Rule 19 and payment of the 'amounts. Motloh seconded by Councilman McEachern. Roll
call vote - Councilmen - Barnard aye; Stapl~tdn aye; McEachern aye.
A letter dated December 29 from Attorney Seavy - Humble Oil suit - was read
Humble Oil suit by Mayor Pabst, indicating extension of time to January 15th. Attorney Balcomb
extension of ti~ asked Council Pleasure re extension and he outlined the legal procedure. Council
felt motions should be filed by January 15th, and aq attempt made to have the case
moved to Aspen. After further discussion re delay, Attorney Balcomb was instructed
to write to Mr. Seavy that Council is ~agreeable to another 20 day delay.
Attorney Balcomb said attorney~g costs on t~ Humble Oil suit would be based
on this schedule:
$20.00 an hour for within office work;
$~00~00 a day for two lawyers in court:
Attorneys' fee plus Out-of-pocket expenses - But in no event to exceed $3,000.00
A motion was made by Councilman Barnard, secohded by Councilman Stapleton, that
Motion. the above schedule for Zarlengo, Zarlengo and Seavy is approved. Roll call -
Councilmen Stapleton ~aye; ~eEachern aye; Kuster aye; Barnard aye.
)Special election Special election - Ordinance No. 13, Series of 196~, the following R~solution
was read in full by Attorney Balcomb:
Resolution R E S O L U T I 0 N
~ WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aspen, Colorado,
at a regula~ meeting held on November 2, 1964, passed, on second reading,
Ordinance ~o, 13, Series of 1964, imposing a Sales an~ Use Tax upon
~.~ tail transactions within the City of Aspen, Colorado, and the same was
duly published as required by law; and,
WHEREAS, within the time prescribed by statute, and in ac-
cordance with the requirements thereof, there was filed with ~he City
Clerk, petitions properly prepared and executed, requesting reconsider-
ation of such Ordinance; and,
WHEREAS, on December 7, 1964, Council refused to reconsider
such Ordinance, and ordered a Special Election on such Ordinance to be
held on February 24, 1965; and,
Whereas, certain legal steps must be pursued to properly
submit such Ordinance to the registered elector of The City of Aspen,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by th& City Council of the
City of Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado;
1.~ That the date of such Special Election has already been
set as of February 24, 1965.
2. That the City Clerk give notice of Such election in the
manner and form prescribed by law.
3. That the question submitted shall be voted upon at the
following voting places in each Ward of the City at such election:
Ward 1 - Aspen Oit~ Hall, 130 South Galena Street~ Aspen,
Ward 11 - Aspen News Building (Old Mesa Store) 500 Main,Aspen,
That the ballot to be used in submitting said question to the
qualified electors of said election shall be as follows:
Voters desiring t? vote for the measure shall
mark a cross (X) in the blank space to the right
and opposite the word "Yes". Voters desiring to Resolution
VOt~ against the measure shall mark a cross (X) Spec.Election
in the blank space to the right and opposite the
work "No?.
5.~ That all thinks be done by this Council and by the proper City of-
ficials necessary to the holding of said election, all in the manner and form
prescribed by statute.
I, , the City Clerk of the City of Aspen,
Pitkin C0unt~'~"Colorado, certify that the above is a true and correct copy of
a Resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Aspen, at a regular meeting
held on 19 ~
Certified this day of 1965.
~ity Clerk
A mOtion was made by Councilman Bernard, seconded by Councilman McEachern, to
adopt ~he foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote - Councilmen Stapleton aye; Motion on
McEachern aye; Kuster aye; Barnard aye. RESOLUTION
Discussed selection of judges and clerks for the special election will be Judges &
made at the next regular meeting. Also discussed - that Council has adopted the Clerks
sales tax Ordinance - individual Councilmen informing public why they favor this
measure; possible adoption of resolution by Council favoring the sales tax.
..Extension of the Wheeler Opera House lease - Attorney Baleomb said previous
assignment of lease from Aspen Company to Aspen Institute had been sent to Bob Lease e~-
Craig, but apparently had not been filed with the City Clerk. Amendment extending tension-
period of the lease was then read by Attorney Balcomb. Discussed - maintenance Wheeler Opera
of exterior of building and cost (possibly to be based on 1/3 City and 2/3 Aspen House.
Institute) - with particular reference to send, blasting and pointing- and repairs
to the roof. City Administrator Kerrigan is to discuss this with Dr. Eurich and
inform Attorney Balcomb of the outcome.
MayOr Pabst read letter from Attorney Stewart re application for 3:2 Beer-
Honeybucke~ of Aspen- that applicants have been unable to complete lease ne-
gotiations for the basement of the Independence Building so no action was taken
on the application.
Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1964, an Ordinance Amehding Chapter 3 Of Title III Ord. 21
of the official Code of Aspen, Colorado, the Same Relating to the Water Department 1964
of the City of Aspen, ColOrado, Establishing Changes in the Rates and Charges for
the use of Water, Prescribing the Conditions under Which Water May Be Used, and
Establishing Penalties for Violations of the Code and Ordinance, and Declaring
an Emergency to Exist - was read in full for the second time by Attorney Balcomb, Motion
and finally adopted upon motion made by Councilman Bernard, seconded by Councilman
Stapletoni to finally ~dOpt and approve Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1964. Roll
eali- Councilmen - Stapleton aye; McEachern aye; .Bernard aye; Kuster aye.
Ordinance covering registration of employees - discussed- that not many Registration
employers are now using private registration - enforcement if ordinance is ad- Ord. tabled.
opted - responsibility of employers. A motion was then made by Councilman Staple-
ton, seconded by Councilman Bernard, to table this Ordinance for further discus-
sion. Ail Councilmen voted aye.
Attorney Balcomb said a report on the Buchanan demand for deed has not yet Deed-
been received from Attorney Charles Stewart, - East Aspen Patent, Buchanan
Fiscal agent for Improvement District No. 2 --Mr. Kerrigan said firths are Fiscal agent
being asked to submit costs also that bonding attorneys have indicated similar Bonding Attorneysl
fees. He feels it would be better to have Tallmadge and Tallmadge~as bonding Distr. No. 2
attorneys as they have handled Improvement District No. ~. A motion was made by
Councilm~n McEachern, seconded by Councilman Stapleton, to engage Tallmadge and
Tallmad~e as bonding attorneys for Improvement District No. 2 - th~ fee to be
$3,000.00 on a $400,000.00 bond issue. Roll call vote- Councilmen Stapleton
aye; McEachern aye; Barnard aye; Kuster aye.
Councilman Barnard asked City Administrator Kerrigan about his taking vacation Vacation
during the holiday period and said he felt this should have been discussed with City Administra-I
the Council - due to crowded condition of the City at that time. Discussed. tot
Waterline extension contract with Rebecca and John Sterling discussed, and Waterline
a motion was made by Councilman Stapleton, seconded by Councilman McEachern, agreement
to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. Discussed-and Sterling
Building Inspector Thurston said he felt the same provision should be included in
this agreement as was included in the Shadow Mountain condominium agreement, due
to possible health hazard from septic tanks. Councilman Stapleton then amended
his motion to include that if a health hazard is created by their occupancy, the Motion
City will shut off the water. Councilman McEachern agreed to this amendment. Roll
Call - Councilman McEachern aye; Kuster aye; Stapleton aye-Bernard aye.
Aspen, Colorado Regular Meeting, Aspen City Council January 4, 1965 continued
Discussed - Claim of Jim Hayes of loss of battery and damage to his car in
Hayes- impeunding. City Administrator Kerrigan said he had checked with the street crew
Battery- and .t, hey denied causing any damage. Kerrigan felt City might be liable for battery,
damage to and will investigate further to see if condition of ear indicates recent damage,
car He is to handle adjustment.
~ , Herb Powers asked City co-operation in blocking off streest and alleys toward
~Winterskol the Aspen Alps for dog races during Winterskol; and policing during the parade;
and help in putting up the sign on Main Street. Council agreed, and he will submit
map of area to be controlled. It was suggested that he refer request to use Wagner
Park for dog teams to the Wagner Park Committee.
Canopy- An application for a permit to erect a canopy over the sidewalk at the a'Go Go
Hymen St. on Hymen Street to be referred to the Planning Commission, for their recommendation.
Jack WallS, Chairman of the Planning Commission, reported that the planners
Planners- would be interviewed - Sam Huddleston on January 12th;, and Leo Daly on January 15th,
Interviews with Council, the County Commissioners, City and County Planning Commissions, and
representative from the Aspen Institute present.
Zoning change~, Mr. Walls said sub-division regulations are awaiting report from the Aspen
Sanitation Board of Directors. Discussed at length - zoning code and need to
consult with master planner and to make all changes at the same time.
Master street plan in preparation.
Mayor Pabst read letter from Mrs. Podmore,The Knight Club of the Golden Horn,
indicating their desire to co-operate in running a good establishment. The Mayor
will reply.
Aspen Ski ~he Mayor also read letter from the Aspen Ski Club requesting a donation. This
Club. was turned over to the City Administrator.
Letter from Governor Love re publishing names of juveniles was read by Mayor
Discussed - salary increases indicated in th~ 1965 Budget and a motion was
Salary increase~ made by Councilman McEachern, seconded by Councilman BernArd, to increase the
salaries of. City employees according to the 1965 Budget, effective January 1,
Motion 1965. Roll call vote :Councilman Stapleton aye; Bernard aye; Kuster aye;
~ ~Eachern aye.
After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Kuster, seconded by Council-
Scl. Increa~ man Bernard, to pay to the City Clerk an additional amount of $50.00 a month,
City Clerk effective January l, 1965, for auxiliary service to other departments. Roll call
vote - Councilman Barnard aye; Stapleton aye; McEachern aye; Kuster aye.
Councilman McEachern commended the City employees for their extra work on
the City Streets during the vacation period. Discussed - need for snow removal and
keeping fireplugs uncovered.
Executive Upon motion by Councilman McEachern, seconded by Councilman Kuster, Council
session-dump went into executive session at 6:10 PM to discuss dump sites. All Councilmen.
sites, voted aye.
At 6~.20 PM, a motion was made by Councilman McEachern, seconded by Councilman
Kuster, that Council go back into open session. All Councilmen voted aye.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 6:25 PM upon motion by Councilman
Bernard, seconded by Councilman Kuster and carried.