HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1998 1---<-.._-< COMMERCIAL CORE & LODGING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SISTER CITY ROOM - CITY HALL March 4, 1998 8:30 I. Roll call 9:00 II. Encroachment - Red Onion alley United Waste Nick Adeh - Engineering Department Head 9:20 III. Linda Gerdenich - sculpture program guidelines 10:00 IV. Trash Ordinance - Commission followup of comments February 9,1998 - Kuhn project - 303 E. Main - John Worcester the city attorney indicated that the final CO will be resolved by the Engineering Dept. and Health Dept. as CCLC is an adivsory board. January 8, 1998 - Dust Inhibitor - The Streets Dept. is using less inhibitor due to the lack of snow, not more. It is noticeable due to the lack of snow as snow dilutes it out. Dec.17, 1997 meeting - request for information on the Little Nell/gondola plaza. Stan Clauson reported that free coffee and cookies can be given out on the plaza. The Audi car display and things like lighting for the 24 hours of Aspen goes under a special events permit handled by Kathryn Koch. More permanent installations, such as the Bertolucci clock and the 10th mountain statue have been handled as insubstantial amendments to the SPA with a Planning Director sign- off. Oct. 16th meeting - City Manager - enforcement i.e. E.Health receives trash reports; Eng. for Encroachments. Pending: Siste-visit Newsracks for abandoned rack after Labor Day. Take photos. 2nd light in alley. . NOTE: Working with Eng. on the red rags for dumpster etc. encroachments in to the alleys. NOTE: Placement of planters is a violation and all areas should be reported to Engineering. NOTE: Striping done. NOTE: Letter should be drafted to owners of the vacant news rack boxes. Please let me know the location etc. NOTE: Jack Reid report - Hunter street repaved 1998 same as Spring and Aspen S. Mill, Hyman loop 1998 - 1999. Galena and Aspen will be done in conjunction with the Sanitation and Trolley. NOTE: CCLC - Art plaques for sculpture program. NOTE: Light above the compactor - DONE NOTE: Parks Dept. policy request, no trucks larger than a pick-up on Cooper or Hyman malls. Anything larger breaks branches on the trees. NOTE: Environmental Health is discussing compactors at their staff meeting; i.e. plans check off list. Isis does not have a permit in yet. NOTE: The Assistant City attorney felt that the private sector (trash haulers) should send a notice out to customers regarding trash left around the compactor and charge for that service. Delivery truck issues - Letter sent to all liquor license holders and businesses. Bikes around town (UPDATE - ACRA is spear heading this program and at some point will do a presentation to CCLC) They are requesting a CCLC representative. Street Performers - ordinance Promote parking garage - Upgrading lighting. Parking garage signs on all floors advertising the Galena Shuttle, rates etc. Reduced rates for businesses and restaurant employees. Brochure promoting the shuttle. Spring of 1997. Art Sculpture - Ins. Underwriters want photographs and written description of piece and stated value for 1997. 8-07-96 -Aspen Manor extension of sidewalk - SIDEWALK IS COMPLETED Oct. 1996 Future issues to address. HBO - 1998 - Did not go to business owners for approval Hob lost a $7,000. sale. The advertising did not mention Aspen. Street closed and was recommended that it not be closed due to bus route. Joe Lang Charge for parking officers. 8-7 -96 - Red Onion alley - trash, compactor too small etc. - Board to site visit for cardboard recycling. 7-29-96 - Ducky Derby - selling ofT-shirts inappropriate although not effecting business. Duck out too long. Heavily propositioned. 07-17-96 Art project - businesses be represented in the selection and placement decision. 08-07-96 - Widening and upgrading Grill/Wagner Park pathway budget 1997. Goes to Ped Committee and Stan Clauson and then approved by the AMP Committee and if approved will be handled by the Eng. Dept. CCLC members need to attend the AMPmeeting. 1997 - Ute Mountaineer - review commercialization - Hard Rock Cafe - precedent setting table in front of bldg. - Pomeroy sports - van with bikes. PUBLIC HEARING - TRASH ORD. COMMENTS CCLC - FEB. 18, 1998 1. Grease Dumpsters - possibly one central location as Vail has. 2. On yearly business and utility renewals add trash hauler's name Make it manditory that everyone has to have trash hauled including residents in the core. 3. Jack Reid clean alleys more frequently. 4. Easily excercised enforcement of tickets. 5. Consolidate fines, pamphlet or something indicating who does what i.e. Sanitation. grease traps 6. Jeanette Whitcomb intern will do PR with individual businesses 7. TOO much trash around compactors, maybe open dumpsters might be more effective in the long run to keep smell down and cleanliness around the area. S. Enforcement 9. Name on dumpstsers or compactor who has a contract. 10. Keys don't work 11. Add recycling area to ordinance 12. Restaurant inspection should add grease dumpster inspection. 13. Can order split door baffler for compactors to separate solid waste and recyling 14. Do alley by alley and meet with all alley owners. 15. what if compactor program doesn't work how do you retract the space on the property back to their original trash area. 16. Having a choice ofthree different trash companies is more appealing. If one doesn't work within five days another one can take over. 17. Keep options open on private property. 18. Property owner doesn't address the problems to tenants. 19. Good citizenship for clean area etc. deduction on business license fee. 20. Best alley/ worst alley picture in paper. 21. Protection for user, mechanisn to tie rates into the contract so that they do not increase yearly. 22. Do a yearly trash contract and in that way the awarded contractor will keep the compactor working etc. 23. In some alleys two compactors might work. 24. If dumpster is on private property why should they be subject to go into the compactor. I ~.,. ---\SJj: REVIEW BEFORE THE CCLC MTG. ON MAR. 4. If j .' .ave questions, please call Linda Gerdenich 920-7477 __1._____ FEB 24 '98 10:13 RRTS_CQUNCIL_ ---^-- l P.l ASPEN'S COMMERCIAL CORE PUBLIC SCULPTURE COMPETITION GUIDELINES (2/2/0 Draft) The city of Aspen's Commercial Core Lodllne Commiuion and the AspedlSnowmu. Council for the Arts are providing an opportunity for artists to .ubmit works of art for Aspen's public places. MISSIONS The Commercial Core Lodging Commission Public Art Program has been initiated with the purpose of selecting art projects to be instalIedjn the COllIII1ercial core of the City of Aspen. The projects win be temporary and rotating, with the possibility of evolving to pennancnt installations. . The mission of The AspedlSnowmass Council for the Arb is to foster communication among arbsts cultural organizations and the community. ARTS PROGRAM GOALS The goal is to create a visually plwing environment to the commercial core by incorporating creative and sometimes surprising works of art for the public to view. The program is intended as an ongoing creative exploration of the City's environment by artists, and it is expected that from time to time permanent commissions will be developed from the most successful projects. Installation of art work will be temporary and will be rotated every year or two. All projects win be reviewed based upon their compatibility with Aspen's unique area. I To support outstanding artists of the Roaring Fork Valley and Colorado by providing public exposure to their work, lut not to exclude artists of national reputation; 2. -'elect quality works of art which are responsive to the Aspen area and it's unique characteristics; 3. 1 0 infonn and educate Aspen residents and visitors about the Art Program, and to provide opportunities for Aspen esidents to identify with the art works. 4. To respect the public nature of the Art Program by assuring that it's administration is open, fair and professional. n What are city minimum requirements regarding insurance & public exposure (liability) ITE INFORMA nON FOR ART INST ALLA nON Selected pieces win be located in high traffic areas to allow for Iblic viewing. by more than the 30,000 monthly visitors to Aspen. A wide variety of spaces exist to accommodate a mety of sizes of works. Consideration for safety and vandalism need to be evident in the sculpture design. The sculpture LISt show well during both summer and winter swons. Aspen's changing climate of extreme sun combined with frequent leZing and thawing need to be considered by the artist. Assume that children will be climbing on and around the ulptures. Artwork shall nOl create inordinate safety problems, such as sharp edges, or liability problems for the general blic or the City of Aspen. Artists who are selected will work with the Parks Departm.ent regarding instaIIation luirernents Description of sites is available on the Aspen/Snowmass Council for the Arts website _ www.aspen.com/arts 'Allison Slll...ests that all oieca be installed on 1 dav to create a media event. LECTION COMMITTEE The makeup of the selection committee shall include representation from the len/Snowmass Council for the Arts, Commercial Core Lodging Commission, artists, community gallery owners, City : other arts professionals. T '~lection committee will make every attempt to have impartial review panelists. Conflict of interest statements be s. JY all panelists. L -.1 FEB 24 '98 10:14 RRTS_CQUNCIL_ ---^-- l P.2 9H(. ~NTIALITX All meetings at which artists' materials are reviewed and opinions ventured about their merits in relb..- to the project at band shaU be closed to the public and media to pennit frank evaluation and discussion. A written report shall document the committee discussions and recommendations. t\RT WORK SELECTION All selected works shall be awarded through an open competition. Artists may submit slides of three works of art or designs of proposed work. A maximum of three views of each liece should be included. Slides should be numbered and accompanied by a separate slide identification sheet that includes he artist's name, address, telephone number, slide number, title of work, medium and dimensions (height by width by lepth). Plwe write last name on each slide and do not attach labels to the slides as thy may jam in the projector. It is ~vised to send duplicate slides so that your originals are not damaged or lost in the mail. Plwe enclose a stamped, self- ddressed envelope for the return of your slides. :ONTRACT~ Selected artists are responsible for transportation and installation of their work. The Parks Department ~ll usist with the installation. Please refer to specific installation needs in the application narrative All materials and bjects remain the property of the artist Individual contracts between selected artists and the CCLC[ASCA shall be executed before any work is installed on ,e site. Ifa work is purchased during the loan period of time, the artist the city a 25% conunission. If the piece is sold :fore the end of the exhibition timeframe, the sold piece will be rcplaced with another piece front the selection process. lSURANCE Insurance fur liability as well a theft and damage shall be provided by the City of Aspen with a ductible of ????? The artist is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the work The City assumes responsibility for lUnting the art work to the groundlbase. The city is responsible for the bases that the art work is mounted on and the ist is responsible for the actual art work. Vandalism could be a problem and needs to be addressed in the artist's narrative IBIa MAINTENANCli; Routine maintenance shall be provided by the City. If substantial repair is required an oBj!a, the Selection committee shall recommend a solution to the CCLC. ICUMENTS The artists shall be responsible for submitting documentation of each work to the _sclection committee ch shall include: resume, application folll1, slide description and slides. 4-l)UNES , I, 1998 - slides and application deadline June 17,1998 - installation of selected works. : IDDlications to. EN/SNOWMAsS COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS ~. Hallam St. Suite 118 n, CO 8161 I )70-920.7477 e-mail - asDenart(~nf.net web - WWW.asnen.comlarl;:! 2 ;;~_.~~. '98 10: 14 RRTS_CQUNCIL_ ___ ^__ l Resume Slides (labeled with YOur last name 8& identifYing number) Slide Identification list Self Addressed stamped (sufficient postage) envelope (slide return) 3 P.3 Z .....J<( U w 5 W :J([_ 85C3co::Jt::co <(EE~l:i:tu~ I.L~W.....Jo..~ O~([::J~ ~88~8 U Q) ui '- .!: co .., -t '0 Q) Q) 0 0 OJ Q) '0 >- ;;: .., .!: (:- '<D c (J Q) .., Q) '0 Q) ;;: .!: .0 Q) OJ Q) W OJ a.. >- Q) '= ffj '0 .!: f- co .., c x E '5 ';;: .;,: :::J {}) 0 Q) Q) '0 .0 0 U c Ul ,fQ Ul '- ,ff -"" Q) Q) C ...J UJ co 3- ,,= c Q) '- .., .!: 0 ...J :.0 co <( t!) LL iJ 0 .0 0 ~ .., :~ I- Ul '0 'w '''' ;;: c ~ Z co c Ul co co '- 0 '0 U U Q) co a.. 't c '0 .!: E .!: Q) a.. 0 a: W W Q) .., ui Ul E <( .0 :::J (J W t!) '0 E 0.. c 0 tl Ul 0 OJ Q) Cl. Z J Q) '~ 0 tl (J ro ';,: c fi 0 UJ 0 .., c (J Q) '- Q) is 8 <( .~ 0 co .., '0' 'w '- '0 C '0 II '''' >- c '- .!: co C Q) C I ,fQ ~ Q) co I w .0 a.. .., OJ a.. co 0.. 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