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June 17, 1998
8:30 I. Roll call
8:30 II. Wagner Park Master Plan - Jeff Woods
9:00 III. Newrack Design
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9:30 IV. Adjourn
February 9, 1998 - Kuhn project - 303 E. Main - John Worcester the city attorney
indicated that the final CO will be resolved by the Engineering Dept. and Health
Dept. as CCLC is an advisory board.
January 8, 1998 - Dust Inhibitor - The Streets Dept. is using less inhibitor due to
the lack of snow, not more. It is noticeable due to the lack of snow as snow
dilutes it out.
Dec.17, 1997 meeting - request for information on the Little Nell/gondola
plaza. Stan Clauson reported that free coffee and cookies can be given out on the
plaza. The Audi car display and things like lighting for the 24 hours of Aspen
goes under a special events permit handled by Kathryn Koch. More permanent
installations, such as the Bertolucci clock and the 10th mountain statue have been
handled as insubstantial amendments to the SPA with a Planning Director sign-
Oct. 16th meeting - City Manager - enforcement i.e. E.Health receives trash
reports; Eng. for Encroachments.
Pending: Site-visit News racks for abandoned rack after Labor Day. Take photos.
2nd light in alley.
NOTE: Working with Eng. on the red rags for dumpster etc. encroachments
in to the alleys.
NOTE: Placement of planters is a violation and all areas should be reported
to Engineering.
NOTE: Striping done.
NOTE: Letter should be drafted to owners of the vacant news rack boxes.
Please let me know the location etc.
NOTE: Jack Reid report - Hunter street repaved 1998 same as Spring and
Aspen S. Mill, Hyman loop 1998 - 1999. Galena and Aspen will be done in
conjunction with the Sanitation and Trolley.
NOTE: CCLC - Art plaques for sculpture program.
NOTE: Light above the compactor - DONE
NOTE: Parks Dept. policy request, no trucks larger than a pick-up on Cooper
or Hyman malls. Anything larger breaks branches on the trees.
NOTE: Environmental Health is discussing compactors at their staff meeting;
i.e. plans check off list. Isis does not have a permit in yet.
NOTE: The Assistant City attorney felt that the private sector (trash haulers)
should send a notice out to customers regarding trash left around the
compactor and charge for that service.
Delivery truck issues - Letter sent to all liquor license holders and businesses.
Bikes around town
(UPDATE - ACRA is spear heading this program and at some point will do a
presentation to CCLC) They are requesting a CCLC representative.
Street Performers - ordinance
Promote parking garage - Upgrading lighting. Parking garage signs on all floors
advertising the Galena Shuttle, rates etc. Reduced rates for businesses and
restaurant employees. Brochure promoting the shuttle. Spring of 1997.
Art Sculpture - Ins. Underwriters want photographs and written description of
piece and stated value for 1997.
8-07-96 -Aspen Manor extension of sidewalk - SIDEWALK IS COMPLETED
Oct. 1996
Future issues to address.
HBO - 1998 - Did not go to business owners for approval Hob lost a $7,000. sale.
The advertising did not mention Aspen. Street closed and was recommended that
it not be closed due to bus route. Joe Lang Charge for parking officers.
8-7 -96 - Red Onion alley - trash, compactor too small etc. - Board to site visit for
cardboard recycling.
7-29-96 - Ducky Derby - selling ofT-shirts inappropriate although not effecting
business. Duck out too long. Heavily propositioned.
07-17-96 Art project - businesses be represented in the selection and placement
08-07-96 - Widening and upgrading Grill/Wagner Park pathway budget 1997.
Goes to Ped Committee and Stan Clauson and then approved by the AMP
Committee and if approved will be handled by the Eng. Dept. CCLC members
need to attend the AMP meeting.
1997 - Ute Mountaineer - review commercialization
- Hard Rock Cafe - precedent setting table in front of bldg.
- Pomeroy sports - van with bikes.
NOTE: 1st amendment rights - OK for petition but not on table in mall
.IIJNE 17,1998
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS................................................................................................................1
WAGNER PARK MASTER PLAN .............................................................................................................1
PROPOSED FARMERS MARKET SITE ..................................................................................................3
.IIJNE 17,1998
Meeting was called to order at 8:45 by chairman Jon Busch with Bill
Dinsmoor, and John Starr present. Excused were Terry Butler, Don Swales
and Jack Stanford.
John Starr relayed that the Food & Wine people, the volunteers and the City
did a fabulous job in setting up and taking down the event.
Jeff Woods, Parks Director relayed that they have purchased matting that
protects the grass after special events.
Dexter Sabatini property owner relayed that the alleys are much cleaner and
he appreciates all the work that the City has done to make this possible. His
job has become much easier.
Jeff Woods relayed that the Environmental Ranger will start work next
Monday. Part of his job will be the alleys in addition to Parks issues. He
will be working with owners and businesses to inform them of city
Jeff relayed that in the future the City may have more than just the Food &
Wine festival and the design ofthe facility would have to be able to handle
numerous events and be able to use the playing field. It is possible that we
could loose Wagner as a playing field but in exchange it would become an
event center and then an upgraded playing field would be constructed at
another location.
John stated that the large majority of citizens in Aspen enjoyed the Food &
Wine festival.
JUNE 17.1998
Jon relayed that Wagner Park is "sacred" and it is unique even though it is
inadequate because it is downtown. All the bus routes are downtown and
the music students play their instruments downtown. It is the hub.
Jeff Woods relayed that they are potentially going to the voters for a bond
issue this fall or next spring to do several major projects including Wagner
Park and the mall area. Interest rates are 4 1/2% a year on a bond. With a
bond multiple projects can be accomplished. We can also take advantage of
the significent amount of fill that is being removed from the Highlands and
use earth free vs. paying $15. to $20. a yard to haul the dirt in. There would
be a 2 million dollar swing if we did projects pay as you go. Part of the
bond project would be to upgrade all of the parks throughout the community
at once instead of doing it over multiple years. Wagner Park, playground
and restroom area would cost around $750,000. An extensive survey is
being done on Wagner Park which includes where does the water drain etc.
Step down seating around Wagner is being proposed. The field would have
a sand base field. Monarch and Durant St. would also be addressed in the
proj ect.
Kevin Dunnett, Parks landscape architect relayed that trees on Main Street
will be replaced.
Jeff stated if the bond is successful construction could occur next spring or
John inquired how the plan is integrated with light rail.
Jeff relayed that they are leaving it blank on the plan. They will factor in
the future at a later date. The trolley will also need to be looked at.
John relayed that a concern of his is infill structure; communications and
electric underground. The planning needs to be done now for the next
twenty years. Possibly exhibition space should be studied.
Jeff relayed that there are sewer lines and electric lines that need to be
located. Plenty of sleeves should be set up ahead for infill structures. He
also relayed that he will keep CCLC informed ofthe process.
.JUNE 17.1998
Jeff informed the CCLC that Riverside trail will start construction in a
month. It will be completed to HWY 82 and the next section to Difficult
Camp Ground will be a political issue.
Jon inquired about Garrish Park.
Jeff relayed that it is a natural area on the river and the Parks is going to do
a master plan of the natural areas. As part of the total plan he is allocating
$300,000 for the next ten years to do restoration projects including tree
plantings. Ifthe bond doesn't pass then the decision needs to be made
whether playing fields should be done or natural areas addressed.
Jon also suggested that in the survey to include the Silver Circle Ice Rink.
Bill relayed his concern of not sterilizing the downtown. With the proposal
ofIselin etc. it will clearly put more cars downtown and possibly the trolley
should be utilized or at least addressed in the plan.
Bill relayed that the Farmers Market to him was to make that element of the
interaction of the community happen in the downtown core not off in the
peripheral areas.
John also agreed that the market should be in the core area.
Gervaise attended the worksession and businesses were concerned about
large trucks coming into town and parking in the downtown area. Boulder
controls the size oftrucks that can be parked right off the Boulder mall.
Pickup trucks and vans are allowed.
Jon relayed that the truck issue is a detail and can be worked out with
parking. If people come downtown to shop at a Saturday market they will
stay downtown for a period of time and they will do other things and visit
.IIJNE 17, 1998
other shops and restuarants. If the farmers market is in a peripheral area
they will drive in, do the farmers market and drive back out.
Gervaise relayed that the statement was made that the farmers market is for
locals but some individuals felt that the tourists would use it. Many tourists
rent homes for the summer and would be in favor of coming into town to
get fresh vegetables.
John relayed that the proposed site is consistent with the CCLC goals. If
the market is in town you are encouraging people to walk.
The CCLC voted in support of City Council's proposal for the Hopkins
Avenue site for the Farmers Market.
MOTION: John moved that CCLC supports the concept of the Farmers
A1arket to be maintained within the commercial core.
I)CCLC's goal is to maintain the diverse vitality in the business community.
2)CCLC feels that this activity will draw people into the central core where
they will spend additional time enjoying the diverse businesses and
recreational opportunities.
3)Thefarmers market will bring back community to the central core.
]Y!otion second by Jon. All in favor, motion carried.
Jon relayed that ifthe farmers market was on the periphery people will just
drive in and drive back out. We will loose the ability to create community
and bring the community together. Bringing it downtown encourages
people to get together.
Bill relayed that the Farmers Market brings the base of the community back
into the down town core where it need to be.
MOTION: Jon moved to adjourn; second by Bill. All infavor, motion
carried 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk