HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.19630805 MINUTES OF ASPEN OOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Th. Board of Adjustm.nt of the City of Asp.n m.t on Monday, August " 196J,at City Hall at '100 o'clock P.M. Pres.nt were Board membersl Stan1.y a.a1m.ar, Chairman, Ralph M.1vi11., Irv nurkee, Andrea Lawrenc. and King Woodward. Other.. pr.sent w.re Ruth Brown, }o'rank Humphr.y, Fri t... I).n.d ict and Andy Marki.wit.... The m.eting was ca1~.d to further consid.r the application for a varianc. by Mrs. Ruth Brown with relation to the proposed ic. skating rink. This meeting was pr.ceded by an informal gathering on Saturday, August J, 196J at 10100 A.M. with the above m.mb.rs of the noard of Adjustment and the Aspen Zoning & Planning Commission m.mbers, Jack Walls, Richard Lai and William McEachern. Th. point of the m..ting was for the Board of Adjustment to further pursue the thinking of the Zoning Commission in its objection to the proposed skating rink. A discussion ensu.d which was primarily concerned with the need for car.fu1 plan- ning of the flow of traffic and ad.quate parking faci1iti.s. The Zoning Commission strongly urged that in view of any further development of the City of Aspen public-wise that in planning new buildings serious consid.ration b. given to off- street parking. .~ There was a gen.ra1 discussion, also having to do with the functions of the Board of AdjUstment1s duties and obligations as w.1l as those of the Zoning Commission, and the f..1ing was that there was much merit in having more meetings b.tw.en these two Boards in order that they may g.t more of an id.a of the thinking of the r.spective Boards. On Monday, Mrs. Brown stated that the own.rs of Th. Lodge and the Coach1ight Cha1.t had agre.d to allow the us. of their parking facilities, Mr. B.nedict and Mrs. Brown stated that there were parking facilities for approximately eighty auto- mobi1.s. Mr. Burke. mov.d that the Board of Adjustm.nt aoc.pt the plan for the skating rink as it stands and grant the r.- qu..st.d varianc. with a strong r.comm.ndation that all possib1. off-stre.t parking b. uti1i....d. This motion was s.cond.d by Mrs. Lawr.nc. and unimous1y carri.d. It is hop.d that the railroad bed can b. us.d for parking. Th. floard m.mb.rs stat.d that the variance is being granted as this is a non-profit civic ent.rprl..... Approval on the roof ov.rhangs will b. r.quest.d of the City CouDoil. Ther. was discussion in the original m.eting of the noise and music, and Mrs. r~own assured the group that all .fforts will b. mad. to avoid - the noise and music from beooming a nuisanoe to the n.ighborhood. R.sp.otfu1Iy submitted, c 0) ~yvy The Board of Adjustment for the City of Aspen met at the City Council Room, City Hall, Aspen, Colorado, on Hay 14, 1961, at 7:10 P. M. Board members present were Stan Bea1mear, King Noodward, Irv Burkee and 1~lph Melville. Others present were: Mike :1agnifico, Al bert E. Kern, Gerard 5andersen, "'01 f J. Beyer, Frank Humphrey and Ja'TleS Marka1unas. The Chairman called the meeting to order and stated the first matter to be heard was a request for variance by Hike Magnifico in order that he might build on a small tract of land he owned situate on Lot M, Block 88, City of Aspen. which tract of land lies within the rear yard setback on said lot. 'Ihe Chairman stated that this was discussed at the meeting of May 10, 1961, and the matter was tabled until this time in order that the new Board could familiarize themselves with the problem. The Chairman opened the meeting to discussion of the situation. He gave a brief resume' of the situation as he understood it and advised that most of the Board members had viewed the property. lie stated that Mr. Magnifico had at one time owned all that portion of Block 88. Due to the fact that he needed an area for a gas tank, which was to serve the then Magnifico Sports BUilding! at the time he sold the south half of the block. he reserved this sma1 tract upon which was located the propane tank. 3ince that time natural gas has been installed and the propane tank is no longer necessary. The property was pointed out on a plat provided by Mr. 3andersen. The Chairman referred to a letter from the City Attorney and stated the Board was advised that Mr. Magnifico was entitled to use of the property since it had been separated from Lot M prior to the adoption of the zoning ordinance, however, the Board felt this property was almost inaccessible and were wondering if there could be a switch of land, moving this parcel to the west lot line of Lot M, thus removing it from the middle of Mr. Sandersenls parking area and also making it a~cessible from the Gette11 property which Mr. Magnifico is leasing. Mr. Sandersen stated that a switch of the property was some- thing Mr. Magnifico had requested and he had declined. He stated that he had only one window which gives light to the existing apartment; the other window would have to be sealed off at such time as Miss Cattell completed her building. Therefore, by changing the position of the property, he would be deprived of the use and income of his property. Mr. Sandersen stated that he would suffer because of the light and air being blocked from his apartment, the offstreet parking he had provided would be obstructed and the City would be injured by having a seven-foot building on an eight foot strip of land. He stated that this building was for storage of soft drinks, paper and cardboard boxes and since it will have to be heated, this would constitute an additional fire hazard. He further stated that it was the feeling of the last board that when the non-conforming use stopped, that the property could not be used. Mr. Sandersen stated that he purchased his property in October, 1958. The provisions as of 1960. Building Inspector advised the Board that the setback now in force were adopted by Ordinance No. 10, Series Mr. Kern. counsel representing Mr. Magnifico, stated that at one tL~ Mr. Magnifico owned all of this portion of Block 88. At the time he sold, he reserved this area in question not for any particular use, it just happened it was used for a gas storage tank. As the Building In.pector mentionedl the rear setback requirement was adopted by the City Council in 960. Mr. Kam .tated that if a zoning law 18 confi.catory, it would be unconstitutional. Where the area has been segregated prior to the zoning law, no one can zone against thb property. The City Attomey ....Uon. in his letter to the Board that should such apiece of property having a sub-normal area of the normal lots in the City be separated prior to zoning and then there b a zoning law, if it cannot be used for any purpose and the City, if they refused a variance on this property, it would be required to purchase this property. Mr. Sander.en knew at the time he purchased that thb tract had been separated from the lot and knew that anything could be donw with it. Mike steted that he has never offered to sell the land to Mr. Sandersen. He 18 willing to trade property with him on the s_ size, I do not f..l that the question of a fire hazard is before this board, but rather that the question is if he could build on it. As far.. the light, I do not feel that a 9' bigh construction running 16' here is going to cut out that much light. Mr. Sandersen asked where the acce88 would be and Mr. Kem stated the access would be from the alley. Mr. Humphrey asked Mr. Magnifico if he would build right to the Itne and he stated he would. He asked if you would not be trespas- sing on the other individual's property while you were building and everyone agreed that this would occur, In sunaary, Mr. Kam stated that inspUe of all the discus.. sion, this is a separate piece of prpperty, was segregrated prior to the adoption of the zoning ordinance and you cannot make this property useless by zoning, as thb b confiscatory and therefore, unconstitu- tional. After a great deal of discu88ion among the parties preaent, Mr. Sandersen requested that the Soard postpone their ded- !Lon until he had an opportunity to sit down with Mr. Kern and Mr. Mag- nifico and see if they could come to some agreement. The Chairman said thb was what the Board felt was the best procedure and suggested that the three men go to a .eparate room now and discuss this. Mr. Sandersen, Mr. Kern and Mr, Magnifico left the room. The Chairman then advised that the Board would consider the matter of . _rtance req1ITBtacl by Wolf J. Beyer and Ria Beyer, dba The Vagabond Lodge, situate on Lota P, Q, Rand S, Block 118, City of Aspen, to build in the rear yard setback area. Mr. Beyer showed his plans for the proposed building which had been drawn in 1953. Mr. Beyer stated that he had been forced to place his building on his property as he had because of the existing setback and offstreet puking regulations. He stated that the Quaker Apartments adjoining h1m had a two-fo~ rearJard setback; that his storage ahed, which was an old shed plaeed p or to zoning, which is located on tne lot line; and there is a ga1:&ge located east of h1m which also has a two-foot rear yard setback. . Mr. Markalunu stated t.hat t.he last. case involving a rear yard setback waa on the Aspen Conoco and the Board ruled that the plans had been drawn prior to the n_ zoning law. It was moved by Mr. Woodward t.hat the variance should be granted since Mr. Beyer had a building on the lot which met the set back requirements, the plans for the proposed const.ruetion had been drawn prior to the zoning law, and it was bet.ter for t.he community to leave the front area open as it is to preserve the view of all residents. The decision was unanimous that the variancashould be graneed. 0:1 b9t1'X1S:lfr.t oollll18aM .'%1'1 blUl It'%s)l . '%N n88'%ebtlaC . '%N '{9tf:l :lIs1 9tf :lM:I bs:t&:le 1t'%s>I .'%1'1 .anol:labogen 'Xlecl:l noql1 :I'%oqfr.t 0:1 gnllIlw el nenebn:a2 .'XN .nolel1Ion:oo '(%0:toal81:1!l1l B 0:1 8I/lCO bM erl:l 110 '{:t'X9qO'Xq 10 ql'X:I. '.j\I x 'SI & oo.t'll/'QjaM . 'It-: n:llw 8enMox~ oo.t'lll18sM . 'IN :lM:t bad 10 :ton:t gnl:telx8 etf:t '%01 N :loJ 10 enlI :la9~J oolill18aM . 'IN 11 la81119'% '10 :ttfgl':r :tnll a Ue&lDltf o:t gn:lv'Is8fr.t ,aM a :lan:l gnlblvo':rq ':ran:t'Xu1 ;baaI 10 ql'X:te '~I x 'SI etf:t alIe8 'X9V9 :tM:I '%sb-:ro nl :tn8lll:tsutbA 10 b'Xso8 erf:t llIod b.nla:tdo 9d nao &OltIll'X.IlV -a:lllll.U :trlgletf a rf:tlw baa! io :ton:t wen etf:J no bIlud n8:l oo.t'll/'QjaM . 'Xl'l . .:le.l snln io 1101:1 erl:l no 90tUU'%.8V .6 :tnng o:t 9u':WB .TM '{d eb.lllll S.6W nol:lom A rblrfw .88 )/0018 ..N :toJ io T91t'%00 :teewrf:t'XoM 9tf:t nl s:t au:tle '{:t'Xeqo':rq T91t'%00 :tesstl:t'XoM ell:t :1.6 gnltltllge8 : ewoI 101 u bedl'Xo.eb Bl '{:l'X8qo'Xq ,:tgei n..:t'%uo1 '{I'Xerf:tuoB eonstf:t ,:t.el 9Vl.~ '{lTe:tB.6. gnlnnuT J :toJ io blsB io anll '{lT9tf:t'%otl 9tf:t o:t leIIs'%.!lq :l9S} svl9W:t xIT9:1eew soaerb .St!ltltllged 10 :tnloq etf:to:t '{h8lf:t':ron :lse1 n99:1'Xuoi soa9ff:t .M :loJ ulH '{d benwo '{1:ta.8fr.tq '{:t'XsqoTq erf:t 10 egn:arlox9 aII:t noqu :ltl!itgnl:tnoo b'%&'X~ '{d bstlWO won '{:t'XeqoTq bedho8eb svodanl9'%etf lId:l tf:Uw oo.t'll/'QjaM .6 0:1 9'%u:lou:r:le blaB erf:l e:lo,h:lar.r '%9rf:t'Xul .onal':rBv alrIT .tl.e'Xsbtls2 .:19.1 enln 10 :trlglsn '{1euom1t1stW bns 911lvl9i'1 .':rM '(d bebnoo9. eaw nol:tOlll 9rIT .e. b'%.60ff 9ff:l sblvO'Xq o:t It'%.)l .'%N b9:189UpST tUlIlr.rlRlrf.) sdl' .bs1'%T&o aellTebtlaC . TM bits oolil/'QjsM . 'XM9tleew2ed nol:loAatl8'X:I en:l io IIIl1bnS'Xomsm .b'%llOfl ad:l '0 eb'Xoo9'% en:l '%oi .b9lt'%uotbs 8aw ~nl:l991ll 9ff:l .eeanleud Tetf:l'Xul on gnlad 9'%9dl' '(3'B:I.'%092 : '{d beb'%oo9Sl II BtW I 1IJ!'X.Bl'1 anom &li RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves fORM!C C.F.HOECKELB.e.lItL.CO. TM BDUIl .t AdjUtllPt .t \he City .t ..,.. Cwnt.y .f P1t.1dza. state of CDlondo, oo.YO- la \he ..,.. City Ball. la \ho C1V c:ou.eu RMa, .. h:l4a,y. Juo 7, 196), at 8 ,... tIle....t.t.ag .. ..."'" W 01'Cl.1' 1:11 Mr. Staafol'Cl BII.'l-..., oha1ftIaa. 'rho.. ,,,..1- _t. .. tM BNI'Cl _.. Mn. Aal..a M, L..A ...., Mr. tiIlg WoodWU'll. Mr. II't' BiIIJ'keo. .. Mr. Ba1pll )(olvUlo. otbe... ,,,..IODt. -.. lIn. To.... DariA, Mia. 8uIlJoa ",....... twa...., oJ.... Kaft.'''''''. s.aol CoId.h1ll, Sopp hooleI', 'ftInaO SaIlST, .. "',,..,,. J..... Jr. 1ho nnt 1.. on tM qo4a .. Mn. T..... DariA" appUoaUoa fu a .,uiaa.. JlIllag .. her 'I'OlMIrUe' looated. .. Ltw L .. H. mook 7), 210 Ma1Jl S\l'Mt. CiV of AopOD. lIn. DariA'. ....w... 18 looaW .. Ltt H. In Illd1Uon to u1Dg w.. _.. .. a ....w...., Mn. DariA 0&ft'1e' on a perUo. ot MI' bu1aoM la MI' ... in the foJ'll ot .... 4"....,....t'l\l. Mrs. DariA'. ... .. Lot 10 18 ,.....\13' ....W .. 18 be1Dg uo4 .. a lIIU'lIOI'7 .cdIoOlt Bo\h low _ _... .... i Uatol3' IJIlj.....t to OM ...tMl', .. be\h taU v1thin a toul.t ..- cl1st.ftot, tM 11M Hp&Mt.t.ag the buiM.. awl tcruiot. ..... d1ot.ftoU, be1Dg OM awl a halt 10\0 to the ...t of Mrs. DariA'. ,~ .. Lot M. Mrs, Da'f'W.. 1:11 I'1cht of hadJIg puohaH4 the.. Pl'OlMIrU" ,riOI' to tM u.- tM ..1I1n& laa ..... pllt lato .U.ot. - harlDc 11...... in \he ... .. Ltt. M. .. w1l .. hadJIg NJ'I'1ocl Oft a po...u.a of MI' bU1JMt.. in tb1a ..... dMo \hat. u.-. baa ....,""'"" \he I'1cht to oaI'I'1 .. MI' d"...,......"IS .. ..:n.1\1 in \Id. ""''''fII' !In. DariA now __he. te ...t.aln tho boUo .. Ltt M .. h.r ....u.... .. ...,. the l:Mlk ot hoJ' ..."... to tM ... on Ltt 1., u1Dg \Ida .. a "..taU .hop. Sin...o.... bo\h ,..perU... .. ...u ..t.a1a tM ohop .Il Ltt M .. ...... he" "...14.... to tM uu. .. let 1..'lb1., lIoWYO". 'tIlJl&14 _te ape"o, budoh1p. .. tho inOOllftnt.n- ot ..'f'ln& .. onU... ..lv-lA. It... peinted. .., D1 lIn. DariA \hat. wIll .oalla' .. baa \he I'1cht to ..n in be\h bIN,,', .. her ,........ _* ..... "'01' \he "eM ot .... 1rt4U\17 01' o..,.Uoa. ......~... .. ..u pl'Ofo" W ha.... t.bo appl'O.,al ot \he BDUIl beto... 'lil"'w"l ft. a "YO. Mr. Beu~'I', oha1JU1l. rd.aod t.bo q\1OIIUo. ot _thel' !In. DariA', dI'O...,W1\1 -* &Ow,"1 .... uder the oatop.., ot a h8e or 1aoi4_tal1llllU\I7, .. MJ'O. Da'f'1d oap1oylI a pan-u.- ....vo.. w help her in w.o ..*. LettoJ'O ..... \MIl d1splqocl t1'01I -1&hb01'I of !In. Dadd, aU g1dJ1g ......, .. appl'O....l to MJ'O. DadA" v1Ih w .,.. a .hop la \ho ... on Lit, 1.. Mr. Be,'-'" _04 \hat the uno .... to a 9'Ote. Mr. Wooclv&I'Cl et.aW \hat 1M f.lt Mn. Da'f'1d .bRl4 be gl'Ofttocl w.. nght., .. .. 1. ,.....\13' .....,.s.ng Oil 1MI' _""'-eo in \he 1Id"....t. .uo, .. boo... .M baa .-.d t.bo prepoI'V tor... yoaro. AlN. he pointocl at that _ ORB .lM in AopOD u do1Jlg ~ of \Id. ...... at. \he '""Ilt u... _to hope' \Id. v1l1. _t. ..t a ,..oo4_t.. It. .. ...,04 by !In. w.enoo \hat Mn. Dav1d. be al10wd to ....YO her orUol.. ot olot.ldnc tl'Oll the boUo .. Ltt. M to \he -.. OIl Lot 1., bancl .. the tut \hat. \Id. .. a ....woa1...., Tb1o.... 'f'OIli.... too Mn. Da'f'1d ..u be 1:11 ., ot p.......1I\1III 'tIIldu lWd.h1p .. ........., 'lb1. ODJmUd...., IInwYOI'. U to be ....t.1ea1l1 tend- ..ted. at. ft. u.. .. !In. DariA .., lH.,. or IIOll t.bo propeI'V' TM ..Uon .. ..ocmdad. D1 Mr, Woodwal'Cl .. .. NJ'I'1ocl 1I1\h _ d1...t.t.ag 'f'Ote.. -~ '~^'--"~~' .. , " - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM '0 C.F.HOECKELB.B,&L.CC. JIIM 7. 196' P'io Tw !he ...."" 1_ oa \lw ag__" .. .....al by Mr. Sepp lelllller tor pel'ld."- _ _mot. .......1'1 ......:1tlJ ,t m41'IJ4"1 .. .. e441Uoa _ ~ .~ .a Iota It .. L. m..o1c '!7. ClV .t..... _ 'ld.Wn .. t..\.t 1M Snth 11M .t 1M -U-y ill B100k '!7..upen. W4 ,.....rtq U louW at. 1004 Bu\ DuaD\ SUNt.. Mr. Ie""'r .taW hU .....d fo. f..11ag that. the ~ of . .,aI'I.arMMI la t.bU .... _ M that all an _t.w.oUoa ill tho v1oiD1V hall bMa 'ld.tb1a _ I..t ot 1M allo,. .. \Ia&\ all ... .... ..eU.oa hall \alcIa p1Me ....eq...t to the u.. _ Mea the 1IIp,....... _\ of hU ,.....rtq. n.. _eta.. \la&t. tho P"PO- aYlUoa ...ro.... \0 tM onv"" pl1lM4'1& ot 1IIpro~\I oa the .1_ .. _Ie Sa GlNIItfteU.oa _,._to,. l:Mlt"" t1MDOlIlc hid bMD aoqo.1l'ell for GIl1T . put. ot the ..otue. !he aUUDI 10'" iii 1&v .ta.... that. ......,.. ..\ be ..\ bao1c 10 t..t hili 1ft ~ o. mat1ag richt. et....,.. Mr. lelllllel' .taW, bo......... \la&t Sa old... _ bld.ld tM P"PO- ~, lie ...u aeed peJ'lI1Ill1a _ bld.ld 'ld.th a 2 toot ..th_ hili the~. Mr. We~ .. Mr. Bte')-.. n1H4 the qu.Uea of 14...- oft .UNt. patl1.JI& taolllU.. J"--.1Jl tMI be gnaW, Mr. leuh.. poillW oat that t1ntJ3. lie hid peI'IdDg taolll\1ol to.. .. oartI .. \la&t. a _tcJ"N>. of hU hid hilt tho pu4d.a& .,... 'ld.th \14.. II ..., Di\l - be ........... 1\.. ala ..W \la&t. 1M ~ Sa quaUoa .. . dead - alloy, ... that III aYlUoa _ tM an ~. .. the alloy haYlllc 2 toot. n'b.... the alloy.. ala l1M4 'ld.th old ......, louW oa the ~ 11M. Mr. I..... Bubo .-_ that. the BoUll .,,10'" Mr. lelllel'" J:'OCl1I"" f01' a ......1'1 ~41d4'1& to be ..t 2 t..t. bao1c tIOlIl1M alloy. '!he .-t1oD .. ..00IIllecl and 0U"I'ied. 'ld.th OM clll..t.1IIg 'TOte out. by Mr. llIl& ''',t1l1lU'4. '1'ho \Id.Jd i_ o. tM 11&-- .. a ......\ by Mr, and HIe. W4'H. J.... Jr.. to.. peJll1aAoa _ ~ tM1r banat P,....nq 10.... W oa tM11' propell'\1. LIt\lIt. x.. and 1(, m..ok 42. ClV and fftnaiw ot AIpen. _ . po.1Un loav1D& OM toot aide ... INI' ,ucla, '1'ho banat lo..W a\ ",. \iN" II.". sv..t. ,"joo\IllPP",",-~ 2 1/2 t..\ lIlto All ~ .. U looaW ill a CiV np.\ et....,.. '!he J..."... w1Ih _ .-.,. tM ba'a ill oJcl... ... pat ill . toudaUn ... ...,.a tM "'41""'11, .t tM .... u.. pl..,.. it. III ... a poaiUoa \Ia&" it. WIIlIt ..\ 1Wld... theu patl1.JI& taolllU... SlIloe tM ..n",,"Ii U louted ill a CiV I'i&ht ot YII;/. tM ClV w1ll _\ ,.1111\ tM ft.UIII.ot.1oa ot Wa o. 811 otbw .....,,,,. lUll"'" '!he Ntn","Ii. tMlefo", ..t be .-_ _ .,.tbw lMaUoa ill oJclo. that the 1IIp1O~\I MIl be _0. !he seJdDg M. ~ a S toot ..t book. 1dd.eh ill Wa .... ...u brilla tM ba'a too ctleIe to \lIo ,.Ii"..... 0.. ...n.ae tM ~ uo.. lbt. Kal"r,.,~1lI' polIlW ..\ that the Clt.;r hu .. clelire to po."w s.GtueI ill 1\1 nib' of ....,. and \Ia&" U Wa .-UoD _Ie gnaw. both tbeC it,' 1IIld \lw J...... Jd.ght. PI'On.t.~ Mr. BelLI,... IlIUOsW a ...roIliH be "",Woled III \la&t tM J...... be a1.lowecl to .-.,. tbe ba'a 'ld.th a S too" nt.b&o1c Oll tM dele aVee\ and a 2 teot. ..tbaGk oa \be lI11M7. lbt. WooclwJcl ..-nd that thU _ttoa be poeaW. 'ftIe.-u.a......-.s br HIe. I.&vIe" .. .. """ecl 'ld.t.bo1lt. . cl1....UDg .,.w. '. ..-", - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves fORM 'I c.F.HOECKEL6.B.81L.CO. J1UlIt 7. 1963 Pago ThJoM The last. U- ... the apIIll& val an "",.&1 by Docto,. Rebert. OhD, vU'gU GoIa14. 1iaft14 \ld.tooIIb. -. by Mr. 1I ., er"n,. U"lIld\ee\o The p..,.. ~ la qliMu.oa 1. lcClate4 ea Loti I., 1.. -. tbe Wut. 10 t..t ot Lot I. BloeIc 66, C1V of A8p4m. The ..,. ~ propo" to ooutl'llo\ al10410al taoU1\7 .." t.l'GIa1WOt.1' om... The I'tlqIMn val tor polll1'tWm to p:rojoo\ tbe We.t 0'N1bIag ot the ,:ropoe04 1'111.1.t4~ \110 1d41t1eMl toot laY the c.&tol' $tnot SSM 1u'll tol' the PUPO" ot gdJdng IddiU...a1 .,... to t.lIe But. t.l' .. l_'."~lI\C pJOgJ'lIIl that 1IICIlI.l4 --eo U. aIIl,.rt.1 t.... U. C1V'aft. Ie t1ft hau1'd 0'ld.at.I OIl tM ~ s\MOt. 1140 ...... _ _nA4l1\C 1IU1 be baUt tho.., B1 ga1JdJlg tho addit1eMl 2 t..t OIl tho ..... tho ~ p:rogl'llll 1Iil1 DOt cm1T "'ll",-" U. boa. ot \IIlI ae.. ., 1IUl ga1n addi~\. lip'" boWHa w.a ...."'" -. ~"'" .tno\1&l'O (..) Oll t.lIe lull DOY CNIOl1 by 'l.. llltllW140 t.1' .. 4....... 1Jl tll'O baUI'll ooJdlt.iOll8. the p:ropol'\7 1. looat.ecl 1Jl .. t,ouiat IIOIlId au. Tho ...bg regvJ.a'tot.lu poIIIlt. .. S toot ..t.baOk w1\h a Z foot lJItPd4l1\C .y~g. ftte ~ pU'Uea JI'IClUtW a , toot ..tb&ok, vi\h .. ,. toot .'ftJ/tl~g. Tho.... tol' \!d.lI .... ~ by t.lIeil' ottert.a Y ....,. .. .14 .,,... u. _ tM Pl'OJI'I""" In o:lldOI' to .ave tho u... 1t val .....ur t.l' tbIa to altoI' U. plaM for U. blI1lt!1ng., _riDS it. baok" foo' tI'OlI tho .ria'......,,. p~ loeaU&m, It val _tier" by KJ', trellAI'd that t.be pivpoeod ,.oj"-. .t.tho ...,. 1at.o tho ... 1ad.. 104IaW aoaUgUU 1111 erljaaeat t.o ~:r SUM~ La 1Jl to". ,a,...\h tho PUPO" - 1ntMt ot tho ~"I .pl4.~, _ tho 1'U\laDOO .1lIMll. " gnnW. '.rho mott.ea val .....eel by Mr. Ralph MalvUlo aD! 0U'I"10d vit.llollt cl1lMftt,1ag .,.to. Tho.. bebg .. f1art.bol' bUw.., tho -Ung val adjoUMcl. SeOl'Ot&I'1 ~ ..., - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM \0 C. F. ~OECKEL B. B. 81 L. co. J.- 1, 196' h&e 'l'bIM 1'bt 1M\ So_" U. -,Ir." .. 4lJla1l:1.1 ~ a.ber\ OIIB,. 'lUlU GIitIW, IIMe14 1IIalt If"'; l ... l:I.1 MIt. S . 1. e.rMn, ........... 1M ~~...4" ... ~ t.a ~ .. ~tII I. L. ... tM lIN\ 10 tM\ of x..\ I, B1Mlc 66, Cl_ of ..,.. '1M ...,. ~ ..111'~ '- ........... . JLIU,,' t..ut._ ... ......teN. otnM. 1M urprt\.. m iM_Arw&t'" '-...3M' .. WM\...A'!' 171 fit .. ,..~!l.lI04 'Drd,M.. ,. .alI.lts..",' tM' t.aV .. 111 'I... $t...n ... IIlJII to. .. ,."... of rt-~.. .w1UI--' ..... \0 ... ... ,.. . l.nAn"''' pI.*_ *' -W ...~17.... tM r'~tvr r.os.s .. Cl_'''' .. n.. 11"- ~ .. .. -- ~ IL6I ......... ~'A4. td.U be bd1.t. W-, __ v"ftt-. tIIiI tMi\lr-rl1 I tM\ fa .. .... .. 1 .""'''lI ......- 1r1U -' ..., anr>,-n ....tt' ot.......\ td.U __ tMi\h-f' ..... _t I .. ... .1'." ............... (eI) .. ..1II1II--.... b\r or... al m"'" ,.. . ....... ... n". Maud ...u.\iIM. 'EM ,.4JJAlV s.. 1eo&W 1a . \GUllI' --..... '1M II-f. ""."~" ,.-.' . S foOt. ..... 1d.\It . I tM\ ",,4'lA~.. .~..i' 'EM_'" ~ ..,4-,w . , toot '""~, 1d.t!l · .. tw' ......JIlIls. 'EM'" foI' \Id.I .. ...... b1 \llItU .a.N \II ..... .. 014 lfIP't"'- ... .. U. 1-411\1. Ia o*" \0 ...,. U. UN, 1\ .. ...~t ''I ,.. ... \II al_ .. ~ tu .. blat'''... ....... l' '** 4 ,.... tftIII tM 01'1&'-1.1.1 ph -I~ la.at..... 1\" ..v 11 ., b1 Mr. Unl I" .., * p...I;...... ~ tt",* ..... ..... .. aM ;tallIl. lIi..... -'4,.,11 ... IIlj,wt. \II 0. ",\,., ...... .. ... "11 -bI 1d.t!l * puplNIlt ... ~ ot tM mi!.. ""'-IU, .-1 .. ....s.- ~ be ",.'Ift. 'EM ..u.. .. II _ 'ttl b1 KJo. Ba3.pIl Wft.Ue ... 0UI/UI4 1d....to M,1f J..JJIli. ftt.e. ~ blIbi; ... ~ -.,-... ..... ...unc .. .t,).!UI4. ~