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....... Regular Meeting Aspen EitM~C0un¢il January 13, 1969
'Meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert Barnard at 3:30 p.m. with Councilmen
Carl Bergnmn, Werner Kuster, John Benninghoff, Clyde Clymer, City Attorney Albert Kern
and City Administrator Leon Wurl.
The accounts payable were given to Councilman Carl Bergman to chec'k.
Councilman Kuster made a motion to approve the minutes of December 9th and 23rd as
prepared andmmiled by the City Cler'k. Seconded by Councilman Bergman. Roll call
vote - Councilmen Clymer aye; Benninghoff aye; Kuster aye; Bergman aye.
Mayor's Deed Mayor's Deed - Kopp - City Attorney reported both he and the City Engineer had chec'ked
Kopp out the deed and is all in order.
Councilman Clymer made a motion to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Mayor's
Deed to Robert and Amelia Kopp. Seconded by Councilman Kuster. Roll call vote -
Councilmen Bergman aye; Kuster aye; Benninghoff aye; Cl.ymer aye.
Appointments ~ Board of Adjustment - Letter from William Comcowich was read by Mayor
Bd. of Adj. Barnrd relating his desire to serve on the Board of Adjustment.
Councilman Bergman made a motion to reinstate Donald Swales for another term on the
Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote - Councilmen Berg-
man aye; Clymr aye; Benninghoff nay; Kuster nay; Mayor Barnard nay. Motion not carried.
Councilman Benninghoff made a motion to appoint William Comcowich for a three year
term to the Board of Adjustment to replace Donald Swales. Seconded by Councilman
Kuster. Roll call vote - Councilmen Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye; Kuster aye; Bergman aye.
Examiners and Appeals - Mayor Barnard stated he would appoint Donald Burnett to the
Examiners & Appea Board of Examiners and Appeals 'to replace William Comcowich
Mayor Barnard reported on discussions he had with City officials in Carmel, California
relating to Francis Whita~ker's actions when he lived in Carmel.
These officials stated that the tactics used by Mr. Whitaker in his relationship with
Whita~ker-Carmel city officials in Carmel was much the same as he is doing here in Aspen. They also
~ Calif. pointed out that in the late 20's and early 30's, Mr. Whita~ker was a card carrying
communist. Mayor Barnard suggested that ~1) pursue investigating this and see if
the statements are true by taking depositions from the two City officials in Carmel,
and #2) that Mr. Whitaker be suspended from'the Planning and Zoning Commission until
the City finds out if these facts are true.
Mayor Barnard left Council Chambers for telephone call.
Discussed recent advertisement in the Aspen Times relating tothe Gross Receipts Tax by
Mr. Whitaker. Attorney Kern reported he had received a call from Whita'ker to the effect
that if the City would not settle he would put the advertisement in the newspaper.
Mayor Barnard returned to Council Chambers.
Councilman Kuster made a motion that City Attorney Kern look into the steps necessary
for the taking of depositions. Seconded by Councilman Bergman.
Attorney Kern stated he did not thi~k this was Council's perogative or duty. Suggest
Council reconsider or.at least think, about this till the next meeting and also
suggested Councilman Kuster withdraw his mo~ion and Councilman. Bergman withdraw his
second. Also stated Council could look into his atatus in Carmel and his relationship
with the City since it would be a matter of court record.
Councilman Kuster withdrew his motion and.Councilman B.ergman withdrew his second.
Councilman Benninghoff made a motion any investiga~ivm action be delegated to the City
Attorney, he being the only one empowered to do anything in regard to this or any
investigation'and: that mll such investigation be made public at the next Council
meeting or as soon as it is avai:labt~. M~tion died for lac'k~of second.
Councilman Kuster made a motion to instruct the City Attorney to loo'k into matters
of the circumstances under which Mr.~ Whi~gker left Carmel. Seconded by Councilman
Bergman. Roll call vote - Councilmen Cl.ymer..aye; Kustar aye; Benninghoff nay; Bergman
aye; Motion carried.
Regular Meetin~ ....... ~spe~ city C0unci? January 13, 1969
Planning and Zoning Appointment - Councilman Bergman made a motion to appoint Robin P & Z Appoint.
Molny for a six year term to the Planning and Zoning Commission to replace William Molny
Tharp. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote - Councilmen Benninghoff aye;
Kuster aye; Clymer aye; Bergman aye.
Tom Benton Proposal - Mr. ~Benton proposed the Council and Planning and Zoning initiate ~
the procedures to change the zoning to conform to the density in the Master Plan as Tom Benton
originally proposed. Request a change me made .in the density as follows: Zoning Proposal
Multi Family - 1500 sq.ft, of land area
Accommodations - 750 sq,ft, of land area
Boarding and Rooming Houses - 500 sq,ft, of land area
Reason for this proposed change is to eliminate large projects being built from lot
line to lot line. Mr. Benton stated there are many people in town that do not agree
with the type of building which has happened this last summer.
Also request the City initiate scale control, meaning a certain percentage of a site
left open as open space.
Mr. Benton reported he would be willing to do what the City desires to get these
changes made. If there are any doubts would like to request a special election.
Council suggest Mr. Benton submit his proposal to the Planning and Zoning on Tuesday,
following day.
It was reported a portion of the parking area at the Aspen Square building is being use
for storage. Administrator Wurl to ch~ck out.
Mr. Benton questioned buildings being occupied prior to receiving certificates of
occupancy. Robin Molny stated he felt the Building Inspection Department was the
weakest department in the City. Occupancy Certif.
Administrator Wurl reported the owners of these buildings have been notified by letter
and also the buildings have been posted that they are unsafe to occupy. Next step
is to either have the building inspector or City Attorney sign complaints and bring
court action.
Administrator Wurl suggest on the zoning changes to ~1) investigate petitioning this
on the ballot and f~2) a motion on the part of the City Council to the Planning and
Zoning giving their support to the proposal.
Councilman Benninghoff made a motion that the City Council recommend that the Planning
and Zoning give immediate consideration to Tom Benton's proposal which will be
presented to them on the 14th and that the City Council supports this proposal.
Seconded by Councilman Kuster. Roll call vote - Councilmen Bergman aye; Cly~r aye ;
Kuster aye; Benninghoff aye.
Rooming House Licenses ~ The folowing applications for licenses were submitted by the
City Clerk, all in order: Rooning House
Chateau Blanc f~10 Norway Lodge
St. Moritz Nors'ki Lodge
Hotel Jerome The Lodge
Councilman Clymer made a motion to approve licenses for 1969 for the rooming house
applications as submitted by the City Cler'k. Seconded by Councilman Kuster. Roll
call vote - Councilmen Bergman aye; Kuster aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye.
DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST was read in full for the first time by the City Cler'k. Plg.
Councilnmn Cly~er moved to adopt Ordinance ~1, Series 1969 as read in full on first
reading by the City Clerk and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman
Bergman. Roll call vote - Councilmen Kuster aye; Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye; Clymer
in full for the first time by the City Cler~k.
Councilman Kuster moved to adopt Ordinance ~2, Series 1969 on first reading as read in
full by the City Clerk and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. ~.
Roll call vote - Councilmen Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye; Kuster aye; Clymer aye.
Regular Meeting Aspen City Council January 13, 1969
Discussed the venting problem at Garfun'kle's Delicatessen and the cinder bloffk fireplaceM
Bldg. Violation in the Aspen Square Building. Discussed the problems involved in keepzng the inspection
~ up with construction.
Councilman Benninghoff moved to instruct City Administrator Wurl to hire one or two
additional inspectors or engineers competent enough to inspect as per the code.
Seconded by Councilman Kuster.
Councilman Clymer stated he felt it was a matter of continuing enforcement rather
than hiring additional people to tell us what we already 'know.
Councilman Benninghoff withdrew his motion and Councilman Kuster withdrew his second.
Councilman Kuster made a motion to instruct the City Administrator to submit the
list of violators on certificates of occupancy to the City Attorney for furtherlegal
action. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Roll call vote - Councilmen Bergman aye;
Benninghoff aye; .Clymer aye; Kuster aye.
RESOLUTION fJl, SERIES 1969 as follows was read in full by the City Clerk:
Resolution f~l
ExcursiQn Train
~17 ~e~i~s--l~6~ -- --
WHEREAS, par. ti~s have expressed an interest in
operating and maintainin~g an excurs-ion train between Glenwood
Springs and the Aspen area; aqd,
WHEREAS, the operation of an excursion train with
a locomotive steam engine to provide passenger service between
Glenwood SpriBgs and the Aspen area would not only be a historical
attraction, but a convenience to the traveler which has been long
absent in the area.
of the City of Aspen, Colorado, that the City Council hereby
endorses and e~courages the operation of. a passenger train
between Glenwood Springs and Woody Creek, Colorado.
Administrator Wurl reported theCounty Commissioners had passed a similar resolution.
Councilman Qlymer questioned the taking up of the tracks from Woody Creek to Aspen.
/Stated once they are gone, we will never get them back.
Mrs. Paepcke state~ the area where the tracks are is the only place left for ho~se-
back riding trail, hiking, bird watching and just generally for nature lovers to go.
Feel that the tracks should b~e taken up.
Councilman Benninghoff made a motion to aodpt Resolution ~1, Series 1969 as read in
full. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote - Councilmen Kuster aye; Bergman
aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye.
Pinocchio's 3.2 Beer Renewal - Ail forms required by the City and State were
Pinocchio's submitted by the City Clerk.
Mayor Barnard questioned the .repor~t by- the Sanitarian. rela~ing to the storage of food
in the alley. Report also showed that the Sanitarian had recommended the restaurant
license from the State for 1969 be issued on a probationarey basis in order that he be
assured that the restaurant would show continual state of compliance with the laws
governing restaurants.
Councilman Clymer also-reported there is. a layer of grease on the roof.
Administrator Wur! ~reported there are 2 police reports on failure to comply with the
employee registration or~inance.~ · . .
Gary Luhnow, one of the .owners, was present and stated deliveries have to be stored
in the alley for a period of time because there just isn't enough time and space to
bring the deliveries in immediately upon arrival. Also stated this morning shelves
had been built in the back of the building approximately 6" to 8" off the ground to
store the deliveries until they can
broken openb~y dogs in the alley was. submitted to Council.
Councilman Clymer made a motion to table this application until they conform to state Pinocchio's
requirements and at that time City Administrator c~ll a ~pecial.meeting of'the Council. '
Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Roll call vote - Councilmen Bergman aye'; Benninghoff
aye; Clymer aye; Kuster abstain. Motion carried.
Chamber Budget - Administrator WurI re.commend~the~CoUncil authorize' the C~amber budget
to be divided into 12 equal payments that are just paid Out to them each~month. ~Atso Chamber
stated the City should have a report each month from the Chamber showing how this money Budget
Councilman Benninghoff made a motion that the City disburse the money into 12 eqqal
payments over a' 12 month.period and a,diSb~rsement ~shee~ b~ submitted to the City
Administrator each month. Seconded by Councilman Kuster. Roll call vote - Councilmen
Bergman aye; Clymer. aye; Benninghoff aye; Kuster .aye,. - -
Castle Creek Dam z. Administrator Wurl requ&~st authorization from council to negoiate
with the Colorado Water Conservtion District to perhaps jo'in with them and take Castle Creek
advantage of their earlier decree which was in 1959 on a dam site location. Dam
Councilman Kuster made a motion to authorize the City Administrator and City Attorney
to enter into negoiations with the Colorado Water Conservation District for a dam site
location on Castle Creek. Seconded by Councilman Bergman. Roll call vote Councilmen
Kuster aye;Clymmr aye; Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye.
Auditor - Administra~torWurtrecommend:appointment~of Daniel-Handy of Glenwood Springs
as the auditor for the City. -Recommendation-based on the fact that 't~e City has been Auditor
very satisfied with Mr. Handy's wor'k in the past,.
Councilman Bergman made a motion-to 'designate Daniel Randy'of Glenwood Springs to audit
the City's boo'ks for the year 1968. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote
Councilmen Clymer aye; Bergman aye; Kuster aye; Benninghoff aye.
Accounts Payable - Councilman Bergman made. a m~tion to, approve the accounts payable as
submitted by the Fi, na. nce Department. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote -
Councilmen Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye; Kuster aye;:Clymer aye.
Boy Scouts - Administrator Wurl reported in the past years the City has donated $50.00.
Boy Scouts
Councilman Benninghoff made a motion the City continue th&ir donation to the Boy Scouts
in 1969 the same amount as previous years. Seconded by Councilman Kuster. Roll call
vote - Councilmen Clymer aye;Kuster aye; Bergman aye; Benningho'ff aye.
Opera House Roof - Administrator Wurl reported Mr. William Tharp of the Wheeler Opera
House Company had stated to him that they understand they are responsbile to correct Opera House
the problem of the icicles over the Thrift Sh~p enDrance. It will be done as soon as
Tow Zones - Administrator Wurl request-the area south side of Cooper between Spring and
Hunter and south side of Durant from Galena to Huntem be i~cluded in the tow away Tow Zones
zone due to the difficulty of removing ice and snow.
Councilman Kuster made a motion to authorize the area proposed by Administrator Wurl be
included in the tow away zone. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote - Council-
men Kuster aye; Clymer aye; Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye. ' '
Administrator Wurl also reported the Council needs to approve the election of the fire
chief - Willard Clapper and assistant fire chief - Harold Smith. Fire Dept.
Councilman Bergman made a motion to approve the election of Fire Chief Clapper and
Assistant Fire Chief Smith. Seconded by'Councilman Clymer. Ail in favor, motion carried
Radio Bids - Administrator Wurl explained the specifications; were prepared by Motorola,
which specifications did not meet the State standards.- Therefore, the bid submitted by Radios
Motorola were as per specification. Administrator Wurl recommended Council approve
the new bid submitted by Motorola in the amount of $1670.00 due to better maintenance
program by Motorola. - -
Councilman Benninghoff made a motion to approve the bid by Motorola in the amount of
$1670.00 for two radios. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote - Councilmen
Kuster aye; Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye.
Regular Meeting Aspen City Council January 13, 1969
Winterskol Winterskol Parade - A map outlining the route was submitted by Administrator Wurl as
Parade follows: beginning at Garmisch on Main to Mill, up Mill to Cooper, on Cooper to
Galena, up Galena to Durant and ending at Spring.
Councilman Bergman made a motionto approve the route of the winterskol parade as
outlined by Administrator Wurl. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. All~infavor, motion
Parking lot report - Administrator Wurl reported the City has received the lease on
Parking Lots the area between the Sweet and Snack and The Shaft on Cooper.
Legislative Report - Wurl reported thelegislative committee will be meeting again on
Legislature the 15th.of January, Legislature is in session and request if there are any proposals
to which the Mayor or Council do not agree, to contact Mr. Wurl so that he can relay
this information.
AdministratorWurl submitted to Council for review police.report on the Aspen Inn and
a report on cigarette tax.
Councilman Benninghoff questioned the City purchasing an end gate for the maintainer.
Council Coments
Councilman Kuster questioned the steps in the Aspen Square alley.
Councilman Bergman request 8th Street from the Highway to Francis Street be closed
off so children can slide their sleds there. AdministratorWurl to chec'k into.
Councilman Kuster stated to Mr. Dunaway of the Aspen Times that he would like to than'k
Mr. unaway on his article or report of the year, khere was nothing complimentary
abou~ the City.
Councilman Bergman made a motion to adjourn at 6:45 p.m.~ seconded by Councilman Kuster.
All infavor, meeting adjourned,
~____~rraine Graves, City Clerk