HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19690922Resular Meetim~ Aspen City Council September 22~ 19~9 Meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert Bernard ay 3:¥5 p.m. with Councilmen Carl Bergman~ Werner Kuster~ John Benninghof~ City Attorney Albert Kern and City Administrator Leon Wurl. Councilman Bergman moved to approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on September Minutes 8th as prepared and mailed by the City Clerk. Seconded by Council~an~Kuster. Roll call vote. Councilmen Benninghoff aye~ Kuster aye~ Bergman aye. Councilman Bergman moved to ratify the action and approve t~e minutes of the RSA meeting RSA Minutes held on September 15th as prepared and mailed by the Recording Secretary. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff, Roll call vote - Councilmen Kuster a~e~ Benninghoff aye~ Bergman aye. Mr. John McBride was present and showed Council plan of the industrial area. Also read Water Line letter outlining the businesses that may be included in the industrial are~ Mr. McBride Industrial Area questioned Council if they were to finance the City's portion of the water line~ plus interest~ could ~hey be reimbursed from the tap fees and water bills until the City's portion is ~aid back. City Attorney Kern reported the City would have to do the collecting of the fees. Council agreed they did not like the idea of paying interest also. Adm~inistrator Wurl reported the City would need to study further the anticipated revenue from tap fees and also see how much the City can expend at this time. Bmdget~- Public Hearing - Mayor Bernard opened the public hearing on the 1970 budget of the Budget City. Mayor Barnar~ further stated the Council has reviewed the budget department and again Bu~lic Heari~ the Council has cut the milY levy. Budget will be based on 3 mills and this was done in the face of not knowing on what basis the valuation will be figured by the County. ~ 947 Regular Meetin~ Aspen C~ty Council~ 9/22/69 (Cont) Budget Public R. Hewey questioned how the regional planner is included in the budget. Mayor Barnard Hearing replied the RSA allocated certain amounts for ~ projects in the total amount of $295~000 is divided 53~ to the City and ~7~ to the County. Since the planner dos not come under one ~'~ of the ~ projects~ this would have to be something which would come of out contigency. Mayor ~Barnard stated the feeling is that an attempt should be made to get away from the ad valorem tax and into sales tax as a moreequitable tax. Question arises in getting comptetel~ rid of the ad valorem ~ax in that hte absentee owner would benefit the most. Further stated the City sould continue to try and keep up ~ith the demands of the water system to eliminate water districts surrounding the City. This is the reason for running wa%er lines outside of the City limits. City is presently faced with a trailer park and sanitation plant up Castle Creek at the head of the City's water supply. Fear that other developers will do the same down the river. Also mentioned by Mayor Barnard was that all the monies raised by the Whitaker mill le~y has gone towards paying off bonds and interest of the 5ity. Administrator Wurl stated the budget would still need to be cut $~?~7~0.33. There being no further comments Mayor Barnard closed the public hearing. Pay Estimate Pay estimate~ seal coating - Councilman Kuster moved to pay GMC0 Corporation $10~31.05 Seal Coating as outlined by the City Engineer pay estimate. Seconded by Co~cilmam Benninghoff. Roll call vote - Councilmen Bergman e' · ay ~ Benninghoff aye~ Clymer aye. Ordinance #25 ORDINANCE #25~ SERIES OF 1~69~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XI, CHAPTER 1~ SECTION 5 and Minimum Distance SECTION 6~ REQUIRING NO LESS THAN 10 FEET .OF SPACE BETWEEN ANY ACCESSORY AND PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS iN R-~0~ R-15~ R-6~ AR-1 and AR-2 ZONES was read by title only~ as agreed by Council~ on second reading by the City Clerk. Councilman Benninghoff moved to adopt Ordinance ~25~ Series of 1969 on second reading and order the same published. Sec onded by Councilman Bergman. Roll call vote - Councilmen Bergman aye; Kuster aye; Benninghoff aye. Refferendum Mayor Barnard reported Ordinance ~ Series of 1969 (Referendum) will appear on the Ordinance #26 in November~ Council failed to over-ride the Mayor's veto. Letter from Knox Bradford O& the bus company was read by Mayor Barnard relating to the Bus Depot location of a bus depot on Bleeker and Springs Streets and needed right-of-way. Council request City Attorney Kern look into the ownership of the right-of-way. ~ Resolution #1 RESOLUTION ~17~ SERIES OF 1969 as follows was read in full by the City Clerk: Budget RESOLUTION ~17 , Series of 1969 Adbp~ing Budget for the year 1970. WHEREAS: the City Administrator~ previously designated to prepare the budget has prepared and submitted to the Mayor and City Council the annual budget for the City of Aspen~ Colorado~ for the fiscal year beginning Janyary 1~ 1970~ and ending December 31~1970 and ~ WHEREAS~ the budget as submitted sets forth the following estimated fiscal data for the year 1970: 1. REVENUE AND BEGINNING SURPLUS a. Surplus beginning of the year -0- b. Anticipated Revenues from all sources . . 1~7~289.7~ 2. EXPENSES AND CLOSING SURPLUS a. Expenditure requirements .!~62~679.7~ b. Surplus~ closing of year ......... 11~10.00 3. THAT THE AGGREGATE EXPENDITURE ~E REQUIREMENTS BE DIVIDED RESPECT- TIVELY AS FOLLOWS: a. To the General Fund 720~829.7~ b. to the Water Fund 255~500.05 c. To the Electric Fund 375~100.00 d. To the Special AsSessment 15~0~0.00 1963 Fund e. To the Police Pension Fund 3~800.00 f. Tothe Special Assessment 2b~525.00 1966-1 Fund g. To the Special Assessment 29~265.00 t9~7-1 Fund 4. THAT THE RESERVE FOR DEPRECIATION AND NON-CASH EXPENDITURES WiLL ~ REFLECT--THE FOLLOWING BOOK ENTRIES : a. Electric Plant depreciation and amortization fo debt discount 1.~000.00 b. Water Plant depreciation and amortization o~ debt discount 00.00 Regular Meeting Aspen City Council September 22~ 1969 WHEREAS~ the anticipated assessed valuation of taxable property fro the year 1969 in the City of Aspen~ to be returned by the County Assessor of Pitkin County~ Colorado~ will be the sum of $13~500~000.00 ~-~ N~W~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aspem~ Colorado: That the estimated budget expenditures requirement of $1~7~289.7~ is ded~ared to be the amount of revenue necessary to be raised by tax levy and income from all other sources~ including surplus at the beginning of the year~ to pay the current expenses and certain indebtedness of the City~ including interest upon the indebtedness~ and to provide a reasonable surplus at the close of the fiscal year beginning January 1~ 1970~ and ending December 31~ 1970. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a tax of three (3) mills be levied on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the City of Aspen for the purpose of ra~:s~ing the sum of $~0~500.00 which~ together with surplus amd revenue from all other sources~ is estimated to meet budget expenditure requirements and provide reasonable closing surplus for the fiscal year begirnaing January 1~ 1970 and ending December 31~ 1970. Councilman Bergman made a motion to adopt Resolution ~17~ Series of 1969 as read in full. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Roll call vote - Councilmen ~enninghoff aye~ Kuster aye~ Bergman aye. ORDINANCE ~27~ SERIES OF t969~ AN ORDINANCE LEV~ZING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1970~ TO DEFRAY THE Ordinance #2? COSTS OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF AS?EN~ COLORAD0~ FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY Mill Levy 1~ 1970 AND ENDZNG DECEMBER ~1~ 1970 was read in full by the City Clerk on first reading. Councilman Kuster moved to adopt Ordinance ~27~ Series of 1969 on first reading and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Bergman. Roll call vote Councilmen Kuster aye~ Bergman aye~ Benninghoff aye. Administrator Wurl stated storm sewers~ other capital outlay and alley paving has been Budge~ Cu~ eliminated from the street deparvmenv budget in order that the revenues and expenditures are the same. Councilman Kuster moved to adjourn at 5:10 p.m.~ seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Ail in favor~ meeting adjourned. (~rraine Graves, City Clerk