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Aspen City Council
Special Meeting Pitkin County Commissioners November 5, 1970
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Eve Homeyer at 4:10 p.m. with the following present:
Councilmen Edwin Vare, ~itzhugh Scott III, Jack Walls, County Commissioners J. Sterling
Baxter, Tom $ardy and Clyde Vagneur. Al§o present: City manager Leon Wurl, Co-controllers
Terry McAnnany, Dennis Veeder, Herb Bartel, Planner, Ted Mularz Architect.
State Mr. Bartel reported he had solicited recommendations from the City and County Planning
Highway and Zoning Commission, Transportation Committee and the Chamber. The following was sub-
Requests mitred to those oresent as being the final list of recommendations to be referred to the
State Highway Commission on November 18th:
"Construction Projects"
1. Construct acceleration-deceleration and turning lanes at the following intersections:
a) Cemetery Lane
b) Sterners Turnoff
c) Buttermilk
d) Airport
e) Woody Creek
Highway Designation
Designate the road paralleling the Frying Pan River asa state highway.
Independence Pass evaluate alternative highway alignments crossing the Continental
Divide which will relieve traffic volumes and thereby preserve the scenic and historic
value of the pass.
City Planning and Zoning Commission request the following be added to the draft: lighting
for the intersection as stated in #1; bus loading zones; pedestrian crossing at Cemetery
Lane and Highway for school students."
Mr. Bartel explained the County Planning and Zoning Commission recommend the Gerbazdale
Trailer Court be added to the list under construction projects ~1.
Mr. Barrel further explained he had discussed with the State Highway Department procedures
in locating alternate route over the Continental Divide. State recommends a proposal be
submitted by the region involved. Would rather this were accomplised on a regional basis~
rather than the State doing the project.
Transportation Committee stated their concern, for bicycle paths and walking paths. In
looking to the east of the City to the campground, State reports this can be done if
present right-of-way is available.
Commissioner Baxter stated it has been discussed the City/County and Contractors do the
necessary work this year for turn-off lanes at Buttermilk and the Airport. Mr. Leon Norton
representing the Contractors indicated the contractors would supply the fill and equip-
ment. It was pointed out the State Highway would do the engineering and probably would
donate equipment and labor,
Court House Mr. Mularz reviewed with those present the proposal submitted and outlined the advantages
Annex and disadvantages of the two sites: east and north of the present court house; and
directly behind the present court house.
Access for the east/north site could be gained from Bleeker Street which has been vacated
and now owned by Mr. Pabst. The topography of the land is such, that authorized vehicles
could enter the basement garage directly off of Bleeker Street. Access could also be
gained from Galena Street by ramp to the basement garage.
Mr. Mularz stated the proposal is based on a facility to cover 20 year period. Recommend
the County immediately acquire the triangle not presently owned by the County.
By utilizing the Bleeker Street entranct, Galena Street could be closed and landscaped.
Would be using 23,940 square feet of building area. 7,300 square feet would be needed for
the police department.
Mr. Mularz stated the proposal is based on a facility to cover 20 year period. Recommend
the County immediately acquire the triangle not presently owned by the County.
By utilizing the Bleeker Street entrance, Galena Street could be closed and landscaped.
Would be using 23,940 square feet of building area. 7,3009square feet would be needed for
the police department.
Mr. Mularx stated if a civil defense room is provided, federal funds of 50% can be ob-
tained to cover equipment used for civil defense purposes only. Would need a room of
800 square feet.
Aspen City Council
Spe~ia! M~ting Pitkin County Commissioners November 5, 1970
Proposa. 1 submitted on 35 jail,cells at this time with provision for expansion to 72 cells,
Cost $2,000 per prisoner per jail cell. '
Basement would be for garage of authorized vehicles, first floor Sheriff and Police.
Department, and Dispatchers, second floor jail cells and possible apartment for sheriff
or custodian and third floor offices and perhaps meeting room.
Building would require two elevators, one for law enforcement officers and prisoners and
the other for the public with access to only public offices.
If the third floor is not constructed at the time the rest of the facility is, would
recommend the elevator shafts be installed to handle the third floor during first phase
of construction. Or, if possible, construct the shell of the third floor, thus saving
costs in major remodeling when and if the third floor is constructed.
Estimate the cost of $35.00 a square foot plus jail cells and anticipated fees.
The total building (3 floors; basement; 72 jail cells; professional fees) complete would
cost approximately $5,000,000.00. LeaVing the third floor as a shell with 35 cells would
cost $1,256,000.00. Without the third floor and with 35 cells $1,128,000.00.
Discussed the possible use of the basement for a fallout shelter and gaining financial
assistance on this basis.
It was pointed out both sites could be utilized in time and connected by Undergr°und'
tunnels or over-passes.
Discussed traffic problems in using Bleeker Street as relates to the intersection of Mill
and Main.
Councilman Vare stated his concern of this project being top priority at this time, feel
there are other projects which need attention first. Suggested remodeling the present
court house.
Commissioner Baxter stated the Commissioners are aware that space is needed for the
Sheriff's Department for jail cells and further vault space is needed. Feel the consilidati'
of the law enforcement agencies and communications and also jail facility improvement
are of top priority. Felt to overcome these problems, planning should be far sighted
and proceeded along the lines as outlined in the Master Plan.
Council present agreed to hold a study session on November 16th to discuss the court
house annex and the City's participatiOn thereof.
Dog Fines and Fees - City Manager Wurl reported on the discussion held by the City Council. Dog Fines
Stated to the Commissioners, the City would lose revenue but expected to gain more benefit, and Fees
Would cost the City an additional $3,000 to put this function under the RSA. Mr. McAnnany
pointed out the County's fees are established by the Statutes. Commissioners agreed to go
along with adding the dog fines and fees under the RSA and perhaps adjustments could be
made at the end of each iyear.
Councilman Scott moved to adjourn at 5:45 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Baxter. Ail in
favor, meeting adjourned.