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Regular Meeting Aspen City Council February 8, 1971
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Eve Homeyer at 4:04 p.m. with Councilmen Edwin Vare,
William Comcowich, Ross Griffin, Fitzhugh Scott III, Jack Walls, Francis Whitaker, City
Attorney Albert Kern, City Manager Leon Wurl and Finance Director Dennis Veeder.
Minutes Councilman Whitaker moved to approve the minutes of January 25th as prepared and mailed
by the City Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Walls. Ail in favor, motion carried.
Mayor Homeyer passed out to the Council, City Attorney, City Manager and Mr. Dunaway of
the Aspen Times pens used in the signing of the contracts for the purchase of the golf
course property from Tipco.
Environmental Mayor Homeyer informed those present, a~c~eck from the Aspen County Store has been re-
Fund ceived in the amount of S2,000 for the Aspen Environmental Fund.
Civil Defense Civil Defense Program - City Attorney Kern reported the Statutes state a city is authorize¢
Program and directed to establish*a civil defense program.
Councilman Whitaker moved to recommend this to the RSA a a proper project to be funded
from the RSA. Seconded by Councilman Griffin. Ail in fair, motion carried.
Board Vacancie~ Board of Adjustment Vacancy - It was reported the vacancy created by Luther Atbrights
moving out of the city limits has been advertised. Letter of interest from Barbara
McLoughlin was submitted to Council. Council indicated Mrs. McLoughlin is unqualified due
to her absence from the City within the last two years.
Councilman Whitaker reported Mr. Charles Patterson had contacted him and he is interested
in serving. Council stated they wished to follow the procedures establised and request
Mr. ~atterson write a letter to the Council indicating his interest. Tabled ~ntiI the
meeting of the 22nd.
Board of Examiners and Appeals, Vacancies - Mayor Homeyer reported the following vacancies
exist: private citizen, general cont=actor, elec.trician and engineer. Not inter:ested in
re-appointment and presently on the Board are private citizen Richard Graves and general
contractor Earl Schennum. Joseph Krabacker, engineer has been contacted and does desire
re-appointment. Electrician Gilbert Holloway was ~na.vailable~o the.conta-cted.
Councilman Walls moved to advertise the four vacancies on the Board of Examiners and
Appeals. Seconded by~ Councilman Va~e. All in favor~,-motion carried.- ~
Rules of Rules of Procedure City Clerk Lorraine Graves submitted previously to Council standard
Procedure rules of procedure to be used by the City Council and other boards and commissions of
the City.
Councilman Comcowich moved that the necessary resolution be prepared for adoption of the
rules of procedure as submitted. Se,conded by Councilman Whitaker. Ail in favor, motion
Happy Hearth Hap~y Hear~th Inn -. Counci.l~n Vare reported ~t~ Council a group of' 30 people met, meeting
Inn chaired by Mrs. Kuhn, and discussed their deszre that the Happy Hearth~Inn~Be used by' ~
cultural groups presently in existence so that the cultural act~vit~es~in~.~e:.nommunity~
can be pursued.
It was reported that t~e Balle~.West Would be willing to pay for use.
Mr. Bob Lewis stated existing facilities in town cannot handle a lot of th~ activities
presently going on, not the correct environment for some of the activities.
Councilman Va~e stated he would like to have Council wait a few months to give these
people time to submit a proposal outlining the financial and planning for a cultural
center somewhere on this property. Feel the Happy Hearth Inn is not a good location,
need,a larger facility that can handle presemt and future cultural activities.
Mr. Gilbert Colestock stated the Council should look very closely at the financial pictur~
of continuing this facility as a. lodge:;~theCity would be going into.-competition with
private enterprise.
Council indicated their concern that the property pay its way. Also stated their concern
that the present cultural activities now utilize space in the public schools, Institute
etc. and the City would be taking away revenue from these facilities.
Mr. Lewis.stated we all pay taxes that compliment the recreation industry, we should also
consider the cultural industry.
Councilman Whitaker stated ,the people-voted~on-the ,1% sales~tax for open space, and feel
the Happy Hearth Inn should pay its own way.
Mrs, Stalder stated the Council should give prime.consideration.to the public schools
for space., . -
Regular Meeting Aspen~City Council February 8, 1971
Floradora - Mayor Homeyer reported a memo has been received stating the Floradora has Floradora
withdrawn, heir application for a beer'and wine license
MonarCh Street - Councilma~ Whitaker submitted a memo to Council proposing 6he angle Monarch
parking be replaced with parallel parking on Monarch Street and that the snow be removed Street
as in the downtown except that it be removed from the middle of the street only.
Councilman Comcowich moved to obtain the comments of the people on Monarch Street as
relates to the memo submitted and Council consider this at the~meeting on February 22nd.
Seconded by Councilman Whitaker.
Manager Wurl informed the ~Council there are problems in adding to the snow removal area.
Presently it takes 4-1/2 hours to clear the 42 blocks the City now clears which is all
they can handle within the 3:00 to 7:00 tow away period. There are other areas in the C-1
zone where we do not tow that should ha~e attention also.
At some future dat~e~ Council should consider the entire C-1 zone. Manager Wurl submitted
a report showing the frequency of accidents and traffic counts at 17 intersec, tions.
Ail in favor, motion carried.
House Bill ~1066 - Councilman Whitaker request Council support this bill dealing with House Bill #1066
protection lanes for pedestrian an~ bicycle paths along highways. Council indicated they
desired to read the entire bill prior to supporting same and request the City Clerk obtain
a copy of the bill.
Manager Wurl reported a bill was introduced by Mr. Strang (#1118) dealing with extension House Bill mll18
of cities jurisdiction on rivers and streams which are domestic sources of water from 5
miles to 10 miles.
Teen Center - Manager. Wurl reported the sound proofing,ceiling and repair of exit lights Teen Center
have been completed.
Colorado Mountain College Lease - Manager Wurl reported the lea~a?~a,s expired and letter Colo. Mtn. College
from the college is submitted indicating they deszre renewal O~ the ~ease. Lease
Council discussed tax sl~pported entm~e~ be~mg~sub~d~zed by the C~ty. Manager Wur~ sub-
mitted a memo outlining the utilities paid by the City for the space utilized by the
College, Teen Center, ACVB and Thrift Shop. :
Council request Manager Wurl submit at the next meeting the pro rated share for the
~usinesses mentioned above for utilities and space.
One Way Bleeker Street - Manager Wurl reported complaints have been received and recommend Bleeker Street
that the street be made one way going east and restrict parking on both sides except on
the east end where parking be allowed on the south side only. Plan was submitted. Further
reported the Ci~/ Engineer has discussed this with the people in this area and they are in
agreement. Manager Wurl reported the Engineering Department is working on a north side
annemation street plan.
Councilmen Comcowich moved that the necessary steps be taken to comply with the plan sub-
mitted. Seconded by Councilman Griffin. Ail in favor, motion carried.
Mill and Main Street - Manager Wurl submitted a proposal for the intersection of Mill and Mill & Main St.
Main for no left hand turns, State Highway Department has no objections.
Council stated their concern for emergency vehicles to the hospital and traffic to the Red
Mountain area.
Discussed alternatives to this plan. Councilman Vare stated he felt rather than a trans-
portation study, what we need is someone to come here and look at this problem on a
broader scale, such as an urban designer. On the 20th of this month will have an
oppnrtunity to meet with a firm dealing in urban design' and it might be a good idea to
invite one of the consulting firms on transportation to also talk and then decide which
study we need.
Should have a design consultant to work with the planner on a continuing or retainer basis
Manager Wurl stated the City needs to get moving on some of these problems and then go into ~.
the broader picture. ~roposals submitted may not be the answer, but we need to do something
while studies are being made.
Councilman Walls stated to have a continuing consultant would be a duplication of our
planning department. ~ . .
Council indicated the~ felt the transportation ~roblems are of top priorzty and would like
to have ~ recommendation from the Planner's offzce for a consultant to study this problem.
February 22nd. Seconded by Councilman Griffin. All.in favor, motion carried.
Seventh & Seventh and Hallam - T~o alternates from the Stste Highway Department were submitted to
Hallam handle the traffic at this intersection.
Councilman rare left Council Chambers.
Manager Wurt recommend Council approveAlternate ~l,which includes the installation of sign~
and construction of islands so as to control the turn movements.at this intersection.
Councilman Comcowieh moved we proceed with, Alternate #1 as outlined on the pl@ns from the
State Highway Department. Seconded by Councilman Walls. Rollcall vote - Councilmen Whitake~
aye; Walls aye; Scott aye; Griffin aye; Comcowich aye; Mayor Homeyer aye. Motion carried.
Councilman Vare returned to Council Chambers.
Auditor Auditor - Councilman Comcowich moved to ~esignate Dan Handyand Associates to audit the
City,'s books for 1970. Seconded by Councilman Griffin. Roll call vote -Councilmen Vare
aye; Comcowich aye; Griffin aye; Scott aye; Wails aye; Whit~ker aye;~Mayor Homeyer aye.
Motion carried.
Delivery Trucks Delivery Trucks - Manager Wurl stated a meeting had been held with representatives of the
trucking industry and they feel the one way alleys are very helpful; feel the biggest
problem in the alleys is the conflict with the ears, in the alleys; some buildings do not
have access to the alleys. They made the following recommendaDions:
Include the alleys at the Opera House and Glenrose Drug as one way.
to include all alleys in the C-C zone as one way and Manager Wurl work out the details.
Seconded by'~'6'h~'cilman Scott. Ail in favor, motion carried.
Request that a~&hange in-the zoning code be made that would require that-space, be made
available and access to the alleys for deliveries as well as trash pickups o~ loading
zones. Counc~il request this be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
from delivery trucks be adopted. Councilman Scott moved the City Attorney investigate this
and make a'recommendation~to Council at ~the next meeting. Seconded by~ Co~uncilman,Whitaker.
Ail in favor, motion carried.
Request additional loading zones. Councilman Comcowich moved that the City designate
loading zones at the following locations: Gallun Building, The Pub, Red Onion, North of
Nell Building and Mountain Chalet and they be so designated~ as truck ~oa~ing zones only
and they be located as close to the intersectionsas possible and further the request by
Dr. Swearingen and~Ski Mart be denied. Seconded by Councilman, Whitaker~.
Malls Malls-- Herb Barrel, ~l~anner~eported, the, Planning and Zoning Commission has agreed as
the first phase~ of*,a complet,e malt area should be that ~rea as outlined in the mini bus
report previously submitted.
Councilman Vare stated to Mr. Barrel the. feeling of the Council was to,hear-a_ proposal by
an urban designer. Mr.~Bartel commented he, would like ~o outline the specific responsibil-
ities for this person and would need to cnnsult with~the Count~ Commissioners since all
monies of the planner's office is under the RSA.
Mr. Barrel explained his final proposal on the establishment of the goals task force will
be submitted within the next two weeks.
Golf Course Golf'Course Property--Manage= Wurl, submitted an in.terim, report recommending the following
Property uses of the Inn be of a public nature, i. e. club house and employee housing fpr city and
other governmental employees; that we operate the existing 9 hole course with monor
merits nn~il funds are available to~comstru~t~a,high q, uatity nie hole~gotf course.- Also
Accounts Payable Accounts Payable - Councilman Comcowich moved to approve the accounts, payable as submitted
Seconded by=Coun'ciiman~S,cott. Ro.lL~calt vote -,CouncilmenWall~3aye;~,Comcpwich aye-;
aye; Scott aye; Whitaker aye; Vare aye; Mayor Homeyer aye. Motion carried.
Bond Counsel - Manager Wurl explained that Attorney Kern had received worR by t~lephone
just prior to Council meeting that the firm of· Dawson,, Nagel, Sherman and Howard agreed
with the opinions earlier given by Mr. Lamm.. Manager. Wurl further explained at the ~ime
the Charter Convention discussed bonding, the chapter of the Charter was sent to Mr. Lamm,
City, s bonding attorney for, review,. ~t-.the time the~l~ sales tax, ordinance was~,to~ go to a
vote o~ the peopl~ M~ Lamm at~ tha~t~bime ~iso revi.ewed the ordinance.~ Previous to the
signing of the contract with Tipco, Mr. Lamm verbally stated theme were no problems in a
revenue bond issue being pledged with sales tax proceeds. No~ Mr. Lamm is reversing his
opinion and states we now need to clarify this procedure by either a declaratory judgement
or a charter amendment.
Manager Wurl explained that the opinions of Mr. Kern and Mr. Howe are that the City Bond Counsel
Charter is a document of limitations and that Unless the Charter specifically prohibi.ts
an act, that is autdmatiCally permitted.
Both bond counsel firms disagree with this principle and feel that it should specifically
state that sales tax revenue can be pledged to retire revenue bonds.
City Attorney Kern recommended the Council call for a charter amendment to be submitted Charter
at the May regular election and include in the charter under revenue bonds the words, Amendment
"including sales taxpro~eds.'"~Att cOr~esp~nden~e~relating to-this matter~were, submitted~
by Manager Wurl to Council.
Councilman Walls moved to instruct the'Eity Attorney to-draft the~necessary documents for
amendment to th~ Charter and~authorize the City Attorney and City. Manager to negoiate.~with
Tipco for an extension on the closing. Seconded by Councilman Griffin~ Ail in favor,
motion carried.
Impound Lot - Manager Wurl informed Council a claim has been filed by Mr. Saviers, Jr. Impound Lot
stating articles had been'stolen from his vehicle. Manager Wurl.~further informed Council,
Mason and Morse have agreed to leaSe~to the City'the present~.site for~an impound~lot~on a
yearly basis at a cost of $125.00 a month. Also presented a plat of the area and a plan
to fence the property with an sstimate of cost in the amount of $1478.00.
Councilman Vare moved to authorize City Attorney~Kern to negoiate theclaim, filed; authori:e
the preparation of the leas~ with Mason and Morse and the signatures of th~e?Mayo~ and
City Clerk be authorized; and authorize, when weather permits, fencing of the property.
Seconded by Councilman Wall~. ROi1 call' vote - Councilmen Vare aye; Griffin aye; Scott
aye; Walls aye; Whitaker aye; Mayor Homeyer aye. Motion carried.
Police Chief Ritchey explained ~ome Vehicles have to be unlocked in order to be towed~
Cemetery Lane - Councilman Whitaker reported the 30 MPH signs which were authorized Cemetery Lane
have no~ been instalted'.~Further request Council consider when the street is resurfaced
the dip~ be removed.
Council request this be tabled until the meeting of the 22nd, in order to gain comments
from the people in this area.
Acting ~it~ Manager - CoUncilman Whitaker mOved to designat~e Finance Director. Dennis
Veeder as th~ Acting City Manager, in the absence of the City, Manager as provided by the
Charter. Secona~sd by Councilman Griffin.
Roll call vote -'Councilmen Vare aye; Griffin aye'; Scott aye; Walls aye; Whitaker aye;
Mayor Homeyer aye. Motion carried.
Mayor Homeyer opene~ ~he public hearing on Ordinance-~l, Seri'es of 1971. Ordinance #1
Block 40
Councilman Griffin moved'to read by title only on second reading, Ordinance #1, Series of Hallam's Addition
1971. Seconded by Councilman Wal'ls. Roll cal~l vote -'Councilmen Vare aye; Griffin aye;
Scott aye; Walls aye; Whitaker aye; Mayor Homeyer aye. Motion carried.
was read by title only by the City Clerk.
There being no comments, Mayor Homeyer closed the public hearing.
Councilman Vare moved to adopt Ordinance #1, Series-of 1971 on second reading and order
the same published as provided by the City Charter. Seconded by Councilman Walls. Roll
call vote - Councilmen Whitaker aye; Walls aye; Scott aye; Griffin aye; Vare aye; Mayor
Homeyer aye, Motion ca'tried.
Ordinance#2, Series of 1971, relating to leased parking was tabled~pending review by the Ordinance #2
planner. Leased Parking
Dyer Property - City Attorney Kern reported he has prepared the agreement. Councilman Dyer Property
Walls moved to authorize 'the Mayor and''C%ty Clerk to sign 'the agreement as submitted'.
Seconded by Councilman Vare. Roll ~all'vote -~Councitmen Griffin aye; Scott aye; Walls
aye; Whitaker aye; Vare aye; Mayor Homeyer aye. Motion carried.
Councilman Vare stated he has been informed by letter the lots are being offered for sale
to the City located west of the Crystal Palace at a cash price of $160,000.00. (9 lots)
A petition bearing 38 signatures was submitted relating to the sleeping in cars problem. Offenses
Request its enforcement or~t~ke it off the ~books.
Chief Ritchey reported the police department is enforcing the ordinan'ce although it is
difficult when you knock on a vehicle and ask the~person if they are sleeping and they
say no, I'm talking t'o you. The policy being followed is the first time is a warning and
thereafter they are ticke,ted.
Regular Meeting Aspen City Council February 8, 1971
Council~request the City Manager notify the person who submitted the petition that the
ordi-~ahee-~is being enforced.
Councilman Walls moved to go into executive session. Seconded by Councilman Scott. Ail in
favor, motion carried.
Council reconvened into regular session at 7:50 p.m., whereupon Councilman Scott moved to
adjourn, seconded by Councilman Griffin. Ail in favor, meeting adjourned.