HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ex.Molny/Eubank, Lots R-S,Blk 33 r 1 I I I I I I I" \.. ,..... MEMORANDUM TO: Aspen Building Inspector FROM: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission Ordinance 19 Review, Subject: ~/~~ ~ On L/-J -74 the planning commission reviewed the above building permit and it was ~ approved denied Conditions: P~~;:k~~~ ;) ?~ 4-~:..J -4--- ~~~ U ' (~{ ~ :I<-~ ~'-- i"J') ~r'. f-. 'r A~ .v tf~-X t, I ~ ~-,Jc~~~ ~ ~().~ ~ _ jd!.t..<-e M t'~ #&.O~J.-' ;:) ~~-~~) ~ -I-(~ c/)cn/l-eJ ~-" Planning Office Dated this I{ J;L day of r:..6 , 1971f ....-..... .. ..~.....-.-...............~------ - . .. /tlltuJ 'h~1 tJ~J. ~~l4V (.') (JJcJ )d lraJd,,-- of.. AJ0)V--~~.' . U I) '}/i#-d LM-R___44/ (X L ') d.)~~~"~~ . !="!~~ ~ ~) ~'~ j-4Yt'J ~ . /YlV<-~.) ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~~u~O . f~ ~u ~ .t:f, <1 ~/. r t'~ cLP.6' IJ ,,-..,. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves 'OIl". e.'.Mu"."'...ll.to. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning April 16, 1974 Meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Spencer Schiffer at 5:10 p.m. with members Bryan Johnson, Jack Jenkins, Geri VD.gn8ur and Janet Lundry. Also present City/County Planner Herb Bartel, Assi.st.ant Planners Donna Baer and John Stanford and City Attorney Sandra Stuller. OLD BUSINESS I Vice Chairman Schiffer stated that the Molny/Eubanks MOb1y/Eubanks A project was given final approval under Ordinunce #19 Final Approval subject to certain conditions. Stated that those con- ditions have been fulfilled, consequently, final approva is complete. Bartel pointed out that Molny has acquired an additional 7' easement which Wi.18 part of of the Card property an-d can move those struct.ures an additional 7' away from the river, which is even that much bett-er than what he had sho\'.'n on the plan. Stated that does not require any action of the COJTunission. Landry made a motion that final approval be granted for the MOlny/Eubanks project under Ordinance ~19 since all the conditions had been met. Motion failed for lack of a second. Rio Grande Subdivision Vice Chairman Schiffer suggested this discussion be placed at the end of the agenda. Conccnsus of t:he Com- mission was to place this item at the end of the Clgenda. Resolutions for Exen:ptions to Condominiumize Duplexes Bartel submitted the resolutions for exemptions to con- dominiumize duplexes "\7hich the CorJ.."TIission acted on at the last regular meeting. :/) Schiffer pointed out that this ;?as only two: Jordan/ Hecht and Chestnut/I,eiman. Stated that have complied with the requirements and regulations. Concensus of Commission was to have Vice Chairman Schif- fer sign the two resolutions. Set Public Hearing Dat.e Vice Chairm~r. Schiffer stated that it \\7as necessary for the Commission to set a date for the public hcariny of the historic designation of the City Hall, Lift #1 (old) and the Community Church. Johnson made a motion to set the public hearing for the historic designation of City Hall, the old Lift #1 and the Conununity Church for 5:00 p.m. May 21, 1974. Motion seconded by Vagneur. All in favor, motion carried. Public Hearing , Rubey Park View v Planes Vice Chairman Schiffer opened the public hearing on the Rubey Park View Planes. Schiffer pointed out that this hearing included the In- dependence Pass corridor and the Aspen Mountain View corridor. . Bartel submitted a map showing the two proposed view planes. Stated that they had decreased the angle of the Aspen Mountain View Corridor and retained the In- dependence Pass Plane. Stated that the reason for this was first, wanted to, where possible, limit the ViC\'l plane to one for the undeveloped portion of the block directly across from Rubey Park and that with both Rubey Park and Wagoner Park being public land and the use of Rubey Park for transportation center, in the loner rUn there is going to b(~ oJ shift from t.he pJucc' wll\.:'rt' vi:;i- I ' .i '. 1"..-.... . ' .\C/~~ ~;C0 L~. . f ~~ 6-d-7~. . ~~( ~ :t ~d~ /d 7'- 4' !, L/~ ~J JUCU j..11..-., .. )2, _r~t /2fJ ~~ A~ ~~J c#40 /~ d~~< ;L~ t2~"^-- j1J~ ~ ,~ ~! U k?;j ~u<L<j .P1/ZAA--" I cL~ J,u.<J flu.v //,hU & AA4L/-tf,~ fi>' ~ 7~J P>> ~~. . lJi.I;;k-q ;,.l ~ <I v ,a.;!./..,hoJ S-37</ '~~ J < r<0J ~ . ~ ),Lp-/ ff <I- ivJe ~I /W,' J hvr-t'- ff, ---,_._-~-'~--' ( ,.-... .-..., ?/ , ~ GR~~:T OF TP^]L r:^>F\!F'JT KNOW ALl. ~1i:'<I;Y TllliSE 1'I:l':SL~nS 'illi\'!', I;:,],. 1:\lI>'"1k, tll,' Ct";lllLql' lH'l'\-'ill, ill cllu:-:idt,t'atioJ) (ll ;ljJ!lt'OV;l! hy th(~ City 01' I'lSj)(ln PlaJ]llin;_~' ._!l1d Zonill~'; COIHUlit-;;--.;i()\l Ulid('l' Ot'(}'jnanc'p J~), Sc'ries of' 1~'7:;, doc,; ll<'rcby gl'ant, dcmi,;e and convey to tile City of Aspen, Colorado, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns forever, a perpetual eas,~ment over, across and through the following described real estate for the use and purpose of a trail easement (motorized vehicles excepted) for the benefit of the public, said easement being ten (10) feet in width from the natural waterline of the westerly bank of the Poaring Fork River sItuate within the herein described real property: A parcel of land beiug part of Lots Rand S, Block 33, East .~~;p"n Addition and part of Lots 6 and 'I, Block 5, Riverside Addition. Said parcel is more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point (being the Nortllwest corner of said Lot R); thenee South 75009' 11" East 104.00 feet along the Northerly line of said Lots R, S, 6 and 7 to the center line of the Roaring Fork River; thence South SO 15' 57" East 70.53 feet along the center line of the Roaring Forl, Hi vel'; thence Nortb 830 49' OS" West 73.]] feet; thence North 750 09' 11" west 60.00 feet to the Westerly line of said Lot R; thence North 140 50' 49" East 50,50 feet along the Westerly line of said Lot H to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 6267 square feet more or less, i .I PHOVIDED HOWEVER, that In the event the City shall establish a trail system of which the above easement shall eonstitute a part, the grantor agrees to provide, as a substitute for this jns(~l'llment and at. t.he City's elcclIon, a tl'a1J e~lsemcnt with boundaries defided with particularity equal to that of the adjoining landowners. It is the intention of this provision to guaranty the continuity of an implement.ed trail system, and to this end this paragraph shall be construed, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor herein has hcreunto set h i~ b:1nd 1h i ~~ 1 r,~._.',_,. '\ () r l' I .-.hl1...._._ d:,' '...____'\,p:r.i-- 1 ~)71 . ~ II: ~C--~ i _ ~ .. x:XY.., V.,{,V('A/IA JK7_ ______ Dall' j':ui>:lllk'-""''', I "...., ,....." '". .~_. .,)"1' i: (Jr.' ('I.)L' 1);/1,/ H) ) ) ~:;:-; ,v (; I ] ': J : i,;~ ) // """~ __ ____~ day () r __"'. TrIP !orc\gqing in.'.1.i'UUlc'IlL \Vas acknq\\'-'(~dgC'd b(~forc me this . ..--- , 1971, by DALE EU8ANK. .. My commission expi res: "" y-~:;.r:'<':-=-L4-/L?'d~' Witness my hand and official seal, ~ .//.11 /' /~-. -~ ~ ~::'7L.::~~ff~-,F--"'- "/-<~:/__7 Notary Public GRANT OF TRi\ IL EflSI':MENT "~i c :j' '1':': .," i T[iNf, H{)h:in ~1(\ I tlV, tl1,' (;1' \ t i)]' ie,']"';:I. i 1\ ('1.1]' i :I( I', ' loll " C' J "1'!,l'ov,i1 by tlH' City oj' i\~-;~" '1 Pl;i!1tlil.:~': ,tIlll 1>):J1n:~' ('{Il~i,jj~.;;-;i(}l( tlll(!/~t. O]'dinancp 10, Sc>ri(.s (Ii" .l~17:~, c1()(:~; hell'l'lly grant. (~cJlli.:-;c :Jncl cunvey to the CIty of Aspen, Colorado, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns forever, a pcrpetua:J casement over, across and through the Jollowing d",'cr tbed l'l~"l e,~tate Jar the use and purpose of a trail easement (motorized vehicles excepted) for the benefit of the public, said easement bAing ten (10) feet in width from the n"tural water:! in" oJ tile westerly bClnk oJ the Roaring Forl, River c;itu,-,_tc' wit hi n thl 11,>j'('i n de,;cri hed ren] proporty: A pureel oJ land being purt of Lots Rand S, Block 33, East Aspen i\dd:Ltion and part of Lots 6 and 7, B:!ock 5, Riverside Addition. Said parcel is more fully described as Joll U\VS: Beginning at a pojnt (being the SoutJ1'Ne:3t corner of said Lot R); thence North ]1{) 50' 1()" East 10.50 feet along tl1e Westerly line of said Lot R; thence South 750 00' ]1" East CO.OO feet; thence South G30 ,19' 08" East 73,]1 feet to tile center line of the Roaring Fork fliver; thence South SO 15' 57" East 38,20 feet alotir, tlJe center line of tl1e Roaring Fork River; thence North 75' 00' 11" West 146.68 feet along the southerly line of said Lots 7, G, Sand R to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 6267 square Jeet more or less, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event the City shall . .i i I i I , I I establish a trail system of which the above easement shall constitute a part, the grantor agrees to provide, as a sub- stitute for this instrument and at the City's election, a trail easement ',vi.th bonndaries defined with particularity equal to that of the adjoining landowners. It is the intention of this provision to guaranty the continuity of an implemented trail s~'st(~IIl, and to thi 0 end this paragraph shall be construc'o. IN WITNESS Wm:flEOF, the Grantor herein has her pun to set his !LInd tbis _)(d:b (hy or l\pri] I D7'1. (, f \ i,(f 'i< ", /', ,,- --.'\ r,- ,J ,.,j:.~\!Lt:,'''\..\ )// ):.,:, i II' \;" 11l\-,l----LVI--nn-n-n ( , ,-. \",,,..f "'"" C:'i'Y: I: (W ('0 l,()j:\I)O ) ) S,c,: Cl;\ .\'i")' ()j jJ j lh j ,J ) '1'J1(' f(JJ'(:!';O i ;1<'; i nst l'tIIilt'n L W~U:~ nCki'l~l\Vl ('dg'(~d be {'ure' IllP th is / ~ ,. day of' ] 971 by HOBIN ~lOLNY. , My commission cxpjrcs:-';'-"~_~_",,-,-_"-..:--L7 '2";",';): /' #~ - Witness my hand and official seal, / :'A,'Z . '~~ PlIb'1-1c' U"~, /- -"J ',~ .. . -//;' Notary " ~..'.... - "h,.,.. GRANT OF EXEMPTION Granting Exemption from Subdivision Regulation Pursuant to Section 20-10 (b) WHEREAS, Section 20-10 (b) of the Aspen Municipal Code provides that, following receipt of a recommendation from the planning commission, the city council may exempt a particular division of land from the definition of a subdivision, when, in the judgment of the city council, such division of land is not within the intent and purpose of said Chapter 20, and WHEREAS, the owner of the following described property, Patricia W, Card, by and through her agent, Robin Molny, has made application under the provisions of Section 20-10 (b) for the parceling of the following described property located in Pitkin County, Colorado, to wit: All of Lots Rand S of Block 33, the East Aspen Addition to the City of Aspen and Lots 6 and 7 of Block 5, Riverside Addition to the City of Aspen, Colorado, and WHEREAS, although the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission did not recommend grant of an exemption, the City Council at its meeting held~~~ ~ ,~~~~ ' 1974, having discussed the impact of the proposed use of the land and the satisfaction of the design requirements of Section 20-7 of the Code, concluded that the intended division of the land is not within the intents and purposes of Chapter 20 of the municipal code; THEREFORE, in conformity with the request of the applicant and the action of the Aspen City Council as hereinabove described, THERE IS HEREBY GRANTED an exemption from the City of Aspen Subdivision Regulation division (and conveyance) of the above described property into the following described tracts: Tract A. A parcel of land being part of Lots Rand S, Block 33, East Aspen Addition and part of Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, Riverside Addition. Said parcel is more fully described as follows: beginning at a point ~being the Southwest corner of said Lot H); thence N 14 50' 49" East 49.50 feet along the Westerly line of said Lot R; thence South 750 09' 1]" East 60.00 feet; thence South 630 49' 08" East 73.11 feet to the center line of the Roaring Fork River; thence South 80 15' 57" East 38.20 feet along the center line of the Hoarinr:; Fork River; thence North'75o 09' II" West ]46,68 feet along the southerly line of said Lots 7, 6, Sand H to the point of beginninr:;. Said parcel contains 6,267 r;quare feet more or lesr;, ~_....-.,..,-_.._-~..------"" ' --,~,--,,,,,""~=' ...... '...-.. Together with non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over and across the easterly seven (7) feet of Lot Q, Block 33, East Aspen Addition, City of Aspen. Upkeep, maintenance and snow removal shall be the joint and mutual responsibility of the Seller and Purchasers, their heirs and assigns. Such easement shall be accessible and open at all times. The above requirement shall be a covenant running with the land. Tract B A parcel of land being part of Lots Rand S, Block 33, East Aspen Addition and part of Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, Riverside Addition. Said parcel is more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point (being the Northwest corner of said Lot R); thence South 750 09' 11" east 104,00 feet along the Northerly line of said Lot R, S, 6 and 7 to the center line of the Roaring Fork River; thence South SO 15' 57" East 70,53 feet along the center line of the Roaring Fork River; thence North 630 49' OS" West 73.11 feet; thence North 750 09' II" West 60.00 feet to the Westerly line of said Lot R; thence North 140 50,' 49" East 50.50 feet along the Westerly line of said Lot R to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 6,267 square feet more or less. Together with non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over and across the easterly seven (7) feet of Lot Q, Block 33, East Aspen Addition, City of Aspen, Upkeep, maintenance and snow removal shall be the joint and mutual responsibility of the Seller and Purchasers, their heirs and assigns. Such easement shall be accessible and open at all times. The above requirement shall be a covenant running with the land. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the mayor of the City of Aspen has set his hand and seal on the day and year noted.,/ ) ~ ') Date .t/;h/~ ~ ',' ~i~~'~~~ I-f 7' J{A C 1/''--- C ,.--' ~~'.;/ // .. City Clerk . , ---7-- I ~ --:~ STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ) ss COUNTY OF PITKIN The foregoing Grant of Exemption was acknowledged before me by Stacy Standley III, as mayor of the City of Aspen, and Lorraine Graves, as City Clerk of said city, on this jfc day of ~v-: ,1974. Witness my hand and official seal. _4~~~/A.;) Notary Pub { My commission / --- expires~ _{.~#~/~A ) /? /9;7,) . ./' . "" F',," -...,_.~.. TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Office SUBJECT: Mo1ny/Eubanks Residences and Office DATE: April 2, 1974 Conforms with conceptual approval given 3/7/74. II ~ieC>""" Parking layout appears improved. s~~. City Attorney was requested to interpret "office use" in Mixed Residential District. . . 1) Home occupation ? 2) Ord 19 give Commission authority to make that interpretation. Referral letters are positive. Considerations: Vegetation on site (especially between house & trail) was to have been considered at time of subdivision. Trail dedication agreement should be submitted. Mo1ny should make a record to waive non conforming status at the time he abandons office use. 1"'" - -.........- -- TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Office SUBJECT: Mo1ny/Eubanks Residences and Office DATE: April 2, 1974 Conforms with conceptual approval given 3/7/74. Parking layout appears improved. City Attorney was requested to interpret "office use" in Mixed Residential District. . . 11 Home occupation ? 2) Ord 19 give Commission authority to make that interpretation. Referral letters are positive. Considerations: Vegetation on site (especially between house & trail) was to have been considered at time of subdivision. Trail dedication agreement should be submitted. Mo1ny should make a record to waive non conforming status at the time he abandons office use. Quaint olde victorian hoC, - for Dale Eubank """" - , SUE(p-VI.SIO:-J PLAT CEECI( FO~~N , Date 1t-Pt2-1 L.. ?1 Gentlemen: Accc,-'cli11U '.0 ".)-", ~--oc"c1'1.or, "-,,. .L'~c""')' lOn t'h~ c)' 'c.-y or: t "n"n . L _~ I..:) L l.. 1 ~ 1-),l. ......... )........ "-' l,; L. J....... J. 1 1~...... _ .1. -.\. ,-, r '''' SubdivisiO:l T:.8~;ul~ltiol1S, any tre-.ct of lund divided irl'LO t~'70 OJ~ mOl'(~ J.ot[) ::1ust b,'!. c1iv:Ld8d in 2cco1.-d2ilCC "lith 8&id cub, )V) s' cn ''''l~'''f1'l'l ",....:0..... .!":r-- ~-l...,~ C)- f-\.T or: ~,'''1)~.. o .n..1", "_ :;1 I.. l.\l;,:'bL._C.~.l...:...'.1 l.dJ. LU,~ _'-~ J.;, ~.;:j. \::lL. This form, '\-/ith ~ttc:.ch(~d COtJ)' of tb2 pl;tt is provided so that c8ch u;;ility CacH?"ny n:-,y inspect the pInt nnd the S-~ Loe li"'.l....-C:' o=-o~n~ C 1^C:-~ '.~c~ ~.'. 'JI )1- c~T":"'1-=-......- of: c - "C ..L.L', llc..i.l" de> C ,_.:.11.:.. ,-S, 01,- "Li1LLJ.,J .....1.1....- 1- d \:Ll._al- .!.. .(1..>,- rn(::nts, etc., e.nd lihere neccs[;o.ry sl~ctching recorr~a:endcd alterations on a cop~ of th8 plat. This form and th2 nccorlpanyinr; copy of th8 plat Ie:list be retunlec1 to the City of ASp811 Plc,nni.ng and Zoning C02- mission no later than seV2n (7) c12YS from the above date. Remarks: This proposed sub-divii!,ion would have no effect on school transportation and because of its size would have littLe effect on school enrollment. " IJZ~---~ /tl?? : . . /1. / . . d -, [L.ID DEL DUCA ASPEN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Del Duca: Please review the plans which are presently being circulated in the engineering department for the relocation of two Victorian houses which Dale Eubank and I are moving to 1020 and 1022 East Hyman Street and are remodeling. Please make your comments below. If the requirements of access, circulation, streets, utility easements, drainage and other engineering considerations are satisfied, please so indicate. If you have any questions or reservations about any of the above considerations, please call me and I will be happy to meet with you. Our presentation to the planning commission is April 2 under ordinance 19 for preliminary and final approval. "N"'''U As N.".~. c;"L ~ O..Je.c< D_.lJ B_1 .__~ THOMAS MADDALONE Aspen Electric Department Dear Mr. Maddalone: Please review the plans which are presently being circulated in the engineering department for the relocation of two Victorian houses which Dale Eubank and I are moving to 1020 and 1022 East Hyman Street and are restoring. ~~~~Ao<1 Please make your comments below. If el~ricity is available to the site kindly so indicate. Please return this letter to Donna Baer. Our presentation to the planning commission is April 2, under Ordinance 19 for preliminary and final approval. ~~ y~ vy y/. ( -------- Thomas Maddalone JAMES MARKALUNAS Aspen Water Department Dear Mr. Markalunas: Please review the plans which are presently being circulated in the engineering department for the relocation of the two Victorian houses which Dale Eubank and I are moving to 1020 and 1022 East Hyman Street and are restoring. Please make your comments below. If water is available to the site kindly so indicate. Please return this letter to Donna Baer. Our presentation to the Planning Commission is April 2, under Ordinance 19 for preliminary and final approval. Sincerely, ~~~{~ A{~ r" /Go -$," ~"'C-'" ~ A4 a..~~~ . ,,-,",''-' .- .' ",..,.. "-~ GrayLine "Snap-A-Wa:;" GrayLine "Snap-A-Way" GrayLine "Snap-A-Way" GrECyLine "Snap-A-Way" SNAP~A~WAY AND' iN '{CLlQW ,COPY. SEND WHITE AND PINK .CO?I~ WITH CARSON INTACT SPEED LETTER@ TO Aspen Planning and zonmng Commission FROM Aspen Metro ~anitation Disrtict Box V Box 2810 Aspen, Colorado 81611 Aspen, Colorado 81611 SUBJEC,A t t: jgR>ffi~ !?~~ r 1<1] h'ln k -t.o. 90. 10 FOl-D MESSAGE DATE 1\i"rch ;:>9 1944- 'l:ll';; Ilspen lI:l~tro SSJ"i 1;"1;1 f'l1;) TIi "'tri "1; h"" hPAn ""lc~O "rlder Ordinllnce 19 to COllllJlent on tne a"aiisbJ..l1;y Of' S'E',/"pr ..~r"ice Ser"J..C8 is available ana GollectJ..on lin8s ar8 in place, ----------.--- "G,~.~-4~ ..L...L.1lL Ciry REPLY DATE 19_ -NO. 9 FOLD _NO. 10 FOLD SIGNED I GJ:OYLine I SNAP-A-WAY Je,'..', 44-90Z 3 f'ARTS WILSON JONES COMPANY. (& 19~1 . I'H1NIED II-< U.S.A. .73 RETAIN WHITE COPY, RETURN PI:,jK COPY ""'"" ,ft'...., I L CITY, . t, M f,'!I,,1J .... .f , "1 Ira , ./~:,,~-)") , 0\ JA~SPEN aspellt,co'>,~",;Hi0.GiSi1 box v \'... -'. ....... ~' '.... ....... .,' ')~ -.~ ~:<.;;.;.. ,..' ",~..,/,....,j.,.<;i" ~ ,.' I' .::1. .1"'...." ~r""\ :,_,;.;[1 DATE: March 27,1974 . Mro Robin Molny & Dale Eubank PO 96 Aspen, Coloo 81611 RE: Blk 33, Lots R & 5 1020 & 1022 Eo Hyman This is to say that in the context of the existing system this area hRs adequate access and water supply for FIRE PROTECTIONo Yours truly, ~2//f~ William Fo Cai Ie Fire Marshall ( " ROCKY MOUNTAIN NA TURAL GAS COMPANY, INC, P.O. BOX 2059 . ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 . (303) 925_2323 March 25, 1974 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Robin Molny Blk. IF33 1022 E. Hyman Aspen Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Company has a moratorium in effect at this time and will be unable to serve any new services until it is lifted. However, when this moratorium is lifted we will have an ample supply of gas and will be happy to serve your project. l1:1tJ C (!i1~ Willard C. Clapper District Manager wcc/ec . ....-.... ... ~-S-1r/ ., 7r~, ~/I0.-J. ~ ~, ~ --L I. ~ .v ~ ~.~} , J.~ Lj ~ 6.~ f)/ ~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~~~ , , :1 / f)/!~ ~~ y nJ ~ e:2 ~ ~ il ....... / ASPEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Box V Aspen, Colorado 81611 Gentlemen: ) t>r :;::; ) ;) / tHJ-O if '1- This is a request in conformance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 19 for conceptual approval for a development which I propose to undertake on Lots Rand S, Block 33 and Lots 6 and 7 in the Riverside Addition. It is my intention to acquire the above-mentioned lots and move onto them two existing Victorian houses which are presently located at the northeast corner of Durant and Original. The larger of the two houses would continue in its present use which is employee housing, and the smaller would be enlarged from its present use, which is my office, to provide living quarters for myself as well as one apartment for rental purposes. Herb Bartel has discussed this project with me and has recommended that I leave the lot abutting the river vacant and seek from you a density transfer of that lot onto the adjacent two lots. The property is located in the designated mixed residential land use category, and the project complies with the use recommendations of the 1973 Aspen General Land Use Plan by providing "for a mix of residential uses interspersed with limited amounts of professional office.....uses. New professional offices should be of the type that do not generate frequent client visits." (My practice at the present time never generates as many as twenty visits per week.) There would be no visitor accommodation uses on the property. Sincerely yours, ~ February 14, 1974 RM/sc / ROBIN MOLNY architect box 96 Aspen, Colorado 81611 I""'" :) '\ ASPEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Box V Aspen, Colorado 81611 Gent 1 emen: / ,/. ./- "tYT :=: /2/ ~ '/' - This is a request in conformance with the requireffients of Ordinance No. 19 for conceptual approval for a development which I prooose to undertake on Lots Rand S, Block 33 and Lots 6 and 7 in the Riverside Addition. It is my intention to acquire the above-mentioned lots and mov~ onto them two existing Victorian houses ~Ihich are presently located at the northeast cerner of Durant and Original. The larger of the two houses would continue in its present use which is employee housing, and the smaller would be enlarged from its present use, which is my office, to provide living quarters for m self as well as 0 ar m or ren a . how / d Q:;: Herb Bartel has discussed this project with me and has recommended that I leave the lot abutting the river vacant and seek from you a density transfer of that lot onto the adjacent two lots. The property is located in the designated mixed residential la'ld use category, and the project complies with the use recommendations of the 1973 Aspen General Land Use Plan by providing "for a mix of residential uses interspersed with limited amounts of rrofessional office.....uses. New professional offices should be of the type that do not generate frequent cl ient vi sits." Uly practice at the present time never generates as many as twenty visits per week.) There would be no visitor accommodation uses on the property. Sincerely yours'j ~UlfL4La~ Robin Molny ~ February 14, 1974 RM/sc cr O,K Jt#ij,~/~ ()((!Ctj~ -/or f(?stZftJo/;OJ1S C)J1;uj., ;;<:lJJOV1 d / rUNic, / 1)0 "hn (j H-Is. cJ.}ould :tN/fr /10 od'cI;J;C)'?r7/ ;Y'J('7flm~ b('j/ WOUld f?ol {JolcL ()yO' f~l s-/-, ~(> ~hcJ/~ tl7'vcJ ;; ~. /5 CJ0!Uclto on OJ1f b(fcheJOif/ ,'1ddc.,jl. .= .- fl,v tY1() f-~ . rMc)S0J15 : , BOI/dilllS C;/N cvcly (jX IS/- d/1J SrzruEOJ U5(iju/ I rNcl/oJ?' O;lf{:}f;uJ .f#/cYr!nl(ir;!- .no!- . " /_ 1'/1 /. (oocJ(cf (lc/d fQ j;)(jP U (YIfO/t../ d(jJ15/~/oO 111<101./. IIoweo({v-tf fh~f'(; is a /11ajor eHa/u1rc ti1 +/u's f'Of05C1 IJ rRobr'i'V 3~tl()Jlcl _ olaf'/-. OU~V 0/ J7K:fi"'-/- (1O(/Vl.v-vd 5'S/O/,v (.(httt a.- lII/.": I) /'lVA w.Jc.::::.1 . (., Ii':, ,fJ,,'/A.. oLfl,(f'Cb//lkd fx~ VVlh ;u/(i) ROBIN MOLNY architect box 96 Aspen, Colorado 81611 . " - - ....r.;e.... :..~~~~s<>.!:2~::: ," . 14/651 2 1.1. BUILDINC INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ~CITY OF ASPEN - COUNTY OF PITKIND, COLORADO '!, ~) ,,", n ._~, ,,..., ~ k:. ~ -i,c;-' 0 ' ',:...'.' ADDRESS GENERAL TI OF J08 CONSTRUCTION 1 n?? F;",t- Hum"" PERMIT WHEN SIGNED AND VALIDATED BY BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT THIS PERMIT ,",UTHORIZE5 THE WORK DESCRIBED BELOW. CLASS OF WORK: NEW 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATION ~ REPAIR 0 MOVW WRECK 0 OWNER NAME o~""4 ~ M~"_" < Th 1 ~"'~ ,1ADDRESS 01"1 0<: PHONE "An" K LICENSE LICENSE 0 NAME (AS LICENSED) CLASS NUMBER l- V INSURANCE ~ "" ADDRESS PHONE 0 I- Z 0 SUPERVISOR V FOR THIS JOB NAME DATE CERTIFIED LEGAL North J, half and 6 & 7 Riverside Addition DESCRIPTION LOT HO. of R & S BLOCK NO. 33 I ADDITION SURVEY ATTACHED 01 DESIGN A lie. BY "'-, -~~ BY PE NO, AREA ($.F.) !I"UIGHT NO. TOTAL OCCUPANCY AT GRADE e:.n 11," (FEET) ,,,. STORIES ., UNITS ? GROUP DIY, BASEMENT FIN, ~ I GARAGE SINGLE 0 ATTACHED 0 TOTAL TYPE I FIRE ve'S"FlN,O no ~OUBlE 0 DETACHED 0 ROOMS 10 CONSTR. lONE DEPTH FIRS.T SIZE SPACING SPAN AUTHORIZED BelOW AGENCY BY DATE Z GRADE FLOOR 0 '" BUiLDING I- REVIEW ,j: EXTERIOR '" FOOTING <5 CEIUNG ~ SIZE ZONING 0 .... Z EXTERIOR CONe. 0 :;) FDN. WALL ROO' PARKING 0 THICKNESS MAS'Y 0 II. ~~~K 0 CAISSONS 0 ROOF=!NG PUBLIC HEALTH & GR.. BEAMS MA TER!Al MASONRY ABOVE ABOVE ABOVE ENGINEERING ~TERIOC THICKNESS 1ST FlR. 2ND FlR. 3R[l FLR. ALL STUD SIZE ABOVE ABOVE ABOVE & SPACE 1ST FlR. 2ND F=LR 3RD FLR. REMARKS Movina house from 750 E. Durant for 2 family dwelling NOTES TO APPLICANT: FOR INSPECTIONS OR INFORMATION CALL 925- 73j6 fOR ALL WORK DONE UNDER THIS PERMIT THE 'ERMIna ACCEPTS FUll RESPONSIBILITY FOR VALUATION $ COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. THE COUNTY ZONING RESOLUTION OR C~":"'f lONING ORDINANCE. AND All OTHER COUNTY RESOLUTIONS OR CITY ORDINANCES WHICHEVER OF WORK 8000. APPLIES. SEPARATE PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED FOR ElECTRICAL. PLUMBING AND HEATING, SIGNS, PLAN </ TOTAL FEE SWIMMING POOLS AND fENCES. FILED T P PERMIT EXPIRES 60 DAYS FROM DATE ISSUED UNLESS WORK IS HARTED. 32,"0 ^<f REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SHALL BE REQUESTED ONE WORKING DAY IN ADVANCE. DOuelE I CHECK 0 /?t;""V pPc:. .. ALL FINAL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE ON ALL ITEMS OF WORK BEFORE OCCUPANCY IS PERMITTED. FEE 0 CASH ~ $ 'j 7CrV THIS BUILDING SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIED UNTIL A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED. 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT SUBJECT TO REV1ATlON OR SU~~LATlON OF ANY lAWS GOVERNING SAME. SIGNA TURE I\.!R~ ( , APPL?lANT: . ,~-<?. ~~ ~ ~~V^ APPROVAL IY DATE THIS FORM IS A PERMIT ONLY DATE PERMIT NO. LICENSE II RECEIPTS CLASS AMOUNT WHEN VALIDATED HERE ~ 2-19- 4 59-74 J INSPECTOR'S COpy ,..., ''\ "',~' "'I'iE'" :..'f..~:.~~~.,!~= ( t::),~, _c (~.- :~]~O"l..~ ."""~:r:~,-'::=;:_:~(:;::-;. o . 14/bSl 2 B.1. BUILDINC INSP~CTION DEPARTMENT ~ CITY OF ASPEN - COUNTY OF PITKINO, COLORADO, -0; O~C:)8 ">~***57.00 ADDRESS GENERAL TI OF JOB CONSTRUCTION 1020 East Hvman PERMIT WHEN SIGNED AND VAlID....TED BY eUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES THE WORK DESCRIBED BELOW. CLASS OF WORK: NEW 0 ADDITION 0 AL TERA T10~ REPAIR 0 MOVE}Q! WRECK 0 OWNER Dale NAME Rohin Molnfv & Eubank ADDRESS PO 96 PHONE 7405 01: LICENSE LICENSE 0 NAME (AS LICENSED) CLASS NUMBER ~ u INSURANCE <C 01: ADDRESS 0 ~ PHONE Z 0 SUPERVISOR u FOR THIS JOB NAME DATE CERTIFIED LEGAL South ~ and 6 & 7 Riverside Addition DESCRIPTION LOT NO. ,,~a / SLOCK NO, 33 ADDITION SURVEY ATTACHED 0 DESIGN A LIe. BY Tri-C'n BY PE NO AREA (S.f.) 6000 plus IlHEIGHT NO. TOTAL OCCUPANCY AT GRADE i2 (FEETJ 25' STDRI ES 2 UNlTS 3 GROUP DIV. BASEMENT FIN, 0 I GARAGE SINGLE o ATTACHED 0 TOTAL TYPE I FIRE n0'FlN 0 DOUBLE o DETACHED 0 ROOMS 10 CON$TR. lONE DEPTH FI'~5T SIZE SPACING SPAN AUTHORIZED BElOW AGENCY BY DATE Z GRACe: FLOOR 0 '" BUILDING ~ REVIEW j:: EXTERIOR ~ FOOTING CEILING <C SIZE 0 ZONING a .... z EXTERIOR CONe. 0 ::I FON. WALL ROOF PARKlhG 0 THICkNESS MAS'Y 0 II. THICK 0 CAISSONS 0 ROOFING PUBLIC HEALTH SLAB &GR.BEAMS MATERiAL MASONR.Y ABOVE ABOVE ABOVE ENGINEERING ~XTERIO~ THICKNESS 1ST FLR. 2ND FlR. 3R['I FLR. ~AlL STUD SIZE ABOVE ABOVE ABOVE & SPACE 1ST FlR. 2ND FlR 3RD FlR. REMARKS Movinq house from 724 E. Durant for 3 family dwelling. (2 living units & lOffice) NOTES TO APPLICANT: fOR INSPECTIONS OR INFORMATION CALL 'nS-7336 FOR ALL WORK DONE UNDER TIi]S PERMIT THE PERMITHE ACCEPTS FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR VALUATION $ COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, THE COUNTY ZONING RESOLUTION OR Clit ZONING ORDINANCE, AND All OTHER COUNTY RESOLUTIONS OR CITY ORDINANCES WHICHEVER OF WORK 8000. APPLIES. SEPARATE PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED FOR ElECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND HEAWlG, SIGNS, PLAN TOTAL FEE SWIMMING POOLS AND FENCES. T P Q PERMIT EXPIRfS 60 DAYS FROM DATE ISSUED UNLESS WORK IS STARTED. FILED 3?,oo t REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SHALL BE REQUESTED ONE WORKING DAY IN ADVANCE. DOU~lE CHECK 0 $ 1'1. ()up/c. ALL FINAL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE ON ALL ITEMS OF WORK BEFORE OCCUPANCY IS PERMITTED. FEE 0 CASH 0 !J7.~ THIS BUILDING SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIED UNTIL A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED. 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT SUBJECT TO REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION FOR VIOLATION OF ANY LAWS GOVERNING SAME. SIGNATURE 11JA~ Uul a UA OF APPLICANT: r' / APPROVAL BY DATE THIS FORM IS A PERMIT ONLY DA TE)1 " PERMIT NO. LICENSE II RICEIPTS CLASS AMOUNT WHEN VALIDATED HERE ) 2-1'1-7' 58-74 INSPECTOR'S COpy c /,,\ .........,' aspen ,e PEN box v ROBIN MOLNY OFFICE/RESIDENCE (Final Approval) BRUCE GILLIS I'll entertain a motion that we approve this project with a total of nine bedrooms; with additional con- sideration that the vegetation on-site, especially that between the house and the trail, be considered and left in place; the trail dedication agreement should be submitted that would be to the effect of ten foot easement at the high water mark, at any level of the water mark; that Molny should make a record to waive non-conforming status at the time that he abandons office use if the Zoning Code, if it is in fact, a non-conforming status. Any additional things you'd like to add? GERI VAGNEUR We would like the nine bedrooms to be five and four. BRUCE GILLIS Mr. Eubanks half will be fi~e. Mr. Molny's will be four. Do I hear a motion? JANET LANDRY I'll move. Janet Landry moves. BRUCE GILLIS Do I hear a second? Then we'll have discussion. GERI VAGNEUR I second. BRUCE GILLIS Geri seconds. Discussion. BRYAN JOHNSON Well, this is for preliminary and final and you're sup- posed to have a finished set of plans before you can give preliminary and final approval. Based on what we've said and based on what the plans show, I just don't see how we can give approval until the plans reflect what we've asked for. BRUCE GILLIS That's a very good point. ROBIN MOLNY Can I comment to that? 1"'" - ..-...., ",.# We could revise the plan. This is what you're doing is giving conditional approval, is that not true? We could revise the plans and satisfy your requirements merely by dropping one bedroom in each case, satisfying the other stipulations, because I'm sure that the Planning Com- mission doesn't want to get into the business of doing floor plans on residences. Would that satisfy Bryan? BRUCE GILLIS We don't, but it is required that we do have all develop- ment plans and drawings, and I would assume that means working drawings, and it's just not right if we don't approve the actual drawings, which we would make that a condition - approval upon working drawings. ROBIN MOLNY All right, if we gave you the revised drawings on Thurs- day and they satisfied your conditional approval, would that satisfy you? What we're talking about is compliance. BRYAN JOHNSON Are we going to have a continued meeting on Thursday or is this going to be a study session? BRUCE GILLIS If it's conditional upon that, I think we could approve it and not have a continued meeting as long as we did see it. BRYAN JOHNSON I don't have any hangups with it other than the fact that I want it to be in accordance with the procedure. BRUCE GILLIS And I agree. Sandy, isn't that right? SANDRA STULLER Fine. BRUCE GILLIS Okay, you can show it Thursday and it does not have to be a continued meeting. withdraw of second? GERI VAGNEUR Yes. BRUCE GILLIS Withdraw motion? JANET LANDRY Yes. BRUCE GILLIS Okay. I'll entertain the same motion as presented earlier conditioned to the applicant bringing us final development plans and working drawings this coming Thursday, April 4th, reflecting the changes we have so put into the motion. JANET LANDRY So moved. BRUCE GILLIS Janet so moved. GERI VAGNEUR Second. ( 2) r" ........ J BRUCE GILLIS Geri seconds. Any discussion? JACK JENKINS The only statement that I would make is that the changes don't significantly alter it at all as far as I'm con- cerned. They don't change it, it just makes it less viable economically and it doesn't make it a better parking or density situation. BRUCE GILLIS All in favor? (Bruce Gillis, Geri Vagneur, Bryan Johnson, Janet Landry) BRUCE GILLIS Opposed? (Jack Jenkins) MOTION CARRIED. A7p0n Cit~f Cocnc~l pc;Sular l-lectinq' ~!,3rch 11, 1974 (~ ') 'c,'# Meeting was called to order by Hayor Stacy St3,ndley at 5:00 p.m. with Co~ncilme~bers Jenifer Pedersen, James Breast~d, Ramona Markal~nas, Jack Walls, Michael Behrendt, City Attorney Sandra Stuller and Ci~y M:mager ";.lick" Mahoney. lUNU7ES Council request to amend the minutes of February 25, 1974 motion as follo~ls: "councilman Walls moved to instruct the City Nanager to pro- ceed with the investigation for the sale of the vacant lct:s. Seconded by Councilwoman Markalunas. Councilmembers Walls, l-larkalunas and DeGregorio aye; Pedersen, Breasted, Behrendt and Mayor Standley nay. Motion NOT carried. Councilman Breasted moved February 25th as amended. in favor, motion carried. to approve the minutes of March 1st and of Seconded by Councilwoman Pedersen. All ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Councilman Behrendt moved to approve the accounts payable as submitt~d, Seconded by Councilwoman Pedersen. All in favor, motion carried. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION a. Correspondence from the Pitkin County Park Association was read by Mayor Standley indicating their support for doubli~g the acreage of City parks to bring Aspen up to the national recognized standards. b. Mayor Standley read correspondence from Barbara McLoughlin outlining her dissatisfaction and concerns with the control of dogs and the pound operation. c. Mayor Standley read letter of resignation from Charles Vidal (P & Z). Resigning due to future conflicts of interest. d. Mayor Standley showed Council the plaque awarded to the City for first place in the community awards for Environmental Excellence from Keep Colorado Beautiful, Inc. This was based on Aspen's malls and a scrapbook kept by Pat Dasko. Also won a national award from Keep America Beautiful. e. Mr. 'Raymond Auger request endorsement from Council relating to a request for clarification on BLM land trading poliS[. Suggest perhaps trades can be made of lands that have no commercial or y recreational value for lands in or near the City, thus would be in a position to gain additional park lands. Council request Mr. Auger further clarify his request in writing and submit to Council. f. Michael Kinsley informed Council the Environmental Task Force supports the endangered species ordinance. Further pointed out the ordinance as it exists, would not cover the present situation at the Mountain Shop. ~BDIVISION EXEMPTION I 'J Mr. Robin Molny representing himself and Dale Eubank submitted his written request and blue print of the site plan. Mr. Molny stated he has purchased a victorian house and desires to move same cn Lot 7 as shown on the plan. Presently negotiating for the purchase of the property. The Planning office felt that by just using Lot 7 there would not be ccnformance with the river and it was suggested additional property be purchased \lhich has been done. Since the property lines had to be re-drawn, was informed would have to go through subdivision regulations. Met with the P & Z for conceptual approval, stream ffidLgin approval and exemption from subdivision regulations. P & Z approved the first. t'.,.o requests and denied tbe, exemption request. Mr. Schiffer of the P & Z stated they were denied as it ~!as felt the - 1 - I Page 2, Co:.:.ncil, J/IC74, continued. ':) req'..lest did nOt: raIl v:ithin th.-: C:.~t:~~:tj.c;:; :::~:c~.:..cn of 7.:1':' (:-C~:'2. Plan~er E~rb Bartel poirltsd out t~e rla!,~ing office r~ca~~~2~~cd denial because #1 it is neCCS3aTY to ::e'"0 ~ecard3 that ~lre so~ethi~g other than a page and book nU;7,\).cr shc,..:;n'e ,y,mership pattel:ns - o~'f_~cial maps to show how tne land is being divided; ~2 easements dedicated should be platted; .3 subdivision regulations require that co lot lines shall be changed without going t~r0~gh the regulations; '4 the 4% dedication would apply; #5 lots should front upon a street. '- Mr. Molny informed Council he has to have the present old houses o=f the site by April 15th. This project ,,,culd have no impact \lhich is the intent of the subdivision ~eg11Iations, the whole premise is to get two houses off the river bank. Density of this project will be half of what is allowed. As relates to proper platting and reccrding there are many properties that are similarly divided and not platted. Stream margin easements are not recorded on the plan and have agreed to the granting of a trail easement that is in excess of the required 4% dedication. Access will be provided to the back lot. It was pointed out, a variance would have to be approved by the Board of Adjustment as relates to the requirement of fronting upon a street. City Attorney Stuller pointed out 2 reasons for considering exemptions or exceptions. Number I the impact of the development and i2 the design requirements are such that the subdivision requirements can be satisfied. Councilwoman Pedersen moved to grant the exemption conditioned upon the easement being dedicated. Seconded by Councilman Breasted. All in favor with exception of Councilman Walls who voted nay. Motion carried. UTE AREA DOWN-ZONING PROPOSAL I Mayor Standley pointed out there are three ways the City can go, #1- down-zone at all, i2 - follow P & Z recommendation and amend Ordinance 119 or i3 - down zone the area now. Mr. Bartel reviewed with Council the map showing the area in question which was published prior to the P & Z public hearing. Area under consideration contains 32 acres including approximately 40 plus ownerships. Majority of the ownerships are in the R-15 zone. Mr. Bartel pointed out the reasons for proposing the down zoning are as follows: design considerations are such that the Planning office felt were important in that area at this time and limiting population which is a Council goal. Mr. Bartel enlar;ed upon those reasons by stating that until the Gant there were no tourist accommodations in this area. As relates to density were concerned about heavy traffic in the neighborhood, the impacts upon the City in general, pressures upon City facilities with existing zoning, environmental concerns and planning with existing zoning around an unsafe area. 'The proposed density will be consistent with the efforts of the County in this area. Question was raised on the s'tatement in the P & Z resolution, "As soon as possible, similar designations be applied to the balance of the mixed residential districts:. Mr. Bartel assured Council the planning office would not be recorrmending the same proposal of today to all of the remaining mixed residential areas. Criteria used in examination of each area are: existing land use patterns, ownerships, and influences on the neighborhood. Mr. Bartel explained the square footage in the R-6 zone was changed from 6,000 sq. ft. to 9,000 sq. ft. because of the unsightliness of 12 to 14 duplexes on an acre of land. Mr. Bartel stated there is justification for down zoning at this time if Council desires to follow that route. Mr. Schiffer stated the recommendation from P & Z to amend Ordinance i19 by emergency ordinance rather than permanent down zoning at this time was so the P & Z could look at 'the total picture following future re-zonings and considerations under Ordinance U9. Councilwoman Markalunas stated her strong concerns for the old timers in this neighborhood who will be sacrificing value of their property by making this a residential area. ~,'" -'....... "._" C. '.",.'CK[ll.I.~ l. ~o. Continued Meeting . " ....'" RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Aspen Planning & Zoning March 7, 1974 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Bruce Gillis at 5:10 p.m. with Com- mission members Bryan Johnson, Spence Schi:fer, Geri Vagneur and Janet Landry. Also present Assistant City/County Planners Donna Baer and John Stanford and City Economist Yank Mojo. OLD BUSINESS Agenda Items .. I L I- f] I; Council Meetings I i' I I; Ii II ! / v1 Molny - Exemption & Stream Margin Ordinance #19 Conceptual Jack Jenkins arrived. Vagneur questioned when the Commission made the deter- mination that they were going to cut off all new ap- plications coming forward as of March 19th, whether or not new applications means new applications for approval of buildings or whether it means all new business. Chairman Gillis stated that his interpretation of that was that it would include anything which takes the time of the Commission which has not been discussed before. Vagneur questioned if that meant that anything that would be an exception to a subdivison request or any- thing of that nature would be out until after this period of time. Johnson stated that that was not his feeling. Felt that it just affected buildings coming in for concep- tual approval. Schiffer stated that he felt exemptions were small items and the Commission could handle them in a short time, Landry made a motion that under the new policy where any new projects would not be admitted to the agenda, that exemptions be made an exception. Motion seconded by Schiffer. All in favor, motion carried. Landry stated that the Commission needed to appoint one of its members to attend the City Council mtet~ng on Monday officially to be there as a resource per- son. Chairman Gillis stated that he did not feel this shoul be on a permanent basis, but only for two or three meetings. Landry suggested that it be a member who knew the en- tire process that the proposed rezoning went through. Schiffer stated that he would attend the meeting on Monday, but could not commit to do it for more than that. Johnson stated that he, too, could attend the meeting. Molny read the letter which is required under appli- cation for exemption: "Gentlemen: This letter represents our request to you for exemption from subdivision under the provisions of ChClpter 20-10 of the Aspen Municipal Code for Lots R & S, Block 33, East Aspen Addition, and Lots 6 & 7, Block 1M_ ,., t. '.~~frHC a. e.,.. Co? ,#""...... :) '-' RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves March 7, 1974 Continued Meeting ,'j Aspen Planning & Zoning 5, Riverside Addition. Our general reason for making this request is that the subject property does not fall within the intents and purposes of Chapter 20 - Subdivisions - of the Code. More specifically, our reasons for this request are as follows: (1) The property is already platted and recorded. (2) All utilities are in place and are a- vailable to the lots. (3) The alley is permanently unusable for access and its isolation from the southerly lot is of no importance. Providing the northerly lot with access to the street has been satisfied by a 14' .driveway easement. A variance would be sought to satisfy the technical requirement of a lot fronting on a street. The lots border on the Roaring Fork River. Dividing them in half in an east-west direc- tion enables the improvements to be placed in such a manner as to increase the area of river frontage left undisturbed and, in so doing, would greatly increase the degree of compliance with the intent of the stream margin ordinance. It should be noted here that a build- ing could be constructed solely on Lot 7 in strict compliance which would be located a minimum of 30' closer to the Roaring Fork River from the buildings as proposed. A suggestion has been made by the Plan- ning Office that we apply for a sUbdivisiofi. We respectfully submit that as a matter of timing necessity, there is nothing to be gained by requiring that the property be sub- divided and it should not be made a condition of approval. Such a requirement would only place an increased burden on us and On the time of the Planning Conunission, the Engineer- ing Department and the City Council. What is being proposed is the division of already subdivided lots in variance with exis- ting lot lines. There are many such divisions in the City of Aspen which are not platted and recorded. They create no inordinate problems. We feel a personal comment is in order. Obviously, the best use of the piece of land would be to leave it as it is. It is unlikely to so remain. Our project is modest in scope and impact and it attempts to minimize the dis- ruption of natural features of the site. At the direct request of the Planning Of- fice, we accepted the approach evidenced on our site plan, even though it was immediately apparent that increased cost and greatly in- crease difficulties in executing this project Were inevitable. The requirement to subdivide, how~\Ter, would create an undue hardship and yi.eld, uS I have suggested, no benefits. Unfortunately, we arc now almost out of the time necessary , /' .'.~ ,""""...' "'.. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves ''''lI''' c. ,_..ot<~n.. B.a c. ell. continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 7, 1974 to execute this project. The moving of the buildings must be completed by 5 p.m., April 15th. We ask for your decision at this time or we will be forced to abandon the project. There is a very distant possibility that the house proposed for the southerly lot would be demolished to make room for the Stevens-Ginn project, which is scheduled to begin on April 16th. This is a fact." Chairman Gillis stated that the Commission would han- dle one request at a time. Stated that the Commissior would begin with the exemptions. .. Schiffer stated that he had no problems with the rea- sons stated, but was not certain whether or not it falls within the perview of the exemption that is being discussed. Stated he was not clear which one Molny is requesting. Molny stated that according to Chapter 20-10, there are exceptions and exemptions, Felt that they would like to avoid going to City council by using the word "exception II would like to. Stated that the strict reading of it would be under 20-l0(b) , which was the City Attorney's note to him. I.: I i I I Ms. Baer stated that the item Molny was referring to as exemption is when it is the intent and purpose, like in an exchange to satisfy a boundary-dispute. Stated that she would recommend that they apply under an exception, and that does not go to the Council. Stated that there is a change and there is a division, and the design requirements are involved. Molny read the three items under "Exceptions". Felt that they would qualify under 20-l0(a) or 20-l0(b). Stated that as far as the design requirements, there is no language which he is aware of which would apply. Ms. Baer stated that that would be contained in 20-7. Molny stated that he had met with the City Attorney on the 26th of February to see if this would be a good candidate for exemption or exception. Stated that Ms. Stuller agreed that it was. Stated that Stuller had said that the application was within the intents and purposes of the subdivision regulations and that the design requirements in 20-7 are satis- fied, and believe the reason she said that is because it has already been platted with streets, etc.., that Molny should review the design criteria and that the subdivison regulation deals with impact and that the impact of what they are proposing is reduced rather than increased. Stated these were his notes on her comments. Schiffer stated that he felt Ms. Baer could address the design requirements, but do not agree that they have been met. Also, have a problem with whether or not items 1, 2 and 3 of Subsection (a) are read to- gether or as lIor". Ms. Daer stated that they are separate, that it would -. -..../ ~ RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves 'ro>~ '. t.'. ,"'!'Kl~ .. .. . .. C:l. continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 7, 1974 be any of the three. Stated that that is the way it has been interpreted in the past. Ms. Baer stated that if the Commission approves the conceptual presentation under Ordinance #19, the Plan- ning Office has no desire to hold up the project and recognize that he has a hardship. Stated that she has discussed the matter with Bartel, and the Plan- ning Office has felt from the beginning it is suit- able for subdivision application. Bartel stated that it would satisfy him and the Department if Molny coule submit a preliminary plat, and then move his building before the final plat is approved. Stated that the timing is the element which is involved here. Stated that although they do not want to foul up the project, feel that there is an impact, there is a change in lot line, there are drainage considerations, it shoulc be reviewed in depth by the Engineering Department, and feel it meets all the criteria for subdivision. Ms. Baer stated that the Engineering Department had looked at it briefly this afternoon and for example, the applicant will have to move the houses approxi- mately 4' over because it would be impossible to open a car door. Molny stated that in actuality you could because that is a standard 9' drive. Stated that if the lefthand side of the car were against the righthand side of the roadbed, you could open the door. Stated that cars are generally 6 or 7 feet wide. Stated they were trying to keep as far from the river as possible. Further pointed out that they were using 2 feet of thE 14' easement for parking. Stated that they had dis- cussed with Ms. Baer moving 2' so they would be com- pletely off the easement. Vagneur questioned if the studies are not done prior to subdivision approval, how could you put foundation, down and put the houses on them. Ms. Baer questioned the applicants as to whether or not they could get financing with the conditions rec- ommended by the Planning Office. Eubanks stated that if they had the first step of ap- proval and some reasonable assurance that they would get subsequent approvals, felt they could get finan- cing. Ms. Baer stated that the Planning Office d;,d not anti cipate anything in the course of subdivision which would require denial. Eubanks stated that ultimately they will have to sub- divide - in order to get financing must have separate title to the property. Ms. Baer stated that since there were lot line change since one lot does not front on the road, the fact that they have some drain.J.gc considerations, etc.. is the reason that they Eire recommending subdivision. I'elt it typicillly lends itself to subdivision. -4- .' ., :> ....,,>' RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves ,0JItI.. c.'_ "n(ruc 1.1. & L. C~. Continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 7, 1974 Schiffer stated he felt the Commission must apply the statute the way it is written, and questioned if the design requirements had been fulfilled. Jenkins stated that if the Commission gave preliminar, subdivision approval, and the applicants went ahead and placed the houses, there would be no way the Com- mission could deny at a later stage. Would be the same as giving final approval. Would be committing the Building Inspector to a four,dation. Vagneur questioned what the timing would be for the drainage approval before the founQations went in. .; Del Duca stated that he did not feel there would be a major drainage problem, but feels the location of the foundations are very important. Schiffer stated that he felt the Commission could not grant an exception or and exemption. Stated that un- der (a), could only grant if the strict application would deprive the applicant of a reasonable use of his land - the applicant does not own the land at this point. Could grant if the exception was necessar for the preservation and enjoyment of the substantial property right of the applicant - do not own i~, so where is their property right. Stated that under (c) the applicant would have to fulfill the design requirements first. I I 1 Schiffer made a motion to deny the exemptlon or ex- ception. Motion seconded by Johnson. Jenkins stated that the uses, as far as he was con- cerned, are no problem, but felt the density was a step' in the wrong direction, t I I ,I i , Molny reminded the Commission that the applicant was following a direction of the Planning Office. Took this approach because the Planning Office rEquested them to do so, in the interest of preservin~ ~s m~ch as possible the stream. Felt that when an applicant is asked to cooperate, you can reasonably expect some cooperation in turn to make what is sort of an unusual project possible. Landry request that Schiffer justify his reasoning that it would not deprive the applicant of the reason- able use of his land - does not say owner. Schiffer stated that although he may not agree with the criteria in the ordinance, that is the way it is written. Stated that it is not the applic:l1t's land. Molny reminded the Commission that they are attempting to save two old houses and ~hat they are coming in with a density which is much less than the density which is currently allowecl. Main Motion All in favor, with the exception of Landry who was opposed. Motion carried. Molny - Stream Margin Request Chairman Gillis stated that the considerations are whether removal of trees, slope or grade changes pro- ,~... '. C,. ~~trUll. I. I L. Co. I'" '-' """" - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves March 7, 1974 Continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning duce erosion. Chairman Gillis stated that he felt it would be an engineering consideration and questioned if Del Duca had reviewed the site. Del Duca stated that he had just looked at the pro- perty that afternoon and did not really have time to make a decision. Johnson questioned how much the setback was. Ms. Baer pointed out the high water mark on the plans. Pointed out that anything within 100' of the river is subject to review. Chairman Gillis questioned how close the high water mark was to the building, Molny 3tated that in the case of the Eubank building, it is 11' from one corner of the house. Gillis questioned if the 10' trail would be in the flood plain. Ms. Baer stated that it would be. Schiffer stated that his only concern was that the ordinance states that vegetation should not be re- moved or any slope and grade changes made that will produce erosion of the stream bank or area adjacent to the stream, Stated that Molny had mentioned that he had to remove some trees and there would probably be some slope and grade changes, and wanted to know if that would have any deleterious affect on the stream. Ms. Baer pointed out that there would be considerable removal of trees and vegetation, and stated that the Planning Office is not equipped to evaluate ,that con- clusively. Felt that for structures of this si.ze, to the best that they can evaluate, will not cause any deleterious affects. Chairman Gillis stated that if the Engineering Depart- ment is not prepared to give an opinion on the stream margin request, did not feel the Commission should vote on it. Johnson stated that he felt it would be difficult for the Engineering Department to review this site until after some of the snow has melted. Del Duca stated that he did not foresee any big pro- blems, and felt the removal of the trees which Molny proposed would not cause any erosion problems. Molny pointed out on the plans where the trees were located that they plan to remove. Johnson made a motion to gr<<nt the stream margin re- quest, seconded by Jenkins. Del Duca stated that he felt there should be some type ."""..,j t_ r. ~:[C~(L I. 1.1 L. ,<I. Continued Meeting Main Motion Molny - Ordinance #19 - Conceptual .. "'" - ..."'\ ,,"; RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Aspen Planning & Zoning March 7, 1974 of provision to maintain the trees between the trail and the house for the purposes of erosion and esthe- tics. Chairman Gillis stated that this could come under sub division~ All in favor, motion carried. Molny stated that the original application for con- ceptual review was for a total of five units and an office. Stated that at that meeting, the Commission said that they would feel better if it was a total of four rather than six. Molny stated that in the Eubanks project, the exist- ing upper two levels would remain basically as the house is now, making one unit. The basement would be Eubanks' apartment. In the basement there would be a living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Upstairs it would be kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms and a bath, and the top floor would have two addition, bedrooms and a bath. Molny stated that his house would be to have a living area for himself with a kitchen and a bathroom in what is now the attic space, with the office the same way it is now. On first level, would be a 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. This would be Phase I. Molny stated that Phase II, were he to sell the build ing, would give up the use of the building as an of- fice. The top floor would be living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom. First floor would have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Basement would have 2 bed- rooms and a bathroom. This would be two apartments. Schiffer asked Molny if he had discussed with the Cit Attorney the professional office use in the area. Molny stated that he had not discussed that matter with the City Attorney. Schiffer stated that he was concerned about the pro- fessional office use in that area. Jenkins pointed out that there would be 4 units, 7 baths, 11 bedrooms on substantially less tha~ 12,600 square feet of land, with only five parking spaces. Molny pointed out that currently, the right that goes with the land is 8 unlimited units, and the applicant is cutting that in half. Johnson made a motion to deny the conceptual presen- tation under Ordinance #19, seconded by Jenkins. Landry stated that she questioned requiring the cove- nant of the chang(~over from commercial use to resi- dential use beciluse it appears that residential use has more impact than the professional use which is being discussed. Vagneur statcd that she did not feel comfortable with f""', ...... ,', ,.,.I RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves '''''''', :.'_ ~,,':'n' ... l. ~O, Continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning March 7, 1974 totally denying the project since the Commission did encourage Molny to return with a cutback on the den- sity, which he did. Chairman Gillis stated that he liked the idea of sav- ing the houses, and he did cut the density. Feel it complies with what the Commission is looking for. Schiffer again expressed his concern on the interpre- tation of the mixed-residential and the use of the professional office in that area where it docs not already exist. IVould like the opinion of the City Attorney. Johnson stated that he felt if the Commission allows this project, are effectively allowing two duplexes on 6300 square feet each. Schiffer stated that although he agreed with Jenkins and Johnson, did not feel the Commission should act in an arbitrary fashion and feel they should set some definite criteria. Feels that it is too dense, but not certain what is the right amount. Vagneur pointed out that presently, can build a duple: on 6,000 square feet in the west residential area. Main Motion (Motion to deny conceptual approval). Johnson and Jenkins in favor, Landry, Schiffer, Vagneur and Gilli~ opposed. Motion NOT carried. Schiffer made a motion to approve the conceptual pre- senation under Ordinance #19 conjitioned on a~ opin- ion from the City Attorney that this is a use that would be justified in that area within the purview of the mixed-residential definition. Motion seconded by Vagneur. All in favor, \Ii th the exceptious of Johnson and Jenkins. Motion carried. SUBDIVISIONS Aspen Commercial I Condominium _ Exemption ." Dr. Robert Barnard was present to make this presenta- tion. Location of property: 307 South Mill, City of Aspen, premises presently known as Aspen r-1~~dical Center f situated on Lots II & I, Block 82, including said real property and improvements thereon as the same now exist. Barnard stated that he was asking for exemption on the basis of Chapter 20-10 (c) of the Asp"n ~lunjcipal Code, namely, if a piece of property was platted into lots and blocks before the subdivision 1",'1 "as passed it is entitled to an exemption. Pointed out that it must, however, meet the building design requirements. Barnard stated that his plan is to sell the building in three parts to the telliOnts who presently occupy the building, so t:he project would have no impact. Barnard pointed out thnt the first rcconuncndation of the Engineering Deportment was that no provision has been provid(~d to control the storm drainugl' run-off from the site. Submitted a bill for storm drainage c 0 RECORD OF PROCt:ED!i'JGS lea Leavrs -cr;~ __.::.:~' ;:.~.l~ -' ~- --~---_._--,------ -.----..----- ----..---.-- -. ----- ----..---.--.-. _._._-----~-_._-----_._-_._-~---_._---_._.- _._, R2Cfular Heeting "--" Aspen Planning & Zuni~g March 5, 1974 M~eting was called to oeder by C~air~~n Bruce Gillis at 5:20 p.m. wit~ Bryan Johrl3on, Jack Je~kins, Spence Schiffer, Ge~i Vagnu~r and Janet LandrY4 Also present City/County Planner Herb Bartel, Assistant Planners Donna Baer and Jc"n Stanford, City Engineer David Ellis, Economists Yank Mojo and Larry Sin~ons, and City Manager Mick Mahoney. MINUTES 1/29, 2/5, 2/7, 2/19 Vagnuer made a motion to approve the minutes of Janu- ary 29th, February 5th, February 7th and February 19th. Motion seconded by Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Memo to City Council Chairman Gillis submitted a letter from the Commission to the City Council. Stated that it had been dis- cussed that day at th~ luncheon study session. Stated that to the memo had been added thai: the Com- mission hoped the Council does go ahead and form a Regional Planning Commission for the County. Concensus of the Commission was for Chairman Gillis to sign the letter and have it forwarded to the City Council. Molny Offic~~ Residence Chairman Gillis stated that the Commission had dis- cussed the matter and decided that this project would be continued until Thursday. Bartel explained that City Engineer David Ellis had a study session with the City Council concerning the water service plan, rate studies, plant investment fees, all as part of the water program. Stated that in September of 1972, the Commission recommended to the Council that they not extend the water line to the Woody Creek area. Stated that as part 0= that resolution, asked that the Council not make any major water extensions into the unincorporated area of the County until there was an official water plan. WATER UTILITY SERVICE PLAN .' . . ~ Bartel stated that as part of the work that~llis has been doing with Briscoe Management, has prepared the map with the Planning Office input for the water service area of the City. Ellis stated that basically, they want to present the proposed service area to the Commission and get com- ments and hopefully their appro'il'al on it. Stated that it has been presented to Council at a study session. Ellis explained the location of the proposed service area and submitted a map. Stated that the ;nost im- portant reason for choosing this area is that it con- forms to the current proposed zoning in the County. Stated that the over~ll water utility an~lysis, de- mandes and so forth, the study was made o~ a projec- tion of population within the area bounded by the solid line on the map. Ellis briefly went through what the boundary for the propsec1 ......ater utility service plan Hould be. Ellis explained that basically there is no area within the prcposed 3(::rvice urea tha.t would have lC~83 Uf:f'- sity than one dwelling unit per acre, which is b~sic- r" ,-.... '~ RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves f{)~'" ,- C. T. >lJ,:KrL 5. a & t, C~. ._uu ____._____ ____ _ ---"-----., ------- Continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning February 21, 197~_ more than one car. Further pointed out that he had two accesses to his parking. Vidal made a motion to exempt this addition since it. is not probably that it would be made into a separate unit. Motion seconded by Johnson. Schiffer stated that he felt this project comes within the scope of the exemption section of Ordinance #19. Main Motion All in favor, motion carried. Molny Office/, ~ Residence - V Conceptual Presentation Robin Molny was present to represent the project. Molny explained that he was proposing doing the pro- ject with Dale Eubanks. Stated that there had been some changes since writing the letter to the Commis- sion. Molny stated that the land in question, at the end of East Hyman Avenue, will fall within the stream margL1 regulations. Stated it contains 13,045.7 square feet. Submitted map of land and located proposed project. Molny stated that they were proposing to move bJO vi c- torians onto the site. Houses are currently located on the corner of Original and Durant. Stated that one of the houses gets moved for another project regard- less. Molny stated that his original intent was to take the small Victorian which he now owns and place it on the property. Stated that Bartel had reviewed the site and had very serious reservations that the proposed area should be left open, and Molny agreed. Stated that at that point, tried to put a package t.ogetl1er, as per his description in the letter. Bartel also suggested transferring density. Molny stated that Eubanks' use would be residential and his own use would be office and residential. Molny showed houses as they are now on the site. State, that the configuration of the land dicates this pro- posal. Molny stated that in his house, would have a rental unit on the first floor, his own residence and office downstairs. Stated that Eubanks proposal was that he W(Juld live downstairs, possibly, and convert the house into two apartments from ground up and one apartment in the basement. Stated that Bartel had reservations about this. Stated that another item which is of sed.ous concern to the applicants is the fact that if they put parking on the site, will probably take a great deal of land fill to create a level space. Feel this would be detrimental. Chairman Gillis questioned how many units, not in- cluding offices, arc they proposing. Molny stated that there would be five. Stated that his office could easily be converted into another ren- -~- "."', ........,...i>..... ,.....,., ....." RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 1 GO Leaves r",~" . C_!. "",(':Ul~. s. 1< ~_ -- ________n._._____._ -.--~_._--_.- continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning February 21, 1974 tal unit. Stated that presently the property under Chapter 24 is capable of supporting 8 unlimited and one limited unit. Vagneur questioned how this project would fit in with the proposed downzoning of the entire mixed residential area. Vagneur further questioned if Mr. Eubanks would be in- tending to use this as part of the housing on the com- mercial building which he is proposing. Molny stated that there was no connection. vidal stated that he felt they could not get away with having no parking, feel that it would not be practical. Molny stated that they recognize parking as a problem and fe~t the contour survey would reveal more. Stated that if it was the feeling of the Commission that the applicant should attempt to provide on site parking, they will. Would rather do all or nothing. Molny stated that there were some other problems which he would like to raise. Stated that the applicants would be dividing the property equally as follows: Down the middle of the two lots and then on an angle to the center line of the river. Stated that lots are required to front on the street, and would assume that that is from the standpoint of fire protection. Ms. Baer stated that she would assume that was requirec due to circulation and fire protection. Vidal questioned how the applicant planned on getting access to the back lot. Molny stated that if the applicant had no parking, would walk. Stated he could not do preliminary plans on the project until he has received the contonr sur- vey. Felt that fires could be fought on the back lot. Stated that in order for Mrs. Carr to sell the appli- cant to sell us the easement, technically she needs an exemption from subdivision regulations. Molny stated that the applicant would like an exemp- tion from subdivision regulations because they~e drawing a line down the middle. Vidal stated that he would require more research done in terms of building permits, etc... Wanted to know if the Commission could create a site without access. Molny stated that it was his intention to discuss the matter with the City Attorney. Ms. Baer asked the applicants if they could hold it in common. Molny stated that would not be possible because it com- plicates the mortgage. Stated it would make finilTlcin(j difficult. Chairman Gillis stated that he felt the Co~nission ",,", -- /~\ ....., RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves ,'''''., C.f.H'cCH',-8.a,!ll.'o. continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning February 21, 197~ should make a site inspection. Stated he was con- cerned about doing the filling by the river. Molny stated that he had not necessarily said that parking would have to go in the center. Jenkins stated that he felt another consideration was density. Felt that six units on that area was too great. Molny stated that it was slightly more than half of present zoning. Questioned what the Commission would be comfortable with. Vidal questioned how many square feet were contained in the houses. Molny stated that under Mixed Residential in the Aspen Land Use Plan, feel that this project falls in that categol:Y. Schiffer pointed out that the applicant was required to explain and describe how it applies to those con- ditions. Molny pointed out that in the Aspen Land Use Recom- mendations it says, "Properties located in the desig- nated mixed residential land use category and the pro- j ect complies with the use recommendations of the 19,73 Aspen General Land Use Plan by providing for a mix of residential uses interspersed with limited amounts of professional office uses." Schiffer added that it also requires that it be in areas where these conditions presently exist. Ques- tioned if there were otter offices in that area. Molny stated that there were none to his knowledge. Vagneur stated that she felt the project vla~' too dense. I,andry stated that she too felt the project was too intense. Stated that she did not object to the use. Stated that she would rather see three living u~its ane an office. Vagneur stated that there was a doctors office within two blocks. Schiffer stated that he did not have any personal pro- blems with the office, but has problem with broaden- ing the statute that the Commission has to work with. Vagneur questioned Schiffer on what distance another office should be to be considered in the area. Stated that there was a business office within 4 blocks. Vidal stated that he felt the Commission could approve anything that was acceptable in the old zone. Was zoned AR. Schiffer stated that that was not his interpretation. Feel the Commission does not have that discretion. -6- <"""'-" ""'\ -' RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS lon Leaves P)"'" '1 ---. :. F', ~,'(TKn J. O.,~ ,. C? , , continued Meeting Aspen Planning & Zoning February 21, 1974 Molny stated that another unit in this proposal turned into another professional office would be illegal. Jenkins stated that he did not feel there was any pro- blem with putting an office in that area. Chairman Gillis pointed out that he enco:.Iraged doing something with the old Victorian houses, but felt the applicant should cut down on the density. Molny stated that as far as uses were concerned, ques- tioned the Commission on what "arE-a" actually meant. Further questioned if they could get approval con- ditioned upon an interpretation from the City Attorney on whether or not that would be an acceptable use in that area. Vidal stated that he would like to see the applicant return with alternatives as to how many spaces that they could get access to, etc... Molny stated that Eubanks is willing to drop from three units to two, and stated that he (Molny) would still like to do what he is proposing because it is a house and would like to put his office and living unit in the basement oriented toward the river, with the house remaining basically the way it is now. Molny submitted pictures of the houses. Stated that in order to be converted into the proposed dwelling units, would have to be re-arranged. Stated that the house is QOOO square feet, Jenkins stated that when you start talking about any- thing in the area of 20 units per acre, feel that is entirely too dense for that are3-. Jenkins stated that at the modified R-6 would give 8 units or four duplexes per acre. Molny questioned if this was an area which t.he C:::>m- mission is actively considering rezoning R-6. Vidal pointed out that it was an area which would be amended in the Ordinance #19 map. Pointed out that in a mixed residential zone, the Planning Office has rec- ommended a downzoning. vidal stated that he would like to see what the park- ing would look like before evaluating the site. Felt that there was no argument against use at this point and that the Commission was concerned with density. Chairman Gillis stated that the Commission would not vote on this project at this meeting, but would ask the applicant to return with more information on con- ceptual. .Tohnson stated that he felt the Commission should not ignore the fact that this project is saving two Vic- torian houses in Aspen. Molny stated that he did not wish to deceive the Crnn- mission, but there is a possibility that they would -7- ~ r, "'-'E~~l~. e_" I. 0 1"'''>.. ......,- , " \ -, RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Aspen Planning & Zoning February 21, 1974 continued Meeting Aspen Cooperative Housing Partnership - Conceptual Presen- tation not be as they are now. Schiffer reminded the Commission that they have 30 days to act on this project unless the applicant wishc to waive the 30 day limit. Vagneur stated that she would like to see the build- ings go two and two, without putting a protective COVE nant on the use of Molny's office. Landry stated that she agreed. Johnson stated he would like to review the site be- fore making any decision. Jenkins stated that he had no problem with the use or the transfer of density. Rick Farrell, Baryard Hovdesven, Dr. Bill Wesson and Monte Hughes \-lere present to represent the project. Farrell stated that the applicants have optioned the property located on South Monarch Street, down hill from the Caribou Condominiums. Stated that they were proposing to build a fourplex for their own use. Stated that each one of them would end up owning one of the units that results. Farrell submitted memo to the Commission showing con-- ceptual site plan. Stated that the architecture sug- gested in the memo was very preliminary. Hoped the Commission would consider density and use rather than the exact building layout. Stated that the general idea was a towhouse type unit with two bedrooms, two baths, living room, kitchen and dining room and pos- sibly a small basement ~rea for storage. Chairman Gillis question~d if the applicant felt that circulation would be a problem. Farrell stated that it could be because any time you have a dead-end street, not an attractive planning situation. Stated that there is a street below what is known as the Hirst Apartments, which provides some circulation. Chairman Gillis questioned if one parking place per unit would satisfy their needs. Farrell stated that it would. Vagnuer questioned if the proposal was to limit these units to the owners use and not to be used as rental units. Farrell stated that they would prefer not to put some covenant on it over an indefinite period. Stated that he would not live in this unit forever, and since it is in a tourist zone, at some time he would probably sell it. Feel that putting a covenant on it would restrict future marketability. Felt that if it does revert to a tourist use, that would be appropriate. Farrell further stated that he would probably rent. -8-