HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ex.Shadow Mountain Association J L MEMORANDUM --_.._._,---~-------'--------_._-~_. .__._------_..__..._--_.._-----~---------------------_.- TO: PI"J!'!: RE: DATE: Aspen Ci ley Council , ' "J J'olcnc Vl"Chot':'l, Plilnrllng '-;. Shadoh' NounL::.l.in T-\ssociatc,; Subdivi~.;j.on Exemption 1'1ay 10, 1979 This is an applicat.icn for subdivision exemption to condominiu~l\ize a duplex to be built on the southeast corne:: of Hopkins and Second Street.: The three-lot parcel of 9,000 square feet is in R-6. Both three bedroom units will be sold as high-income pr:operty. Ordinance #39 does not apply to this condominilli"Ttization because the buildings, of courso, have no history as employee rental units. Ron St.ock recormnends approval of the e):e1.11F't.ion "provided that the property is deed resticted 1:;0 :;ix-month minimum leases with no marc than tvl0 shor:ter tenancies per year1l. :' , The Planning Office also received a recomrnendRt.1.on for conditional approval from the Engineering DepartD'..:.~nt. (S~e attached memo dated April 10, 1979.) Nwnbcr 2, provision of a joint electric and communication ut.ility co.sernent on site, is unnecessary according to Stogie Naddalone. Dave Ellis discussed the remaining three provisions vlith the applicants and came to an agreement on each condit5on. i ~' i: On April 17, the Planning and Zoning Commission :rccomme:nded approval of subc1.ivision exernption with the following conditions: 1. The property shall be deed restricted to six-month minimum leases with no more than two shorter tenancies per year. 2. A standard five-foot sidewalk shall be constructed along both the Hopkins Avenue and Second Street frontages of the property. 3. The applicant shall provide some fonn of barriers to assure c~istcnce of six angle parking spaces. 4.. A revised site plan shall be subrni.tted sho.,.,j_ng all improvements together with the parking provisions. The Planning Office recommends approval of the application conditioned on approval of the above provisions 2, 3, and 4 by the City Engineer. JV/pr ':",.,--- A-ppv-ovJ ::J.C.'l (~u~'( w :~ ~ ;;).0 0 vl.-<- 4 , Chv M7 /0 /9?-1 c C? ~r -It "",-S p(veS to kctl' f'I'~ tv J or'" ~! ~7 Ovve- f;-.-.~d (e/i5- J I' (L \' un' I "es J ;"/Y'OV~~ . ~. JeS -/Y/ds ;:;;LS --------------- -I-p ukd~gi/c),uJ , C' .' " ~L . -~ /1 .:j f I :-... " ~ ,,{\\ J I " -.. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission Jo1ene Vrchota, Planning Office Shadow Mountain Associates, Subdivision Exemption April 12, 1979 This is an application for subdivision exemption and condominiumization for a duplex to be built on the southeast corner of Hopkins and Second Street. The three-lot parcel of 9,000 square feet is in an R-6 zone. Both three-bedroom units will be sold as high-income property. Ordinance No. 39 does not apply to this condominiumization because the buildings, of course, have no rental history as low, moderate, or middle income units. Ron Stock recommends approval of the exemption "provided that the property is deed restricted to six-month minimum leases with no more than two shorter tenancies per year." The Planning Office also received a recommendation for approval from the Engineering Department. Dave Ellis did, however, request that the following conditions be fulfilled: 1. That a standard five-foot sidewalk be constructed along both the Hopkins Avenue and Second Street frontages of the property; 2. That a joint public electric and communication utility easement be granted on site; 3. That the parking be revised to provide for six head-in spaces since there is no guarantee that the angle parking configuration can be enforced; and 4. That a revised site plan be submitted showing all improvements together with the parking and utility easement. The Planning Office recommends approval of subdivision exemption and condominiumization conditioned on a deed restriction for six-month minimum leases and on Dave Ellis' four conditions above, with a revised plat submitted to him prior to submission to City Council. ,"">_r"'~-'-_~__'-~'~--.__~_~. ~._"'_"~"_"M_ -. City Of Aspen Planning Department Dear Sirs, This is our, ( Shadow Mountain Associates ) formal letter of application for Subdivision Exemption and Condominium- ization. In accordance with Ordinance 39 we will herein il- lustrate the in question property, (Lots A, B, & C of Block 53, City Of Aspen) and demonstrate that no applicable change will occur due to the subdivision and consequent condominiumization of the hereinabove mentioned property. First the planned de- velopment of said property shall be solely the construction of one Duplex on now vacant lots at the corner of 2nd Street and Hopkins. Each side of which shall consist of three bedrooms and three baths with the usual other amenities including three off street parking stalls for each side of the Duplex. Each unit in this Duplex is approximately 3500 Sq. Ft. , three levels, and will be sold during construction or upon completion as high income pro- perty. The Zoning for the hereinabove mentioned property is presently R-6 and formal approval for construction by the Build- ing Department has been issued. As there is no pre-existing structure, rental information, and on your offices advice it is our contention that questions raised in Ordinance 39 are not ap- plicable to this property. Any additional information that is deemed necessary we will gladly provide. Sincerley Yours, <-~5-=-=;rvi ~'C{!~/?::J!,-, ~ Frank E. Christopher II Return to I Box 8449 Aspen, Colo. Phone I 303-925-4754 ------------+--+-.~,..~.-.,~-,,,.,'--~.. _.-'"--~-_.~- CIT 130 s PEN 11EMORANDUM DATE: l-larch 26, 1979 TO: Jo1ene vr~~) Ron S~k Shadow'Moun ain Subdivision FROM: RE: I recommend approval of the above-entitled subdivision exemption provided that the property is deed restricted to six-month minimum leases with no more than two shorter tenancies per year. RWS:mc r i'" MEr10RflNlJUH Aspen Planning and Zoning COllunission FROf1: Jolcnc Vrchota, Planning Office RE: Shadow Hountain Associates, Subdivision Exemption . DATE: April 12, 1979 This is an application for subdivision exemption and condominiumization for a duplex to be built on the southeast corner of Hopkins and Second Street. The three-lot parcel of 9,000 square feet is in an R-6 zone. Both three~bedroom ul)its ~/ill be sold as hi9h-income property. Approf7'tJQ. ~~j , , Ordinance No. 39 does not apply to this condominiumization because the buildings, of course, have no rental history as low, moderate, or middle income units. Ron Stock recommends approval of the exemption "provided that the property is deed restri cted to six-month minimum leases ~Iith no more than two shorter '. tenanci es per year." ~ The Planning Office also received a recommendation for approval from the Engineering Department. Dave Ellis did, however, request that the following conditions be fulfilled: p-.l. That a standard five-foot sidewalk be constructed along both the Hopkins Avenue and Second Street frontages of the property; x 3. That a joint public electric and commun~cation utility easement be - granted on site; - >~ S-~e .J,j~ ,':;, i'<-o-{ ~ That the parking be revised to provide for six head-in spaces since there is. no guarantee .that the angle parkin9 configurat),on can .be _ / enforced, and - ai/4/IGcu,i fb h..-.~ ";C/""""~oY bo-,.-yU.-YJ ~ ( I' r ., ~ :>s<< >-<. q f'''-.'<'1 """ That a revised site plan be submitted showing all improvements together cr with the parking, aRQ Iltilit~' ea'i"tl''i'ntr, -4 ( 4~~, '...:.Y ':\ The Planning Office recommends approval of subdivision exemption and condominiumization conditioned on a deed restriction for six-month minimum leases and on Dave Ellis' [ ,~onditions above, with a revised plat submitted to him pri or to submi ss i on to Clty l.ounci I .~ I ?>., I J 17 '* ~~. ~ tL e-.,~Jd,'h-..-: /, L,-~~ ~~ .~ 1.-- . ~'f~'~ 1.~~ . cJ~ ~ -h-k ~ C:J fc~c~ l7--I!JI<!.