MINUTES September 15, 2011
Case #004 Geary— Access................................................................3
MINUTES September 15, 2011
Charles Paterson opened the special meeting of the City of Aspen Board of
Adjustment in Council Chambers Meeting Room at 4:16 pm. Board members
present were Peter McClain, Charles Paterson, Mark Hesselschwerdt, and Jag
Pagnucco. Rick Head had to resign because he was appointed to the Housing
Authority Board. Staff in attendance were Jim True, Special Counsel; Tricia
Aragon, City Engineer; Amy Guthrie, Community Development; Jackie Lothian,
Deputy City Clerk.
MOTION: Charles Paterson moved to elect Jag Pagnucco as the new chair,
seconded by Peter McClain. All in favor, APPROVED.
Declarations of Conflicts of Interest
Charles Paterson declared he was a next door neighbor to this property and
applicant. Jim True stated that under the city code, anyone who resides within 300
feet of a property that is before a board in which that person participates is deemed
to have a substantial interest in a conflict that would require recusal. Jim said in
this situation since there are only 4 members of the board and 4 members are
required for a quorum and 4 affirmative votes would be required to overturn an
appeal; the city attorney's office has concluded that the applicant is entitled to have
all members present despite the conflict. Jim said it was called a rule of necessity
and occurs occasionally when a majority of board members actually have a conflict
but rather than try to determine who has a more significant conflict then rule says
that all individuals despite the conflict in order to give the board the authority to
operate. Jim said the applicant may have the opportunity to request this board to
continue the matter until a new member is appointed by Council; it would be at the
request of the applicant to proceed that way. The applicant said that they would
like to proceed. Jim said under 26.215.50 the concurring vote of 4 members of the
board then present and voting in the appeal shall reverse any order, requirement,
decision or determination made by an administrative official charged with the
enforcement of the title, so in this particular situation because it is an appeal of the
determination of the City Engineer denying the variance and it requires 4
affirmative votes, so this has to be unanimous.
MOTION: Charles Paterson moved to approve the minutes of July 7" seconded
by Mark Hesselschwerdt. All in favor, APPROVED5-0.
MINUTES September 15, 2011
Case #004-11 — 1102 Waters Avenue — curb cut variance
Jag Pagnucco opened the public hearing on Case #004-11 for 2 driveway access
points for 1102 Water Avenue. Tricia Aragon, City Engineer, said the applicant is
appealing the decision of city engineer to allow 2 driveway access point whereas
the code only allow for one access point.
Tricia Aragon utilizing power point projected the memo onto the screen; the
property is the result of a recent lot split; lot 14 of the Calderwood Subdivision.
Lot 1 was a voluntary historic lot split for a historic designation for an existing ski
home designed by Fritz Benedict. Lot 2 of the split is under discussion tonight.
This is R-15 Zone District allows for only 1 vehicle access point. The code does
allow for a variance but unusual conditions must exist; topography, drainage,
existing landscaping, improvements in the right of way, existing building or
improvements on private property or special use requirements for the properties.
Tricia said that she determined there wasn't an unusual condition for a variance so
that was why she did not approve the variance for this property. Tricia showed a
photo of the property with the 2 driveway access points outlines in red; her
concerns about the access point had to do with water quality and urban runoff
management plan. Tricia said there was connected impervious area where the
driveway may drain onto Waters Avenue and decreases the water quality, which
could impact the Roaring Fork River water quality.
Doug Rager introduced himself as the architect and Scott Geary, Bonnie Geary
Greeney and Susan Geary Griffin were the owners. Doug said that they had work
sessions with the HPC and he had minutes from the last HPC meeting where they
supported the 2 curb cuts. Doug said the driveways could be permeable and the
driveways would be 10 foot driveways and they are allowed 18 feet for each
driveway. Doug said the properties had special conditions; it was an odd piece of
property created by a lot split for the preservation of the historic resource. Doug
said the lot wasn't very deep; the building envelope was barely deeper than a 2 car
garage. Doug said that Waters is a cul-de-sac with not a lot of traffic and has a,lot
of perpendicular parking and they are adjacent to multifamily even ihough they
were R-15.
Scott Geary stated there was a lot of merit in the 20 foot curb cuts rather than 36
feet cub cuts. Charles Paterson said that one of the rules was to show a hardship or
practical difficulty and asked the applicant to expound on that. Doug said the
practical difficulty has to do with the building envelope itself; he cut out an 8 inch
garage to show the mass and you lose your living area so a single car garage is half
MINUTES September 15, 2011
the span. Doug said it was an unusual lot and on the top of the slope. Mark
Hesselschwerdt asked if they were required to do curb and gutter and sidewalk.
Doug replied in the variance application he asked that curb and gutter not be
required and the neighborhood does not have curb and gutter. Tricia stated that it
is in a curb and gutter zone; if you want to remove curb and gutter that is fine but
drainage still needs to be conveyed. Doug asked how you integrate curb and gutter
when there is not any to match up to. Tricia replied you maybe would enter into an
agreement and it is hard for her to say since she hasn't seen a proposal for the
drainage. Tricia said when the applicant comes in for a building permit application
they can propose what they plan for drainage. Doug said it was a simple request.
Public Comments:
1. Georgean Waggaman, public, said as a neighborhood they have discussed
this and everyone in Calderwood subdivision is against curb and gutter; it is
a rural section back there. There are lots of permeable driveways and the
thought of a 2 car garage entrance on the street is totally out of keeping with
the whole neighborhood.
Peter McClain said he was in favor of granting this variance because the design fits
into the neighborhood. Mark Hesselschwerdt said there is no curb and gutter in
this neighborhood and agrees with 2 cuts. Jag Pagnucco agreed and said there was
a hardship with the lot configuration. Mark said with historic splits like this really
generate some odd lots and this is obviously and odd lot with Top of Slope
contributing to it.
MOTION: Peter McClain moved to grant the variance request for 2 access
points for driveways at 10 feet each with Resolution 004-11 with a permeable
surface on both driveways and give up the right to a future driveway on Lot 1,
seconded by Mark Hesselschwerdt. Roll call vote: Charles Paterson, yes; Mark
Hesselschwerdt, yes; Peter McClain, yes; Jag Pagnucco, yes. APPROVED 4-0.
Adjourned at 4:50 pm.
Lothian, Deputy City Clerk