Chairman Jon Busch, called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. In attendance
were Eric Cohen and Bill Dinsmoor. Terry Butler and John Starr were
Bill brought up the issue of the delivery vehicle ordinance not being
entbrced. In specifics, the Wheeler alley. The delivery trucks are in the
street after 11:00 a.m. and it is difficult to get around them. The trucks need
to get in earlier and out on time.
Staffwill contact the Parking and Community Safety offices to look into the
Eric relayed that the City Market area is worse and the 18-wheelers block
the street.
Bill asked for clarification of The Caribou Alley in the Brand Bldg. It has DA
coverage and the concern is whether it shoul'd be covered or if they got a
permit for the canopy/coverage.
The entire CCLC board felt that staff should do a site visit occasionally to
observe code violations. They feel enforcement should not just be
complaint driven.
Reports of violations:
1) The store next to Fed-X on Cooper, Little bear antiques have a table and
chairs out on the sidewalk.
2) The T-shirt next to double diamond has a rack.
3) Zona has six pieces of furniture on the sideWalk.
4) The Hub has their bikes extending into the sidewalk.
5) Pam Driskol has her statues in the mall at a gallery.
Bill said Hyman mall has a statue in the middle of the mall.
6) In & Out has tables.
Bill said one of the concerns of the In & Out house is the lack ora public
Jon said they are not serving but the concern is what if everyone put
furniture out in the public right-of-way.
Staff relayed that the In & Out house is corresponding with the gas station
regarding their bathroom issue,
Bill said the Popcorn Wagon used the public bathrooms but it is private
property vs. the public right-of-way.
The CCLC suggested that a bench be put in front of the In & Out house.
In the past CCLC has never allowed a private business the use of the public
right-of-way for vending purposes. What is the appropriate furniture for the
public right-of-way? CCLC felt that the furniture should resemble the
approved DEPP furniture.
Bill was asked by John Sarpa to have a car on the mall. Bill suggested that
he check with Tim Ware regarding the taxi space as the CCLC has been
denying cars on the mall due to the damage on the mall bricks. The Parks
Dept. also has concerns about the weight of the cars on the mall brick.
Display outside the Food & Wine tent is a concern. Is it appropriate or was
it approved to have someone with a wine blow up bottle march around
Jon said the Alternative Edge skateboard shop has a neon sign that is visible
from the public right-of-way. Staff will forward the complaint to zoning.
Jon feels that the enforcement should not have to be totally citizen drive.
Staff should take action. It should not have to be CCLC to take action with
the different departments to get something done regarding enforcement.
Bill complimented the Electric Departmem on the painting of the light polls
and the good work that is being done to restore them.
Jon: The replaced bricks on Mill Street DEPP project in some areas is too
high but nothing can be done as the project is finished. They were laid too
rough. Ed Sadler should be informed due to safety issues.
Chris Bendon, senior long range planner relayed that the infill projects will
be a six month commitment for the volunteers.
Infill development of the commercial area of town will be addressed and the
older parts of town. TDR's will be discussed and should we accept them
from the county. Affordable housing by-downs will be discussed. Code
revisions will also be explored.
Jon said his fear regarding the Civic Center is that the people of the Theatre
in the Park want to build their performing arts center down in the park.
Chris relayed that there are numerous independent issues and all of the
issues should be done in a coordinated fashion. The drainage from the
Galena Plaza down into the parking garage creates a huge financial
maintenance burden. The ways that can be fixed might lead to different
opportunities. It is in the order of $100,000 a year to deal with the drainage
into the parking garage. The drainage was the initial genesis for the report.
The fire station wants to move and the Theatre in the Park. What are all of
the issues of city; is the cop shop adequate, is there a need for a detox
center? There are enough density issues that need to be addressed in an
overall manner.
Jon said certainly the Civic Center Master plan needs to look beyond the
boarders of the block around city hall to the river. The functions of the
Theatre in the Park could be accomplished by an addition to the Wheeler.
Eric and Bill will be the representatives on the infill board.
MALL LEASE - Hannibal Brown's - Hyman Mall
Patrick Hibler informed the board that he has taken over the old Howling
Wolf space arid relayed that they will not open until August. The same
fence will be used and there will be no wake station due to the damage in
the past that has occurred on the mall bricks. It will be relocated at the
bottom of the stairs in the patio. It is quite crowded at the top and doesn,t
look good.
Eric asked about the theme of the restaurant.
Patrick relayed that it is "feel good food", healthy food. Pam Goldman,
from the Sunflower restaurant in E1 Jebel will be the chef. Free range meat
will be served.
Hannibal Brown's is the name of the restaurant have Aspen's hiStoric
figure during the 20's. He is on the cover of Aspen, the quiet year's book.
He was a bootlegger. Live music will occur five nights'a week starting at
9:00 p.m..
Patrick said his concern is balancing the music scene. The interior will be
changed extensively.
Jon relayed that umbrellas cannot over-hang the fence and NO advertising
On the umbrellas is permitted.
Bill moved to approve the mall lease for Hannibal Brown~s; second by Jon.
All in favor, motion carried.
Nick Lelack, City planner relayed that Randy Woods will be doing infill
housing at a work session with I-IPC.
The In and Out house applied to Engineering for an encroachment. The
Dept. was then notified that an encroachment could not be issued because
they had no legal authority to do it, as the municipal code does not allow
vending outside the mall area.
CCLC supports the revoking of the encroachment license.
Nick informed the board that Bentleys called about tables and chairs in the
expanded sidewalk on Mill Street. To allow this, would require an
amendment to the municipal code. There is also the Historic District to be
Jon feels review of outside seating/street furniture is in the purview of the
CCLC if it is in the commercial core. Seating could be placed in pedestrian
friendly areas and it encourages people to hang out downtown. The CCLC
or city could put in benches etc. that do not require vending agreements etc.
in the right-of-way. Main Street bakery and Explorer are areas where
seating could be placed. The precedent has been set by the DEPP program.
Jon reminded the board of bicycle' racks and CCLC paid for some of them
and reviewed the placement of the bike racks and a standard style was
Bill relayed his concern of people putting stuffout in the right-of-way.
There is a safety issue, trash issue and he has concerns of funding benches
in the public right-of-way for commercialization in one way or another.
Staff relayed that there should be a standard for all businesses to follow.
Jon said more drinking fountains are needed downtown.
Eric said the standard should be set with the DEPP design of benches. He
also feels that the businesses should be buying the benches.
Jon said there are two sides to the issue, if the business is buying the
benches they will have a certain sense of ownership in the public-right-of-
way. The bicycle racks were a combination of two things: review by
CCLC for appropriate placement and people would come in and request one
and if the board agreed a bike rack would be placed in that location, pending
approval for other departments etc. The In and Out house could come in
and relay their concern.for tables and benches and CCLC could review it.
This procedure would be pro-active.
Street furniture that is an approved design could be a tax credit for giving it
to the city.
Bill said he has several concerns: He is not sure that CCLC should be
funding benches etc. Possible both parties should be involved in the
funding. Each area creates another trash pickup area by the city. Auxiliary
impacts need to be determined before decisions are made. This entire issue
needs thought out, what other businesses would be an outgrowth of this.
Para Driskol has art in the mall and Hyman mall has a galle~ selling
bronzes in the mall.
Staff relayed that Zele' has indoor seating and a public bathroom. Anyone
can use there outside seating and it was an open space requirement.
Jon said the concept is extending the idea of the bicycle racks throughout
Eric said if they buy the bench it needs to be noted that it does not belong to
the business. Other people can use or sit on the bench.
The board felt that ifa new bench is going in the right-of-way the old blue
one in the public right-of-way should be removed.
Bill said that outside seating for restaurants regarding the DEPP project was
never addressed or approved.
The board felt that the proposed outside seating would encroach into the
expanded walkway and they are against it. It is a sidewalk not a mall and
liquor should not be served on the sidewalk unless everything is re-thought.
Bill said outside seating was never part of the DEPP project. The European
concept was discussed but it was denied and the DEPP project is for
pedestrian traffic not to fill it up with tables and chairs to support the
businesses that had businesses in those areas.
Nick said Julie Ann felt it was part of the DEPP concept but was never
Jon said a minimum standard would have to be adopted for public
movement if this is pursued. Bentley's is in the historic district. They
would have to go down the stairs outside of the fenced area in order to serve
alcohol which is illegal. They servers would have to go out into the public
right-of-way and back in which is illegal.
Frequently patrons drink on the steps which is a violation of the liquor law
and the area is not policed.
An encroachment license should not be given to people in order to sell their
wares in the public right-of-way.
Nick relayed that he will explore the issues with the city manager which are:
Right-of-way ~ssues
Serving alcohol
Health Department
Is it worth pursuing a code if there are not spots to accommodate these
Jon said Bentley's is unique and it is different bec~iuse it is serving.
Jon also said furniture, bike racks are clearly not encroachments, they are
amenities for the public.
Jon said he and Bill were on the DEPP program and clearly Bentley's was
not part of the approval. Bentley's is difficult because the seating cannot
be served from Bentley's. Service is an issue.
The CCLC feels the In & Out house should remove their furniture because
it violates city codes. It will take two months to resolve the problems but in
the interim a city bench could be installed.
The display of for sale merchandise like Zona, etc. would require a code
A simple request for street furniture in which the business buys is already
happening with the purchase of the bike racks, memorial benches etc. The
city maintains the furniture.
The CCLC unanimously supports the revocation of the encroachment
MOTION: Jon moved to adjourn; second by Bill. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk