HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ex.729 W Francis St.1977 < , " Recorded 3:05 P.M. h"ri1 4,1978 Julie Hane Recorder Reception II 202948 \,1l!(315 ~626 STATElffiNT OF EXEMPTION FROM THE DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION .lliEREAS Harvey Carter is the o"~er of a parcel of land located in Pitkin County, Colorado, more particularly described as: Lots C and D, Block 16, City of Aspen Pitkin County, Colorado WHEREAS the Applicant has an existing duplex located on Lots C and D, Block 16, and f WHEREAS Applicant has requested an exemption from the definition of subdivision for the purpose of subdividing the existing duplex through condominiumization, and WHEREAS the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission, at its meeting held on the /::,,'- day of ~/, 19 7'7 , deter- mined that an exemptIOrlfrom the e ~n~tion of siibCITVision is appropriate and recommended that the same be granted, and WHEREAS the City Council determined that the subdivision of the existing duplex through condominiumization is not within the intent and purpose of the subdivision ordinance set forth in Chapter 20 of the Aspen Hunicipal Code, THEREFORE, the City Council of Aspen, Colorado, does hereby determine that the proposed subdivision of the duplex located on Lots C and D, Block 16, City of Aspen, by its condominiumization, is not within the intents and purpose of the subdivision ordinance and does, for such reason, grant an exemption from the definition of such action, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any existing tenants be given written notice when their units are offered for sale, which notice shall specify the sale price. Each tenant shall have a 90-day option to purchase this unit at this price. In addition, each tenant shall have a 90-day exclusive non-assignable right of first refusal to purchase his/her unit which shall commence when a bona fide offer is made by a third person and accepted by the owner. In the event that such offer is made while the 90-day option is still in effect, the tenant may purchase the unit for the amount of the initial sales price or the amount of the bona fide offer, whichever is less, and, provided, however, that all units shall be rest .cted ix- (6) month minimum leases with no more than tw ) ort tenancies per year. DATED: March 1.2...-, 1978. <"~ .>.--~' ~/ MAYOR ~ c!!?' / \ '{' ;/ \~' ~,~', -1., t " ~[)O1( 345 PACE 627 I, KATHRYN S. HAUTER, do hereby certify that the foregoing Statement of Exemption from the Definition of Sub4iv~sion was considered and approved by the Aspen City Counci,'l> at its regular meeting held Monday, ~ :I!L,~9 ~'l.' ,At which time the Hayor, Stacy Standley, III, w<l,s .,tt\:thpJ;,i~eP;ltP execute the same on behalf of the City of As"'eJ;l,F " S ..... ' _,1'(".'1,-"'. ~., . .~. . ~"" (" ""'" "''Js.:,'-' . ~. ~ ' · .;~t\' AL'(' ~ _,;),:_,.I,.J _ : I ~ 3~;UJ~?~ ;,<. :../ STA~"O'F"COLORADO .;;;~. ~ ' C0UNTYOF PITKIN ~ti)J4~) THRYN S(J AUTER, CITY CLERK ) ) ss. ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this ~ day of March, 1978, by Stacy Standley, III, and Kathryn S. Hauter, personally known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Aspen. Witness my hand and official seal. ..Q-,,\r:,:, :./0 . My commission expires My CsmlTds:iBR 8J:pirc ,;Z.:I;;J;j 31, 1:-;$~\ . .", ", ''v,' " v'.' r '1 "fl ' .< : ,j' c. d'"' -~- .,,-{>- <..-..-v ' , .- 1.../, ("'. '\ J ~'.J- U ' \,' ( i \ .' . -2- (\ \J 11~~j\J)ilr 1-1r'(' 1 j JI~J l\~:p('j) Ci 1y C()\ll)(' NnVr'Hll,f'r ) Ij. 1.')'1"1 d 01 :;LrU"!llJ'f'. '!'Il('l~(' \'/f'j"() 1'\,I() C(J)Wr'l-)I~; v(,icr'IJ 1.'/ tIll' I' I, :/" '1\11('1(' Ii,!'] IH'I~ll ,Ill (>~:l:t''-I lldt ,in t)j(' h;j:;('l~\(:nl. '1')1(' l,ui lr!~-1\'~ dr']lillUlil'ld illV',:;Lilj<llr'rJ j I:i.. 'j'JI")'(' j,;; <1 11<;\'r';III'I'r It) \t'JHlr'lll'lul.l frolii )'p'l(']- n()J-.r'nr:l'-.d \':):(1 iJ!:;jl('l:L,'d lh" IJ\I_iJditl'-l. 'j'LI')!.' \)<1:: d (,oul.-'l_cl/dl'l 1.0 -(:IIlOV(' llir, thinl llJ]jl CJ,t,/[{J:1 J.1",/lIJjlJ, ])l1ildiij(J j)I::p"cl(JI"1 fr;]1)11J thcll ill) iJli)]q?; !1::r1 ".'1')-; dt~,J,11 \\,jLh (;.:<:,,),[. 1)1" /)1: 1'!('i~ll icLty. 'I'h\~ jJLllIO;l:Q or-fic'" rcr'(J)',jd('lld:; ill'.!l C(lU1IC,ij ~!'P]"("JI' tL<: :;\)J,divi:;!oJI c;':"];lf,ti,,)) ,~f.lli'j';'_'l lo il,,' t]I)-('(' ~:lolJili"I!! cf.lI"J'J'I, (1) :;iy. l:I"l:th ,~injlllulll J('(1:;(', ()) ~o diiy fil.-:;L ) j'Ji:L 01 ](du:;,ll, ilJlU (3) ,-I)ld l'':l~/m('nj of the U:llk d(-'(Ih~il- . j on f ('c~ 1 ;, llU th~l! ULi_oJ tu l'( 'co nLi_nu Ul(; 2/. 0 ';l~1'V j C{,' llc ( C'jliovcd. :Ollnci1J:i:ln !h>llrUlclt JiI\)V"U to i-Il'jJ)"(J\'c' tlle' ~~u)Jdi,/j,: 'cJndjtinn'~ a~; 1j~;lcd itWj thilt tJl(' )t~O he' JeIll0vr,(1; ',:LVel]" vii t)J the c'xcc'plion of Coune) llil,HJ Ilc~r~_~h()y. i_OJi (,;':t 'lii),l ion \".1 ell ;'~(~C01ICk'd )''i Cnllllci Jllotiol1 c:l1Ticd. tlle:' tliu'c' ~;t'iJ:ddnl ITltan Van J.JL':~::;' 1111 in ;llBI)JVJ~~JO)) FXU.JJ'TJm: ...; Ilc~llcr '1'J jplr,x ~ilnc cxpJil,in(:d tn C(Jull(:j1 thi~_; i~; tl three unjt trjplc'x on the corner of ~}tllt'r~; all(l '<'c'st ~I)d. City Ell\jinccJ TJi:\'C: Ellj,; in,_;),eClcd U\0 ~;it:(, and found LlJc~ sidc\':iJlk lJ(ln-c'xi.~;tc~n1 and If;]:(~d tJ]{;y ill;;LnJl il ,:;Jc!cwcllL. 'J'iv' p.1allninSj ()1cfic:e n'cull1illl')ld:; app,'o"/C::-Il of tho suhci.ivi,';ioll ~XC1:1pL~Olj \,'i-Lh :~iz nnnllj minimum l(-,il'>(' YC;;lLlcLion, 90 cldY ri{Jhl of fir~;t rC'fu~;"l, t!nr1 ;iIYJ.'~~)it 1)[ puTl; rlcd5c0tion icc~>1 aJlu ~;dLi.'.;factic)!l of the Cily l.:n~Jin(:cr'.'> requircl1H'lil to r,,;t<,l.J !l ;,iclc\':,:llk. Ktlne 1:o1c1 Council tlJat all Ulljl."~ "JeTe 'iLoul tl:(~ ~;ilwe size, SOU :,quarc; :ooL. ;idcon Li1)-i:;llun, rcvrc)scntin'] no] .leI', told Counc_l1 tho.t- upon jn~e,;p('ct:jon of tbe pn:l"j ;;('.'i, it ibcl'.',':; t).;j\ 1:0 '(11E' ha~; ~;jl1("",'Lllks \yith.ll1 t.'dO hlocJ:s of the: place. K()ufJ:1,JJl sur:JCj(H,t-jnlj joinin'J ,I .';iclr---,\",<!lk jlilproV'3ncnt district and not_ puttin9 ill a .'-;ideVli:llk until uther !)('oplc: 10. :oun(: [,1\'.'U;;!011 JS outJinccl; ,]0]1,n.";to11 secolld('c! moved to i1pprovc the GuLclivision by CO\llicillTllill JJC'r~~llC'Y. cx(:mptj 0))' yli tll ttlC four conditioJls :ollncil1:L!1l \lon l'Jcss staled be had never ~;e(;n anything LCllc'ficial allouL s.idc~\.".al):s .in a ~e:;oic1cllli:t'] ,,_n":l. Cement pavements is inc()n~;iGLC;i1t v:.ith \..'l;,'iL. Council [.;Lands fcn. Council- ."~rn<ln llol1n."_~ton \'.'1. Lhdr('.<l UIC cond.1iion for sidewalk;; [rom her rnoljon. ~ity LrisjnC'L'l' ElLi~; told Council that gener,d_ly he has not a,c;]:c9 for sic10'.-!<llks ,.I-,( ~~c there l:-C none or WhCTl_' it does not apj)c,'lT to be likely in the future. 'j\b1.,_; is i'I \'( ~gh iensi ty <.Ired 1 unCI the sic1(-~w~l1J: is approved on the sidc",'dlk plan approvc1('l in lSl"i \.11 ill favor, with the exception of Coul1cUman Del1rcndt. notion can icd. )uB~~1~2_~~_}__~_\~__G\Er.iP.:t]2B - c.::nter. LJcpl(~x * ~ J,l_' (ane tohi CueJlejl this Duplcox is locutcd at 779 \h:sl Frclncis. Thc' PJ<lnr.1jnQ Off.iC(' :cC(l]:1mc');c];- ,lprrovill \,:ilh the three :;Lancli:rd c(jn:1i.tioll;~; si:;..; manUl rental restr.ictic'l1, )0 d21:{ r.i~Jht. of first refusZll, ond lJ'lVmCl,t oj the l'-lrJ" rl0rli('i-1j-in)1 f0" i ~ounc.i .l\'.'0n,:l;) "1ohn~::;tO)1 movc,c1 t.o approve t;~C' Yutl i lled; :_>'CO!lClr'd by Councilnian Ilc-rsJlcy. ."3ulxl__ivif:;1.on c>:cmplion \'7.1 t], the All .in fovur, motion carried. conch -tj o"s as JunLIC J]; ,\i::1NG -. Use of H(>vcnuc Sk,ring Funds ~ Iil)'or Standley Ol_)cflcrl the public h~~lLiWI, COt~nci']\'7Cfl1l:11 aohnston r.oJntcd out Ulo'lt the ;'edcl"cll GO\'~HlJrn('nt \'.'i11 accept ,J r,licl-ccnsu;: flCit,rC, \','h1cl1 i:; b('in~f ('1(1;,(' nO'd, and \,'hich nay ell.lurq~' lI.spc>n's r(~\'enuc sll..::rinq :funcl~;. ~!,lyor Standley told COtuc.i] it. i~; 0 Fc,lvri1.l :-equirC-']11Cnl tu ]kVC d public hc,n-in9 on tlll' U;'C' of 1:CVC1:L1C ~_;]J;'ll-illCJ flllld::;, which ilTl: il .>art. of tho Cj toY I s bud9ct. '1(1:,/01' Stt~!':d]('y closed tJw pubJjc 1]('ilY'inq. )RDINi\hC1: ,~_~:!I__.f2x:nJ~~~(JE_~ 1~n7 - Hio Grolllk 5]'1\ re:'.C>Jli llq '!ayor ~)LilJH11cy opened the pubUc lH.'oril1g. l:he } Itlbl ic heal: i nq. 'J'lil'rc "','('1'0 no ('om;,lcnts. i'l<l)'or StllJ)(llcy clo;;cd :ollnci.ll:'~ln V"_J1 N('s~_; moved to read OnlinaJ1cc ~St11 S('ri(',~ of 1977; scc('lH1cc1 by Councilrun '011'ry. 1\1J ill f<1vor, motion e,:uTiccl. OHDINlI,!'\Cl: ;; ~jtJ (SC'r:il'.'~ 01 1977) AN OJ~!iJNM~CE m~;:ONl NC 'j'lll: ,\l'PIWXJ ;'\1\'1'1:;,], 11. SO ,\C!n:s OF LiViD OW.JJ:1l BV 'rll!~ Cl']'Y (11' N;}'Fi~ i\~U J:NU'.'.'N i\.'-i '1']11: "IUO C1~:'\;<I)E" l\l:Ol'i:l~'L'Y, ,\CCl)~~PJr\c TO l\N APl'HOVI:U SI'J-:CJi\LLY I'LT\i~r~;:j) i\l~J::\ i'V\:<'j'U,: )'].i\i') 1"Oj, Ti!I'; :-~]TJ:, 'j'I!I,: }-;J,nlLNTS OF \\ilJCll j'l?\~;'J']':i, 1'J,,\N IdLL ('()\'~~'I'l']'ll'i'l: 'n::: !)!-;vr:J.(l]'1,1U.,"]' 1,1:CUL?',';' I n;;~~ ],'O!, 'I'll I,: I\I,J::\ ALL 1\S ]'l,lJVJllj':U JI\' 1\1,'1'JC1.1: VJl OF Cl\.-\l''L',i:E ::q OF Till: l\:,j'l::~ l'Wi;JCll'i\J, COIn: \'hlS l:c<HI by tllC cjty C1ell\. ~Ollll(:i l\:P!I\,ll'l lJuhlJ~;lon l:l()\T('d to ,!(l01'( Onlj1Jiilll.;e ij~J'l, :~t"rit':; (If 19"/"J, C'll ~;(,c(lllcl n'dd,itlfj; ;('colld(,.! Ix)' l'(lu)lcjb:tll lh',hr('ndl... 1~(dl cit.ll vi'Ll'; CnllllCilli1<'lli)'('l:; H\'l!l'\'lldL, il),'t'; Ih'1~;ilCYI lye; ,lr.)l11~;ton, 'IYI'i l'~llTY, <1}'l'; Vdll ;~('~;~;, "'Yl'; \'j'j,..,hdrl, dye; ~1.1')'(11- ;_;ldll.Jlt,y, 'JYt'. notion ",11-1'.1('(1. l\U)il'~;\r!\'I, i_i__r_;(" ~:I:HIJ:;, ell-' 11)'/) -. h!;lll'l" n,IjJI ,l-'xt<'j",',lOJl t1u!:;i,]{, C.1\.)' l,ilHil~: ldY(Jt. ~:1,1Ihl1\'y nj','lll d thv pull.! it hl',ll"iJj~l. he ~I\ll ,J 1 C l'l'tlt' _i tl'.l. Tl1l" j"(' h,' l'l' Jh) "t ').lI!!\ n { :; Jl!.ly()r !:l<lJJdJ\'y (.Jel!i,'d - . .".... . ~. M E M 0 RAN U U M ----"-_.~_._-._---_._----~-_._,-_.- --..------.------..---------------------.---------------.-- TO: Aspen City Cuuncil FPor~ : Planning Office (KS) RE: Subdivision Exemption Applications: t100re Dup 1 ex He 11 er Tri pi ex Carter' Duplex DATE: November 9, 1977 Over the last several weeks, th~ Planning and Zoning Commission has considered several subdivision exemption applications involving two duplexes and one triplex. Each of them requests permission to condo- miniumize. Because City Council hos not acted'on the proposed condo- miniumization ordinance, the City Attorney has advised us that we m~y not consider any factors regarding the conversion's impact on the supply of low and moderate income housing other than adopted Counci 1 policy to condition such conversions on a 90 day right of first refusal, six month minimum lease restriction, and paym2nt of the appropriate 'park dedication fee. The details of each application are summarized below. The Planning Office will bring copies of the improvement survey to your meeting. MOORE DUPLEX This duplex owned by Barabar i'kLaughlin ~'~oore is located at 8"10 \~est Smuggler, Lots P and Q, Block S, of the original Aspen townsite. The lot constitutes 6,000 square feet, which in the R-6 zone district, is substandal'd in size by 3,000 squi'l'e feeL It has been the pl'actice of the City not to look to zoning comJli~nce when reviewing sLlhdivis"ion eXemption fot condomin-iwnizations of ex"istin9 building,~. The standal'd rat!il'r has been cCi'iwli,lnci' vlith subdivision design standards such as (1) I'oads, pavine;, ~nd curb,,; (2) land surveys, and (3) propel' utilities access and Easements. Th2 City [ngillecl', by fiiemorandu;ll doted October 11 ~ "1977, has c0:'rt"ified thc)t the i[:1prcr/c'il1ent S ur'vey s hOh'S such con for'ma nee. He noted ~ hc)',':ev i)(, "trli1 t the second s tOt'Y balcony is built ,;L the propci'ty 'Iine in violat'ion uf the sid" s('tbacl: requircfI!ent of five feet. Planning ad hnin~j discus,;cd th'is p(.cu'liarity, but detL'nrlined, a~i(1in~ that this was a lI1i.lttor of zuning nnn-ccnpliunce of an ex'isUng structlwc and that it was not \'/ilI'I'dlltl'd or ilppro,.-L<:e to deal \Iith it throuCfh the snbd'ivision cX<ernption pi"ocruurc. In v"jet''! of the app-]'ic2tion's c(n:pli2nc(~ \',!ith 5.ubdiv"]s'ion cil~sigll stllndardss full sundivision prOCt::ssin0 "is not necrsscTY" The CJI{l11gt' in for-ill of o\\fncrs};-ip does not li6VC 2ny adc]-)tional land US(~ impacts find thuj e)(c:llPtiol1 from th(~ -Cul'j pi"'ocl:'Qure is appropr'icte. The fl"i ~1lH) -j 111 and ZO!"j"j no CnilT;rj s, s i un thct~(;fm'(' \"CConiT:::.-ndpd (l ppl"0V III at theil' Octoher lSti, re~ular l1icc,tilll' suhiccL to: ' -.- -.' ~ 1. Tile G lnunth !;\-ili-inil.'::: lCi-lsP r'l'sir'ictioll. ? 90 d:-l,/ ri t of f-itSl rcfu~,:l to cxic;-tilF! tClldi"ltS. :-L PdYi1h'~it t.h~: \1i\pl'Opl~i('Jt:C' !J;;l+- dc'dic(~-(-i(Hi ref' (h'hich the' Ci ty f'-L:I":; ~Il-'l' dtl() tii': I'll cHv:i nu Uffi l:e Ii;) vt': dlccked (,nd cel~t i fi (;(i) . ,~ "......... ; I~clllorandum I'a'](' TvlD Hovcn~er 9, 1977 ...... One' final cOI,cIition at{acliC'd hy the' l'1iq,ning iJnd Zoning CCrm:nission Vii:' to COlTect iJlW sinc(le fa:wily cIC'(.d rC'~trictiu:'; [Ji'r'tainingto thp properLy. One 1'1\1 Incn;[J(,r poinj',(;d out thilt he' k'l if'ved UIU'C, Vias such il deed resttictioil. l'ls. j.iuorcl~) attorney, hOv':evef~ has not found such to ex'ist and I-Ie en,. chcck'ing further wit.h th(; City Attorney. We have also .asked Clay tOil i.ieyr'ing to inspect the prpmises ancl certHy that an ill egd 1 thi rd uni 1. in the basement ha:, been removed. In summary, them, there c:re 5 conditions that might be attached to any approva 1. HELLER TRIPLEX Nick Heller requests subd'ivision exernpt'ion to cOIJdominiumize a triplex located on Lots Rand S, Block 113, Aspen, just northwest of the corner of Waters Aven0e and West End Street. Zoning for the area is RMF. The lot is 6,9uO square feet; if zoning compliance were an issue here, the lot would be only slightly deficient as three 2-bedroom units would require 6,300 square feet. The City Eng'i neer has revi el-Ied ering concerns are satisfied. subdivision exemption approval West End Street frontage. the plat and indicates that most engine- Dave Ellis does ask that a condition of be construction of a sidewalk along the The applicant has provided us additional information regarding disposi- tion of the units, each of vlhich is 800 squal'e feet. ~1r. lIeller currently resides in one and will continue to do so, he plans to rent long term tho socond. The third unit \,ill be sold at the pl'ice of approximately $65,000. Inasmuch as the intent of the subdivision regulations have been met, the Pl anni ng and Zoni ng Comm'j ss i on recommended approval at thei r October 18th meeting subject to: 1. 6 month lease restriction 2. 90 day right of first refusal to existing tenants 3. payrnent of the park dedi cd; un fee 4. Satisfaction of the City Engineer's requirement of a sidewalk . *-.C~liJ:rrE~ DU~L EX The Carter duplex is locilted on a G,OOO squal'e fOc1t lot in the R-6 zone district at 729 West Francis Street. Annie and Harvey Carter are asking subdivision exemption approva'l in ordel' t.o condonriniwllize the sevcn-year'-old tv:o stOty sh'ucture. Dave Ellis h3S made a site inspec- tion and reviev,rc:.-d the imIJl~o\'t::rncnt sUl'l/ey and r:;2,_kc~s fC1.vor'i::ib-!(~ comnent. He aquin find thCit the Cildii\!C in m\'nership ha~ nu ac!Jitioni11 Llnd IJse i!l1pact~ and incsrnuch as t:1.; intent of the suhd-h,"ision rcquLltions 11.1\1(1 been l1lt.'t~ thE' Planninq 31ld /oni::q Ccnr,li::,sioI1 rocoi:n'ilCndc)d ilpprovCl'j of the exe;l1ption at their Nuveii~bc~l' 1st. tiH:,ctint su:.!je::t to: 1. Six Illonth rniilj:~I~i::1 'ledstl r-e>",tr.iction 2. ~;U dclY ri~1 of f'iy,~:;t t'C'fu:;:\l to c;<-i~;(:'iI19 ten;-!nts 3. Pv'yi,!,.~nt of Lil' ?;ppr'cpr"j;-i Lp p(~rk dcc;-; ccftion fer .. fOIl>! II C. f. ll()rC~fL 8. 9. II l. tn, .r'...... '-' ...... -- RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Regular Meeting November 1, 1977 + !'l Music Studio for Classical Records Use Determination in O-Office District -* Carter Duplex Subdivision Exemption Planning and Zoning Connnission questioned the public benefit. K1ar asked if he foresaw any problem,. H~ said no but questioned the real need for it. K1ar disagreed. Isaac felt the location and scope of the C-1 district is such that the connnunity would not be hurt by having such a use in this district, The wording of the amendment is such that it limits the uses strictly Schuhmacher noted that to say "non-tourist" does not mean much any more as there are many locals now. K1ar said that they have been this close to amending this issue before and now that they have it down, they should approve it. Schuhmacher asked what Webster's dis- tinction is between "menu" and ufare" as this was one of the word changes in the amendment. Smith said that was a suggestion by City Attorney, Dorothy Nuttall. Isaac moved to reconnnend to City Council that they find as a condi- tional use in the C-1 district a coffee shop or food service intend- ed as a non-tourist oriented sit-down facility with a limited fare of specialty items, to be served as accompaniments to such activitie: as reading, playing chess or other passive activity, and provided that the operation: 1. Has no kitchen, 2. No food preparation other than warming on the premises, 3. No liquor serviced on premise K1ar seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Baranko re-entered the meeting. Smith explained the application. This application is proposed for the former Aspen Valley Realty in the Victorian on the corner of 7th and Main. The proposal is for a music salon with a library-type atmosphere where listening will be encouraged in addition to selling records and tapes. The Board is to find it compatible with permittee uses in this district. She said it is a justified application. Mus studios are a permitted use although this is not specifically a stud' as they are intended for instruction. She recommended against tabling this case even though the two applicants could not attend th' meeting. Hedstrom asked if this wasn I t just an application for a record store- that is glossed over with words like "salon" and "classical music" but is essentially a record store. Smith said basically, yes. She said that the Board had seen the same application in another distri( that turned out poorly due to misrepresentation. This app1icationi entirely different. Isaac asked about parking. Smith said it was a potential problem. This would be resolved in the conditional use hearing. There are 5 or 6 spaces there now shared with the Hickory House which uses mo of them. Schurunacher asked if they intended to use the entire building. Smi' said yes, the fi~st floor ror the studio and the second for re,.;:id.?t: and their offices. Ensign moved to find that a classical record lr.u~5_c salon -j~; a 11:";,:::' permitted c(~llditiOl....ally in the O-Offi~e ZL...gL~, 1~;Jcte s......cl.\,l.d.,d. AU in favor, motion carried. Smith c'xplnincd the applic;-:.tion. She ~..oted that the Ci.ty El1gil1t'l'r has no problems with this application. Isaac asked if anYl...llle was moving out. Kauffman saiJ -it wi't11d p~lSt; i bJy be bought for "l1Iployee hou"ing. Klar moved to rf'comlnPwl l'::H't1lpt ion to the strict appl icat i\\ll ~lr till' suhdivision rt.'gu.1ations ~lppJying to the Carll'r llllpl(lx CPlhll1lllilliumi 7,:ll ion, :in.lSllltIch ilS till' intl'nt. of tilt" regul:lt ion:; havl' lh'l'll Clllllpl i.. ..- - '...... ~i Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission November 1, 1977 . with and subject to payment of the park dedication fee, 6 month mlnl- mum lease restriction, 90 day right of first refusal to existing tenant:: Ensign seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Isaac moved to adjourn, K1ar seconded. All in favor; meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM, to an informal discussion of the Creektree Final Plat. . , 9tJ~ ~';'.nJ2~ Sheryl ommen, Deputy City Clerk il '\.j" \j'(,'''. \j v.t t M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Office (KS) RE: Carter Duplex Condominiumization DATE: October 27, 1977 Annie and Harvey Carter are requesting subdivision exemption for the condominiumization of thier duplex at 729 West Francis Street. The duplex was constructed seven years ago and is zoned R-6. They argue that full subdivision reviews are not warranted inasmuch as the improvement exists and no additional land use, density, or resource impact is involved. Pending comment to the contrary by the City Engineer, we would agree with the justification for exemption and recommend approval subject to: 1. Payment of the park dedication fee 2. Six month minimum lease restriction 3. 90 day right of first refusal to existing tenants City Council has not acted on first reading of the condominiumization ordinance, so no further information relevant to the housing impact of the conversion has been requested. lmk ,. - FEE SCHEDULE (Subdivision. Exemption from Subdivision, Rezoning.~rk Dedication) Name of Project: Harvey Subdivision Exemption Address: 729 West Francis Applicant's Name: Harvey Carter 729 West Francis Phone: Applicant's Address: FOR ZONES WHICH ARE R-15, R-30. R-40. RR and CONSERVATION the Subdivision Fee Formula is as follows: Conceptual $100 + $5.00/dwelling unit ... Preliminary $22.00/dwelling unit Final $3.00/dwelling unit FOR ALL OTHER ZONES the Subdivision Fee Formula is as follows: Conceptual $100 + $60.00/acre of land Preliminary $280.00/acre of land Final $35.00/acre of land X EXB4PTION FROM THE DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION FEE: $50.00 11-9-77 REZONING APPLICATION FEE: $125.00 (once a year) PARK DEDICATION FEE SCHEDULE Jircor:n or P:~JCL::::J:l\:GS n:' l!,y,fS ---------~- cuYr~nt ~Tk~t VJlu~ of a p0Tccntaqc of the l~nd propo~cd a5 the development zite. the percentage of the l.:md bcinq i!ctcrmincd at the rate of t~o and or.c-half '2~) ~crcz for every one t.hou~nd (I,OOO) residents of the pro?o:;.cd acvclo~~cnr (thut is, the n~mhcr of rcsiucnts DUltiplicd by t~cnty-five ten thousa~dtbs (.0025) of an acre per resident). thc number of residents attributable to the dcvclo~cent chall be calculated in the following na~c:r: 7YPe of Dwel1inq Nnnber of Residents PeI Owellinq V:u t ftDlti-Family st.udio 1.0 one bedroom 1.. 3 two ~drcoIl1 2.' three bedroom 4.0 aDd 1.3 %or each additional bedroom / Single Family or Dpplex one betl:rOO::1 1.3 b.-a bec;;c=::t 2.7 three bcc::-::>c:::J. 4.D and 1.3 for e.J.ch adrlitional bedroom A duplex st~~~~~~e shall constitute t~~ d~~llinS unit~ :~r ~~~ pu=pcses 0= this s~~se=~icn. (3) ~~ exa=ple of the application of the above fo~ul~ is as foJ]c~s. ~s~unino tbe c~nst=uction of one sincle f~:::J.il~ res~~~nc~-cc~ta~~:nq ~~~ bcdroo=s 0; a lot c~ntain:nq 15.:00 s~~~re ~cet with a r:~ark.et ,..alue of $if>S.!lOO.DO (or -$4.33 per square foot): 2.7 (2 ~~droom ~ 2.7 r~5idcnts) x 0.0025 acres X 4J,~60 (square feet pt"I" .:!crc) x $~.J3 (r.lar- 1.ct value of land pcr sijU.1I"t" 1o<:-t) ... S1.;2"']3.15 to) Uni~rr~vpd land ~h311 ~ apprai~cd at the C'urrC'nt r:::::: LL.t v,..duc of 1..he l~it(, in.:-ju,:h:1~ it:; v~luL' attrit>u':.:.blc tD cur!:,. qutter.:;, ~.tr,,:.'t. ~,,,;c('1,o;.11k end ci.J.1J.tjc<. ;:! J.llsta]]{"d 1:'11 thc C:"!tC 0: 1','l:\.it :l!;;~lJ,.-'n':-t.. ]T'.':'l('\.('[~ l~'Tlj:.. sfl..lll J:..' "";"f)l~.;.",..J ,.c:orc.:n..-' t.o tJJeir JJiqIJ".:.t .Jf:J f',>'Jt lJ,.;..c tiJ.k..Jl1.::j J.nt..::> cvn,~.Jvr.Q- tion ('xi~.tjnr; :->-:"rll\-:--:"Ult'~; 1....hc1heT f'~ ::1ot th.-y ...!""(' conJOTmJ.n,.1. ~~,:rJ.,'t V;:J.]UC Jll.l.r bt> ~ct'~t.::l.nt~.lt(.j by . docutllC'ntC'J pu:rch.1~t' pricc> (if an ..arr.l'!.> lcJI']lh tTOlJl~;Jct iUlI not 1.1..'11' tll...ll1 t"',l yo'.I]"!> olJ) OJ hy .il!l)' ....1........ .,......nn.,;~.'.l .,,,'.,n,",o .,rnvjd.,,1 fh..Jf". a!;sl'!;scd CUSTOMER o CITY OF ASPEN FINANCE DEPARTMENT o CASHIER'S RECEIPT 01.111 LICENSES & PERMITS 511 D BUSINESS LICENSES 512 D SALES TAX LICENSES 513 D BEER, WINE. LIQUOR LICENSES 514 D CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES 516 D LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION 517 D DOG LICENSE 518 D CENTRAL ALARM LICENSE 519 D BICYCLE LICENSES S20 D EXCAVATION PERMITS 521 D CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 522 D ELECTRICAL PERMITS 523 D PLUMBING PERMITS 524 D HEATING PERMITS 525 D SEPTIC TANK PERMITS 01.988,632,03 D XEROXING (DESCRIBE) / ) . l-r., nOTHER . ACCT. NO. , "GUd I U .1.:!'1.\;11 \p. DESCRIPTION, (NAME, NUMBER, ETC,), .,,/' . \ 'T I I ,\ 1: I -.., I \ 01.111 FINES & FORFEITS 561 D COURT FINES 562 D COURT BONDS. FORFEIT 563,01 D TOWING FINES, IMPOUND 563.02 D TOWING FINES, NOT IMPOUND 564 D TRAFFIC FINES 566 D FALSE ALARM FINES 568 D DOG IMPOUND FINES 569 D OTHER FINES & FORFEITS 01.111 OTHER MISC. REVENUES 579 D MAPS, CODES, ZONING REGS. 589 D OTHERS (DESCRIBE) I:::::{) (D t RECEIVED FROM nT:rl-! I . 1 I , ,_. D.AW'NG .DA.D . .OX 50S. OALLA., TEXA.. CITY OF ASPEN P. O. BOX V . ASPEN, COLORADO B1611 . REPLY TO I A:;re'l S~II/... ,.g,; ~bd,VI5/~ EA'e""f1:t~ L his c ~ l);> Bile /~ --.J DATE /13}77 .. . A-fJ.e.,.. revi e",c.l1j .(t~ /YrtYVf~1 S"1rv-ey "'''''/ u-takl0' a s/:,4 (l'I~h,;.... of J..cfs C'i D) ~, ' e"'1-i",€e.-..':" d"e..f( WtctK'e!>' "" ~o~'e t-<..Ct.'I-"'~A~ ~ o/{l'n:V7:<( "'{' -iN. e^evv.f/r-c~ rel(t~r/. I DATE BY \~~ SIGNTD I", >" I.....".'i., CU". T(,,,l."Ul" . ~ ~ IttJ w-z- tld 'iut ~~ i~ ?7'17 /~ "" August 22, 1977 Ms. Karen Smith City/County Land Use Administration Aspen City Hall 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Annie and Harvey Carter Dear Ms. Smith: Please consider this letter a formal application to the Aspen Planning & Zoning Conunission for an exemption from the term "subdivision", as defined in the Aspen Municipal Code Sec. 20-3 (5), with respect to the proposed condominiurnization of the existing two-family dwelling ("duplex") located at 729 West Francis Street and situated on Lots C and D, Block 16, City of Aspen. This duplex has been in existence for over seven years and has been used as a two-family dwelling for the same period. The prop- erty is presently zoned R-6 Residential, and a duplex structure is a per- mitted use under the applicable zoning regulations. The condominiurnization, then. is solely for purposes of modifying the nature of ownership of this structure, and will involve no additional land use, density or resource impact. For the foregoing reasons, it is respectfully submitted the contemplated "division" does not fall within the intent or fJUrpose of Aspen I s Subdivi- sion Regulations, which are expressly designed to assist the orderly, efficient and integrated development of the City of Aspen, to insure the proper distribution of population, to coordinate the need for public services, and to encourage well-planned subdivision. Current City policy allows an exemption from subdivision requirements for the condominiurnization of existing duplex structures, and it is further submitted that there is no meaningful distinction between such an exemp- tion and the exemption of a duplex to be constructed in the near future. We would appreciate your earnest consideration of this application. Sincerely yours '__t/_ .PC"~ ?: ~ ~<;~~ Ann1e and Harvey Carter Check for $50.00 attached.