HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ex.LotsR&S,Blk17(AgateBlock)-WD.1975 " PrG-~~ --- 8~o~ P.O. Box 3557 Aspen, Colorado 81611 March 10, 1975 ()J11bIZ~ rq1 ~ , f}pll.;l I City of Aspen Planning Department P.O. Box V Aspen, Colorado 81611 ATTENTION: John Stanford REFERENCE: Exemption From Definition of Subdivision for Lots R & S, Block 17, City and Township of Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado Dear John: The property involved is situate within the City of Aspen and prior to March 24, 1969, was platted into lots and blocks by plat recorded in the office of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder. It is the desire of the present option owner to divide the existing four- plex into four undivided interests in order to offer them to the public as local housing units. At this writing, negotiations are under way between the option owner and various local people to purchase these as housing units. Respecting the pertinent design requirements which must be fulfilled under Section 20-7 of the Aspen City Code, in order to entitle us to an exemption under Section 20-l0(C) of the Code, I would advise as follows: 1. The subject property fronts upon Bleeker Street and is bordered on the east side by North Sixth Street, which are accepted city streets and comply with all the minimum classifications respecting widths and grades. 2. Both of the above streets are accepted roads by the City which are surfaced and maintained at regular intervals. 3. The property is serviced by and connected to the City of Aspen Water Department and the Aspen Sanitation District. " Mr. J. Stanford March 10, 1975 Page 2 4. All requirements of Section 20-7 of the official code of the City of Aspen relating to lot sizes are in compliance, and inasmuch as the property has been fully improved since approximately 1963, the applicant would request a waiver of certain of the subprovisions of Section 20-7. If you need additional information respecting this application, I would be more than happy to provide you with the same. If you find everything in order, I would request that the exemption application be processed and that I be advise~ of the hearing date. Ver,y truly // I / le;'M. CLARK P.S. I will be out of town on business during the next few weeks. If you have trouble reaching me and need specific information, contact my agent, Fitzgerald Real Estate Company and ask for Dick Fitzgerald or Bryan Harper. CMC:mh cpv or r~~rUiJPln:lU CO;,;:.lY lr\~t:l USE SUI:IJ(Y A. ldentHlcation 1. County rarcel 110. (Ie) I.A Other (10) 2. COIJ':'lty rio. o t.f1' (6) J-- 3. School OiHrlct fio. ,W IAt:: (6) 4. County Ta.in~ Dlst. ,-ItFS (6) 5. County. Block ~''J~~cr It- (3) 6. U.S.C.nsus Tro1ct ::,J. (3) 7. MJress of r~rtcl (IS) B. lcgJl O:~cri~tion (10) 9. Address 0 f ('..ner (15) B. Parcel q <:P- l. Assessed Value-Land ;;l&3>"O, (8) A' ' C'<' 2. _Irr.~rovec'.:nts"" / !:;-:>-fiJ, :-"(8) c..' """",'c12Ci,tl--- (."16"11<2 c..e,) t.e) 3. .t'~FS"rr.'t- (7) 4. AcrCJ,e (or sq. ft.) ~9j tt4)C,F(6) 5. Dcvelo~~ont (1) 5.1 Un~cvclo,cd . VJCJnt '-.. 5.2 Developed - Structur';- ') 5.3 DDvelo~.d - ~.~ile H.~o/Off. Unit $.4 Ccvc'c~cd - ~on-Structurc C. Structure - ~.In Gulldtn~ . 1. Ch~r~ctcri~tics 1.1 No.of Floors 1.2 A~e o 1.3 Construction 1.3.1 ~ood Fr.~e 1.3.2 I'et.l 1.3.3 t',J~..onry 1.4 S'lu.r~ Feet C. Structure - Continued 2. Land Use,- Description of Activity 2.1 First Floor 2.2 Second Floor 2.3 Third Floor 2.4 Other Fl~ors 3: No. Ilousing Unl ts 4. Type of 1I0uslng 4.1 Single Fa~lly - Det.ched 4.2 Sln~le F.~ily - Attached 4.3 Duplex 4.4 Triplex 4.5 4-Ple. 4.6 ApartF:1ent 4.7 Other Describe O. Zonin~ St.tus 1. Present Zoning 2. Leg.l St,tus 2.1 Confon,ing 2.2 ~on.Confor~in? 2.3 111e9.1 E. Most Recent Date of S,le (2) (3) (1) (6) F) b).H}.L. CD rs fJ I AS i C) b ) 13, - ~ l- iL- I 1- J f\ S r'e I\J ,j 6H/V. HL~~J(,\ Btt+ 3cl,O., ~/b II A-u f e~ ) C<'J (..0, .. \ 111\ . \ ;':1 ?- (., fi?- go (4 ) (4 ) (4) (4 ) (2) (1) (4 ) (1) (6) i '" '. . C'-~ or A~r[r;/Pln:HI CO<;:.lY If.:i:J US~ s'''':n A. Identification J. County Parco 1 rlo. I.A Other (14) (10) '-fq (6) , /' /V'O. / (C{;' (G) I-IIFS (6) rr- (3) (3) (IS) (10) (15) 2. Co"nty rlo. 3. School Oistrict ~o. 4. County T.,in~ Oist. 5. County Blocl :;"":'er 6. U.S.C.nsus Troct ~.. 7. AdJress of r~rcel 8. lcgJl O~~cri~tion 9. Address of ('..ner B. rarcel 1. Assessed Value-Land 19":J.17C. ~9r8) rG' 2. _I"'~rovc~.:nts q l/'i'.2..0, .......(8) 3. -Personal (7) 4. AcrCJ,e (or sq.H.) . P.)fOO Sr--(6) 5. Dovelo.~ont (1) 5.1 Un~cvclotcd - VJCJnt <,5.2 Developed - Structure> 5.3 Devclo;>od - f~.:'ile Hoc'c/Orr. Unit 5.4 Ccvclc~cd . t,on-Structurc C. Structure - ~.in Guildtn~ ,1. Characteristics 1.1 No.of Floors 1.2 ^~e 1.3 Construction 1.3.1 ~ood Fr.~e 1.3.2 I'et.l 1.3.3 t'..lSOllry 1.4 S'luar~ reet C. Structure - Con tI nued 2. land Use.- Oescrlptlon of Activity 2.1 First Floor (4) 2.2 Second rloor (4) 2.3 Third Fl oor (4) 2.4 Other Floors (4) 3. No. Ilousing Units (2) 4. Type of Housing (1) 4.1 Single ra~i1y - Detached 4.2 Sln~le Fa:ni ly Attached 4.3 Duplex 4.4 Triplex 4.5 4-P1CK 4.6 Apart"'ent 4.7 Dther Describe O. Zonin~ Status 1. Present Zoning (4 ) 2. legal Status (1) 2.1 Con fon:l i n9 2.2 Non...Confori'1inl) 2.3 111e~JI E. Most ~ecent Date of Sale (G) (2) (3) (1) (6) Lc r s ,<) L- J 1111) AJ /~ I...-I~- t 1- . I A-5 f'eJ\J . d-l{;;J.-/';).-S 7- I I j. i' I I I ~K&1<T sq 0 ) fyS fe1'J I "-16 HtJ bOf .. ,\\;~\l'\ (.t,LD. I- I Cpo or. f,SPW/PIT1:I11 CDJ:.TY lo'.:.:J USE Su,.,rY A. Identification 1. County P.rce 1 110. (14) I.A Other (10) 2. County 110. l.j9 (6) 3. Sc hoo 1 District r~o . ;1Jv, /~(6) 4. County. TJxinlJ Dist. / -/IrS (6) 5. County Block ~"'~er rJ- (3) 6. U.S.C.nsus Tract ~.. (3) . 7. AdJress of r~rcel (15) B. LrgJ\ O~~cr\~tion (10) 9. Address of C'..ner (15) B. Parcel 1. Assessed Value-Land f..3(7trO. <t> 4"1-7'0 ~ 2. _l"'~rovec'.:nts :r:;;.(:.' t' (8) 3. _Personal (7) 4. Acre"e (or sq. ft.) '0 r:-r-o 5? (6) 5. Dc.elo~~ont (1) 5.1 Un~cvclo;\cd .. Vacant (, 5.2 Developed - 5.3 DDvclo~cd - Structurti - ..--:> }~o~i lc I-IJ:'::'2'IOff ~ Unit 5.4 Ocvcloj1ed .. r~on-Structurc c. Structure.. ~Jin Guildin1 1. ChJrJttcristics 1.1 No.of Floors (2) (3) (1) 1.2 ^~e 1.3 Construction 1.3.1 ~ood Fra~e 1.3.2 I'et.l 1.3.3 ~.."o"ry 1.4 S'lu.r~ Feet (6) C. Structure" Continued 2. land Use,- Description of Activity 2.1 First Floor 2.2 Second Floor 2.3 Third Floor . 2.4 Other Floors 3. 110. Ilous;ng Unl ts 4. Type of 1I0uslng 4.1 Single ra~lly - Detached 4.2 Sin~le Fa~;ly Attached 4.3 Duplex 4.4 Triplex 4.5 4-Plel 4.6 Apartr:\ent 4.7 Other Describe D. Zoning Status. 1. Present Zoning 2. leg.l Status 2.1 Confom;ng 2.2 ~on.Confor~in9 2.3 Illegal E. Most Recent D.te of S.le / () i /ISf'Uru -PC' A:. ,0 {'rR.- }:.... 1;...)6- / ;....1 EVi:::;-N 1.<)ri'J Iff I g'5/ '$C 3 'LclS IN 13 L.t:- I 7- 6 "t. fJ -({1 G l1-Sc;11^-t3JT A c f-<.~ ~ ~:, rJ 0 R..! H7:5" R- L Y . C,'. !(' ,i r-:;:1l-r-' '_-\._ii-AJ L-l~ \ ,1 HtJ 1-h.;;J<./~ T "":, I A1~ f!.-D t.l -r t3'" , (' 11/<... P.Ji,) } C /1C, .. c\ ~I\ l\\:J ' , , fJroy. 1'7/ Cj t.D (. (j (4 ) (4) (4) (4) (2) (1) (4 ) (1) (6) 1 i , I. I I I I f" \ CITY or ASPW/PlTl:1fl co..::.lY Lt.:.:> USE SUR'llY A. Identification 1. County Parcel riD. (14) I.A Other (10) 2. County No. fJi!fL/1 (6) 3. School DiHrict r~o . !/O./If'&. (6) 4. County la.in~ pist. /-/f/::S (6) 5. County eloc~ :;..- ~er 1:'- (3) 6. U.S.C.nsus lrolcL ~:J. (3) 7. AdJress of P,rcel (15) B. lcgJt O=~cr;~tio~ (10) 9. Address of "..nor (15) B. Parcel 1. Assessed value-Lani'SI#, 't) 2. _lrr.~rovcc'.:nts 117::UJ, '~(8) CCrJ111tG ICU/'IL> ___ () 3. .I'ersorial- . I~ 7 4. AcreJ,e (or sq.H.) .t; t-tO 5.P. (6) . S. Oovelo_~ont (1) 5.1 Un~cvelo~cd ... VJc~nt. ~~.Ceve~~~e~_:_ StructurJ 5.3 Davclo;>cd - }:.~i1e H,c.o/Off. Unit 5.4 Ccvclc~cd ... ~~on-Structurc c. Sl~ucturc'" ~Jin Guildin~ 1. Char.1CteristiCS 1.1 No.of Floors (2) (3) (1) 1.2 ^~e 1.3 Construction 1.3.1 ~ood Fr.~e 1.3.2 I'et.l 1.3.3 t'""onry 1.4 S'lu.r~ Feet lotS q I t() S C. Structure - Continued 2. land Use,- Description of Activity 2.1 First Floor 2.2 Second rfoor 2.3 Third Floor 2.4 Other Floors 3: 1/0. Ilousing Unl ts 4. Type of lIouslng 4.1 Sln~le r.~ily - Detached 4.2 Sln~le F.~ily - Attached 4.3 Duplex 4.4 Triplex 4.S 4-Plex 4.6 Apartr"ent 4.7 Other Oescrlbe O. Zonin~ Status 1. Present Zoning 2. leg.l Status 2.1 Confonoing 2.2 ~on-Confor",in~ 2.3 111eg.1 E. Most Recent Dote of Sale (6) 8~k / ? I aSr'G-V . c:P <...f ;;,. /:2 5<7- .Jbff1J Poo-1- rfeR &6Ri 3({ u M PeN) U;'l-D. 8if: II .. 1);\ (4) (4 y (4) (4) (2) (1) (4 ) (I) (6) I I I I I I I I ,- i