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jI"qIJ 1 ilr f.l('t't in'.I
11:'1'1'11 C:i 1 Y ({)llJICj
of ;1 ~:lrllctur('. 'r!i('l'f' "':(')1' j'>,,'(l (:(,nef'1'):' vr,j"!.d I!y Ilj" l' r~ Z 'I'lwr,_' h,lr) l)p('1J iln (.xl1"<:l
liLit j21 tin' j"l:;('ll\('/il.. 'I'he- l\Jil,)i~j(1 dr')"r;UI)"II( jIIV":;\ j'J,llell l!:i '!'hcl'r.' j;; il nfJVI'lilh,:r.' 1-1
ll('Tw,rdnOlllfil frc);" J""_II'I l!u!',t"'n:.t.l"J t,.:!,:) irJ:;;"'l:!f'! Ill'. jJllilr)i::J. '1'11""(' \"1'1;-; il CulJl'L (!1dC) to
,-(;!I',)\'(' llJ< thinl 11J,jj CJ,:",'!rl!' r'l('Yl-iJ:q, ],u,i]Oi:t(j ill:;J"'('!.U!-, JI.\111(1 th;tl ill) IJii\I(/~; !I,'ld
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,,:'iIU)\',' L)I(~ ;:;11J,:li\]i~:!~'ll I,'X' t Jr,' ':u),'jl t tll U!(, lJI)-" ;:i'll ;:( ('rill (J.l, (J) ~;iy IIH>Jd.1i
,"jIli::l~JiI"I ]('rl~;(', en ~IO (lilY Lir~:t r,iqri!. 0.1 n~( U:-;i<l, illJd (:n ,tlld J' ij'l';('nl of tilt: ]iiilk dl2dic;_I-
,-ion fc;(~, (lIld tiled_ prjor 1.0 n'ccHdill\1 th(~ 7.20 ,;c-t"v:iC(' lH_' J't'ltiOVI d.
Counc,ilm;lli 1I,~hl"(.tldt- );;()\'c'd to il!,:,rOVt' Uw ~;llLJ'Jivj~;i(lJj ,j:C'l\.'),(5'.lii '.'iLL llir~ t1'1r('(' .,L'lll(l;l1~d
conr],itie;JJ.."C1:'; )j,;lc-(] illd Uu'lt"tll" /.7.0 be lClInvc,di ~;c:':{):id(>rJ hy CO\I)l('iJlililll Van tJc.;~;. All in
fil\,(\), \,,'5 th the: ('zccption (J) LC\l(liC,i LlliaD ll(,l'~;ljc;y" [.lotion c;:n-rj cd.
SUJU I VJ ~j_l_~_j_~_}~? 1~;[~~!~'~.Q~'J - Il~~11L'1~ 'J'l" ipl(~x -*
l;':trJ: ("~:I')Ji:linc:r1 to CoulJciJ. U.j~.: j,; a thl'CC unit t.r.ipJex Oil Uw CUl.Tlr'r of \'~<ltt'r~~ it/H1 I'lest
r:lld, City EllCjinr'!ceJ [;dV(' r:1J:ir; i.L::)Joct.l~ci tIle site illld f(lUllr1 t)!e' :.;.id<,,\','dJk lJon-(:>:i:,;tr'nl al'll!
i1f;]:cd Ul('/ iw;LtlJl J. Sjci(>Wi.1J}'.. The p.1cJnniWJ Gfric(~ U'CCJfL:mCJld:., <lP!JY"c,'ldl of the ~;uhcJ.ivi:::;i()n
eX('li1Jd::ic,p ~,;ith ~;.i.;-: JiionLh ],\1ni!:1111ll J.(~(l~:(~ rc~;trjctiol'l, 90 d<l)' r19h: ~)f fir,;l rc'fu:;.:ll, "lid
z.:,aYll\(:llt cr__park dcd.i.Cilliull ;_H'~), i:!nc1 ~:':ilt'i,;filcllon of th(~ City l:lj(Jin(~crls reCjuirement to
ii1.<;tdJ]--iJ ;,id("v.'~tJ.J'.. K<Jne-{-."eJJ"C:1M'Council LIJat al] uniU; ,,>,ere; .lboul tlw ;:;iJl~lC s5zc, 800 ~JC]uarc
Gideon ]~i.1t1fJlla!1, n:-'vrl~s(:n.Ljn~J lJe.~ lcr, told Cou;icil thut l1pon ili,;pr_.cLjOll of the pr(~m.i ~;c:;, it
sho'",';~ th;jt no one: 11.:10: sj(L'\':c,lLs \,:ithin b.lo };]ock.L; (If the place. J--;illlfl:ti.ln ,~ngqc:;l-ing
joinill<j .:J ::~ic1(:\'.'i.l]L iJiil,rOVC;<i(':--it, di~.trict and n(jL pllLU1J9 in a :;idc'\'lCllL llul.il oLhc'r people
tunc.i J ....',.)),I<1n .John:::;' on
as outl in(~c1; ~;c:.:::ond('{l
('~'ncil;Y,.:!n Van lJct.;;~ ;,;Latcd lie hClcJ l)(.~vC'r ;:;ccn unythiJH] bencficinl about sidc',-.'(d)~s in a
:r0;:;~lc1entia.l area. Cement pav('ment,~ is incoll~;istE'Jlt \..liUJ \-lh:lt Coune.i.J. stand,; for. Council-
v.'O;,liJ)1 Jo!lnslo.:1 \.,'.ithdu:,'v.' till' condition fell sicle"iillk:..: from her motio~l.
D'O\'f>(J to <lFFroV0 tlll' ~;ubdivisi()J'j
Ly Couv: i lr,d.n ller ,",hey.
cxc:mption' v,' j tJ"l
the [our conch bOil,,)
City l~n~;jnecr Ellis told CGl;r1cil thiit 9ClWTi.\.lly he hilS not <l::kC'C} for f>ic1c\'laJ];:s whcr0 Ulcre
arc' nonc: or where it doc" not ClPi)c2r to b(-' likely ini:.ll(: fut-.urc. lj'j)is i::.; a \'('ry hi~Jh
density areu, Find the sidcv.'2.1k is dpproved on the' sidc.:{jJ};: pLll1 ClJxnovcd ill l~!,/:j.
All jn fuvor, ,-,.'ith the cxcq:tion of Counr.:i :lllli)n Behrendt..
[,lotion cDrLlccl.
SUl~}..LLVJ:.~~XO~\)_~~:~':!<I<F2.9J_~ - C.:.Jrter Dt;plex
1\<1,1(' tCl}r1 Councjl th5.s Duplex js loca.tc.::; at". 7;~1 i)csL Fronc:is. '1'110 pJill1nin9 office
rcc();\"~'lcnc"J" ap.i.)~'c\'~ll \'.'ith the three slane: Irc1 cOllcLi1.1ons; six montL rcnti11 rcstrjct.ion,
90 d<'JY rj~)ht of Ji.:cst rcfu~:,al, Clllc1 pZ1YFcnt (If til(; par): c1c(licnt.ion fc(,o
Councj l'\':O;l~~-ln L1ohOlStO]l moved to a.pprove th::-
outlined; SCL~nndcd by Co1.1nci1rnan HC.'rshc'i"
Sllbd:Lvi~.;ion (~):('mpUon \dth the COlHLiUons Z-lS
All in fdVO}~, motion ci:i.u:icrl.
~ljBJ,~S;:_l~U\EING - Usc~ of Re\'Cntle S;laring FUllds
i',iay()r ~~tuIJ(]loy Oi)CllPcl ti:c puhlic hCiU:iW;. CounciJ\'.'O;:dll ~Tohnr-;t()n poj.ntcd out t.1wt tho
Fc;lcral GOV,-'l"llo'L('nt \.:511 accept Cl l;l.id-cc::n,;uf; figurc', \."'hlch i~~ b0irl~1 done now, <1nJ which
may ('!d,-lr~]C l,~~p(_"n' s revenue ~';hC1rj l--:~l hll~(lS. j'l"yor ~';Ldllc.1.1 ('y told Cotlllci] it~ .i s <t Fcdc~~a]
rtxluil"l.:li('nt to have Zl public hearing on UlC Use of rC"C'IlUC' shdrj.liS] flUids, \.!hich ure d
part 0f tllC' Cit~.,s budget.
!'-layor Si.(inclle:;" eJo:.:;cd the pU;.Jlic hearhJ'].
QI3P]J~.'))\\~}~ t::0_,~':~~}J~~'--2~.!97.1 -- Rio Gra:lCl(' SPA rc.':!()T'1i l1g
~jdYOl" St dJ1(lJ l')' opener] the puhLi c l1car.i l!:J.
the public he,1 r j n9 .
There WC1"C no camlllC'lIi~;.
l'lt'.1'or SL(Jndloy clo:-;ccl
CoujlC"iln~iln Vall Nc~;s moved to read On1jn~lTIc'.~ #~;4, Seri(., of 1971; Ciecondcd by Counc.i]miln
PZll:ry. A]l ill iilvor, motioll carried.
Olml],Jd\CJ~ t ~;4
(S('J._lV::: of 197-))
!'IN Ol{Dlt,;l\i~CF: Hl:r:;{);,-i1 n(~ TilE APl'j,C!\ j,'-j,\'l'l:LY ]]. .':'IlJ i\('I,F;; OF L.;i.ND C1'.'Hl~ll ny THE
e]']'y OJ l',;,!'}:N I\PI) l,:r~m'n~ ^~; TIlL "EJO Cl,:,\~mL" I'H01'Et,'l'Y, 7\('i"OW1.!;,C; '1'0 /\\1
A!'Pl\0\:r:u ~;PECJid,],Y J'L/\J'~i;\:D nn:..\ !'L\.'--;'j'LH J>l,;\J'~ F'l11{ THE ,";l'i'l:, 'l'IIl': l-:j,U\L:)\;'j't; OF
\-illlCIl r.1,"iSTEi::' l'L/\N \\- iLL C()U~~;T l'j'U'I']; 'i.'lll: !",']:\lj':J ,())'f"ILN'J' In;(~lll ,/\,':': (H';:; FOE Tilt-: i\ln~l\
ALL ^~~ }'I,OV11));U Hi .'\I{']'] ('L): \' 1.1 OJ-' C:JlJ\}"l'l-:]~ :'.; OF TlJ}, iI,;.;j'l:;~ l'jUrnc J l'..\L cnln:
\--,'ilS n'dd b~' the ci ly clerk
::'ounciJ\,()!1:'111 l1o!ll1:;lon Jl:()\'I'l1 {u ddopL {l!.'tlill.llTC l!~i'i. ,l:,'~'il'~~ of I()""-/, (,n :,('("ond r(:'-Hljn~l~
,;{,C'ill(1(';l by C(IUIJC i _1:.1,111 lll'lil'!']\cil ],'il.l Cd.! I \'l"'L,~; ("'U:1("".1 hli'ilihcI:: ]"l'JIl"l'l,d L, dYt'; !l(}I',;!lcy,
'Y<'; "lc,hl\~~iOll, ,1)'('; 1';l1T1", dY'~; Vdll n('::~:, ,j")'(:; 1v'3:,1I.-11.[, '-IY~~; ~;'-IY(,lr ~;l'IJld.l('y, ,11"" H,lt,il'll
;,~)lhi;\i'-!\'I': !~~\"(\,__~:J:I,il:S 01" I\)'J-/ - i\\\tt'l- ;,".Ii)) J:xtl'It.;jOJj oul::il!r- Cjt':' Lil\ljf~;
,,!YOl ~:iilndJ('y ('1'<'11,,(1 till' 11\1;\.lic h,';tl'ill:j.
~ he 1 'Ill,] i,' It< 'd I' ; ll' I.
'J'lll'l"l' ,,:' il' no to\'llllll\'1l11;.
!'-l.lYlll- :it,llHlJe}' C]U';','ll
---~~.~.._-----~~---- -- ---'.-.-...---."-------.. ._--~------_..._-~----_.
Aspen City Council
FRO:~ :
Planning'Office (KS)
RE: Subdi"vision Exemption Appl iCiJtions;
r.loore Oup 1 ex
Hc;ller Triplex
Carter Duplex
November 9, 1977
Over the last several weeks, the Planning and Zoning Commission has
considered several subdivision exemption ilpplications involving tv/o
duplexes and one triplex. Each of them requests pc;rmission to condo-
miniumize. Because City Counci 1 has not acted on the proposed condo-
miniumization ordinance, the City Attorney has advised us that we may
not consider any factors regarding the conversion's impact on the
supply of 1m, and moderate income housing other than adopted Council .
policy to condition such conversions on a 90 day right of first refusal,
six month minimum lease restriction, and payment of the appropriate
park dedication fee. The details of each appl'icat'ion are sUipmarized
below. The Planning Office will bring copies of the improvement
survey to your meeting.
This duplex ovJlled by Barabar fkLaughlin 1.1001'e is located ilt 810 viest
Smuggler, Lots P and Q, Block 8, of the original /\spen tov!nsite. The
lot constitutes 6,000 square feet, vlilich in the R-6 zone district, is
substandard in size by 3,000 square feet.
It has been the practice of the City not to look to zoning compliance
when revievling subdivis'ion exemption for condo:'iiniumizations of existing
buildings. The standard rather has bcen cOl1lpl'iance \'iith subdivision
desifill stondanis such as (1) roads, pilving, c'nd cu:'bs; (2) liJnd sUI'veys,
and (3) prarer ut"ilit-ies access and eaSl\ments. The City En~JincC'r', by
r,li?::lOy?ndum clattld Octob(;\" 11 ~ 1977, hus certif-jcd that the il:-li11"O\-'0incnt
survey shO\'is -;uch confOl'ii10i:('e. He noted, hOVicvet', that the second story
balcony is bli'ilt at the propr,rty line 'in viuldtion of the side setbiJck
requircment of five feet. Planning and Zoning discussod this peculiarity,
.out deternrincd, a~Flin, thilt this \';'as a ma.~:tcr' of zoning non--coil1[11iance
of <1n existing structure and thiltit l'idS IIOt 1'lilITc!lIi:f,'d or appl'op;'i.l'~:e to
dedl,Viith it through thc subdivision exemption procedure.
In vie\'1 of tll(, application's cornp'liance \,ith subchvision dc'sign stanclar'ds,
full subdivis-ion processilV] is not necessary_ lhe change -in fOrln of
oWlwrship doc's not hiJVC any addH'i on.,l land US(";lilpJCtS and thus
eXl-.:lllpt-i on from the fu'll procedut~c is appropri ate'.
The P1allll-ln~J and Zon'inCi C0i1111lissioll thcref'nr'c n;coiniilcndc:d dpproval Jt
their Octo!Jel- lBth l-QS1U-lay' nleetin~j subject t.fJ:
1. TfH~ G lilonth Ildn-iJi1lnn ']Ci1~-:C:' j'(lstrici.it1!1.
2. ~)O dll.Y r-i~diL of fil~SL l'~'-j""uc.d'l to C';..:i~-:t.'il)0 t,~'lldlltS-"
3. pJ}'ili2nt of i.h:' i1~"~))~Orl]"j(d0 pelT!; (k,dicil-l~'jon f;,\(' (i\'hich the
C"ity r.1ill-1dCit"r' dnd tll(-' r'-Ji1t-itl;ll~l Ofr:-ic(' hi.1V(:' cri(~ck\_:d dnd
perii r'il,d).
....... ,.
Page TViO
NOVCIltIIl't 9, 1977
One f"i IIiJ 1 conditi Oil iJ ttached by the Pl iJ mil n'; and Zon i ng COII'lI1i ,si on l'Ia 5
to correct any sin~(le family dCi::ld I"cstricl-_icn p{~r-taining to the property.
One pgz 1JI(;,libr,r po i ntc'd out tiut he heli l'V'-': there was such a deed
restrict"jon. I-is. /-.iuorc's attOl'n(~y, hm'/EvH'~ has not found sLlch to
exist ilnd \ve are checking fur-ther vlith thE' City f\ttorney.
He have also asked Clayton i'!"j'tincl to iw,p"ct the premises and certify
that all 'illega'l third unit in l.he baserl!cnt has been removed.
In summary, then, there are 5 conditions thnt might be attoched to any
approva 1.
::k.. H ELL E,IU.BLP L l' X
Nick fieneI' }"equests subdivision exemption to condorniniumize a triplex
located on Lots R i1nd S, Block 113, Aspon, just northwest of the corner
of IlatcTs flvenue and \iest End Street. Zoning for the iJrea is RI'lF. The
lot is 6,9uO square feet; if zoning compliance were an issue here, the
lot would be only slightly deficient as three 2-bedroom units would
require 6,300 square feet.
The City Engineer has reviewed
ering concerns are satisfied.
subdivision exemption approval
Hest End Street frontage.
the plat and indicates that most engine-
Dave Ellis does ask that a condition of
be construction of a sidewalk along the
The applicant has provided us additional inforrnation regal"ding disposi-
tion of the units, each of which is 800 square feet. Mr. Heller
currently resides in one and will continue to do so, he plans to rent
long term the second. The third unit will be sold at the price of
approximately $65,000.
Inasmuch as the intent of the subdivision regulations have been met,
the Planning and Zoning Commission reco~n2nded approval at their October
18th meeting subject to:
1. 6 month lease restriction
2. 90 day right of first refusal to existing tenants
3. payment of the pc;rk ded'icc,tiei' fee
4, Satisfaction of tlie City Elllj'inee'^'s requirement of a
5 i dt:;~'Ja 1 k
The Ciirter duplex is located Oil ,1 G,OOO square fool. lot in the R-C zOlle
district at 729 Host Francis Strept, A!lilic and Harvey Cader are
askiliSJ sIlGd-jvis-io:l cXe;llpt"ion (q_~pi"oval in O:,:U" to COiidolllii-!iuiil"ize the
seven-.yei1['-old i'.\';o sUn".\' structl.Tc. Dc:ve ell'is hiiS !Hade a site -i:-ispec-
tion i~ni~1 revic'I!,'C'c1 tile: ilnpi"ovci11;'lit-. survey d.nd r1Iokes fd\"ol'dble CO::Eiicnt.
\~f' dqD"il) find tlli}[ tile Ch(-:)l'~)C -ill m^/nel"sllip hJS 1:0 df;d-it"lonCl"1 land use
ili1p(~ct. (me! in(~~-_,I::uch as the ";rtcnt of t!ll:~ ~;ubdiv-isiuil l'l~~lu10tic:iS h2ve
been ):-!{:t, tile Pl~":P;;n~1 (-Hid ZU::ill~J Co:ru;"iSIC-'i1 recn;:ni::'l;ded c1f-q~W(ivJ"1 of
the c: "ion c:t oil' Nuvcr;: t l:,;t i1lc:(,t"j lit sut,ject to:
Six jii(Hli-,11 li1in"i:1:~,'I' "1{:'{I~c l'("'~~tl'""ict-i()il
90 ci~lY 1'"llJht 0-;' r-;)~,,;t l'e-r-lJS;:\'] to f'xistir:~1 (~()lunL~
po}'i1!t."_nt uf the d )'L:;tc' pd:"k dt'di~;(lt'ion ft.'0
/1Ik1fl1t- NJiv.,/f-; ~ zaJi/}j
I. tI1F-3~-
51.4 /iJ k a, fv/~
C/Q.. 2d ( /5 ~
1. /tJo ~~~
3,QE, 7J7'~ MbJ,~.
BOX 10001
(3031 925-8166
October 17, 1977
City Planning Depart:ment
Aspen City Hall
130 South Galena
Aspen, COlorado 81611
Attention: Karen Smith
Re: Heller COndaminiUllE
Dear Karen:
'!his letter is being written to address the issue of the Heller
condomi.niumization's CCIlIpliance with the condomi.nium policy about
to be adopted by the City of Aspen.
The Heller buildings contain three two-bedroan units of approximately
800 square feet each. Mr. Heller resides in one of the units and will
continue to de so. '!he second unit is =rently lIDder a long tenn lease
and a copy of that lease is attached to this letter. It is Mr. Heller's
present intention to continue the long tem rental of that unit. It is
the third unit which will eventually be sold. Its present occupant is in
the process of building a hare and will be rroving upon its CCIlIpletion.
'lhis proposed condaniniumization, therefore, adheres to the tenant dis-
placerrent guidelines sought by the P&Z and City COlIDcil. In fact, the
proposed condaniniumization will not displace a single tenant. In addi-
tion, rental restrictions will DON cover three units that heretofore
have been in both the long tenn and short tenn rental pool.
Mr. Heller will be selling the 800 square foot unit three for $65,000.00,
a price which is certainly not exclusionary and ~ll within the rreans of
Aspen's noderate incare group.
I hope I have answered any questions or concerns you might have had on
the Heller Ccndaniniumization' s OCIlpliance with the new City Guidelines.
I will be I1Dre than happy to answer any questions or respond to any in-
house CCll1IteIl.ts. Of course, I will be attending any hearings held on this
matter .
Gideon Kaufman
cc: Nick Heller
DATE: October 12, 1977
RE: Subdivision Exemption Request (Heller)
Lots R & S, Block 113
The engineering department has reviewed the above exemption request
for an existing triplex and finds that most engineering concerns
are satisfied. We recommend granting the exemption subject to con-
struction of sidewalk along the West End Street frontage.
TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Planning Office (KS)
RE: Heller Triplex - Subdivision Exemption
DATE: October 14, 1977
The attached application requests subdivision exemption for property
on Lots Rand S, Block 113, of the City of Aspen, located just north-
west of the corner of Waters Avenue and West End Street. The property
is said to be a triplex, although it is actually two different structures,
one with one dwelling unit and the other with two. The applicant,
Nick Heller, wishes to divide the property into two ownerships.
Zoning for the area is RMF.
Dave Ellis has reviewed the application for conformance with subdivision
design standards and finds no problem. However, he requests that any
exemption be conditioned on the construction of a sidewalk along the
West End Street frontage.
This application was submitted prior to Council's adoption, on first
reading, of an ordinance governing condominiumization applications.
We will ask the applicant to present further evidence relevant to
that ordinance. The applicant does represent that one unit will
remai n as long term rental and that, if confi rmed by evi dence of along
term lease, is at least partially meeting the goal of non-reduction
of the supply of low and moderate income housing.
The exemption, at a minimum, must be conditioned on the granting of
a 90 day right of first refusal to existing tenants, 6 month minimum
lease restrictions, and payment of the appropriate park dedication fee.
Request is hereby rrade on behalf of NICK HELLER (hereinafter referred
to as applicant) under Section 20-19 (a) of the Aspen, Colorado Subdivision
Iegulations, for an eJ!EITPtion fran the definition of the term "Subdivision"
with respect to the real property described as:
Lots R&S Block 113
City of Aspen
pitkin Connty
It is submitted that an exerrptian in the case would be appropriate.
'!he application involves an existing triplex. A subdivision of one
lot with a triplex on it creates oonditions whereby strick carplicance with
subdivision regulations would Peprive the applicant of the reasonable use
of his land. If an exerrption is granted, one unit will eventually be sold
at a reasonable price to a local working rrenber of our ccmnunity. '!he
avner will continue to live in one unit, and intends to continue tenting
the other unit long tem. '!here will not be any increase in the land use
btpact of the property. An eJ!EITPtian in this case will not conflict with
the intent and purpose of the subdivision regulations which are directed
to assist the orderly, efficient, and integrated developrent of the City
of Aspen, to insure the proper distribution of population, to coordinate the
need for public servires, and to encourage well-plarmed subdivision.
'!he granting of this application will not nndennine the intent of the
subdivision regulations as it is clearly within the area intended for
exerrption under 20-19. '!he building is already in existence, and there
will be no change in density which is presently in line with the desired
pcpulation density for the property.
'!he applicant would appreciate your consideration of this application
at your next ~gular rreeting.
Very truly yours,
~\k J tJa1
Gideon I. KaufnBn
Attorney for Nick Heller, Applicant
OO-TED this 26th day of August, 1977.
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