HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ex.Jenkinson LotK-Blk87.1978 ), "j' f IJ 1 L .[:i Jlli '(', Ii) i i-;, 1,1 Iii.., j n' lei 11.]("1'" ',1,,1 ;JI, Ilj.:"I(',1 ("I 11':Jj,I.JJ:' .II"l'L 'II" J,( .11: IJ",!. ] II! ~ If',! 1 J" > : jJ ;11111 j 11' 1 (,! 1'_'" 14' J t 1110]]ldl UI" "II! III' ~'I:J,"\'i~'i"l! l'I(H'ld:ll('" 'i'Jjj~; (.f f J I"'; t i: ,,',,')11'1 ,;oJ t )1'.' j'lllt to IlJ ,,( ," 11](' J: ili" ~ ill: I, I,jrk .'1 '~ltlu1) f( (, do,::; lil,1 111,";'/ ntli' l',-;I) JiI':;L \liJJ !'of" (" )", pJid ill th,- til~L(.' :,it"il" f,jl"i\': L', 1 \', ,(.); ,II," tJII'1 Ii'I It, ! ~ : 1 J' 'I I] 1 . , ' ! , rll);,:.1 l":L (,I ; ].(: ~; iff" i' I , ) ) " I (,' ''I-I ';:' 'III :1' I" -,I lo;' qo i I;,' il;'i,I' (JI< .;j Ill'.1 JI(,I::;'.'; i,; lJI' 0/ )'\lj); :11'1 I-"T!"!I ('(}'!llci i::,11l illl ;"'l\,,'d 10 ;ljJ]l) 0\,1' l)p' :ur.tlivj~;ir'n ('::(I1;JI it'll v:i~JI 1_h(~ cl,nrJ,iliol!;: J 1)' ('(), J I,~' i II'I d 11 I:,' J ~,!].; II: . ';"('(l)ld,-,,] C(lIIJ)(:il''';(ijl'~Jn J()lll~~;((\:1 ;1~;),'(1 ,l!J()ut !'/I!I r1.'q\d,ILjf,)JI~~ for II\1ill)j)I'l on IIi" (Jt!I('r LJI,,! tl,~(1 ('('''II;.j I ~)l"Y h,u_l fin,,11'1' h,:cI aj,)))'r;-:,"!] fl'(J!lI P I-~ f, C" IJ::;l )lu!-I' 1"Ai~~-; n";.i(II'l)~,i,ll 'dj'j~; uI Llh' C.iLy. 'j'hi~; \','jJJ h)'/c 1;0 )J(' (.J Citj' codv a,,:('rllll:cC'nl, l','if) ill Jot Uw 1\ -I] j n f ~l'.'(lr t::01 inn carried, "* SUI;JJ:I Vl~; IOil \1.i'11":'1 n:,; - .1(']d;i_n';~Jl1 L:llJc' (':.:) 1illllc',1 thj,: i~; ehr-, :-;il1!'(' l:Y1H' o[ c,;-:<I;:!JLiui) ]"C'(.1:H, ~;L O\'.'ll('r.'~!Jjj'. 'i'lji~; ,-,,';1:1 ('j-';lr;IU' !(J( r, v.'hj~ll j:~ 1,000 ~;ql::lr(; KtJIF' :;.-'icl i I ''';,J~; ; [Julld t 1:.-:[' tLn ] ~-;j~; IlJ(~::t 1 (' ('J:(-'I('<lcl~(':,; ('i) ilJ)d -~ iDe!lr!: 0)1 tl:(' II,.rcJ-.. '1'l1i~; con 1)(' rC'l!lC'cljhl (,_i~hcr Il)' to the: j~~j~; 01 c()IJ1{! (iC! to the. P,'Y\1-(1 of 1.diu;;:":J[l(~]I~", rit J'J I:' the ea:";11(')]1 i..'ould bc' lv.ji-('r. '1'i](' f-iil< j,-j J.:',:1, hy riq1ll -11,00 !;lj,lil),(.' fcc't.. 'j"ilC'rf; Cl)~l' no :;c1 back ('1;ui:L>i:ll'Jlts ill ::j,}jUlll'j lJp land )11 ';ill<j]( Cc'c{ - il F,il,i!::I:I!' :,i~.r' )()~_. Juts i~'(j .1;1('l1(':; on t 1:" j ~-(')I!:. i1J"i Cil!;C'TI:0n~.. lr(,i:l J.lc;, ,J,:),i: jl::;U;! ::.~Ii,! t.)IL; jJlallnjn~; orri.-.'" 1(J~ \,'iJic!l co,lld hc_' i:! hlliL:in'! {J; t1IC~ ('C Z0:1(:. Cowlcj ]:';,n J"',l-ry l:,o\'cd lo .J:]JprV'il.' thc' ::ul).:.1iv~ :;-Lon (';-:C:i1lpl.-ion; Counc.l ] ':.-O!1I:ln :John~_' Lun ,)tJdrc1 -L1i;~t t !Jr~ ,l])jJlc'pr i a to 1'(1]')' d"(l j ca: the var:"nL J~)t. 1,)1 in L-1vor, lIIotioll cariic'rl. ~:ccc>n<,h:(l hy COUIH'j J:' 1); j{\n [t'C' ':]JOL:lrl ix' J' jil; I"j: Ii I, f(Jj- punLl c norl::;] ;:C 1,CTJ'Onl 'l'Y l'ulJJ ic lIc.'lrj WI tl;lyor SLc1ndJr"/ o !,"C'n.;:,c] thc' publ.ic bC'il.1"inq. .),'n5Icr Can to)e: ('(Junei.1 th;lt thi.':; 1"_1:,15(; heDrinc; hod been a(lvertisc'c: to (lcLcr.'":LinC' \-.')]('1 j)cr or llot Lli('T"C' i~ need [OJ' a Pi!/-, tz' funct.ic:"J ,in thc' CiLy of l\~;p(;n. Hs. Cat-r 1'(';1(1 i1 J('ttcr fl'()!'L tJ",(: fj:-c l;l:lr~:hCll c.l;'-:_;:l:; :~'-,' unsC'lniLlrv,or IlI1:iICC (h\'('llinq:.-; dr. t;;..:ist in tl1(' City. ']':]cr~ ;ln~ phy.~;ic'll.l'1' iJl,~lr:'''i\Lll(' \Jnit~-;. Th.-'u' is ,,]c:'o CXCf':-;~;i\'(, co;;t~; for i!i'-::~(: I)nji,~ "l"l (l'I.'('rT1P-,,\'di::q. I<~;. C,,: c):pli.lil't,d thitl tl Conncil had to c;o tl]rou':Jh Lhi~3 P:-0C,:':,;;; .:~qaiIJ J"'_~C(LU '- it \':,t:; ;;.j! prupc'r:i:.,- dOClll,\Cntcd tho Ltr;:1 ti1~10. !1.'lyor SlilLd.lc'l' c]o;~(,u the PU~)J.i.c h0'iirj;i~!. COlmcjh:;:,n h'j~hlll"t moved thal tIF' Cnll:1ci.l h,ivjncr [nunc'! tbilt the L':!:;ic n'_'cd C'rit(., ;:1 ha\"(" l1cJi beL')} mc't fen hou::;~n~J \','ith:in thl' City cf h~::pl'l:, thf' 1','-;;JC'i! C;ty CPll.ICJl i" '~-(>~l"~~' c~;t;lhli~ollcs rt hou~jn'J dctljoritYi ~_;c<:Gndcll by CO\Jl,cil\,,'oL-;an ~ro]lI]:;Lur,. 1,11 ill La'.. mot.i OJ) L':lrried. Council) :dn Ii'i ~i]lilr ,1oh))~;t ,W 1\,1) in ,:)\'cd to rCZl.d j~(~~:I..,)Ul-:ioll [,(vor, r~:nLi():l cal'ric:d, 1; :-> ~;c'ri (':':; () f. ] S 7P; S'..', (1))1:('(1 by CU'.:~j('jl',,'(l~!, :;1 EE:-;I)LUTIO;'~ t:? (Scr lC:; of .1978) HE J'J' HL~OLVFn 1 'Pi::' C'J'_:'Y ('i)U;~C]j, (ij' 'j'r;l' (':"i'Y OJ,' ,\:~!-" '" C\lj.O);\i'\',l: 'j'hat ;1 }'l,tiU(lll L:1'..';;I'] lH'C'll f.i.lt'zl \.'jih tL~' (11\' C]c'rk c'; ~:,:lid Cj_i to l-\',(;'nl,::-Ll\'C_' (:-:::.) rc:.:i(;:'nl~' tJH:[t'of, ~:ctt.:ilP forth tk~: Ll")-(' J::; a 1:,'-.., f(H " !kJu:.;.in;J J-\u:ll<\lit\' in :lll;'I-.io)) tliL'.t',~jnf zlj~d ':1 ]-'.11,1.1(' i;~'-!l il1q lJzn'II:,' b('cn : cl<1, \]:'("1 du\' nn-(:5 C(' qi'.."('l) by :--:':li'l Ci t Y Cll:l k illl l)"j~;d;l\l to t-Ill' "IJOll:; ]\q i'.I:!h(lrit-jc'~c; Lt',\'" uf the :-;t,-tll' 01 CO'I('l,l'_iC', it~; ;1[. "l1(:(',i 1.11(' CiCy Coune .1. of ~~~dd ('ity fjl'.~:.': (:L'h'I'IPln('s ,)]!,j l:('Cldl(-";, th,I(: 1. Ull"dnit.-ll-'1' <~n(i u1'l,;;'I-,' jlJ!l.-d,itc'l <lv,- J ill'-i ;ICCI';;i.n:)~],ll j(l!l:~ l':-:i:;f I:J -(-he City of r.~'l)f::l, Cl,l(l~'~L;(\i dnd 2. T)1(,1'(' j~, a l;!l~~; cd ::()jl' ;::,'1 "dni1:llY (j';,(').l ~j!(' :l('('O).:',~)(_1;;t.il\n~: thc' Cit)' of /~"'J"'ol, C'CJJ_Oi-,ld'l, '::\'cli]i1Ll1l' fl't ,11) (111' iillidhildJlt: I h(')-l~'O r, dlj(l 3. 'j'!wn' i~; il ])('('L~ [OJ.''-I ]In\T:;lnlj j'"utliC>li()' to Ul)cli(l;i ill Uw Ci!\' of lV;p\'!1, CO]C'I':Hil'; and ~. iI. ].wtit.ilH) ~;cttillCi fnrtlt 1l1~' ll,,~('d fr-q-;l How;illq i\~llll"l'il':r" In I\II~,' lUll ill th(~ C.iLl' I'l l\;:PI'II, C(>JC'~d 10, h~IS nilt LVl'll (!,"nic ~ 1,)" LlH' C; Cnlti\cil thVI('\11 \'.'ll]lill tl".l'" III(1llU'~: (l~ llll' d,ltl' or llil' Ljlin,; (of 1))(' il: ,'1 z ';'-li d 1" 'I i! i (ill; ,J!!;] 5. 'l'h,' ;-'1.:1','('1' l1: 111(' \'it)' {l~ ;',~;J1(')j, ('01(')-:111". 11(' lJ1("lCIJ'll',' llC1 i!il',) pi tIll' adoj'! i(l1l \'1 1 hi.'; l-(":U] l:l-.to:t: :1)!'! 6. '1'])(' }J.lj'Ul lll' :in.! Ii(' Ill'll'l,)' i:~ llil'('l'i.'d to ! i.1\' in tlj(' (!frje(' (1' t!](, ell) ('1('1 i:. or llH' ('it Y (.( i\~;i"'JJ, ('1,JI1[',-ld~" I hr, lll'C (' "::11'i' C' 'Ill! ie,Il\' ('\"ld('j\Clllq till' c1,,;;jl;n,dildl (l( th.' ('.iI, (\qilj.'il ,I,': tl",' ('1l::l~11~::,:''l:' " O!" Ill(' 1!()\I:;in'l i\IIIIi','rLiy, l'Ur~;l\,HI( [Ii ::'.t:l i()lI :lq~,;u:'()r,(,l) 01 nTh: l!()l1~;jll'l i\ulht'l-itii'" L.l>'}" of till.' :;t:11,\~ cd l\ll(JI',ILin. 7. 'i'la' ,l!(;] <';:dld l:u::,I,il \(11;:,11] Il'l' ('il) 01 '\"1"'1\, l\']I.),lIl<l, ('(ll'I)'l' l"'-r~;"ll:; ur 1(1\,' il1('\llcl" [(l ('~'\'\Ii"," Uj~' \llil,!l)' (OJ \lll~;,li,' llv;(,JJiIlL\ iI,',-";:!;,l' d;llioll.'; Ill' (\\',1l:I-I'I,:,lt'11 iltHI Cllil'i!,,(,'d (1\" 11in,.j ;IC{'I;:I]~(->lLlt1('Il' Ill,,: Ill" ,ll'()j"t'!;;lid Ll\:lcliti(lt\~: VolII:;,' .tll 111,'j",I:' III lh,' ~'J>t\',hl oj tli:;P,l:;L' ,(IIi! C~-il'l"; Ill;!! tll ('1".11,1:11"(' ,)111] 1('I',J~l' III: I ii'l] o! III' ,Ill'.\:; in I,"'i,'h \ \ M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Aspen City Council FROM: Planning Office, Bill Kane RE: Jenkinson Subdivision Exemption DATE: January 19, 1978 This is a request for exemption from the full subdivision procedures to separate Lot K from Lots L, M and N of Block 87 in the Aspen Townsite. This site involves the Isis Theatre and the vacant Lot immediately to the west of it. The lots are owned by Majorie Jenkinson and the cum- ulative lot ownership regulation in the City Subdivision Regulations requires a request for Subdivision Exemption procedures to separate and separately convey existing cumulatively owned contiguous townsite lots. In the course of discussions with the Engineering Department and applicant, and upon review of the plat, we note that the Isis Theatre encroaches on Lot K by 6 inches on the front side of the Lot and 3 inches on the back. There was some discussion about requiring this lot to go through the Board of Adjustment to seek a variance for minimum lot size requirement. It has been agreed by the applicant represented by Albie Kern that rather than pursuing a variance, the applicant will simply convey an easement to the Isis Theatre which would allow the owner to obtain 3,000 square feet of fee simple land on Lot K and there- fore avoiding the problem of a sub-standard sized lot. 3,000 square foot lots are permitted as a minimum lot size in the CC district. We also discussed the park dedication fee; but at this writing, I just learned that the District Judge has ruled against the City park dedication fee in certain respects and we will defer the City Attorney's opinion as to the appropriateness of the fee on this particular application and by way of this memo, request her to make a comment at Monday's meeting. With provision of the easement, and payment of a park dedi- cation fee,if it is any longer appropriate, we recommend approval of this exemption request. The exemption request was granted unanimous approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting uf January 17, 1978. lmk f! L.e- (f-/ ( ,;f -.J-C<./ PROPOSED WORDING FOR DEED FROM MARJORIE JENKINSON TO BUYER OF LOT K, BLOCK 87, ASPEN, COLORADO "Reserving to grantor herein, her heirs and assigns, an easement in perpetuity for a building encroachment on Lot K, Block 87, Aspen, Colorado, described as follows: (Description) Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event the building, known as the Isis Theater, is removed, de- molished or completely destroyed this easement shall terminate and be of no force and effect." M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Office (KS) RE: Jenkinson Subdivision Exemption DATE: January 13, 1978 This is an application for subdivision exemption involving the separation of Lot K from Lots L, M, and N of Block 87 in Aspen. The 4 lots are now owned by Marjorie Jenkinson and the site is currently improved by the Isis Theatre. Lot K is the vacant lot immediately adjacent to the Isis. The Isis sits on Lots Land M and encroaches onto K by one foot. The Engineering Department has noted that encroachment and requested a revised improvement survey showing same. That has recently been sub- mitted. The Engineering Department also states that an easement for this encroachment should be obtained by the present owners before Lot K is sold. We suggest this occur before final exemption approval by the County. They recommend the exemption. The Planning Office notes that Lot Kat 3000 square feet conforms with the minimum lot size of the Commercial Core district which is the current zoning. However, we do not know what effect that easement has on the calculation of lot area. If the encroachment area must be subtracted, then the Lot would be non-conforming and the division of property should not be permitted. We are asking the City Attorney to advise. We also note that the full foot side yard setback should be observed and calculated from the point of the encroachment easement. The Lot will therefore in any case present a narrow building site. Only if the problem of minimum lot area can be resolved should the exemption be approved. It seems likely that there must be a variance applied for and received from the Board of Adjustment for less than the minimum lot size, and if this is so, we would suggest conditioning your motion on receipt of the variance before Council consideration. We note too, the encroachment of the Isis in the alley. As with the ARI exemption, the Engineering Department feels it is not a big problem and would require no modification. The park dedication fee appears not to apply in the O-Office District but again we defer to Dorothy. lmk / MEMO TO: KAREN SMITH PLANNING FROM: TOM JONES ENGINEERING 1) DATE: January 11, 1978 RE: Subdivision Exemption Lot K, Block 87, O,A,T, The only comment the Engineering Department has on this request is to point out that the existing building on Lots L,M, and N encroaches on Lot K by as much as half a foot. An easement for this encroachment should be retained by the present owners before Lot K is sold, A revised improvement survey has been requested which more clearly shows the nature of the encroachment. Approval of the exemption request is recommended. jk CUSTOMER CITY OF ASPEN FINANCE DEPARTMENT CASHIER'S RECEIPT 01-111 LICENSES & PERMITS 511 0 BUSINESS LICENSES 512 0 SALES TAX LICENSES S13 0 BEER - WINE. LIQUOR LICENSES 514 0 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES 516 0 LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION 517 0 DOG LICENSE 518 0 CENTRAL ALARM LICENSE 519 0 BICYCLE LICENSES 520 0 EXCAVATION PERMITS 521 0 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 522 0 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 523 0 PLUMBING PERMITS 524 0 HEATING PERMITS 525 0 SEPTIC TANK PERMITS 01-111 FINES & FORFEITS 561 0 COURT FINES 562 0 COURT BONDS - FORFEIT 563.01 0 TOWING FINES - IMPOUND 563-02 0 TOWING FINES - NOT IMPOUND 564 0 TRAFFIC FINES 566 0 FALSE ALARM FINES 568 0 DOG IMPOUND FINES 569 0 OTHER FINES & FORFEITS 01-111 OTHER MISC. REVENUES 579 0 MAPS, CODES, ZONING REGS. 589 0 OTHERS (DESCRIBE) 01.988.632-03 0 XEROXING (DESCRIBE) o OTHER - ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION, (NAME, NUMBER, ETC.), /J ,~ !:::ir~"J 'L(~""""____ -~ '__ t}iiL 81.J f- l' [,a H' -/..1 k L H N. (' ..... P . .... CASHIER VAL~(OA 100 ':!L- /!A.",)! L. ,~~.~.... ) ~ } RECEIVED FROM I I 12{~I;--r7 . . "'I ~ . .. . . , .> - ~.-- CITY OF ASPEN. MEMO FROM KAREN SMITH 12-21-77 "" Dave, Please find attached two requests from the definition of subdivision. One is for Marjorie Jenkinson and the other is for Bill Drueding. Descriptions of the property are also attached. We are tentatively scheduling both of them for the P&Z meeting of January 17th. May we have any comments that you may have before the 17th. Thank you. . Karen . ~ " (Subdivision, Exemption from FEE SCHEDULE Subdivision, Rezoning, ~ark Dedication) Name of Project: Marjorie Jenkinson - Subdivision Exemption Address: Applicant's Name: Albie Kern (Attorney for Jenkin~QOne: P.O. Box 389, 430 East Hyman Street, Aspen, Colorado 81611 925-7411 Applicant's Address: FOR ZONES WHICH ARE R-15, R-30, R-40, RR and CONSERVATION the Subdivision Fee Formula is as follows: Conceptua 1 $100 + $5.00jdwelling unit + Prel iminary $22.00jdwelling unit Final $3.00jdwelling unit FOR ALL OTHER ZONES the Subdivision Fee Formula is as follows: Conceptual $100 + $60.00jacre of land Pre 1 i mi nary $280.00jacre of land Final $35.00jacre of land X EXEMPTION FROM THE DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION FEE: $50.00 REZONING APPLICATION FEE: $125.00 (once a year) p..Q. L1-':11- 77 PARK DEDICATION FEE SCHEDULE r:rcorm or p;~CH.:r;~G:N~;S 1(<' l!'.1\'CS curr('nt m.;lrkL~t v.lluc of i1 pL~rccnt.:lgc of the land propo!;cd (l5 the development $itc, the pcrccnt~1.gc of the 1.lIld being uctcrmincd .at the rate of b'o and or:c-h<llf (2'~1 acre!> for every one thousand (1,000) residents of the propo~cd dcvc)op:acnt. (that is. the number of residents multiplied by t.....cnty-fivc ten thousandths (.0025) of an acre per resident). The number of residents attributable to the dcvclo~ncnt shall be calculated in the following manner: ~f Dwelling Number of Residents Per Dwell.lnq IT..i t l1ulti-Family studio one bedroom two bedrcorn three bedroon and 1.3 for each additional / 1.0 1.3 2.7 4.0 bedroom Single Family or Duplex one heuroo::\ two bed:-c::-:\ three b.-::c~';;)C':-:\ and 1.3 for c~ch additional 1.3 2.7 4.0 bedroom A duplc:"{ strl4C'~n!'e shall constitute t\o:o dl>.'clling unit~ for the FU=20~~s of th~s subsection. (3) An eXd:::?lc of the ~1.pplic.J.tion of th..' above formula is ,'E~ fo1loltn:. <LS~;umillg the construction of on(' 5in91(' !:d:~ily r('si.~L'nco cOlluHnin'J llt:O bcdroo:':,~; en d 10t cont.lininq 15,000 SCj;':dH' f"l't with a raarkt.'::. \".:11ue of .$65,000.00 (or $4.33 per square foot): 2.7 (7 t>f'dl'OCI!l\ '" 2.7 residents) x Q.Q02S ':1C'rl'S X 43,~60 (:,qU.HC fCl't P{~l- ,1CI-C) x $4.)3 (r,loJr- tel value lIt l.uld p~r squaTt' foot) '" $1,273.15 (h) Un_il'li'rcwl'd 1.1m} ~;h.l.ll bf" <LppT'.li~cd ilt thf' currl'lIl r..lT'!.L'l. v.lIu,' L'{- lh,' ~,it" ilh__']udlnq it:; \'.lluc llttlibut.lt'l(' to CIllb, ql1lt{'I'~;, ~,ll"l't, ~-,id"\".llk IIlul uL ill ti,"> J t I :l':t ,)] 1,'.1 pn t!\t' {!,l!l' (1:: ;','r~l i: il",!:;U,\lh'('. I!;;~"l,,\',-d Lln,J~; :.ll,ll! l..' di'i'l-"l ,..,1 ;:,-,"'ld:n'- to thL'ir hi'l11,'~,1 dnJ I>l':;l \l~,<' ldh.inq lulu ,','ll~,i.lL'l',I- linn l'xi!;t.inq ~::.1"l,,'t\\r'~~, ~'h<'tl,.'r (q- not. t1ll'Y .11',' confol-min'J. ,'1.11 ~..'l. v.du(' mdY I,,' ~:tlh::tdnll.Ll,'d by a do~ulll"'nl('lt l)lll'L:h.J.~;t' prieL' (if <Ill olrm'~: Im.'.1Lh tl'.llI:..I{'t ion IIIlI nlt'l (' tlhlll l~'\' Y,',II:; olJ) UI l'y ,lllr olher t"1..'COC/lli':l'J r.lL',Jn~;; ~lro\'id,.t1 th.1t "~~i,'!';~~d.- , -".''''''~''"---....,"_.." ALBERT KERN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW p, 0, BOX 38. 430 E. HYMAN STREET ASPEN, COLORADO 81811 TELEPHONE 13031 82!5-74t I December 19, 1977 HAND DELIVERED City of Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission c/o Karen Smith, City Planning Office 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear Karen; Re: Subdivision Exemption On behalf of Mrs. Marjorie Jenkinson I am requesting an exemption from the Subdivision laws of the City of Aspen. Mrs. Jenkinson owns Lots K, L, M and N, Block 87, Aspen, Colorado and desires to obtain an exemption for Lot K from the Subdivision laws of the City of Aspen. I am enclosing herewith an improvement boundary line survey for the aforementioned four lots. Please consider this as an application for exemption of Lot K, Block 87. 4~~ Albert Ke n AK:ao Encl. cc: Marjorie Jenkinson ALBERT KERN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW p, O. BOX 388 430 E. HYMAN STREET ASPEN, COLORADO 81811 TELEPHONE (303) 825-7411 December 20, 1977 HAND DELIVERED City of Aspen Planning Office c/o Karen Smith 130 South Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear Karen; Re: Jenkinson Subdivision Exemption I am delivering herewith two (2) additional plats of Lots K, L, M and N, Block 87, Aspen, Colorado and the Subdivision Exemption fee of $50.00. Albert Kern AK:ao Enc!. cc: Marjorie Jenkinson