HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.sp.Rio Grande SPA.1977
Lackey, Luhnnow and Company
LandscapeArchitects and Contractors Box2383 Aspen, Colorado 81611 303925-5522
December 19, 1977
Mr. Bi 11 Kane
City Ha 11
Aspen, CO 81611
Dear Bi 11 :
As you could tell by my recent note, our company would like very much
to design the landscape for your Rio Grande property.
We have built our reputation on quality design, because we are land-
scape architects and contractors. We know the construction problems or
advantages of most design alternatives. Therefore, we design landscapes
that both work and are guaranteed to be installed promptly, at a guaranteed
price and with quality we stand by.
I I d 1 i ke to arrange an appointment after Chri stmas and in the interum,
have a joyous holiday.
TO: Aspen City Council
FROM: Planning Office, Bill Kane
RE: Rio Grande Bus Depot - Subdivision Exemption' Request
DATE: November 9, 1977
Request is being made here for the exemption from the full subdivision
procedures to allow the transfer of some 26,000 square feet of city
owned property to Andre Ulrych/Eagles for the purposes of constructing
the new Eagles Club. As you will, no doubt, recall this tranfers as
part of the overall Eagles/Andre Ulrych/City of Aspen trade which will
have the Eagles Club moving to this property; Andre Ulrych moving into
the existing Eagles Club; the City of Aspen acquiring two acres of park
land along the Roaring Fork River and four residential units being
constructed orr'the Buchanon property. We submi t that no useful purpose
would be served by going through the full and lengthy subdivision
procedures to accommodate this transfer in and that all the particulars
for planning this site has been accomplished through the S.P.A. master
planning process. We will have available for your review at the Monday
meeting an accurate description of the land to be conveyed and a more
and precise estimate of the total land area to be provided. We recommend
that the exemption be approved.
TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Planning Office (KS)
RE: Stream Margin Review - Rio Grande
DATE: October 14, 1977
The City Engineer's office will be making application for stream margin
review of certain earthwork on the Rio Grande Prooertv. At this hour,
the plans are still not available, so we will have comment for you at
Tuesday's meeting.
TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Planning Office (BK)
RE: Subdivision Exemption for a conveyance of land from the City of
Aspen to Andre Ulrych for purposes of the construction of the
Eagles Club
DATE: October 14, 1977
As you know, the Creektree Subdivision and the transfer of the Eagles to the
Rio Grande Property and the Trade of park land to the City of Aspen has been
predicated on reconveyance of the current bus station from the City of Aspen
to Andre Ulrych. This constitutes a subdivision activity, and as such, must
be dealt with under the City Code. In light of the fact that the land is
wi thi n desi gnated boundari es of a speci ally pHlnned area (SPA) we requi re
that an SPA master plan be adopted for the site prior to any subdivision
activity taking place. At your last meeting, you approved by Resolution the
SPA master plan for the City owned Rio Grande property. This plan has gone
forward to City Council and has passed City Council on first reading and
will be taken up for second reading at their second meeting in November.
We recommend that this exemption be granted subject to two conditions:
1. That an accurate survey of the property to be conveyed
be presented prior to action by City Council.
2. That the SPA Master Plan, as required by City Code,
be adopted prior to final approval of subdivision
exemption by the City Council.
We feel that there would be no purpose served by going through the full
subdivision procedures for the conveyance of this tract in the fact tha-t all
relevant planning considerations for the parcel have been considered in
the development and adoption of the SPA Master Plan for the City owned
Rio Grande property. To go through the full and lengthy subdivision
procedures to cover the conveyance of this tract would be a duplication of
all those considerations undertaken during the SPA Master Plan process.
We will have for your reviewing consideration on Tuesday, a copy of the
survey and presentation of a map and lands to be exempted.
DATE: October 14, 1977
RE: Stream Margin Review-Rio Grande Property
The City wishes to construct a low berm within the 100 foot
stream margin of the Rio Grande Property. The purpose of
this berm will be to provide storm water detention prior to
this water reaching the River. The storm water in question
comes from the 48 inch diameter line in Mill Street, the
outfall of which has temporar~ly been routed across the
northwestern portion of the Rio Grande property until funds
are made available for the planned extention of this line
to the river and eventually to treatment at the Aspen Sani-
tation Plant. The proposed berm will be 144 feet along it's
crest with a maximum height in the center of 4 feet. Side-
slopes will be 4:1, givirig the berm a maximum width at the
center of 32 feet. This shape has been field staked for your
review if you feel this is necessary.
Water from the mall channels will also be routed through
this pond on a continuing basis. There will be a 12 inch
diameter pipe installed through the berm at 2 feet above
the low point. This will allow the mall water to pond to a
depth of only 2 feet and allow 2 feet for storm runoff
detention. Storm runoff out of the pond will be by overflow
in a 10 foot wide spillway area near the center of the berm
which will be rip-rapped for erosion protection.
We feel this berm is necessary to trap oil, silt, and other
debris from the,storm sewer before this water reaches the
river. The incoming storm water will pass through a trash
rack before entering the pond to trap as much of the objec-
tionable can and paper debris as possible, so that the pond
does not become an unsightly trash pile.
The attached plan details the features described above.
. .
Aspen City Council
October 11, 1977
--_._'--,..-_.__.__._~ --------- --...'""---.....-..-... .'---.-.-"""
"i:~~rt" moved-:O table thi: lic::se apPli::::~n ~or-~~::~-~ied~~~b;e~~-'~~~;-'-r-
~aarshal and health department are listed, and the co.nsideration of a tavern I
,f and reschedule the issue at the applicant I sdiscretion-; 'seconded by Councilman .J
;,/1. All in favor, with the, exception of Mayor Standley. Ne'tien carried. :1
ren Smith, planning, department', told" Council ,this-reque'st invo,'lves 'an existing dupleX'..
is was tabled from the last meeting because the attorney wanted to. investigate if the
rk dedication fee had already been satisfied by the donation- of land. They have not
en able to. find any substantiation to that effect. Ms.- Smith 'told Council they are
king for approval with the payment of the park dedication' fee, 90 day first right of
fUBal, and a six month lease restriction. Brooke Peterson said regarding the 90 day
rst right of refusal, there are no tenants, they are owners, and they are willing to
cept the conditions.
uncilwoman Johnston moved to approve the exemption from subdivision with the conditions
the payment of the park dedication fee, 90 day right of first refusal and six month
nimum lease; seconded by Councilman Wishart. All in favor, motion carried.
hn Stanford, pla'nning office, told Council that SPA's ar~~doPted by ordinance and
esented Ordinance~54 for consideration. The plan presented resulted from a study
s'sion and includes (1) area dedicated to greenway area adjacent to the river, (2) SPA
eludes a recreational park with a future building zone, (3) SPA with a fraternal lodge
ich is involved in the Andre's trade.
ancilwoman Johnston said she assumed that the recreation could in time be passive
=reation. Councilman Hershey asked why the right-of-way road from Spring street did
t go through. Planner Bill Kane told Council that a 60 foot right-of- way was needed
th24 feet of paving, drainage system, etc:, and there is not enough room without cutting
f the ball field. ~ane said there was nothing to prevent building a road in the future.
ne explained- that the playing field is 8 feet above grade, ~ berm is needed, and there
a 3 to 1 slope.
ancilman. Hershey moved to read Ordinance #54, Series of 1977; seconded by Councilman
shart. All in favor, motion carried.
(Series of 1977)
:. THE ASPEN MUNICIPAL CODE was read by the city clerk
IncilwomanJohnston moved to adopt Ordinance #54, Series of 1977, on first reading;
:onded by Councilman Wishart.
~ncilman Parry said he did not think this should be planned without putting a street in
~re. Councilman Parry said'he hated ~o see the street closed off. Councilman Parry
t.ed if a road would be open to the parking lot. Kane said that access "to Aspen. One
a" legal concept and a pencil concept to the parking lot. Councilman Hershey said he
lId not go along with this concept if there was no road at all. Councilman Parry
tnted out the closure of the street would create traffic on lUll for people that live
that end of town.
le told Council that the City spent 1.75 million dollars for this piece of property.
there is to be a road there, that's all there will be, a road and a parking lot. The
locil wants something other than just a parking lot. Mayor Standley pointed out that
the City built a road there, it would have to meet the same standards set for everyone.
le said if this is adopted, it will enable the City to subdivide and trade land with
ire Ulrych. Councilman Hershey said he support a road being built through the property~
II call vote: Councilmemberst-vishart, aye; Van Ness, aye; Parry, aye; Johnston, aye;
:shey, aye; Mayor Standley, aye.
~TLE ANNIE SKI AREA - Joint Review Process
ror Standley said this is a request to ask the City to enter into the joint review
)cess for Little Annie. Mayor Standley removed himself from the discussion; Councilman
:shey, removed himself also as he might have an interest in the matter as a law firm.
lncilman Parry was appointed to run the meeting.
t Garfield, representing the proposed Little Annie Ski Area, was asking Council to join
the joint review process to study the area to find out whether it has any~merit as a
: area. This is not asking for approval, just asking to get the process going. The
:nt process is a method of studying the ski area. Prior to this time there has been no
Jrdination of governmental entities, which are 25 state agencies, Forest Service, and
:al,governmental authorities. There will be a committee formed with representatives
each governmental ag~ncy. The planning office submitted a memorandum, which brings
Council up-tO-date on this project. On September 19, ~itkin County agreed to go into
joint review process, and also agreed to act as the lead agency. The Forest Service
. also agreed to enter the process.
-~ ,
l~, 'kJk~ f1fc'
'(7(6 '
r80 q(~,,~
>f"k" r-1 u .
September 23, 1977
The attached drawing is the completed work plan to date for the
playfield and parking improvements at the Ri~ Grande Property.
Since there has been considerable/discussion of what, where and
how on the project I wanted to make sure that as many concerns
as possible have been answered, thus the following summary.
The playfield location, elevation and grading plan are based
upon city council's comments during a field inspection on
May 23. The maximum/cut will be about 4.7 feet near the
existing bus stop and the maximum fill will be about 6 feet
near the grove of cottonwoods. Overall dimensions of the field
are 360' x 230'. This is adequate for football, rugby, soccer
or lacrosse and will ac~ommodate two small softball fields
or one large softball field. The large field would have a
300' outfield except in right field where the maximum would
be 280'. For the two practice fields the critical dimension
is in left-center where the maximum is 192' with no overlap.
These dimensions allow for the backstop and do not conflict
with goal post locations.
The parking area with 158 spaces meets the 150 space minimum
criteria. The number of parking spaces cannot be increased
without considerable excavation into the southerly or easterly
embankments. The parking area will not be paved this fall,
but some form of all weather surfacing is anticipated next
year, probably seal and chip rather than asphalt. The park-
ingbays will be delineated by the planters and signing.
The single access point will be on Mill Street since Spring
Street will be closed. A 60 foot corridor has been reserved
for access to the Aspen One parcel from Spring Street.
The bikepath and irrigation ditch are being relocated to the
east and will parallel each other around the north side of
the cottonwood grove where a shallow sedimentation pond
will be provided before the ditch rejoins. the present
alignment. Repaving of the bikepath will most likely be
next spring. One of the two existing ponds will be reshaped
to accomodate the playfield.
As part of the project an old segment of storm drain on Mill
Street is being replaced and rerouted to relieve flooding on
the Trueman property. The new storm drain will combine cul-
verts and open-ditch segments discharging at the same point
on the Roaring Fork as the present storm drain. To improve
the quality of this urban runoff on an interim basis it is
planned to construct a low berm near the river to create a
minor detention and sedimentation basin. When the Main Street
StOrm Sewer System is completed the Spring Street/Original Street
drainage will be routed through this same basin.
Except for the fencing at Cap's, the parking lot planters and
the stairs, no landscape elements have been indicated. The
assumption is that the Parks Department can adequately handle
the playfield surface, reseeding and plantings where necessary,
,and R.R. tie. bleachers at the softball field.
~ '
Sept.23, 1977 - 2nd. page
Work on site clean. up and removal of existing improvements
has already begun; however it will be a few days before any
major grading begins. I feel the plan does address' all the
concerns we are aware of. Should you have any comments
please advise as soon as possible. I would like to submit
this plan to P&Z for a stream margin review at their October
4 meeting when they consider the Rio Grande SPA plan. Tom
Jones will be the project engineer for construction.
cc: Stacy Standley
Tom Jones
Soptembor 18, 1977
Chic Collins, Chairman
Aspon Flanning and Zoning Commission
130 s. Galona str~ot
Aspen, COlorado
D..ar Chic:
I s~nt a l~tt..r to tho commission to protost tho SCI
zoning b"h1nd tn" Obormoyor building. I was out of town
and couldn't attond tho S"pt. 6th mooting, but my lettor
wasn't read and apparontly wasn't consider"d.
I f""l vory strongly about putting this comm"rcial zono
th"ro- it looks neat enough on the proposed plan (Which
shows a barri:>r of non-pxist"nt trpes), but tho trade-off
to accommodate the" businossos on' ,l1ill Str"'et would be a
now desecration of this ar"a of th" riv"r, which truly
should be gr"enand op"n. Th" city pow"rs are literally
sweepingthoso businessoS undor the rug, to what must be
thought of as a l"ss visible place than whoro they now
exist. It doesn't make any s"nse,E'xcept p"rhaps to solve
the planning offico's immediat" dilomma. Inst"ad of trading
why couldn't the city buy th" Andr"ws-~cFarlan? proporty-
funds for opon spaco and parks can somohow bA found and
ar" always 1'1011 spont. Don't compromls" now. Asp"n has to
be b"tt"r than tho citi"s who dump on th?ir rivor banks.
Go look at this prop"rty, from both sidos of tho riv"r,
and soo th? placo you may bo committins to commorcial uso
for all tim". Onco this d'-'cision is made this ground will
b<> irr,~tri"vablo as natural opon spac".
Gloria potti t
285 N. Spring Str"'et
Aspen, Colorado
, .
Rdgular Meeting
i'>spen.City Council
September 12, 1977
Janet Landry, chairman of the Holy Cross TaskForce, submitted a packet with proposals
about the Holy Cross building. Councilman Behrendt questioned protection building from
flooding and landscapeand s.ite wo.rk, exterior sctilpture garden, and storage facility.
These are $50,OOO-of the construction costs. These costs are really up in the air as
the building has only been discussed asa visual arts facility and as a part of the whole,
big park down tnere' lis. Landry pointed out thatberming would protect the bUilding from
flooding and would have to be done for the sake of the building anyway. Ms. Landry said
the presented costs were the engineer's breakdown on the whole property to bring it up
to code for public use, no matter what the public use might be. Some of the items do
directly relate to an arts center. The largest portion of the budget is to bring the
building up to code. .
John Stanford, planning office, pointed out this budget is more expensive because it is
over a phased time. The Holy Cross task force was charged with developing a plan for the
building and for the site. Ms. Landry said the site had a lot to do with the recommenda-
tion for an arts center. Ms. Landry said this budget was brought to Council on their
request. Councilmernbers charge the task force with (1) bring a proposed resolution to
Council; (2) present Council with a pro fo~ma budget.. This list actually j'ust lets
Council know where the task force is; (3),"suggest a Board to go from here to the next
step; (4) zoning and historic designation were to be addressed. Ms. Landry told Council
that the list submitted for Board members was a result of a questionnaire sent out aSking
people if they would be willing to be on the Board. The people on the list cover a wide
area of interests in the community. .
Councilman Behrendt moved to adopt the HolyCross Citizens Task Force Resolution; seconde(
by Councilman Van Ness.
City Manager Mahoney said he felt the task force had worked hard and Stanford had given
,a lot of guidance. Mahoney said he was concerned about 'where the resolution was taking
the Council. This would be spinning the property off of close. linkage to the Council.
The Visual Arts Board will be setting policies for the center~ Councilman Behrendt said
he did not want the site to get totally tied up, but would rather, leave itsornewhat vague.
Mayor Standley pointed out that there are only four Councilmembers present, and this
resolution impacts the entire City and strongly obligates the City to $240,000. Council-
man Behrenat said the Council had committed no dollars, nor has the Council endorsed any
specific items on the list as being the final product.. Councilman Parry asked if the
Council had come to a consensus at any point that this should be a visual arts center.
Mayor Standley said Council had agreed with the concept but wanted to see costs broken
down and methods of financing. City Manager Mahoney recommended tabling this as he did
not approve of the wording of the resolution.
Councilman Behrendt made a substitute motion to table this; seconded by Councilman Parry.
All in favor; motion carried~ Ms. Landry requested a meeting with Mahoney toga over
the details of this proposal.. Councilman Behrendt asked to be included at this meeting
along with John Stanford.
Councilman Behrendt moved that the City of Aspen establish a Visual Arts Board and
appoint Dick Carter, Mary Helen Cattell, Barbara Conviser, Nick DeWolf, Marty Kahn, Janet
Landry, Roger Moyer, Wes Pouliot, Bob Starodoj,Carla Seroh, Missie, Thgrn, Laura Wheeler,
Larry Yaw, and Diane Lewy; seconded by Councilman Parry. All in favor, motion carried.
Stanford told Council that this Board, the planning office, and the Holy Cross Task Force
would get together and present a budget to Council at their budget hearings..
John Stanford reported to Council that the P & Z. has continued the public hearing on the
Rio Grande SPA to their first rneetirtgin October.. The Chairman of the P & Z feels that
Council and P & Z should get together to discuss this. Council scheduled a joint work
session with P & Z for 6 p..m. Tuesday, September 27.
ORDINANCE #48, SERIES OF 1977 - Growth Management
Councilman Behrendt asked where the requirements are that stipulate lower and medium
cost housing .. C01.ln'i;yAttorney stuller said that the P & Z did not adopt those. Council
will have to make an amendment. Ms. Stuller pointed out that the point system is heavily
weighted toward employee housing. Mayor Standley ask if the P & Z did any discussing of
the commercial core (CC) growth rate. Ms. Smith, planning office, told Council that the
p & Z discussed this a lot and they are quite satisfied.with the way they have been 'able
to work out the allocation system. This allocation system for the CC worked out far
better than expected.. P '& Z is bringing this to Council with a positive recommendation
. for including the commercial core..
Mayor Standley said there is a conflict if the Council adopts the growth management
ordinance as the Institute is included. Council had indicated to the Institute th.:lt they
would be exempted. Ms. Stuller said the solution was what was disagreed about. The
majority was willing to postpone the question until the master plun was ,approved.. The
minority. felt this was discouraging to the a:pplic~nta.nd might hinder the proqr.'es5of
the Institutt'"!' S i1pplication_ It was quite apparent that the Instittltli,! CQuld deveJ-opand
meet the 18 unit per year quota. 115. Smith said 'it .wasa question of timinq for tile
solution of the problem.. The mnjori tyofP & Z w,ishcd to see a more detolled ~p" plan
to (a) help them refine e.ith(~r an exclusion from the ordi.nance, or (b) help them t.o
distinguish the Institute in its own separate category from lodging.
Mayor Standley said his feeling reqarding.theCCdistrict,that unless the Counci 1 intcntl:~
to down2:0ne the CC further,. it should be, allowed to build out at wh,'ltE.wcr r.:ttc it.......:tnts
to. Mayor Stanqley said either tne Council is comfortable with the gro~th management
plan or they should modify it. Ms. Smith told Council that Planning Director 'Kane totally
supports the quota in the commercial core.
Regt~lar. Meeting
Planning and Zoning Commission
September. 6.,-.l?J2d'
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on September 6, 1977 at 5:00
PM in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Chic Cpl1ins, Tom Isaac, Donald Ensign,
Olaf Hedstrom, Frank Barankp and Joan K1ar. Also present were city planners Karen Smith and
~ohn Stanford. County Attorney Sandra Stuller was present.
Approval of
Minu tes
Tom Isaac moved to approve the minutes of August 11, 16 and 23 as
corrected, seconded by Hedstrom. All were in favor; motion passed.
Smith presented the condominiumization policy for the final time to P&Z.
There are three separate issues: 1) the overall goal is to incrense the
supply of moderate income housing, 2) condominiumization should be consider
on a case by case basis, and 3) general criteria should exist which a
developer can meet. Page two of the resolution states the general policy,
the method of review and lists the generalized criteria which Brian Goodhek
presented on July 5, 1977. Dorothy Nuttall commends P&Z on their good
job On the condominiumization policy. Isaac wondered when the developer
would have to show intent. Smith said at the preliminary plat stage.
Collins wanted to include that in paragraph four. It should read
liThe housing code by providing specific information at the time of
conceptual presentation on any of the following generalized criteria." It
was suggested to s5rike generalized. All agreed on that point.
Isaac said that a former member requested that separation of utilities
be added to the genera~ criteria. Each unit would have individual
meters which would promote the conservation of energy. Smith said that
Kane had suggested that Markalunas should discuss this with the P&Z, but
this resolution does not deal with this problem. Collins said it was
required on all new constructions. Smith stated that individual meters
were not required.
Baranko suggested that as an alternative to the tenant not buying the"
condominium the tenant could be offered a long term lease. Smith said
that it could be stated "In the event that the existing tenant not purchase
the unit, evidence regarding a long term lease to existing tenants will .
be given instead."
Isaac wanted an addition to number three: "as determined by. the housing
authority." . Low and moderate income housing does .not mean anything withot,tt
definition. Smith said that P&Z can wait until the Housing Authority
makes determinations.
Klar stated that section 4 Ce) and (f) were very ambiguous and that
the Housing Authority would have difficulty in administering these
sections. Smith said that the Housing Authority would not have an
enforcement function. Enforcement would be under the jurisdiction of
Clayton Meyring. Baranko suggested that the points could be included in
the leases. Collins said that it is a continual problem of resolutions
that there is no enforcement body.
Hedstrom moved to adopt the resolution on the policy of condominiumiz.:tt;i.on
of m\llti family and duple" dwelling units with the following con'ections
as noted in paragraph three and four (0. Isaac seconded. the motion.
All in favor; motion passed.
:16 Grande SPA
John Stanford submitted to the record 1) the list of property owners within
300 feet of the property, 2) the 'notice sent to the property owners, and
3) notes of publication. Stanford then went on to discuss the pres,'nt
state of the Rio Grande property. The plan involves dividing the prop,'rty
into four general areas: 1) SPA for recreation, parking and futtl!"C buildin
2) SPA greenway located adjacent to the Roaring Fork River; 3) SPA
service, commerci.:t1, industrial rlm; and 4) SPA design<lted for a fratt'rtwl
lodge. We are askitlg for .;:1 v('ry gent~r.al master. pl~ln to he,acJoptt~d for thi.:;
area. The SPA l>1an requires art,a and bulk requirements for each '11','a.
There lire no hclghth limits or tISN' Het within the zoning code. A
r(~c(lIl1I11(,IH.latjon iHalHo bell1g Hubmltted for tlll~ SPA ,11'l:'n~H~t HH{dl~ for
recrl~ntioIl, parking Hod future huildi.ng.
, '
" :. ,'~~' . .
Regular MeetIng
Planr:0!!1L.2!,d Z~!!!l;,_C..':'.".~nl H" Jon
~tcmber ~J 1977
Stanford discussed the various development areas on a 11U1p whIch had the
areas outlined. The history of several land trades was discussed., When
the o>mers of the Aspen One property and the City could not agree .on an
equitable trade, it was put off for a while. The owners of the As,pen
Tire and Auto Center came in with a new proposal toprovi.de ne" a(',cess,
additional parking for his facility and to redo his buildings. The City
has always considered this propertY"as potential acquisition for the
greenway and to elimInate the problems .,hleh exIst there now of traffic
backing out onto Mill Street. He was approached for trade for a piece of
land more directly behind the County Courthouse. These negotiations are
still under consideration. The other land trade is the land where the
present bus station is and directly east of there. Andre Ulrich
developed four residential lots in exchange for the bus station land
which Andre exchanged for the Eagles building. Today the Planning Office
" is requesting general recommendations for uses. In the parking area there
-"~re 167 spaces and a new ball f;teld. Access would be provided through the
SCI and pun property from Sprihg Street. The plan includes maintenance
of the trail system on the. Rio Grande property. Eventually the trail would
li~ Herron Park to Mill Street. It seems as. though it is to the public
benefit to acquire the land along the river.
Collins opened the meeting to the public.
Remo Lavagnino, landowner in Oklahoma Flats, stated that a small path was
not worth the detriment to other property. It is in the SCI zone and there
is no reason to expan~ the SCI zone. He suggested buying the Andrews
Macfarland property since ,the City was not going to buy Aspen One property.
Stanford said that the City might buy the Aspen One property outright.
Lavagnino said the purchase of the Rio Grande property occurred with the
seventh cent of the tax. This could be in violation of the purpose of the
seventh cent. The Andrews MacFarland land trade is a rip off to the City .
Andrews would acquire 53,7000 square feet. which is five times morethap the
piece of property which they own. They would be allowed three times as much
building space. Joe Wells, from the Planning Office, said that the land
might not be the square footage which he quoted as he was busy during the
time when Lavagnino asked him the square footage. The existing land is
improved. An appraisal waS done and it was decided that it was a
reasonable land trade.
Alice Volk, a landowner in Oklahoma Flats said that her
Andrews MacFarland was tires and automobiles and noise.
to be beautified, not destroyed.
v~s:LOn of
The river needs
Paula Mayer, a landowner in Oklahoma Flats, said that ten years ago the
land to be traded was a garbage dump and a concrete company. . This caused
a lot of dead fish. This area should not be commercial. Auto and tire
companies should be on the main streets so that in the winter they can
provide easy access and have availability to plowing. The land on the
river should be fore picnics and other pleasurable activities.
Julie Hane, a landowner in Oklahoma Flats, stated that she agreed with
Remo. There will be a problem with the auto place. It should not be
placed on the river.
George Mansfield, a landowner in Oklahoma Flats, said that since the tire
store is on Mill Street which is a commerical street it ought to remain
there. There is no sense to try to hide a tire store.
Mayer that Oklahoma Flats is sparcely populated. It is that way because
the landowners want it that way. They do not want a noisy tire and auto
store across the,river from them.
Frank Tonofu, a renter in Oklahoma Flats. said that this town is drunk
with success. Thereople in Oklahoma Flats are fighting for the ac"thctil'
quality of the town. A..pen Tire and Auto can be redone on Mill St I"I'''t.
1'he nic{' :lre:l along tIH:~ river dO(;'!'$ not h~.vl' to be torn up. It \.H'uld tllll\'
he selling llutHt'lves out. 'l'h,'r...' NIHluldn't he.a hodgt.' podge,of h\lildings~
bRADFORn rUtll.19HING Co., DENveR
Regular Meeting
Planning and Zoning Commission
September ~, 197/
Julie. lIane wanted to know
the Rio Grande property.
be considered seriously.
only an interim plan.
how many
There is
parking spaces there were presently on
said 200. Hane said that parking should
a'problem now. Stanford said this was
Klar suggested moving the MacFarland property further up Mill Street and
acquiring the land adjacent to the dyer for the greenway. Stanford said
that is what was originally proposed. Both parties eventually decided th,,'
the present trade was a better idea. Klar said that moving it away from
the main road, the traffic problem would be greater.
"".tC,u."'''~7.......u:j(/Baranko said that parcel one could be moved away from the river. Stanford
t:'C,it,$".;...t:. .: retorted that access had to be maintained. The Planning Office wanted
," -{ a green strip by the ball park.
Mayer said that the river was "totally abused before when businesses were
in that location.
. Bill Dunaway objected to having access to parking only on Mill Street.
Parking should have access from Spring .Street as the original plan showed.
The traffic light is getting worse.
Collins suggested continuing the public hearing at a future date.
Isaac moved to table the Rio Grande SPA until the October 4, 1977, meeting.
Hedstrom seconded the motion. All in favor.
Irving Biers
Use determination
Smith presented Irving Biers case for a use determination for an
expresso coffee house in the C-l district in the Hunter Square Building..
The determination to be made is to include or not a coffee house in the
C-l district. It is similar to Garrard's pastry shop which was conditional
use. Food could be sold but not consumed on the site. Kane recommend
approval subject to conditions that use would not expand to a full
restaurant facility and that there be a deed covenant. It should not be
a tourist trade. Cas a Expresso was a local function. The Planning Office
recommends that a stipulation be conditional use.
Collins said that the present code allows for no conditional uses in the
C-l district. Smith stated that Say Frommage and Garrards were conditional
uses. Collins said that desire in the past was to keep restaurants from
expanding into the C-l district. Isaac felt that by allowing a coffee shop
to go in under special review would be increasing the concept of C-l.
Collins said that restaurants were best suited in CC. He read the uses
listed in the code book for C-l. The closest use was for a catering serviCe
Klar thought that a coffee shop was service-employee oriented which is the
intent of C-l.
Irving Biers said that the idea is to carryon that type of shop since
Casa Expresso closed. It would be used by a lot of locals. It is away
from the tourist area and is accessible to civil employees. The location
lends itself to locals due to the lack of parking in the dOwnt0W11 area.
The limiting factor would be the fact that there will be no kitchen.,
A microwave oven would be the only cooking instrument and that would only
be used to warm pastries.
Isaac wondered' if they would need a liquor license.' Biers
said that he would like to serve things like.Irish coffee.
don't go with a coffee house.
said no, but
Mixed drinks
Collins said that a new conditional ';s~ wbuld have to be added to the
code for C-l - something like a specialty food shop. The Planning Office
will have to determine what can be done and what has been done f..om p""t
food store allowances.
lIcdHtrom movl'd to t<lhl(, Irving lIil'r',. re<]ul'st for URe determln"tinn (H'llIn',.,!';
the prop"Hal of <I ,,,,,..11 t lona1 use for IlmHl'd food con"lIInpt tOil 'lu:'I11<' C-]
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September I, 1977
The Aspell. Planning an.d Zonimg Commissiolll
130 S. Galellla Street
Aspen, Colorado
To the Collllllission:
Would you consider these oomments ooncerning the proposed relocation
ot the DtulinelSses en Mill Street (the Amdrews-McFarlan.e property) to
the ares nor-th of the Obe1'llleyer building, and read them into the mim:1tes
of the sept. 6th meeting of the commission.
Whatever happeJ:led to the Ver-y- fime plan to make t.'1e property alcmg the
river greelll, opelll, matural space? How can moving commercial (and nOisy)
businesses trom one part of the river to another part of the river solve
any problem wbatsoever? It's another cOlIIpromise and it ism't acceptable.
I would hope tnat .Aspen is on a higher thimking level than the cities
who ha:ve allowed and continue to allow their rivers to become t.'le duIlIp1:ag
ground of commerce. The cemelllt plant is finally gone, and the city
cleaned up much of its debris, and even planted grass. Now why another
commercial operation so olose to the river? Believe it or not the area
there is still a ha:ven of green trees and singing birdS, and with just a
little more recover-y- could again be a beautiful place for people to take
a quiet walk just a block from the streets of Aspea.
Find another place to relooate these businesses or at wosst leave "them
where that are until tou find a reasonable and intelligent place for tbem.
4 /.---,-
~ - ..~ ..'
~~ f/~J
Gloria Pettit
285 N. Spring Street
Aspen, Colorado
RE: Notice of SPA Master Plan
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing
on the plan for the 11.5 acre tract of land commonly referred to as the
Rio Grande property. The hearing is to take place at a regular meeting
scheduled for 5:00 P.M. on September 6th in the Council Chambers of
the Aspen City Hall, 130 South Galena, Aspen, Colorado.
Copies of the plan are available for review in the Aspen-Pitkin County
Planning Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday.
Published in the Aspen Times, Thursday, August 18, 1977.
/s/ Kathryn S. Hauter
City Clerk
. Aspen/Pit
130 s
ning Office
t re e t
August 17, 1977
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing
on the plan for the 11.5 acre tract of land commonly referred to as the
Rio Grande property. The hearing is to take place at a regular meeting
scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on September 6th in the Council Chambers of
the Aspen City Hall, 130 South Galena, Aspen, Colorado.
Copies of the plan are available for review in the Aspen-Pitkin County'
Planning Office betwee~ the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00.p.m., Monday
through Friday.
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Planning Office (JS)
RE: Rio Grande Specially Planned Area
DATE: August 11,1977
The master plan for the City's Rio Grande Property will be present at
the Planning and Zoning meeting this week. The plan is required under
the Specially Planned Area section of the zoning code. It presents
a general layout of proposed uses and a matrix to identify area and
bulk requirements, parking requirements and other restrictions on the
development of the property.
Adoption of a Specially Planned Area follows the rezoning procedures
which requires two public hearings: one before the Planning and Zoning
Commission and one before City Council. The Planning and Zoning public
hearing will be scheduled for September 6, 1977.
RE: Notice of SPA Master Plan
Notice of a public hearing before the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
at 5:00 p.m., August 16, Aspen City Hall, Council Chambers, Aspen, to
consider Specially Planned Area Master Plan for the City owned Rio Grande
property between Mill Street and Spring Street and North of the County
Copies of the proposed plan will be on file in the City/County Planning
Office and can be seen during regular business hours.
Published in the Aspen Times, Thursday, July 28, 1977.
/s/ Kathryn S. Hauter
City Clerk
Returned from: First Aspen Corp.
.'-' P.O. .Box 3318
Aspen, Co. 81611
Hrong Address
ing. Office
130 s
August 17, 1977
The Aspen Planning and Zoning .Commission will conduct a public hearing
on the plan for the 11.5 acre tract of land commonly referred to as the
Rio Grande property. The hearing is to take place at a regular meeting
scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on September 6th in the Council Chambers of
the Aspen City Hall, 130 South Galena, Aspen, Colol"ado.
Copies of the plan are available for review in the Aspen-Pitkin County'
Planning Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00.p.m., Monday
. through Friday.
. .
. .
, . ,
. .
. .
. . ~', .
R~rned from: Reinhard N. Elder
P.O. Box 222
Aspen, Co 81611
~Jrong Address
ning Office 8-22-77
130 s
, :,'
. ." .
~ ;f{
August 17, 1977
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing
on the plan for the 11.5 acre tract of land commonly referred to as the
Rio Grande property. The hearing is to take place at a regular meeting
scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on September 6th .in the Council Chambers of
the Aspen City Hall, 130 South Galena, Aspen, Colorado.
Copies of the plan are available for review in the Aspen-Pitkin County'
Planning Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday. .
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