HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.01032007 ARIN DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes January 3, 2007 In Attendance: Board Members: Scott Writer, Sue Smedstad, Barbara Owen, Laura Kornasiewicz, Alice Davis, Robert Christensen and Debbie Ware. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Paul Kulik, George Pucak. Guests: Mary Holley (Mother Puckers) Bruce Dreher and Margie Holland (Aspen Junior Hockey) I. Call to Order - Scott called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: None Staff Comments: Staff advised the AC of the upcoming Adult night which is used as a marketing effort to introduce employees in the service industry around town and new residents of Aspen to the ARC. Tim informed the AC of George Pucak's intent to retire as of January 19, 2007. Scott then mentioned the interest of the AC being involved in hiring George's replacement. Guest Comments: N/A II. Approval of Past Minutes: Sue moved that the minutes be approved, Laura provided a second, all approved. III. Discussion Items: . Mother Puckers State Tournament - Mary Holley came to the AC to update staff and the AC as to women's state tournament to be held in Aspen on the 13th, 14th, and 15th. Mary informed the AC that she had spoken with Paul Menter in the City Finance Dept. regarding Grant opportunities. Paul provided information and Mary will be working through him to pursue further grants for the cost of ice during this tournament. The Mother Puckers last hosted a state tournament in 1990 and have been petitioning for years to get the tournament back to Aspen. They want to make this a first class event to show the rest of the state what they have been missing in Aspen. There are two divisions making up 15 teams which will visit Aspen that weekend. The Puckers will host the A & B2 divisions. The tournament will require the use of ice at both rinks from 7am to 10:OOpm on Saturday, and from 7am to 3pm or so on Sunday. The Puckers would like to have food available early in the morning at each site and will work with staff and concessionaire at ARC (which may change by this date) in getting this set up. The Puckers would like to have a discounted daily use fee for families associated with the tournament and staff will work with them on this as well. Scott suggested that the Mother Puckers meet with Junior Hockey representatives in order to find what works and does not in hosting a successful tournament. The AC applauds the efforts of the Mother Puckers in bringing this tournament to Aspen. . Junior Hockey Fall Face Off-Junior Hockey Representatives; Bruce Dreher and Margie Holland, presented information to the AC identifying the success of the Fall Face Off. It is estimated that the 3 weekends generated an estimated $1,192,800 to the Aspen economy. Junior Hockey as part of the grant submittal in 2007 plans to break this number down into actual tax $$'s to the City of Aspen. The total cost of ice for the Fall Face Off was $32,000 in 2006. Junior Hockey received a $25,000 grant from the City to be used towards their 2006/07 ice fees. Staff was able to identify that about $2,000 in ancillary revenue were received at the ARC due to other uses by FFO families. Junior Hockey may be interested in extending the FFO to a fourth weekend. Junior Hockey needs to examine its use of volunteers and if they can support a fourth weekend. Some games were scheduled during the fourth weekend this year using Junior Hockey's contracted ice times. Staff said this went well, as did all of the FFO, but the addition of a fourth weekend now begins to displace other user groups further as well as public skating. This all needs to be taken into consideration and the sooner Junior Hockey can decide the sooner planning can begin. . FFO impacts to Skating Club and other user groups - While the Aspen Skating Club recognizes the accomplishment of Junior Hockey in hosting the FFO, they wish to identify various considerations that should be given in the future. I. Start planning early for the 2007 FFO schedule as we should already know what weekends it will be. This will allow other user groups to plan accordingly. 2. Good communication early is important. 3. Time needs to be allocated to other user groups so they don't loose ice participants during a 3 to four week break. 4. Avoid last minute changes. 5. What is the process for user groups to request time in 2007 108? Staff should come up with a process to flush out schedules early and book large events early. 6. Can we look again at changes to the high school practice times being during school? 7. They are not opposed to four weekends ofFFO as that may allow games to be spread out and some time for other user groups over the four weeks. Staff will work on a process for early identification of schedules, need for special dates, and advanced communication for the good of all user groups. . Outdoor Pools & Master Plan - Staff informed the AC that they had met with the Mayor and City Manager regarding where we were today with the Outdoor Pool Planning and Master Plan. The Mayor and City Manager wanted a check in with Council prior to moving forward with a full public process. Staff and the City Manager did not want Council to be caught off guard with ideas for the plan without checking in with the Council to see that they understood and were ok with the direction which was being taken. Staff identified that the presentation to Council will be held during the January 9th, 2007 work session with Council. Big Picture ideas will be presented to Council by the identification of programs and elements which fit the budget, space, and need to draw user groups missing from the ARC. Once Council has approved of the direction staff will begin an active pubic process for narrowing down the future plans. . Concession Contract- Staff informed the entire AC that four parties were interested in the ARC concession operations. All four seemed capable of providing a satisfactory service. Rent and capital improvements had been cited as the reason for no formal proposals being submitted during the recent Request for Proposals. Staff is organizing a new RFP which keeps the information to the menu, operational hours, catering capabilities, and general operations. Once a vendor has been selected the lease details can be negotiated so they work for all parties. . Year to Date Revenues - Staff identified that Recreation had met its revenue projections in late November and all revenue to the end of the year would be in excess of projections and a reduction to the subsidy level including the ARC. Staff wishes to build upon these successes and identifies marketing efforts, as well as special events as large contributors to this success. IV. Updates: . Pool Covers/Energy Audit - The design of the energy efficiency program at the ARC should be delivered after the first of the New Year. The pool covers were installed over the Thanksgiving week and the ARC should see energy savings immediately. V. Action Item(s): . Board Appointments - Scott identified that the new SP ARC board appointment as of January 2007 would be Rick Newton. . "Ski Tour ".com - Ryan Miller from Special Events with the SkiCo and Nancy Lesley from the Parks & Recreation Dept. special events presented an idea to the AC for a concert event to be held at the ARC as part of a Ski Tour Event which the Ski Co will be hosting in February. This is a National Tour event bringing TV coverage to Aspen for such events as skier cross, pipe events, and other extreme events for skiers. This will bring top level athletes to Aspen with a purse of$125,000. The group would like to have off mountain activities including concerts with National Acts. This event would take place the week of February 22nd through 25th. They are requesting the Lewis Ice Arena for two concert events. The AC is in support of the Lewis Ice being used as long as the various local user groups can be reasonably accommodated that weekend. The AC also identified the need to pay attention to the flooring which would be used for this event and any possibility of purchase following the event rather than hauling it away. Also, the Youth Center should be contracted to see what impacts this may create for them. VI. Other Business: . The AC would like to be involved in the review of the Ice Facilities Manager job description and be kept appraised as to the progress regarding recruitment. . Lara Whitley has written a letter to the AC regarding use of the lap pool by the High School and Speedos swim clubs during the winter. She identified that the time slot from 3:30pm to 5:30pm was prime time for many lap swimmer such as herself and would like to see either a lane opened for the lap swimmer during team practices or for the practices to be scheduled at a later time. She did knot believe one user group should be able to dominate a facility at any given time. The AC discussed briefly and Robert Christensen, a competitive swimmer himself, informed the AC that you have various levels of competitors at this age and much separates them for the purpose of training. This requires the use of all lanes for practices. Robert also identified that there are 13 other hours during the day available for lap swimmer to schedule their time in the pool. As to one user group taking over facilities, this is consistent with use by such groups as Junior Hockey and the Skating Club and the policy of the facility being used by youth as a priority in scheduling. The AC upheld the policy in scheduling the facility and staff informed Lara of the decision. The committee was adjourned and will meet again on January 3, 2007. ********************************