HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ex.ARI - Lots M-O,Blk 58.1977 RC'9uLn- r>lC'(~LillrJ ^~;J>('n Ci1y council 1)('c(,JlIh(~r ] fJ, 19 Fl SUH))]VJ;;JOH l':>:J-:f'l1"l'lO:J - LiJl(llJ(~r ".~___ _n. _ _.~ . ___ f.h;. ~-;mitll told ('(J\I11Cj] th,d thi~; illvolvc':; ,tll ('Xi::r.lJlq dllJll(~}:, \'Jltit:h h:l~; b('cn l'C1r:'lrlc](,tl to it 1.\";n--',;lory dUjJl(';-:. 'l'lF' r~n(li.l)('r.'rillq (,()IJC('nl~-, Ii.l'.'f' IH:CIl lr'~-;f)l'f('ll. ']'JI('J(' i~; il v,I':<I!('d Cily ~;Lr(:(\t un UII; pi opvrl:y It/lli,ch i!; ll::/'ll fUl p;llJ,lll'l. l' fv. Z rr'C()IIl!:ir~IH}('d dpprov.-t.l (>11 Ih'cr'lnlH'r G <lnr.1 att.achc() tile ~;i}: 1lI011t!! mllllllllllO lease: rc:;lr:lcLion, (tllrl 1-l)l' ~JO (J,:IY riqhl oj f_i r~;L Tr;fU~0] ~lncl J}~lYldr.'IlL or the pilrl: rl('(lic,lL_ion fc~(', '1'hj~; e;.:el:il)jio!l \~,jJ] COll1f'"und'..'l r)j"tlil1ill1cr' I:~], conrlollliniul:llz,d:inn pulicy. 'l'hc' 1'1CiIln.illq officr' ,l;:;):cd the <1pplicdllt to pl-r,\'j,j\, infurm,-lL.lnn r"Lltivc to cUlIIpJiancp wilh the: onl.illilllce. 'J'ld::; .1::; l'1I1itjl:C' i1::; it di,l 1101. T(;cc_iVt p [, Z TC'COllIII\ClHli:ltl.on uncler. Lhilt ord:i nance. Ms. Smith told Coullcil that tl1('n~ .\l'P currcnlly no t_CIl<:JnL~: ill the> bId Idin(j, f,O there Ciln be nf) tel1ant di~;p);':l(;c'm('nt. 'rhe other comlJul"j~;on if; pr:icf' quic1clilH';:. Council lid'; noL ildoptcc] ill1/,tllj I)(J sIJeri 1.:1 c C'xcept Child: Vidal' !,; Jl1clctC'l of 10'1: and modi r<.ll.:(~ incoIllC'f; _ 1 f COllIlC,-iJ ilpplicd th(' pricin9 Tull' of thUr:lb, Uv' 1\l,J):imurn in lnj<1dJc in(,()I:-~l' for il ul\i t v.','Ju.ld be: $7:J,OOfJ. i,h-:. Smjt:h cxpJ,dne'd that one of the unib; \'jj)J (~onLinuc to l>r: rented JClJl~J term; the othc;)" h'_i 11 lJ(' sold ~lt ;\rollnd $100,000. Thi~; cloef; not cOlnpl.,.. \vith the' jlJ"lcc g\1jrJeJine~-; rc'commC'ndcr) but not aclo]Jlc'c1. ns. SIIl:ith f;ti-lt:('d th,tt ba~;ccl on thc~ illrU:J~:<1t"io!: Gideon }:i111flT\i\J) has qivcl"l, Council 'v1i11 find thi:-; i~ not in the plll:v:i{"..! of 10\'1 ,)lId J;';(,r1cl"aLe income Jj~ll:S i 11'0. Councilli"ll1 Vall l-lc~;s ltIovcd to iJpprovC' the subclivj fjion c>;emptioni seconded by COllnci 1 Ji:;I11 Parry. /',lJ in favor, motion carried. Gideon }(Cll1f'rnan reminclcd CounciJ he had some ,-information on the formuL\ for prlrJ: r-;('dicd- tion lee:.; ,1lld he \vantcd to (lddrc~;~; CounciJ on thi:r: point, lLlhoney c;iljC) he objc'ct('c-i lo th i ~ b(,C:1U;~(! he shou 1 (..1 ha ve had ~:;OJTlC s ta f f till\(:; ~() Pr:Cp,l rc. 1'-1ailollc'y ~;Cl i tl he (Ii r! Jl{> L I'. nO'.-l what tllr. i~;suc \<,'as. /'-1ayor Pro 'l'Cl11 Bchrcnc}t p(liJd~e(~ oul this ",','1~'; not J'cntiollC'c) to anyon0. \vho pn,'p:J'[cs the a~JciHla. Yaufrl<:ln said he \\'oulrl like t(~ ~;lv')','.' t~hat thr; [on:lu].Cl du(.:; J;nL work. )t greatly Jiscrimill~tps against older, smaller lots. N~w lots do not h~!v(l to [)a~' such bi{.! pild~ cJodicilLion fces. t-l.:Jyor Pro 'reIn Behrendt :"aid this 5ho,11(1 lJe c1i[:cu;J~;C'd ..:hej, the City Attorllcy and }'lanner ar~ present. ~t]_~Q_L~IL~;_l'Ol'J !::XEt'lP'~~.9!J ~ Peter Ko;.;s/AlU !'-ls. Smith told CounciJ thi~:; is located on 1'-1ain stre(~t, the I-Ju99ct Loc19C a:ld AnI building. 'j'he are~l i~; O\vned by Peter }~oss (l!l{) he \\'ould like tu ~;cll H, Nand h.:df of 0 off to !\.)U. 'J'he :issues vlouJc1 be' 'vlhcther the improvements on lots t.l, N, ~}O comply \.liLh existinq zoninq, III tprJI1~: of uses, ART ~ould be a ])crnlitted llse in tllP 0, office distl-irL. TI1R NLi(jyut Lodge i~, i1 pn~~cxi5ling non-conful^lldnq use. 'J;hc lot size for Idn .i~; i-!dcquate. Th(. Fi\H i5:; 1:1. 'l'hcre is no park d(~dicution fee because' thi,,; is not rr.:sidcnlial or cor:;merci~\l. Ms. Smith pointed out the NU9yel is a loc1~W ill the 0 di~;Lrict, and the onl'y' way to COl'li-,uLC \\']}ether the' lot is sta.ndnrd s,-izc i~" to compore it to Lhe lodge cli~~trict. ']'he 10<11- JoLs come to about J 3,000 sCJuare feel t1.ncl the floor ~;i:~(' of t!!C :'Juqqct. i~; J 3,000 f;qUClI{' fc.t~t, so it me(~ts the loclqc ]"i\H of J.:1. The City cn~11n0('r has revie\>:C'd tho surv(~y a:ncl c<.'rli L,-ies thut c\'C"rything i~3 illl right. E]li~,-; pointed out there :if_; il shed stluc.:t:l1rC cncn)~lc;~illCJ upon the alley, Dut dwt it should he ullm,'cd to TCI;lain there U:ltiJ it jlltcrfcn'~.; \,.'itll public use of the olley. There is a qucst.ion about tht' pnyment of the v.:ater tap f (~('. \'illen t110 lie',.: builc1,-inq v.'ClS put there, the \';a.tf'r dej'Clrtl\lC'nt l-l'CjllC'stcd il. 11\;\\' lap ic'c. 'l'hjs has been c1isput_cd. P f,- Z dill not t.hink this CjUC'stiOll \\'a~_; \,:ithin t_hcir pUl"vie'".'. ;L:llh)IlC'Y said thi:] ~;ho111d be rcvicw'C'd by Jim f'lilrkalunas. COllncilm,Jn \'<-111 Ness moved to approve- the exemption subject to (1n 0ncn~i1chincnt aqn,C'J1lPnL for the ~;hed; scconrl(~(; h)' Coullci.hiOlndn ~lohnsL(lJ:. ~loe Elh:,11(1s, rl'prcsc-nLinq the ilppLicants, pointcor) out thif_~ .i.", in thr-, li:i~;tor,-ic (lj,;l:rjct. They \\'ould 111:- allm~tco ilodit:ional den,,-;ity and ~::iv('n the 2~; lots, they can C'xp~)1')(~ ali()ut 1/3 lanJcr. 'J'he)" could Clpply [Ot- this expansion whC'ther il i!.; in Ol)e (1\'1!h:-r!.;}1:ip OJ- !lol. 1\11 in favor, motion can icd. 2J~~J.!.J'.~~~~!:~,fl_:~6, SJ_~HTI':S 0!-=-----.!2"!2 - SaJ ary City f'lanuger nahoncy told Councj] til<lt hioS office \vith COG dcvelopr.:d this salary ~-;t'hl'r1\\le. I>lahollcy foil i <.1 it was t he f-;('n~;c of the s t a [[ l he' L C()UI1C i 1 \,'i! n ted a fr dl1lr'\','ork (]('\'('] oj'('d ~>O t.here \\'oulc1 De i:\ more definitive policy. Counr.i 1man VZlll t~-..:.'::;s a~~J.~('d ht)\~' much of ;lll j nc:rci.1~;C- t.hh~ n'prC'~;cntc(1. ~l,l!H)n('y sZlic1 lids I,.,',~S reflt'c-Lc(1 in tht, ] ~l"JB buclC)eL, i'\Del thc' jJWll'~l.'-;es ilrc mostly in the 100~'C'r ~~al2.ry s('alc~;. Coullcih:onl,ln John:,tol1 poinll'cl out that ~;ic;': Limc wa~; 0v,lilable at one GuY i1 month, ~11ld objected to it DC.lllq accumuLltC'd and bcin-:! !';lll! at 3 to 1. ('ounciJwCllHdll .lohnston s;t,-id she lhotlC]bL t.hi~ h'a~; LClt<111y unncrc,,~~_:<1l."Y. l'l'l-~~onll('l Dircctol' 1',1 t sy 1'1'1 lohe poi llll:d out t h;ll thi S \\.OS <1n ('mployc~" 11''-'11(' [.i t <1 nil has bC('l1 f () t" yc;\ r~;" '1'\\'0 ye,ll~ dqO lun9cvity was 0lili1indh~d. 'l'l1is :.ic}~ pay is ,'In inr0ntivp for C'mplc)Y('t'~; lo be hc'rc, FinZlncc Dircctor Bul.lcrb;luqh pointl'd out: that thi~; WJ5 i'1l1 CCOllOI1\.iC n('(>'~:~;ity as fdt' a~; h(,1" department was conc('(ncd. If thCI'C was no ~;ick pay ':teenli:ll, tlH~ (,Illld(l)'('c~; would take their sick days; lid" would rnCiUl fin.:1Jlc~ \\'oul,l lwve to hin" another pOI"Son. COllncil111~ln Hershey ol'jcC'ted to the onlinallc0 J)('calJ~;(' the joh defjnjti()n~; <ln~ define'l] by perSOll d!~ QPPOHc<l to jPIH';. 'l'IH'I'C <l!"C' ~cvcr;ll d1 flL~n'llt ~;t.'cT('tari('f; and eli f[('lt"nt clerks Ihd_er1. 1-1:;. But.tt'r-bi\\lqh pointl',-l nut that tlH' dep"rtl\ll'nt Iw,lCh; huchwtcd J978 !;,ILlrie.s on this on1_itl;\llCl~, .:111<1 ('()Ul\Cl] ;1J'prr1Vl'd thE' hut]r;('t. H!;. 1I111'tt'rluuqh told Counci.l ~:l\(" h:HI ljivr'll Lhc'llI the ~-;id;\l,-il';; dlHl lb,-' i\l:;tlfic~,L:i(lI\ for iJl(:r(':l~;":; at bu(ltwL tillie, COlllh'ilm:m 1J<.'1":;h(')' f:dicl 11(' \\'o\lld Jik,' it l"'-'-v.TiU:('n \llon' l'c.--tJistic,'lly, and in~~t('"d of job d\'!;crip- tion;;, tlit, orcl1l\,l!ll'I' ~;110tlld bt, li!>,l'(. bnv\Cl. (\lll1lCih"oll\;lll cJLlhn!;t~()l1 ~~;Lid !:l1c fell 1'\1,11 cgU,l]ily !wt\\'l'{'ll (ll'I"drtllll'nt~; j~; .illlportallt il\ lI\unicipdl qdVt'1"llllll'lIU:;. n~;. H':llollc' :;;Iid ~;hc fell lh;ll thl.' cwp.loy('('S llcedl.'d :;l'rucLure !;o t:li'-lt 1IH')' LllU\~' what i~; (');11L'ctcd Linel \-'o'll'-ll the sal"ry in. \ M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Office (KS) RE: ARI Building - Subdivision Exemption DATE: December 2, 1977 This application requests permission to separate Lots M, N, and part of o of Block 58 from Lots P, Q, R, and S and part of O. Currently they are held in common ownership with the ARI building located on M through o and the Nugget Lodge on P through S. The purpose of the exemption would be to allow the sale of the ARI building to a Mr. Koss. The zone district is O-Office and the lot split would create a conforming lot (and conforming use) for the ARI building. The Nugget Lodge is a pre-existing non-conforming use and in being located in the 0 district, the only way to compute whether the lot is standard-sized is to compare the FAR to what it would be in the Lodge District. This procedure was followed for the Scott Subdivision involving a multi-family structure in the R-6 zone district. We believe that the Nugget would meet the Lodge FAR given that there are over four lots with a total lot are of approximately 13,000 square feet. We think and will ask the applicant to confirm that the floor area of the Lodge is less than 13,000 and therefore within the 1:1 FAR. As of this writing, Dave Ellis has just received the improvement survey and will attach his comments later. There is no park dedication fee for office or lodge development. The improvement survey will be brought to the meeting. lmk M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Aspen City Council FROM: Planning Office (KS) RE: ARI Building - Subdivision Exemption DATE: December 14, 1977 This application requests permission to separate Lots M, N, and part of o of Block 58 from Lots P, Q, R, and S and part of 0 now owned by Peter Koss. Currently they are held in common ownership with the ARI building located on M through 0 and the Nugget Lodge on P through S. The purpose of the exemption would be to allow the sale of the ARI building. The zone district is O-Office and the lot split would create a conforming lot (and conforming use) for the ARI building. The Nugget Lodge is a pre-existing non-conforming use and in being located in the 0 district, the only way to compute whether the lot is standard-sized is to compare the FAR to what it would be in the Lodge District. This procedure was followed for the Scott Subdivision involving a multi-family structure in the R-6 zone district. We believe that the Nugget would meet the Lodge FAR given that there are over four lots with a total lot area of approximately 13,000 square feet. If the floor area of the Nugget Lodge is 13,000 square feet or less, then it would comply with the Lodge district's FAR of 1:1. We believe that it does comply and have asked the applicant to confirm the Nugget's floor area. Dave Ellis reviewed the improvement survey and. in his comments dated December 2nd, 1977. recommends the exemption be granted since the site "substantially meets all current design standards." He did note that an appendage (shed-type structure) on the ARI building encroaches on the alley, but recommends that it be allowed to remain until such time as it interferes with public uses in the alley. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the exemp- tion at their December 6th meeting, without conditions. There is no park dedication fee required for office or lodge development. An improvement survey will be brought to the meeting. lmk /2.'.17 (1& JJFIl/fJU-~ 15 ~ M . I Int-. ~ib hi if-. ~~ . tlStaJ) ttL huf. t- rkt f,; u ,f /u:; M.it. h . t~ ~ (;wu;J , MEHO TO: KAREN SHITH PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: DAVE ELLIS ",r ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ DATE: December 2, 1977 RE: Subdivision Exemption Request - Lots M,N, and W ~ of 0, Block 58 The engineering department has reviewed the improvement survey and the site and finds that the property substan- tially meets all current design standards. We would like to note for the record that there is an encroachment into the public alley right of way. However, we feel that the encroachment should be allowed to remain until such time as it interferes with public uses in the alley. On the basis of the above we recommend that the exemption be granted. jk JOSEPH E. EDWARDS JR. ATTOR~EY AT LAW THE WHEELER OPERA. HOUSE P. O. BOX 1541 ASPEN. COLORADO 81611 (303) 925-7 I 16 November 11, 1977 Ms. Karen Smith Aspen Pitkin County Planning Office Aspen City Hall Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear Karen: As per our telephone conversation I am enclosing herewith our Application For Exemption From Subdivision Regulations in order to allow the separate sale and conveyance of the Victorian Building located on Lots M, Nand 0 of Block 58, City of Aspen. This is the ARI building located immediately to the West of the Nugget Lodge on Main Street and the reason for the exemption application is that Section 20-4(c) provides that contiguous lots in the same ownership are unsub- divided parcels and separate sale thereof would constitute a subdivision. However, Subparagraph D of the same Section invites the enclosed Application for an exemption for a case such as this where the intents and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations to assure the orovision of certain amenities and standards have already been satisfied. The only problem we are aware of regarding this property stems from an outstanding claim by the City of Aspen for a water tap fee for the particular building. The reason this matter was in dispute was that the property formerly had another Victorian building on the property which did have a City water tap. Subsequently, this building was removed and thereafter Nr. Koss placed the present building on these lots and connected the water lines to the former service line. The City has taken the position that since this service was terminated between the time of the removal of the original building and the installation of the current building that a new tap fee was payable. Mr. Koss has previously taken the position that the prior tap should be entitled to at least some credit and I'm sure that during this process we will have to resolve this outstanding question. If you have any other matters that need further definition, please advise and we will try to provide the required information. Very truly yours, "~;:DJ\~ci c-}d;l n 7 . /{~/, . ~T&! (r /) " eOsePh; E. Edwa s Jr. . . IJlJ vt\Q~& j.e e(J~v ~01~ee . JJE;. 2 'i L~O dQ(7ClA{ '~'~JGc2~ 12-11 I. We.. ~~ 1. ~W ~~~. ). (Wi "'Ia~ !~ ~ w4<<~. ~ CUSTOMER o CITY OF ASPEN FINANCE DEPARTMENT o CASHIER'S RECEIPT 01-111 LICENSES & PERMITS 511 0 BUSINESS LICENSES 512 0 SALES TAX LICENSES 513 0 BEER - WINE - LIQUOR LICENSES 514 0 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES 516 0 LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION 517 0 DOG LICENSE 518 0 CENTRAL ALARM LICENSE S19 0 BICYCLE LICENSES 520 0 EXCAVATION PERMITS 521 0 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 522 0 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 523 0 PLUMBING PERMITS 524 0 HEATING PERMITS 525 0 SEPTIC TANK PERMITS 01-988-632-03 0 XEROXING (DESCRIBE) ~THER .ACCT. NOU::1\ \-~Z::::0-DLt 01-111 FINES & FORFEITS 561 0 COURT FINES S62 0 COURT BONDS - FORFEIT 563.01 0 TOWING FINES - IMPOUND 563-02 0 TOWING FINES - NOT IMPOUND 564 0 TRAFFIC FINES 566 0 FALSE ALARM FINES 568 0 DOG IMPOUND FINES 569 0 OTHER FINES & FORFEITS 01-111 579 589 OTHER MISC. REVENUES o MAPS, CODES, ZONING REGS. o OTHERS (DESCRIBE) DESCRIPTION, (NAME, NUMBER, ETC.), 11..' ~ ~OO . CAS~Rf"ALlDAT,19(") RECEIVED FROM . ("""net Uvt \ . l Lh (:IT CITY OF A"PEN . MEMO FROM KAREN SMITH 12-1-77 Dave, Please find attached a xeroxed copy of the ARI building subdivision exemption application. We are expecting the improvement survey today (this morning) and will give it to you as soon as we do receive it. It is scheduled for the December 6th Planning and Zoning meeting. May we have your comments by the end of today. Thank you. Ka ren Name of Project: " ~" (Subdivision. Exemption ARI Building Subdivision FEE SCHEDULE from Subdivision. Rezoning. Park Dedication) Address: Victorian Building. Lots M.Nand O. Block 58 Applicant's Name: Joe Edwards for Mr. Koss Phon e : 925-7116 Applicant's Address: Wheeler Opera House. P.O. Box 1541. Aspen FOR ZONES WHICH ARE R-15, R-30. R-40. RR and CONSERVATION the Subdivision Fee Formula is as follows: Conceptual $100 + $5.00/dwelling unit + Prel iminary $22.00/dwelling unit Final $3.00/dwelling unit FOR ALL OTHER ZONES the Subdivision Fee Formula is as follows: Conceptua 1 $100 + $60.00/acre of land Preliminary $280.00/acre of land Final $35.00/acre of land ~ EXEMPTION FROM THE DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION FEE: $50.0Q REZONING APPLICATION FEE: $125.00 (once a year) /,;)-5-17 PARK DEDICATION FEE SCHEDULE nrcorm or p::ac[t~SII~l~S 1(::' l!'.wcs -- .--'.,--------~~-_"=_._=_."~"'",. _.,~_===_~_..,;e:__"=",..__.,=.__=_=______==__==,,-=___=_=.,.._ _=,,=_" c:urn'nt m;lrkel v.Jluc of it pcorccnlaqc of the land propo:.cd .;15 the development zitc, the percentage of the l.:lIld being determined at the rate of tlll'O anu o~c-h.:ll( (2'}) acre!; for every one thouSilnd (1,000) resident!; of the propo:;cd development' (th.:ll is, the number of residents ~ultiplicd by twenty-five ten thousandths (.0025) of an acre per rcsiccnt). ~h~ number of residents attributable to the development shall be calculated in the following manner: !YPC of Dwel1inq Number of Residents PerDwcllinq Li:li t Hulti-Family studio 1.0 one bedroom 1.3 two bedrcom 2.7 three bedroom 4.0 and 1.3 for each additional bedroom / Single Family or Duplex one be<J.roo::l two b"c:-c:::::I three bcc:,"oC'::I and 1.3 ror c~ch additional 1.3 2.7 4.0 bedroom "- -" ~ A duplex: stru~'_tl~e shall constitute 'tJ-.;O dwelling unit~ for t~~ Fu~po~es of this subse~t.ion. (3) ;,n exa:::!,l!.' of the appliciltio:l of the <1bovc formula i~ as follows, .:ls~;llming the construct.:.on of one sinqlc Li;;\ily rC$idl~nCC contil.inin~l t...:o bcdroo::;r-, 0;1 <l lot contai:linq 15.000 sqil.lre f('('t with" t.lark.t't \'.:lluc of $65,DOO.00 (or $4.33 per square foot): 2.7 (2 hcuroorn ~ 2.1 re~jdents) x 0.0025 dcres ): 43,S60 (:;Cjll,lrc fl't~t p('r .1crd x $,1.33 (r.lilr- J:.ct vcllue ol Lmd per ~;~llhn., [(,at) ~1.:;73.lS (li) Unir.ll'nw.,eJ L10d shall b.., ':\Ppl<list.'d ,It the Cll!TL'nl r.:.ltt,l'l vctlUt' of tt", ~,it., incluJlfl'l it:~ v<lluc atll"il,ut:ll,l.' to curl'. Qll'-t"I'~;. ~'tn."t. !;id.'\~,llk llnd lit j 1 i t i ," if ,l;l<',I:J ll.,tl t'rI It\<' (!.\ t" pi 1'<' r~l it. jf;;,ll.)fh','. Ir,,\'IP\"vd \.md<; :'~J,ill I,,' .i;'I,r.!];,'>! ,ICI"Ul..1i.n.' lo thL'!1' hiql\<'"l <Ill.! l\"'~.t ll:,c' tdh.Jll'l .Int.) ,','Il';.ld,'L<l- liol) t'Xi~.I.il\q <.:nW:lllV:j "..b..tlwr ('1 :ll't th..y .iI',' confonnil"l. .'l.ld.t,t, v;du(' 111.11' I...' ~.Uh!;t,lnll.lll'd by a documL'llt L'll purch..n>t' pr iel' (i f <Ill ~In\l'~; lCllqlh tr.ln~;dcti('fl Ih,t 1.\.'[,' thdH 1.....""...11'.'. '-lId) (II l.,. .11lY olhc-r rL'(,,(hllli;~t'J r.ll',)n,,; ,'rovidL'd t.lhlt__.~~!a'!;s('~.. /""lWART TITLE OF ASPEN, INC. .......,,/ HEREBY CERTIFIES ~rom a search of the books in this office that the owner of Lots M, N and the West Half of Lot 0, Block 58, CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASPEN, Situated in the County of Pitkin, State of Colorado, appears to be vested in the name of GEORGE PETER KOSS and that the above described property appears to be subject to the following: Deed of Trust from George Peter Koss to the Public Trustee of Pitkin County for the use of John C. Koss to secure $100,000.00 dated February I, 1977, recorded February I, 1977 in Book 324 at page 163. Deed of Trust from George Peter Koss to the Public Trustee of Pitkin County for the use of Jean Berryman to secure $20,000.00 dated February IS, 1977, recorded March 21, 1977 in Book 326 at page 194. Deed of Trust from George Peter Koss to the Public Trustee of Pitkin County for the use of Perry Pollock d/b/a Aspen Investment Co. to secure $12,000.00 dated September 2, 1977, recorded September 2, 1977 in Book 334 at page 578. Although we believe the facts stated are true, this Certificate is not to be construed as an abstract of title, nor an opinion of title, nor a guaranty of title, and it is understood and agreed that Stewart Title of Aspen, Inc. neither assumeF, nor will be charged with any financial obligation or liability whatever on account of any statement contained herein. Dated at Aspen, Colorado, this 14th day of November, A.D. 1977 STEWART TITLE OF ASPEN, INC. BY APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM SUBDIVISION 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: George Peter Koss. Title presently stands in the name of George Peter Koss. The current encumbrances on the property are a first deed of trust to secure to John Koss a loan in the amount of approxi- mately $100,000, a second deed of trust to Jean Berryman to secure a loan in the amount of $20,000 and a third deed of trust to secure to Perry Pollock a loan in the amount of $12,000. A copy of an Ownership and Encumbrance Statement by the title company is attached hereto as "Exhibit A". The Applicant is the owner of the Nugget Lodge adjacent to the property proposed to be transferred and has been an Aspen resident for at least five years. 2. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY: Lots M, N and the west one- half of 0, Block 58, city and Townsite of Aspen also known as 122 West Main. This is the Victorian building which currently houses the Aspen Reservations Incorpora- ted and is immediately adjacent to and to the west of the Nugget Lodge. 3. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: The two city lots are improved with the old Victorian building which used to be located next to the Flora Dora and which was moved onto these vacant lots approximately five years ago. An improvement survey locating the building on these two and one-half city lots is being prepared and will be provided if available prior to the hearing. 4. CURRENT TENANTS: The building is currently under a lease to Aspen Reservations Incorporated which has several more years to run on the base term and then a right in the tenants to extend the lease for an additional five-year period. It is expected that the current tenants will exercise their option to extend the term and will be in occupancy of the premises for another seven to eight years. 5. REASON FOR EXEMPTION: The application is for the exemption of the application of the City's Subdivision Regulations in order to allow the separate sale and conveyance of the above described Victorian Building located on Lots M, N and one-half of 0 from the remainder of the lots upon which the Nugget Lodge is located and which are contiguous to the lots in question. Section 20-4(c) of the Aspen Municipal Code provides that if "two or more lots...are in single ownership...the lots...shall be considered an undivided parcel...and conveyance of any...shall constitute a subdivision". However, Subsection D immediately following indicates that the foregoing quoted section should not be construed to preclude an owner from applying for an exemption pursuant to 20-19 (b) when the provisions of that Section are satisfied. Section 20-19(b) authorizes the City Council to exempt any divisions which are not within the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations. The intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations are set forth in Section 20-2 and are summarized as follows: (al to establish standards for subdivision design and improvements, e.g. standards for roads, paving, signs, lighting, drainage, curbs, etc. (b) to improve land records and survey monuments by establishing standards for plats, survey monuments, etc. (c) to safeguard the interests of the public and of the subdivider and to provide consumer protection for the purchaser, e.g. to make sure the purchaser gets easements and adequate service hook-ups for utilities access, etc. Therefore, Subdivision Regulations assure the provision of certain amenities according to minimum design standards so that a purchaser from a subdivider can be assured of getting utility easements, access, etc. It is clear that the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations to assure these amenities do not apply to this already constructed victorian building which was placed on these two and one-half city lots. The city lots already have paved streets, utilities installed and operable and plat and survey monuments according to the original townsite plat. The purchaser already has water, sewer and other utilities in place. Therefore, it is submitted that the sale of Lots M, Nand 0 and the victorian building thereon while technically a subdivision from the continguous ownership of the lots upon which the Nugget Lodge is located is not the type of subdivision which is within the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations. 7l- r s Jr. IAttor or Applicant, ~ceer~ Peter Koss P.O. Box 1541 Aspen, Colorado 81611 (303) 925-7116 /"'- ".." , .~ 41- br M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Aspen C.ity Council FROM: ~ng Office (KS) RE: ~lding - Subdivision Exemption . DATE: December 14, 1977 This application requests permission to separate Lots M, N, and part of o of Block 58 from Lots P, Q, R, and S and part of 0 now owned by Peter Koss. Currently they are held in common ownership with the ARI building located on M through 0 and the Nugget Lodge on P through S. The purpose of the exemption would.be to allow the sale of the ARI building. The zone district is O-Office and the lot split would create a conforming lot (and conforming use) for the ARI building. The Nugget Lodge is a pre-existing non-conforming use and in being located in the 0 district, the only way to compute whether the lot is standard-sized is to compare the FAR to what it would be in the Lodge District. This procedure was followed for the Scott Subdivision involving a multi-family structure in the R-6 zone district. We believe that the Nugget would meet the Lodge FAR given that there are over four lots with a total lot area of approximately 13,000 square feet. If the floor area of the Nugget Lodge is 13,000 square feet or less, then it would comply with the Lodge district's FAR of 1:1. We believe that it does comply and have asked the applicant to confirm the Nugget's floor area. , Dave Ellis reviewed the improvement survey and, in his'comments dated December 2nd, 1977, recommends the exemption be granted since the site "substantially meets all current design standards." He did note that an appendage (shed-type structure) on the ARI building encroaches on the alley, but recommends that it be allowed to remain until such time as it interferes with public uses in the alley. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the exemp- tion at their December 6th meeting, without conditions. There is no park dedication fee required for office or lodge development. An improvement survey will be brought to the meeting. lmk ...