HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.pi.425 W. Francis-Neisser 1998 03/30/98 14;51 FAX 312 644 3750 T1GERMAM MCCURRY 141003 HAR-26-199S 14,$ 13LEHl'RT CONSTRUCT! ON 303 925 5485 P.02 - SmEWALX, CURB AND GVTTER IMJ'ROVEMENT AGREEMENT BETWDEN THB CITY OF ASPEN AND~_'-J_~ Ui.. N~fo~_ ~.0wneI'") WH:EllEAS OwJXJ(s) b <_) the 0MJ0:l'(~) of~ ..,.J ~ located at <_ ..ddo".. and 1epl ducriplion of property~:lS: . VJ' ~c..q Aopm.ColoradD, and WWF.R.EAS, Ownar bas nocently completed new constructiun and deoires to obtain a . certificate of~;..ul WHEREAS. Owner's property is witbin a mnc distria or otbm Bell as designated 011 the Cily of Aspen IIIClopted sidew&Ik.. curb ami ~ pIBo requirin& coMlrUCtion of curl;. gu.1UIt and sidewalk prigr to issuance of a certiJica2 of oa:upam;y or. in liw tIwNot: an agreem.....tlbr fut.,= COIIlltnIeliDO pumlllnHo Se=tl0lt 21.IIS.050 of'lhe M'IIlIicipal Code; BIld WHEREAS. !be City 1>...;....... cIoeI DOt -=ommcncl1be COll5trUctiOll of curb. gutter and _ sidcwBIk on public ri&ht-of-way IIdjlllla1t to Owm:r's P'~ at lhis time due to existin& improvements or CQlIditioml. NOW. lHEREFORE. tbD pries..- lIlI fblloWII' 1. 0MHlr 8pllIII (0 CODStl'UCt curb, gl11bll' aDd ~ tneetiIle City spec:i1iCatiollli. along the tron~ of OwlIet's properly (~y q 0 lieet). tosctbcr with associated street aaphalt J'&vemcmt work. at such time as the City of Aspen dectnIl eonS1lUCtion nccCSIl\.fY llIld Iftm~. it ill acknowlcdpd b)r .u JlIDli- that !!Ie JlftSCftt ~ent i. forlWO (2) foct autter. six (6) ineh vertical cum. aDd five (5) foot wi~ COt1Cnll8 oidowa1k with five foot snaw .rorage between sidewalk aIld curb. or as oChawise specified in the City of Aspen Sidewalk.. Curb and G\Jlter Specific:atious in effec:t at !he time ofcaalllnlClion. As pmvi.ded for in Section 21.16.060. 0- ~ to pevc driveway tiom eurb to ~ Lilla. 2. In 1he e1t1:rPBli....., at: w City's optica. !be City may eo~ the above iIoprOvetnems and Owner shall tIlirabune me City for all CCIlI\lI of ..... ~n. Reimbursemellt shall be - 1 11111111111111111111I11111111111111I1111111111111111111 415471 04/10/1998 11:46A AGREEnEN DAVIS SILVI 1 0' 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO 03/26/98 17:13 TX/RX 'NO. 1969 P.002 . 03/30/98 14,51 FAX 312 644 3750 TIGERMAM MCCURRY 141004 '. MClR-26-199S 14'5b IGLEHART CONSTRUCTION 3@3 925 5485 P.03 --- made Ie the City wilbin DiDel:y (90) daJ'$ a1b- n=ipJ ofinvoicc.. Tn !be event ofmJure to pay, tile 4lOst !I!mIl be placed .. Ii lien orne tbe property to :un with the land. 3. In the ~t that !he City de!l!lrll:liMs thllt sidewalk shall be collSllU:tCd on one side ofdle 5_t only. and iflhat: side is Owner's side ofslreet, 0wMr apees to pay to c:oDS'll'Uct the sidBwllIk with nrimbuncmcnt of ball the cost . a Iaulc date It the property Ilc:n>III the: slnlCt Iiom 0wrIar Is developed. If the City determlDes 1bat !be slc1awaUl shaI1 be c~cl across !be ~ ftcm the Owner. Owner sbelI paroc:ipata in lbc cost of the sidev;alk in tbtr amoUllt of half of the cost. 4. This ~nt.thBll be bindinl ..d 8bIdl insuR to !he bcaefit of the beirs, assigtl5. and IlK ( nnr. in title of !be parlies \'IetWto. ."~ Stille UfCol<lmdo '. ',' , . t - , . seal. .. 1~.EI'U S3ijldX3 NOISSlrlWOO An 810NlllI ~O 31V18 'OIlSI1d AlIVION 3NRrfM 'V ~3aVl 1V3S 1VIOI:l:lO OFFICIAL SEAL TABER A, WAYNE NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 11.13.2001 Address: ~k~ N~~:ih1 ~~~MfiD IL lioulD CITY OF ASPEN. COLORADO, A Municipal CotpOralion ....PI'-'ufedutofonn: i .l4"'//,"'i~ #'8/v~ ., Kj\QJiUt - 2 111111I1111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 415471 04/10/1998 11:46A AGREE"EN DAVIS SILVI 2 of 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO 7()TRL P. 03 03/26/98 17:13 TX/RX NO. 1969 P.003 .