HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.pi.533 W. Smuggler & 455 N. 5th St.--1999 f/," ,,:,.,:,:~~B'18'1999 I' I' . ' 2: 15PM HERRON KORN CO NO.9?? P.3 SIDEWALl{, CURB .-\l~ GUITER IMPROVEMENT AGREE~IENT BETVlEEN THE CITY OF .-\SPEN AJ.'ID 533 WEST SMUGGLER, LLC. (hereinafter "Owner") wHEREAS Owner(s) is {are'} me owner(SI ofilie real property toemed at I srree~ address and legal description of property) S,3~ i/J. 5mu..",'__ ~+. 1 4.55 AI. 57" st.. 0.+10 joT'" , I' ......... I' J. ~1" -he. ~.i:;C~ _~l: Spli, Aspen. Colorado, and WHEREAS. Owner has recently comuleted new cooSlIUction and desires :0 oomin a certificmC' of occupancy; and WHEREAS. Owner's property is within a zone distriCT or other area :lS Jesignared 00 the City of Aspen adopted sidewalk. curb and guner plan requiring consuuction of .;:urb. gutter and sidewalk prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or. in lieu thereof, an agreement for future consrruction pUISUantrO Section':: 1.16.050 of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS. the City Engineer does nor recommend the construction of curb. gutter and sidewalk all public right-of-way adjacent 10 Owner's property at this time due to ilxisring improvementS or conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, the panies agree as follows: 1. Owner agrees 10 constrUCt curb, gun.er and sidewalk, meeting City specific:n:i.ons, along the frontage of Owner's property (approximately ccCJ feet), together wiLh associated street asphalt pavement work, at such time as the City of Aspen deems constrnction necessary and feasible. It is acknowledged by all panies that the presenr requiremenr is for two (2) fool' gutter, si"l: (6) inch vertical curb, and five (5) foot wide concrete sidewalk with five foot snow StOrage between sidewalk and curb, or as otherwise specified in the City of .Aspen Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Specifications in effect at the time of COIlStrUction. As provided for in Section 21.16.060, Owner agrees to pave driveway from curb to property line. 2. In the alternative, at the City's option, the City may constrncr the above improvementS . . and Owner shall reimburse the City for all coStS of such construction. Reimbursement shall be 1 I illlll 11111 111111 1111 11111 111111 11I111 III 11111 1111 1111 429359 03/30/1999 02:51P AGREEnEN DAVIS SILVI 1 of 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO FEB.18.1999l9 2: 16P~ HEB.F,o.N .~9~~S9; OFFICE NO.9?? P.4 NO.762 P.S IMde to the City within ninety (90) clays after receipt of invoice. In the event of failure to par, the cost sball be placed as a I:ien against the property to rtUl with the land. 3. In the event that the City cIetemUnc:s that sidewalk sball be COllStntcted on one side of the street only, and if fhat side is Owner's side of street, Owner agrees fD pay to construct the sidewalk With reimbursement of half the cost at a 1ater dste if the property across the street from Owner is developed. If the City demmrines that the sidewalk shall be COns1nlcted actOss the str=t from the Owner, Owner sball participate in the cost of the sidewalk in the amount of half' of the cost. 4. This llgreemelI.t shall be binding and shall insure to the benefit of the heinl, assigns, and successors in title of the parties hereto. Entered By: daye! R~~ ~ ~ ,19..1..L. ) ) CoIlIl1y of Pitkin ) The foregoing instnun, em ~~ before me this I<S day of ~{'-,/ ~ ' 19if, by hffi'/',LU /l'dA'-'1-"---' . . ~~ aud o1llcial seal. ./ 'VH_/ -/J7-?~' Address: Notmy P'ubIic . . S33,F~ ) /~~ ~r ~~ g:;:b/~ My cornmksion expires; ~;;Y2 00 Z /4"' ,f",'UUUflllJ"" ",""'':t,\\-, CON IIII f ~...", ~,.... ........ ''I "'''' ~ ii, .... .... ~ ~ .... e, ". s- f h~nT4-l'i-"" '! ~: ~:; \ '" \ I>/J H L ,~.: : "'.,. ""':~""";""'"""" ,,' r~' 'or cc,c, ,"/ CIIY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, A Municipal CoIpora1ion Approved as to form: ( 7~ I ~...~ 44')16 ./ ""'"11"""" ~, ; -,tp -"~. XM96.81 2 11111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111 429359 03/30/1999 02:51P AGREE"EN DAVIS SILVI 2 0' 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO FEB. 18. 1999 / /' 1/ '. ,; ,) 1/ . . 1 ' , 2:16PM HERRON KORN CO "'*'-'. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AGlU:EMENT l-,t:.CEIVED l.i~\;11 " 1999 BETWEEN A.SPEN I PITKIN COMMUNiTY ~[V[:"'O?;,:,:NT THE CITY OF ASPEN A.l~'D 533 WEST SMUGGLER, LLC. WHEREAS. 533 WEST SHUGGLER. LLC. propeny loc~red at (Street address) = 3.3 'iJ 5..""", i... 5+. J . ~, descriotion) eom Ur5 :IF .'}..;Rf<;C.!/ '~T Sf'li T i5lare ownens) or me real 45~ ./ C'~I1...... .::t: .\1. -' _____ (and legal ofpropeny. Aspen. Cvlorado, (hereinafter "Owners"); and WHEREAS, Owner has recently received land development approval(s); and '.-oc WHEREAS, Owner's propeny ::nay benent from furure public improvements such as storm drainage systems, street lighting, sidewalks, curbs and gurrers. and similar public improvements for future constrUCtion; and \VHEREAS, these improvements serve entire neighborhoods and areas greater Than a single property and therefore are impractical for individual property owners to design md conslIUCt; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer does nor recommend the cOIlStIUCtion of such improvements at this time due to existing improvemenrs or conditions. NOW, TIffiREFORE. the parties agree as follows: 1. Owner agrees to join fumre improvemenr district(s) emblished to plan, design, and construct such public improvemenrs and 10 financuilly participate on a pro rata basis as may be established by an assessment fonnula to include property ares, property fronrage, per each property, or other basis of assessment, as appropmue, as detemJined by the Ciry Council acting as a Board of Ass~t in accordance with the City Charter or Colorado State law. 2. In the alternative, at the City's option, the City may construct the above improvements and owner shall reimburse the City for all costs of such construction on a pro rata basis esrablished by an assessment follD.ula. Reimbursement shall be made to the City within lIinety (90) days after receipt of invoice. In the event of failure to pay, the cost shall be placed as a lien against the property to run with the land. -' "".... ;.- 1 OF 2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\IL~'I 429360 03/30/1999 0200:52NP0A~:E~~i:l~A~~~N~Y CO lof2Rll.00D0. . .' FEB. 18. 1999:l': 2: 15P~M HERRON K9f:N,S..C!S OFFICE: -' NO.9?? P.5 NO. 762 P.3 3. This agreemem sball be binding and shaI1 imn to the bendt ofthc heirs, assigns,lIIld successors hi title of the parties hereto_ l1xis agreement shall nm with the !and md shall be recorded to provide notice to subsequent OWDllrS of the Jlrqperty. ) ) County of Pitkin ) The fbregoiAg ~t was acknowIedged before me thisQ day of -;::?1;:h~, 19~, by 1Tz,1/JJ ~~7tRi+') v-n: ~"';"'f"'" :";'" .~. i'A {-: r) ~.:'t r ~-...; t,_, VCi; Wi ci " , ,~, . , . -iii .expires: ~_% . .., ~~)l'\ r-- Z/ /"....,.. ~ ,-. ",' ~. ~ ~('/l---~....-' /' ~ . By: f State oiCoI , , ''-'" Address: NotarY PubJic , =--'~/~ /1 .2~_~&Z~ Cl1Y OF ASPEN, COLORADO, A Munil?iPaJ ColPontion Approved as to fom1; ~Q ~~ ~e' v - , ' 2 OF 2 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 429360 03/30/1999 02:S2P AGREE"EN DAVIS SILVI 2 of 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO .' " " 'I ~ ' " ~'l\. 1\ ~ _~. " (:...'. ...."<,y .~. . . <, D . . f .... N -41 ::' . ~-. j I'^ . .. . ~"" ; (fl ~ ,..0........ ..~:;\ i/sl\, \....1"..... .. ..,...... 0"."'.,. '''', c.., """"".:'"" , . ". "">41