HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ec.Cortina Lodge.36A-85 . o .0 I I I I CASELOAD SUMMARY SHEET .. City of Aspen T)ATE RECEIVED; ;;d .I"',fl~ JATE RECEIVE~E^: PROJ Ecr APPL ICANT: Appl i cant Addres REPRES ENTATIVE: Representative A 3bft-KS'"" s e . -- r~-'I ~ \'-:.~f'< . :.----, - . . . J I .. <-0 ~~'''Y' . 7bD I Type of Application: 1. GMP/SUBDIV IS ION/PUD (4 step) I Conceptual Submission Preliminary Plat Final Plat ($2,730.00) ($1,640.00) ( $' 820.00) II. SUBDIVISION/PUD (4 step) . I I I / --'L. III. EXCEPT ION/EXEMPTION/REZ ON ING (2 step) IV. SPECIAL REV IEW (1 step) Conceptual Submission Preliminary Plat Final Plat ($1,900.00) ($1,220.00) ($ 820.00) ($1,490.00) ($ 680.00) Special Review Use Determination conditio8al ~se^ I n- Other: 1>."""-- J~~__ , :z ~.\\-~\ -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- QH) CC MEETING DATE: fv,V\~ IlATE REFERRED: I 1..--- '.r,!, " ",,_ f/) "0'/ PUBLIC HEARING: IN IT IALS : YES NO ==:::::::: =========== ===========::::====f:=='== :::;====== ==== ======-::::====::::::::===== ==:::: === REF}RRALS: ~/ / Ci ty Atty City Engineer HOusing Dir. Aspen vlater City E;lectric Envir. !lIth. Aspen Consolo S.D. Mtn. Bell Par ks Dept. Holy Cross Electric Fi re Mar sh all Fire Chief ~- _ School District _ Rocky Mtn. Nat. Gas _ StateHwy Dept (Glenwd) Statellwy Dept (Gr.Jtn) ~ Bldg: Zoning/Inspectn _~ _ Other: L ;~:~=;;~;~~~7================~~;~=;;~;~;~==1 ~, fl:====~;;;~~Z7~= l City Atty - -.2( City Engineer Building Dept. "I- Other :-1lov~ Other: FILE STATUS AND LOCATION: J CAS E DIS POS ITION: C vi' T "" L.,iJ e Cht.J' 1. V,( ((, ~:f t><.-,piiOJ<) d (v,,1,,.;" """1) t.-I;G" . -. ^ -cQ:> Revi01"cd by: l.~n P&Z (~y Coun 01\ ue<<",IJlvq/,q'g\^ 0,.1(111,''''-'1_" J1., ~!J 1''\1''':; 1,.J,d;\"~ i"'~ eMfc".l. I 1. All unitf shall he clccc;-restrieted to the low income C:lq:lc'YEE hOLsing suideJines. Units 8, JJ. 12. 13, 14, 15 and 16 sh<3]1 be assoc:ic:tet1 with the HC-tEl JErome'~, employee housing oblioa- ti 0 n s . Un its 1, 9, lOa 11 d 17 s hall bE a s so c: i a teed Id t h thee 1'lOodstone Inn's emplc'yce housing obligation. Units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 shall be reserved for future employee housing needs in associstion in the obligations yet to be C:etermined. I I I I I 2. The Cor ti na Lodge f adl it',' and grounds shall te upgr aGed accor d- ing to reprE'sentations made in "List of Irr.prc\'ements, Schedule 1\ _ tI 3. llnit 237. of the l!oodstcnE: hn shall te refurbir-hed with a toaster oven, micr"owave and sink. 4. l'pprGvi11 fcr ar; amer:tlr,ent to the l'icodstone Condominillmizaticn Plat oEsignahng storage qaee acjacent to FOOl" 232 as L.C.B. ClS- ~oc.ic~t(?d "'.r~th thE' rcern shall be ot.taine6." (i)."",1iil"" ("H:,:w,:,,,t n- ,,,^;<~ ;tJ.t>.;. M.J17J'.~;4;rl"J:i",- !v!'j 1.1-/1 Ii.> fIO..,,.,,) tn.:I.'L.,. .' 1. All Cortina units shall be deed-restricted for reental use for em- pI oyees. 2. The six month liiinimun lease reEtrict ion Ivith no more than tlvO shorter tenancieE shall be waived. 3. A schedule of irr,r-rovements shall be cJral;n up to corrEct deficiencies noted in the Bdlding Derartment mel1'.oranoum of NovEmb~r .12, 1985. !'.ll imprOVEments shall be made as acceptable to the Bullchng Department r;rior to recordation of the condomini umization plat. 4 . ^ Statement of Subdivision Excer,tion for zation shall be submitted, {1' r,,(,/:-,;; . -- the pur rose of concJominillmi- ;... - ," . 5. The owner[< asree to join any specic:l imprcvement districts formed in the futurE'. and shall include tbi s agreement in the Statement of Subdivision Exception. 6. ^ concJominiumization plat shall te submitted rnec;tins all requirc;ments of Section 20-15 of the Ih:ni ci rc:l Code. CASE DISPOSITION: C t' . Ij (I . 0' ('/"Fr.".1') J( I .' '. t' (}}- ,~" '-<)(I:l 1aly'n ot "I" u.'f>rll~' an Or'A',"I~I.~r2~ ';;t1 . Revi',\~cd:EY: ~O;..D.. City councilQ I Htl-'51 1.pn. vJqJ bin f~~",' ~ offVlrJ1o~~ ~ 1-u. rcrAJ )""~';';;.u..J.jJ~1J.f,fk~~"" ~: J - ~ltl;., ~ lwH)+,:~Lr~/II.1l. rJ\t.", Al~ un~ts shall, be ~~ee?,-r;~t~i,cted t00Jhe low income employee housing gUldellnes. Uhlr.3 (;2, ,-3', l4, ,-S,~, (('7 ~, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 shall be associated'with the Hotel J'erome's employees housing Obliga- tions. Units 1, 9, 10 and 17 shall be associated with the Woodstone Inn's employee housing obligation. U,;,-t\, J " ,,~ ''''7 <h(" ve((\<i'wJ . J I) I j , f.., fv",({ "",,,lo1ft' hc;,;~ 1 n".I\ ~":i!~;,t;,,, ~:/h c~I'-, .f;"'l y,1 t, be ,i.t",^;,tJ '.. " 1. 2. , 3. \ ,\.,,:r> I;k ~.... \ I J"""- ' ."I'~~ , 4. I I The Cortina Lodge facility and grounds shall be upgraded according to representations made in "List of Improvements, Schedule A." Approval from the Housing Authority shall be obtained for the condi- tions and types of employee deed-restrictions to be placed on the four Hotel Jerome units. Unit 232 of the Woodstone Inn shall be refurbished with a toaster over, microwave and sink and a storage area. 5. Approval for an amendment to the Woodstone Condominiumization Plat desiqnating storage space adjacent to Room 232 as L.C.E. associated with the room shall be obtained. ]J -'P:t-2. .,.tej v,w: oJ i",:-!~'Y\:'Y)" r.b\ ....\L. -Y,- . I I I 1 I I I I I I '1. All cortina units "~hal'l 'b~' 'deed-restricted.f~~ ,r~ntal )115e5'e'.plo1/'H.,i~~<~j~l(.i :I . . \J .... ill~rlh ";".,",, 1<.), l<f'"</}1<,, ,~,i1l" ,,'~i;((1. " - , . . t . d f i iencies A schedule of improvements shall be drawn up to correc e c . noted in the Building Department memorandum of Novemb~r ~2, 1985. All improvements shall be made as ac<?epta~le ~o the BUlldlng Department prior to recordation of the condomlnlumlzatlon plat. A Statement of Subdivision Exception for the purpose of condominiumi- , d" / ~!':~./l"I.1"'J' zation shall be submltte ,. "'" "(", ,<1~'f''-'",), "u,/",,( "i The owners agree to join any special improvement, districts formed in the future, and shall include this agreement 1n the Statement of Subdivi5ion Exception. "J. - A condominiumization plat shall be submitted meeting all requirements of Section 20-15 of the ~!uni ci pal Code. .. I r. l I 1,'L~J ( " 1" "I; ,",\ ",.1 -t'-. ," ,_'",,1 . r.~. II' ,: ,. I:l' t. I ' , . . ,~. ~ I< I' (, ,', H ~ _ 1..lif., ,l I:": .:: ^ .::-., " '. p.:ii'\ . '1 -I. j' I jj . . '..-- 1 ~ " ' <,. t.>)\. l ~. I, 1/0'.'. ',~ .H," l ~ ......'-'\.v, .' L' ,/ .1. A plan for eight parking spaces shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineering Department prior to review of this application by City Council . 2. Seven (7) additional off-street parking spaces shall -ailditiGA-""t-o the present 60 parking space commitment Jerome'for use of the Hotel Jerome employees living in ~ ~ . \ - r._ :::I;'i':":~J;-~ __I, be prov ided lv~ f or the Hot el the Cortina. I u o I fk IIs~{M- October 8, 1985 Alan Richman Planning Director City of Aspen 130 S. Galena St. Aspen, CO 81611 Dear Alan, Pursuant to our telephone conversation on Monday, October 7th, the following details our reponse to your request for more information relative to our application on the Cortina Lodge. We feel that there will be no major impacts created as a result of either changing the use to employee housing or condominiumizing the Cortina. The following gives a synopsis of both the rental history of the Cortina for the last 18 months and our parking plan for the project, per your request. 1. Rental History Cortina. Cortina. In April of 1984, Raul and Kim Wille took over the management of the The following gives a breakdown of their rental history at the I I I I I April 1984 - mid December 1984/ Seven units used as long term mid December 1984 - March 1985/ Two units used as long term April 1985 - June 1985/ Eleven units used as long term July 1985 - September 1985/ Three units used as long term October 1985 - present/ Nine units used as long term Our plan is to take 13 of the 17 units and deed restrict them, limiting their use to only year-round employee housing. As portrayed in the above chart, the Cortina has a history of being rented long term, however no more than 11 units were ever used at one time for long term housing. First off, our plan uses 13 units on a year-round basis for long term housing, but also goes a step further by specifying use as employee housing as per the Housing Authority guidelines. Secondly, the rents that we will be charging for housing will be approximately one half of what the long term residents at the Cortina currently pay. (Please see employee profiles Exhibits B and C). 1450 Crys1al Lake Road, Aspen, Colorado 81611 303/925-8900 ~ U-J ~u fk As~{M- ff!" October 8, 1985 I Alan Richman Planning Director City of Aspen 130 S. Galena St. Aspen, CO 81611 Dear Alan, I I Pursuant to our telephone conversation on Monday, October 7th, the following details our reponse to your request for more information relative to our application on the Cortina Lodge. We feel that there will be no major impacts created as a result of either changing the use to employee housing or condominiumizing the Cortina. The following gives a synopsis of both the rental history of the Cortina for the last 18 months and our parking plan for the project, per your request. 1. Rental History Cortina. Cortina. In April of 1984, Raul and Kim Wille took over the management of the The following gives a breakdown of their rental history at the tb-t,I<( I7vK:tf April 1984 - mid December 1984/ Seven units used as long term-rO,"-.t_t"..;;-- mid December 1984 - March 1985/ Two units used as long term - 6,;"'_1". .ko)('lO. April 1985 - June 1985/ Eleven units used as long term 6,...1_-1'(0. ) s,'- i,,{. July 1985 - September 1985/ Three units used as long term 14 ,."q,,~ ) I October 1985 - present/ Nine units used as long term r "~I-f<,,.. ~.I/. f"".1 ~r plan is to take 13 of thp 17 l1nits and deed restrict them, limiting their use to only year-round employee housing. As portrayed in the above chart, the Cortina has a history of being rented long term, however no more than 11 units were ever used at one time for long term housing. First off, our plan uses 13 units on a year-round basis for long term housing, but also goes a step further by specifying use as employee housing as per the Housing Authority guidelines. Secondly, the rents that we will be charging for housing will be approximately one half of what the long term residents at the Cortina currently pay. (Please see employee profiles Exhibits B and C). 1450 Crystal Lake Road, Aspen, Colorado 81611 303/925-8900 I I . I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I . co co 2. ~~rk5ng P~aE for the Cortina ---- One of the major reasons we are purchasing the Cortina Lodge is because of its ideal location. The fact that the Cortina is located one block away from the Jerome, next to major bus stops, and on the fringe of the center part of town, makes it perfectly suited for our employee that is profiled in Exhibits Band C. The need for the employee to own or even consider purchasing a vehicle is greatly diminished. There is also a question of s~ow~I\VrUey whether the employee, as profiled, can afford to own a car. In fact, in a recent employee survey we found that 64% of our hourly employees do not own cars. Their reasons for not owning a car were as follows: A. Don't need one/use buses for travel B. Can't afford one The reasons for owning a car by our employees were as follows: A. Bus routes don't come near residence B. Lives down valley C. For out of town travel only D. Have family - must cart around valley Under the reasons given for owning a car, both A and B are resolved by our plan; C would remain unresolved and D would be left out in that we don't anticipate families desiring this type of housing in any case. We would anticipate that when the Cortina is used as short term housing, one parking space per room would be necessitated, which would equal sixteen cars. As a result of the proposed change in use, we would certainly not exacerbate this previously existing parking requirement, but would probably mitigate the impacts of the parking situation. The following gives a detailed analysis of our parking plan. Using the planning criteria from the parking requirement section in the City Zoning Code, which states that ~_p~allel parking space should be 18 feet long and 8.5 feet wide, the following calculation-was made with respect to the Cortina. The Cortina is 97 feet long on the east side and 90 feet long on the west side, availing 5.39 parking spaces on the east and 5 spaces on the west, totaling 10.39 spaces available on site. Given our survey, which was taken before our offering ideally located housing to our employees, which should lessen their needs for cars, we found that 36% of our hourly employees own cars. By taking the 36% and multiplying it by the 24 employees to be housed, a requirement for 8.64 parking spaces is derived. This would leave roughly two parking spaces left over for the four units (units 2-5) not being considered as a part of this application, which we feel is satisfactory. 51 )r.<~\ .pi)'" - ~ l/ hrl'1H1 a 'HI 4 II~-'+) f,......kt. 17 "'oO'YI~ I I I I I I C() co In summary, we feel that the parking available at the Cortina for the proposed use is adequate and would actually lessen the parking impacts found as a result of the project's current use. Dou Carlson Controller/Woods tone Inn Hotel Jerome DC/cr I I I I I I I I I I I . . o \ o MEMORANDUM To: Steve Burstein, Planning Department From: Elyse Elliott, Engineering Department~ Date: November 4, 1985 Re: Cortina Lodge ================================================================== I I I After reviewing the above application and making a site inspection, the Engineering Department has the following comments: The parking requirements in the L-3 zone call for one parking space per room. The Cortina falls short of this requi rement by at least seven spaces. The applicant's parking plan allows for each parallel parking space to be 8 1/2 feet wide and 18 feet long. These dimensions are listed in Section 24-4.2 of the City Code, however they do not pertain to parallel parking areas. Each parallel parking space should by at least 22 feet long, which would allow only 8 parking spaces. Eight parking spaces are inadequate for a 17 room complex. However, increasing the number of spaces does not appear feasible due to the limited area. This is the historical number of parking spaces for this lodge. The applicant states that only a small percentage (36%) of the hourly employees own cars. Perhaps only the employees without cars should be allowed to reside in the Cortina. This way, the four units that are not deed restricted will have adequate parking and there will also be 4 parking spaces for guests. We request that space #6 be restricted to compact cars only to allow room for cars to access/egress on Main Street. This signage should be supplied by the applicant. We would not normally permit the curb cut on Main Street. However, removing the access/egress on Main Street would only further exacerbate the parking situation. Other than the parking situation, which does not seem to be repairable, we have no problem with this application. The building is adequately serviced by utilities and has sufficient dumpster space. The applicant is not changing anything on the exterior that has historically existed. I I I I I I (~ " ~.SPEN.PITKIN R.:GIONAL BUILOINbJOEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Date: November 4, 1985 TO: Steve Burstein, Planning Department Bill Drueding, Zoning Enforcement Officer ~ FROM: SUBJECT: The Cortina 1. If you compare the Cortina's parking plan to the City of Aspen's Parking Standards, (Example E), there is quite a defi- ciency. 2. The applicants request is also to condominiumize the prop- erty. It appears a Health, Life and Safety inspection is needed. 3. Units appear small, but the price appears right. WLD: 10 offices: 517 Esst Hopkins Avenue Aspen. Colorado 81611 303/925-5973 mail address: 506 East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 , u o fk I1s~ eM- November 14, 1985 Steve Burstein Aspen/Pitkin Planning Office 130 South Galena Aspen, CO 81611 Dear Steve, Pursuant to your request, the following will detail our amendment to the employee housing plan for the Hotel Jerome. Our plan is to use four rooms at the Hotel Jerorre for employee housing in lieu of using rooms numbered 6 and 7 at the Cortina. The four rooms at the Jerome would house a total of four employees, (Le., one in each room). The four employee units located at the Jerome average 229 square feet per room. There are two kitchenettes and two bathrooms in the plan, resulting in a ratio of two employees per kitchen and two employees per bathroom, well above the Housing Authority minimum standards. 'ill~ Doug Carlson Executive Vice President DC/ag I I . I , 1450 Crystal Lake Road, Aspen, Colorado 81611 303/925-8900 o o LIST OF IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE A 1. Convert office to lounge/kitchen. Recarpet, paint and soundproof. Refurnish with couch, coffee table, and chairs. 2. Repaint exterior as needed, including all balconies and ceilings over walkways. 3. Touch up stucco on outside walls as necessary. I 4. Furnish all rooms with single beds. 5. Install small kitchen in units 14 & 15. 6. Upgrade storage area beneath lodge to include storage bins, coin-op laundry, and ski repair table. 7. Install kitchen in unit 13 and furnish for use as a lounge area, by adding couches and sitting chairs. 8. Patch asphalt in parking area as necessary. I I I I I I I I I I o o EXHIBIT B EMPLOYEE PROFILE HOTEL EMPLOYEE Age: 18-25 years Hourly Wage: $5.00 - 6.25 Type of Job: Bellman, Front Desk, Housekeeping, Maintenance Employee/Current Monthly Rent (Average): $350.00 Employee/Proposed Monthly Rent: $90.00/150.00 The current monthly rate at the Cortina Lodge is $300.00 - 400.00 per month. I I I I I I o o EXHIBIT C EMPLOYEE PROFILE RESTAURANT EMPLOYEE Age: 18-25 years Hourly Wage: $3.35 - 6.25 Type of Job: Dishwasher, Busboy, Waiter, Waitress, Bartender, Prep Cook Current Monthly Rent (Average): $350.00 Proposed Monthly Rent: $90.00 The current monthly rate at the Cortina Lodge is $300.00 - 400.00. o o I , Cortina Lodge Schedule of Rents For the five periods starting April 1984 and ending October 1985 Period /I of Units Rent Per Month wi /I of Kitchen Units (........,~~ "'~ - ';llc,o ~.~. &6.<\.) $ 368.00 2 Rent Per Month wlo Kitchen L v........~"i. ,,""'- ?:;o ~,~. C-4<1.. ') $ 340.00 April 1984 - mid December 1984 5 mid December 1984 - March 1985 o o 2 340.00 I I April 1985 - June 1985 5 380.00 6 340.00 I I I I July 1985 - September 1985 2 380.00 1 340.00 October 1985 - present 5 380.00 4 340.00 I " I I o o MEK>RANDU M FROM: Aspen City Council Hal Schilling, City Manage@ Steve Burstein, Planning OfficeG\-\ Cortina Lodge Change in Use and Condominiumization I I TO: THID: RE: I DATE: December 9, 1985 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Planning Office recommends approval of the requested Change in Use and Subdivi sion Exception f or the puq::o se of condomini- umization. We recommend that two more bedrooms for the Hotel Jerome employees be provided in the Cortina than recommended by the Planning Commission. I I I I I APPLICANT'S REQUEST: Hotel Jerome Ltd Partnership and Woodstone Associates request a change in use from lodge to residential uses and condomini umization of the Cortina Lodge. The applicants propose to meet their employee housing obligations by providing in a dormitory configuration six (6) bedrooms for fifteen (15) employees of the Hotel Jerome and three (3) bedrooms for five (5) employees of the Woodstone (a/k/a Aspen Club) Lodge. The remaining six (6) units would also be deed-restricted to the low-income employee housing guidelines, but shall be reserved for future employee housing needs yet to be deter- mined. LOCATION: 230 E. Main, Lots P and Q, Block 73, City and Townsite of Aspen. ZONING: L-3 BACKGROOND: In the Hotel Jerome Final FUD Agreement signed April 29, 1983, the owner of the Hotel "has agreed to and does hereby acknow- ledge his obligation to provide nineteen (19) 'employee housing' bedrooms. . ." The owner was given the flexibility to provide fifteen (15) off-site employee bedrooms and four (4) bedrooms either within the Hotel or off-site. It should be noted that City Council approved the employee housing program consi sting of four (4) on-site "employee units" and fifteen (15) bedrooms to be either in the project or off-site in Conceptual approval (April 27, 1982) and Preliminary approval (August 11, 1982). Through most of the di scussion of the Final FUD Agreement, thi s same provision was considered by Council (March 23, 1983). Changes were made to the PUD Agreement giving the present flexibility in the employee housing program in the version passed by Council on April 11, o o I I I I I I I I 1983. The applicant continues to be committed to providing four (4) units in the Hotel Jerome, approximately 229 s.f. each, to be deed- restricted to the middle income guidelines, and therefore a principal issue for discussion tonight is the condition regarding the remaining 15 bedrooms. Under the conditions of approval for the Woodstone Inn Condominiumi- zation, the owner agreed to an employee housing program consisting of Unit 121 of the Woodstone Inn and three (3) units in the Alpina Haus, totalling 1,692 square feet for all four (4) units. Woodstone Associates received approval of a condominiumization plat amendment on August 26, 1985, to change the employee deed-restriction from Unit 121 to Unit 232 and to provide three units at another site acceptable to the Housing Authori ty and Ci ty Council. Room 232 is a small er unit than 121, but more recently refurbished. The owner has also committed to adding a toaster oven, microwave, sink and two storage areas to complete Room 232. Room 232 is proposed to be deed-restricted to the low-income employee guidelines. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE: Section 24-11.2 (j) describes the GMP exemption for a change in use activity. To be considered in reviewing a change in use is "growth impact . . . de- fined as any activity which results in more than a negligible increase in employee housing or parking; generates more than a negligible increase in traffic demand, water and sewer needs, fire and police protection requirements, off-site drainage and road demands; or otherwise requires the provision of more than a negligible increase in governmental services." Section 20-22 explains the requirements of condominiumization. The following subsections are most relevant to this case: .. (b) All units shall be restricted to six (6) month minimum leases with no more than two (2) shorter tenancies per year; and (c) The applicant shall demonstrate that approval will not reduce the supply of low and moderate income housing. Such demonstration shall be made at the time of initial consideration by the planning and zoning commission for purposes of their recommendation to the city council . . . . . . The following shall be considered prima facie evidence that approval will reduce the supply of low and moderate income housing: (1) Evidence that the property has historically rented for terms in excess of one month periods at a price within the current guidelines for low, moderate and middle income housing as determined by the council for additional points within the terms of the growth management plan, and the applicant intends to increase rents within five (5) years after condominiumization such that the price of each unit 2 o o will be in excess of the above guidelines. I . (e) The applicant must agree to undergo an inspection of the building or buildings by the building department prior to review of the request for condominiumization by the planning and zoning commission. This inspection shall primarily concern itself with fire, health and safety conditions -- the intention is not necessarily to bring old structures to full compliance with new construction codes." The off-street parking review criteria for residential uses is stated in Section 24-4.6 as follows: "Whenever the number of spaces required is subject to review, such revi ew shall be made by the zoning commi ssion which commi s- sion, in making such determination, shall consider the projected traffic generation of the proposed developnent, site characteris- tics, the pedestrian access and walking distances to the downtown areas, and the availability of pUblic transportation." PROBLEM DISCO SSION: A. REFERRAL COMMENTS: 1. Housing Authority: On October 31, 1985, the Housing Authority approved the Cortina Lodge proposal as presented for meeting the Hotel Jerome and Woodstone employee housing, needs. The Authority was not aware of the applicants' commitment to having four units within the Hotel Jerome. The Housing Authority believed that the dormitory concept is a particularly desireable approach. The level of upgrade, amount of space, provision of kitchens and bathrooms and the rent not to exceed $90/month per employee were each consi- dered appropriate for this project. It was noted that there is a shortfall of floor area from the Woodstone Agreement; however, 5 instead of 3 employees would be housed. With regards to the Hotel Jerome Agreement, the Housing Authority accepted that the 19 employees to be housed meets the PUD Agreement calling for 19 bedrooms. Since that approval was given, the proposal was changed to include four units in the Hotel Jerome and seven bedrooms housing 15 employees in the Cortina. This proposal was also approved by the Housing Author ity. 2. Engineering Department: In a memorandum dated November 4, 1985, the Engineering Department made the following com- ment s : a. The applicant 's parking plan for ten (10) spaces is based on dimensions that do not pertain to parallel parking. Each parallel parking space should be at least 22 feet long, which would allow only eight (8) 3 I I I B. I I . o o parking spaces. b. Eight parking spaces are inadequate for a 17 room complex. c. We would not normally permit the curb cut on Main Street. However, removing the access/egress on Main Street would only exacerbate the parking situation., d. The building is adequately serviced by utilities and has sufficient dumpster space. 3. Building Department: A fire, life and safety inspection report was made by John Ostwald, Building Inspector on November 12, 1985. Deficiencies were noted in fireplaces, stai rway head cl earance, pI umbing dr ains, ea st wall windows, and other areas. Tom Voorhies, Electrical Inspector, noted in a November 12, 1985 memorandum certain inadequacies related to the Cortina I s electrical system. STAFF COMMENTS: The following issues have been identified regarding this proposal: 1. Number and Location of Bedrooms and Employees to be Housed. As noted in Table 1 which appears below, several changes from the Hotel Jerome and Woodstone Lodge agreements are evident. Regarding the Hotel Jerome, the Cortina proposal would provide a total of 6 bedrooms instead of fifteen. The total Woodstone employee housing Equare footage agreed to would be reduced by 355 square feet. In both cases, interpretation is necessary in determining whether the basic intent of the agreements is being met when translated into a dormitory configuration that contains fewer numbers of units and less Equare footage than specifically approved. The Housing Authority has been particularly supportive of the dormitory concept as the price range is truly affordable for the low wage earners of our community. The Planning Off ice agrees that the dormitory concept with small bed- rooms, shared kitchens, bathrooms, and lounges is an interesting and positive feature of this proposal. However, we also are concerned that the prior agreement s are met through this proposal. 4 o o TABLE I Employee Housing Agr eement s Cortina Proposal **** Beds S.F.*** Bedrooms Beds S.F. project Bedrooms Hotel Jerome On-Site Off-Site Subtotal 4 NS 180/unit 4 4 229/unit 15* NS 6 15 19 10 19 229/unit 1 NS 589 1 1 396 3 NS 1103 3 5 941 4 1692 4 6 1337 (-355) Subtotal Woodstone On- Si te Off-Site . . I * To be provided on-site or off-site. ** NS - Not Stated *** S.F. - Square Footage **** Note: Six (6) Deed-Restricted Cortina units Reserved for Future Employee Housing Obligations. Source: Aspen/Pitkin Planning Office; November, 1985 Research into the Hotel Jerome roD has shown that at conceptual approval on April 27, 1981, and preliminary approval on August 11, 1982, the owner was to provide housing for "an additional fifteen employees of the hotel at a location acceptable to the City, to include a minimum of fifteen bedrooms." The Planning Office believes that the language and intent of the Jerome roD agreement is clear regarding the fifteen bedroom obligation. There should be 15 bedrooms in an apartment, house, or dormitory configuration for at least 15 employees. Table 1 shows that there is a shortfall of nine bedrooms for the Hotel Jerome em pI oyees; however, in a dormitory confi guration, thi s short-f all is probably less. I The Woodstone Inn shortfall of s::J.uare footage is also of concern to us. The three unit s to be employee housing at the Al pina Ha us would equal 1103 square feet, or approximately 368 s::J.uare feet each. It is not clear whether 1, 2 or more employees were to be housed in each unit. Historically, Alpina Haus units 42 and 44, which were to be deed-restricted in association with the Wood- stone, contained four (4) beds each. If it were assumed that there would be two employees in each unit, then there would be a shortfall of one employee in the Cortina, as well as the 310 s. f. 5 I I I I I . o o The Planning Office position is that two of the six reserve bedrooms in the Cortina should also be deed restricted in association with the Hotel Jerome. If we use the current standard that a one-bedroom unit houses 1.25 employees to interpret the Jerome's 15 bedroom requirement, then the 15 bedrooms would provide housing for 19 people. Therefore, we recommend that two more Cortina bedrooms be associated with the Hotel Jerome. There would be in total, nine bedrooms to house nineteen employees. 2. It should be noted that the Planning Commission agreed with the Housing Authority's recommendation to accept the project as" presented and deed-restrict no more units in association with either the Jerome or the Woodstone obligation. In addition, the Commission recommended that the six month minimum lease deed- restriction required in condominiumization be waived because of the likelihood that lodge employees will be seasonal employees. The Planning Office agrees with this assessment and believes that such an exception for an employee dormitory is reasonable. Reduction in the Supply of Low Income Housing. The appli- cant provided rental hi story on the Corti na Lodge showing that units have rented in excess of the rental price/square foot range on a long-term basis for employee housing. The historical mixed long-term and short-term uses of the Cortina is non-conforming based upon the rules of the L-3 zone. Therefore, through deed-restricting the units to the low income housing guidelines this proposal would increase the supply of low income housing, meeting the criteria of Section 20-22(c) for condomini- umization. As a practical mater for dormitory, the project should be restricted to rental and not sale to serve the lodge employees. One might still question whether the reduction in low-cost tourist recommendations through this proposal has a negative effect. It appears that while such is the case, the greater good would be served in providing inexpensive long-term housing for employees. Upgrading of the Cortina. The 1 i st of proposed improvement s consists primarily of upgrading interior and exterior common areas (see "Schedule A" attached). All rooms would be furnished with single beds; and kitchens would be added to two units. The Housing Authority was satisfied with the level of upgrade. Deficiencies noted by the Building Department should be correct- ed, and a schedule of those improvements should be drawn up for completion of work prior to condominiumization. 3. 4. Parking (Planning Commission Special Review). According to Engineering Department calculations, the Cortina has adequate room for eight on-site parking spaces. There would be approxi- 6 o o I I I I I mately 30 residents in the Cortina at full occupancy in 16 bedrooms. I I The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Cortina F6rking plans at the November 19, 1985 meeting, and approved a plan for eight parking spaces with the condition that seven spaces be provided within the 60 parking spaces required for the Hotel Jerome expansion to be available for the Hotel Jerome employees living in the Cortina. The Planning Office recommended that seven spaces be provided on top of the Jerome's 60 spaces, based on the one space per two employees ratio used for the Aspen Mountain FUD employee program. ADVISORY COMMITTEE VOTE: On November 19, 1985, the Planning Commission voted 5 in favor and 2 opposed to recommend approval of the requested change in use with the conditions listed below. The Commission voted unanimously in favor of condominiumization subject to the conditions listed below. And the Commission voted six in favor and one opposed to grant special review approval of the Cortina parking plan subject to the conditions listed in the Problem Discussion. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: If Council concurs with the Planning Commission recommendations, then the appropriate motion would be: "Move to approve the requested change in use subject to the following conditions: 1. All units shall be deed-restricted to the low income employee housing guidelines. Units 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 shall be associated with the Hotel Jerome I s employee housing obI iga- tions. Units 1, 9, 10 and 17 shall be associated with the Woodstone Inn's employee housing obligation. Units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 shall be reserved for future employee housing needs in association in the obligations yet to be determined. 2. The Cortina Lodge facility and grounds shall be upgraded accord- ing to representations made in "Li st of Improvement s, Schedul e A. " 3. Unit 232 of the Woodstone Inn shall be refurbished with a toaster oven, microwave and sink. 4. Approval for an amendment to the Woodstone Condominiumization Plat designating storage space adjacent to Room 232 as L.C.E. as- sociated with the room shall be obtained." If Council concurs with the Planning Office's recommendation, then the following condition should be adopted to replace Change in Use Condition No.1 above: "1. All units shall be deed-restricted to the low-income employee housing guidelines. Units 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 7 I I " o o shall be associated with the Hotel Jerome's employee housing obligation. Units 1, 9, 10 and 17 shall be associated with the Woodstone Inn I s employee housing obligation. Units 3, 4 and 5 shall be reserve for future employee housing needs in association with obligations yet to be determined." "Move to approve the requested subdivision exception for the purpose of condominiumization subject to the following conditions: 1. All Cortina units shall be deed-restricted for rental use for em- ployees. 2. The six month m1n1murn lease restriction with no more than two shorter tenancies shall be waived. 3. A schedule of improvements shall be drawn up to correct deficiencies noted in the Building Department memorandum of November 12, 1985. All improvements shall be made as acceptable to the Building Department prior to recordation of the condominiumization plat. A Statement of Subdivision Exception for the purpose of condominiumi- zation shall be submitted. I , I 4. 5. The owners agree to join any special improvement districts formed in the future, and shall include this agreement in the Statement of Subdivision Exception. 6. A condominiurnization plat shall be submitted meeting all requirements of Section 20-15 of the Municipal Code. . SB.51 I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I, I /"". 1\;;) .,--, \...) () ....j .. .'''~ ~~~ ..;. ,::...__a.........,,"- ''''..''_ -- ',- ... ....-=-'-- .. . o o Reqular Meetinq-- - - . ^ Aspen Citv Council December 9, 1985 Councilman Collins left Chambers due to a conflict of interest. Steve Burstein, planning office, 'told Council this application is to use the Cortina lodge units for employee housing for both the Jerome and the Aspen Club Lodge (formerly Woodstone). This is zoned L-3, which permits employee housing associated with lodges., This is a change in use from lodge to residential, as well as a request for condominiumization. Burstein said 4 of the 17 units would be used to satisfy the Woods tone employee housing obligations, and 7 units would be used for the Hotel Jerome. The remaining 6 units would be deed restricted at the low income guidelines and would be retained for future employee housing commi tments. Burstein presented a chart on comparisons of previous employee housing and this application. There are some shortages in the number of bedrooms for the Hotel Jerome and square footages for the Woodstone. Burstein told Council this is a dormitory concept. The housing authority looked at this appl ication and recommended approval, as did the P & Z. The planning office suggests that 2 more bedrooms ought to be deed restricted for the Hotel Jerome, using the housing authority's figure of 1. 25 employees housed per bedroom. Burstein said the 6, month rental' provision should not be applied as it ,is not appropriate for an employee dormitory. Dick Butera, appl icant, told Council they have been in this process since August, went through an elaborate process with the housing authority. The housing authority liked this plan because of the proximity to the Hotel Jerome and because they are anxious 'to get some dormitory-type employee housing, and the rates are very reasonable. Butera said in the adopted dormitory guidel ines, it requires 1 kitchen for every 12 employees and 1 bathroom for every 6 employees. This proposal has 1 kitchen and 1 bathz:oom for every 2 beds. Butera said he feels they have addressed the quality of life for the employees in this applica- tion. Butera told Council the minimum square footage per employee in the guidelines is 150 square feet, and they have prov ided 155 sq uare feet. Butera said there are 6 units left over at the Cortina. The planning office asked the applicant if they would deed restrict these 6 units, which the applicant is not required to do, as the planning office does not want a mixed project. Butera agreed to deed restr ict them if the uni ts can be used as employee housing for future projects. Butera quoted from a planning office memorandum in August 1981, when John Gilmore originally applied for the Hotel Jerome approvals. The memorandum points out there will be an increase of 15 employees and asked the applicant to house 15 employees. Butera said Council does not usually request an applicant to house 100 percent of the employees. Butera said 16 o I I o . I I I' ,1 I' . !,-\ I; \...! I, - ._:!,.'. ...~.~ ~... - -- ---- o o Regul-ar Meeti-nq- --- -'-- Aspen City Council December 9, 1985 they agree to house 15 employees but do not agree to house 4 more employees. Butera said they exceed the employee housing guidelines, and they have been working on this for 4 months. Butera said the agreement calls for 15 bedrooms, but at that time, there was no dormitory guidelines. Butera said he does not feel the arguments for 2 more bedrooms are not justified. Jim Curtis, housing authority, said the dormitory concept evolved at the direction of the Council. Curtis' pointed out employee housing has been built to deal with certain segments of employees, but the community has not been able to address the service-type employee on a seasonal basis. Curtis said he feels dormitories are the answer, and the Cortina plans on charging $90 a mont~ Curtis said at the present time the housing authority deals in bodies rather than in bedrooms. Curtis said this proposal for the Cortina is exactly what the housing authori ty has been looking for. Doug Carlson presented the layout of the Cortina for the employee uni ts. Carl son told council in addition to the Cortina, 4 employees will be housed at the Hotel Jerome as well as 1 unit at the Woodstone. Butera said he objects only to providing 4 more beds at the Cortina, because there' is no evidence for that request. Butera said he is willing to deed restrict the entire . project leaving 6 units to be used for future projects1 these will be rented to employees in the interim. This employee housing requirement is for the new Hotel Jerome. Mayor Stirling moved to approve the requested change in use subject to the conditions 1 through 4 in the planning office mem~randum of December 9, 19851 seconded by Councilwoman Fallin. Burstein told Council the original Hotel Jerome PUD agreement requests 15 bedrooms, and the interpretation of that was that 15 bedrooms would probably house more than 1 employee in each bedroo~ That is the reason for the request to house 4 more employees. Mayor Sti rl ing said that is the traditional approach but does not address seasonal employees. Mayor Stirling said he would be willing to accept the 'recommendation of P & Z. Perry Harvey told Council the original agreement was to take care of 15 employees. Councilwoman Fallin said she feels this proposal is better than bedrooms as it can be rented at a much lower rate. City Manager Schilling said the city's planning process is convoluted enough. The city does contribute to the housing authority as an agency of the city, and perhaps everyone would profit from designating a single agency to determine whether or not compliance with housing requirements are satisfied. Butera agreed it is difficnlt and time consuming to go through the various levels of government. 17 r--' ~H__~_ -'- --'-,'-~--- I _ I I o I I I '0 I I . ",\ (, ) Reqular Heetinq ~ --=- _....- -;:::"'"-~~'-'~...:.:.. .~__~........ ...uJo>--.._ -a:...4"-.~.._'-.' -----"-".--.---- o o - - Aspen City Council December 9, 1985 All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Stirling moved to approve the requested subdivision exception for the purpose of condominiumization subject to the 6 conditions in the planning office memorandum of December 9, 1985; seconded by Councilman Isaac. Councilman Isaac asked why the applicant wants to condominiumize the project. Carlson said they need to be able to identify the 6 units for future projects. Andy Hecht told Council there may be 3 separate enti ti ties contributing to the financing of the project. These units will all be deed restricted for rental use. Taddune said the statement of subdivision exception should be subject to his approval. Mayor Stirling amended his motion to include this should be subject to the approval of the city attorney; seconded by Councilman Isaac. All in favor, motion carried. HOTEL JEROME'~OUEST-FOR WORK SESSION Perry Harvey said the applicants would like to ,go over the' existing approvals. Harvey told Council, because the Hotel Jerome is listed on the National Register" the National Park Service has told them they will accept an addition in concept but not as designed. Some of the facade design will have to be amended; the annex is an integral' part ,of the project and cannot be removed. The applicants would like to go over their concep- tual designs. Dick Butera said they would like to complete the plans so they can break ground in the spring. Butera told Council they are not asking for more space, they just need approval of their design work. Council scheduled the work session for Monday February 3 at 5 p. m. at City Hall. Council suggested that the P & Z be invited. CONSENT CALEN-DAR Councilwoman Fallin moved to approve the consent calendar; seconded by Councilman Isaac. The consent calendar is liquor license renewals - Little Annie's; Mothe'r Lode; Pour la France; and Little Nell's; Liquor License Transfer - Aspen Mine Company. All in favor, motion carried. 18 Y7 ;0 Cc ~ -~ ~-r I o o ffiC IARATION OF COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE CORTINA LODGE This declaration and dedication, mcrle and entered into this __:Jl~_ day 0 f ___~_________, 1986, by and between the lbtel Jerome Limited Partnership, a Cbnnecticut limited p:lrt- I nership ("Covenantor") and the City of Aspen, Pitkin Cbunty, Cola- rado (hereinafter "City"). ~_!- T N ~_~~~ H: WHEREII.S, the Jerane Partnership is the record owner of the fOllowing-described property and the improvements located thereon, commonly known and hereinafter referred to as the "Cortina Lodge", to wit: Lots P and Q, Block 73, City and 'Ibwnsite of Aspen I I WHEREAS, the Cbrtina Lodge has a total of seventeen (17) units, which the COI/enantor desires to convert to "dormitory hous- ing" in accordance with the City of Aspen employee housing use, occupancy and rental guidelines and qualifications for "dormitory housing" as may be in effect and appl icable from time to time: and WHEREAS, the City Cbuncil of the City of ~qpen on December 16,1985, approved the use of the Cortina Lodge, upon the filing of this ded ication and declaration, to satisfy employee ho using requirements of the following proj ects, in which the Covenantor is directly or ind irectly involved: o o 1. Cb tel J erom e PI anned Un it Dev elopn ent, as refl ec ted by the anemed PUD plat recorded in Plat Ibok _____, am that J\memed and Re sta ted Pl anned Un it Dev el opn ent l>g reem ent d ated _~ ..31 , 1986, recorded in lbok___Page___, Office of th/Pitfin County Clerk and Recorder: Specifically with respect to Pnase II of the Hotel Jerane Project, Units #8, 11,12,13,14,15 and 16, as depicted on the Cbrtina Lodge floor plan annexed hereto and incor por ated here in as Ex h ib it" A" . I 2. &Ich other proj ects in which the Cbvenantor is or may becane involved incl ud ing, but not 1 im ited to, the eventual condo- miniunization of the W:Jodstone Inn, the units for which will be designated in accordance with future approvals. 3. Cbvenantor represents and warrants that it is the sole I owner of the property, with full authorization fran any am all persons, corporations or entities which in any way may have an enc unbr ance, I ien or 0 ther in terest in or wi th regard to the pro- per ty, to enter in to thi s d ed ic ation and decl ar ation. NCM, THEREFORE, for am in consideration of the approvals granted by the City of Aspen with regard to the Cbtel Jerome Pro- ject, am for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby aCknowledged, the Jerome Part- nership hereby covenants am agrees as follows: 1. The entire Cbrtina Lodge, containing seventeen (17) tlo.Q (2) per son roans, shall be am hereby is restr icted excl usively to use as rental only" low income" dormitory employee housing use, occupancy am rental guidelines am qualifications as may be in 2 o o effect and appl icable from time to time; prov ided al ways that ren- tal pr ices shall be indexed to the annually adopted employee hous- ing guidel ines approved by the City. 2. In add ition, the seventeen (17) units in the Cortina I I Lodge shall be and hereby are restricted to a maximum occupancy of thirty-two (32) employees, with first priority to be given at all times to employees of the fbtel Jerome Project, specifically Units liB, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, as depicted on EXhibit "A". Verification of an employee's income and emplo}ffient I qualifications shall be accomplished by the City of Aspen or its d esig nee pr ior to and as a cond it ion 0 f eac h employee I s occ upanc y of a unit in the Cortina Lodge. 3. In the event that any municipal improvement or improve- ments of any kind contemplated in Section 20-16 of the Municipal OJde of the City of Aspen, as amended, become, in the sole jtrlg- ment or discretion of the City OJuncil of the City of Aspen, necessary or desirable to the area of the OJrtina wdge, OJve- nan tor will ma ke no obj ect ion to an y spec i al asse ssnent or spec i al tax or proceed ing therefor on the basis that the property is ad e- quately served by existirg improvements and/or on the basis that the premises will not be served or benefited by the improvement or improvements proposed. The fbtel Jerome Partnership, as covenatr tor, further agrees to join, upon the City's demand therefor, any improvement district formed for construction of such improvements (incltrling, without limitation, drainage, underground utilities, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, etc.) in the 3 I I o o ar:ea of the OJr:tina lodge or: to reimburse the City of Aspen dir:ectly on demand ther:efor if the City should choose to construct these improvements without the formation of a distr:ict. I 4. The dedication and covenants contained her:ein shall be deeined a bur:den upon and run with the title to the OJr:tina lodge, shall be binding upon Covenantor: and its successors am assigns and upon all other: per:sons or entities having any r:ight, title or: inter:est in or: to the Cor:tina Lodge or: any par:t ther:eof, am shall I inure to the benefit of and be specifically enfor:ceable by the Cit y of As pen or: its des ig nee by any appw pda te 1 eg al ac t ion including injunction, abatement or eviction of non-complying tenancies, all for: a per:iod of fifty (50) year:s fnn the date of recor:ding in the Office of the Pitkin OJunty Clerk and Recorder. 5. Neither: this declaration and dedication nor: any of the covenants contained herein shall be mod ified, r:eleased or: waived in any respect except by wr:itten instrlJ1\ent executed by both the Covenantor: or: its successors or: assigns and the City of Aspen, Color ado, am d ul y r: ecord ed in the Off ice 0 f the Pit kin OJ unty Clerk and Recor:der. 6. OJvenantor: hereby war:rants and repr-esents that any and all per: sons, finns or: entities hay ing any 1 ien, enc lJ1\br:ance or: interest in the OJrtina lodge have consented to this declar:ation and, further, that this declaration shall not be recor:ded in the Office of the Pitkin OJunty Cler:k and Recorder without the wr:itten con sen t 0 f an y such per son. 4 o o CITY OF ASPEN, COLORAro ~'- ~ By ~ ~_ __ _ illiam L. Stirling, Mayor ATTEST: Ka thr ynS:--Koch;--cr t y -Cl er k --- HOTEL I . I By 7C APPROVEO AS TO FORM HOUSING AUTHORITY - ASPEN/PITKIN COUNTY BY: ~11>??~ ANN WMAN, PROPERTY MANAGER Subscribed to and =rn before Ire this 7" day of ~ 1986. I I I I I I ~" Q. Not Public ~ My Commission Expires Mar. 31. 1991 5 .. , j 1. . , I i .. ~, {.l'. ',: -. 0, 'n \ I O~! , , .~ : ] ! ~ ! :j I .1 i I I C\.4:SGr- ;\. .0. .:~ . "'. .~. ":"'0 . ~ ":". ". . ....... ,"~ . ~:. . c, , 1" , I t- o + "" ~ ~ -...... <;. ", < ". , .~.~ ~ -J'" ~ I "" ~ 0, O~. Ii . "" n ~ N ~. o. I r., j "" ~ w 1 ~ ~ .:: . . I !. "" ~ .... CIl '" () o Z t::I " ,.. / 'D\ 01:., "..,. '.';:i :~\;y; "" ~ '" .~ ~ ,"" 'co . ~ " Tf '. '--""s.- "" ~~ <,. \ . i ...~ _._~ ~; "-+"" \ I , , I 14- "" N ". <:. ).... I .. '" i " "C ! \~, ....... . ':'t-' ..:. .. ::.: , 0)0..: , "" >- I,t w . . . ." o;.~ " ~.. . '1. ^ ~,~:. i.::" :..... " 1 ~ I '" ; " - H , . , :>> + ~ CIl .. -, >-l ! i"" . I ~. 0 ~ 0 ~. ;0 ~. +. ~ .,;, . ... .! ."=:::; .... "" '" \ '~y f< "" jl ~ t- '" (-f I 'I ._-;-... ....t ., , .--"-" --l "" .,.. .~!~ '. " ':~ . , ".<.+ .....: . i ~ , .... "'";-", j" ~. .' /. ~ ,~ ; "" '" " i , ! i '. t >, '. -r . ': 51 'i .., H :>> CIl >-l .., ,... o o ;0 >..,. . ~. () o ;0 >-l H ~ ,... o t::I G') '" " . :"i I I :I: ..., 0 ..... rT N ro N ,... ..... OJ c.., a- ro t; 0 i3 ro ~ '0 ,... 0 '< ro ro :I: o C lJl 1-" ::J '-'l I c:: ::J 1-" rT lJl OJ . ,... ,... - ,... N H W ,... .... H 111 III ::J P. ,... a- o o 130 asp fEB ? A \ l' i.. -~~ -- MEMORANDUM DATE: February 24, 1988 TO: Planning Office FROM: city Attorney RE: cortina Lodge I Attached for your review please find a copy of the proposed Declaration of Covenant which I received from Garfield & Hecht regarding the cortina Lodge. I will hold my letter to Bill Guest until I receive your comments. I Please let me know if you have any questions. PJT/mc Attachment -. --. I ". . o o I MEMORANDUM TO: Paul Taddune, City Attorney FROM: steve Burstein, Planning Office RE: cortina Lodge Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions DATE: March 4, 1988 I ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- We have reviewed the "Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Conditions for the cortina Lodge" attached to your February 24, 1988 memorandum and have the following comments: Paragraph 2, p.2: It is not correct that the cortina consists of all two (2) person rooms. Units 6, 7, 8, 11, & 12 are specified as 2 bedroom dorm units. Unit 13 is a common lounge/kitchen. Units 14, 15, and 16 are specified as 3 bedroom units, with kitchenettes in units 14 and 15. I am not aware that the occupancy of other units has been specified. The correct numbers should be specified in this document. The Housing Authority should conduct a site inspection of the Cortina to assure that upgrade improvements, kitchens, and baths have been accomplished as approved by the Housing Authority. I spoke with Jim Adamski today and we intend to set up a visit to the cortina next week. Paragraph 3, p.3: It appears that the applicant has correctly deed restricted the seven units (8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16) in the Cortina to meet the Hotel Jermone's employee housing obligation per the December 9, 1985 Council approval of the Change in Use GMP Exemption. Units 6 and 7 must also be so deed restricted for the Hotel Jerome employee housing obligation per City Council Resolution 1 of 1987, which allowed the Jerome to remove 4 on-site units and provide that lost employee housing in the Cortina. Four units were also to be restricted to meet the Woodstone (a.k.a. Aspen Club Lodge) employee housing obligations; however, since the Woodstone was not condominiumized it appears unnecessary to restrict the cortina units. It is also correct that the entire cortina must be deed restricted to employee housing, reserved for future employee housing needs. Paragraph 3, p.3: It appears that it is more appropriate for the applicant to have responsibility for "verification of an 1 I I I I I JIll I I I o o employee's income and employee qualifications," contact the Housing Authority on a timely basis Housing Authority to give approval. otherwise, how City or housing designee know what is going on? and for can to the the Fire, Life & Safety violations: The attached March 5, 1987 memorandum from Jim wilson indicates that the applicant has complied with the condition that deficiencies in the Cortina be corrected. This was a condition of condominiumization. Condominiumization: This document does not accomplish condomiumization of the Cortina, which was also approved on December 9, 1985. Council's approval made condominiumization work "hand-in-hand" with the employee housing deed restric- tion. The applicant should expand this document to cover the aspects of condominiumization, including waiving the 6 month minimum lease restriction, separation of the limited common element areas, and filing a condominiumization plat. other condo conditions appear to be met in this document. sb.cortina 2 - o " ASPEN.PITKIN REGIONAL BUILDING-OEPARTMENT , . D m@[gOWjg IT .. 11987 U M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Steve Burstein, Planning Office FROM: Jim Wilson, Building Department~ RE: Cortina Lodge DATE: March 5, 1987 ================================================================ This is to inform you that a fire, life safety inspection was done at the Cortina Lodge, 230 E. Main Street, as required for condominiumization. Deficiencies noted by inspectors in a memo dated November 12, 1985, have been corrected and inspected. JJW:lo cc: City Attorney Shaw Construction ~ &C- ~1!f!J;, offices: 517 East Hopkins Avenue Aspen, Colorado 81611 303/925-5973 mail address: 506 East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 c o MEMORANDUM TO: Paul Taddune, city Attorney . I 1 I FROM: steve Burstein, Planning Office RE: cortina Lodge Employee Housing Conversion DATE: April 11, 1988 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- This memorandum is a fOllow-up on my March 4 memorandum after the Housing Authority and Planning Office inspected the cortina. It should also serve as a basis for discussion at the April 12 meeting set up with you, Jim Adamski, Bill Guess, Doug Carlson and myself. I On April 6 Jim Adamski, Doug Carlson and I inspected the cortina Lodge with respect to the representations made by the applicant as part of the cortina change in Use GMP exemption and the Hotel Jerome PUD Agreement. We were primarily concerned with the number of beds needed for the Hotel Jerome employee housing obligation and compliance with the "List of Improvements, Schedule A" approved by city council on December 9, 1985. The cortina is not in compliance with Council's approval in the following areas: I 1. Bed Count: units 14 and 15 were shown to have three (3) beds each and now contain only two (2) beds. units 11 and 16 were shown to have two (2) beds each and now contain only one (1) bed. 2. Kitchens and Kitchenettes: units 14 have kitchenettes installed; and accomplished. and 15 were shown to this has not been Unit 13 was shown to be converted into a "kitchen/lounge" for use of tenants in units 11, 12, and 16. The unit is presently used as a residential unit for two employees. We observed that many units had hot plates and other cooking appliances with large cords across the floor. The Building Department or Fire Marshal should do another safety inspection. The cortina management should consider having rules on tenancy that prohibit cooking appliances in rooms after the kitchen and kitchenettes have been installed. 3. Basement storage: "List of Improvements, Schedule A" item 6 states: "Upgrade storage area beneath lodge to include storage bins, coin-op laundry, and ski repair table." These 1 I I . I o o improvements have not been accomplished. The basement must be cleaned up, storage bins installed, and operable coin-op laundry installed. 4. Exterior Improvements: Schedule A item 8 states "Patch asphal t in parking area as necessary." All the cracks and holes in the asphalt surface in the parking area and in front of the cortina must be patched so to bring this "open area" in compliance. I Schedule A item 2 states "Repaint exterior as needed, including all balconies and ceilings over sidewalks." Item 3 states "touch up stucco on outside walls as necessary. All fascia, sOfits, railings, and ceilings of the balconies should be repainted and restained. The siding should be repaired and restained where needed. , A time schedule for bringing the physical conditions of the cortina into compliance should be worked out at our April 12 meeting. Conceptually we discussed a two week period for some improvements and a longer period for others. Please note that Paragraph 8 of the Amended and Restated Hotel Jerome PUD Agreement addresses the Cortina as a component of the Hotel Jerome expansion project. The non-compliances cited above should be viewed with respect to the provisions in Paragraph 15 of the PUD Agreement, possibly leading to a City Council hearing and closing down the Hotel Jerome. We should also discuss whether the city should sign the cortina Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions prior to completion of the upgrades. I! I Attached is Ann Bowman's February 27, 1986 memorandum on Cortina deed restrictions. Please review in particular her comments about verification of employment and income in the third paragraph. We recommend that this or similar language be included in the Declaration so to establish a procedure for verification. The responsibilities of both the Hotel Jerome Partnership Ltd. and the Housing Authority should be clarified. I I I A condition for approval of the special review for the cortina's parking plan by the Planning and zoning commission on November 19, 1985 was: "Sever (7) additional off-street parking spaces shall be provided within the present sixty (60) parking space commitment for the Hotel Jerome available for use of the Hotel Jerome employees living in the Cortina." A plan for compliance with this provision should also be presented at this time. I I I other comments in my March 4, 1988 memorandum should be considered in review of the Declaration statement. cc: Alan Richman Jim Adamski sb.cortina2 2 o o ~IAY 2 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: CATHY SALAS, RESIDENT MANAGER-CORTINA LODGE I , I RE: MAINTENANCE PROJECTS-CORTINA LODGE DATE: APRIL 29, 1988 I HAVE ENCLOSED ALIST OF ALL MAINTENANCE PROJECTS TO BE COMPLETED AT THE CORTINA LODGE. ALL WORK IS SCHEDULED TO BEGIN THE WEEK OF MAY 2, 1988. WE WILL BEGIN WITH ALL REPAIRS IN INDIVIDUAL UNITS, ALONG WITH INSTALLING SKI RACKS IN EACH UNIT. THE CONSTRUCTION IN THE BASEMENT WILL BEGIN BY TilE END OF THAT WEEK. I I I I I I AM WAITING ON SEVERAL BIDS FROM CONTRACTORS TO DO TilE REPAIRS ON THE DRIVEWAY, AND THE BUILIDING BEING PAINTED. I HAVE ORGAINIZED' A RESIDENT PARTICIP.ATION CLEAN-UP WEEKEND TIlAT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MAY 14, AND 15th. AT TillS TIME WE WILL BE PLANTING SHRUBS, FLOWERS AND DOING ALL THE FINISHING TOUCHES ON THE PROPERTY. I I10PE TillS LIST WILL BE OF SOME HEBP FOR YOU, IF YOU HAVE ANY ADDITONAL QUESTIONS I CAN BE REACHED AT TIlE HOTEL JEROME BETWEEN 9:00 AND 5:00 AT 920-1000 EXT. 641. CATHY SALl'iS RESIDENT MANAGER CORTINA LODGE I , I o o MAY 2 ,'1R MAINTENANCE PROJECTS-CORTINA LODGE l. 2. I I 3. 4 . 5. 6 . 7 . 8. Entire building to be painted, including all bare wood under awning. Construction of storage bins in basement-total of 31 bins. Kitchen units to be installed in #14 and #15. Laundry area in basement that will consist of coin-operated machines and folding table. Unit #13 and front office area to be converted to kitchen lounge areas for resident use. Driveway/parking lot to be patched and sealed. Basement flocr will be painted and sealed. Units in need of additional beds will have them installed. Unit #11 and #16 will need 2 beds, Unit #14 and #15 will need 3 beds. 9. Recarpet units as needed. 10. Repair window damage in units as needed. 11. Check all appliances-repair if necessary. 12. Repair all plumcing problems. 13. Screens to be installed in every unit. 14. Ski racks to be installed in every unit. 15. Bicycle rack to be installed outside. I I I I , I I o o MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Adamski, Housing Director FROM: steve Burstein, Planning Office RE: cortina Upgrade DATE: May 5, 1988 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I Attached is a memorandum received May 2, 1988 from Cathy Salas, Resident Manager of the cortina, with a list of maintenance and improvement projects. cathy's May 5, 1988 memorandum (also attached) clarifies that the completion date for all maintenance and improvement projects is June 7, 1988. We believe that the list of fifteen (15) projects contains all upgrading required through approval of the cortina employee housing conversion/Hotel Jerome PUD and goes beyond those requirements with regard to maintenance. The time schedule seems to be reasonable; and I told cathy that you will periodically stop by during the next month to see how the project is progressing and answer any questions. I request that you make a final inspection of the cortina on June 7, 1988 to verify completion of the upgrading and write a memorandum to Paul Taddune reporting your findings. Subsequently, Paul should be able to finalize the cortina employee housing deed restrictions and condominiumization documents with the Hotel Jerome Ltd. Partnership. Thank you. cc: Paul Taddune, City Attorney Dick Butera Doug Carlson Andy Hecht I I I I , o o I I I I MEMORANDUM I TO: I FROM: , RE: DATE: CITY PLANNING C01lliISSION CATHY SALAS, RESIDENT MANAGER-CORTINA LODGE MAINTENANCE PROJECTS-CORTINA LODGE MAY 5, 1988 IN REGARDS TO THE MEMO DATED APRIL 29, 1988, I WOULD LIKE TO INCLUDE A C01WLETION DATE FOR ALL PROJECTS. ALL PROJECTS INCLUDED IN THE MEMO WILL BE CmWLETED NO LATER THAN JUNE 7, 1988. I I I I I I I MENTIONED THAT THERE WOULD BE A RESCHEDULING OB THE RESIDENT PARTICIPATION DAY AT THE CORTINA. THE DATES WERE CHANGED FROM THE FIRST TO THE SECOND WEEKEND OF MAY. THERE HAS ONCE AGAIN BEEN A CHANGE IN PLANS. THIS HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO THE WEEK- END OF MAY 21,' AND 22nd. IF I ENCOUNTER ANY FURTHER CHANGES I WILL BE SURE TO NlDTI'FY YOU IMMEDIlITLEY. (li:K ~ ~~,.~ U; '. ~-~ CATHY SALAS RESIDENT MANAGER-CORTINA LODGE I I o o DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE CORTINA LODGE This Declaration and dedication, made and entered into this day of , 1987, by and between the Hotel Jerome Limited Partnership, a Connecticut limited partnership I I I I I , ("Covena;1tor") and the City of Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado (hereinafter "City"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Covenantor is the record owner of the following-described property and the improvements located thereon, commonly known and hereinafter referred to as the "Cortina Lodge", to wit: Lots P and Q, Block 73, I , I City and Townsite of Aspen WHEREAS, the Cortina Lodge has a total of seventeen (17) units, which the Covenantor desires to convert to "dormitory housing" in accordance with the City of Aspen employee housing use, occupancy and rental guidelines and qualifications for "dormitory housing" as may be in effect and applicable from time to time; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aspen on December 16, 1985, approved the use of the Cortina Lodge, upon the filing of this declaration and dedication, to satisfy employee housing requirements of the Hotel Jerome Planned Unit Development, as reflected by the amended PUD plat recorded in Plat Book 14 at . o o Page 88, and that Amended and Restated Planned Unit Development I , Agreement dated July 31, 1986, recorded in Book 518 at Page 921, Office of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder: Specifically with respect to Phase II of the Hotel Jerome Project, Units #8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, as depicted on the Cortina Lodge floor plan annexed hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the approvals granted by the City of Aspen with regard to the Hotel Jerome Project, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Jerome Partnership hereby covenants and agrees as follows: 1. Covenantor represents and warrants that it is the sole owner of the Cortina Lodge, with full authorization from any and all persons, corporations or entities which in any way may have an encumbrance,' lien or other interest in or with regard to the property to enter into this dedication and declaration. 2. The entire Cortina Lodge, containing seventeen (17) two (2) person rooms, shall be and hereby is restricted exclusively to use as rental only "low income" dormitory employee housing use, occupancy and rental guidelines and qualifications as may be in effect and applicable from time to time; provided always that rental prices shall be indexed to the annually adopted employee housing guidelines approved by the City. I - 2 - I I I I I . ~ Sf. 2-~7-8f },f,.,-f",.. I lIlA''''fl'/ . o o 3. In addition, the seventeen (17) units in the Cortina Lodge shall be and hereby are restricted to a maximum capacity of thirty-two (32) employees, with first priority to be given at all times to employees of the Hotel Jerome Project, specifically Units 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, as depicted on Exhibit I'AII. The remaining ten (10) units at the Cortina Lodge shall be available to satisfy employee housing requirements for projects other than the Hotel Jerome and may be sold to third parties to satisfy requirements of such third parties to the City of Aspen. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the utilization by Hotel Jerome, or its assignees, of the remaining 10 units of the Cortina Lodge, which remaining units have not been required in connection with the Hotel Jerome project, to satisfy other employee housing requirements. Furthermore, should Hotel Jerome locate and acquire seven (7) employee housing units elsewhere which are acceptable to the City in substitution of the Cortina Lodge units, this Declaration, and the restrictions imposed hereby on the Cortina Lodge, shall be void and of no effect when such other units are appropriately restricted. Verification of an employee's income and employment qualifications shall be accomplished by the City of Aspen or its designee prior to and as a condition of each employee's occupancy of a unit in the Cortina Lodge. 4. In the event that any municipal improvement or improvements of any kind contemplated in Section 20-16 of the - 3 - o Q Municipal Code of the City of Aspen, as amended, become, in the sole judgment or discretion of the City Council of the City of Aspen, necessary or desirable to the area of the Cortina Lodge, Covenantor will make no objection to any special assessment or special tax or proceeding therefor on the basis that the property is adequately served by existing im?rovements and/or on the basis I I that the premises will not be served or benefited by the i.mprovement or improvements proposed. The Hotel Jerome Partnership, as Covenantor, further agrees to join, upon the City's demand therefor, any improvement distri.ct formed for construction of such improvements (including, without limitation, drainage, underground utilities, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, etc.) in the area of the Cortina Lodge I I or to reimburse the City of Aspen directly on demand therefor if I t the City should choose to construct these improvements without the formation of a district. 5. The dedication and covenants contained herein shall be deemed a burden upon and run with the title to the Cortina Lodge, shall be binding upon Covenantor and its successors and assigns' and upon all other persons or entities having any right, title or interest in or to the Cortina Lodge or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of and be specifically enforceable by the City of Aspen or its designee by any appropriate legal action including injunction, abatement or eviction of non-complying tenancies, all for a period of fifty (50) years from the date of recording in the Office of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder, I - 4 - I I I o o I I with the right of Covenantor to substitute other employee housing units for the seven (7) Cortina Lodge units with prior approval from the City' subject to the provisions of the Amended and restated Planned Unit Development Agreement for the Hotel Jerome Renovation and Addition. In the event Covenantor elects to substitute employee units for those at the Cortina Lodge, Covenantor shall not be required to substitute for the other ten (10) units at the Cortina Lodge not restricted to the Jerome Hotel PUD, unless those units have been restricted for other development. 6. Covenantor hereby warrants and represents that any and all persons, firms or entities having any lien, encumbrance or interest in the Cortina Lodge have consented to this declaration and, further, that this declaration shall not be recorded in the Office of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder without the written consent of any such person. CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO By: William L. Stirling, Mayor I I - 5 - I I I I I I . ~- I f I' I . I o ATTEST: Kathryn S. Koch, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM HOUSING AUTHORITY Q HOTEL JEROME LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY: MARKETCORP REAL ESTATE, INC., A General Partner By: ~. - (/J uCJ!/ l/P Its: - ASPEN/PITKIN COUNTY By: Ann Bowman, Property Manager - 6 - BUlQING INSPECTION DEPARTMEIO CITY OF ASPEN - COUNTY OF PITKIN . COLORADO ADDRESS OF JOI J30 &d- ~d~A Lo:P&E. 7192 e::r/.6-C7' -t:Y.A: 13 ELECTRICAL PERMIT I WHEN StGNED AND "'^lIOAHO BY BUILDING INSPECTION Of.PARfM[NT THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES THE WORt< DESCRIBED BELOW, ,- ASS OF WORK: OWNER NAME NEW 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATION ~ REPAIRO MOVE 0 WRECK 0 NAME (AS LICENSED> !I-8[)RE5S .. o ~ .. LICENSE CLASS PHONE LICENSE NUMBER S8 ~.&LiO t- g/. if PHONE 'JAME DESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. OF UNITS DATE CERTIFIED DESCRIPTION OF WORK :ARY METER TRANSFORMERS & RECTIFIERS WIRING MOTORS & CONTROLS NO, OF OIL BURNERS, STOKERS, FORCED AIR SYSTEM, NEW SERVICE ENTRANCE NO, AMPS NO, AMPS / OTHER MOTORS ~-fj'Ali ~JI.t1 (t.,.1It.) H.P. SIGNS CHANGE SERVICE ENTRANCE CIRCUITS -- ( - 1'-' LIGHTING NEON EXT'R SIGN & I TRANSFORMER HEATING NEON I NT'R SIGN & I TRANSFORMER ADDITIONAL TRANSFORMERS EXT. OR INT. . / POWER SUB.CIRCUITS UTILITY (RANGE DISPOSER, COOLER, FAN. DRYER, WATER HEATERI OTHER !tOO f1f1 dI> ll/J uJ-) FIXTURES NO, OF INCANDESCENT LIGHTS I I I I FIRE DETECTION-ALARM SYS'M. OTHER REMARKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZED BY DATE I I NOTES TO APPLICANT: FOR INSPECTIONS OR INFORMATION CALL 925-5973 tHE VALUATION OF EACH OF THE ABOVE UNITS SHAll BE INCLUDED IN THE VALUATION OF WORK. fOR All WORK DONE UNDER THIS PERMIT THE PERMITTEE ACCEPTS FUll RESPONSIBiLITY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ElECTRICAL CODE, THE CITY OF ASPEN ORDINANCES, AND All OTHER COUNTY RESOLUTIONS, CITY ORDINANCES, STATE LAWS, WHICHEVER APPLIES. PERMIT SUBJECT TO REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION FOR VIOlATlON OF ANY LAWS GOVERNING SAME. REQUIRlD INSPECTIONS SHALL BE R[QUlSTED ONE WORKING DAY IN ADVANCE. VALUATION $ OF WORK PLAN FILED ~ DOUBLE FEE 0 CHECI( 0 CASH 0 -0 TOTAL FEE rX) $ 37- I I I I I I T P A fiNAL INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BUORE PO R Will BE RUlASlD, AND BHORE THE BUilDING MAY BE OC I D. SIGNATURE ,~ OF '__ IUCANT: BUILDING DEPAJl.-TMENT /(:::J-7"' ~azz#/L:-6 APPROVAL BY ~/-/?-J15 DATI I I ~IS FORM IS A PERMIT ONLY WHEN VALIDATED HERE OAn PERMIT NO lIC(NH ti RlCEIPTS CLAn ...""ou"n ) V4. ~6cJ 37R:: . ","Ir- '~,'':l">rf'',.''n'r: rnr>v VF' I OW ^SS~SSOR'Sr:OPV PINK - HULL DING nFPARTMENT FILE r.OlO - CUSTQMER'SCOPY . ~ u u r 0 17vl1l s~ eM- October 4, 1985 City of Aspen Planning and Zoning Office 130 S. Galena St. Aspen, CO 81611 Dear Members of the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission: This is an application pursuant to .the Municipal Code of the City of Aspen under Sections 24-11.2(j) and 20-22. The applicant represents that it has authority from the owner of the Cortina Lodge (sometimes the "property"), which is the subject of this application, to submit this proposal for City approval. It is the parties' intention to close on the purchase and sale of the property if approval of this application is granted by the City. The terms of any approval would only be binding against the property upon the purchase thereof by the applicant. I As owners of the Hotel Jerome and the Woods tone Inn, both currently having employee housing requirements, we are proposing the following plan to satisfy the employee housing needs of each project. The employee housing requirements at the Hotel Jerome call for housing nineteen low income employees. The requirements for the Woods tone call for four employees to be housed, subject to some square footage limitations. I I I I Our plan to satisfy our employee housing needs starts with the purchase of the Cortina Lodge. We feel that because of the Cortina's ideal location and its already having numerous kitchenettes, this project would be perfectly suited to solve our needs for employee housing. It would also satisfy the needs of the Housing Authority for dormitory style employee housing, with only minor changes necessary to conform to the dormitory housing code. There are, however, certain improvements planned at the Cortina that will better the quality of life for our employees. (See attached Exhibit A) The Cortina Lodge, when converted, would be above the minimum standards required for dormitory style housing. In fact, while the requirement calls for one bathroom per six persons, our plan never exceeds a ratio of three employees to each bathroom. Also, the guidelines call for at least one kitchen per twelve employees, 1450 Crystal Lake Road, Aspen, Colorado 81611 303/925-8900 o o whereas our plan has an average of about three employees per kitchen. It should also be noted that the east side of the Cortina was once used as dormitory style accommodations, and the entire lodge has been used for long term housing off and on since 1978. The following will outline our employee housing plan. 1. To satisfy the employee housing requirement for the Hotel Jerome, we plan to use units 8-16, located on the east side of the Cortina. As can be seen from the floor plans, the Jerome employees would be accommodated in a comfortable fashion in these units. A. Storage space of 312 square feet would be provided in the basement of the Cortina. B. The affordability for the employee. month for rent at of the housing would also be a positive attribute The employee would pay approximately $90.00~per the Cortina, under our plan (see Exhibits B and C). C. The location of the Cortina relative to the Hotel Jerome, being only one block from it, would also be a very positive amenity to the employee. 2. To satisfy the employee housing requirement for the Woodstone, we plan to use units numbered 1, 9, 10, and 17, at the Cortina and unit 232, located at the Woodstone, as an on-site manager's apartment. A. Unit 232 would house one employee, was completely renovated in 1984, is luxuriously furnished and already has a refrigerator. We plan to add a toaster oven, microwave, and install a sink and dish storage area to complete this unit's readiness for employee housing. B. Affordability is also a positive factor for Woods tone employees. will each pay approximately $90.00 per month rent at the Cortina $200.00 per month at the Woods tone (see Exhibits B and C). They and I I I I C. The Woods tone requirement for employee housing was for 4 employees and 1,693 square feet. We are providing housing for 6 employees, 2 more than the number required, but are short of providing the 1,693 square feet by 361 square feet. We feel it is most important to the employee to have housing that is close to work and bus stops, has a kitchen and is also affordable. We feel that we are satisfying those employee wishes very well and feel that a raw square footage requirement says nothing about location, affordability, or amenities. Our plan in total will benefit our employees by providing them with inexpensive, conveniently located housing that includes kitchens. We also feel that the City will benefit by having its first housing project of this type for employees, which is also centrally located and of low density. I I I I , o The applicant also condominiumize the property. that all of the requirements I I cc: Dick Butera Ann Bowman DC/cr I I o requests approval under Section 20-22 to In support of such request the applicant of that Section are met by this proposal. Doug arlson Controller/Woods tone Inn Hotel Jerome states I I . I I I ~ o o 2. Parking Plan for the Cortina One of the major reasons we are purchasing the Cortina Lodge is because of its ideal location. The fact that the Cortina is located one block away from the Jerome, next to major bus stops, and on the fringe of the center part of town, makes it perfectly suited for our employee that is profiled in Exhibits Band C. The need for the employee to own or even consider purchasing a vehicle is greatly diminished. There is also a question of whether the employee, as profiled, can afford to own a car. In fact, in a recent employee survey we found that 64% of our hourly employees do not own cars. Their reasons for not owning a car were as follows: A. Don't need one/use buses for travel B. Can't afford one The reasons for owning a car by our employees were as follows: A. Bus routes don't come near residence B. Lives down valley C. For out of town travel only D. Have family - must cart around valley Under the reasons given for owning a car, both A and B are resolved by our plan; C would remain unresolved and D would be left out in that we don't anticipate families desiring this type of housing in any case. We would anticipate that when the Cortina is used as short term housing, one parking space per room would be necessitated, which would equal sixteen cars. As a result of the proposed change in use, we would certainly not exacerbate this previously existing parking requirement, but would probably mitigate the impacts of the parking situation. The following gives a detailed analysis of our parking plan. Using the planning criteria from the parking requirement section in the City Zoning Code, which states that each parallel parking space should be 18 feet long and 8.5 feet wide, the following calculation was made with respect to the Cortina. The Cortina is 97 feet long on the east side and 90 feet long on the west side, availing 5.39 parking spaces on the east and 5 spaces on the west, totaling 10.39 spaces available on site. Given our survey, which was taken before our offering ideally located housing to our employees, which should lessen their needs for cars, we found that 36% of our hourly employees own cars. By taking the 36% and multiplying it by the 24 employees to be housed, a requirement for 8.64 parking spaces is derived. This would leave roughly two parking spaces left over for the four units (units 2-5) not being considered as a part of this application, which we feel is satisfactory. In summary, we feel that the parking available at the Cortina for the proposed use is adequate and would actually lessen the parking impacts found as a result of the project's current use. o o M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: The Housing Authori ty Board of the Ci ty of Aspen and Pitkin County, Colorado FROM: Ann Bowman, Housing Office RE: Cortina Lodge Change in Use/GNP Exemption/Parking Reduction for Employee Housing/Condominiumization DATE: October 29, 1985 I I I ~ I I I ISSUE: Does the Cortina meet the employee housing generation for the l'loodstone 'Inn per the Agreement ~I i th Ci ty Council? . BACKGROUND: The Woods tone Inn condominiumization application was approved by Ci ty Council pursuant to the condi tion for providing employee housing dated April 2, 1985 (see Attached). The applicant proposes to substitute unit No. 232 in place of No. 121 at the Woodstone Inn (as 232 is a superior .unit in its condition and furnishings). The City Agreement further required three units off site with a minimum square footage of 1,103 square feet or 367 square feet each. The applicant has taken a different approach to the employee housing issue and has developed a dormitory concept at the Cortina Lodge. The proposal would house 5 Woodstone Inn emp- loyees (hlo more than required). The profile of the typical employee is addressed in this proposal as Attachment II. The shortfall is in the total square feet. However, the dorm units provide kitchens and baths for a maximum of three employees per room and the rents would not exceed $90. per month. ACTION NEEDED: The Housing Office recommends approval of the proposal of the applicant. The woodstone Inn unit exchange provides a higher quality of life for the employee housed there and the dorm concept meets the Housing Authority criteria established in the Dormitory Resolution. Also, it is more affordable to the typical Woodstone Inn employee. I I I I I 1 '~ - f"\ ASPEN. PITKIN R.:GIONAL BUI 00EPARTMENT D m@mfJ~~ tfN , 3 1985 85 MEMORANDUM Da TO: Jim Wilson, Building Official FROM: Tom Voorhies, Electrical Inspector SUBJECT: Fire, Life, Safety Inspection at the Cortina Lodge, 230 E. Main The results of a Fire, Life, Safety inspection for continued occupancy are as follows: Outside: 1) Use of extension cords for connection of fixtures and ornamental Christmas tree type lights are not permit- ted. 2) Use of permanently installed ornamental Christmas tree type lights are not permitted. 3) Unprotected Romex to fixtures with and without junction is not permitted. 4) Aerial Romex connection between buildings is not permitted as installed. Electrical Service: 1) System seemed to be properly grounded, however was not able to determine distribution system. A further evaluation should be made to determine if the system distribution is properly grounded and has proper over-current protection. 2) Service riser needs support. Basement Laundry Storage Area: 1) Additional receptacles to be provided where necessary to delete numerous extension cords being used. 2) Open junctions to be covered. 3) Support of some cables need. Individual Units: 1) Flash guards needed where wood paneling has been added. offices: 517 East Hopkins Avenue Aspen, Colorado 81611 303/925-5973 mail address: 506 East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 . A~PEN.PITKIN RQGIONAL BUILDINDDEPARTMENT 2) Some bath lights need to have wall switch added. 3) Some baths need receptacles added. 4) All bath receptacles to G.F.I. protected. 5) Numerous extension cords used. Provide receptacles where ever attachment plug cords are used. TEV:lo offices: 517 Eest Hopkins Avenue Aspen, Colorado 81611 303/925-5973 ",ail address: 506 East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 ASPEN+PITKIIY-flEGIONAL BUILOING OEPARTMENT spa Ea8t Main Street \J A.p"n. Colorado a'1e'1' 0 303/92'5-15973 nspection BUILDING INSPECTION CHECK LIST / ~ Reinspection Partial Complete 7 ~ Permit No. "-::1, I '\ .;:}, I Steel - Electric ~ Plumbing - Heating - Building - Footings - Temp - Underground - Rough - R-Frame - Caissons - Underground - Waste & Vent - Flue - Insui. - Wall - Swim Pool ~ Water Pipe - F. P. Flue - Drywall - Struct Slabs - Rough Gas - Glass Door - Special - Damp Proof - Service - Final - Combust Air - Mobile Home - Foun. Insui. Final Fire Final Final - - Sprinklers - - - Found. Drain - Stove Type - Zoning - FIRE LIFE & SAFETY Kitch Hood Accepted Rejected c.----' Reinspection Fee $30,00 Yes No No. Bdrms. I I (You are ordered to make the following corrections on the construction which is now in progress at the address below) I I '*2 I "'2 ij I 7 I I I I I I I ./ /Ll/i4!~/)/ /1--//;1/71/<; -<3--7//7 /.st/7/7~ ~{-id1//EO ft .2 , -?/r/.o /' .-e /} ?/"'../-7( n :::;" ///7,// ,..c~/~ ~c;-!a--:-;V /A./ (X"J -9 /l?""4/A.J. #. ~//~/.,..- t/;iJ/-/" dda-;'o/: /6 ~LJL?r./J 77) --?//JA) L~ ~~~Z~'J-~~;:;7~~~/)~~:::;;~ ':::Y;s7e-~ Ot?..-y~v .u#/hL- .2/0-7(17).. 6' I .d'rhA~c A;1I'4V;(,{?l//W5 ?VA/ A'F/lY~ /4/4';;?'?zc,-:'c/ c7A...-J ,?~A/ cfA'A/~L:J .=>I/.'vc,?", _A~ '4/0--7/<1- __H. ....... ~ :. _.~. .~. .:- .!. ..- >_ ~ .:-_ u_ ... .:? 6~/17 ~?d2 ~ePcr- 5x~--:Y' 77/ .?7'~~~ A1~...-v ~,!:'"t: .---9,C5Z), .6'LJ;V~ 4--f.:t:/';rA/9c:.' /?/V/7 c--df~.P"h--'E~.r dtP~~) , , Instruction:;~I~~~' wA/1/rr 77) D(] t(.lJ..u.(. TllrlJ..-c /j)/ rH- 'iJ1././. I Kitchen_ Tub_ Shower _ Lav._ W.C._ Ice _ W. Bar _ TublShower _ Jacuzzi_ Bidet _ Hose Bib _ Laundry _ Clothes Washer V Hot Tub _ OW. ----,-- J~Zi w/Shower_ City_ County_ Time of Arrival / 3 Time of Departure ,J' J \ "ddress :2 3c) F. ;'YiAI^/ . Phone Job Office Subdivision Request Rec'd ;2-,' 33 J .?--,;;-It<,. Date Ti e' M T, W TH F A.M,;PJ.1)Time \ = Inspector /...~ <9< 0<' ',~': Contractor Owner (I_I) /7.-'; iii It- Rev, 4/86 Inspected Date A~PEN.PITKlrC~EGIONAL BUILOING OrVARTMENT 60S EII.t Main Street Aapen. CoIorBdo B161, 30~215"15B73 Inspection BUILDING INSPECTION CHECK LIST Reinspectlon .---- Partial Complete c..--- Permit No. ~..2 I I I I Steel - Electric ~Iumbing - Heating - Building - Footings - Temp - Underground - Rough - R.Frame - Caissons - Underground - Waste & Vent - Flue - Insul. - Wall - Swim Pool - Water Pipe - F, P. Flue - Drywall - Slrucl Slabs - Rough - Gas - Glass Door - Special - Damp Proof - Service - Final - Combusl Air - Mobile Home - Foun. Insul. Final ~ Fire Final Final - Sprinklers - - - Found. Drain - Stove Type - Zoning - FIRE LIFE & SAFETY Kitch Hood Accepted v--- Rejected Reinspection Fee $30,00 Yes No No. Bdrms. I (You are ordered to make the following corrections on the construction which is now in progress at the address below) /?~$>,?",Z7M<.<; /V~C- Instructions to Inspector Kitchen _ Tub _ Shower _ Lav._ W.C._ Ice _ W, Bar _ TublShower _ Jacuzzi_ Bidet _ Hose Bib_ Laundry _ Clothes Washer _ Hot Tub_ D.w._ J~zzi w/Shower_ City_ County_ Time of Arrival ;c:? C7 Time of Departur..2.GC:, Address 2-iP? /.~; ~./~ Phone Job Office Inspecled Date Request Rec'd Date Time Re~uest.f~ T v&F A.M, P,M, Time #..r , /- K;7 Inspector ~ ~r;0?/7/C""S , Subdivision Contractor Yfd'z:;"~./G Owner li:h# ,'"?A<:'7- Rev, 41 - -- - .. - ASPEN.PITKIN A~GIONAL BUILOINQ ~RTMENT V &@&a~f?''' f(J.I, 3/985 i ,I Wi MEMORANDUM Date: November 12, 1985 TO: Jim Wilson, Building Official FROM: John Ostwald, Building Inspector SUBJECT: Fire, Life, Safety Inspection at the Cortina Lodge 230 E. Main The results of a Fire, Life, Safety Inspection for continued occupancy are as follows: 1) The fireplaces at the lobby and room #11 should be sealed off to assure that they will not be used. They are extremely hazardous as to the location of combust- ibles and their construction. 2) The storage laundry room should have a handrail as required by Section 3305(j) of the 1979 U.B.C. and a guardrail as required by Section 1716. 3) If the same area was to have access to all occupants of the building, the stairway head clearance would need to be increased to 6'6" as required by Sec. 3305(p) of the 1979 U.B.C. and the room made minimum 1 hour construction. 4) All open, unused plumbing drains need to be closed per Section 314(c) of the 1982 U.P.C. 5) There are numerous operative windows located in the east wall which were illegal at the time of construc- tion per Table 5-A of the 1958 U.B.C. These should be made inoperable and adequate ventilation should be obtained from another source. 6) The deflection of the beams supporting the cantilevered roof over the second floor balconies should be reviewed by an architect or engineer. JO:lo officee: 5'17 Eeet Hopkins Avenue Aspen, Colorado S'1S'1'1 303/925-5973 lT1ail address: 50S East Main Street Aspen, Colorado S'1S'1 '1 - ~"".- , ASPEN.PITKIOREGIONAL BUILOING OFPARTMENT . 50B Eaet Main Street: A_pen_ Colorado 81611 U 303/9215-15973 Inspection / BUILDING INSPECTION CHECK LIST Steel - Electric - Plumbing - Heating - Building - Footings - Temp - Underground - Rough - R-Frame - Caissons - Underground - Waste & Vent - Flue - Insul - Wall - Swim Pool - Water Pipe - F. P. Flue - Drywall 7' Struct Slabs Rough Gas Glass Door Special - - - - -.:L.- Damp Proof - Service - Final - Combust Air - Mobile Home - Foun. Insul. Final Fire Final Final - - Sprinklers - - - Found. Drain - Stove Type - Zoning - FIRE LIFE & SAFETY Kitch Hood Accepted ,/ Rejected Reinspection Fee $30.00 Yes No No. Bdrms. \' Reinspection Partial Complete Permit No. /2(fr (You are ordered to make the following corrections on the construction which is now in progress at the address below) :;:f:z;: _;z:rr:~)'lj /-S- oF'll3'/TFt? ;Ytlel) /"0v'/Z, 1'/8:5 / /r-:",I,- Ar,c..\/ (O/I~CC?6,) - -' /'?cdJIL //-1/~ of I r;:>-I! ,;'" 7):"-/, 7/))":; !{,h/"/'" d b ,4// -=,-I-fi:. <: ~: ,--ITA,/"If-t '\/-71/1---.'.( ;;/1/:11/,) i Te e (0, )/) I I . '3;,-(- rl,. 7/~ ,TF"I.-!"::-/) I I I Instructions to Inspector "'>c_ (, (r(';ch('~ Ie II ,'- I, /5 VA./ liS I I Kitchen_ Tub_ Shower _ Lav._ W,C,_ Ice _ W, Bar _ Tub/Shower _ Jacuzzi_ Bidet _ Hose Bib_ Laundry _ Clothes Washer _ Hot Tub_ D,W._ Jacuzzi w/Shower_ City_County_ Time of Arrival II,'),? Time of Departure //.'6CJ Phone Job (\,.J ~...J ;~-{ l'~!(L'" Office Request Rec'd 1;'..1,; \-;1 ., '~ ~ Time /, ;') ReqU~,st !pCM/}, W TH F~ J~'l'e. ./ /, -? u I ~j/e' 1.::." " Inspector ;:r.1 :-<(uJ-n)) / I (/ Address :2 .~ ".. r:: ('n r~_\ 1\ Subdivision Contractor -- \)" ",' Owner (.:.J_-" /\ 1/1("")._.... L.(..C;kl',C....lnspected Date Rev. 4/86 " . I I 1 I I I I , I I o d CITY OF ASPEN. MEMO FROM STEVE BURSTEIN .' frj' ~ (.\ I {'" / - II-V' j , ~. " , ,1' ';".' '---' 0, ,,(.1 , . J. (,.".~ . ____~,-..'..f . ; i . . ... {,(', ,f-(7//' .~1-1',; (J'UI,,--(.t r/J1.",....;l1t, U;---;.-, . . ". ...,"', ../ ,~, r _ \ ./.u-'- '1, t \~.. '- f), . r il f\ C i?.L >.' , /, I; \. 't l.~' \" hr. A..<.i. : I . .~ 1. c:: )", .'~ ('u " "7._- / I - !.....,. f f .-" I '-- " "t" \ \ I , I~! je - - " I '. - ",F,:I'tt/ 1;1 ~L, 0,.,r'J !l'1"p',I" t.r /" ~.l .~\.i l ,-. . 'J - -t . 1 .. . , , ," 11,1' . I. '.. 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'J'.. r-rr ' n "xv / ; , , r o PAHI<ING ST^NDr\I~DO ill ~~ . .- ,,' " , / TURNING AREAS I I ,. .>, . , " ;' -;.,;". f- 9' w ~ /' "I f- R eqlJired , C/) Front Yard 18' ,/ ' 27' 27' .~asl Slall 27' M(n, (30' If drive is n cantin yond) "in --=--DRIVEWAY "'- FOR PARALLEL PARKIN r 24'M In. , l 18' , I 24'Min, (for two cors)'1 11'- 6" I -mIJ I I I I I I I I 9' BUILDING >. o :<; '" > ',= a S TR E E T Shaded orca indicales permissable 10COlion of columns or walls. (F) TYPICAL FOR ANY ANGLE PARKING NOTE ( G) I I I I l I I. Use of any of drivowoy 2. Moneuvers 3. of the park ing layouts Is dependent on the width and location aprons. on publi c sidewalk R.O. \'{, for access ta parking space is PROHIBITED InformatIon should be 4. Alleys or from a regarding the size and location of proposed' obtained from the Deparlmont of Englneorino, private ,rood easements leading to parking areas public stree!. driveway aprons City of Aspen, must be occessoble .~~-----' - ~ J (I) -c ..._ ___ ~ - - - - - - - - - - _... ...... ~ - . - - - - - - - - ...,""'... 11"I _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ ------... 0, \~1.t. k~\1\1\4oi> L '.M ~~)')~Il hI) '." ~' J'1'I)>o-Q.'Lj II~:\-} y 25'0 q, !vh'I~1~ ~;JJ4 ~ 1~.1v \.1: ,\ ~ ,'5QI''"'\ '- COMh'IIf!f "iT4,f~ /d.>'(~ 4l.....1 ~M~,t.l-MII~ Lu~ rOO't-, -=--------1 "''1''''- r-e",Jirl 4 ~)../~ - b kL-fl-t'-n''!K'l v~1 c \.. 1.) w~ tJ~l 2-~1- - it> !vI\ UJ, - A,bl(>~ ~ )ll): I I lN1JJlIr PI1J .lt~,~ 't).<iJ ~~/hYI b-t \~~ ~ 1~9 U IJ flY. nJ H s' lI.J.h' l ./ C ~,~~ ';1\ COl'ltiJI!,;t;DVl ,,( IDIV ~ J11;)J1'{ p~ ') tiVI \)nlY J .J P".K'YlJ l' ~ h'I~/(~S ~;tIlA-t;,,, bdt~ ;dW'1'11--1D'1,1 'Sf/D(r( ~(" ~ ~ <A d HM~ I C't'\ ~ ~~ 1 vIJ ~ tDr b f'(,f-~Irt U~I'+.!J LJ4..,M-~ Toll ~ ~ - O/of-f-slt~ rrA<flj,Jt:~ iN d.),4 r-.. - <.3 D r::P f;'-/ .51<, <l" 5 ~ .D~ - ~~ 5+''''r II..",,-/c. ivlVJ) -- 3 -; 6 - ~ 'iJ} tJ.,:f n l ,f) 2~ 161 -:>::~ rjjJ> 'I ~ 4-lf ~ '/~ ~).- c..f,.~ J'3"dr .J I ff. - r --"'''\. 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CIfy OF'ASPEN 130 south galena street aspen, colorado 81611 303-925-2020 LAND USE APPLICATION FORH DATE SUBMITTED September 16, 1985 FEES $1,490.00 NAME Hotel Jerome Ltd. Partnership/ Woods tone Assoc. 1450 Crystal Lake Rd. ADDRESS PH"ONE 925-8900 NAJ-lE OF PROJECT Cortina Lodge PRESENT ZONING L-3 6,66'7 square feet LOT SIZE LOCATIO~ 230 E. Main St. (indicate street address, lot and block number. May require legal description. A vicinity map is very useful.) CURRENT BUILD-OUT 4,269 N/A" , sq. ft. 17 units PROPOSED BUILD-OUT sq. ft. units DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING USES used alternately as short term ,and long term housing DESCRIPTION OF LAND USE PROPOSAL to be used as employee housing TYPE OF APPLICATION Change of use GMP Exemption/Condominiumization APPLICABLE CODE SECTION (5) 24-11.2(f) & 20-22 PLAT AJ-IENDMENT REQUIRED DATE PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE COMPLETED YES September 12, 1985 x _..__NO ATTACHMENTS: 1. All applican'ts must supply Proof of Ownership in the form of a title insurance commitm~~~ or statement from an attorney indicating ,that he/she has research,..d the title and verifies that the applicant is the owner of the propccty (free of liens and eucumbrances.) 2. If the process requires" public hearing, a Property Owner's List must be supplied which.' 'es all, owners within 300 feet in all directions in some cases and adjacent owners in some cases. 3. Number of copies required (by code and/or in pre-application conference. ) 4. Plat by Registered Surveyor Yes x No " " ",-, "'..' JOHN THOMAS KELLY ATTORNEY AT LAW 117 SOUTH SPRING STREET ASPEN. COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE 13031 925-1216 September 17, 1985 Aspen/Pitkin Planning Department City of Aspen 130 South Galena Street Aspen, CO 81611 Re: Cortina Lodge Ladies and Gentlemen: I represent O. Louis and Lynette Wille, fee simple owners of the Cortina Lodge situate on Lots P and Q, Block 73, City and Townsite of Aspen. Over the past several weeks, my clients have been negotiating with the Hotel Jerome Ltd. Partnership regarding purchase of the Lodge, although no binding contract has been entered into. The purpose of this letter is to grant my clients' consent to the application for Growth Management Change of Use Exemptions which has been filed or will be filed by the Hotel Jerome Ltd. Partnership. My clients will not, however, consent to any restrictions of any nature being placed on the property until such time as they have entered into and closed upon a contract for sale which contract shall be under such terms and conditions as may be satisfactory to my clients in their sole discretion. verY~ your_. John Thomas Kelly Attorney-in-Fact for O. Louis and Lynette Wille JTK/og cc: O. Louis Wille , ....,...... , fk II s(le.. (U- September 16, 1985 City of Aspen Planning and Zoning Office 130 S. Galena St. Aspen, CO 81611 Dear Members of the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission: This is an application pursuant to the Municipal Code of the City of Aspen under Sections 24-11.2(;) and 20-22. It is the applicant's position that 24-11.2(j) is not applicable to the proposal; however, the Planning Office takes the contrary opinion and therefore we will proceed with this application. The applicant represents that it has authority from the owner of the Cortina Lodge (sometimes the "property"), which is the subject of this application, to submit this proposal for City approval. It is the parties' intention to close on the purchase and sale of the property if approval of this application is granted by the City. The terms of any approval would only be binding against the property upon the purchase thereof by the applicant. As owners of the Hotel Jerome and the Woods tone Inn, both currently having employee housing requirements, we are proposing the following plan to satisfy the employee housing needs of each project. The employee housing requirements at the Hotel Jerome call for housing nineteen low income employees. The requirements for the Woods tone call for four employees to be housed, subject to some square footage limitations. Our plan to satisfy our employee housing needs starts with the purchase of the Cortina Lodge. We feel that because of the Cortina's ideal location and its already having numerous kitchenettes, this project would be perfectly suited to solve our needs for employee housing. It would also satisfy the needs of the Housing Authority for dormitory style employee housing, with only minor changes necessary to conform to the dormitory housing code. There are, however, certain improvements planned at the Cortina that will better the quality of life for our employees. (See attached Schedule A) The Cortina Lodge, when converted, would be above the minimum standards required for dormitory style housing. In fact, while the requirement calls for one bathroom per six persons, our plan never exceeds a ratio of three employees to each bathroom. Also, the guidelines call for at least one kitchen per twelve employees, 1450 Crystal Lake Road, Aspen, Colorado 81611 303/925,8900 , " ... .. whereas our plan has a ratio of about seven employees per kitchen. It should also be noted that the east side of the Cortina was once used as dormitory style accommodations, and the entire lodge has been used for long term housing off and on since 1978. Our plans call for using the complete east side of the Cortina as well as one room on the west side to satisfy our current employee housing needs. As can be seen from our floor plans, a total of twenty-one employees can be accommodated on the east side in a very low density fashion (on a per room basis). This would take care of all nineteen employees required to be housed for the Jerome plus two of the employees required to be housed for the Woodstone. We also plan to deed restrict unit number one for our employee housing needs at the Woodstone. This unit has been used by the current owners of the Cortina as a manager's apartment, as such it is designed for this type of use, and is 313 square feet in size, housing two employees. To finish our requirements for the Woodstone, we plan to deed restrict unit 232, located at the Woodstone, for employee housing. Unit 232 was completely renovated in 1984, is luxuriously furnished, and already has a refrigerator. We plan to add a toaster oven and a microwave to complete this unit's readiness for employee housing. Under the Woods tone requirement for employee housing, above the number of units required, there was also a square footage minimum to be provided, of 1693 square feet. We feel that the location of the housing relative to work and bus stops, its affordability, and the amenities offered (i.e. kitchens) are much more important to the employee than a square footage factor which says nothing of location, affordability, or amenities offered. We are short of providing the square footage required by 310 square feet; however it is important to note that we are providing housing for one more employee than originally required for the Woodstone. The Housing Authority Board of Directors has reviewed this plan and has given the project conceptual approval. Final approval should be given to the project this week. Our plan in total will benefit our employees by providing them with inexpensive, conveniently located housing that includes kitchens. We also feel that the City will benefit by having its first housing project of this type for employees, which is also centrally located and of low density. The applicant also condominiumize the property. that all of the requirements requests approval under Section 20-22 to In support of such request the applicant of that Section are met by this proposal. states Doug Carlson Controller/Woods tone Inn Hotel Jerome cc: Dick Butera Ann Bowman DC/cr MEK>RANDUM TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Steve Burstein, Planning Office Cortina Lodge Change in Use and Condominiumization RE: DATE: November 14, 1985 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICANT'S REQUEST: Hotel Jerome Ltd partnership and Woodstone Associates request a change in use from lodge to residential uses and condominiumization of the Cortina Lodge. The applicants propose to meet their employee housing obligations by providing in a dormitory configuration six (6) bedrooms for fifteen (15) employees of the Hotel Jerome and three (3) bedrooms for five (5) employees of the Woodstone (a/k/a Aspen Club) Lodge. Six (6) units would be free-market long- term resi dent i al. In a ddi ti on, the number of off- st reet par king spaces is subject to P&Z review. LOCATION: 230 E. Main, Lots P and Q, Block 73, City and Townsite of Aspen. ZONING: L-3 BACKGROUND: In the Hotel Jerome Final FUD Agreement signed April 29, 1983, the owner of the Hotel "has agreed to and does hereby acknow- ledge his obligation to provide nineteen (19) 'employee housing' bedrooms . . ." The owner was given the flexibility to provide fifteen (15) off-site employee bedrooms and four (4) bedrooms either within the Hotel or off-site. It should be noted that City Council approved the employee housing program consisting of four (4) on-site "employee units. and fifteen (15) bedrooms to be either in the project or off-site in Conceptual approval (April 27, 1982) and preliminary approval (August 11, 1982). Through most of the di scussion of the Fi nal FUD Agreement, thi s same provision was considered by Council (March 23, 1983). Changes were made to the PUD Agreement giving the present flexibil ity in the employee housing program in the version passed by Council on April 11, 1983. The applicant continues to be committed to providing four (4) units in the Hotel Jerome, approximately 229 s.f. each, to be deed- restricted to the middle income guidelines, and therefore a principal issue for discussion tonight is the condition regarding the remaining 15 bedrooms. Under the conditions of approval for the Woodstone Inn Condominiumi- zation, the owner agreed to an employee housing program consisting of Unit 121 of the Woodstone Inn and three (3) units in the Alpina Haus, totalling 1,692 square feet for all four (4) units. Woodstone Associates received approval of a condominiumization plat amendment on August 26, 1985, to change the employee deed-restriction from unit 121 to Unit 232 and to provide three units at another site acceptable to the Housing Authority and City Council. Room 232 is a smaller unit than 121, but more recently refurbished. The owner has also committed to, adding a toaster oven, microwave and a sink and a storage area to complete Room 232. Room 232 is proposed to be deed-restricted to the middle-income employee guidelines. APPLICABLE SEcrIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE: Section 24-11.2 (j) describes the GMP exemption for a change in use activity. To be considered in reviewing a change in use is "growth impact . . . de- fined as any activity which results in more than a negligible increase in employee housing or parking; generates more than a negligible increase in traffic demand, water and sewer needs, fire and police protection requirements, off-site drainage and road demands; or otherwise requires the provision of more than a negligible increase in governmental services." Section 20-22 explains the requirements of condominiumization. The following subsections are most relevant to this case: "(b) All units shall be restricted to six (6) month mlmmum leases with no more than two (2) shorter tenancies per year; and (c) The applicant shall demonstrate that approval will not reduce the supply of low and moderate income housing. Such demonstration shall be made at the time of initial consideration by the planning and zoning commission for purposes of their recommendation to the city council . . . . . . The following shall be considered prima facie evidence that approval will reduce the supply of low and moderate income housing: (1) Evidence that the property has historically rented for terms in excess of one month periods at a price within the current guidelines for low, moderate and middle income housing as determined by the council for additional points within the terms of the growth management plan, and the applicant intends to increase rents within five (5) years after condominiumization such that the price of each unit will be in excess of the above guidelines. (e) The applicant must agree to undergo an inspection of the building or buildings by the building department prior to review of the request for condominiumization by the planning and zoning commission. This inspection shall primarily concern itself with fire, health and safety conditions -- the intention is not necessarily to bring old structures to full compliance with new construction codes." 2 The off-street parking review criteria for residential uses is stated in Section 24-4.6 as follows: "Whenever the number of spaces required is subject to review, such review shall be made by the zoning commission which commis- sion, in making such determination, shall consider the projected tr affic generation of the proposed development, site characteri s- tics, the pedestrian access and walking distances to the downtown areas, and the availability of public transportation." PROBLEM DISCUSSION: A. REFERRAL COMMENTS: 1. Housing Authority: On October 29, 1985, the Housing Authority approved the Cortina Lodge proposal as presented for meeting the Hotel Jerome and Woodstone employee housing needs. The Authority was not aware of the applicants commitment to having four units within the Hotel Jerome The Housing Authority believed that the dormitory concept is a particularly desireable approach. The level of upgrade, amount of space, provision of kitchens and bathrooms and the rent not to exceed $90/month per employee were each consi- dered appropriate for this project. It was noted that there is a shortfall of floor area from the Woodstone Agreement; however, 5 instead of 3 employees would be housed. With regards to the Hotel Jerome Agreement, the Housing Authority accepted that the 19 employees to be housed meets the PUD Agreement calling for 19 bedrooms. 2. Engineering Department: In a memorandum dated November 4, 1985, the Engineering Department made the following com- ment s : a. The applicant I s parking plan for ten (10) spaces is based on dimensions that do not pertain to parallel parking. Each parallel parking space should be at least 22 feet long, which would allow only eight (8) parking spaces. b. Eight parking spaces are inadequate for a 17 room complex. c. We would not normally permit the curb cut on Main Street. However, removing the access/egress on Main Street would only exacerbate the parking situation. d. The building is adequately serviced by utilities and has sufficient dumpster space. 3. Building Department: A fire, life and safety inspection 3 report was made by John Ostwald, Building Inspector on November 12, 1985. Deficiencies were noted in fireplaces, stairway head clearance, plumbing drains, east wall windows, and other areas. Tom Voorhies, Electrical Inspector, noted in a November 12, 1985 memorandum certain inadequacies related to the Cortina's electrical system. B. STAFF COMMENTS: The following issues have been identified regarding this proposal: 1. Number and Location of Bedrooms and Employees to be Housed. As noted in Table 1 which appears below, several changes from the Hotel Jerome and Woodstone Lodge agreement are evident. Regarding the Hotel Jerome, the Cortina proposal would provide a total of 6 bedrooms instead of fifteen. The total Woodstone employee housing square footage agreed to would be reduced by 624 square feet according to our calculations. The applicant calculated a 310 s. f. short- fall. In both cases, interpretation is necessary in determining whether the basic intent of the agreements is bei ng met when t r ansl at ed i nt 0 a dormitory conf iguration that contains fewer numbers of units and less square footage than specifically approved. TABLE 1 Employee Housing Agreement s Cortina Proposal **** Beds S.F.*** Bedrooms Beds S.F. Project Bedrooms Hotel Jerome On- Site Off-Si te Subtotal 4 NS 180/unit 4 4 229/unit 15* NS 6 15 19 10 19 229/unit 1 NS 589 1 1 224 3 NS 1103 3 5 844 4 1692 4 6 1068 (-624) Woodstone On-Site Off-Site Subtotal * To be provided on-site or off-site. ** NS - Not Stated *** S.F. - Square Footage **** Note: Six (6) Free Market Cortina Units Source: Aspen/Pitkin Planning Office; November, 1985 4 It should be noted that the Housing Authority has not had sufficient time to review the Hotel Jerome employee units. Housing Authority review will be completed before this case goes to City Council. The Housing Authority has been particularly supportive of the dormitory concept as the price range is truly affordable for the low wage earners of our community. The Planning Office agrees that the dormitory concept with small bedrooms, shared kitchens, bathrooms, and lounges is an interesting and positive feature of this proposal. However, we also are concerned that the prior agreements are met through this proposal. Research into the Hotel Jerome roo has shown that at conceptual approval on April 27, 1981, and Preliminary approval on August 11, 1982, the owner was to provide housing for "an additional fifteen employees of the hotel at a location acceptable to the City, to include a minimum of fifteen bedrooms." The Planning Off ice believes that the language and intent of the Jerome roo agreement is clear regarding the fifteen bedroom obligation. There should be 15 bedrooms in an apartment, house, or dormitory configuration for at least 15 employees. Therefore, as Table 1 shows, we perceive that there is a shortfall of nine bedrooms for the Hotel Jerome employees. The Woodstone Inn shortfall of square footage is also of concern to us. The three units to be employee housing at the Alpina Haus would equal 1103 square feet, or approximately 368 square feet each. It is not cl ear whether 1, 2 or more employees were to be housed in each unit. Historically, Alpina Haus Units 42 and 44, which were to be deed-restricted in association with the Wood- stone, contained four (4) beds each. If it were assumed that there would be two employees in each unit, then there would be a shortfall of one employee in the Cortina, as well as the 624 s.f. The applicant has proposed to add employee square footage at the Woodstone by designating storage space next to Room 232 for employee use, thereby reducing this square foot deficit. We recommend that one mor e unit be deed-restricted at the Wood- stone. An amendment to the plat must be accomplished. The Planning Office position is that the six (6) "free market" bedrooms in the Cortina should also be deed restricted in association with the Hotel Jerome. In total there would be twelve bedrooms and two kitchen/lounge units converted from bedrooms. We feel that the twelve bedrooms and two lounges more closely approach the Jerome roo agreement and would be accept- able, along with the four on-site units. 2. Reduction in the Supply of Low Income Housing. The applicant provided rental hi story on the Cortina Lodge showing that unit s have rented in excess of the rental price/square foot range on a 5 long-term basis for employee housing. The historical mixed long- term and short-term uses of the Cortina is non-conforming based upon the rules of the L-3 zone. Therefore, through deed-re- stricting the units to the low income housing guidelines this proposal would increase the supply of low income housing, meeting the criteria of Section 20-22(c) for condominiumization. As a practical mater for dormitory, the project should be restricted to rental and not sale to serve the lodge employees. One might still question whether the reduction in low-cost tourist recommendations through this proposal has a negative effect. It appears that while such is the case, the greater good would be served in providing inexpensive long-term housing for employees. 3. The Creation of 6 Free Market Long-Tera Units in the L-3 Zone District. In the L-3 zone district "deed-restricted housing for employees of the lodge" is a permitted use. Based on the precedent from the review of the Copper Horse and Alpina Haus, providing employee housing for another lodge (Aspen Mountain roD) is an acceptable use in the L-3 zone. However, free market residential uses are not permitted in the L-3 zone district. Therefore, this proposal would create (or continue) a non- conforming use of the six free-market units. If our recommenda- tion to deed-restrict all units is accepted, then there would be no non-conforming uses. 4. Upgrading of the Cortina. The list of proposed improvements consists primarily of upgrading interior and exterior common areas (see "Schedule A" attached). All rooms would be furnished with single beds; and kitchens would be added to two units. The Housing Authority was satisfied with the level of upgrade. Deficiencies noted by the Building Department should be correct- ed, and a schedule of those improvements should be drawn up for completion of work prior to condominiumization. 5. Parking (Special Review). According to Engineering Department calculations, the Cortina has adequate room for eight on-site parking spaces. There would be approximately 30 residents in the Cortina at full occupancy in 16 bedrooms. A survey conducted by the applicant indicated that 36% of the low income employees of the Aspen Club and Woodstone own cars; 64% do not own cars. If the survey statistics were used then eleven spaces would be needed for employees with cars, and none for visitors. The off-street parking requirements for dormitory use in Residential zone districts (Section 24-4.5) is two spaces per three pillows. If this standard were applied to the Cortina, then 20 parking spaces would be needed. The applicant has made the following arguments with regard to parking. The proposed change in use would not make the situation 6 worse than when the Cortina was short-term. Low income residents who qualify to live in the Cortina are particularly apt to not have cars, due to the close proximity to work, the commercial core, and bus routes. The Planning Office agrees that there would be less need for cars in the Cortina than in projects with higher income residents and located farther away from the center of town. However, we feel that fifteen sp:lces for Cortina residents would be a more appro- priate number. This would result in one p:lrking space per two employees, (the ratio used in the Aspen Mountain PUD) and hopefully would be able to accommodate some visitors as well. We note that full-time occup:lncy would probable result in a more constant and higher parking demand than the present level of operations at the Cortina Lodge. The owner of the Hotel Jerome has agreed to provide 60 on-site or off-si te par king sp:lces in connection wi th the proj ect. At the preliminary PUD stage, the 60 sp:lces were divided into 25 for guests and 35 for employees. The Cortina proposal is separate from that calculation, and should be viewed as generating an addi tional demand f or seven parking sp:lces that could be added to the Jerome's off-street p:lrking obligation. We suggest that as a condition of parking review approval , those seven (7) parking spaces be added to the Hotel Jerome's 60 parking space commit- ment. The location of par king struct ure at the Jerome or at the Rio Grande site would be reasonably convenient for Jerome employees living in the Cortina. RECOMMENDAT ION : A. The Planning Office recommends that P&Z recommend approval of the requested change in use of the Cortina sUbject to the following conditions: 1. All units shall be deed-restricted to the low income employee housing guidelines. Units 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15 and 16 shall be associated with the Hotel Jerome's employees housing obliga- tions. Units 1, 9, 10 and 17 shall be a ssociated wi th the Woodstone Inn's employee housing obligation. 2. The Cortina Lodge facility and grounds shall be upgraded according to repre sentations made in "Li st of Improvement s, Schedul e A." 3. Approval from the Housing Authority shall be obtained for the condi- tions and types of employee deed-restrictions to be placed on the four Hotel Jerome units. 4. Unit 232 of the Woodstone Inn shall be refurbished with a toaster over, microwave and sink and a storage area. 5. Approval for an amendment to the Woodstone Condominiumization Plat designating storage sp:lce adjacent to Room 232 as L.C.E. associated 7 with the room shall be obtained. B. The Planning Office recommends P&Z to recommend approval of Condomini- umization subject to the following conditions: 1. All Cortina units shall be deed-restricted to six month minimum leases with no more than two shorter tenancies. 2. All Cortina units shall be deed-restricted for rental use. 3. A schedule of improvements shall be drawn up to correct deficiencies noted in the Building Department memorandum of November 12, 1985. All improvements shall be made as acceptable to the Building Department prior to recordation of the condominiumization plat. 4. A Statement of Subdivision Exception for the purpose of condominiumi- zation shall be submitted. 5. The owners agree to join any special improvement districts formed in the future, and shall include this agreement in the Statement of Subdivision Exception. 6. A condomini umization pI at shall be submitted meeting all requi rement s of Section 20-15 of the Municipal Code. C. The Planning Office recommends Special Review approval of the Cortina parking plan for eight spaces subject to the following conditions: 1. A plan for eight parking spaces shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineering Department prior to review of this application by City Council . 2. Seven (7) additional off-street parking spaces shall be provided in addition to the present 60 parking space commitment for the Hotel Jerome for use of the Hotel Jerome employees living in the Cortina. SB.5 8 .- . --_u.., 761 -- I'K' 444 f., i o Should the Own.r, at the ti.. of th, C.rtitiClt. of Occup.ncy for the Proj.ct, not hlv, provided .11 of the r.quir.d 1~ off-.it. .aploy.. houlin9 bedroo.., h. .hall, prior to th, l.auanc. of the C.rtificlt. of Occupancy and.. . condition pr'c~.nt th.r.to, cov.nant-r'ltrtct that nu.bee of bedroo.. within the Project n.c....ry to cov.r any .hortt.11 in the off-.it. hauling r.quir.- ..nt., which t.aporlry r..trtct.d bedroo.. .Ult ...t the .... City ..ploy.. hauling guid.lin.. II Own.rt. off-.it. hou.in; would hlv, been r.qulr.d to ...t und.r the t.r.. hereof, and which t..porlry r.atricted bed roo.. Ihall th.r..ttlr be rll,.,ed tr~ ..ld cove- "ant. wh.n Owner doe. provide the required nu.blr of off-lit. .-ploy" bed roo.. In the ..nnar above required. Th. deed re.triction and covenant r..triction and r.l.... for.. .hall be approved al to tor. by the City Attorn.y prior to recordation. 7. Oft-ait. Parkinq. A condition ot the approval a granted h.r.in and her.with ia the r.quire..nt that the Owner provide 60 off-ait. parking apac.. in connection with the Proj.ct. Thu.,.. · condition ot the approv.l. granted h.rein and h.r.wlth, Own.r a,r... to provide 60 ott-ait. parking 'p.c.. in ~nnection with the proj.ct In the ..nner herein.tter de.crlbed. Owner .gr... to partlclpat. with the City in the financing, de.i9n, oon.tructlon, operation and ..intenance (including n.c....ry c.pital .xpendi- tur..) of a 400-v.hicle parking .tructure on the Rio Grande pco- perty, to th'! .xtent ot 60 .pac.. for Hotel qu..t. and ..ploy.... 12 , ~ - . -----.- fot:-444 ..." o 759 ahall obtain fro. hi. contractor. cu.t~.ry warranti.1 ot Good workaan.hip with th. City .. ben.fici.ry, with r..poct to .11 l~roy...nt. r.quired by P.r.,rapb. I, 2 .nd J. It I. th. ..pr... Undar.tandinv of the parti.. that the pro- eeclure Nt forth in Parevrap/l IJ of tbh .:I9r....nt l'e9ardinv non- ooapllance ahall not' be required with r..poct to tbe .nforeea.nt and I~l'''ntltion of the financial ...urlne.. ..t forth her.ln and required by S.ction 20-16(c) of th. Nunlcipol Cod.. a. I.plov.. HaulinG. .. an Inducellerlt to the City to approve the P.U.D., Own.r h.. 19r.ed to and do_ hereby Kknov- led,. hi. Obliqltion to provide ninlt..n (19) "aaploy.. bou.inv" bedroo.. .. dl.cribecl har.in Ind dlUned by thl Codl Ind revuh- tlon. of the City at Alpen or It. d..19ne., In connection with the Botel Project. Prior to the i..uanee of . Certificate ot Occu- pancy for the Project, and .. a condition precedent thereto, OWner egree. to and .hall provide tor u.. by Hotel ..ploy... . .lnl.U8 at titteen (15) ofl-.ite eaploy.e bedroo.., deed re.tricted to City '~loyee-hou'in9 rental and ..1. price, qualitlcation. and occupancy qUldeline. in ettect at the tl.. luch bedroo.. .re 10 provided, which bedrooaa Ihall be In InOO8e cateqorl.., Ii..., eonflqurltion. (inclodi", rlcllitl.. .nd ...nitl.., end loc.- tion/.) I. ..y be .cceptabl. to the City (or it. d..i'nII, which ..y be th. Alpon/pitkin Rou.lnq Authority), by eon.tructinq new d.ed r..trlcted unltl or by purcha.ing e.i.tlng tr.. ..rt.t unit. and conyertlng th.. to deed r..tricted -..ploy.. haulin,- ItatuI. 10 , \ ~ - . ~. 1/;' ------ t!ll'444 fA" o 760 Provided, that the Owner Ihall hive the right In future to lub.ti- tute other ott-elte e.p10y.. bedroo.a tor eo.. or allot the tlt- teen (15) ott-Ilte bldrooaa Initially provided II above required, 10 10n9 .. (1) the location, at.. and configuration of IUch lub- atltute bldroo.a la looeptab1e to the City or Ita deal,nee, III) thl .Inl... nweber ot aoceptabll ..ploy.. ~edroo.a required by thll 'ara,raph 6 re.alna available at all tl.ea, and (III) the .... d..d ~..trletton. Ir. iapoled upon the lubltltuta unit. prior to OCcu~ney ot the lubltltutl unltl. Upon the ~pl.tlon ot luch lubltltutlon .. above required, the City ahall r.l.... the deed r..trlcttona upon tho.. Oft-alt. bed roo.. which hive be.n replaced with lubltitute bedrOOM'. In addition to the tift..n (15) nft-Ilt. ..ploy.. bedroo.., Owner ahall provide, prior to the ..au.nee ot . C.rtttle~t. of Occu~ncy for the Project .rd .1 . condition precedent hlreto, tour (4) covenant r..trteted on-ait. ..ploy.. bedr0081 within the 'roject it..lf, ..ch ot vhich bedroo.. .hall be at l.a.t ,.0 equar. f..t in .i.. and ahall be u.ed 101e1y by Hot.l ..ploy..., .nd ahall dellv.r to the City an appropriate vrlttan COv.nant oov.rin9 luch bed roo.. in a for~ approved by the City Attorn.y and acc.ptabl. for r.cordin9.~ould the Owner ..cur. .or. than fif- t..n (15) off-.it. a.ploy.. bedroo.., Own.r'. on-lit. ..ploy.. bedroo. r.quir...nt ahall be r.duced ..actly by the nUaber at ott- lit. unit. in ..c... ot tift~en (15). II , , ~ .- . . ~. I I ... -z- ....... Ol!l:.444 "'t o 762 At aueh tl.. aa tho City und.rtak.a tho eonatruetlon of thla atruetur., OWn.r ahall and h.reby agr... to partlelpat. propor- tlonat.ly Ibaaad on tho ...d for 10 apaea.1 In th~ flnanelng, d..19n, conltructlon, oplratton and ..tnt.nance (lnoludlft9 ".oe.- .ary capital ..pendit~r..) of the plrktng 91rl'l ..peet thereot, auch flnanelal p.rtlelpatlon to be In tho for. d.acrlbed b.l~w. (A) Owner', proportionate Ibar. of the COlt of oon.tru~tl"9 tho parking atructur. ah.ll be d.t.r.lned by .ultlplylng a frac- tion, tho nwo.rator of which la 10 and tho dano.ln.tor of whleh la the total nuablr of parking .pac.. to be eonltrueted, ti... the portion of tho total oon.tructlon ooat Illneludlng financing eo.ta Ilneludlng c.pltalllad Intar.lt on bonda, r.a.rv. funda and bond i..uance coltl), d..19n, pre-conltructlon and oon.tructton COltl)) which 10 dlr.ctly r.latad to tho parking garag. aap.ct of auch Itructure. OWner ahall and hlreby agr... to finane. and pay for lueh Ihar. of the conltructton COlt and to Ividence and ..cure lueh obligation In the following ..nn.ra la' No lat.r than allty (60) daya following tho laau- Inee of . autldtDg 'Ir.it for conltructlon of the Hotll Pro- j.et whleh II tho lubj.ct of thla Aqr....nt, OWn.r ahall d.llv.r to tho City In tho for. of calh or eartlflad funda tho au. of On. Hundr.d Thouaand Dollarl 1'100,000.001 .. a down pI,..nt on lueh aharl. It no Building 'Irait for I p.r~tn9 ,lrl,1 h.. beln t..ued prior to the date of thia down~~.nt, the City ahall pro.ptly ..crow auch funda in an inter.at bearing account with all intereat earned ther~ to acorue to the credit ot owner and be applied to -the balance of Owner'. ahar.- in calculating the u.u.u.uxxXUXXJUlJUlXXXUI 13 \ , , .. , l' CASE DISPOSITION: C t' . /,j (, '(I (b""'U.', -')' '{ J ' ' ()1-- I"~i LO(I#i.(~'Wtl"i'ir. ))'! Iv,r Cl"r(lll~,' o.Yl~ ,o"lr" f/i-t 11.U'....., ",L \J J v pj 'J (1,,-'" lilY, Revi.'2\~ed.EY: ' ~~ ~ p;j:) City Counc__ 11-14-8) LFn. v:TQi i;nf!md.. 0 oleJ1i,M-~uNrJ t.-IJ..f,o..;c;, Cc;)...:i..,,.,.,, : 1. 3. f, \' ,'" \.,,1" ~.t. ~"" J .."i~ ' lJ"I'e''' 4. 5. IT r.b, J!.,. -J, 2. Al~ un~ts shall. be R,e~d-r;stri,cteJ'llt~~~'~il t;~' '~~~~me employee housing gUldellnes. tlnltZl f-2, ,3, ,4, S, .6, [1"7 ~, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 shall be associated'''with the Hofel Jerome's employees housing obliga- tions. Units 1, 9, 10 and 17 shall be associated with the Woodstone Inn's employee housing obligation. U"~t~ ~J 3,4) <;16~ 0,'>-117 .l~1I bdf\<~IIQJ f....fv1W{ ""'fl.)(f hCJ';~? nee~;ln.II"..t;'., '<if/, 1>1.1;,_t;",. yet t, be Jet"'I,;,tJ The Cortina Lodge facility and grounds shall be upgraded according to representations made in "Li st of Improvement s, Schedule A. n Approval from the Housing Authority shall be obtained for the condi- tions and types of employee deed-restrictions to be placed on the four Hotel Jerome units. Unit 232 of the Woodstone Inn shall be refurbished with a toaster over, microwave and sink and a storage area. Approval for an amendment to the Woodstone Condominiumization Plat desiqnating storage space adjacent to Room 232 as L.C.E. associated with the room shall be obtained. ...., . r d- '2 '.Did v,w, t?iJi1J;..J.4"ti : ,,It,l.J~ ,~ c.."J.,,~ All cortina units "~ali 'be' '~eed-restrict~?foi',r~ntal Juse.5'e,~pIO!~'~"-Ik,i"I(') 1I1~4 01"111"'1' le,)-.: t<f'""I,,,f s4,'/ "" w.I,~cl. " - _ - , " ., . A schedule of improvements shall be drawn up to correct deflclencl~ noted in the Building Department memorandum of Novemb~r ~2, 1985. Al improvements shall be made as ac<?epta~le ~o the BU11dlng Department prior to recordation of the condomlnlumlzatlon plat. A Statement of Subdivision Exception for the purpose of condominiumi- zation shall be submitted. The owners agree to join any special improvement, districts formed in the fut ure, and shall incl ude t hi s a gr eement 1 n the Stat ement of Subdivision Exception. 'J. ~ A condomini umization plat shall be submitted meeting all requi rement s of Section 20-15 of the Municipal Code. '1. 1. 2. , P n v;t eJ 6 I" f.., {, I ~I",I -1-" ,(A~f ,'<iAI,tev"Jw /. 5 pM-e~ Hb)pJ +>> U- ~"'^' ~~ . A plan for eight parking spaces shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineering Department prior to review of this application by City Council . Seven (7) additional off-street parking spaces shall be provided * aSQitill1. '"" the present 60 parking space commitment for the Hotel Jeromerf--or ,--use of the Hotel Jerome employees living in the Cortina. <l.li~lk~l{ i,~'l1 f~( 6' c ,J'"", ~.' - DEDICATION OF REAL PROPERTY TO EMPLOYEE HOUSING RESTRICTIONS AND GUIDELINES (CORTINA LODGE) THIS DEDICATION, made and entered into this day of , 1985, by and between The City of Aspen ("City"), and Hotel Jerome Limited Partnership, a Connecticut Limited partnership ("Jerome"). I ';> ~L6LT C:"""""" "" WHEREAS, Jerome is the record ow property situated in the C' particularly described i Exhibit part hereof by this referen "Land"; and of that certain real , Colorado, which is more A attached hereto and made a inafter referred to as the WITNESSETH: ",_(.<l WHEREAS, The City Council on December 16, 1985 approved the use of the Land to satisfy the employee housing requirements of , " the Hotel Jerome Planned Unit Development, the -Aef, ','" {',;;L:,i~-(j ~"".7!'- Ace; condominiumization (formerly the Woods tone Inn Condominiums) and for employee housing as needed by the Jerome for future subdivisions and develo ment requirin em s~n the Cit . The Land as u~lding improvements of seventeen (17) residential units to be used as dormatory housing as that term is defined b the As en p' ousi agency. Seven (7) units have been assigned to the Hotel->le.r'ome iJ'~II.""- . -, Panned Unit Development expansion~ four (4) uni tS'l1:.2_ th"~ woodstone condominiumization and the balance of the units for employee housing requirements for future development. The units are commonly known as the Cortina Lodge. '\ ,. ,. { " .-:;..~' j- . WHEREAS, Jerome has received adequate consideration from the owner of the ACL Condominium to make this Dedication. WHEREAS, in consideration of the making by Jerome of said formal dedication of the units in the Cortina Lodge to City employee housing restrictions and guidelines, Jerome and ACL have bee=-> credited by Ci t~' wi th housing a total of "321 employees in connection with the Jerome lodge development the ACL csndominiumization and future subdivisions or development by the Jerome or its successors or assigns. ., - ,....-;" ( ::>,.;,J ;q - = 4'0/ :II!.{', ::. I" '- ~,,- ,'.' $- -; '," ...." WHEREAS, the parties desire by this instrument to effect such dedication upon and with respect to Cortina Lodge. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and for other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by each of the parties hereto, the said parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: ""'" T....,. / 1. The entire co) ~na Lodge shall be and hereby is , ,"~restricted exclusively ~t uSP ~I[' 19',J ;n~e employee housing .;-,:,b>:' )w' out an minimum lease re uirements unde, and in accordance ",,,(,..-,, WJ. such CJ.ty of Aspen low income emp 0 housing use, occupancy and rental guidelines and qualifications as may be in ,,( effect and applicable from time to time. iF,"'- ...~ \~l~lr-' ~ ~(L~ .-~--_..,.. -- -..-,--.---- ----.-----.-.-. -- ---------....."" _,. ,"'" '7 '---' 2: In addition, the seventeen (17) units in the Cortina " -Lodge shall be and hereby are restricted to a maximum occupancy (, of thirty two (32) employees. Verification of an employee's ,..,' < income and employment qualifications shall be accomplished by the , ~:,"':-), ci ty of Aspen or its designee prior to and as a condition of each ", ".;;' employee's occupancy of a unit in the Cortina Lodge. ,. 3. The dedication and covenants contained herein shall be deemed a burden upon and to run with the title to the Cortina Lodge, shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns and upon all other persons or entities having any right, title or interest in or to the Cortina Lodge or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of and be specifically enforceable by the City of Aspen or its designee by any appropriate legal action including injunction, abatement or eviction of non-complying tenancies, all for a period of fifty (50) years from the date of recording hereof in the Pitkin County real property records. Unit 232 of the ACL condominiums according to the amended condominium map therefor recorded in Book at Page of the pitkin County Records rest_' exclusively to-u5e as rental housing for a emp oyee of. the AC co . - g e erms s Declaration shall w th units of the Cortina Lodge be deemed to satisfy the r quirements of the Agreement between the City and Woodstone A sociates recorded in Book 484 at Page 444 of the Pitkin Coun rec ("Agreement") t' ~,-(l> ,,/. I ~f a.r.....? 4. This Declaration shall evidence the satisfaction the equirements and conditions of the Agreement and shall the restrictions of the Agreement on sale, conveyance, r encumbranc~ of individual condominium units in the ndominiums. 5. Neither this dedication nor any of the covenants contained herein shall be modified, released or waived in any respect except by a written instrument executed by all of the parties hereto or their respective successors or assigns and duly recorded in the Pitkin County real property records. Secretary CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t e parties have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the ay and year first above written. CITY: ATTEST: By: ",J SIf) ;J : The foregoing Dedication of Real Property To Employee HoUsing Restrictions and GUidelines (Cortina Lodge) was aCknoWledged to before me this day of , 1985, by "" - STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF PITKIN ) -'. ,_..~ Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public ,..," "-" ,r"", "'" CITY OF ASPEN. MEMO FROM STEVE BURSTEIN _ " II ,I r-J "-"- ; .,' I .t-.'-, , I Vl-fJ....,j)..I. j l..Afi:) '1.\,,~'.f..(J 1"\, ~t 1.1,,,,, /...." -+ ( .'. ;. '",,,~(.'i ~rr,r.~'tJ,..) fI1 'Dr+";'~ _,,,,,,do.':' D eruJ~J'f,", L 6 it; -;' : - ." v_J \ tuJ',/, . si/-;,,,,>~'-.,-' , J;' -'fi'; r~ ".;-,--{ .--J_ _ ~ ~ ""j< ;.- U~~ : 'J., {_W,~.l < {;eri::', ;; " I " , be ,: :, L /,":! - Cr- ItJ ..1", ,_ ~'_< I r_' It 1-" : fi, . " .,t "I~ ii., ~ .' 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E Ih1tZ.r-- L LI,( I] I Uv-""\lf--n~ ~~,r U'--''''-Rr-I "":e S,U v-r_~ _ se~teV'-6Qr "1 1'1~ _ 1 n_ ') 11",-- I U ll! If-,loo.b+~jL ~tuL ,1 :'11\ \ \)51]1\111\1 ;\1 \L I I ..l I ';jl3 -11 -1-' I.' -\ \. I :,i :', i I ! I ; \ 1\:: I[ I' 11+1 I ,,' \' I'! ,ll/m:'6 , [r ' )i\ \i [' W,,7 I 1 I 'I L-Cc.,(l':(; 5-111' q~,rWd - l'E" -\ 1111 : " I I I l I '171 "1" ;i i " iq~'" Ii')' - 5-~:: 1-1.-' .id .- 3, , I 11 1 ' I ; -+- I ~ _ ; _ ~ _ __ _ 112 ., tq I _ [' - -. t--- \111\ 1 !!116 -l. - , I' j._ __ _ __~ 117 ,I ' 18 u_ =-~~~==~-~~_~~ - -10ft ~ , : I -i, ',_ t tn, -- -.---------.-- --,~ --\1:--t-~.- j-I-';- ~ ---\--+~- ,--~-_.--_.- ---,- -11-1 il~ ,'- ,j--,r, _Pl;___t__ ~---. . -I-I: -,1-1 ' tl' li; . --I. 1i I \ Il I I' II i II 1 .j Ii ,I 1 ,101'd T:r-,.~\"'1eeJ ll? t-Q-l _~ R jpo\'\ fe,f - 3': " ," ~ +- 5 , 6.); 8, -I' ::: ~ 91 a5 t3 ~h I [ 10 ,!: ;!i 88 ::\\1 ';t~ 13'.:1 -r 1~ '! I :H- ISll) 16'11 171~ 18:) 1911_ 101 It! _) 11" I 23:1 tt 14",1\",.' - ~:il -rn, ~J +~-'- ,~-, -- =- !If -j 29 .~L \ 30:l! II 31:li ri' 321: :t ,I 3G:i' r11 3r'!! 3 H' ~i 39:1: ':01: All MM 00 ~~ ~~ ~~ l i I t I [., fk,~" "'.1 c, ~ A-JIJC-, I) CIl<b s-d ! \ _~(25~o,^j.t2 ((" ~1.:J ' t::V""'~1 O-,e.-€J u _H___ _t>2-9..--- --------------.-----. ----- __. .~______ ____ ___.__m____________'_ . PreplredS, APP'Qud6, J. 19 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 ,,11117 1,',/8 -I !,119 ili 10 I':' "I !: jl ,,13/ ['I 11;33 ::l lil3' Ii i ~I 3 S 1:1 !:i3tJ ',~~ ~a~---.- !, 1; II [, ,I + ~ ; ~. I .~ i' iI :: I: j; ,I " ii " i! :i. ! .-\ I ',I. 1 I I I lu I \ I I , I 1 I ;! 40 ['37 " i[38 !:39 ., I; i! :1 .,.,'--."", 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! IF YES, WHY? YES X NO J' USED tT Ib l--{o\JE H L~C, 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES ~ NO IF YES, WHY? By CAuSE (15 5~~ H.,6-..tJD'( - 'i'JO E><:PENSE- IF NO, WHY'! 3. WHP.T IS YOUR MAIN S~RCE OF TRANSPORTATI~ <DWALt'JNb. BlC'lCU1'--l0 @.JSUS ----------------t---------------------~-------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? BELL. M-P--N W5/ NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! /" ....., ~..".' 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO II IF YES, WHY? p" )~t ',-, t{J wiNk IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO x IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? /JeCQ'lAsP 'rOI~< ;{A 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? 1i 0/1 s:f 1/ ('p,'"'<f ---s.- too tI/f St?llf()V1 4. W,qAT IS YOUR JOB? ---------------~~~------------------------------------ Af'~ Cf.cL 11"j-f- I I J \ j/I,,; "l t."l."''''€ , 0C--v-.. Jor NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! .' 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YEsL NO IF YES, WHY? -:i'JR.0V< ; '\ ovi 1.eaM. 1"\;",,-,<;,,--r1T fMkE~ \ \- yM? ..230,,< IF NO, WHY? - 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES ~ NO IF YES, WHY? CC)'l/V"(.A;~'.Yt.-+ IF NO, WHY? 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? _____~~~LE--_--------------------------------------- -71"01\.+ :h. ,1< 1;.:;/),n-v1,." / - Wood.<:;+Q.;2L. NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES J NO IF YES, WHY? f;'"..... 7(~(" r r"'~ ...j"ll h THANK YOU! IF NO, WHY? 2. YES +- NO DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? ~, :~~ t~:( ~:: ~_L1 -1v~,l....! (dr<:. . J.,,; ~ IW'l- 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ------l1:~---~~~-~----------------------------------- WHAT IS YOUR JOB? ,-.c.L.-L~L/~, (' Rq ,)o,j ) 4. ,~~ Ir'" ~ ~.~ NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! ",.. '. 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. IF YES, WHY? YES / NO ------ Yr€ojJlM, THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES / NO IF YES, WHY? __~.J;-~__.:k____________,,_._____. IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ___Jt:~___~_~_i~~(!~____________________________________ 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? _ hiIl(-;'7_~) ~!ck'i/<.-N~ NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO / IF YES, WHY? ~~ (0 ,Jlu\.o.. uJT ~ f()~" '--<I G. ~,ck Ov\Q.. , ')\,-, '-" '+0 0..IIU' .J.~J\__ , ~~ '-h, c.<.'V-U\ IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO V IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? T (~~Q V'~ (~ Jl \l,vV\.. 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? -------~-~--~~-------------------------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? LA }CIOb!.S.-W\I\Q.. tfDM ~ NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! ". " 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO x , IF YES, WHY? !\I ee4 IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO X IF YES, WHY? N I.j '? ~ ee r a/j ~>,,)(1 ( d e~ r'( ,Oi-f be.. o~ce c,,,,,"-~!< , , l}.d+-l--- '10",''1''''' 0" /c(,p" IF NO, WHY? --r.. 1\", l)(': cC\ fCl V\'\ \ \ '-1./0.1\.,1 i,u e he; 1/ ~ \ aJcdot e1Ci{-e.. iD 1" crt c.l:t-r<'V^c"~ -+-Ivy.CS 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ---------~~----------------------------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? -N 1.\ (S ~f'+-- NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly, THANK YOU! 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. TllANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? i' 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? I '/ "/ / /'-' 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? -----_._----~---------------------------------------------- 4. ~~AT IS YOUR JOB? NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! r''''' 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO \/ - IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? (LiFf" )--. ~ (J ~, F .,' ' . l /. ) A Y 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO 1/ IF YES, WHY? if 9 ~~J /rLQ~ hJA L C' ).,? 0Q{f--Y.- I IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? -_________JCi__\.;~0V:---l~L~::-~~~t0L-- A S sf, HC'J-1)Ai._LJ:, \ IJ.}J;vJfG 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES ./ NO\../" IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? CtU71 (J ~ 6 (}-/L(' j G-1U( 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO / IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? . 2 ~,D---f C ~\ -t)~ }v~ ~ \0 ()/) cleM\ ,( I 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? -~~---~-1l-L~--------------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? h CLlN22 IC1.LPUf(S NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! .-' 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO \/ IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? / LY','v' 'J i)k"/~'/~ 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES ~. NO IF YES, WHY? - ",- (:)i.?)iV i../ fEN i t:-N v L IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? i)' C ______!L~~~___________________________________________---- 4. ~~AT IS YOUR JOB? ('-1,-1' I /"......; ,'(-'/.)C;- L~ r..JE. iJ.1.( I NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! , """ 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO JC-- IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? C <A\ \-\;- II';-t't\"f'~ (\tJe- 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES /'-. NO IF YES, WHY? rDNVO..J ,'eN -+- \JO CcAV' IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ____________~0-~----t>-l----i:~----------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? A~~00A(wJ NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly, THANK YOU! ) , 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO V IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? Not /1~ 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO V IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? I'/.O't "~~ 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRA.~SPORTATION? ---------~-~~~------------------------------------------ 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? , '!;'1>tJ rfs Hllifb. 'o-s? d. f. J,.. U H c:IL.-j, NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! EMPLOYEE SURVEY 04-Sep-85 Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES ~ . NO .e::= IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? -rOO Yv\vci, tmkl1. 10. ~flVC O/1Je up lerc neutuS"- YO\) DON 1-+ I{ fuJI 'I Nee..D It DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES ~ NO 2. IF YES, WHY? :::c ~\oe fu ~ ",,",o$1LY I IV +le WI rvTl:VZ because 1+<; CON W'01 l::tJT r:\.1Jd '51\~ I 6.r,- IN SlJ>mllJer I WCLl-I( IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ~-~---~-~~--~~~~~~__b25~~___l~___t~_~~~!~~_______ 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? -trOfJT Oevl( lilT +k yJ,'5pl"~ CL-Ue NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! EMPLOYEE SURVEY 04-Sep-85 Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES ./ NO V ;JIA I IF YES, WHY? , W;t.// ~)6<::..D O,.u~ Ex~P'I 70 ~t/tf. -JOpJ;J ~ _ _ IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES~ NO IF YES, WHY? 4,{' /k~;,) 1t:K,s~ &.5- S~Rt0C~ ad//j)~S- ~tlJ) ~ ~tI(CS Md ff~t'F jJ P 06#U1A1l>~ IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRA~SPO~TION? _x2.jJ~9JL./~_~/!!.!!!.~/__.~jA!__Y~sf( , WHAT IS YOUR JOB'! ::f' #/It/tf A~ ?,rtf-J #I;/I!J)... I... NOTE: This Is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! '" EMPLOYEE SURVEY 04-Sep-85 Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO =x= IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? ~r'n \J~e onf' ) .L c I'Ai\-\ o.((Ocr 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO ><: IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? \ ) . \, -< -r\ \'_ \r\f\ k \ ~l~~-e. 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ---~~~~b--R-________________________________ \-\:9~c\ C)~ CJ\.0~ Senhce,-~ 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! ,'''~ 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO -:;/ IF YES, WHY? UffL.-6:- N~~P / fA/~ J, / 'UV'b 1# 7~/I! / IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NOy IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? Ut~ /N I' C/W^/ 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ---------~~------------------------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? A,,?c:-~~__ NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! // 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO X. , IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? '])0v1'~ rrb'~ ItJt:vrJ --1(1 i..vVlOVYlU .,( 1I:J.1 L) n Q 10-- i-t ("/yV ~./J....J..",,0 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO :; Qa..rv\..L~_ IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? f'u>c,OI' ,v::>; n ~ mj It-::> IYi-fx,^ tn /!:y,,--.-tirrY\. ,f 75 ~WJ .?€A"",") (r,v m.c -I~ WC\ Q Cc 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? -----n-0-'i--!!L:t-'----~----------_--------------:--:..---- 4. HHAT IS YOUR JOB? _B~'lnov / Pt"<;-/Zlu^a.-AT NOTE: ThIs is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! , """"\ '-...." .~-,.'" -- EMPLOYEE SURVEY 04-Sep-85 Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO v-/ IF YES, WHY? IF ;'0, WHY?7HclA.6./,/ 1;f1t;"""RE ~ ()ccMlCl/\l;; W-l-lF;:N Th OWN ONE , ct/~..u J , I k--a. s~ u/lt: n,....Jr NF-Eb ONE: IN M:.PEN 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES /' NO IF WHY? \ YES, _~?AtlSE ~r ~ A ~ A-Nl> - _ITS HeEF ... IF NO, WHY? -- 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? Bus ---------------------------------------------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? MAt,\J~A1\JCE , W\;)t)DSTDt-!E: INN NOTE: Thi R -: S imp(l!:t:.g,!.~f; _ p:t~ase ::-2sp:)nd qll~t:l-.ly. THANK YOU! 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO / IF YES, WHY? ~W_::;;~7 WYLd Ji IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO -- ./ IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? ru(l~ J ha~N r?;. (i~ 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? -----------------~----~-~-------------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? .;);U) C h()/rh 'rTr; bY- NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! ;"'- 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO V" IF YES, WHY? -:;.^-. L1.~- <I ~ ....-...... , IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO ../" ,/, IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? ..d. a4n..; ~ ;C;: 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ----~----------------------------------------------- 4.u,~J~ 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! " , 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO ~ IF YES, WHY? !"'JAr) />'IEHI'7 Df-~r~o"J IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO -- ~ IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ----------~------------------------------------------ 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? CA. NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES ~ NO As a..- MeO-o-0.S, ~ J.eGPl\~ fod~~ IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES ~ NO IF YES, WHY? pVQ ~~~ IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ___0::'-_,+__=-_~_<:.__2::-~________.___________________________- 'S~S I WHAT IS YOUR JOB? Pl?C,Jl'Q {V'l~~ 4. NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! .' 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO ~ IF YES, WHY? MmN ~CE 1"1'- T~ FereJ A-r07'..- . IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ----------------~-~-------------------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? 2.sxrftL~J (\/Lttr'J fKr c'-f:. NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly_ THANK YOU! 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO t/ THANK YOU! IJ.~..L~ (I~ --1:'..P:tu - IF YES, WHY? JWu -to- IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO V" - IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? "J- ~ WI. c:>u c.--- . 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? --------~~--~--~------------------------- ~~ ,~ 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THJL~K YOU! 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES NO ./ I" 1. " i~ (',( tv , L':/ ,~ ' ...~ ,r'.. , ( ( I IF YES, WHY? '", ,'-.,,1../ "i 'i./i ,,' ., /'!/J~! .,/' .,~\ " .I' " ,." l,) ",t.;,.;.. i. ~- ~ j..',:;,i 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO ..".' .,r IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? (AA\V" }J(,lQ{: .,. , j.) , -,' j.. 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ,;\) I) / ,',,~,- t, i l'-C _____~_~____L~~__~____~~~____~~_______________________---- 4. -,,'-, (,;I'J) ~,n^ . . , ~Q ).)i/J-CV. This is important, p ease respond q~ickly. {v--' Q / ,,' THANK YOU! WHAT IS YOUR JOB? , '.. ,.,. J NOTE: ~.... EMPLOYEE SURVEY 04-Sep-85 Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO )C < IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? ~ , 1 '^'- l~K~ +tJ--~ s~y-eQ 0\ lJ Co.r I 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? ____________J::~-------~~----------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? --re/l"1IA./5 [)(ryeS/'DJ-\Q---C I NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! "r--'" 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES X NO IF YES, WHY? MI\Jt--1 67D!2L.-C; &F /12.NJ~6f2-J~T7Q~. I Uy IE- rA?WJJ V A-I. I e--r IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO X , IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? ND NIZit:.O, I HA.,(EA CAe, BF6/D€7 I HMc A- PLe:;(~ ~/-3-e-o.Jce- 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? -----~~---~-~------------------------------- WHAT IS YOUR JOB? Ant(.-:Ej7~ D1ee-~ 4. NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! r^, EMPLOYEE SURVEY 04-Sep-85 Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES X NO IF YES, WHY? I OC{jfS/tJ}.((1//.../ I wllm .:r ~r 7'V u 51! j1? 7 .J/oLO-ctj' /l IF NO, WHY? C~I( //&1.<0'1 STot!E, 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO >( IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? _________~!t~__________________________________________ 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? -1li5 / T Cv.H7~(J/J_1f NOTE: This is important, please respond quiekly. THANK YOU! 1Jc1l.{~//'1I. /l.Cftd 1"015, IvD/l.K, E~HfJ5 1'7 TN tlfS(~i!1 he 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woods tone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. ~ fa I'M W2Jl2.t.: IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES NO V- IF YES, WHY? IF NO, WHY? ~l\J.tJ..)l.t::)\\r r;:::, ,,~O ~)S lED0\E _~\6AL- RE;5U~k.E:. 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? OAf!..... ---------------------------------------------------------- 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? frtNe::6 ~S lkOI(~Jt; 1A\s~. ftZcc-(...6..lut D I f'.J:;( T~ NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! .....L, 04-Sep-85 EMPLOYEE SURVEY Please answer the following questions and turn them into Mark Overstreet's mail box ASAP. Mark has a mailbox at both the Woodstone Inn and at the Aspen Club. THANK YOU! 1. DO YOU OWN A CAR? YES X NO IF YES, WHY? I needed it to get to work IF NO, WHY? 2. DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? YES X NO IF YES, WHY? _~e c a _~_~_:..___~L.._<:__~ r ___.?-_ 0_ e. ~ I!-_'_~_ .:~_n_ IF NO, WHY? 3. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION? the bus 4. WHAT IS YOUR JOB? Accountant NOTE: This is important, please respond quickly. THANK YOU! o o D &@@OtW@ N~~A ~ November 12, 1985 Alan Richmond Planning Director Aspen/Pitkin Planning 130 South Galena St. Aspen, Colorado 81611 Office RE: Hotel Jerome Employee Housing Units ALAN - The upper level of the Hotel Jerome annex has been allocated to 4 units of employee housing. The enclosed photocopy is made from the building permit set approved July 10, 1985 and the blueline reproduction shows the revisions we propose. Larger living/sleeping areas are provided in the new plan through the sharing of kitchen and bathroom facilities. Sincere ly, CAUDILL GUSTAFSON & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, P.C. J~~~ David Webster CAUOILL GUSTAFSON AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS P.c. POBOX FF ASPEN COLORADO 81611 303-925-3383 ,'.""'<' ----....., -'- ..-....~...--- ~._"."'".".,..,,,...."""'-- C' C j 2 - 0/- '2 f ~(,~\ N-oJlj\\1J If~^~, I ~n~fj ~ - fi~~"" 'Iv" tvfr;"- 1\r.w'1 jiJ/ In ~ \x C\I1I); W 31 Jt Cot \:'n)./ \j"l 3 -)t)- I hI>. '1 tvI f'\"J " ~ Pl:i11 ~h\'lJ,r1 J(ivi.e1-J J\I tfI"fOt~-[;'Ir-Ji ~rP (;hRtk VII k:\t\rc)" kfvt :J;., ~rd t. f~ h wJ -_ Oi, t ~v\'i'(1\ A ~~.2 0 ~ - ~s)Ac+h. ~y~ &- 11C;+",,~-t76'lih7r €J"{f~ ~~J' H/H, coh ~ tt J;) ~J +~ .,1.-.). (\f~~ vwJ' h ~ ~ i j,v'f. ~ t~ 4--fJ vdt h f J:z. Aprl\l) \q11 ~ Y<: I t ~ ,-IJ~.~ el1t;~ heN IDV'io- ? , 1-:/ - /')'J<:b /e'tJ~~ J; ~ ( "fir ci,," j"J "" '1'+ ....'-.4 f "'" .1t> orrk,/ elf fw,J ~iJ /r.( ~i!(V;(.t tr -{}~r # qO/ lvJo, - j rrv-l 5~rO ~ f-eb) 3 ~) 01(\<- ~(SJ;ON "fUD ~ LfJtl;~C!j ~r/lltr I'tipnf)Qr{ ~/,~" HlflJJ 11-6-j f \1.\ f~lfH ') _j"tl , '0,)10' \ jiQ I, ~1. ), '..'" . I' .' 5 t.:\ IIJ(' r ~~) jlV f / / ..... ;t. /7..r;J '-I'l, 'lJ, l/Lj 1<- D I ' : "' j ;, V) " - [(., c+ "Co r" /l/r:nA doyr,' -f.oj'/70~ i _~ '~" J J -- b l!b),m