HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.02072007 In Attendance: ABN DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes February 7,2007 Board Members: Scott Writer, Sue Smedstad, Barbara Owen, Laura Komasiewicz, Rick Newton, Robert Christensen, and Debbie Ware. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Paul Kulik, Erich Grueter. Guests: Toni Kronberg, Darnell Langley, Peggy Behr I. Call to Order - Scott called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: The AC discussed the need for healthy drinks in the vending machines. They also identified that the service seemed to be less than adequate for the use this time of year. The AC recommended the Coca Cola be removed from providing the vending and the service be directed to our new concessionaire. The AC feels that with a vendor on site who is responsible for the vending machines, that we are more likely to receive prompt service and response to patron needs. Barbara Owen asked if the ice fees could be consistent though the user group season. In the past staff put together an agreement with user groups stating that new ice fees would not be implemented until April of each year, following the end of seasons which overlapped years. Staff had changed this direction due to a request from the finance dept for budgeting purposes, but we see no impact if this goes back to the old method of billing. Staff will implement this change immediately. The AC ratified this by a vote. Staff Comments: None Guest Comments: Toni Kronberg informed the AC that they were created so that the public would have a voice and would not have to stand before Council regarding ARC related issues. The AC should listen to the public and when they don't this is exactly what leads to patron's displeasure according to Toni. II. Approval of Past Minutes: Sue moved that the minutes be approved, Laura provided a second, all approved. III. Discussion Items: . Darnell Langley, Ice Scheduling: Darnell along with Skating instructor Peggy Behr requested freestyle ice time for all interested skaters. She stated that currently you must be a member of the Aspen Skating club to take advantage of freestyle time. Or, she suggested that we open the skating club ice time to all interested skaters. Staff will look at the available ice times to what might be implemented. The AC supported public freestyle time as long as it covers its cost. The AC also asked Darnell to come back with specific requests ifthere is something further she needed as it was somewhat unclear as to the direction she was seeking other than public freestyle sessions. Laura suggested that the Recreation Dept. or the Skating club go through the Thrift Shop or the Elks in obtaining scholarship funds for skater who may be having trouble affording the club costs. . Outdoor Pool Deign/ARC Improvement Plan: Staff updated the AC as to the turnout to the public meetings held regarding the ARC improvements. The turnout was indeed very disappointing, but at the same time the message from the people who did attend were consistent with what staff had obtained from outreach to various user groups, and 50 or more comment cards received due to the display in the ARC lobby. The AC agreed to move the next meeting date to the 7'h of March at 5:30pm here at the ARC as opposed to City Hall to try and promote more input from users. The plan for March in is to come away with a preferred alternative which would be presented to City Council. Staff feels that the majority of outdoor pool design suggestions from the public can be accomplished to some extent. Staff will focus more on the ARC Improvement Plan at the March 7'h meeting as well. A new presentation will be set up in the ARC lobby to prompt feedback from users. The expansion of a fitness area seems to be the primary concern of most patrons. Staff is going to move forward with surveys of users to identify how many people may have left private clubs to join Recreation Division prograrnming. This should assist in some way of know why our fitness programs are growing and if we are seeing a migration of patrons from private clubs. The AC has identified that the ARC supports affordability and availability to the local community. There was a discussion about closing the open area on the entry level of the ARC next to the current fitness room. This would allow for expansion of space in the upper lobby. This will be discussed further in design meetings. Toni Kronberg spoke to the AC at this point regarding the fact that there will be a new Council in 90 days and that if people want fitness the Council should listen to them and provide it. Toni wished to also discuss the expansion of the skateboard park and suggested that a pool in this area be considered as well. Toni wanted to make sure we considered staging area for the swim team in the outdoor pool design. She would like to see us take out the large doors leading to the exterior of the pool area and counect the indoor pools with the outdoor pool being designed. Toni stated that she had a donor who would like to help out with the March 7th public meeting. Scott directed her to work with staff regarding the public meeting. . Business Plan Update: A memo was distributed to the AC reviewing the Business Plan and progress to date on meeting the goals. The memo is being attached to these minutes for reference. In general the Recreation Division is meeting most of the Business Plan recommendations to some extent. While the operational subsidy is greater than recommended by the plan, it is satisfactory to City Council. At the same time the recommendation of the BP is that the ARC be in a 50% to 72% cost recovery range and the ARC is operating at a 60% cost recovery. The Capital Improvement Plan was the last item to get started on in the BP and that is now being acted upon through the ARC outdoor pools and Improvement Plan. . Hockey Locker Room Damage: Staff and junior hockey have addressed this issue and feel that education through a partnership with the kids and the coaches, along with continuing education as to the fact that this is your (the kids) locker room, take pride in it, and additional signage should move users in the right direction with this concern. . Ice Organizational Audit: Staff is bringing in an outside ice consultant to evaluate the ice operations in Aspen. The consultant will look at scheduling of ice, progranuning, the organizational chart, ice pricing, and general operations and how they are handled. Recommendations will be forthcoming and discussed with the AC. IV. Updates: . Energy Audit: This program is still moving forward with some design issue to be worked out. Staff hopes to present a contract for construction in March. . Building Rentals: Staff informed the AC that the February 24th event scheduled for the ARC had been cancelled. While the AC supports large events at the ARC as it is good for the community and the are revenue stream, staff found certain fatal flaws which could not be answered in the presentation of such large events (i.e. concerts on the ice). It was identified that users need to contact the ARC in a reasonable advanced period so that all issues may be worked out to the satisfaction of all parties. Also, it seems that some modifications may need to be implemented at the ARC for the safety of these events and assure the facility will not be damage and taken off line for any period. It was suggested by the AC that the following take place to better serve events: 1. A check list be provided to the Event, so they are clear as to what is available and what needs to be provided. 2. The check list should identify what the expectations are from the City. 3. Staff should research what infrastructure needs to be in place to handle these events. . Deputy Director: The Recreation Division will be hosting interviews for the Deputy Director position on the 23'd of February. Staff would like one AC member to assist with interviews. . BUNZ Concession Contact: the contract for a new concession operator was provide to the AC for discussion. The AC in general was pleased with the contract and the direction staff was taking. The AC did ask that a good line of communication be set up between user groups and the operator such that this operation complements the programs, events, and tournaments being hosted by user groups. . Locker Room Renovation: In trying to plan for additional progranuning space at the ARC, staff presented a plan to the AC which reallocated space in the Aspen team locker room to allocated to a multi-purpose space. Plenty of available locker space would remain available to local youth, while creating additional programming space in the ARC. The AC approved the move to reallocate the space for programming, as it could revert back to locker room space if needed in the future. The AC asked for a list of programs which would be implemented in this space and anticipated revenues to be generated. V. Action Item(s): VI. Other Business: I. The AC thanked the City for the Berko Calendars. The committee was adjourned and will meet again on February 7, 2007. ********************************