HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.gm.132 W Main St.A58-93 , CASELOAD SUMMARY SHEET City of Aspen DATE RECEIVED: DATE COMPLETE: PARCEL ID AND CASE NO. 2735-124-39-070 A58-93 STAFF MEMBER: LL PROJECT NAME: Asia Request for Extension of GMOS Allotment Project Address: 132 W. Main st. Legal Address: Lots K-N and West 1/2 of Lot o. Block 58 10/8/93 I all)11 f1!S , . APPLICANT: Steve and Lilv Ko Applicant Address: REPRESENTATIVE: Dennis Green. Attornev Representative Address/Phone: 715 W. Main. suite K Aspen. CO 81611 925-1885 -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- # APPS RECEIVED 1 # PLATS RECEIVED FEES: PLANNING ENGINEER HOUSING ENV. HEALTH TOTAL $ 942 $ $ $ $ 942 TYPE OF APPLICATION: STAFF APPROVAL: 1 STEP: ~ 2 STEP: , ~ ....; PUBLIC HEARING: VESTED RIGHTS: YES NO YES NO ~~C)(4t YES NO P&Z Meeting Date PUBLIC HEARING: . I ') L VESTED RIGHTS: J, Y ,I. CC Meetlng Date! '-.- :)_, ".;/, '1'~"'~ t./c,. {c. DRC Meeting Date --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- REFERRALS: City Attorney City Engineer Housing Dir. Aspen Water City Electric Envir.Hlth. Zoning School District Rocky Mtn NatGas CDOT Clean Air Board open Space Board Other Other Parks Dept. Bldg Inspector Fire Marshal Holy Cross Mtn. Bell ACSD Energy Center DATE REFERRED: INITIALS: DUE: ;~~~~=;~;;~~~7================;~;;=;~;;;;7={;r~;T1=3=~~~;~~~7~= 'I - _ city Atty _ Housing _ city Engineer _ Open Space _Zoning Other: FILE STATUS AND LOCATION: .'"""" "r",," ~~ ~,4 VIII 8 FROM: MEMORANDUM Mayor and council ~ Amy Margerum, city Manager ~1j]L7 Leslie Lamont, Senior Plann~vI\ TO: THRU: DATE: December 6, 1993 RE: Asia GMQS Extension Request - Second Reading Ordinance 61, Series of 1993 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The applicants, Steve and Lily Ko, have requested an extension of their 1990 GMQS allotment, for the development of their office building. The extension request is for (6) months. Staff recommends approval of the six month extension. Please see attached Ordinance 61, Series of 1993. BACKGROUND: Council approved Ordinance 61, Series of 1993 on first reading at the November 8, 1993 meeting. council approved the 1990 GMQS allocation for the Asia office building October 10, 1990. Please see attached Resolution 90-44 and 90-45 approving the development allocation, exhibit A. STAFF COMMENTS: section 24-8-108 of the Municipal Code states that a development allotment and all other development approvals shall expire on the day after the third anniversary of the latest date of project approval, unless a building permit is obtained and the project is developed, or unless an exemption from or extension of the approval is obtained. For developments other than a subdivision an application for extension shall be submitted prior to the third anniversary of the date of approval of a site specific development plan which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of city council that: (a) Those conditions applied to the project at the time of its final approval which were to have been met as of the date of application for exemptions have been complied with; and RESPONSE: Development plans for the Asia office building were submitted to the Building Department the first week in September 1993. The plans are being reviewed by the Planning and Zoning staff for compliance with the conditions of approval. There are several conditions of approval that appear to be outstanding, such as, screening of trash enclosure, payment of parking cash-in-lieu, and confirmation by the APCHA that the employee units meet the .- ....., ,..... '".# housing guidelines. However, no building permits will be issued until all conditions of approval have been satisfied. (b) Any improvements which were required to be installed by the applicant prior to construction of the project have been installed; and RESPONSE: No public improvements were required of this project. The employee housing units, as required by the GMQS approval, have been built but still need to be inspected by the APCHA. As stated above, no building permits shall be issued unless the conditions of approval have been met. (c) The project has been diligently pursued in all reasonable respects, and the extension is in the best interest of the community. RESPONSE: The applicants have pursued the development of their project. If not for the conditions of approval that need to be wrapped-up, a permit may have been issued prior to the expiration of their GMQS allocation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for a six month extension of the 1990 Office GMQS allocation for the Asia office building. Staff also recommends that further extensions not be considered due to the proposed amendments of the GMQS program in 1994. The six month extension shall begin at the date of expiration which is October 10, 1993 and expire on April 10, 1994. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance 61, Series of 1993 extending the 1990 Office GMQS allocation for the Asia office building from October 10, 1993 to April 10, 1994. CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS: Ordinance 61, Series of 1993 EXHIBITS: A. Resolutions 90-44 and 90-45 2 -- ......., Exhibit A ,,'.- '. ,.~' RESOLUTION NO. t/ + (Series of 1990) RESOLUTION OF THE OF NET LEASABLE OFFICE BUILDING, HALF OF LOT 0 ASPEN CITY COUNCIL ALLOCATING 1,200 SQUARE 1989 COMMERCIAL GMQS ALLOTMENTS TO THE 132 WEST MAIN, LOTS K, L, M, N, AND THE FEET ASIA WEST WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8-106 of the Aspen Land Use Code, September 15 of each year is established as the deadline for submission of applications for Commercial development allotments within the city of Aspen; and WHEREAS, because of the administrative delay regarding Resolution 35 (Series of 1989), the submission date for 1989 commercial GMQS applications was postponed until June 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, the annual quota for the Office zone is 4,000 ) square feet of net leasable but GMQS Exemptions in 1989 have eliminated the quota in the Office zone and the city of Aspen Land Use Code requires 30% of the annual quota to be available for competition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Office has calculated the Commercial GMQS quota in the Office zone available for 1989 as 1,200 square feet of net leasable; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed Public Hearing was held by the Aspen Planning and Zoning commission (hereinafter "Commission") on August 21, 1990 to consider the Growth Management Quota System competition for Commercial development, at which time the commission did evaluate and score the only application that was received: the Asia Office Building; and WHEREAS, the Commission found that the project successfully !"'. - /.>~. met the minimum threshold of the individual and combined ) categories for a total score of 32.8 points; and WHEREAS; review of the GMQS application for Asia was consolidated with Change in Use and Special Reviews for the reduction of parking for employee housing and on-site parking requirements for an offi?e building; and WHEREAS, the Commission recommended approval of the Change in Use and Special Reviews for the reduction in parking subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning and zoning commission moved to accept the scoring, subject to an audit, and forward the score of 32.8 points for the Asia Office building with conditions to the Aspen , , I , City Council; and WHEREAS, the commission recommended to the Aspen city Council approval of the multi-year development allotment for 1,641 square feet net leasable of the 1990 commercial GMQS allotment in the Office zone. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO that it does hereby grant, with conditions as recommended by the commission, from the available 1989 Commercial Growth Management Quota 1,200 square feet of net leasable to the Asia Office Building. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED by the Council that the above allocations shall expire pursuant to Chapter 24, section 8-108 of the Municipal Code, this allocation shall expire on the day after the third anniversary of the date of approval of a site specific 2 -- '-' ,.... ........... development plan unless a building permit is obtained and the \ ) project is developed, or unless an exemption from or extension of the approval is obtained. Dated: , 1990. ~~~t~~ I, Kathryn S. Koch, duly appointed and acting City Clerk do &~/o certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that resolution adopted by the City Council of the city of Aspen, Colorado at a meeting held Ifl~ 2 , 1990. ~h,1:!~k ) cc.19G9.comm.grnp . \ 3 -. ~ "'''''''', >...- ) RESOLUTION NO. 1/":) (Series of 1990) RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN CITY COUNCIL GRANTING A MULTI-YEAR DEVELOPMENT ALLOTMENT OF 1,641 SQUARE FEET OF NET LEASABLE FROM THE 1990 COMMERCIAL QUOTA IN THE OFFICE ZONE TO THE ASIA OFFICE BUILDING, 132 WEST MAIN, LOTS K, L, M, N, AND THE WEST HALF OF LOT 0 WHEREAS, the 1989 'Commercial GMP application submitted by Steve and Lily Ko for the Asia office building also requested a multi-year development allotment from 1990; and WHEREAS, the applicants have requested 1,200 square feet of net leasable from the 1989 commercial GMP quota in the Office zone and now request 1,641 square feet of net leasable from the 1990 Commercial GMP quota in the Office zone; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8-103 D. of the Aspen Land Use " I Code the City Council may grant.a development allotment for proposed development that requests development allotments which would be available in future years; and WHEREAS, the 1990 Commercial GMP quota for the Office zone is 4,000 square feet of net leasable and the deadline for the 1990 Commercial GMP submission was September 15, 1990; and WHEREAS, Asia was. the was the only application submitted requesting 1,641 square feet of net leasable; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning commission recommends to Council approval of the multi-year allotment so the building may be built at one time; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the request and the criteria for approving a multi-year allotment, pursuant to / section 8-103 D., and does wish to grant a 1,641 square foot of \ o ,.- ""-",,, net leasable allotment for the Asia Office building from the 1990 \ / Commercial GMP Office zone quota. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO that it does hereby grant from the available 1990 Commercial Growth Management Quota in the Office zone 1,641 square feet of net leasable to the Asia Office Building. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED by the Council that the above allocations shall expire pursuant to Chapter 24, Section 8-108 of the Municipal Code, this allocation shall expire on the day after the third anniversary of the date of approval of a site specific development plan unless a building permit is obtained and the project is developed, or unless an exemption from or extension of ) the approval is obtained. &~/O Dated: ~~ "11' t' l' W~ ~am L. S ~r lng, Mayor I, Kathryn S. Koch, duly appointed and acting City Clerk do certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that resolution adopted by the city Council of the city of Aspen, ~g , 1990. Colorado at a meeting held (~Ko1~~rk cc.1990.multi.grnp .. / 2 "...., '-' ".... '-'" FROM: MEMORANDUM Mayor and council . ~ Amy Margerum, city Manager~ Diane Moore, City Planning Directo~ Leslie Lamont, Senior Planner . TO: THRU: THRU: DATE: November 8, 1993 Asia GMQS Extension Request - First Reading Ordinance 5e>. series of 1993 RE: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The applicants, steve and Lily Ko, have requested an extension of their 1989 GMQS allotment, for the development of their office building. The extension request is for (6) months. Staff recommends approval of the six month extension. Please see attached Ordinance ~ series of 1993. BACKGROUND: Council approved the 1990 GMQS allocation for the Asia office building in October 10 of 1990. Please see attached Resolutions 90-44 and 90-45 approving the development allocation, exhibit A. STAFF COMMENTS: section 24-8-108 of the Municipal Code states that a development allotment and all other development approvals shall expire on the day after the third anniversary of the latest date of project approval, unless a building permit is obtained and the project is developed, or unless an exemption from or extension of the approval is obtained. For developments other than a subdivision an application for extension shall be submitted prior to the third anniversary of the date of approval of a site specific development plan which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of city council that: (a) Those conditions applied to the project at the time of its final approval which were to have been met as of the date of application for exemptions have been complied with; and RESPONSE: Development plans for the Asia office building were submitted to the Building Department the first week in September 1993. The plans are being reviewed and the Planning and Zoning staff for compliance with the conditions of approval. There are several conditions of approval that appear to be outstanding, such as, screening of trash enclosure, payment of parking cash-in-lieu, and confirmation by the APCHA that the employee units meet the """ '-" ,.-,.. ......<.", housing guidelines. However, no building permits will be issued until all conditions of approval have been satisfied. (b) Any improvements which were required to be installed by the applicant prior to construction of the project have been installed; and RESPONSE: No public improvements were required of this project. The employee housing units, as required by the GMQS approval, have been built but still need to be inspected by the APCHA. As stated above, no building permits shall be issued unless the conditions of approval have been met. (c) The project has been diligently pursued in all reasonable respects, and the extension is in the best interest of the community. RESPONSE: The applicants have pursued the development of their project. If not for the conditions of approval that need to be wrapped-up, a permit may have been issued prior to the expiration of their GMQS allocation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for a six mon~h extension of the 1989 Office GMQS allocation for the Asia office building. Staff also recommends that further extensions not be considered due to the proposed amendments of the GMQS program in 1994. The six month extension shall begin at the date of expiration which is October 10, 1993 and expire on April 10, 1994. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to read Ordinance ~, series of 1993." "I move to approve Ordinance fiB, Series of 1993 extending the 1989 Office GMQS allocation for the Asia office building from October 10, 1993 to April 10, 1994. CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS: ordinance~, Series of 1993 EXHIBITS: A. Resolutions 90-44 and 90-45 2 "" .....,,, .--.."." .."" ,..." ,/ '",,,.-i' ASPEN/PITKIN PLANNING OFFICE 130 S. Galena street Aspen, Colorado 81611 (303) 920-5090 FAX# (303) 920-5197 October 21, 1993 Dennis Green 715 W. Main st., suite K Aspen, CO 81611 Re: Asia Extension of GMQS Allotments d:ase A5S-93 Dear Dennis, The Planning Office has completed its preliminary review of the captioned application. We have determined that this application is complete. We have scheduled this application for review by the Aspen Planning and Zoning commission on Tuesday, November 8, 1993 at a meeting to begin at 4:30 p.m. Should this date be inconvenient for you please contact me within 3 working days of the date of this letter. After that the agenda date will be considered final and changes to the schedule or tabling of the application will only be allowed for unavoidable technical problems. The Friday before the meeting date, we will call to inform you that a copy of the memo pertaining to the application is available at the Planning Office. If you have any questions,please call Leslie Lamont, the planner assigned to your case, at 920-5101. sincerely, ~ Suzanne L. Wolff Administrative Assistant fonn&:apz.no.ph ATr1\CHMENl' 1 I1IND USE APPLICATIOO FORM 1) Project Name ASIA 2) Project Location 132 W. Main, Lots K, L, M, N, and the West 1/2 of Lot 0, Block 58, City and Townsite of Aspen. (indicate bL..=t address, lot & blcx:k IlUIliJer, legal description 'lotlere Cla'Lq>Xiate) 3) Present Zclr1in;J O-Office 4) lot Size 13,500 sq. ft. 5) JlWlicant's Name, 1\d:iress & RIone II Steve and Lily Ko, 132 W. Main, Aspen, CO 81611 6) R19pr:s:ntative's Name, 1\d:iress & R1cne II Dennis B. Green, Attorney, 715 W. Main, Suite K, Aspen, CO, 81611, 925-1885 7) Type of JlWlication (please check all that awly): O:lnditional Use Cbn::epI:ual SPA Final SPA Cbn::epI:ual Historic Dev. Special Review Final Historic .Dev. 8040 Greenline Cbn::epI:ual RID Mimr Historic Dev. _ stream Margin Final RID Historic Dem:>lition lbmtain View Plane , SUbdivision _ Historic Designation O:nkmini.umization _ Text:jMap 1IIDeOOIIent lot Split;Iot Line lIdjusbIe1t 8) Desc:ription of Exi.stin] Uses (J1Imi'>P1- ani q.pe of ex:ist.in:J st:zuct::w:es; awraximate sq. ft.; J1Il1ThPr of bt=Lh........,.; arty previoos awrovals granted to the property) . ~ Allotment Extension _ ~ ExaIption. Restaurant use, office building as approved by Historic Preservation Committee and for growth management quota allotment. 9) Description of Develcpnent JlWlication For extension of time for deve100ment order. 10) Have yoo attad1ed the fOUC1oIirYJ? ---1L Respc81se to Atta.J"""'lt 2, MiniJIum Sllhn;"'5ion O::ntents --X.... ~SpOllse to Att.ac::tJment 3, Specific S"hni=i.on O::ntents --X- Response to Attad1ment 4, Review starrlards for Your JlWlication The applicants hereby request an extension of the time set for the expiration of a development order, pursuant to ~8-108 of the city Of Aspen Land Use Regulations. The specific order for which an extension is requested are Resolutions Nos. 1990-43, 1990-44, and 1990-45. These Resolutions granted growth management quota allotments for the Asia Project, an office building to be constructed next to the existing restaurant building, at 132 W. Main. The project has been diligently pursued by the applicants. The applicants have already submitted an application for a building permit, which application is being processed, and which should be ready within several weeks. Unexpected delays were experienced as to supporting documents required from the landscape architect, surveyor and engineer. Final construction drawings have been prepared by Charles Cunniffe & Associates were submitted in the first week of September, together with supporting documentation as required by the Building and Zoning Departments. A site and landscaping plan has been incorporated into the plans which includes extensive screening of the trash/service area. The parking plan includes the paving of the alley behind the office building and existing restaurant building. The applicant has made numerous attempts to pursue a long term lease or purchase of parking spaces from the adjacent Hotel Aspen, but this has proved to be infeasible due to court proceedings involving the ownership and management of this adjacent property. The conditions for the project have already been met, including all of the conditions which might pertain including conceptual approval by the Historic Preservation committee. Deed restrictions for the affordable housing units are being prepared, including a statement that the units cannot be occupied by more than four employees. The provisions for the employee units provide 224 to 270 square feet of net living area per person, well within the requirement of between 125 to 300 square feet required by the approvals. The related requirements for area required for certain uses within the units have also been met, as shown by the detailed plans already submitted. There are no improvements which were required to be installed prior to the construction of the project. The extension is in the best interests of because the project fills an existing need for which need has been confirmed by the Planning project is for office space, which is the "best property located in the Office Zone. The proposal both in scale and style, to reflect the the community office space, Office. The use" for the was modified, concerns and recommendations of the Historic Preservation Committee. The application for a building permit was in fact made prior to the expiration date of the approvals and is substantially complete. The applicant simply needs some additional time to provide additional information requested during the building permit process, and for the City's staff to review and process the application. The required fee for this application in the amount of $942.00, together with the letter of authorization from the owners, and evidence of ownership are submitted with this application. For the above reasons, the applicants request an extension of up to six months to obtain a building permit. ASIA RESTAURANT 132 W. Main Aspen, Colorado, 81611 303-925-1885 October 7, 1993 City Council, City Of Aspen c/o City Of Aspen Planning Office 130 S. Galena Aspen, CO 81611 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, steve Ko and Lily KO, the owners of the property at 132 W. Main, Aspen, Colorado, known as the Asia Restaurant, hereby authorize Brian Busch, Dennis Green and Charles Cunniffe to act as our agents in presenting applications and presentations to the City on our behalf with regard to an allotment extension for Growth Management allotments. Mr. Busch is coordinating the application process; Mr. Green is our attorney; and, Mr. Cuniffee is our architect. .~~~ Lily Ko c '""" ~ DENNIS B. GREEN Attorney at Law TELEPHONE 303-925-1885 715 W. MAIN ST, SUITE K ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELECOPIER 303.925-8240 October 7, 1993 city Council, City Of Aspen c/o City Of Aspen Planning Office 130 s. Galena Aspen, CO 81611 To the Members of the Council: This letter is to certify that I have conducted a search of the land records of the Pitkin county Clerk And Recorder regarding the real property described as: Lots K, L, M, N, and the West One-Half of Lot 0, Block 58, city And Townsite Of Aspen. My search of the records covered the period of time from July 3, 1989, the date of the certificate Of Ownership issued by Pitkin County Title, through today's date. No records were found which would affect the certificate Of Ownership which states that steve Ko and Lily Ko are the lawful owners of said property. Sincerely, <.... ~-' /..-- c_--z..._ ~. .c.~.-? ,,".c' "..-/ -----...._-- - ",./ Prmll~ COUNTY TITL[, II' '/" .../ Vinconl J, Ili\)uIIS ,.'/ . President , /" 1 illo 111~;IJl;\llC(l (;01111';1I1Y (;[Il E. II(lpldll~;, ^~;PPIl. ColuI<ldu U I!j II (:IUJ) U2!J-IIGG . (:IOJ) U~!J-G!j21 FA;< t:JlIi:;[illd f\..lIJ;II'I:; Vicu Plu~iLiulll CERTIfICATE 01.' OWNERGUIP PITKIN COUUTY TITt,E. tllC,. A IJI)I,'{ I. I CEU,:I.:IJ TJTLE INGUI'.AUCE A\:EUT FOil TUll STATE 01' COLOltAIJU In;HEIJY CEll'J'II'J I::: TIIAT : ::TEYE KO Aln, /.J I,y LO ARE TIIIl OHNl!ltG IH FEE :; II'II'LE 01' TilE I'ULI.IJ\/llH; lIEGCIUIIEIJ IlEAL PllOPEltTY SITUATED IH PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO TO-HIT: LOTSK, 1" N, N. AND Till, HIlGT ONIl-IIALF OF LOT 0, BLOCK 5U, CITY AND TOWNSITE OF AGPEN. DllEDS 01' TltuGT, [-JOHTGA\;EG, EHCUnllltAH.CE:: Al'I'AltENTLY UOT ]tELEA::EIJ: DIlED 01' TltuST ----- 1I0UI( "OU AT PAGE U3i NOTE: AMIlHDMENT '1'0 UEEU Of THU9T HECUHDEIJ IH OOOK SO~ AT PAGE i63 FINANCING STATIlMIlNT -- UOOK SIU AT PAGll 01 NOTE : EASEMENT ----- UOOK 525 AT PAGE ~U LIEN AND JUDGEMENTS APPARENTLY NOT HELEA9EIJ: NONE ALTUOUGU HE 1I1,LIJlYE TilE 1'1\C'J':: ::Ti\TfI.\) AIlE TltuE, TU19 CjI,HTll'll;ATI'. 19 NOT TO BE CON9TRUEIJ A9 AU AU9TRAGT UP TITLE, UOH AH OPINION 01' TITLjI" HOll ~ GUAHAHTY 01' TITLE. AUIJ 1'1' 19 UNIJEH9TOOD ANIJ AGHEED TIIAT PITKIU COUUTY TITLE, ING., t/EITlIE!t A:;9ur'IES, lWll IIlL!" IlE GlIAllGED HITlI AllY FIHAllCIAL OBLIGATION Oil LIAUIL1TY HlIATEYEIl OIl ANY ~:'J'ATENENT GOrlTA1NEJJ lILHEHl, CERTIFIED TO: JULY J, 1909 AT U:OO A,N. DY: , " ING. 01' ASPEN/PITKIN PLANNING OFFICE 130 South Galena Street A t! to Aspen, Colorado 81611 . ~ "- JvV;I (303) 920-5090' . ,I j'J 1/). >/~/.- /l ") (,j c;X -- '-, F/ /' C LAND USE APPLICATION FEES CITY: -63250-134 -63270-136 -63280-137 -63300.139 -63310-140 -63320-141 -63330-150 -63432-157 -63432-157 -00100-00000-31070 HISTORIC PRESERVATION: -63335-151 -63336-152 -63337-153 -63338-154 -63339-155 COUNTY: -63160-126 -63170-127 -63180-128 -63190-129 -63200-130 -63210-131 -63220-132 -63230-133 -63240-149 -63450-146 -63235-148 REFERRAL FEES: -63360-143 -63340-163 -63340-190 -63340-205 00115 00123 00125 PLANNING OFFICE SALES: -63080-122 -69000-145 1~2()O Phone: ~s -:t~3' Projecl:/i: ' - {j - -'- o--/-T~ 0 y - No 01 Copies: / GMP/Conceptual GMP/Final SUB/Conceptual SUB/Final AII.2 Step Applications All 1 Step Applications Staff Approval Zoning Plan Check Sign Permit Use Tax for Sign Permits Exemption Minor Major Devel. Signit, Devel. Demolition GMP/General GMP/Detailed GMP/Final SUB/General SUB/Detailed SUB/Final All 2 Step Applications All 1 Step Applications Staff Approval Board of Adjustment Zoning Plan Check Engineering - County Engineering - City Housing Environmental Hea~h County Code Other (Copy Fees) Name: ()....//Y1/Y7M ~ P/Yl-/ Address: '7/ )' ~ , Check #: 7 9.5 '70 /7, 7/7/:/...:.../( / ',~ /I'.~.,-. Da18: ' "-:/'/'~ , 9'L/:2.0U , TOTAL