HomeMy WebLinkAboutagenda.council.worksession.20180313 CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION March 13, 2018 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA I. Council meeting with Board & Commission (Wheeler Board) P1 Page 1 of 4 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Gena Buhler, Wheeler Executive Director THRU: Sara Ott, Assistant City Manager DATE OF MEMO: March 9, 2018 MEETING DATE: March 13, 2018 RE: City Council and Wheeler Board of Directors Work Session REQUEST OF COUNCIL: The Wheeler Board of Directors (“Board”) requests discussion of its 2018 work plan. The discussion includes review of the Board’s current powers and duties, clarification and updates to the Wheeler mission & goals, review of long range financial plan and discussion of future planning goals; all in support of the successful future of the Wheeler Opera House. Specific discussion questions include: - Where should the focus of the Wheeler Board be – within the four walls of the “Wheeler” or with the larger performing arts department of the City of Aspen? - Does City Council support the Wheeler Board’s request to have staff move forward to start the planning process for clarification of the Wheeler Mission & Goals statement, in support of the future of the Wheeler? - Does City Council support the Wheeler Board’s request that the power & duties of the Wheeler Board should be expanded as a part of the revisions to the Wheeler Mission & Goals process? BACKGROUND OF WHEELER BOARD OF DIRECTORS: City of Aspen Ordinance 63, Series of 1992 clarified that the Board is to function as an advisory board and not a managing board. Ordinance 5, Series of 2004 established the following powers and duties of the Wheeler Board of Directors: Generally, the Board of Directors is empowered to advise the City of Aspen with the planning and policy related to the daily and long-term operations of the Wheeler Opera House. These management duties shall include the following: 1. Recommend scheduling policy, priority and rates for the theatre operations; and 2. Recommend operating policy and rental rates for the commercial space in the Opera House building As stated in the current legislation, the current composition, term, and qualifications of the Board is as follows: (a) The Board of Directors of the Wheeler Opera House shall consist of seven (7) regular members and one (1) alternate member, all of whom shall serve overlapping three (3)-year terms. The Board shall be appointed by the City Council with all appointees designated as at- P2 I. Page 2 of 4 large appointees who shall be selected primarily for their knowledge of and experience in the performing arts and/or financial, management or marketing capabilities. (b) Except for the filling of vacancies, all terms of appointments shall be for three (3)-year periods, commencing at the time of appointment. (c) The Aspen Music Festival and School (AMFS) or its successor organization that may have the right to exclusive use of the Wheeler Opera House during the summer season, as per contracting through August 2034, shall appoint a representative to fill a permanent, non-voting, ex-officio seat on the Board of Directors. By virtue of AMFS’s Wheeler Opera House management responsibilities for a significant portion of the year, the AMFS representative shall be entitled to participate in any of the activities and deliberations of the Board, but shall not vote. (d) All members of the Board of Directors shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed by majority vote thereof. (e) The Board of Directors is declared not to be a permanent board within the meaning of Section 8.2 of the Charter of the City of Aspen and, therefore, there shall be imposed no age or residency requirement for membership on the Board of Directors nor shall candidates for appointment be required to be qualified electors. The current members of the Wheeler Board are as follows: Chip Fuller, Chairperson Christine Benedetti, Vice Chairperson Ziska Childs Keith Elder Nina Gabianelli, Secretary Peter Grenney (alternate) Dr. Tom Kurt Amy Mountjoy Richard Stettner BACKGROUND OF WHEELER MISSION & GOALS: The following mission and goals statement for the Wheeler Opera House was established in November 2009 by the Wheeler Board. Mission Statement “The mission of the Wheeler Opera House is to monitor and ensure the preservation and viability of the historic venue and its property through exceptional performance experiences for residents, guests and performers, and to support the cultural assets of the Roaring Fork Valley.” Goals Statement The goals of the Wheeler Opera House are to provide appropriate facilities and resources in order to: · Assist user groups in the successful presentation of rental and community events, series, and festivals; · Foster and advocate artistic expression within the Roaring Fork Valley community; · Present world-class arts experiences to Aspen, through the production, co- production, or creation of individual events, series, and festivals; P3 I. Page 3 of 4 · Provide opportunities for educational experiences for students of all ages throughout the Roaring Fork Valley; · Provide a public gathering place for the use of area groups, residents, governments, and guests; · Preserve and enhance Aspen’s reputation as a premiere resort destination with a dedication to arts and humanities; and · Ensure the long-term viability of the facility through responsible fiscal management. DISCUSSION: The Wheeler Opera House Board requests a discussion with City Council on the following areas: 1) Long Range Wheeler Funding Needs a) The 20-year Capital Plan (with no major renovations or expansions) requires funding of approximately $20M over the next 20 years; b) Annual base operations will require continued subsidy from WRETT funds to continue affordable and accessible community use and programming; c) The 20-year plan does not include facility expansion. The Board is requesting to save funds for this potential in the future; d) The plan maintains City Council’s 25% fund balance policy. 2) Wheeler Mission & Goals a) The Wheeler Board requests that a process be started to better align the Mission & Goals statement with the long-range plans of the Wheeler. b) The Wheeler Board requests to hire a consultant to help refine and clarify the Mission & Goals over the next 9 months. 3) Wheeler Board Powers & Duties The Board would like to pose the following question to City Council: Is the Wheeler Board’s role to focus on the facility of the Wheeler with attention to programs/operations that are within the four walls of the building; or is it a performing arts department with reach outside of the four walls, where the Wheeler Board is tasked with big picture leadership? The current Wheeler Board powers & duties are: · Recommend scheduling policy, priority and rates for the theatre operations; and · Recommend operating policy and rental rates for the commercial space in the Opera House building The Wheeler Board requests that as a part of the mission and goals process that Council give additional powers & duties outside of the current advisory role on in-house operations and policy. The Board has not identified specific duties, however, staff would be supportive of clarifying whether the Board should advise on: · Outreach & Education Programs: Set annual goals for growth and development of programs P4 I. Page 4 of 4 · Act as ambassadors in the community for the Wheeler programs (help with spreading the word regarding upcoming programming, encouraging ticket sales, working info tables, volunteering at Wheeler events, etc.). 4) Additionally, the Board is interested in a future work session to review the Wheeler portion of the Real Estate Transfer Tax allocation to discuss the process and role of the Wheeler Board in this re-allocation discussion. 5) Finally, the Wheeler Board has expressed an interest in being involved in the community discussion regarding the need, purpose and value of establishing a cultural arts commission. City Council will hear from staff on the proposed stakeholder engagement process for this topic at the April 3, 2018 work session. FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPACTS: The financial impacts on this discussion are unknown at this point. Should Council direct staff to proceed with the Wheeler Board’s requests, staff will bring financial and budget impacts to Council at a future meeting or as a part of the upcoming 2019 budget process. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: ATTACHMENTS: Wheeler Board SWOT Analysis 2018; Ordinance No. 26, Series of 2017 P5 I. SWOT ANALYSIS (JANUARY 2018): The Wheeler Board completed a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threats) Analysis of the Wheeler Opera House as a facility and as a department of the City of Aspen. · STRENGTHS o Key Points: § Building – Facility, History, Location, Condition § Funding and Subsidy Model § Focus on Community Access and Affordability o Key Action: § While protecting and responsibly managing the programs supported by the WRETT funds, spend the dollars as a leader in the cultural arts community of Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley o Next Steps: § Continue with current programming trajectory and growth, community networking and support. Continue management structure under COA financial oversight. Recommend, when possible, to continue increasing Wheeler community grant funds and establish a long-range plan for growth and development of the Wheeler Arts Grant program. · WEAKNESS o Key Points: § Gap in Community Education and Knowledge about Wheeler Programs § Facility Limitations: Stage Size, Historic Elements, No Fly Space, Limited Back of House space § Staff: Housing and Turnover o Key Actions: § Update Mission & Goals statement, followed by creation of a strategic long- range plan that includes a community message and PR campaign § Complete needs assessment study to make informed decisions on potential future growth § Review and assess company housing needs, as well as review staff retention of qualified / skilled workers and opportunities that may exist to support both. o Next Steps: § Immediate: Seek out marketing and PR opportunities to educate community on programs and initiatives outside of Wheeler presents shows/festivals § Immediate: Staff will continue to review company housing needs & opportunities specific to Wheeler staff and staff retention. § 2019: Recommend Updated Community & Facility Assessment study § 2019: Following study, complete strategic messaging & communication plan to education community on strategic long-term plan · OPPORTUNITY o Key Points: § Wheeler is a Leader of Aspen Cultural Arts Community as Performing Arts Center and an Arts Hub in the Center of Aspen § Growth Potential for Facility Expansion via Land Ownership & WRETT Funding P6 I. § Population Growth & Arts Based Economic Drivers o Key Actions: § Lead with vision, advocacy & knowledge § Complete needs assessment study to make informed decisions on potential future growth § Land and Growth - Complete needs study & focus on right timing for growth/expansion (if warranted) § Population & Economic Drivers - Focus, Vision & Understanding of changes in the community and the role of the Wheeler in the art economy of Aspen. o Next Steps: § Immediate: Continued staff focus on mission, vision, execution, and program growth/community impact. § Immediate: More opportunities for Board participation at Wheeler events and programs. Goal: With a Board that is then more knowledgeable of current programs and community impact, we will be stronger advocates within the arts community. § 2019: Recommend Updated Community & Facility Assessment study § Long Term: Continued attention and focus on changes in community; incorporating those potential known and unknown changes into long term planning to ensure a successful future for the Wheeler. · THREATS o Key Points: § Ability to Keep Up with Changes in the Community and Industry § Perception & Ability to be Wasteful of WRETT Funds and Subsidy § Programming & Community Access Balance of “Quality - Quantity - Diversity” o Key Action: § Continued focus and long-term vision of Wheeler Mission & Goals, under strong leadership and direction from Council, Board, and Wheeler Executive Director. o Next Steps: § Upcoming: Council discussions surrounding use of the WRETT funds and subsidy, followed by communication to community of need and responsible use of funds. § Upcoming: Continued oversight and inclusion in COA financial policies and procedures. § Long Term: Continued attention and focus on changes in community, incorporating that information and knowledge into long term planning § Long Term: Staff will continue to work to balance “quantity-quality- diversity” between programming and community access with a goal to make a fully community accessible facility and programs. Board role will continue advising staff on proper balance and annual goals. P7 I. ORDINANCE NO. 26, (SERIES OF 2017) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 50, SERIES OF 2013 TO ADD AN ALTERNATE MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WHEELER OPERA HOUSE. WHEREAS, the City of Aspen owns the historic structure known as the Wheeler Opera House, located at the corner of South Mill Street and East Hyman Avenue in the City of Aspen, Colorado, and has the right and responsibility to manage the same; and WHEREAS, the City Council did appoint a Board of Directors of the Wheeler Opera House to undertake the management of the Wheeler Opera House in accordance with Ordinance #10, Series of 1982; WHEREAS, the City Council repealed Ordinance #10, Series of 1982 and adopted Ordinance #63, Series of 1992 to clarify that the Board of Directors is to function as an advisory board not a managing board; and WHEREAS, the City Council repealed Ordinance #63, Series of 1992 and adopted Ordinance #5, Series of 2004 to change the powers and duties of the Board of Directors to clarify its role in establishing policies and to expand the membership of the Board of Directors from seven (7) to nine (9) members; and WHEREAS, the City Council repealed Ordinance #5, Series of 2004 and adopted Ordinance #48, Series of 2005 to decrease the membership of the Board of Directors from nine (9) to seven (7), one of which was designated as a youth representative, and modified the qualification requirements to eliminate members or candidates that have a conflict of interest as described in City Charter (Section 4.7) as “a substantial personal or financial interest” in the Wheeler Opera House; and WHEREAS, the City Council repealed Ordinance #48, Series of 2005 and adopted Ordinance #50, Series of 2013 to remove the youth representative and replace it with an at-large member; WHEREAS, the City Council desires now to amend Ordinance #50, Series of 2013 to add an alternate member to the Board of Directors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Composition; Term; Qualification. The Board of Directors shall be constituted as follows: P8 I. (a) The Board of Directors of the Wheeler Opera House shall consist of seven (7) regular members and one (1) alternate member, all of whom shall serve overlapping three (3)-year terms. The Board shall be appointed by the City Council with all appointees designated as at-large appointees who shall be selected primarily for their knowledge of and experience in the performing arts and/or financial, management or marketing capabilities. (b) Except for the filling of vacancies, all terms of appointments shall be for three (3)- year periods, commencing at the time of appointment. (c) The Aspen Music Festival and School (AMFS) or its successor organization that may have the right to exclusive use of the Wheeler Opera House during the summer season, as per contracting through August 2034, shall appoint a representative to fill a permanent, non-voting, ex-officio seat on the Board of Directors. By virtue of AMFS’s Wheeler Opera House management responsibilities for a significant portion of the year, the AMFS representative shall be entitled to participate in any of the activities and deliberations of the Board, but shall not vote. (d) All members of the Board of Directors shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed by majority vote thereof. (e) The Board of Directors is declared not to be a permanent board within the meaning of Section 8.2 of the Charter of the City of Aspen and, therefore, there shall be imposed no age or residency requirement for membership on the Board of Directors nor shall candidates for appointment be required to be qualified electors. Section 2. Severability If any section, subsection sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 3. Public Hearing A public hearing on the ordinance shall be held on the 13th day of November, 2017, in the City Council Chambers, Aspen City Hall, Aspen, Colorado. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED as provided by law by the City Council of the City of Aspen on the 23rd day of October, 2017. ATTEST: ______________________________ ______________________________ Linda Manning, City Clerk Steven Skadron, Mayor P9 I. FINALLY adopted, passed and ordered published this 13th day of November, 20107. ATTEST: _______________________________ ______________________________ Linda Manning, City Clerk Steven Skadron, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ James R. True, City Attorney P10 I.