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100 Leaves
Special Meeting
A$pen Planning and Zoning commi$$ion
December 11, 1979
The A$pen Planning and zoning Corami$$ion held a $pecial meeting on December 11,
1979, at 5:00 P.M., in the City counCil~hamber$' Member$ pre$ent were Olof
Hed$trom, Lee Pardee, Welton Ander$on, ger Hunt, Nancy UcDonnell. Al$o pre-
$ent were Ron Stock, City Attorney and aren smith of the Planning Office.
Olof Hed$trom a$ked for con~ent$ and pre$entation$.
Zoning Enforcement
Karen Smith of the Planning Office $tated $he wa$ a$ked
for a draft of the Re$olution on zoning Enforcement and
pre$ented it for your con$ideration.
TDR Di$cu$$ion
Karen Smith pre$ented the fact$ that thi$ i$ a continued
di$cu$$ion on TDR and a recommendation from the Lodge
A$$ociation to be repre$ented by a member or two of the
Lodge A$$ociation and pre$ent thi$ at thi$ time. Al$o,
P & Z wanted a count of number$ of unit$ that would be
involved in what Cantrup i$ propo$ing concerning the var-
iance tran$fer$ of lodge unit$ when and where they would
occur. It would be appropriate to open the public hearing
at thi$ time with the$e item$.
Bill Dunaway que$tioned that $ome of language in the pro-
pO$ed TDR i$ the $ame a$ in the Hou$ing Overlay and what
happen$ in two ordinance$ like that, do they drop tho$e
out when it i$ found? Ron Stock, City Attorney commented
the rea$on there i$ the $ame language i$ there are into
two $eperate $ection$ and the only clear way to write
tho$e amendment$ i$ to $how that the language $ to be a$
meant. In the fir$t $ection with the FAR change, we tack-
ed on an additional $entence $0 there i$ a duplication of
the beginning of the amendment in that $entence. Then in
the $econd $ection there i$ an additional $entence at the
end of paragraph (al, and at the end of the final docu-
ment that $tate$ that tho$e lodge$ con$tructed a$ part of
the 30% bonu$ would be $ubtracted from the lodge alloca-
tion$ in following year$, $0 that portion wa$ changed and
there wa$ no other clear way to $how that detailed amend-
ment if in fact the TDR'$ were not pa$ted, would have no
effect on the exi$ting language.
Al Bloomque$t pre$ented hi$ $ummary report concerning the
count of number$ of unit$ involved in the variance tran$-
fer of lodge unit$ but $ince information i$ coming in
every day the$e will be refined further. The lodge$ handled
by Management Companie$ and location$ i$ $till not final.
The information from the A$pen Central Re$ervation$ rating
$urvey data and the City Finance Department will do a
compari$on by volume of receipt$ and city $ale$ tax $hould
$how the information needed. At thi$ time it look$ like
about half of the lodging i$ non-conforming.
Ander$on a$ked A$hley what nlliuber of unit$ time$ two are
on line equaling pillow$, are we talking about a$ the
immediate impact to the TDR'$? A$hley an$wered, the total
number of unit$ from our impact to the TDR'$ i$ approx-
imately 96 unit$. There ha$ been $ome concern expre$$ed
about re$triction$ and what i$ the incentive to do any-
thing to maintain the exi$ting lodge$. We propo$e the
following; 1. We have to come before the P & z and the
City Council to be tran$ferred and approve what we are
100 Leaves
Special Meeting
A$pen Planning and Zoning Commi$$ion
December 11, 1979
wanting to do with the propertie$ in que$tion. 2. ~e
are then willing to $ubject to periodical in$pection$ by
the City Hou$ing Director for continued upkeep and con-
cern of employee hou$ing. 3. Then we $hould have ten (10)
daY$ to fix or appeal any problem$ found and if not taken
care within the ten (10) daY$, the city can fix it and
do an a$$e$$ment of any CO$t to U$ and era$e any fear$ to
doing anything other than $tated. 4. The object of all
thi$ to what is happening on the hill, ba$ically the area
i$ around the continental Inn and A$pen Inn and i$ to be
a beautiful fir$t cla$$ conference center, a full 1/3 of
the $pace will be devoted to public conference area$,
with 500 to 600 unit$ in the enter project including the
GMP allocation$ and the TDR program. To ma$ter plan will
be key to TDR program to create conference area$ and
employee hou$ing to compen$ate all need$.
Lee Pardee que$tioned Karen Smith to having a review pro-
cedure $imilar to the one in the Housing Overlay in the
TDR procedure. Karen Smith $tated thi$ would be a good
idea to be put in the TDR a$ in the Overlay criteria.
Welton Ander$on commented that point and the other point$
A$hley brought $hould be incorporated into the Ordinance
with a Zoning Enforcement Officer to enforce the condi-
tion$ of an approval, to maintain continued fundimental
condition$. Al$o, the rea$on for wanting the figure$ from
A$hley in the developement of thi$ ordinance was from the
concern of the lodge owner$ and now we $ee the impact of
tran$ferring 180 unit$ i$ not near the extent we thought
and I can't $ee that there will be $uch an impact.
McDonnell felt it $eem$ by the comment$ made by the $mall
lodge owner$, i$ feeling very threatened becau$e they can
not upgrade more than 10% and then with the TDR'$ they
would be able to be offered huge amount$ of money to $ell
out and pO$$ibly the $mall lodge would become extinct.
Maybe what we $hould be looking at i$ to whether these
$hould be a non-conforming U$e and can we give them $ome
alternative$ to become upgraded and a$ threatened by the
big money.
Olof Hed$trom felt it i$ important that the TDR'$ and an
ordinance e$tabli$hing them need$ con$idered in relation
to the total problem of the lodging industry in A$pen and
in relation to the total community and re$ort area$ need$.
Al$o, it i$ obviou$ the lodging community want$ a work
$e$$ion to work out the que$tion$ and difference$.
Parry Harvey commented he ha$ been working with the Lodging
A$$ociation and feel$ the major concern i$ of inability
to rai$e money to improve the $mall lodge$ to make them
competitive and maintain them a$ lodges. The bank$ do not
like non-conforming U$e$, limited to % that can be remod-
eled and they are looking for method$ for rai$ing the
needed money. The TDR could be an$wer to $mall lodge$
converting to employee hou$ing by $elling and giving fund$
for partial solution.
Bill Dunaway a$ked if it i$ pO$$ible under thi$ ordinance
to $ell off three or four TDR'$ or would it be the whole
lodge? Ron Stock an$wered if you re$trict the property
by ordinance$, you mU$t be very clear and $pecific to do
$0 and make certain the TDR ha$ the value and can not be
100 Leaves
Special l1eeting
A$pen Planninq and Zoninq Commi$$ion
December 11, 1979
$old to $omeone without $tating $uch, but if you are going
to do $0, you have to have a ba$e$.
Klar felt the TDR i$ a good method to $olving many pro-
blems and concern$ by both the lodge community and the
need$ of the overall community, but there $hould be a re-
view involved to protect everyone concerned a$ be$t PO$-
$ible with $ome guideline$. Pardee agreed and felt we
have to deal with each ca$e $eperately and reviewing will
help with parking problem$.
Roger Hunt commented he i$ potentially favorable to the
Cantrupe Project, but concerned about writing an ordinance
that put$ the $mall lodge owner$ in a pO$ition to be
bought up by large concern$ and see no safety factor in
thi$ ordinance a$ yet and will we be able to take care of
$uch problem$ in a review proce$$ and que$tion the writing
a law that i$ $0 general and might loo$e the community of
$mall lodge$ by writing this law to accommodate one pro-
ject. There need$ to be a better way to finding a channel
for thi$ project to go to and do we need to write an ordi-
nance $uch a$ thi$ to accommodate thi$ project. Ron
Stock $tated that our code already allow$ den$ity transfer
and the argument i$ for an ordinance that would have youe
give a bonu$ with FAR a$ well a$ being able to build 30%
more lodge in return for deed re$tricted employee hou$ing.
Do you want to allow them the right to keep the property
and recon$truct a$ employee hou$ing and grant the bonu$?
The que$tion i$ to whether you are going to allow that
incentive bonu$ to make certain a$ to employee hou$ing
rather than $omething el$e. Hunt que$tioned if thi$ i$
de$irable to non-conforming U$e$ then how doe$ it apply
and $hould we get a lodge preservation clau$ along with
this ordinance? Stock an$wered the problem the lodge
community ha$ need$ three or four change$ to be made in
city code$ and ye$ we $hould. Maybe the Growth Manage-
ment Plan i$ a way to give the $mall lodges allocation$
to continue exi$ting.
Helton Ander$on felt the impact of the figure$ provided
$eem to be pO$itive to the effect$ of employee hou$ing
and a method to provide that hou$ing quickly. We need
to $olve the employee hou$ing problem now and review
later the problem$ becau$e the fact$ remain the $ame.
Harvey felt it i$ important to have a$ many $pecific$ of
the TDR outlined in the ordinance for $omeone who i$ con-
$idering doing thi$ can evaluate what hi$ $tati$ might be
before approval i$ given. Shouldn't there be a time
table between the time of creation of lodge room$ and the
creation of employee hou$ing. Thi$ should be included in
the ordinance with defined $pecific$ to in$ure time lag$
from happening for all concerned.
Hunt felt we need to $pecify the bonu$ accuring according
to retention by unit$ or bedroom$, to figure ratio and
redefine unit $0 to balance concept.
Lee Pardee felt once a TDR application ha$ been made,
they need to make a$ many employee unit$ a$ can be done
within the outline and everyone $hould get the $ame bonu$.
100 Leaves
FORII 50 C. F. HOECK~l B. B. 1\ l. co.
Special Heeting
A$pen Planning and Zoninq Commi$$ion
December 11, 1979
and if they don't comply with what we $ee i$ needed then
they don't get the bonus. McDonnell agreed becau$e if
we make it a % of employee unit$ they retain then it
$hould be on the $pace that is being converted to employee
hou$ing and then we can review.
Olof Hed$trom a$ked for$traw vote on Lee'$ recommenda-
tion. Joan Klar agreed and felt there need$ to be the
guideline$ and we can $ee what need$ to be changed at the
time$ nece$$ary. Parry Harvey agreed and to jU$tify the
purcha$e of the lodge and the renovation to employee
housing, you have to give the economic incentive of that
bonu$. Olof Hed$trom al$o agreed and felt the $implicity
and directne$$ of thi$ is good. Welton Ander$on commented
there i$ already a TDR in exi$tence in our code $tating
if you have 14 lodge unit$ over here you can build 14
lodge unit$ over there and the review criteria procedure
will help but, legally now exi$t unit to unit transfer.
Roger Hunt agreed but, argued a$ to the employee hou$ing
unit$ being rental unit$ then the city $hould retain the
right not to allow condominiumization.
Olof Hed$trom que$tioned the i$$ue of condominiumization
and a$ked for $traw vot~concerning thi$ i$$ue. Parry
Harvey agreed the condo i$$ue and employee hou$ing with
TDR's and $upport the principal of condominiumization for
the owner and in$ure the upkeep. Lee Pardee felt the $ug-
ge$tion of having the ability of retaining the condominium
approval privilege in the ordinance in the future. Harvey
agreed he ha$ no problem with that concept.
Ron Stock commented that ParrY'$ propo$al$ might be already
included in the documentation but the requirement i$ that
newly created dwelling unit$, the deed re$tricted one$,
mU$t be in compliance with all current adopted building
code$. There i$ a problem however, with taking the lodge
unit$ off the market and under thi$ proce$$ thi$ ordi-
nance wa$ drafted with the idea of recon$tructing the
lodge unit$ into re$idential dwelling unit$ then deed re-
$trict them then after all i$ done and the CO i$ i$$ued
then would have to write the building permit on the lodge.
Olof Hed$trom que$tioned the concern of $ub$equent condo-
miniumization of the employee hou$ing and wi$h to make
$ure thi$ comes before U$ at time of origin. Stock com-
mented, what you really want i$ the property owner to give
you a covenant that run$ with the land for the benefit of
the city that $aY$ they can't condominiumize without city
approval and that approval plu$~re$t in the $ound di$cre-
tion of the city. A court would probably uphold that
agreement with a contract of $pecial developement to give
a balancing effect. We can a$$ume that in one of the
next two $e$$ion$ of the General A$$embly, that they will
adopt a $tate gtatutethat will include any city of deny-
ing any condominiumization or controlling it in any manor,
much le$$ having anyone $ubmit an application to you.
Thi$ ha$ come before and will again, it'$ called the
Uniform Condominium Act, and it will be pa$$ed eventually.
Lee Pardee commented that even if that $tatute pas$e$,
thi$ is a contract $tating we will give the TDR'$ if
agreed not to condominiumize, that $hould remove it from
the relm of the $tatute. Ron stock $tated that actually
it may $tart the concept of a$king for $eperate contract$
100 Leaves
Special !1eeting
A$pen Planning and Zoning Commi$$ion
December 11, 1979
on every developement right.
Welton Ander$on commented he felt we need $omething like a
contract for the rea$on to deny condominiumization and
maybe jU$t the Inclu$ion of the word in the title of thi$
Ordinance, deed re$tricted rental hou$ing, may give U$ the
$afeguard including the contract.
Olof Hed$trom a$ked for a poll on whether we will require
a preference for a whole project in the total lodge or
not and find that we do not want to $tate a preference of
that kind in the ordinance.
Karen Smith $tated there i$ the item of the draft of the
TDR provide$ a FAR increa$e, which i$ greater than that
which you are con$idering for the Hou$ing Overlay. It
$aY$ under the Housing Overlay you can go up to a 1.25
to 1 FAR and with u$ing the tran$ferable developement
right$, thi$ provision $aY$ you may go up to 1.50 to 1.
by $pecial review. Thi$ i$ a bigger FAR in the lodge
di$trict and we added thi$ language and that i$ by $pecial
review perhaps matters could be con$idered ca$e by ca$e
ba$e$. What i$ important is that you are offering three
incentive$ through thi$ provi$ion; 1.) 1.3 to 1 bonu$
lodge unit$, 2.) 1.25 to 1 through the employee hou$ing
overlay in term$ of an FAR incentive, 3.) 1.5 to 1 i$ the
ceiling with and may approve a$ to limit.
Olof Hed$trom a$ked to $tate in the ordinance a$ to 1.5
a$ the limit and may approve a$ to limit and all agreed.
Lee Pardee asked for a $tatement $aying the parking i$ of
great concern and the review criteria will con$ider the
neighborhood of the to be converted unit, and that criteria
requirement$ maybe part of what run$ with the land. To
add to the concern$ of the commis$ion, Olof Hed$trom
$tated the immediate and continued impact on the neighbor-
hood ri$ing from the condition and upkeep, the mainte-
nance and appearance of the employee hou$ing.
Olof Hed$trom commented that thi$ ordinance open$ the
door for the ab$orbtion of all the $mall lodge$ and to
find a $olution to the $mall lodge, it will only work
by ending them, thi$ di$courage$ it and we don't want
to do thi$. The only off$et would be $trong and affir-
mative action of a LOdging Pre$ervation and I will vote
for thi$ a$ amended and revi$ed with $ome in$urance that
rapid and pO$itive action toward$ the pre$ervation of the
$mall lodge$ be pU$hed. All agreed with thi$ matter.
Roger Hunt moved to table action
have a complete and correct copy
Nancy McDonnell $econded, all in
to Tue$day, and until we
of the TDR to approve.
favor. Motion approved.
Lee Pardee moved to adjourn the
All in favor, motion approved.
7:25 P.M.
meeting, Hunt $econded.
Meeting adjourned at
Sandi Meredith, Deputy City Clerk