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100 Leaves
fORM 'I C. F. HOrCKEL B. e. I> L C.),
Reqular Meeting
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
April 22, 1980
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on April 22,
1980 at 5:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Olof
Hedstrom, Lee Pardee, Nancy McDonnell and Welton Anderson. Also present were
Ron Stock, City Attorney, Curt Stewart of the County Transportation Department,
Hans Gramiger of Aspen, Lennie Oates, Attorney, Giddeon Kaufmann, Attorney,
Jack Little of Aspen and Karen Smith of the Planning Office and Sunny Vann and
Ashley Anderson, Attorney.
Approval of
Olof Hedstrom commented that the commission still has a
few old minutes to be approved and would like to cover
these in one motion. Minutes of November 20, 1979, on
page 1, last paragraph, fifth line from the bottom, the
word may should be nay. Minutes of December 18, 1979,
again in all meetings where it says I have made motions,
it should say I have entertained motions, and the name
missing is Jack Little. Minutes of January 22, 1980,
there are no corrections needed. Minutes of February 5,
1980, again instead of my making motions, I entertained
motions, also page 1, paragraph 2, on should be and. I
will entertain a motion to approve all the minutes stated
with the corrections mentioned, the minutes of November
20, 1979, December 18, 1979, January 22, 1980 and February
5, 1980. Nancy McDonnell so moved. Lee Pardee seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Olof Hedstrom asked if all have received Perry Harvey's
letter stating that he and the rest of this commission
have been named in a law suit filed by the Institute.
"I am personally and monetarially liable in any resolu-
tion on behalf of the Institute. I find it unconscio-
nable that a volunter appointee being personally liable
in this action, is non the less, the current statis.
The Institute has not indicated approval to constitute
a settlement of this suit. My consideration of the
Institute application and any subsequent vote may be
tainted by both my desire to placate the applicant with
a generous approval and my emotional reaction being
named in the suit. Any further involvment on my part
can not improve my position but would definitely increase
my exposure. My untenable situation renders me involun-
tarily impotent. Therefore I must obstain from all dis-
cussion and sUbsequent voting on this application."
Olof Hedstrom asked the other members how they felt on
this matter?
Lee Pardee commented that he had talked with an attorney
and since I had never voted on one Institute proceeding,
and for every reason Perry has mentioned, plus the fact
that I have not done any, I certainly will not start now.
So as long as there is a suit that I am named personally
and monetarially liable, I will also obstain.
Welton Anderson commented that he needed to talk to
Council first.
Nancy McDonnell commented that she is involved in this
matter but has no comment at this time.
Ron Stock stated that as council for the City of Aspen,
that there is no personal liability for a member acting
on a voluntary commission for decisions made but the
court has not dismissed you as individual parties. I
beleive that my interpertation is that you do not now
have nor can you ever have personal liability. If I am
incorrect, and you do have personal liability for the
F ORM'~ C. F. HOECK f L a. 8. 8: l. C ,l.
, .
100 Leaves
Regular Meeting
Highway Alignment
Curt Stewart
Hans Gramiger
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
April 22, 1980
action that you have already taken, whether or not you
consider anything further, is certainly not going to
effect that. I advised Perry that when he took this
office and agreed to perform the duties of it, he ex-
cepted the responsibility and that the City expects that
he would infact do his duty in the jOb that he has agreed
to perform. I can certainly understand the frustrations
that he has exhibited and perhaps each and everyone of you
have, for being named personally in a law suit. The court
has not seen fit to dismiss you and we will be filing a
further motion for your dismissal, so this proposal, that
maybe a settlement/taNgo through the process and we would
ask that if you are going to obstain,that at least you
would appear and be present to constitute a quorum so the
commission may go forward with it's work. We have asked
the Institute to reconsider their position and as a sign
of good faith, to dismiss those claims. We will have an
answer before the public hearing scheduled on May 13, 1980.
Olof Hedstrom commented that we had a fine presentation
from Hans Gramiger and information from Curt Stewart on
first hearing at the April 8, 1980 meeting. Olof asked
Karen Smith what kind of action might be appropriately
taken at this time? Karen Smith stated that there is
not a formal issue but make a statement in resolution
format for the City Council, considered as advisory only.
I beleive Curt Stewart could bring you up to date on the
progress that he has made since the last meeting but no
final answers or recommendations will result from this
but allows for more information.
Curt Stewart commented that he had a meeting with the
District Engineer and spoke with two of the County Com-
missioner's about the alignment alternatives and they
felt the Main Street extension made the most sense and
with the busway and received a positive response from
the District Engineer. He then stated this proposal
needs to be taken to the Executive Director of the High-
way Department, Kisslinger and find out of the impact
this would have on the work the preliminary studies we
want to do to bring this thing about. The response at
this time on that is nothing and a decision to proceed
with more money and actual preliminary engineering work
to see if the design feasibility is there or not. The
concern is over the open space and needs the City to
designate the alignment for this use. The direction this
commission should take would be to get the Highway Depart-
ment active first in their actions.
Hans Gramiger commented that this issue has been brought
before the community before because of the Hospital
Emergency Vehicles and it was in the hands of the County
P & Z. Now we have annexed the land and it is in your
hands and the Highway Department wants an encouragement
from the community, but need the government of the City
to establish the needs. There will be a few people in
the community to complain but they will be compensated
and will be satisfied. The Highway Department needs a
formaw statement from the City, to help with the problem
of all the red tape they will have to go through.
We do have a traffic problem with five things as the 7th
and Mason corner, the Forest corner, the bridge itself,
the Cementary Lane and the interchange between Maroon
100 Leaves
Regular Meeting
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
April 22, 1980
Repeal of Section
20-22 (c) & (d)
Aspen Skiing Corp-
oration Public
Creek/Castle Creek/Hwy. 82 , all have to be solved local-
ly without any commitment to the four lanes from town to
Nancy McDonnell commented that she wished to move in a
positive direction to do something about the Highway
system but, I don't feel that I have enough information
to make a clear judgement.
Lee Pardee commented concern of how the busway came into
existence and after an explanation, he felt he has no
objections to approving this matter.
Olof Hedstrom questioned if a formal action was called
for and since not then he asked the Planning Office to
prepare a letter to Council stating the P & Z's interest
and position as expressed so then to take action.
Karen Smith commented that this proposal of alternative
to the current code rules on Condominiumization as they
look at displacement as they reguard the impact on the
housing supply of this community. I have had a chance
to look at other communities and the proposed code
amendments that have been adopted and particularly in
California, and find there are thousands of different
proposals and non totally appropriate to this community.
I would like to ask this commission to drop this item
from the agenda at this time with the promise that we
will bring this back on May 20th and in the interm the
Planning Office will do a study of the Condominiumiza-
tions that have occured to see in fact how they are
being used, and bring back a compromised proposal.
Olof Hedstrom commented that we would appreciate hearing
this matter again after more consideration.
Sunny Vann of the Planning Office introduced the Condi-
tional Use Application of the Aspen Skiing Corporation
which wishes to construct a ticket sales facility adje-
cent to the Little Nell Building. The building is ap-
proximately 10' X 22', to be utilized primarily for
the sale tickets and some minor office use or adminis-
trative use. The parcel of property this is on is zoned
Conservation, and requires conditional approval based
on conditions stated in my memorandum dated April 17,
1980 and the Engineering Departments memorandum dated
April 17, 1980. The City Attorney also concurs with
our recommendations.
Linnie Oates, Attorney for the Aspen Skiing Corporat~on,
explained the size of the building should be 12' x 24'
and hopefully this would not cause any problem.
Olof Hedstrom entertained a motion that the Aspen Skiing
Corporation construction of a 12' X 24' approximate,
ticket sales office as shown on the proposed plan as a
conditional use in the Conservation Zone and approval is
conditioned on the satisfaction of the Engineering De;
partment's conditions listed in their memorandum of
April 17, 1980. Lee Pardee, so moved. Nancy McDonnell
seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
FORM \! C. F. HOEC~fL B. B. II l. C,l.
100 Leaves
Regular Meeting
captain's Anchorage
Conditional Use
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
April 22, 1980
Sunny Vann of the Planning Office introduced the request
of modification and expansion of the Captain's Anchorage
Restaurant, which is in a L-l Zone with a conditional
use review and approval required. The previous approvals
have been conditioned on the applicant renovating the
restaurant in such a fashion to make the entire complex
compatible with the zoning regulations primarily the open
space requirement and the floor area ratios that are appli-
cable in that L-l Zone. There was an agreement executed
between the City Attorney and Mr. Cantrup, stating the
stipulations under which that renovation would take place.
The Planning Office finds that the expansion of the struc-
ture is consistent with the zoning code requirements and
the proposed use is consistent with the objectives of the
zoning district and therefore recommends approval sUbject
to the stipulations in the memorandum from the Planning
Office dated April 18, 1980 and the agreement executed by
the City Attorney and Mr. Cantrup.
Ashley Anderson, Attorney, stated he has no problem with
the requests.
Giddeon Kaufman commented he is representing the Aspen Alps
and their concern of the traffic situation on South Spring
Street, which is a busy street during the day time. If
the lobby is not allowed to be used from So. Spring St.,
then the traffic situation can be better controlled.
Olof Hedstrom questioned how the remodeling would increase
the traffic and congestion on South Spring St.?
Jack Little explained that the parking on Spring St. this
year has had the parking eliminated because of the con-
gestion and we do not have a problem with this and we all
have our own parking areas. Olof Hedstrom questioned if
it is an advantage or disadvantage to have the entrance
to the restaurant the same as to the lobby? Jack stated
the hotel is closed four months a year, so I have to have
a seperate entrance to gain access to the Anchorage. It
does not harm me or do me any good and I have no objection
to this.
Jerry Hewing, manager of the Aspen Alps, commented that
there has been a problem with So. Spring St., and also
a saftey problem and the impact with the additional traffic
could become hazardous.
Lee Pardee moved that the Captain's Anchorage be consi-
dered an appropriate conditional use in the L-l Zone,
provided that the final plans be consistent with the area
and bulk requirements of the L-l Zone, which will be de-
termined at the time of sUbmitting for a building permit.
That the plans also be consistent with the agreement
drawn-up between Hans Cantrup and the City Attorney, con-
cerning the open space and parking and that the bus pro-
blem on South Spring St. and/or Durant St., be worked out
between the applicant and Aspen Alps and the City Engineer
prior to the pulling of the building permit of the expan-
sion of a conditional use in the L-l Zone, and if an agree-
ment is not worked out, the applicant and the contestors
will come before the P and Z and we will work it out, how-
ever a building permit will not be granted until this is
done. Nancy McDonnell seconded the motion. All in favor,
motion carried.
FORM" C. F. HOECKEL a. B. Ii l. ~,).
1 00 Leaves
Regular Meeting
Fisher Subdivision
Carters' Venture
Independence Re-
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
April 22, 1980
Giddeon Kaufman requested this item be tabled indefinitely.
Olof Hedstrom entertained a motion to table
the Fisher Subdivision Exemption, item 5 A.
so moved, Nancy McDonnell seconded. All in
action on
Lee Pardee
favor, motion
Sunny Vann introduced the Carters' Venture Subdivision
Exemption, Lot 21, West Aspen Subdivision, Filing #1,
1500 Homestake Drive. This is a proposed duplex in an
R-15 Zone. The Engineering Department recommends approval
subject to the revisions of the improvement survey listed
in the memorandum dated April 11, 1980 and it's resubmis-
sion prior to being placed on the City Council agenda.
The applicant also shall be required to join a curb, gutter
and sidewalk improvement district in the event one is
formed. City Attorney recommends approval subject to six-
month minimum leases with no more than two shorter tenan-
cies in a calendar year. The Planning Office recommends
approval subject to the conditions outlined in the Engi-
neering Department's memorandum with the additional sti-
pulation that the proposed duplex be subject to the six-
month minimum lease restriction of Section 20-22 of the
Municipal Code.
Welton Anderson asked to step down due to conflict of
Nancy McDonnell recommended approval of the CArters'
Venture Subdivision Exemption subject to the Engineering
Department's memorandum dated April 11, 1980 and the
stipulation that the proposed duplex be subject to the
six-month minimum lease restrictions. Lee Pardee
seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Sunny Vann introduced the Independence Rezoning Subdivi-
sion Approval request and stated this was adopted by the
City Council in Ordinance 31 of June 11, 1979, which
rezoned Lots 4, 5 and 6 from R-15 to R-6. In addition,
the Council approved the recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Commission for a subdivision exception in con-
nection with the creation of two larger parcels, Lots 4A
and SA, from the three smaller lots. The applicant, upon
receipt of Council approval for subdivision exception,
failed to record the final plat within the specified
time frame and failure to do so requires he get approval
again from P and Z and approval again from City Council.
The Engineering Department has reviewed the re-submitted
plat and recommends approval subject to the applicant
complying with the stipulations outlined in the Depart-
ment's memorandum dated April 4, 1979. Also required
is that the plat be revised to include updated signature
blocks and a surveyor's signature and seal prior to re-
cording. The Planning Office concurs with the Engineer-
ing Department's stipulations and recommends approval
subject to the above conditions.
Olof Hedstrom entertained a motion to recommend approval
of the preliminary plat of the Independence Rezoning Sub-
division, subject to the Engineering Department's memoran-
dum and requirements dated April 4, 1979. Nancy McDonnell
so moved. Lee Pardee seconded. All in favor, motion
100 Leaves
Aspen Planning and Zoning commission
April 22, 1980
Regular Meeting
Aspen Martial Arts
& Dance Studio Use
Sunny Vann introduced the request for the Planning and
Zoning Commission's interpretation of permitted uses in
the S/C/I Zone. There is not a memorandum in the packets
because this was included at the last minute due to a
request by the City Attorney. The history surrounding
this application is that the applicant had approached the
City seeking to secure space for a dance studio in the
Plum Tree and when the litigation involving the Plum Tree
came about and the Studio has made arrangements to lease
space in the Obermeyer building which is in an S/C/I Zone.
According to the Code, the Studio usage falls under the
Office Zone of conditional uses but not in the S/C/I Zone
of permitted uses. This is a problem of extenuating cir-
cumstances and in all actuality should be included in the
code for permitted uses in the S/C/I Zone. The Planning
Office recommends and concludes that the dance studio
usage should be a determined usage and be included in the
permitted uses in the S/C/I Zone with the condition of
reviewing each applicant in the future for such determina-
tion in the S/C/I Zones.
Ashley Anderson commented that the use of the Martial Arts
and Dance Studio is of less intensity than the uses stated
in the S/C/I Zone at present.
Lee Pardee moved to except the Aspen Martial Arts and
Dance Studio as a conditional use in the S/C/I Zone and
this usage be as described in Garfield & Hecht's letter
to the Planning and Zoning Commission dated April 17, 1980.
Nancy McDonnell seconded the motion. All in favor, motion
Lee Pardee moved to enter act procedure to amend the zoning
code to include a dance studio and martial arts as a per-
mitted use in the S/C/I Zone. Nancy McDonnell seconded
the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Lee Pardee moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
Nancy McDonnell seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned
at 7:00 P.M. All in favor.
cdawL ~oritiu
Deputy City Clerk