HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19810804 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves fOR'" \~ t. F. HOECKEL 8. B. a l. co. Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission, Regular Meeting, August 4, 1981 The Aspen Pl^nning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on August 4, 1981. Olof Hedstrom called the meeting to order with members Welton Anderson, Perry Harvey, Roger Hunt, Joan Klar, Jasmine Tygre and Al Bloomquistpresent. Commissioners' Comments Roger Hunt commented on Airport Development Plan. He stated that there is nothing in the plan that will improve the weather ability of that Airport. He also said the new plan basicly either all the Air port proxy for Airport type activity There is essentially no space ~eft availabe for any other type of transportation facility. Alan Richman of the Planning Office asked if the Board would like to change the meeting dates for the month of Sept. Planning office recommends to change tae meetings from the 1st and 15th of Sept. to Sept. 8th and 22nd. Joan Klar made a motion to move. Al Boomquist seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes Joan Klar moves to approve Perry seconded the motion. Joan Klar moves to approve Al Bloomquist seconded the carried. Olof Hedstrom saked that at the next meeting the Board take action on all the minutes of previous meetings. (Feb.lO, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 17th.) Joan Klar commented that minutes should come at head of each packet. Alan Richman assured the Board that the Clerk's Office is trying to catch up. the minutes of June 9, 1981. All in favor. Motion carried. the minutes of July 21, 1981. motion. All in favor. Motion Planning Process Rio Grande Sunny Vann commented that there is a slight mix up. They could not complete their modifications until sometime over the weekend. They approached us today knowing the Planning office did not have an opportunity to review them. he Planning office is asking if the Board will allow them to be placed on the end of the agenda. At that time they will show the changes that have been made. Olof stated he, personally, is inclined not to except it. Joan Klar said she thinks the p&Z can go ahead with Sunny's suggestion. Sunny stated there is nothing tb preclude an applicant from petitioning to be heard. Jasmine Tygre arrived and Sunny reviewed the discussion of 8040 Greenline Review. The majority of the Board members decided not to hear the changes of the 8040 Greenline Review. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves fORflI11 C.F.HOECKELD.B.lll.CO. Page 2 Aspen Plann~ng and Zon~ng Comm~ss1on, August 4, lY~l PLANNING PROCESS RIO GRANDE Elizabeth Holekamp presented a series of overlay maps. The first presentation was on the Landuse and Ownership map. One problem isthat the City needs more room from the County and the County needs more room from the City. It is suggested the the County give back property to the O'Danes so that O'Dane can work out an agreement with the City. This map also shows the Task Force recommendation for Land Use. The map shows the existing utilities on the site with a surface water and the street run-oof water. This is a visual analysis map that shows the use that is both posi- tive and negative use. Example( landscaping for a more asthetic appeal.) Existing traffic circulation and parking spaces that are existing and in need were discussed. Elizabeth showed another map which shows the transportation that is occuring throughout the entire town and how this would relate to the Rio Grande property. Elizabeth pointed out how Rubey Park as'a transportation terminal and how that would work out with a shuttle bus to the parking facility on the Rio Grande if Rio Grande were not to have a transportation system. It shows the train coming through and it stops at the Sanitation facility , but she will show on an alter- nate map what it will look like if it came across Mill Street right into a transit terminal. Olof Hedstom commented that there is no indication how these im- provements will take place. The Planning and Zoning Commission takes a break to review the maps. Elizabeth stated that some of the maps would be more detailed in the final presentation. Elizabeth continues to discuss the plans. The next plan shows an em- phasis on transportation. A Law Enforcement facilty was added on onE side giving it access on a certain side from Spring Street. We included the Lihrary on one plan but not on another.. Elizabeth showed what the rail easemnet would do if it came in through a particular area. Another plan shows a restaurant and an existing metal building would be removed and that area would be used for parking. Olof Hedstom asked Elizabeth to elaborate a little more. Elizabeth stated that a Law Enforcement partially underground, the office would come up so that you would enter a large terrace and you would have buildings on three sides and all of the area would open onto open sace.This plan included commercial office and residential There is a request from the Visual Arts Center for parking which they have not given to the Task Force. Housing is need for the Performing Arts Center visiting performers. Offices are needed for all of the arts groups from the Wheeler. The Aspen Lumber Co. The Stagecoach Builing are down on this site. The little barns could be used for the horse Taxi. Fritz Benedict siad he wanted to show the difference between the Task Force plan and the one that was presented by Elizabeth. One essential differnece is that there is no commercial along Mill Street and he feels it is importantto make a connection between and existing Commercial Up-Town with Commercial Down-Town. Rather than being only a parking structure there would be shopping along Mill. Fritz corected a statement made by Elizabeth on the Request from the Visual Arts Center. She said they wanted parking but meant to say Apartments. Al Bloomquist said he would like to see the third alternative that was suggested for the Performing Arts Center developed. Elizabeth asked where he would want the access planning to the Stlage- House? Al said I think you run down from Obermeyer with a little narrow Bicyclec trail. 14 feet wide and create non-architecture in the park - Al Bloomquist continued by saying the bicycle trail is by the river, in the forest, and it is part of the mountain experience. Al feels that if it is put by the Obermeyer Building it would be an enormous eyesore. Furthermore Al does not see any through traffic for the Sheriff's. (unless it is put on the O'Dane property) Fritz Benedict said there will be a need for Inter-City buses to come down there. The large Plaza Area with beautiful landscaping is a very exciting idea with many other Civic things going on there outside of the Theatre says Fritz. Perry Harvey asked if any thing was set up for the negotiations or acquisitions of land and the trades, etc. is any of this being pursued? Perry stated that one thing that came out of the Task Force was obviously was that your hands are really tied if you can't negotiate at least in concept., the acquisition of those key parcels. (Such as Cap's,an automotive store.) Elizabeth said there was a small percent being paid tothe City. Perry asked what the height , in the right hand plan, of the Performing Arts Center would be. Elizabeth said probably 79.60 Perry asked what are the concepts and priorities of the new plan. Fritz commented that the the perfor~ing arts group want to get the land pinned down first. Perry said he would like to see more done with the river area to attract more attention. Roger Hunt said reducing the load at the airport by having an air- port transportation center where it becomes the airlines respon- sibility to transfer the passenger from the transportation center to the airport. Roger prefers the location of the performing arts center as illustrated in the left hand plan. Joan Klar said she really likes the idea of the parking plan and the terrace. Roger Hunt asked for clarification of Intra- city or inter-city? Sunny said that the Rio Grande is probably the most appropriate place for out of town buses to park. Joan Klar is very concered about the development of mass transit systems. !{hen we are looking at excellent routeing on buses to bring people into the city and into the lodging district on some reg ular basis; Will Ruby park and RioGrande be able to accomodate those kinds of systems. Sunny said that there are two problems with Ruby park: The nature of the activity are not necessarily compatible and second you have physical limitations. You will never be able to accomodate it all there. Olof Hedstrom stated that he has never heard anything that indicates that such a system exists. In considering the RioGrande you have to keep certain options open to provide those things that are still in question Sunny said that what you need is a general concensus on how it is going to function. Jasmine Tygre said that the transit facility on parking access is on Mill or Main but not fvom Spring. I am concerned with what is happening to Mill street in this plan. Jasmine thinks that the Performing Arts center would have better access Here(she uses illustration reffering to Spring St.) Perry Harvey said he thinks the consensus on the Commission is probably that anything that would go in on the lower side of Spring St. would be neighborhood commercial and or SCI. The major problem with that whole area down there is in no sense the Tourists it's the local driving to the Post Office. Olof Hedstrom asked for a brief re-cap of the Commisssion members. Al Bloomquist would like to see the third alternative developed. Perry Harvey is opposed to that, he wants to see the Performing Arts center in favor in moving on to the next step on the left hand plan. Roger Hunt prefers the Performing Arts Center up on the South West corner. His alternative for location would be more in line with AI's feeling. Concerning the parking facility He wishes it would be included in design for parking facility the ability to change from one transportation facilty to another. He also feels a building like this one would be SCI uses . Olof Hedstrom likes the left hand plan.It supplys a view and open space and a pleasant area close to the buildings. Olof Hedstrom . . RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORill'O C.F.HOECKELB.a.&L.CO. Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission -4- August 4, 1981 said the planning must avoid closing the door to some unknown future trans- portation plans. Ms. Klar said she would like to see as few buildings on the Rio Grande as possible; it is a very special area. Blomquist said he would like to see the transportation center based at the airport rather than on the Rio Grande. Ms. Tygre said if there is going to be a parking garage on the Rio Grande, it should be as accessible from as many points as possible. Ms. Tygre said she prefers the plan on the left, is very much opposed to commercial building on Mill street. ASPEN SKI CORP SMOWMAKING - Amendment to 8040 Greenline - Richman said at the last meeting, P & Z took action and the City Attorney is requested this be ratified at a regular meeting. Hunt moved to ratify previous action regarding the snowmaking amendment to the 8040 greenline; seconded by Ms. Tygre. All in favor, motion carried. STURGIS/THOMSON SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION - (Lot Line Adjustment) Alan Richman, planning office, told Council this is on Roaring Fork Road, zoned R-15. One parcel is 25,000 square feet; the other is 40,000 square feet. The request is to permit a boundary adjustment based on consenting landowners wish to construct a fence. P & Z has just seen an ordinance which provides specific mechamisms for lot line adjustments. The bottom line is that the adjustment not create any additional development rights or provide a way to get around GMP by creating a lot. The planning office review shows this cannot occur. The existing houses are shown on the site plan. The exemption is appropriate and meets the new criteria. The engineering department has some items to be included on the plat. Richman said the adjustment does bring one structure into compliance for the side yard setback. The staff is recommending approval with the engineering department conditions on the plat. Hunt moved to approve the lot line adjustment as it conforms with the new criteria, conditioned upon the planning office memorandum for the Sturgis/ Thomson property; seconded by Harvey. All in favor, motion carried. ASPEN MOUNTAIN PARK PRELIMINARY PLAT - RESOLUTION Alan Richman, planning office, told P & Z he made an inspection of the park with the electrical inspector regarding undergrounding the park. There is a requirement in the resolution that no overhead wiring shall be permitted. The cost is about $90,000. Some of the overhead wiring presently is too close the the roofs of the trailers; there is undergrounding immediately east of the park. (Harvey stepped down from the discussion). The Commission agreed with the undergrounding provision. Hunt said he is opposing this resolution for two reasons. One is the new development is not in accordance with the Mobile Home park code, specifically relating to open space. Two, because this is being condominiumized, anyone will have to deal with 17 separate owners rather than one. Hunt said this will be a tremendous visual impact. Bob Hughes, representing the applicant, said the areas the new development does not comply with the mobile home park code are identified in the preliminary plat submission. Hughes said as far as open space, there is a top triangle piece that is going to the county for open space. Hughes said he would work on the condominium docu- ment so they are as flexible as possible. Blomquist said the P & Z should state that undergrounding is desirable throughout the city and it should be obtained whenever possible. Blomquist moved to approve the Resolution 81-9 as written; seconded Klar. Hunt entered into the record his previous three points. All favor, with the exception of Hunt. Ms. Tygre and Harvey abstained. carried. by Ms. in Motion _."'....,._-", ~.___,__...'...'___r..-...._.,.,._;_.....,..,.....",_ ""---......".. . . ~ -"'_'~--"""."';"'-'-' Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission August 4, 1981 PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT - EXEMPTION TO GMP 85:15 - City Attorney Taddune told P & Z,he has been meeting with the attorney representing the applicant and they have not come to an agreement to the effect of this resolution. Taddune said until he can determine if this code amendment is necessary, he would request tabling. Hunt moved to table the code amendment to the next regular meeting; seconded by Ms. Klar. Ms. Klar said she would like a whereas added saying, "future settlement agreements or negotiations should not have a negative impact on the land use policies, i. e. lack of consistency or difficulty with interpretation". Taddune agreed, but in this situation there was a concern that very valuable employee units be retained within the community. Taddune said this problem is unique. All in favor, motion carried. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT - RESIDENTIAL GMP - Alan Richman, planning office, told P & Z some of the categories in public and social facilities section are no longer appropriate, and there is no way to evaluate them. Richman said the staff is recommending changing the formulas, as well as some employee housing issues, such as displacement. Richman pointed to the existing Code and the section on availability of social facilities and services, which has a maximum of 14 points, 2 each in 7 sections. Richmans said police protection is essentially the same allover town and is difficult to evaluate. There are no recycling facilities. Design features for the handicap is very hard to deal with. Richman said these points are not related to the formula and some of the points are inappropriate. Richman said this section should be reorganized so the points P & Z give make sense if service is really improved, or they should be related to design. Richman wented over the changed formula, which is the same of the new commercial GMP formula. The six categories, water, sewer, storm drainage, fire,parking and roads are currently in the Code; the seventh category, energy, is not a public service and has been moved into the design category. The P & Z all agreed this change is important and should be redone on this formula. Richman said the second category is "quality of design" and includes several areas previously included in social facilities. The formula is 0 to 3 and the features rated are neighborhood compatibility; site design; energy, and amenities. Blomquist suggested adding "orientation and landscaping" into the energy section. Richman said in amenities, the P & Z has always looked at bicycles ways and trails but has not looked at open space. Blomquist said he would like to see open space, green space as a separate category. The Commission was in favor of giving open space a separate category. Richman said the category "proximity to support services" evaluates public transportation and community commercial facilities. This would give 4 points if a project is right on a bus route, or adjacent to the commercial facility. Hedstrom opened the public hearing. Spencer Schiffer questioned what criteria would be used to establish the distance from the above-referenced facilities. If a GMP application is submitted and two weeks later the bus route is changed, what happens. The Commission agreed there should be a standard defined area to be served by public transportation. Commission agreed "based on the bus route at the time of an application" would be reasonable. Vann said the issue is those projects which are located in areas which require the minimal outlay of public expenditures in order to provide essential services are the most attractive. ... .;' -...--.--,.""..... -,~",~-,,-"<-'-'-~"'~>"----"- RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM ~l C. F.. HOECK EL B. 8. Ii l. CO. Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning commission -6- August 4, 1981 Richman said the points in the employee housing section have not been changed. An existing policy has been clarified one per cent of the total development shall mean one percent of the total floor area and one percent of the total number of bedrooms within the development. The commission has always inter- preted that to mean the more limiting of the two. Mark Danielsen said he feels there are problems with this; it is a hardship on developers to provide employee housing, which he must subsidize with free market units. Harvey said the Commission has a hard time determining the exact number of employees generated. Vann explained this means to take the ratio of employee bedrooms to free market bedrooms; the ratio of employee floor area to free market floor area - the lower of the two is used in computing the formula. Vann said in the residential GMP competition, the points in employee housing are based on the type of income housing provided. The lower the guidelines, the more points scored. This has worked in the past. Blomquist said he would favor less than 40 points; perhaps 30 - 35. Hedstrom agreed. Ms. Tygre agreed with 40; Hunt agreed as did Anderson. Harvey said he was amenable to change depending upon the proposal. Hedstrom said there is too much emphasis on employee housing, too many concessions being granted to the detriment of the city. Richman said section 5 is provision for unique financing, which points are above the threshold. The staff has not worked with the housing office to see if these are valid ideas. Harvey said this may be hard to monitor and enforce is an applicant gets points on financing 95 percent or 100 percent of the employee housing. Vann said there should be some points if the applicant attempts to provide some financing; this section needs revisions. Richman said this adds the same provision as in commercial GMP to clarify the reason might question the scoring; a challenge has to be filed within 14 days, and the only basis for that challenge. Richman said the applicant's previous performance gets a minus 5 points in commercial. Richman said the staff feels that if a residential applicant has not gotten a building permit within two years, they should not qualify for competition. A minus five points out of a total of 96 would be inconsequential. Richman has recommended language on which the planning office shall reject any application. The Commission requested seeing this again. Hedstrom continued the public hearing on the proposed code amendment - residential GMP to the next regular meeting. Harvey moved to adjourn at 8:05 p.m.; seconded by Hunt. All in favor, motion carried. !!au, Clerk