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100 Leaves
fORM \~ C. f.1l0ECKH B. D. II L. co.
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
August 24, 1982
Perry Harvey called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Fallin, Jasmine Tygre, Lee Pardee, Welton Anderson,
present. This meeting was a special meeting.
with Roger Hunt, Pat
and Al Blomquist
Relocation of
Building Dept.
Conditional Use
Perry continued this conitional use hearing from the
last regular meeting explaining that this conditional
use for this public use is legal under the zoning cOde.
It does not do anyth1ng to effectivly change the zoning.
colette Penne, Plann1ng,said that everyone in the Upper
Elementary School has been notified that the proper procedure
for occupancy is to apply for a conditional use,
providing that they qualify. If they dO not qual1fy
they will have to vacate the premises with the
expiration of the lease on August 31. However,
the bU1ld1ng department is going through the process
Perry opened and closed the Publ1C Hear1ng.
Perry confirmed that the Planning off1ce had recommended
a period of one year for a cond1tional use. The other
possib1lity would be to approve a shorter term.
Colette said that the applicant's lease was for 6U days.
At the end of th1S period the Planning Office and the
Commission would have a compDhensive view of the buildings'
potent1al and can dec1de an appropr1ate time frame for
all of the uses.
Lee Pardee said that he would be in favor of approving
a 60 day t1me period for the conditional use. This
would give the Commission an idea of the Building Department's
impact on the ne1ghborhood.
B1ll Dreuding, Building Department, sa1d that the department
had already invested 9,OUO dollars in the building. A one
year lease was needed to make it v1able for the department's
Koger said that he did not think that 6U days was reasonable.
He was not 1nterested in see1ng the Building Department
or any other use stay in the school beyond a year
without a full comprehensive plan from the school board.
Roger would recommend a motion for a one year perio~
in consideration of the present appl1cant,w1th the
condition that the school board and all occupants be
notif1ed that the conditional use would not be extended
without a comprehens1ve plan beyond August 31, 1983.
Al Blomquist d1d not want the ind1vidual occupants to
come before the board separately. Al suggested to the
school board that they request an amendment 1dentifying
the entire bU1ld1ng as~temporary publ1C administration,
use Wh1Ch 1S a non-conditional use. This would
reduce the number of applications.
Colette sa1d that the occupants had agreed to come
before the board as a single application.
Perry Harvey asked about parking. It was felt that
there was suffic1ent parking for the cond1tional use.
Relocat1on of
Building Dept.
(cont. )
Roger Hunt moved to grant temporary conditional use perm1ts
to the Buil1ng Department for the use of the Upper Elementary
~chool as a public adm1nistration build1ng for a period
of one year. This period will end August 31, 1983. Within
this time the school board must subm1t a plan for the
complete use of this property site. The following
cond1tions apply:
1. The Engineering Department review the street
parking for the feasab1lity of timed parking or
time limited parking, unlim1ted parking and no parking
2. Th1S cond1t1onal use is only permitted until
August 1, 1983.
3. The school board is hereby notified that this
and other cond1t1onal uses which may be approved in
the near future will run only to August 31, 1983 only,
until a comprehensive plan 1S recieved by the Planning
and Zon1ng commission.
Al Blomquist seconded the mot1on. All in favor w1th
the exception of Lee Pardee. Motion carried.
Perry Harvey confirmed that the Commission was continuing
the discussion of the T1meshare Ordinance. The goal
is to create a resolution recommending, to Council,
approval or denial.
Roger was concerned about the potential problems with
regard to taxing and default that could be encountered
by the City. Roger felt that this was an unreasonable
burden to place on the City. Roger said that the
community was not benefit1ng from the 45% proposed
marketing. There may be more people coming to Aspen
but they are coming at an unreal cost. By forcing
other lodges to compete with what appear to be cheaper
rates the entire competitve balance of the lodging system
is upset.
Lee Pardee said that the tax bills would go to a
condominium association. The assessor would not be
burdened with chas1ng down "sixteen shares'~ The
condominium association would represent the numerous
fragmented owners. The mortagage holder would be
responsible for payment if an owner should default.
The condominium association could also be responsible
in case of default. Lee asked for information on
the assessment of the t1meshare units. Lee d1d
not want to see the County reassess the timeshare
lodges on the baS1S of an 1nflated value.
Al Blomquist suggested that the Commission request a
staff study with the assessors' participation. The
assessor could certify how the assessment process
would work under these circumstances.
N1Ck McGrath, attorney, sa1d that assessment was solely
a matter of state law. The timeshare owners themselves
are the only ones that have had difficult1es with the
assessment of Colorado timeshare projects. properties
are requ1red to be assessed as light properties.
Jasmine Tygre felt that the applicants were pressuring
the Commission by saying that answers eX1st. However
the Comm1ss1on 1S not certain 1t understands the
answers. Jasmine is reluctant to agree to someth1ng
just because someones says 1tS true. T1msharing 1S
new to everyone and one bad timesharing project could b~
detrimental to the community. Jasm1ne was interested
in timesharing as a mechanism in Wh1Ch lodges could
become more competitive, more attractive.
Lee Pardee felt that the Commission was in agreement
with regard to writing a tight timeshare ordinance.
, .
100 Leaves
fOR"''' C.F.1l0ECKHO.B.ll L.CO.
Aspen Planning and Zoninq Commission
August 24, 1982
(cont. )
However, the Planning and Zoning Commission
prohibit the state laws and it is legal to
timesharing in the state of Colorado. This
be looked at as a necessity, not a luxury.
has to
Alice Davis, Planning Off1ce, explained the T1meshare
Ordinance. The first section of the ordinance adresses
definit1ons. There is an item in this section that
requires some discussion by the P&Z. Th1S item is
the r1ght to use. At the last meeting the CommiSS1on
ind1cated that it wanted to prohib1t r1ght to use
leases all together. The other option was to allow
it if the r1ght to use is governed by real estate laws.
If the Commission should decide to prohib1t the r1ght
to use the Planning Office recommends that it be
defined in the first se~;tion of the ord1nance and
that it follow some review cr1teria. Included within
the reV1ew criter1a is the following: Right to use
in not in the community's best 1nterest and would
probabably not be approved.
Al Blomquist suggested that it be stated in section A
what is allowed and in section B it be stated what is
not allowed. The Commission as a whole felt that
the right to use should be prohibited.
Alice explained the second issue which is the zone district
and whether it shall be permitted. The Planning Office
feels that the zone district shOuld be allowed in the
Lodge District where lodge units are currently allowed.
There are some things in th1S section of the ordinance
that the Planning Office disagrees with. Timesharing,
as the ordinance is presently written, is allowed 1n
the RMF district if it does not adversely affect the
character of the surrounding neighborhood. The Planning
Office feels that th1S would be 1nappropr1ate in the
HMF zone as 1t is a long term neighborhood.
Perry Harvey pointed out that the HMF has existing
buildings which are condominiumized and which are
allowed to be leased on a short term basis. Any
building which is coming up for condomin1umization
would have a 6 month restriction placed on it and
would not be able to timeshare. Any building that
currently has a 6 month rental restriction would
not be allowed to timeshare.
Alice told the Commission that the Plann1ng uff1ce was
taking this position because they were trying to abate
the short term leases through the policy of requiring
a restriction on new structures and new condomin1um1zations.
This allows expansion of the use.
Al Blomquist thought that by taking a stand against
mixed residential zones; the Planning Office was trying
to purify the zone. The Planning and Zoning Commission
and the Land Use plan call for a mixed residential
zone in this area.
Sunny Vann stated that what the plan represented was
the existing characteristic of that neighborhood. At
the time there were some existing multi-family structures
which were short term and there were some existing
lodges built under previous zon1ng classification.
(cont. )
The plan recognized the existence of these structures.
~hort term accomodations should not be abated. The
plan also stated that some m1nor expansion may be
appropriate in those existing locations where lodges
eX1sted. The minority of uses in the area are short
term. Everything since the adoption of condominiumization
and the proh1bition against short term multi-family
structures has led to the assumpt10n that those types
of uses are appropriate for a long term ne1ghborhood
and can only be constructed in mixed - resident1al
or RMF areas
Jasmine Tygre was about the intens1fication of use
in the RMF zone. One of the advantages of t1mshar1ng
is that the owner w1ll get high occupancy. This
means that condominiums that traditionally might have
had low occupancy will now have high occupancy.
This, in turn, will change the use in that neighborhood.
Roger Hunt was concerned about the current approach being
taken to timesharing as there were a lot of unknowns
about it. Roger suggested allowing it in a zon1ng
controlled area and then, after further review, expand
the timesharing to other areas.
Perry asked if the following statement, taken from
part B, should be conditioned: Timeshar1ng should
be allowed 1n the L-l, L-2.
Alice said that it would be changed to "timesharing
be allowed as a cond1tional use".
Perry Harvey asked how the Comm1ss1on felt about the
L-3 zone. Roger sa1d he had problems with this
because potent1ally uncompatible underlY1ng zones.
Perry said that th1S was why there was a review
Perry said that if the Commission was gOlng to
accomplish two things, one to tighten up the Commiss1onLs
control over t1mesharing and secondly to provide a
mechan1sm for upgrad1ng existing lodges, not to
allow timesharing in the L-3 zone was defeating the
Ron Austin, attorney, said that if the L-3 or other
zones are not inluded, one of the underlying reasons for time-
sharing, the upgrading of lodges is being eliminated.
Lee Pardee thought included within the section under
discussion there should be a statement indicating that
timesharing be allowed as a conditional use 1n all
zones. Later, when Commission participates in the
conditional use procedure, Wh1Ch can't be anticipated,
the Commission can review specific concerns, for example
1mpact on the neighborhood.
Al Blomquist said that by taking the approach suggested
by Lee, there may be an advantage to allowing single family
units to be timeshared as a conditional use.
Al1ce Davis said that the Planning Office feels that
timesharing is only appropr1ate in lodge districts
not in all d1stricts. Alice called the Commission's
attention to last part of the section under discuss1on.
Here, the ord1nance states that any lodge which has
been condominiumized can be timeshared. ~his in effect
1S saying that t1mesharing is allowed in any zone
district as any lOdge in any zone district can be
Jasmine Tygre stated that the lodge areas and the
1mprovement to lOdges has to be the reason the Commission
stud1es timesharing. Therefore, it is appropriate
to confine timesharing, at this time, to lOdge districts.
, .
100 Leaves
FORM" c.r.1l0ECKHO.B.ll L.CO.
Aspen Planning and Zoning
Auqust 24, 1985
(cont. )
Jasmine recommended zones L-l, L-2, L-3 for t1mesharing.
Welton Anderson, thought that there should be a straw
voter taking into consideration three choices:
One, that timesharing be allowed in all zones with
conditional use approval. Two, that timesharing
be allowed in the lodge and RMF zones and three,
that timesharing be allowed in the lodge and CC zones.
Perry asked for the Commissioners' votes.
Jasmine Tygre was in favor of allowing timesharing in
the lodge and CC zones and excluding it in the RMF zone.
Pat Fallin was also in favor of allowing timesharing in
the lOdge and CC zones.
Roger Hunt was in favor of allow1ng timesharing in the
CC zone only.
Al Blomquist was in favor of allowing t1mesharing in the
lodge, CL, CC and RMF zones.
Welton Anderson was also in favor of allowing timesharing
in the lodge, CL, CC, and RMF zones.
Perry Harvey felt comfortable with Lee Pardee's earlier
suggestion of approv1ng timesharing in all zones as
a conditional use.
Lee Pardee said that he would be in favor of including
t1mesharing in the RMF zone. Perry Harvey agreed.
Perry confirmed that the exact language the Commission
would use would in summary state that timesharing is
allowed as a cond1tional use in the L-1, L-2, cc, and
CL zones. It will then either stay L-3, or any zone
which specifically permits lodges depending on disposition.
With regard to the RMF zone the ordinance will state:
"only as to those structures for which short term
rental is allowed."
It was then decided that L-3 would be included in the
above statement adjacent to L-l and L-2. The underlying
statement: "or any zone Wh1Ch specif1cally premits
lodges depending on disposition" would be deleted.
Alice told the Commission that the Planning Office
was suggesting some changes with regard to item C
of the ordinance, concerning procedure. The ordinance
is recommending that all new timeshare projects go
through four steps or full subdiv1sion procedures.
Any existing structure in the process of conversion
would go through a two step subd1vision exception
process slmultaneously with a one step conditional
review. Such a review would require a public hearing.
The review criteria will also be included in this
section once they have been establ1shed. The
review criteria are presently on a seperate sheet as
they were not originally included in the timeshare
Jasmine Tygre wondered in the conceptual stage of the
application process should be a seperate step.
Sunny Vann, Planning Director, stated that the flexiblil1ty
(cont. )
of the proposed subdivision exception process for
timeshare projects allows the commission to
address complex applications.
Perry thought that the applicant should be required to
provide the Commission with a site plan of the neighborhood.
Perry said that knowledge of adjacent uses would be
critical to the Commissions decision. This requirement
should be a part of the applicat10n process. Perry
also felt that #7, page 3 of the ordinance, which deals
with the marketing plan, should be expanded. Number 7, page
3, presently gives the applicant no indication of
what the Commission does or does not want to see.
Alice Davis said that this is where the review criteria
would be added.
Perry Harvey, considering the restrictions on sales
promotions, said that he did not want to close the
door to the ab1lity of someone to bring groups up to
Aspen on a promotional deal.
Gideon Kaufman, attorney, suggested that rather than
provide a list, which is never all inclusive, of what
the Commission wants and doesn't want, the responsibility
should be placed on the applicant to inform the
Commission of the sales techniques he plans to use.
The Commission could then approve or disapprove of
those techniques.
Lee Pardee thought that a sloppy and forceful marketing
technique would give timesharing in Aspen a bad name.
Lee pointed out that the applicant was required to
inform the Commission of proposed marketing techniques.
However, Lee was felt that the gUidelines for such
techniques should state that no gifts would be allowed.
Perry Harvey thought that the statement "the giving
of gifts in a deceptive manner " should be adequate.
Ron Austin told the Commission that they would be
better prepared to block the loopholes if there 1S
a provision that requires the applicant to come before
the P&Z with a marketing plan.
Alice Davis called the Commissions' attention to
statement in the ordinance which says that "any
from the approved marketing plan shall glve the
the right to enjoin used sales techniques."
Jasmine asked about the penalty for violation of
these particular guidel1nes.
Alice explained that in additon to the City's r1ght of
enjoinment there could be a type of fee or bond that
would be forfieted by the applicant 1f they did
violate the approved market1ng techniques
Perry stated that if the Commission required licenced
real estate people to control the sales of timeshare
units and they violate city ordinances than they
are liable to the state.
Al Blomquist asked about a sentance on page 11 of the
ordincance which stated that the City reserves the
right to implement its own licensing scheme. Al
wanted to know if th1S sentance was necessary.
Alice explained that the changes, with regard to the
disclosure requirements, on page 3 were what the
Commission had requested. Specifically, that the
background of the developer, the marketing agent,
and of the manager be disclosed also.
Welton asked if this could be expanded to include
disclosure of past timesharing exper1ence and success
or failure thereof.
100 Leaves
fORill" C.F.HOECI{ELB.D.& l-. CO.
Aspen Planning and Zoning Comm1ss1on
August 24, 1982
(cont. )
Alice said that the marketing entity does adress
this issue. The Commission requested that timeshare
experience be added to the disclosure requirements.
Jasmine asked if there was anyway that the disclosures
could be verified. Alice thought that this would
be possible through the subdivision exception process.
Jasmine felt that there should be a disclaimer saying
that because the applicant has gone through the
procedure does not guarantee that timeshar1ng 1S
a good investment.
Alice discussed section (n) of the disclosure
requirements. Ron Aust1n thought that th1S section
should have included 1n it the statement "or availability
for occupancy " instead of the extra language recently
added. Ron felt this should be so because there is
an attempt to hold the esgrow funds until the
compltetion of the project.
Perry said that the Commission was simply concerned
that the project would be available for occupancy.
The Commission discussed the issue of mutual rescission.
Perry said that the issue at hand was the pressure
of sales tact1cs which could result in someone slgning an
agreement in order to get away from such pressure.
Perry thought that the marketing controls established
by the Commission would take affect when undue market1ng
pressure exists. Perry said that he was comfortable
with a 3 day period in Wh1Ch the potential buyer has
time to make a decision. Jasmine thought that the
buyer should have time to go home and think about it.
Perry felt that a 5 or 7 day right of resc1sion would
result in more intensive marketing by the marketing
entity. Jasmine reiterated that she thought that
people should have a longer t1me than their vacation
to decide.
Roger Hunt said that he would favor a 15 period of
rescision as opposed to a 7 day period. Al favored
a 3 day period as did Perry Harvey. Welton Anderson
thought a 5 day period would be approprlate. Pat
Fallin favored a 7 day period. Ron Austin suggested
a compr1mise in Wh1Ch the ordinance would require
a resc1sion period of at least 3 days.
Gideon pointed out to the commission that giving
the buyer too much time would make it difficult for the
developer to make any decisions or plans because
he would not know 1f the sale was defin1te.
Perry suggested requiring a J day period with a
licensing scheme for the developer.
~he Commission moved on to discuss section (r) of
the disclosure requirments which states that the
developer must disclose the minimum percentage of units
he intends to sell before he will proceed with the
completion of the timeshare project. Gideon Kaufman
explained that if the developer does not sell a
certa1n percentage then the project will not be
(cont. )
completed and the timeshare project will end.
Perry asked for a definition of "completion of the
timeshare project ", specifically, whether there
is a min1mum and what that minimum 1S.
Alice Davis told the Commission that further spec1fiacation
on market1ng uses had been added to item (u) of the
disclosure requirements. In conjuction with this
it is required in the review criteria that the
applicant show the Commission what type of marketing
plan he intends to use.
Alice addressed a section of of the ordinance regarding real
estate. This section incorporated the fact that a real estate
person must be licensed by the state of Colorado.
Added to the proposed review cr1teria was the requ1rement
that there be a thourough account of the proposed
budget so that the Commission knows that it is
true 1nd1cation of the project's cost.
Continuing her review of the timeshare ord1nance Alice
called the Comm1ss1ons attention to the statement
which requ1res the developer should obtain a written
rec1ept for the purchase or actually recieve the
d1sclosure statement. This would serve as further
protect1on Wh1Ch was requested by the p&z Comm1ssion.
Alice said that number 1 of article 9 was changed to
30% of the free market value for renovations.
Perry confirmed that this percentage refferea to 30%
of the market value of the property. Perry felt that
this should be further defined so that it is 30%
of the market value of the 1mprovements, not of the
land and the improvements. Perry said that he would
like to see more guidelines in add1tion to specific
plans so that the Commission is not dealing in
some abstract figure. Perry asked who determ1ned the
value of this percentage.
N1Ck McGrath, attorney, did not see any just1fication
for treating th1S differently than this was treated
in the lodge condominiu1zation ordinance.
Alice Davis pointed out that the lodge condomin1umization
percentage was proven to be a small number. Applicants
consistently made improvements beyond that which was
Perry thought that the market would determine that
timeshare applicants would find it necessary to
exceed the requirements anyway.
Perry suggested that improvements be required to be
30% of the assessed value of the property as a
m1nimum. The language on the tim1ng should remain the
Alice reviewed part 2 of the section on upgrading
the timeshare project. This section gives
council discretion regarding the budget of the
project. Planning recommends that all improvements
be documented.
Alice stated that the Commission may want to put a
time limit on the establishment of a homeowners'
association. Perry confirmed that a homeowners'
assoc1ation 1S established as a condition of the sale
and said that such an association comes into effect
little by little. The documentation governing the
assoc1ation w1ll be requested prior to its development.
Perry stated that the Commission should review the
condominium documents to prevent the establishment
of an association that takes a high percentage of
~ '
100 Leaves
fORM 5~ C. f. II OECKEL B. B. a L. CD.
Aspen Planning and Zoninq Commission
August 24, 1982
(cont. )
the owners' board as th1S glves the developer too
much power. The Commission would want to designate
this percentage to be 51%.
Al asked if the association should have the right to
designate a managing agent or should they be required
to have one? Alice said that it was her understanding
that the Comm1ssion could not requ1re a managing agent.
The Commission d1scussed rental of timshare units.
Perry said that guidelines for renting the units
would be delineated in the condominium documents.
The Commission then adressed real estate taxes deciding
that this should be taken care under the review
Alice called the Comm1ssion's attention to the statement
"The developer shall present to the City its plan
for marketing timeshare units. Any deviation from
the approved market1ng plan shall give the C1ty the
right to enjoin the sales techniques. " Alice
suggested adding a statement requiring a bond which
would be forfieted if the developer did dev1ate
from the approved marketing plan. Roger Hunt
sa1d he would like to see a marketing assurity bond.in effect.
Gary Esary, City Attorney, sa1d that bonds were
difficult to collect on. Gary also asked how the
City would retrieve its costs should it enjoin
on the developer's sales techn1ques. Gary said that
it would be possible to enter into an agreement
like a subdivision agreement w1th the developer providing
for costs and attorney's fees. Gary said that he
d1d not see any apparent connection between marketers
and developers.
Al suggested a licensing scheme in which developers
would only be allowed to operate a timeshare project
if they had a license from the City. Gideon felt
that it would be more effetive to require llcensing
by the state of Colorado.
Gary pointed out that there was no funding for
enforcement of licensing requirements.
Perry, discussing City sales tax, confirmed that
the ordinance would require the Owner of the "timeshare
week" to pay City sales tax. Perry asked how this
value would be determined. The Commission asked
that the time of or for payment be delineated in
the ordinance.
Alice explained a part of the ordinance which states
that the remedies shall only be against the developer
and any actively involved 1nd1viduals. Perry
confirmed that this section differentiated between
the developer and the indiv1duals who have purchased
the units.
Gideon explained the section of the ordinance that
covers the Purchasers' right to void the sale within
thirty days of closing. G1deon said that there
needed to be a limit so that the purchaser could get
a loan. However, this section should not be construed
(cont. )
to eliminate or limit any other remedies available.
Perry Harvey brought up the issues of k1tchens and
parking. Gideon said that the park1ng provided
by an existing structure remained the same when that
structure was condominiumized or otherwised changed.
The Commission has never tried to impose addit10nal
park1ng requirements on existing structures. Perry
suggested reviewing park1ng requirements on a case
by case basis.
Perry said that he would be support1ve of the addition
of efficency kitchens as part of the improvements.
Perry said that he would llke to see a requ1rement
for a llSt, as part of the application, of units
in the project that currently have kitchen and units
1n the project that propose to have kitchens. This
requirement should be outlined in the ordinance.
Roger Hunt pointed out other ramifications that might be
encountered if kitchens were allowed. These included
park1ng availability, which is likely to decrease.
Roger asked how the Commission was going to lim1t
t1meshare projects. Perry suggested reviewing
timesharing at the end of the year. It could be
stated in the review criteria that the CommiSS1on would
be looking at the sales record, success and conform1ty
of the project.
Al didn't think this provision was necessary as
the CommiSS1on would be reviewing the Comprehensive
plan in the near future.
Jasmine felt that the Commission should protect itself
by implY1ng the fact that some of the regulatory
cond1tions within the ordinance may increase or
decrease in strictness or thar a moratorium may be
placed on timesharing all together. Jasmine
felt that by stating that the applicant would be subject
to future review would result in the applicant being
more caut1ous. Jasmine was also concerned about the
1ncreased occupancy and thus the strain on the
existing un1ts. Jasmine liked the idea of an
annual review.
Perry requested that a mot1on be made reqest1ng
the Planning Office to present the Planning and Zoning
Commission w1th an ammended resolution on the timeshare
ord1nance. Jasmine so moved. Pat Fallin seconded
the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Jasmine moved adjourn the meeting. Roger Hunt seconded
the motion. All in favor, mot1on carried.
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