HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19791023
~DfI'O"Q ,"UnLlaHINCl CO.. nI!:NV""
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October 23, 1979
Special, Meeting
Aspen Planning and Zoning Con~ission
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission held a special meeting on October 2~,
1979, at 5:00 PM in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Olof Hedstrom
Roger Hunt, Welton Anderson, Nancy /1cDonnell, Lee Pardee, and Perry Harvey. Also
present were Karen Smith and Sunny Vann of the Planning Office, City Attorney Ron
Ztock, Housing Director Jim Reents and City Engineer Dan McArthur.
Approval of Minutes
County Corral
Review of Operations
;Jublic Hearing
!.:SPN ':
:::onditional Use
?ub1ic Hearing
" ,
Hunt moved to approve the minutes of September 4 with cor-
rections and the minutes of September 11 as presented,
McDonnell seconded. All in favor, motion approved.,
Pardee noted he attended the last Council meeting. After
some discussion, the Co~ncil agreed a moratorium on the
condominiumization of lodges and hotels was necessary. They
felt they need to meet with the lodging community to find
a mechanism for fi~ancing the upgrading of lodges. He said
half the Council felt the lodge owners have the right to do
anything they want and half felt that condominiumization
would result in a lossof tourist accommodations and, the lodg,
experience would be diminished by separate ownership.
Smith said this is a hearing that p&Z scheduled when the
Colorado Taxi Company was allowed to use the ,facili ties for
storage. This hearing was a condition of the approval.
The P&Z must determine if the'use is operating as proposed.
Other conditions included daily cleaning of the stalls, no
maintenance or repair of the horse cart on site" 'no more
than two taxis on the property at one time and the Taxi
Company shall not occupy more than two stalls yet be respon-
sible for the service maintenance of the structure. ' The
Planning Office has,not received qny complaints on the opera-
tion. . "
Hedstrom opened the public hearing.
Co~ty Manager George Ochs 'said they had not received any
complaints. '1
Hedstrom closed the public hearing.
Hunt moved to approve the continuance of use of the ,County
Corral as previously approved with all the previous condi-
tions except for the pne reqUiring review, Pardee seconded.
All in favor, motion approved.
. .
Anderson stepped down from his position on the commission
due to a conflict of interest.
Smith introduced the application. KSPN wishes to locate
their office in the Floradora Building. Broadcasting sta-
tions are a conditional use in this zone. She recon~ended
the approval be conditioned on all the representations made
in'the KSPN application letter. "
Hedstrom opened the public hearing.
....troo a.ked about the six parking spaces requested by I
Engineering. JT Shrigley, representing KSPN, said t~ere are I
three spaces in the underground garage reserved for KSPN. I
There are also spaces in the back of the building. McArthur i
said there are 3 parking spaces' per 1000 square feet of of- I
fice space, total of six required~ ' I
Hedstrom closed the"public hearing.
~D~nnell sugges';' conditioning their approval on the lett~"
of application and changing the "shoulq's" to "will's".!
Hunt felt the liPC should review and approve the height and r
impact of the proposed antenna. Wells recalled that the p&Z
did require a certain number.of'parking spaces per office
, sp~ce in the ~pproval of the expansion'of the Floradora.
. .. ...
Special Meeting
October 23, 1979
.A-l TV,
'Conditional Use
c~ublic Hearing
r 1.- '
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GMP Commercial
iApplications for
1979, Public
Ajax Mountain
Associates Building
:Bell Mountain Sports
Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
Hunt moved to approve the conditional use of up to 600
square feet of the Floradora Building for broadcasting
studios provided that, concerning the antenna system,
1) initial height, size and design are as represented by
the applicant's letter of September 20, 1979, and the HPC,
assisted by the Engineering and Building Departments, shall
have review and'approval authority so as to minimize the
visual impacts on Main Street and minimize the visual impact
for the neighboring residence as much as is practical, and
2) any increase in height or any increase in visual area
greater than 10% of the originally approved design shall
require HPC approval. Otherwise, the application is in cor.-
formance with the principles of the Main Street uses under
the existing zoning code and has no forseeable impact on
land use or public good, McDonnell seconded. All in favor,
motion approved. '
Anderson resumed his position Qn the commission
Vann introduced the application. A-I TV wishes to ,locate in
the Trueman Neighborhood Commercial Center. Theyrequest
approximately 1000 square feet in the basement level. The
SPA plan allows this use asa conditional use. The' Planning
Office recommends approval.,2
Hunt felt it would only becappropriate if sales and repair
occur. ,(
Hedstrom opened the public hearing. There were no comments.
Hedstrom closed the public hearing.
Hunt moved to approve the
service facility in space
Commercial Center as such
proved NC and S/C/I plan,
motion approved.
conditional use of a TV Eales and
3'of the Trueman Neighborhood
use is consistent with the ap- ,
Pardee seconded. All in favor,
It ih
Hedstrom explained the procedu!e for the benefit or the new
P&Z members. Reents explained the criteria for evaluation.
The aommission heard the applicant's presentations of their
Kshley Anderson, representing ~he applicant, introduced
Jack Lawlor, architect for the project. The site is across
fro@ Little Nell on Durant. He felt this is a very impor-
tant portion of the commer~ial core. The Aspen A's will be
torn down which he felt was an improvement to the City scape
He asked that they disregard the HPC results. "
Hunt noted some open space"between the two building'S and
asked' if they owned the 'property. Anderson said they do
own.:the property. Hunt asked if they intend to develop the
property in the future, Anderson said yes. Anderson noted
they could build up to 18,000 square feet and they are
building 13,500. The open space is above the required. He
noted they will give the existing tenants priority for space
in the new buil~ing.
Bob Sterling, architect, gave the presentation. They are
modifying the facade of the building and adding a second
,story. He felt they were Cleaning up the lines of the
building and noted it would serve as an example for the
building to be b~ilt between Bell Mountain Sports and the
Crystal Palace in a few years.
Jerry McCarthy made the presentation. He stated th'e buildin
was designed to allow the existing Epicure to dominate the
block. He felt the open space courtyard was an important
part of the building. There is employee housing on the
second floor. He noted the landscape'plan for the open
space. He noted they are considering a pedestrian access
I, '
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...,OPOIltD PUIILlamNC co.. DENyr..
" .. ...
October 23, 1979
Special ~lceting
: ;!.: ;,
First National Bank
~e -.
~ 1.~.
-: ti"L:'
_La Cocina
Smith Building
':9" {"""... ~ .
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Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
from the al~ey with lights and landscaping. He noted there
is an energy provision for hot water. He introduced Don
rleisher spoke to the employee housing provisions. There
are three units on the top :floor. There is retail space on
the first floor'and professional office space on the second
floor. Commercial uses in the building will be oriented
toward current nee~s in the community.
Hedstrom asked how much of' the outdoor dining space will be
retained. McCarthy sa~d they are cutting back the east-west
dimensions and increasing the north-south area. The area
should be equal or larger than that which exists. The new
restaurant will replace the old location and this will be-
come a beverage area. Pardee asked about solar considera-
tions. McCarthy said it is mostly passive since the buildin(
is north facing and the Isis block alot of the south sun.
Wells asked the commissio~Cto make a finding on the openspace
question. The P&Z must approve their using their open space
for dining purposes or they must remove the dining facili-
Pardee, moved to allow the ~picure to continue use of their
dining facilities in the open space courtyard, Anderson
seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
As~ley Anderson, representing the applicant, gave the pre-
se~tation. He noted this addition does not have employee
housing but the Bank pro~ides 13 employee housing units else.
where. He asked the P&Z ~d give the optional bonus points.
This is a locally oriented addition for banking use only~
Due to a revamping ,of the existing mechanical system, the
complete bank facility wil~ consume less energy than the
existing building. Pardee 'asked what would happen to the
.,existing office space. ' Anderson said it would remain as is.
Nick Lebby, an officer of the restaurant, presented the ap-
plication. They wish the addition to expand the dining room
and convert the existing front dining room to a waiting
lounge. They have a 6,000 'square foot lot and they are
allowed 9,000 square feet of building. Without the addition
the existing building is 4,400 square feet. The new addi-.
tibn is designed to be compatible with the existing La Coci-
na~ They are within their,'viewplane restrictions. They are
leaving 20' in the back to ,aid deliveries. The addition
will not be visible from Hopkins. Utilities are underground
they are" above the required open space, the building is well
inSulated. ~
Doi Ball gave the presentat~on~ The building is proposed
for the lot to the west of La Cocina. They are aSking for
a 5100 square foot allotment with an additional 900 square
feet of employee housing space. They also request a reduc-
tion from I to 0 parking spaces for the employee housing.
units. It is surrounded by La Cocina and a Victorian house.
The building uses solar heating from the south facing green-
houses". '.
Toe Commission began scoring the applications. After ,sco~in
'the Commission read thei~ scores to Reents who tallied them
and announced the'average scores. ,During the tallying, the'
Co~ission discussed the GMP ~rocess. '
Pardee suggested requiring the appliqations be xeroxed in-
stead of printed booklets. McCarthy felt the HPC & P&Z over
lapped in their reviews and"criticized "their ability to
,evaluate architecture in tile p'~ojects; He felt the entire '
,'ol'dinance needed rewriting. Hedstrom agreed they needed to
" ~ ...
Special Meeting
October 23, 1979
, ':\
. :..
Rousing Overlay
,Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
discuss possible amendments to the GMP ordinance and pro-
Hunt moved to increase the area al~otment this year to
28,644 square feet which is 4,644 sguare feet over that
allowed as it is a minimal increase that will allow coverin,
all the applic~tions and in tpe last three ,years, the
applications have not approached the allotment level,
McDonnell seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
Reents prepented the results of the average scores. They
are as follows:
La Cocina
Bell Hountain
Smith Building
Ajax Mountain
First National
32.65/36 points
27.8 /36 points
27.3 /36 points
24.7 /36 points
24.1 /36 points
Pardee moved to ask the Planning Office to draft a recom~
mendation to City Council unanimously recommending from the
P&z that the 25%.bonus allotment be granted because, I) it
is a small amount, 2) all the applications were quality
a~plications, 3) for the last three years, the applications
amounted to x-number of square feet with an allotment over
that number of square feet, and 4) included herein are ad-
ditions and remodels that are not adequately dealt with in
the code and are very hard to objectively rate, McDonnell
seconded. ;All in favor, motion approved.
Hedstrom opened the pub],ic hearing.'
Hunt moved ",to table action' and continue the public hearing
to' November 6 for the Housing Overlay, Anderson seconded.
All in favor, motion a~proved.
Harvey moved to adjourn the meeting, Pardee seconded. All
in fayor, motion approved. Meeting: adjourned at 7:45 PM.
~~!~~t~~c?ty Clerk